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MUP 2000-223
• City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 is OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. "2d& - 7'-a,3 Date RecA. 6 ` 0' - Fee: "Fee: Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT (Print) MAILING ADDRESS IS- 32;- S6 (. � N �754• �k,Thone No. 9t _3? 067 CITY, STATE, ZIP: _ f��1�i/l Z� , P14 C12 qD D Fax No. ! b 3 F 1-60 �t PROPERTY OWNER (If different): '�j/ 'oi- (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: 7"�&_`-- 991717 79c g-, VV et"truC.d &. k PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): 1© S / 1"Z � TA"t a8& 7 l 9 .� A18\Minor Use Permit 4 SUBMISSION Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8t/z" x I I" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x I I". Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT (Please 166nt) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT . �.�(- %C'�'�/ DATE 4��9 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. DORis BENOIT Operations Secretary 1535 S. 'D" Street, Suite 200 CENTURY San Bernardino, California, 92408 `% I N T A C. F (909) 381-6007, Fax (909) 381-0041 1 1 V lvI L J By Century Crowell http://www.centuryvintage.com A I Minor Use Permit i CENTURY VINTAGE HOMES By Century Crowell August 9, 2002 Raoul Martinez, Assistant Engineer CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ref: Release of Security 025-095 110 Tract 29563 — Sales Office Conversion — Lot 44 $1,000.00 — dated February 11, 2000 City of La Quinta, California Dear Mr. Martinez: RECEIVED AUG 14 2002 PUBLIC WORKS Century Crowell Communities has met all the conditions of this obligation; therefore, we hereby request that the City of La Quinta release the above referenced "Cash Deposit". Please inform this office in writing, if any other requirements are needed prior to the Districts release of this Bond. I look forward to a favorable and speedy response. Sincerely, By: CENTURY CROWELL COMMUNITIES, LP. a California limited partnership Its: Managing Member By: CENTURY HOMES COMMUNITIES, a California Corporation Its: General Partner By: Doris A. Benoit Secretary of Operation .i 1535 South "D" Street, Suite 200, San Bernardino, California, 92408, (909) 381-6007, Fax (909) 381-0041 1-800-BUY-CENTLIRY!, http://www.centuryvintage.com I '�1 Shining Brighter Than • � FILE COPY P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 October 7, 2002 Ms. Doris Benoit Century Vintage Homes 1535 South "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 (7 60) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Subject: Release of Security 025-095137 for Tract 28279 (MUP 2000-223) Dear Ms. Benoit; Pursuant to your request of August 13, 2002, we hereby release the above security that was given to us for Minor Use Permit 2000-223, to guarantee the conversion of models back to residential units in the Citrus project. The Certificate of Deposit has been endorsed by the City Finance Director, John Falconer, releasing the City interest in it. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7064. Very Truly Yours, JERRY HERMAN Community Development Director STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner encl. p:lstanlltr mup 2000-223.wpd i.+ 'FOKAI K NON-NEGOTIABLE • NOT TRANSFERRABLE WA® OF CALIFOR MBERFDIC CERTI FOATE OF DEPOSIT MULTIPLE SINGLE MATURITY ❑ MATURITY —July 25, 2001 _095137 MA URITY DATE Branch Trtl and Fmj)j 1 -BRANCH Ont- in CALIFORNIA july 25 THIS CERTIFIES THAT Y DUOS IN TOKAI BANK OF CALIFORNIA AS/HAVE DEPOSITED DOLLARS $1 500. -;:: n:- ::'- ;^;—'-:-:. PAYABLE TO ' �� CITY OF L-A QUIIVTA� UPON SURRENDER OF THIS CERTIFICATE, PROPERLY ENDORSED, AT THE ISSUING BRANCH. This certificate is issued for a period of One Year If multiple maturity it will automatically renew for a similar period of time at the then current interest rates, unless presented for redemption within 10 days after the maturity date. If single maturity, no interest will be paid after the maturity date. The Bank reserves the right to redeem this certificate during any renewal period upon 14 days prior written notice. The interest rate on this certificate is 2.00 % per annum, based on a 36ayyear. INTEREST IS: PAY INTEREST: ❑ SIMPLE ❑ EVERY DAYS ® COMPOUNDED DAILY ❑ EVERY MONTHS ❑ COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY CN AT MATURITY ❑ HOLD AS COLLATERAL ❑ HOLD IN SAFEKEEPING SIGNATUREOFPURCHASER „SIGNATURE OF PURCHASER, BY: ❑ REINVEST (CAPITALIZE) AT MATURITY ❑ CHECK TO DEPOSITOR(S) IJ CREDIT CHECKING ACCOUNT ❑'CREDIT SAVINGS ACCOUNT _ ❑ ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS . I/WE UNDERSTAND THERE MAY BE A SUBSTANTIAL PENALTY FOR EARLY WITHDRAWAL PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING RULES ON TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 1. AS A TIME CERTIFICATE DEPOSITOR, YOU HAVE AGREED TO KEEP YOUR FUNDS ON DEPOSIT FOR AT LEAST THE PERIOD OF TIME STATED ON THE TIME CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. 2. IN THE EVENT A CERTIFICATE IS REDEEMED PRIOR TO ITS MATURITY DATE (i.e., BEFORE THE PERIOD OF TIME STATED ON THE CERTIFICATE AS THE TERM OF DEPOSIT HAS ELAPSED) AN EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY SHALL BE ASSESSED AT THE NOMINAL (SIMPLE INTEREST) RATE. THESE PENALTIES DO NOT APPLY FOR WITHDRAWALS FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF ANY DEPOSITOR OR THE DECLARATION OF INCOMPETENCY OF ANY DEPOSITOR BY A COURT. 3. IF THE CERTIFICATE HAS AN ORIGINAL MATURITY OF UP TO ONE YEAR, THE EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY WILL BE THE LOSS OF THE EQUIVALENT OF 30 DAYS INTEREST, WHETHER OR NOT THE INTEREST IS EARNED ON THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN. 4. IF THE CERTIFICATE HAS AN ORIGINAL MATURITY OF OVER ONE YEAR, THE EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY WILL BE THE LOSS OF THE EQUIVALENT OF THREE MONTHS INTEREST, WHETHER OR NOT THE INTEREST IS EARNED, ON THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN. 5. FOR 7-31 DAY CERTIFICATES, THE EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY WILL BE THE LOSS OF AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE GREATER OF (A) ALL INTEREST EARNED ON THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN FROM THE MOST RECENT DATE OF DEPOSIT OR DATE OF RENEWAL OR (B) SEVEN (7) DAYS INTEREST. SEE ATTACHED c SIGNATURE OF PURCHASER DATE SI(�a ADR' R DATE to .#4 CENTURY VINTAGE • 0 H O M E S August 13, 2002 By Century Crowell City of La Quinta COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ref: Release of Security 025-095137 Tract 28279, Sales Office Garage Conversion $1,500.00 — dated July 25, 2000 City of La Quinta, California Q Century Crowell Communities has met all the conditions of this obligation; therefore, we hereby request that the City of La Quinta release the above referenced "Cash Deposit". Please inform this office in writing, if any other requirements are needed prior to the Districts release of this Bond. I look forward to a favorable and speedy response. Sincerely, By: CENTURY CROWELL COMMUNITIES, LP. a California limited partnership Its: Managing Member By: CENTURY HOMES COMMUNITIES, a California Corporation Its: General Partner By: Doris A. Benoit Secretary of Operation db 1535 South D" Street, Suite 200, San Bernardino, California, 92408, (909) 381-6007, Fax (909) 381-0041 1-800-BUY-CENTIIRY!, http://www.centuryvintage.com A1 AN NON-NEGOTIABLE • NOT TRANSFERRABLE Aft TOKK %L%'O' OF CALIFORNIA MEMBER FDIC CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT MULTIPLESINGLE . MATURITY .9 513 7 MATURITY ❑ MATURITY .Till V 5� 2001 095MA URITY DATE Branch In I.and Fin1-)i -r RANCH On j -xi- i n CALIFORNIA July 95, .: Q THIS CERTIFIES THAT *-,'r*--'-'-''-'-:-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-!-'-'-'-'-.-MAS/HAVE DEPOSITED ... , EXACTLY •• 1's 0 Idols 0 0cts DOLLARS$l, IN TOKAI BANK OF CALIFORNIA 500,0(J:' PAYABLE TO-.._..._._._.'IYiE CITY OF LA QUIIVTA •, �; .�_.�_:•_�._.._._.� �_I .._�.- 1 .. .. ._.. 1 1 . UPON SURRENDER OF THIS CERTIFICATE, PROPERLY ENDORSED, AT THE ISSUING BRANCH. This certificate is issued for a period of One Year if multiple maturity it will automatically renew for a similar period of time at the then current interest rates, unless presented for redemption within 10 days after the maturity date. If single maturity, no interest will be paid after the maturity date. The Bank reserves the right to redeem this certificate during an renewal period upon 14 days prior written notice. The interest rate on this certificate is 2-00 % per annum, based on a 36�ay year. INTEREST IS: PAY INTEREST: ❑ SIMPLE ❑ EVERY DAYS IN COMPOUNDED DAILY ❑ EVERY MONTHS ❑ COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY AT MATURITY ❑ HOLD AS COLLATERAL ❑ HOLD IN SAFEKEEPING SIGNATURE OF PURCHASER '', iii:: i', i� is. i� ••� is: i„'��i. i.:: —.i, ::. iii. is :��.::::':'.'.'; SIGNATURE OF PURCHASER BY: ❑ REINVEST (CAPITALIZE) AT MATURITY ❑ CHECK TO DEPOSITOR(S) IN CREDIT CHECKING ACCOUNT ❑ CREDIT SAVINGS ACCOUNT _ ❑ ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ITHnR17Fn CIr:NAT1 IRF I/WE UNDERSTAND THERE MAY BE A SUBSTANTIAL PENALTY FOR EARLY WITHDRAWAL PLEASE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE FOLLOWING RULES ON TIME CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT 1. AS A TIME CERTIFICATE DEPOSITOR, YOU HAVE AGREED TO KEEP YOUR FUNDS ON DEPOSIT FOR AT LEAST THE PERIOD OF TIME STATED ON THE TIME CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT. 2. IN THE EVENT A CERTIFICATE IS REDEEMED PRIOR TO ITS MATURITY DATE (i.e., BEFORE THE 'PERIOD OF TIME STATED ON THE CERTIFICATE AS THE TERM OF DEPOSIT HAS ELAPSED) AN EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY SHALL BE ASSESSED AT THE NOMINAL (SIMPLE INTEREST) RATE. THESE PENALTIES DO NOT APPLY FOR WITHDRAWALS FOLLOWING THE DEATH OF ANY DEPOSITOR OR THE DECLARATION OF INCOMPETENCY OF ANY DEPOSITOR BY A COURT. 3. IF THE CERTIFICATE HAS AN ORIGINAL MATURITY OF UP TO ONE YEAR, THE EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY WILL BE THE LOSS OF THE EQUIVALENT OF 30 DAYS INTEREST, WHETHER OR NOT THE INTEREST IS EARNED ON THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN. 4. IF THE CERTIFICATE HAS AN ORIGINAL MATURITY OF OVER ONE YEAR, THE EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY WILL BE THE LOSS OF THE EQUIVALENT OF THREE MONTHS INTEREST, WHETHER OR NOT THE INTEREST IS EARNED, ON THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN. 5. FOR 7-31 DAY CERTIFICATES, THE EARLY WITHDRAWAL PENALTY WILL BE THE LOSS OF AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE GREATER OF (A) ALL INTEREST EARNED ON THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN FROM THE MOST RECENT DATE OF DEPOSIT OR DATE OF RENEWAL OR (B) SEVEN (7) DAYSINTEREST. SEE ATTACHED • � FOIE COP4 40Y P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 June 26, 2000 Ms. Marty Butler Century Crowell Communities 1535 South "D" Street, Suite 200 San Bernardino, Ca. 92408 (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 SUBJECT: Minor Use Permit 2000-223 (Model Complex for Mandarina @ the Citrus Club) Dear Ms. Butler, The Community Development Department has approved your request for a model complex with parking lot on Lots 46 (parking lot), 1 and 2 of Tract 28719 at Cetrino and Mango in the Citrus, per the attached plan, subject to the following conditions: 1 . Prior to issuance of a building permit for any temporary garage conversion to a sales office, a Certificate of Deposit, Letter of Credit, or cash deposit in the amount of $1,500.00 shall be posted with the City to insure the conversion back to a garage for residential uses and removal of trap fencing and parking lot prior to their sale. The City shall be named as the controlling party to insure compliance. The deposit, etc. will be refunded when all model improvements have been removed and house improvements completed. 2. Mounted close to the exterior of the front door of the sales facility shall be a written notice informing emergency personnel of your 24- hour emergency phone numbers in case of problems, in minimum 1 " high letters. 3. Install one 2A1 OBC fire extinguisher inside each garage conversion area by the exit door and provide a "door to remain open during business hours" sign above the exit door. If you have questions, please contact Mr. Walt Brandes, Fire Safety Specialist for Riverside County at (760) 863-8886. 4. This approval shall be valid for a maximum one year time period from date of approval. Upon request, a time extension of up to one year may be approved by the Community Development Director. 5. Subdivision signs and Model home flags are not approved as a part of this request. On-site signs and flags must comply with Zoning Code Section 9.60.250 (B & C), respectively and approved by the Community Development Department prior to fabrication and installation. p:\stan\Itr app mup 2000-223.wpd P� 9 6. Plans for landscaping and irrigation improvements, including trap fencing, etc. shall be submitted for Community Department approval prior to installation. Improvements shall be installed prior to the use of the model complex. 7. The plans for installation of trap fencing and parking lot improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the. Public Works Department prior to- their installation. Parking space size, aisles, etc., shall comply with Zoning Code Section 9.150.080. 8. The City may elect to add conditions to this application to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. 9. The temporary sales trailer approved on Lot 46 by MUP 2000-193 shall be removed from the model home complex temporary parking lot in conjunction with the completion of the model complex for use. 10. Contact this Department when all model complex improvements have been installed to determine compliance with all conditions of approval. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the required forms and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with .this office within 15 days of this decision. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7064. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CJG��tJ`- STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner attachment sbs c: Building and Safety Department Public Works Department Code Compliance Department City Fire Marshal Chevis Hosea, KSL Land Corp. p:\stan\Itr app mup 2000-223.wpd jg�f l a .0 L I I LD T O IN TUE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA -2 i rM.o. 244/02-00 TRACT NO 28719 In yrr' n-ma.ry 1101 BEING A SUBDMSION OF LOTS 6 DIROUGII 11, INCLUSIVE. LOT 0 AND A PORTION OF r r •� LOT A AS SHOWN ON AMENDING TRACT NO. 28490-1. FILED IN BOOK 211, PACES 97 -r� 2DJr1L = IHROUGN 100, INCLUSM, OF MAPS: ASO BEING A PORTION OF SECTION 5, TOWNSIIIP 6 SOUTH. RANGE 7 EAST, SNI BERNARD1110 BASE MND MERIDIAN. J T V, MDS CONSULTING JANUARY, 1998 GARY W. DORICN LS.4693 P a 7F? 2,4.4700-2 •',,. (D. A4. S. 244/02- UO � rnrn wUl Or ruIK1 ,O 'e �.�J; n.,, 4 o Ir •I y� �;F.9' rr •N•I .. fr.rnY uTrr, m I• at ; 'o F v rr, NOT A PART 4 - - B NAS _ .� :3� 114. r rai8 : �: •�'' t IS a ° 16 1 7 18 w 1 3 1 4 9Sw 10 1 I O r•• a - — — _ 20 ,..._.. .... 'v� >i of t. "'— B - F 4 sj. .;.; a -_ •fr'+rl AYA PRST b. s+ e . I. r 3 t i.•. +^+ .. o --LOT t3 IVATE T r r _. •r •r r c. IS -R o • �3 .4r.a,r. L" -ti 9.. F 9 qg 21 R !r 'mac pp A' a t 9 ' . Nk .:Dr7 •i -r. C`C\rr`%r.',F• .4 :1� • 6 9 52 7 54 _ 55 ^I 56 ,�• �I r 'r' I,nt •nv & P;;, :i Nye i 49 50 51 n• 53 y 'e. .• 4 46 is { i3• m ism Nm ssm jcj f 23 r. a 44 iJ• F . yy,Y »m »n esm s 4,•. v 114 r �. `tv 43 Q� +3 , 24 ' '•,y 4 h� ,•r. . �, �Nn r. •4 L � r ', � •�' 41 �' .. 9+ -� ' ( LOT A V ter. p; oa v 26 40 L, (� �r 4 �. J5;�. l ` 27 O 9 "'4.H ,r 39 Sly .,L J• . 38 .r RfF�. /.-r Vr 7. 37 •.., -fly i' r•.r 29 a•, r. 4 , ♦ 36A ti • �- r'�im �lwfiv 4.9, e, 30 it. J: 35 �- ' s"p dF: 31 (�I r•.i .� 34 32 ' t V"/�A����"yi�j% �✓�+�^V �� rAA 3 0 Jo so,to srxc r_ea• 240 � O n. ear nnn0L.E m C E p o o— :. U c An Exceptional & Exclusive Development c c d v by Century Vintage Homes z z cU to= c 1 maz W00= W23: oop aQW/P 0 E Ll� POOL POOL W - ❑ QI U MSR � M2R / FF=415 ❑ FF -41.0 [� q y FF -41,0v - , . ,i,- , _ ; ; j ❑ I --1 P -41.0P=419 P=405 I 'i ` ❑ w,� f ❑ x ; 2 _\ 0 l I . _. ` 2 � _ ^ 1 i ler .41T ❑ 1 F _K ❑ _ 4 1 ❑ o i =a : 1.0 0 6F=413 00 150.2 us