MUP 1998-059W" CITY OF LA Q UINTA Community Development Department 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 619-777-7125 Case Number: Date Ac ted: Fee: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION Minor Use Permit (MUP) applications are governed by Section 9.210.020 of the Zoning Code (A copy is attached). Uses requiring a MUP have a low or moderate potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, .residents, or businesses. Review. and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required. APPLICATION PURPOSE Purpose of Request: Locate construction trailer on "Sonri Ga" Hnusi ng development Assessor's Parcel No.: 604-071-007 and 604-071-008 L-�6- S W -P-0 SiTf General Location: Tract 25953, SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section '2.0, T5�, R7F, Acreage: 3,4 S B B & M Existing Zoning: Residential Housing R-1 Additional Information: Grading, sewer/water, steet imp. /landscape and house plans (Additional written material can be submitted separately) have been submitted. ARCHITECTURAL PIANS - Three copies of the architectural and landscape/irrigation plans shall be submitted with this application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored renderings may be required depending.upon the application being submitted. *twwwtttwttttwtt*ttww**twwww**twwwwtttt*wt****t*twwwww*t**wtwwwwt**wtwwwwwtwwwwwwt*ttwwww*ttttttwtt*t*t**wwftttw* Applicant: Owner(s) Signature 01J} haat- and Williams Asso Tnc ( 760) 345-2626 (Print Name) (Phone) Address: 77-900 Ave of the States, Palm Desert, CA 92211 Desert Sonrisa Associates, L.P. (Print Name) 1 ti Date: SI hj!2 Authority for this appliA+ on is hereby given: Signature of Propezlk` ner(s): G� Date: P� Any false or misleading information given in this application shall be grounds to deny this application. Signatures and addresses of all property owners affected by this application shall be included in this submittal. Separate letters of authorization can be submitted. FMMUP-P FILE COM 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 TDD (760) 777-1227 July 2, 1998 Mr. Michael Oliphant Oliphant and Williams Associates, Incorporated 77-900 Avenue of the States Palm Desert, California 92261 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 98-059 (TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION TRAILER) Dear Mr. Oliphant: The Community Development Department has approved your request to establish a 8' wide by 25' long construction trailer on Lot "I"(CVWD well site) of Tract 25953 for houses to be constructed in the Sonrisa development, subject to the following conditions: Obtain a building permit including an electrical permit for temporary power. 2. Provide restroom facilities to accommodate on-site construction workers. 3. Mounted on the exterior of the trailer close to the front door shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum I " high letters). 4. Install one 2AIOBC fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the front exit door. 5. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. 6. Removal of the off-site temporary construction trailer is required on May 13, 1999, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Community Development Director may extend the permit for another six-month period if construction activities are still occurring. No fee is charged to extend this permit. 7. Dust control measures shall be employed if construction parking is allowed adjacent to the trailer. 8. Use of site shall comply with CVWD letter dated June 9, 1998, attached and on file in the Community Development Department. 9. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. MUP9M59-24greg MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 V 0 • This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00'are filed with this office within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 4GRE, ROUSDELL Associate Planner GT Attachments c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Sheriffs Department Code Compliance Department Fire Department Greg Butler, Counter Technician MUF98-059-24greg ESTAMISHED IN 19111 A:: A PUBLIC AGENCY. ��sratc'� COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT 1'Os7 or:rlCr_ Box trr.B • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92236 . 1I.l I VIIONI (760)"490 -ASI DrHrcTURS OrrICLRS TEIUS CODLKAS, PRE SID[NT I ItOMAS I.. I.I; VY. GLNLI{AL MANAGEN-CHIEt ENGINEER RAYMON7 R. RUMMONDS. VICt PULSIDE.NT)r 4 yL1fS HERNARUINF.SUTTON. SECRFTARY 11T1 JOHN W. McfADDEN (MEN Mci:oUK, ASSISIANI GENLItAL MANAGER DOROTHY M. NICHOIS REDWINE AND SHERRILL. AI'TORNEYS YHEODURE J. FISH Files 0421.1 0721.1 Miclsae1 011 -pliant. Oliphant and Williams Ass;oci.dtes, Ill(:. JUN 23 43-725 Monterey Avenue, Suit -C! C 1998 Palm Desert, California 92.260 Dear.Mr. O1Jphant: Subject: Tract.—'.6953 This Is in response to your l ett or of May :18 requesting to locate an s—foot x 24—foot coil st.ructioil tlrailcu- an t.11e di.st.rict domestic water well site located within your project for approxiHlatcelY six mont.11s. The. district ]las no- oh.jcec_ti.oll to yoll c onduc:tillp construction activities from the wel.1 sits: based on Oliphant. ;uui Williams Associates, Inc. (OW), agreeing to the fol.lowingt j. 0&W shall apply for all eTlc:rotichint-ro. pc,rmi 1. 'to use t.hce . ai te. for a construction trailer to conduct rotte;truction uc:t:ivitie.s. 2. O&W shall. provide. 1 i.abi l.i,t-y iiomr.ance acrc:pt:able to the district. 3. No septic: will be installed. 4. Tho site will not be used aS 21 rlunq) site 017, for any Lype of storage. Vii. Use of- the site shall lar+ for six moniths. Additional time shall ba requeated in writing 30 days in Iidvsnlc c: c)f, t.eymirlat.ion of time period. 6. 0&W agrees to vacate the sJI-e wilhiTl r0 di'Y% of the district's Written notif3 cat -i on. Please sign the acknowledgment. ;It t11c, 11ut.t-om of this page and return it .to us. A copy of this letter is enclosed fur your rocords. TRUE CONSERVATION, USE WATER WISELY iC; RECEIVED FROM:766 345 5561 P-02 FSTAMISMED IN 191a A; A PUBLIC AGENCY ��STAtG� COACHELLA VALLEY (MATER DISTRICT HOST OFFICE Dox 1050 • COACHELLA, CALIFORNIA 92235 • TI:I 1:11110NI' (76D) 380-M-1 DIIIECTURS OPr1CF.RS TELLIS CODLNAS, PRESIDENT 1110MAS I:. I+VY. G&NLItAL. MANAGER -CHIEF ENGINEER RAYMONID R. RUMMONDS. V1CF MILSIDI.NT1111E q ti t)N BERNARDINF. SUr1'ON, SECRETARY JOHN W. WADDEN OWE N M(:(`.DUK, ASSISIAN7 GENE -RAL MANAGER DDROTIIY M. NICHOI9 RE'DWINE,ANDSHERRII.L.ATTORNEYS THFOUORL J. FISH File: 0427..1 0721.1 Michaeel. Oliphant Oliphant aitd Williams Associates, 1r,(:. Ili 231998 f 43-725 Mont(lray Avenue, SuJ to C `SUN C 3 19QQ Palin llesert, California 92260 �V Uear Mr. Oliphant: Subject.: Tract. 2.ci95:3 This is' in response t,.cl your l et.i.ey. of May lH v(,.questing to locate an 8 -foot x. 24-footconst.l-uctiun c+i) tLe (1J.st.rJct. domestic water well i;ite located within your project. Jur approxiltiat:ely six months. The. district has no Objection to y41I conducting construction activit-i:es from the well site basad on Ol i.pha11t. ;-nid Wi 1 l i ants As-sociates,. Inca (OW, agreeing to th(e fol.lowingt 1. 0&W sllall. apply .for an ertc rotlr.htnent_ ptrr11lit -to use the site for a r.onstruct.ion t.raileV to conduct c:otic,t.ruct.ian uct.JvitiFs. 2. 0&W shall. provide liability iiomr:ance ncut,-pt:able to the. district. 3. No septic: wJll. be Installed. t, 'rho site will notbe used as r1 (1111131, 91te (117 for any Lype of storage. Vii. Usc, of the site-sbal.l. be f'()t• six mrnith+I. Additional time shall be regiiested in writing 30 days Jn Advalic a of, t.erminat.inrl of time period. 6. 0&W agrees to vacat(: the sJIV witl,JTI 10 days of the distr1o.'s written noti fic.at:J on. Please sign t --be acknowledgment. at. the kc-0.1.prlt ofthis page and return it to us. A copy of this letter is enclosed for yatu- rM:Ords - TRUE CONSERVA110N USE WATER WISELY 06-30-98 15:20 RECEIVED FROM:766 345 5501 P.02 ILLI PSS Oti1e�SS�G1 P P May 11, 1999 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Relocation of the Construction Trailer at "Sonrisa" Coachella Valley Water District mobilized on the well site which required us to relocate our construction trailer. The attached site map identifies the new location of the trailer. Please accept this amendment to permit 49807-22. The new power address 79-408 Calle Sonrisa. Thank you Mike Oliphant Oliphant & Williams Associates, Inc. - Superintendent APP Y COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT DATE s- 2 -5 9 EXNI T CASE NO. 2 - hip - S► it � �,J 0N,cSS PS \T��1t E� ��►^ �S �',�cS 77-900 AVENUE OF THE STATES • PALM DESERT, CA 92211 • (760( 345-2626 • FAX (760( 345-5501 Oliphant and Williams Associates, Inc. 77-900 Avetttie of the States Palm Desert, CA 92211 (76.0) .345-2626 ]'pax (760) .34.5-5501 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER SHIT DATE: (11917.41yee TO: C/7l� A'ITEN TJON.- I"AX- 117 .3 ?4'Fst'OIL eit SENDER.- YOU ENDER:YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 3 INCLUDING THIS COVER SHE+'l.T. IF YOU DO NUT RECEIVE ALLT1114, PAGES, PLEASE CALL (760) 345-2626. `�T7/ � G �(' t r^ a 7'. / �! j/��/� f9 C' / �P v �T C' f�9 ►r7 r z" a)p 4/t, e �J J f C-1 i T"Y� 4.3oO41 !-1(� 6v r—e /' 4, 66-30-98 15:19 RECEIVED FROM:766 345 5501 P.OI i. Michael Oliphant June 9, 2998 ij you ]It-1ve any questions plea -;ta call 31in ZJ.mmerman, development services supervisor, cixton slon 535. Yotiri3 very truly, TOM Levy Gen(!rAl Manager -Chief. Engineer Enclosurellias Og,iob\ovco\dovux-v\jUn\o]Apliabrit ACKNOWLEDGMENT I agree to the conditions statc-A above. BY: Date 4—.. $fichiel Oliphant COACK11A VALLIT WATFR 0151110 66-36-98 - 15:26 RECEIVED FROM:760 345 5501 P-03 w/out both S?5 rEXHIBIT "B" • Page.2 of 2 �} }'a. CALLE PALMETO _ / l8 00 a v n• »• d. I rt '�. n. n. n. 12. n. n• ,72• u' 4. Li I 1 W I 1 A 29 d 1 n• ^� 1 102 8 107 y I C s t22 - 0 2 124 8 175 8 126 8 127 6 12B 9 129 l� m 1 1 12 I tm.f]' I 'm' 1.7• 8 n. n. tm' IN' I Q Im- I m• n• R• n' »• 1 a 104 I j 170 I 11 is i? 02 I o R LXJ F ' J I B 120 C 16 & 11g ip 6 To 8 `� ,m• a R IN- IDS Ia Lam- - --�-- -a'-- --n•-----n'-- 114 171 yr l8 m CALLE PROSPERO 10 C 5. im• a 34, :� 1 i>. r�r ___+ice __-m..- -�,` 1 • S Lit E"79e l- I I I �B .. I p 1DB L1B 110 -a-� 1O L ,m• ill rs' I I B7 I 107 w°° 112 f8 rrR:"m.! rP�."aAi.o 73- n' PAFiKIRETBriION / - I - Lor •u' ^ LOT "H' R 88 :m• I 03 ..137 im- NUEVO DRIVE II �" >a, / �O p BB - _ 85 Oil 69 70 I� I a 1 er• °° <>;. JI w`I4284 C `- � I • np I 1 1 I t 92 $ 1 1 72 ua• m 8 73 43 ' rr . ms `•F � � 1 m •oi � � �la IN'1 I 1 79 R L 1 :^ rP . v I an i,a• >• " s, m' R R 67 IF m 1 r.' I I I 9 9 F 7B 80 :u• N k 5 R �.7 - I '•� v+i y� l 74 § 75 19 78 -6 77IJ �p62 P -'20' B0 CALLE VISTA VERDE .. - I F L'= 1 - / 81 81 IN, r-- -1 1 �� rP. m. � .d et r.-tr -v---"*r-- --n-- --•m-_ --n-_ r'� I 0 1 41 L r - e:.9 1.1; 88 B 87 8 Be 85 8 B4 8 877 8 82 R 60 I I - - IN 1 I WELL SITE 1 I I I 1 I I I 57 54 1 M i rm. Lor '1' 47 1 48 y 40 50 1 51 I 52 >VM rA PW1 ] 58 57 SB 59 PVM 1 RIM ] a RIMA HN: 2 PLN/ ]q 1 55 rr . M.9 r R • ya, n'•7 Pi . r2.7 i . m.! L, 1 >a• _ _ - - - - CALLE SCDii - R81ENIX)N ur OT 'J"<j41 LOT 'K' _ uag•yS•JO•E __ - - - - - - MILES AVENU J�(E G.� LB c14T►o N D F Ca /� STS? IJcT(DAl _ TRA► LE 2 %✓ . L ✓o TCQ ✓LL f' I\ 7-17AAi Lie e- N L Li sonrisa Tract 25953 7,' I 72' . ..I _. 73' I �. 307' J P A w 1 r9=ra,mnu - GALLL VIJIA VLKUL LOT "K" r� I I - - - - - - - N09'3S'30'E MILES AVENUE