MUP 2000-227f City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 0" — 'V2 Date Recvd. Fee: 1 .03 Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community DeQ91ment Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure tqgtloioujoj@�quiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses._ •i .+� Ur L A UuiN APPLICANT Q. VASj:—(Z-T aFor-LoP1xECJ i (Print) MAILING ADDRESS Po 90>,- 1-11 (o Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: LA Q0, ,0-rA . C - A, Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: 1-18-7(17 L//57.4 //4 t c tili�/a PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): �r rPSrj0'-A fj 0S -P. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): TIZ Z 9 30 (P U -T- 6"7 A18Wlinor Use Permit SUBMISSION REOUIREMENI`S ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8%z" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% -for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT % • C)S 5 E X -j Dy E U00 AA 4 T L. P ase Print SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER T. 0 • 0 F S F-97 ®` -5 L LADC --r , k--• 2 (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: -FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Minor Use Permit A 1 July 20, 2000 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 Mr. Nolan Sparks T.D. Desert Development_ PO Box 1716 La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMITS 2000-227 AND 2000-228 Dear Mr. Sparks: Enclosed are covenants restricting use of the proposed guest houses for Lots 57 and 59 of Tract 29306. The paperwork must be signed and notarized prior to recordation with the County of Riverside. Please return a copy of the covenant once it has been recorded. Should you have any questions, please contact me at, (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, JERRYERMAN ZAssoe ITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR USDELL anner GT. Enclosures c: Building and. Safety Director Community Development Director MUP227- 42 �� COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PUBLIC WORKS FILE COPY City of La Quinta Developers Project Approval Form Prior to the issuance of Building Permits for the project listed below, the following Departmental clearances must be obtained. Please return this form to the Building and Safety Department az* jfte, r an rn oval. Contact applicant for resolution of conditions preventing or delaying approval. Project: 1030 S.F. GUEST SUITE 48-747 VISTA PALOMINO Applicant Contact: Sparks Construction (760)771-1941 Application / Circulation Date: Community Development Department Christine di Iorio, Planning Manager, Public Works Department Steve Speer, Senior Engineer Building and Safety Department Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department Manager Health Department Date Fire Department Schools Fees Paid Late Date Date Date Date AUG -03-2000 23:44 RANCHO LA QUINTA 7777750 P.01 0 Cenifl ke a true and correct c4pY of 1`n ORIGINAL le orded AUCIUST 4, 2000 RECORYDWG REQUESTED BY: is Instrumem Na. 2000-302882 4 Official Records ofp--TM SZD>: City of IA Quiuta, 'ounty. CaUfamia. Community Devdopm mt DCPaxtmeat %Y La Quinta, CA 9=3 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLS CO. R'REN RECOVI" PLEASE MAM TO: City of La Quinta Community Developau1 I}ep cio Greg Trousde)l P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 97253 COVEr4AN4' ,IND AGREEMENT nS=CwMG TFM USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT 48- 747 YiSTA',piLort o, LA QMTA, CALBORNfA This covenmA and ave=ea is made and execured on this the 2& day of July, 2000, by T. D. Desert Developuttdat. LP. for prvpexty "ascribed bcrein' - The City or 'A Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this agreement for Ste purposes set fbM below_ The undersigned hereby certifies tba he is the property owner of the fo)IwNb g described raal property in the City of La Quinta. Cotmty of Riverside, State of California: Lot 57 ofTrdd No. 29306 in the City of LA Quinta, Couaty.of Riverside In cot>Ssd�iorl of the City of La Qwnta is mg a building permit far c=ftilm impm"nents w1jeh -MU be cors w=ed an said prapaty, the rmdmsigned does hueby covenant and agree to and with said City to restrict the use of said property as follows: The guest hvute may not be rented nor sold independent of the main sin ;ie f4 Iai2y resid=e (Minw Use Permit No. 2000-227); 2. ;No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be contracted iu the gwa hones per the provisions of Chapt= 9.30.030 (RL Zow District) and 9.60.100 (Guest douses) of the La Quints 1Vltudcip31 Code; and, 3 _ All on-site facilities are intended for tln sole omuPancY Of the properly owner(s), nogaying guests, cad domestic employees. This covensrrt ad agreement $ba11 roti with the laud cad shall be binding upon fiutme ow=M their succxsssors, ls@irs. or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue iu pct while said accessory building remains on the teal property or unless otitowise rdeased by tin authority of the City of La Quiuta. All leases of said dwelling andfor propettY shall be subject to this restriction. "Phis Covm= -p A.G-Q4-2080 10: 22 %Y P. 02 rurr�rirrrrrr�rrf �rrr��rrrrrrrrr� COVEr4AN4' ,IND AGREEMENT nS=CwMG TFM USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT 48- 747 YiSTA',piLort o, LA QMTA, CALBORNfA This covenmA and ave=ea is made and execured on this the 2& day of July, 2000, by T. D. Desert Developuttdat. LP. for prvpexty "ascribed bcrein' - The City or 'A Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this agreement for Ste purposes set fbM below_ The undersigned hereby certifies tba he is the property owner of the fo)IwNb g described raal property in the City of La Quinta. Cotmty of Riverside, State of California: Lot 57 ofTrdd No. 29306 in the City of LA Quinta, Couaty.of Riverside In cot>Ssd�iorl of the City of La Qwnta is mg a building permit far c=ftilm impm"nents w1jeh -MU be cors w=ed an said prapaty, the rmdmsigned does hueby covenant and agree to and with said City to restrict the use of said property as follows: The guest hvute may not be rented nor sold independent of the main sin ;ie f4 Iai2y resid=e (Minw Use Permit No. 2000-227); 2. ;No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be contracted iu the gwa hones per the provisions of Chapt= 9.30.030 (RL Zow District) and 9.60.100 (Guest douses) of the La Quints 1Vltudcip31 Code; and, 3 _ All on-site facilities are intended for tln sole omuPancY Of the properly owner(s), nogaying guests, cad domestic employees. This covensrrt ad agreement $ba11 roti with the laud cad shall be binding upon fiutme ow=M their succxsssors, ls@irs. or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue iu pct while said accessory building remains on the teal property or unless otitowise rdeased by tin authority of the City of La Quiuta. All leases of said dwelling andfor propettY shall be subject to this restriction. "Phis Covm= -p A.G-Q4-2080 10: 22 %Y P. 02 AUG -03-2000 23:45 0RANCHO LA QUINTA 777770 50 P.02 agreemeat shall be entitled tv the remedy of inj==fivv relies in addition of any remedy iia law or eq%itY- M,is caveuant sad ageemeat and the provisiom hereof are irrevocable and'nomnodi$able except by the written consent of all patties to the aVOMML including the City of La Qpm a ration. The City AWI have the right to enforce ewh and cM prnvWon hereof sad r� ti corsshall not be nscin&4 ravobd, fled, or otherwise amended The parties armeee tbai chv agreement or changed, without the =Prmcd writtan consent of the City first being obtained. in the event that the ownas, their hens, assigns or Mops= in interest. SW W to Perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agee to pay all casts and expemcs Ina=ed, by tw City of La Quints in securing pe fomance of such obligation., including attorneys fees. Dated: Z 00 B D. Tevrlopment, L.P. Notary qJG-- ij4-zed �e : 22 By; 6 W% 14n! 514": M:Community Devekq=ent Dirctor Qdnta 38% P.03 AUG -03.2000 23:45 RANCHO LA OU I NTA ® 7777750 P.03 State of California Co=ty of Riverside On 1 a.o g -o a o - -- - before me, phyl$ M=Iey, Notary Public, pamowaY thin of which th Jerry Herm, lsem�y knowa to me to be the person whose rme is subscnbed t theme that wtrummt and actmowladged to ate that he exxuted the same in his authozszed eaP PCMacted, by his signature on the im�u�t the pasOn or tae entity upon behalf e P executed the kLstY=era- WMTESS my >,strmd cad official seal. I (seal) AUG -04-2M 10-22 9?% P.04 m CDw a a CJ m CJ r- 03 CP CD 00 N —1 co co C'4 co CJ r- 3 16 9 2 21 4 D-3 0 1 O 21 I ' 0 I I I I 1 Lu I 25 I BAHT1 ° I " 10' - 0' c 20 Ips 3 21 22 15 I 1, GUEST SUITE 2 I 1 '. CLG. I I �c�EO AR cc, 16 I \�(i K. C,9,9 Q A I I II II : r30101 `Q 22 SOF J' 26 RR V-3 ' f' 3'-3' 2'-8' 3'-;C- 2'-0' 5'-6 2'-@' 2'-0' 3'-1@' 2'-8' ��Z-o,LT ZQ 3o Co �-o T 57 LJ I 4 I 1 IU■.4t Ua 49 -� •r I Ii 0 0 f � 19 � SP vgnE moo -TAG 1 �I F -------- 25 ------~?s ; 25 BATH 1 " ; 13 I 1 i a MAIN -10 BATH 2 I I 4'-@' 2m -3 +�� I I 1 2'-8' 2'-2' PL D-9WL � Q GOLF CART ----� , I ---- GARAGE P { / / �L - I I IL f // / 6 �� " GUEST I I I , _ 1s I , N C1425- I I SUITE 1 e i i I E IT'GUEST I . * cL� LAYERS el a >m'_@• CLG_ I I �• i SUITE 2 QIE q 1 25 I I I -T 11 �I I I 11 I ---------- ��� i� i 1 ` 22 �- / I 14 12 �n ' 21 2 U..45 U=.49 ( 3 ) (DB R.O. I`-91 ii' -2 4'-0' -24 2'-5' d'-5' 4'_g' 2'-5' '-2 4'-0'-2•