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MUP 2000-209
04-12-00 15:16 City of LaQuinta Con•-m•Dev.Dept & PAID ID= 4777 1233 Cr y, o 14 in to APR 13 2000 Community Deve9aftoNT, 78-495 611e Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7 125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY G case Na. _/ Date Rrcvd. Fee: --- Related Apps.: Logged in by �4 _ APPLICATION FOR MLNOR USE PER -MIT APPROVAL P•02 MINOR L15E PERMIT applications are reviewed an:l approved by tfie Community Development Director Pursuant to Secticn 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code., The purpose of the review is to ensure that Iand uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses_ APPLICANT (Print) Phone No.2� Sb - _ ,N4AILiNG ADDRESS —�� - a, Fax No. �b0 - 5 S CITY. STATE, ZIP; _ X133 — PROPERTY O"A NER (If di ferent)', 224 DA -7'j ,D • ,LLC (Print) MAILING ADDRESS. 74-333 Hi4 1 I11 S'uiTE /03 Phone No. b66) 57k7k - 24x5 CITY, STATE, ZIP- PAI -M its T- — C'A �22�0 —Fax :�o.� -- — PROJECT LOCATION:_-- PROFOSED USE AINDiOR CONSTRUCTION (Ir._ct-a6n,g operational information); e5 �jatta ,h shee ; M='&d) LEGAL, DESCI iiPnON (LOT & TRACT OR A.F.N.):_ AIS`Mnor Use Penri: J . .3 CITYOF - - pLgNNIN �cJUrNTq ��. .�._� DEPq��NT PROVED BMMUNITY DEVELOe AP Y CODATE � __'V 3 -P By - _-- - EXHIBIT ��®jaD�- CASE NO. 04-12-00 15:17 City of LaQuinta Comm Day.Dept ID- 750 777 1233 p 03 C 1 T . C7 Plot Paan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans On 8'.%i" x 11" sheet or folded doom to 8'Jz' x 11". C filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged fuli fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount des not apply to Environmental Information form NAME OF APPLICANT t.. )o��C��' .� ��o� w. eewL (Please Print) l � b DATEL SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT —_ NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER -TI M CSA-&/ D • L t, C- (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) j � ��_ DATE p i / - 3 - CO IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT:_ (Signature provides consent for aPpl rant to use site jor proposed activit)}. DATE Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. 4131 Amor lise Perm t P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 September 14, 2000 Mr. Ken Stittsworth World Development 74-333 Highway 111, Suite #103 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 Subject: Minor Use Permit 2000-209 Time Extension #1 - Wildflower Tract Flags Dear Mr. Stittsworth, o 5(Ak The Community Development Department has approved our application for a six-month time extension to retain eight temporary subdivision fl s, pursuant to Section 9.60.250 of the Zoning Code. The flags are approved for Tract -(Wildflower), along the Miles Avenue landscape lot within the tract boundaries. This approval is subject to the attached Exhibit A and the following conditions: 1. The flags and poles shall conform to the following: a. The eight flag poles shall not exceed 20 -feet in height as measured from finished grade of the building pad. b. Flags shall not exceed 18 square feet in size. They shall be new non- flourescent, red in color, but may vary in color and shall not contain any text, graphic, or other advertising copy. Flags may not be attached to more than one pole, and there shall be no more than one flag per pole. 2. The applicant/developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless of the City of La Quinta from any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this application. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel at its sole discretion. 3. All flags and poles shall be properly maintained by the applicant/developer for the life of this permit. 4. This approval is valid for a period of six months from the date of this letter, to expire on March 14, 2001, unless a time extension has been granted for an additional six months prior to expiration of the original approval. If no such extension is approved, all flags must be removed upon expiration of this permit. rgjws, s The City may impose additional conditions to this application to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 9.200.120 of the Zoning Code, provided the application requirements are met within 15 days of the date of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the Community Development Department at 760-777- 7125. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR LESLIE MOURIQUAND Associate Planner Enclosures C: Planning Manager - Christine di lorio Building Manager - Greg Butler Code Compliance - Jackie Misuraca Fire Department File: Tr. 25691 P:\LESLI E\ItrappmaIMUP2000-209TimeExt#1-tractflagsWildflower9-14-00.wpd Sep 13 00 04:22p Id Development 76Cie 8 4335 p.I WORLDD VEL®P1IlENT INC C LAND DEVELOPMENT License # 743867 September 13, 2000 City of La Quinta Planning Department Attn: Leslie Miraquan Via Facsimile RE: MINOR USE PERMIT #2000-209 Dear Leslie: 74-333 Hwy 1 l l Suite 103 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Office (760) 568-2955 Fax (760) 5684335 SEP 142WO CITY OF L4QUINTA —PLANNING pEP� ARTMENT As per our conversation today, please be advised that World Developnent, Inc. is requesting a 6 -month extension for our site flags at Wildflower Project located at Miles & Dune.Palms (Tract Map 25691). Your consideration is highly appreciated. If you have any questions, l can be reached @ 568-4569 or you can call my cell @ 250-5971. Thank you very much. Respectfully Submitted, Ken Stittsworth Director of Land Acquisition 09-13-60 16:10 RECEIVED FROM:760 568 4335 P•01 is a T4t!t 4 44o Qmkt The following violations exist at: LOCATION: DATE: ` i` t J U TIME: / : L/�� DAY: La Quinta Municipal Code -Vehicles: [311.80 O 12.28 O Other: Vehicle: Lic/Vin No: Exp.: Description: Make Model Color (f/ll tiGf!G ( 01 State: O Abandoned O Inoperative ❑ Unlicensed ❑ Stored O Wrecked/Dismantled ❑ 72 Hour Street Parking Please remove this vehicle (out of public view) or prove it is operational, currently licensed, and properly maintained. La Quinta Municipal Code -Public Nuisance: O 11.72 O 6.04 C1 Other: ❑ Fire Hazard -Accumulation of combustible materials creating a fire hazard. (Remove materials to Recycle or Landfill.) O Items being stored in Public View- unsightly nature. _( ther: 1 - E,Issue(s) and Corrective Action Required: Poll, tioj, (1 f t`7. F-":frr'7 i'�' .yi=v� ✓ ��! f�i1 � - ! 3 - c.)li � t % �! !lam P�:t.�l i? � �i•t Jt' :i .` i—�l/'lr� L i y Please Correct Violation(s) By : Day w ate d �v Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated! Failure to comply with the requests contained on this notice may result in further actions which may include a citation, court appearance, or other legal remedy. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Officer: Phone: Title: Code Compliance Officer CITY OF LA QUINTA CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION P.O. Box 1504/78-495 Calle Tampico / La Quinta, CA 92253 / (760) 777-7050 PROPERTY OWNER 04-12-00 15:17 City of LaQuinta Comm.Dev.Dept :D= 760 777 1233 P.04 9.60.250' 2. The complex is located within the area of the project for which it is established, The temporary sales office shall not be located within one hundred feet of an existing dwelling unit which is not a part of the new projecL 3. Notwithstanding other provisions of this code, the parcel of land on which a temporary real estate office is established is not required to be a building site provided the parcel is precisely described. 4. The following structures and facilities we permitted in conjunction with the establishment of a temporary real estate office in conformance with an approved minor use permit: a Model homes in compliance with the zoning regulations applicable to the properties that are being sold; b. Crdrages, attached and detached, in compliance -with the zoning regulations applicable to the properties that are being sold; c. Temporary sales office buildings or relocatable buildings; 'd. Accessory buildings and swxam in compliance with the zoning regulations applicable to tlxe properties that ane being told. e. Recreational facilities that will become a permanent portion of the project in compliance with the zoning regulations applicable to the properties that are being sold; f. Pern went streets and driveways that will be part of the project after the closure of the real estate office use; g. Temporary children's playground% h. Temporary and perament fencing. walks and st racDaral amenities; i. Temporary vehicle pariting and maneuvering arses to provide tiff -stmt parking as neoessa Y far eWloyees and guests; j. Temporary vehicular accessways; k. Temporary landscaping. B. Signs. Signs in connection with a temporary model home complex shall be pernrituxi within a project subject to the following requirements: 1. project identification signs arc permitted at each street entrance and shall conform to the provisions of Section 9.160.070 (Permitted semiperatanent signs): a. Sign area: maximttm thirty-two square feet per sign and sixty-four square feet aggregate per project. b. Leight: maximum tett feet. 2. The sign copy shall be limited to matters relating to the project within which the signs are located. 3. Time limits for display of signs shall be concurrent with that of the permitted model home complex. 7C. Flags. Flags in connection with a temporary model home complex may be permimd within a residential project subject to the following requiremmts: 1. Number. A maximum of eight flags shall be permitted. There shall be no toom than one flag per pole. United States, state, and other similar flags shall count in the maximum of eight flags. 2. Height. Flag poles shall be a maximum of twenty feet in height on the perimeter of the Project and sixteen fl et in height in the interior. Pole beights shall be n=sured from finish erode at the nearest project paimle3. Pole Diameter. Pole diameter shall be deterrmned by the lateral load and side of the flag. The dit�ctor' shall provide applicants with diameter standards. 4. Site. Flags shall be a maximums of eighteen square feet in area on the perimete3 of the project and twelve square feet in the interior. S. Rigid Flags. Rigid flags, secured on more than one side, are prohibited. 6. Flag Copy. Commercial or advertising flag copy is prohibited. 7. Color. Flags may vary in color or have multiple colors but fluarescent colors are prohibited. 8. Time Periods. Flags shall be approved by the director for an initial six-month Period. The director shall review the installed flags prior to the end of that period. If the director determines that all standards and conditions have been. met and that all flags have been properly maintained. the director may grant a time extension for an additional six mouths. If no such extension is approved, all flags must be mmoved upon expiration of the initial six months. D. Prohibited Advertising Devices. The following advertising devices or activities are expressly prohibited within or outside the project: b=ners, balloons, portable trailer signs, or human irxiicators- 246c aA o% �ssi .�o • IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CC :firrxe,� 2 uz TEN TA T/ Vii T,RAi 01POr IARIF CURIE RADIUS I LENGTH TANGENT DELTA CI 103.00 19.31' 14.76" 16'18'41' C2 45.00' 166.99' 15J77' 2123727" CJ 10300. 79. J2' 14.76' 167841' C4 45.00' J1.50' 16.4J' 40T16'47' C5 4500' 36.00' 1903' 4550'08 C.6 45.00: J1.5,1, 16.44" 40D8j1' C7 4500' JJ 96 1785' 437558" C8 45.00' 3324' 1742' 4279'08 C9 45.00 3773" 16.85 4/17JJ7 CIO 45.00' J1.07' 16.18 J9JJ77" Cil 4500 34.53' 1817' 4338'10' C12 10300' 10.18' 10.11' !17374- CIJ 10300' 9.14' 4.57 OSD507' LINE TA&E LINE DIREC17ON DISTANCE Ll N4571'47"W J2.58' 11 N457241'W 8.47 LJ N4571'47'W 2259' L 4 110078 N -W 4.010' L5 N0078'24V 4.00' 16 N0078'14 "W 4.00 (1 11477)075 ( 29.59' L8 114777075 f 4.JJ L9 -114-1'00-2511- 4700'251-110 I 110.. I L 1 N407217�W T47 01 / NJ974'IJ E I 2J. 40' 112 N407277W 2J. 47' LIJ N3974'IJ'f 23.40' L14 N457247"W 1.51' L15 112775'41'£ 10.00' 116 N67J2'J8 W 31.99' ( 17 N66 J7'24 f 32.09 118 1 N26785J E. 20.1X1' 119 1 N26 78 51 "W 1000 L20 I N27V4011- 2000' r BEING A SUBDIVISION OF TI QUARTER OF THE NOR THEA S T McGEE SURVEYING, INC. APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT_ BY DATE EXHIBIT CASE NO. GRAPHIC SCALE ( DI ncr ) 1 IReh - 60 rL ____ __-___ _ _ � � � _ YnIIlII l ■. JS' SD 41I iAz nr vi¢ »e m ic�ii: PmIR nnecl :�zr+ii.� _I ._I ----------------- TRACT ________________v EX. RET. BASIN (CAC US YL111/rrr?) TRACT 420 (CACTUS rIDl IIS_ III II I l -PPOP. MALL ^'R X. I I ^1 IEX. �SO G.B.I _ ' e' SCREEII ]' q[T.lc 1189'30'53 E 663. 6' r- dl_-.r_i1,6 �I r ' III I I l 1 ��I 9,0P ro Cel 8.650 S.F. k 7,574 S.F. 7.633 S.F. .7.438 S.F.y 7.438 S.F `•, 7,438 5F.: 7,438 S.F. b 7,436 S.F.4 A 8.0.78 S.F. el U I l 4 5 1 _ PAD: 73.6 PAD: 74.8 PAD: 76.0 9 PAD: 76.4 PAD: 76.2 K PAD: 75 9 X PAD: 75.7 5 PAD. 75.4 BePAD: 75.1 3 I rll - -- 111 AO PI S.CI PROP, 9' III I I BLOCK WALL S' P.U.E. Ip LAN SC1PE r igil L�L�____eA_ YI I I I I 1 I I 9AsnLul- A.■ ,n, ��^ ROP. WATER YAIK _r _ - - YI l(J I I I C.E. +l:P WL YAWI 1910t�C4 10 CIRC NTOR i (TEP.) �. 4 44' (T19.). ® (a) 20 19 9.190 5F. t: 7,531 S.F. a 7,637 S.F. 7,440 S.F. R 7,440 SF. Y I C 1 7,440 S.F. 7440 S.F.k 7,440 5.r.8 ,4 S.F. ..PAD: 73.6 B PAD: 74.8 PAD: 76.0 PAD: 76.4 PAD: 76.2 F PAD, 75.9 F PO: 75.7 PAO: 75.4 75.1 I I TRACT / 369,-J YI 44111 I I6' ' 1 (VVJ DFL D VVER Y I P,tOP C.. , I L III � eev :a Lv ■Am• � u.m e'm' el.m L(1,l i/"'1� �IIi I�II Ii 1I��=3 �(iIV' I i i� eim• -- K m�X.a .�. F � (75 .� IL- Li 0 rr 2 23 (9) L 8.764 S.F. 7,5J7 S.F. 7,648 S.r.y 7440S1 PA4D0F44e0L1a7 tr S.F. ,D: 9_ XS.F.k 7,93sIeBaSl .F�. .=PA74FPAD: 74AFPAD: 74,1PD I y 3rI - -• -- - 73.9 1 PROP. BLOCK WALL .+ C -L I I I III 1 °lf e .526 t 6. I II I 1 III I I Yl I I I III 8o� I PAD0, 4.77: S.F. III I � 1 76.9 VIIAN0,%CAPE ~PROP. RI II 6' SCiICE i MAX. I 7 7,468 s.f. a 7, PAD: 76.J - PA CREEN WILL r / [ I N89'45'30'E TY OT LA OWNTA i_7, QTY ol INoro I' 1 1 I I II I I� YJ-' a -'Q11 e: - 'f LU I II- �--t- ----- t - -,- EX. RET. BASIN PROP. STORM DRAIN 0 D 16 WATER YAW MILESN69'3r'_42- AVENUE _ to _ C_ LOT A _ytn_ _pct __•„_ _ _ , _ h I P q © U C a AAs ' $g 83 S.F. -7,440 S.F. 7,562 7,562 S.F._ _ 7,684 Sr.i. 7,684 SE - 7,440 L N 7: 75.8 PAD: 75.1 PAD: 74.9 PAD: 74.6 S.F. PAD: 74:4 PAD: 74,1 I 110.. I iOP. 6' PROP. 6' -Opt Wu BLOCK w L PRO S.D. _._ ei ]9.00 1 'J ■LGE 41g YJ-' a -'Q11 e: - 'f LU I II- �--t- ----- t - -,- EX. RET. BASIN PROP. STORM DRAIN 0 D 16 WATER YAW MILESN69'3r'_42- AVENUE _ to _ C_ LOT A I- D '0.92%i APPROVED FOR PERMITTING: PLANNING AND ZONING COMPLIANCE: CHECKED AND RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL BY: ` TOM HARTUNG DATE JERRY HERMAN DATE KURT M. SAXON DATE BUILDING AND SAFETY DIRECTOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT DIRECTOR R.C.E. NO. 44180 EXP. 6/30/01 CITY OF LA GUINEA CITY OF LA QUINTA SAXON ENGINEERING SERVICES n BY S DATE ` EXHIBIT I ` CASE NO. EXHirait NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR _ UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT IN ACCORDANCE NTH GENERALLY ACCEPTED CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR NILL BE REWIRED TO ASSUME SOLE AND COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR `• (J" -'1" U /.,i�e CAA SE No. CoII:ToII FREE JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS GRAPHIC SCALE [ 1-8 0 422- 133 AND PROPERTY: THAT THIS REOUIREMENT SHALL BE MADE TO APPLY CONTINOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS, AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG DESIGN PROFESSIONAL HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE ( M FEET ) 'CAUTION': dy ume ,�iBlR t pthe USA two ^� PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF DESIGN I Inch = 30 n. ` tM t— This =W4 be our uNiti. Present a the .on slte. TM ca Rx .ID PROFESSIONAL MN F'*"a Bey WW m dy. PREPARED FOR PLANS PREPARED UNDER SUPERVISION OF PREPARED BYE BENCH HARK. PD I -re tIE�. uzD7slr DESIGNED BY, APPROVED BY, WORLD DEVELOPMENT McGEE SURVEYING CITY OF LA QUINTA DRAWING NO. c 78-120 CALLE ESTADD #104 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 43-755 SKYWARD WAY �TERUW '�" DRAWN BYri PRECISE PLOT PLAN QUINTA, CA 92253 A OOF'b", EJ (760) 771-5571 (7 (760) 345-3828 D n AN() AK. CHECKED BY, TRACT 25691 LOTS 1-18 SHEET 2 RCE XXXX% F.D. HD. REVISION'. APPROVED DATE BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF ;HE SOUTHWEST OF MiE QUARTER OF TIE NORTHEAST QUARTER, SECTION ZB, 1 5 S, R 7 E, S.BB. 6 K SHEET 3 I