MUP 2000-192J FEE -15-00 05:29 PM DATE: TO: &F 7601&4 6884 FAX TRANSMIITTAL COVER SHEET COMPANY: FAX NUMBER: FROM: NO. PAGES: COMMENTS: I,p QUINT RTS FOUNDATION 5_(including cover sheet) P.01 �A 1 4 ter+ QA - 7$-080 Avenida La Fonda • PO Box 777 • La Quinta, CA 92253 • (760) -564.1244 6 FAX (760) 564-6884 FEE: -15-00 05:29 PM iF'6Nf 4 6.224 _ _69 IO2 11 12.39 r ity , Cem.Dev•eal of LaQuinka m !) !D■ 769 777 1233 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 oFF10E 1:5j ONLY Cue No.?oo 0 . 1 92 Ditc Reavd �" / I-- �Oo Foe. F,niaed Apps•:_-� APPLICATION FOR NIT OR USE PERMIT APPROVAL P.02 p.A2 MINOR FUSE PEP—MIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Cornrn=ity Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpo�c of the TcviCw i3 to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surro-anding properties, residents, or businegses, APPLICANT L. /�`� (Print) �- MAILING ADDR.ESg � �_ ,� _Phone 1tic� CITY, STATE, ZIP:. r "12 Pax No. PROPER'T'Y OWNER (If diPfercnt), Azx'�'r• (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: ,�� Y •'i _Phone No._ CITY. STATE. ZIP: �-�; t t STA ���2 ax No._ PROJEC? LOCA'T'ION: pROPC)S'ED USE ANDIOR CONSTRUCTION (Including open 6onalinformation): tt ____( =—Ch —sherts if nadeid) LEGAL DESCPIPTION ('LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.):_r___ At BMW Use Permit no-ic_.1p 1 R * 9 9 RFCFTVF.D FPOM:760 564 6884 P.02 FEB -15-00 03:44 PM F 7605 777 1233 P-93 4 6884 P.03 ._. 7 92-11-99 12: 39 Ciiy of LaAuinta Comm.Dev.Dapt ID SUH��IS510 ent stag• om Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Cmuruh' Ocvalopment Departrn 1 ]"sheet or folded dOWft to By-" X 11"• .p 1 I NAME OF APPWCANT (please Print) SIGNATURE' OF APPLICANT Five (5) sets of plans on 873 x Filing feo for Minor Use Pe;rr»t. If filing multiplo applications, the moat expensive applicadon will be Fil g rclatod applications discounted 50% for each, This dimomr does not apply charged full fee, with remaining to Environmental Information form. i NA a OF PROPERTY OWNER, SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNBR(S , IF NOT SAME AS APPLICAW'. _,! - (Stgnalure provider consertfor applk 2-1 r -coo DATE (Separate written aurhorlry by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN TMS APPLICATION SAAY.L BE GROUNDS FOR DEXMG APPLICATION. AlOUTos Uae Pe=nn •. COP pf P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 February 17, 2000 La Quinta Arts Foundation P.O. Box 777 La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2000-192 Dear Applicant: The Community Development Department approves your request to hold a private 15 minute fireworks show at 81-345 Avenue 54 on February 20 (Sunday), pursuant to Section 9.60.170 of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to the following conditions being completed by February 18, 2000: 1. A notice shall be given to the existing residential property owners within 500 feet of the site informing them of the fireworks show. A copy of the written notice shall be given to the Community Development Department. 2. The firework's contractor shall obtain a City Business License. 3. Obtain a Public Fireworks Display Permit from the Riverside County Fire Department. Additional conditions are: 4. Any trucks used to transport fireworks to the site shall be parked a minimum distance of 500 -feet from any residential house until the live mortars are unloaded. The firework's contractor shall comply with the regulations contained in Chapter 11.20 (Explosives) of the La Quinta Municipal Code and Charter. 5. The Riverside County Fire Department shall be on-site during the fireworks show, unless other contractual arrangements have been made with their Department. Please contact their office at 760-863-8886. 6. The site shall be left clean of any litter or fireworks canisters by February 21, 2000. 7. By holding the fireworks show, the applicant and property owner agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or M UP] 92 Fireworks -39 ��� litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY 7RMAN C MU Y DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR E RO SDELL Associalte Planner Enclosures c: City Manager Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Community Services Director Code Compliance Department Fire Department Sheriff's Department TO FROM DATE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL JERRY HERMAN, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR FEBRUARY 16, 2000 SUBJECT: TEMPORARY USE PERMIT 2000-192 The La Quinta Arts Foundation will be holding a private (party) fund raising event at the Mery Griffin Ranch, 81-345 Avenue 54 on Sunday February 20`h with approximately 200 guests expected. In conjunction with this event, there will be a fireworks display to be held from 6:45 p.m. to 6:55 p.m. A map of the site is attached. c: Thomas P. Genovese FES -15-00 03:45 PM F 760 4 6884 -2 11-99 1232 C1iv of LaDuinta, COmm.Dev•DmPt �1D- 7�7T7 1233 2-s0- W, 1 ,I�.� FR A ?YF?l: jl'_: f•���:,-a 4i1� .1b r -4. P � _• : s- msr? , . 3;"Mt Kava utir+� sr+Br at�_oRs 90 30 !+►t 3 'Appllcation tot Permit •- Public Fireworks Display � •�;� *� r� a aetiu+� � dMAM9 � ri'"°"' "' �MksM w t� cae+ornl. � r� � vM. ►Yl10 V'xt�•:�V��My�+� �r �+rA� �u tiw l�m+rl �'� M MI to+1h M ►vt ! � n 1 � , ON�NO� !!. an0 olho ppiiPAO M�j .40 CO O r �da�r Qeh. �M :„4 NIN vow iipvwM �deMd M VO!fn $p ow” Om"'ta ros bMA IA~ I�pq Wim Marilwft Le QJtf m camm's h(wr► �+ ahu9� lid Y K"MV41i11► end aW MAV T" of d OO: Appra'11r11 ! 1� 1 dMl paw a �eep�en � dlWltgr � Otifin �u�t�� s � , QuMli Sha Uwa Kummt �t 11i� mom - too• 0 aw+r A00 ,� Lar .L" L. ft DIM" .L- �+�► � own L~ DOOMWoW it • 4 . !1 b' �n0! • ! WVS vW BMW MAIM• L011 �Ir� ��rl�ulo ib1 j .� . WNIM ft poft Wow MNA"Iam w � ate or,ps1► Li01IM X10. on am" OW � I�Irlw as ig � p��A�vroNc� so a tr�a taa�� . L ra. +, _ ......_..� P. 05 p.W6 I S HSI 6Rd�sJk Na w } T� • sem, • , .. � 1 V1aim quo 1 •S � •W4- 49 w w v.. OP*_. .i f . 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