MUP 2000-1850 ?. A TWT Q�dArcav P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 January 10, 2000 Mr. Leon Bennett A Star Rents 75-060 Mayfair Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 Subject: Minor Use Permit 2000-185 Tradition Golf Tournament Dinner Dear Mr. Bennett, The Community Development Department has reviewed your request to have tents for a golf tournament dinner party at the Tradition Club on January 12, 2000, pursuant to Section 9.60.170 (Special Outdoor Events) of the City's Zoning Code. This department approved the event provided the following conditions are met: 1. The dinner party tents shall be placed as described in the attached exhibits. 2. The event must be concluded by 10:00 p.m. 3. The site shall be left clean of any litter at the close of the event. 4. If ground excavation of any kind is required, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-422-4133. The service is free of charge provided USA is given at least two day's notice. Before any cranes, forklifts, or other aerial equipment is raided, check for existing overhead wires. 5. No off-site advertising signs are permitted. 6. Parking for the event shall occur at the clubhouse or on private streets within the boundaries of the existing country club. 7. Permits for temporary electric facilities shall be obtained from the Building and Safety Department prior to installation or use. 8. The event organizer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this event. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel 10,M91,6M, at its sole discretion. 9. The event organizer shall schedule a special inspection by the Building & Safety Department, to be conducted on Tuesday, January 11, 2000, at a fee of $100.00. 10. The event organizer shall comply with all of the conditions of the Riverside County Fire Department, as attached (5 pages). All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning and Engineering staff at (760) 863-8886. 11. The City may impose additional conditions, or revoke this permit, if any problems arise during the event that need special attention or consideration. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the written appeal and filing fee of $175.00 are submitted to this Department within 15 calendar days. Please contact our office if you wish to file an appeal and we will assist you. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the undersigned at 760-777- 7125. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR L LIE MOURIQUAN Associate Planner Attachments c: City Manager Community Development Director Building & Safety Director Code Compliance Division Public Works Director Sheriffs Department .Fire Marshal P:\ItrapprovaIMUP2000-185Traditionl-7-2000.wpd JL:I-10-00 MON 9:09 AM James M. Wright Fire Chief Proudly serving the unincorporated areas of Riverside County and the Cities of. Bal ulg Beaumont 0 Calimcsa 9 Canyon Lake 4 Coachella Deaert Ilot Springs Indian wells Indio �r Lake Elsinore r� La Quilnta Moreno Vallcy o,. Palm Lk,,elt Pe1ri3 Rancho Mirage San Jacinto Temocula 13oard of Supervisors Bob Rusts. Di5lria John Tavagliude. Distrid 2 I= VmabIa, MiAa3 Roy Wilson, DLwid 4 Tom Mullen, Disuid 3 R1IT CO. FIRE P&E 11010 FAX 110. 1 0 863 7072 P. 1 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT In cooperation with the Caltfornia Department of Foresrry and FYre Protection San acln o venue ems, a i o Fax January 5, 2000 To: A Star Rents 75-060 Mayfair Dr. Palm Desert, CA 92211 Attn: Leon Bennett Re: Tent Permit Traditions / MUP2000-185 / RECEIVED 0 JAN! 10 2 z VVith respect to the condition of approval regarding the above referenced event, the Fire Department requires the following fire protection measures be provided in accordance with the La Quinta Municipal Code, Title 24, and/or Riverside County Fire Department protection standards: A) GENE 1) All tent and canopy setups must meet the requirements of the 1998 California Fire Code. 13) LOCATION OF JFNTS AND CANOPIES 1) Tents must be separated from any property line, building, other tent, canopy, or temporary membrane structure by a minimum distance of 20 feet. 2) Fire access roadways must be provided. 3) The minimum clearance of 20 feet must be maintained from the parking of automobiles or other internal combustion engines. 4) For the purposes of required distances, support ropes and guywires are to be considered part of the tent. C MliCTURAUpTABILITY 1) Tents and canopies shall be adequately roped, braced and anchored to withstand the elements of weather against collapsing. D) FLAMEPROOFING 1) The shtewalls, drops and tops of all tents and canopies shall be of flame-retardant material. All decorations used must be flame retardant to the satisfaction of this department. This includes all paper, cardboard, cloth, plastic, or other materials more than 1/4° thick, used for the purposes of decoration or display. This does not apply to sample merchandise on display or being offered for sale if amounts exhibited are within reasonable limits and are satisfactory to this department. Materials used for table coverings shall be noncombustible or the entire table covering must be flame retardant. ),NgRCiENCY SERVICES DIVIMION • PLANNINO SECMN - IND10 o1.110E EZ -675 1139hWAY 111, 2" F1,1mt,4 CA 92201 • (760)163-8886 • Fa: (760) 863-7072 01-10-00 09:00 RECEIVED FROM:1 760 863 7072 P.01 J.'k 10-00 MON 9:10 AM R14,0, FIRE P&E INDIO FAX NO, 00 863 7072 F, 2) Tents and canopies shall have a permanently affixed label with the following information_ a) Identification of temporary membrane structure, tent or canopy, size and fabric or material type. b) For flame -resistant materials, the necessary Information to determine compliance with the Fire Code. c) For flame -retardant -treated materials, the date that the temporary membrane structure, tent or canopy and other combustible materials were last treated with an approved flame retardant. d) The trade name and type of flame retardant utilized in the flame-retardant treatment. e) The name of the person and firm that applied the flame retardant. 3) Hay bales, straw and other flammable materials shall not be within 30 feet of any tent or canopy. Hay bales, etc. if placed inside or on top of the tent, must be flame retardant. a) Balloons or other similar devices that are filled with toxic or flammable gases are not permitted. b) Automobiles used for display mast have the batteries disconnected and less than one gallon of fuel in the tank. C) All flame-retardant certifications shall be retained on the premises. All flameproofing is subject to testing and approval from this department. . E SMOKING AND OPEN FLAM 1) Smoking shall not be permitted in any tent or canopy or in any adjacent areas where hay, straw, sawdust or any other combustible materials are stored or used unless approved by the fire inspector. NO SMOKING signs shall be posted when required. 2) No fireworks, open flame, or any device emitting flame or fire or creating aglow capable of igniting combustibles materials shall be used in or adjacent to any tent F PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUIPHERS i) The minimum fire extinguisher coverage shall be provided in every tent and canopy as per the following: a) 200 to 500 square feet of Floor area: One 2A-10BC. b) 501 To 1000 square feet of floor area: Two 2A -1013C. c) Each additional 2000 square feet of floor area or fraction thereof: One 2A 106C. d) At least one 40BC type fire extinguisher shall be provided for each kitchen, mess hall, power generator or transformer and at locations where flammable or combustible liquids are stored or dispensed. 2) All firefighting equipment shall be provided and maintained at a height of 3 to 5 feet from the floor in a visible and accessible location and maybe required to be posted with designating signs. 3) Qualified persons necessaryto safeguard the premises shall be provided as required and approved by this department. 01-10-00 09:00 RECEIVED FROM:1 760 863 7072 P-02 J rN-10-00 MON 9:10 AM RICO. FIRE P&P INDIO FAX 110. 1`0 863 7072 P. G1 EXITS i) Exits shall be spaced at approximately equal intervals around the perimeter of the tent and shall be so located that no point is more than 100 feet from any exit 2) The number of exits and minimum width of openings shall be provided in accordance with CFC Art. 32, Table 3211-A. 3) Exit openings from any tent shall remain open or may be covered by a flame-retardant curtain. The curtains shall be free sliding on a metal support at a minimum of 8 feet from floor level at the exit. The curtains shall be so arranged that when open, no part of the curtains shall obstruct the exit Said curtains shall be of contrasting color with the color of the tent. 4) Aisles having minimum width of not less than 44 Inches shall be provided from all seating areas, and their width shall be progressively increased in width to provide at all points not less than 1 foot of aisle with for each 50 persons served by such aisle at that point. The arrangement of aisles shall be approved by the fire inspector. 5) The spacing of rows of seats shall provide a space of not less than 12 inches from the back of one seat to the front of the other. Alsles shall be so located that there will be no more than sic intervening seats between any seat and the nearest aisle. H) MAINTENANCE OF EXIT WAYS 1) The required minimum clear width of exits, aisles and passageways shall be maintained at all times to a public way. 2) No guywire, guyrope or other support members shall cross any means of egress at a height of less than 8 feet. 3) The surface of exit ways shall be maintained in a manner approved by the fire inspector. 11 EXIT ILLUMINATIObi 1) Exits shall be illuminated at any time the structure is occupied with light having an intensity of not less than one footcandle at floor level. 2) Exit signs shall be Installed at required exit doorways and where otherwise needed to clearly Indicate the direction of travel when the exit series 50 or more people. 3) Exit signs in tents with an occupancy load over 100 people shall be of an approved self luminous type or shall be internally or externally illuminated by fixtures supplied in the manner specfied below. 4) Two separate circuits, one of which shall be separate from all other circuits, for occupant loads of 300 or less. 5) Two separate sources of power, one of which shall be an approved emergency system, shalt be provided when the occupant load exceeds 300. Emergency systems shall be supplied from storage batteries or on site generator set and the system shall be Installed in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code. J) HEATING AND COOKING EQUIPMENT 01-10-00 09:01 RECEIVED FROW 1 760 863 7072 P.03 ,i A-10-00 MON 9:11 AM RICO, FIRE P&E INDIO FAX NO, J$0 063 .7072 P. Al 1) All heating and cooking equipment shall be in compuance-with the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code or shall be approved by the fire inspector. 2) Gas, solid, or liquid -fuel -burning equipment shall be vented to the outside air by the means of approved vent or flue in such a manner that no portion of the tent or canopy is within 12 inches of the flue or vent. Vents for solid fuel burning equipment shall be provided with spark arrestors having openings no larger than 1/4 inch wire mesh. ' 3) Heating and cooking equipment shall not be located within 10 feet of exits, aisles, passageways or combustible materials. 4) Cooking equipment outside the tent shall be at least 30 feet away from any structure. ni FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE; LIQUIDS A D LIQUID PETROLEUM GAS 1) No flammable or combustible liquids shall not be stored Inside or within 50 feet of any tent. 2) Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) shall not be used or stored in connection -with any tent or canopy unless the following requirements are strictly adhered to_ 3) All storage containers, equipment, fittings and appliances are listed and approved for use of LPG. 4) A11 tanks, hoses, fittings and appliances shall be protected from physical damage of any type. 5) All tanks in use must be secured to prevent them from tipping over and must be located a minimum distance of 5 feet from any tent, vent, flue or any openings. 6) All spare tanks must be stored 50 feet from the tent and shall be protected from damage. The storage area must be free of flammable or combustible materials. 7) The total amount of (LPG) on site shall be limited to 60 U.S. gallons. 8) All areas were LPG Is stored must be free of combustibles. 9) No Smoking signs must be posted in storage areas. HOUSEKEEPING 1) All weeds and flammable vegetation shall be removed from the area occupied by any tent and any areas within 30 feet of any such structure. 2) The floor surface inside and the grounds adjacent to or within 30 feet outside of tents or canopies shall be kept free and clear of combustible waste. Such waste shall be stored in approved containers until removed from the premises - M) ELF9 remises_ MjELFC RICAL 1) All extension cords shall be over current protected and or ground fault interrupter protected. No additional taps are to be in any device. (NO octopus, 2 way or 3 way taps, cube adapters or mutti-plug extension cords). Quad boxes are approved if wired with 12/3 gauge wire or greater. All extension cords shall be of 1213 gauge wire or greater with approved connectors. 01-16-00 09:02 RECEIVED FROM:1 760 863 7072 P.04 MON 9:12 AM R10. FIRE RE INDIO FAX NO. )�0 863 70712 i. ` �' NOTE: TENT SETUPS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE UPON INITIAL INSPECTION DUE TO SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES NOTED AT THAT TIME. All City requirements must be met and permits obtained prior to the conditional approval from this department. The installing tent company shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule an inspection. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 24 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (7 60) 883- 8886. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fre Department Planning & Engineering staff at (760) 863-8886. Respectfully, FRANK KAWASAKI Chief Fire Department Planner Walter Brandes Fire Safety Specialist 01-10-00 09:02 RECEIVED FROM:1 760 863 7072 P.OS A STAB REMITS PARTY RENTALS To: Fire Marshal Date: ] _ S o Cho From: Leoti Ae-nAe Subject: Permit Request for Special Event Canopy or Tent A STAR RENTS, on behalf of our Customer Tra1+1 V, A) submits the following information to obtain permission to erect the canopies or tents on the attached plans. 1. Date of Event—1-:1 OD 2. Name of Event i -�- `j'-ocLrN n e.,,;+ 3. Location -78 --5v 0 O (Ay e S—) 4. Number of People Zy o 5. Size and Description of Structure L4 C)'t,Fo , 3 14 o , zo *2 c, v 10 Cayn�upiLQCIL, eXA (XitS All �Ayte V 6. Special Effects used fu o nU 'C' 7. Electrical Requirements Ge-NCA S4 -" 1 fy� -- a,►4 -r e C-4 h :e�+ep-s 8. Exiting 3 Lc-; hfej A 5 P Page 1 CFS' NO 6 75-060 MAYFAIR DRIVE / PALM DESERT, CA 92211 / (619) 340-3992 9. Staging or Platforms 1111 6 s±�IQ � buAwl 10. Curtains, Drapes and/or Booths f'J0Nel 11. Seating and Table Set-up Z, o -f- 12. Food Service Areas (Open Flame) NO NC -- 13 - 13 Flameproof Certificates A 4-u X11 a + 6-z.n:"V?tS S jrvry 14. Fire Extinguishers and Exit Signs _I? it � 15. Special Requests Attachment 0 3 Copies of Plans ^ML1N��t'4 LEVE` �D aB�e co �PZE i A°P��VED 8y Page 2 Ry O 9 FXW�(��j ��i w Tr-ad'ck-,O/v _: vl A"LvAc1r^7 I Z 1 2,00 o Gar --,4 S aik Te