MUP 2000-228City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 9n -I - 2--Z Date Recvd. Fee: 1 v Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Commun;? MOl pment Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to e* Vt uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or b finesses. xry OF LA UUM" APPLICANT -7—D. JV05,1-7(LT (Print) MAILING ADDRESS Po 9 0 X 1-11 Co Phone No. -T-7 1 — 19 CITY, STATE, ZIP: LA Q.� � � -rA _ L A `j Z Z +g 3 Fax No. —7 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: 41 8— 7 S1 � 057-4 14 t c ti 11.10 PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): /4crea5t S r :2-c c,(-- S-�*,Jar Z�or (P5( o 'o-t4f j JS -P. LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): 7"i2- Z 9 3,o (P i..o T j;'9 A 18\Minor Use Permit SUBMISSION REOUIREMENO ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/Z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT % • C) S SSA, -r E ucP AA 4 T ase Print SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE -7z/?Z00 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER --r 0. 0 F- S ;—rCy 0,-=,z f- LADf -T , t -- (Please --(Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A1Minor Use Permit ICOM!WTY DEVELOPMENT _ PUBLIC WORKS FILE COPY City. of La Quinta Developers Project Approval.Form Prior to the issuance of Building Permits for the project listed below, the following Departmental clearances must be obtained. Please return this form to the Building and Safety Department -any er rn oval. Contact applicant for resolution of conditions preventing or delaying approval. Project: 1030 S.F. GUEST SUITE 48-744 VISTA PALOMINO Applicant Contact: Sparks Construction (760)771-1941 Application / Circulation Date: Community Development Department Christine di Iorio, Planning Manager Public Works Department Steve Speer, Senior Engineer Building and Safety Department Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department Manager Health Department Date Fire Department Schools Fees Paid Date Date Date Date Date July 20, 2000 0 e ' P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. Nolan Sparks T.D. Desert Development PO Box 1716 La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMITS 2000-227 AND 2000-228 Dear Mr. Sparks: (760) 777-7000 (TDD) (760) 777-1227 Enclosed are covenants restricting use of the proposed guest houses for Lots 57 and 59 of Tract 29306. The paperwork must be signed and notarized prior to recordation with the County of Riverside. Please return a copy of the covenant once it has been recorded. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067. Sincerely, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR DUSDELL Planner GT. Enclosures c: Building and Safety Director Community Development Director MUP227- 42 No AUG -03-2000 23:45 ORANCHO LA QUINTA RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of La Quints Co=n,lxity Developmmt Departinent La Quina, CA 92253 wBEN RECORDED IMPASE MAIL T0: Ciry of La Quare Community Development DcPArtment c/o Greg Trousdeil P.O. Box 1504 La Quints, CA 92253 7777750 P.04 Certified to be a true and correct Copy of TSE ORNI AL Recaraed AUGUST 4, 2000 As Instrument W. 2000-310,2983 of Official Records of RIVERSIDE Cowty, Catiforrt+ BY a FIDE&Y NATIONAL mc.E- CO. COVL'NAN1r. AND A►GRaWNT RgSTMCTING UE USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT 48- 744 vXSTA PAI„ OMM0, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This coveaaa and ag=vnt is made and executed on this the 206 day of July, 2000, by T. D. Desert Development, L.P. for property described herein. The City of La Qutstta, a Municipal Corpotaxion, is hereby made a party to osis agreement for the purposes set forth below. Toe =j.,sigtsed hereby cettifics that he is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of Califomia: I,ot 59 of Tract No• 29306 in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside In consideZation of the City of La Quinta issuing a building pftmft for certain improvements which will be constructed on said , the undetsiped does hereby comant and agree to and with said City to restrict the use of said grogerty as follows: 1. The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the maim dn9le family residence (Knor Use Permit No. 2000-228); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the g Gwesc Houses e provisions of C,haptem 9.30.030 (RL Zone Distzict) Sad 9.60. the La Quints M=Qpal Codi and 3. All on-site facilities are immded for the sole 0cUPmCY of the prO W ownes(s), nongayiag guests, and damestie eartploYces. This oovenmt and agxeement shall r= with the land and shalt be binding upon ftmce owners, their successoia, hens, or assign, and ourselves, and small continue m efl w while said accessory building remains on thereal propatY or unless otherwise released by the any Of the City of La Quint.&. All )rases of said dwelling acid/Or property shill be subject to this restriction. ?his caveftzaa -g ALGA --:ae0 10.'M gap. P-06 AUG -03-2000 23:46 ORANCHO LA QUINTA as oft @�Mw A~MhwA-lCft0Ml9Mlr State of Cai7on la County o1 0 7777750 P.05 r�4 or >� li ZGO0 before me. — nw perSonaJiy appeared A 5 wae,vo m rno�aav hkadI IA K. RSCHMCH C*"fmwm # t ly=f CCU* o l@wCwMEwwftQz2=F Ru»-%a— g(pwwnaoy known to me p ped to a on me basis ot satisfactory evidence to be tyle D*MW(!i who9e MMA W4 subsarbed to the within instrument and admw*jged to me VW h� executed the same in h' rlWir authorized mpacity(i4 ani Mal by tri rMtr sigrrabr, fx+ the ins�trtent the pe or the entity Upon behatl of which the personN act4 executed the instrument. WITNESS my Mand w ld affio31 dtnpv QPTI(ML rk up ft inlonlat m, Dara. is" roghW by jax k my pmw 4AMble tD POM" 1*04 M the dOpWrlatll and awdd AVI Al IrauMM-C rommW and m&SdM&q of 06 Inner m w101r" dm"ent Description of Atwclrsed�M r 7419T of Docurneru: 0� [�¢7 (% f -l;"r-lop $tom I �� bocummt bate: 44 (- O Number of Pages. gig "s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(iee) Cfwmad by Signer ftneez Nem: -- ❑ Ilnhvidual Tap al �1I11b hae I3 Corporate OScer— -rdws): ❑ pwmw — O Limited O General Qno Amey in Fad ❑ Trustee = O c3uardlan or C ❑ Otl+Qr: Signer is Represw": e_.e r •ams aw■r CM Towsw WAwn"M If roil NO" Hemp mw~ • SM M SmAa re. uao� awe .r.�---- Rl1G-0» 2080 10:22 9?•. P-05 AUG -03-2000 23:46 RANCHO LA QUINTA ® 7777750 P.06 agte anent shall be entitled to the rwedy of iWUnctive relief in addition of MY remedy m 17wr or This mve .mt and 2V't aid the provisions hereof are iaevocable and naamod itbie t of all y to the amt. Including the City of La Qtnt� a except by the written totshall bavc the bio epiotce cah sad every P On hereof and m � cmposatiar� ?h. City mowed, or othwov se attended th the parties agree that the agreement shall not -be rescinded. ��� c roues . without the expressed written caasent of the City firo being obmined- or successozs ia itue� shall fail to PerfD= In the evpat that the owners, their,iQctured.by the qty of LAany obligation havWXW, theyes of swch oblt'�ion, intluding attorney's fees. Quints in securing p Dated. By T. D. Dese D aPment; L.P. $y:_ � Aj Notary By: togas -v of Li Quint& Davelopment Director 98% P.07 qLU_64-20 0 10'.22 AUG -03-2000 23:46 0RANCHO LA OUINTA 7777750 P.O? State oft;au5nnia County of Rivaside On befoze me, Phyllis Minh►, Notst y Public, Pm=aUy apP=rd Jerry Hcrim-n,�Y known t4 me to be the person whose name is subscnIed to the within 9nstcuaydmt and WIM0, vledg®d to me that he executed the samc-in bis authorized capacity, and that by his sigomm = the instrument the person or the entity upon bcMf of vvbicb the penon ac ed, executed the instrument_ WMIESS my hand and official seal. (Seal ABlts6� �ai1tlon � 11fY19111 Mrt�� AUG -04-2000 10-22 W/.. P. as AUG -03-2000 23:4? RANCHO LA QUINTA O ALM rWM.eYIn AN I _vu3112CM1E ACKKOWL INMENT St8t4 of Cakornia Cowuy of F I 7777750 P0 .08 On ttiul Y 140O galore me"W051,$0.14i owe» a.e .o. �•�• �uoe�t fly appeared! (9 NOG ! �—s MNtC A K Ca-Ida10117=1- way a117=1,tufoy-C*axr& 1 *%anise CW* webr mm.Evq*WAQZ�Z naa Mew► !w A40• $pemanaly kWVM to me Q proved to me on the bads of satisfactory evidence to be the person($} whm namem is(ajE subscribed to the w►ithtn instrument and ackwMedged to me that he0JUARU emwjtad the same in hi R"r authorized capacity( ). and Milt by h' r/th slgnatur or, the inseurnent the pe so y or the entity upon befW cf which the person(l1 acted, executed t* ir> mOrlent. WITNESS rrry hand and osTicird��ff:GU�J r a Nawr OPTIONAL rhouglr tiro nnbVmftn babes * trot impavd by law. it MypM v 60 !mss mlykv onrhe dongram N70 001% rW►1rJ1� deQ 11�r�Mr�r o/ �:/ rerrn ro �miher L Dgcrip n of Attached Mi R Title Zr of 0 ort Docufftattt Qate: _ JL q Z0 ZOVU Number of Pages: —. gign"(s) Other Tk an Flamed Above: Capmcity(ieS) Ct>3rened by Signer Woes frame: 0 Individual rov ar v pro O Partner — ❑ iUfflftd CJ General p Atte m" in Fact 0 Trust" a Guardian or CAnservator O Other: $4rw la FUDO"snang: - —4 N. ams ft"Ilrsar+h mew 1400"M x: -f P.09 TML P.09 TOTAL P.08 CJ CD w Q v z H J J W Q z a U i w a w a- 3 �� 2 16 3 0 21 4 D-3 21 22 0 ,I 10 0 0 19 i l - I 1� ------ -_ -- - r- - - - - - - - - - -- W � - cD I H, I BATH 1 13 I , 2fd ; BATH 2 4'-0' II to _ _3 - 10 -0 CLG. II I I � I _�• �I I 2'-8' 2'-21 \ I oll 24 I1 � a. -O. ':�'G LV -8 3/8' GUEST 1 I I I 15 6 SUITE 1 EOMIT II 11 _ II ► I f I Q, I I 10'-0' CLCs_ I I I 1 2' I II � it LU I I I 11 L - J L J I 11 II �I 101 I I I I \\\ rr WI I w W I IW Ii IW id I �1 I- i I �UEST SUITE 2 II I I USED AR Cy� 16 K. Cqq ��` Co' II \ 9 /30/01 � 22 T \ \ \ FOF CA1-�F�� 26 FP_ 21 3'-3'2'- . -TR-4c--r Z Q 3o ca (_ o T Sq p-3 21 33 � 22 26 IU■.49 G IU -.45 21 ' I 0---,' O _ 0 19 I, Sw•��nE iFv�TAG � I 25 25 �I I BATH 1 I �' I 13 I I' e MArrJ I�oJS .fl II � 10'-0' GLCs. C I t 3$ forj 5� 20 3 BATH 2 2'-2' � — — — \ i D-3 h 24 — JI �I © Q c 44 Z%77 10 g 0 � d S CJ �P�lrrl Z �� ----- \ I �/.------- 9 GOLF CARD P--- a•I. III �,� --- x GARAGE FP. GUEST 1 25 — I I i I I 15 1 11 1 1 `" ' I SUITE 1 a '' 1 1 VEST I I C2) LAl'ER3 I 1 1 �'_0. �� 1 1 I I y 1 I I SUITE 2 I I IN GLrs. 9 a i 1 1 I 25 I I I6 I-2 a+ II v 101 I I I I I I I I 22 _ 14 12 �n 21 IN j R 2 �. 0 U■.49 U=.49 8 2 O vJ O 0 O 18 -g' b'-2' R.O. I'=9 1'-2 4'-0' '-2 2'-5' -2- 28'-0'