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MUP 2001-265
City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: 760) 77'10�D im102001 111Y Vr LA Q1 OFFICE USE ONLY ase No. � I �- tee Recvd. Fee: (� Related Apps.: A' Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT r'` e- .i e (Print) � MAILING ADDRESS 2 13 9 � CCU (L� � Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: 40') r a L 115 Cti q1 -� J Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: ! �` F`� bic � TW , "v C' J e�' PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operat' nal information): Tc rel /1 o (cz -7 cc. G Q 0 0 - e \C 'e F o" t 1Y "C L (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): I T u ( 1 '�-4 9� s F ej �C, o I A18\Minor Use Permit SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS• ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8%2" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT m ) ,C i:s kl e, (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT cy�� 2 DATE a l NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER r e 'e 'i e— (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). M0.1vym (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A 1Minor Use Permit co TUT 4 4 4 A, P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 22, 2001 FILE COPY (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) -777-7101, Mr. Robert J. Castro Greeneway Development, Inc. 29395 Agoura Road, S-204 Agoura Hills, California 91301 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2001-265 Dear Mr. Castro: 53 _ _ auinta Cp 922 The Community Development Department hasq"- - �5 / rp� office (12' by 42') and guest parking.l,-'- � p 0 8°X 04 to Section 9.60.250 of the1v - -A95 ca"e.,,,oro, ' 18 , of �a Quinta0 City . DPSE i R� Fa°M aEGE\VED i PDDPOS . ,s used. FOFi HOW PpO _.0 parking lot shall prior to opening the model on-site advertising. C V ..ti10BC fire extinguisher inside the front exit door of the sales office. 6. The parking lot shall be removed upon the discontinuation of use for model home offices within 30 days. NO) SAN 2 5 2001 - MUP265 Greene - 46/ss Lik �� •�a�� FILE COPY P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (7 60) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 January 22, 2001 Mr. Robert J. Castro Greeneway Development, Inc. 29395 Agoura Road, S-204 Agoura Hills, California 91301 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2001-265 Dear Mr. Castro: The Community Development Department has approved your request to establish a temporary sales office (12' by 42') and guest parking lot on Lots 12 and 17 of Tract 29121 (Winged Foot) pursuant to Section 9.60.250 of the Municipal Code, subject to the following conditions: Prior to issuance of a building permit, a $1,000.00 security deposit shall be posted insuring that the temporary improvements are removed from the site once this permit expires. 2. Mounted on the exterior of the sales office front door shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum 1" high letters). The proposed gravel parking lot shall be installed before the sales complex is used. Temporary landscape and irrigation improvements for the sales trailer and parking lot shall be submitted to this Department within 15 days and installed prior to opening the model home sales office. 4. A sign permit is required for any on-site advertising. 5. Install one 2AIOBC fire extinguisher inside the front exit door of the sales office. 6. The parking lot shall be removed upon the discontinuation of use for model home offices within 30 days. MUP265 Greene - 46/SS Me • 7. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. The temporary sales office shall be removed on June 22, 2001, unless an extensionis granted by the Community Development Director. Plans for the sales trailer to be relocated to Lot 16 shall be submitted to the Community Development Department within 30 days. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, JERRY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ELL Enclosures c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Code Compliance Department Fire Department Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary Diane Aaker, Senior Secretary (B & S) MUP265 Greene - 46/SS 0 - � 0 i GREENEWAY o development, inc. 1/18/01 To: City of La Quinta Community Development Department Att: Greg Trousdell 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 760-777-7125 Phone 760-777-1233 FAX From : Greenway Development — Robert J. Castro Re: Temporay Sales Trailer on Winged Foot Lot#12 Dear Mr. Trousdell Enclosed is a plan that contains a site location, landscape layout (inc. irrigation) and the area for parking. We are submitting a request to place a temporary Sales Trailer on our Lot#12 for approximately 5 months, while our V model is under construction. The permanent sales office is to be located in the garage of our first model on Lot#16. We anticipate construction of the model to be completed within 150 days. Our Lot #17 is the designated parking area for the project. We plan to have our potential buyers park in front of the Sales Trailer, with additional temporary parking to be provided on a small temporary parking lot, to be located across the street on our landscape. We are requesting that your department allow us to situate the sales trailer approximately 8-10 feet from the back of curb. We plan to dig out a space to lower the front entrance door sill to ground level and pour a walkway from the back of curb to the front door. This configuration will help facilitate our handicap requirements and situate the trailer outside of the compacted area of our unit planned for Lot #12. Winged Foot is a private street behind the gates in a secluded area of PGA West. We will remove the Sales Trailer immediately upon the completion of our model on Lot #16. Your consideration in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Robert J.�Castro 29395 Agoura Road • Suite 204 • Agoura Hills, Ca 91301 Tel (818) 879-4800 • Fax (818) 879-4808 • geenewaydev@aol.com ,Y(;t .53486 /N ASPH. DN. 0.10' "` "W 1 MAP N0. 25500-2 3 PER TRACT MAP N0. 25500-2 MB 217/19-24 MB 217/19-24 Jyl,�l 7 rf71 r T JVO, 2Y,643 �; DOK 103313r7-50 )16.5011 ..NO2'30 2O'W-75.45E NO225' 17"W -115.88'— C2? — — — — i r�3 - N.A.P. NO2'3020'W 75.48' - NO2'25'17"W 115.87' °.,° C23 D-4 $6/ -AC�pF WfN R=763.00' D=29'35'22" L= 394.04' NO2'30'20"W 75.46- NO2'2517"W 115.86' C GEO 51.30' i _37.21' r C2 { 17 C;0 OTA R=781.50' 0=29'35'22 L = 403.59' C24 3 r _ C12 R=800.00' D=29'35'22' L= 413.14' -5, 5 Q SEE DETAIL "8' 110 h - r _ C7 C15 C3 r BELOW o :� 16 ZL 17 16 15 ;�31 15 r 2/ co ` �� o �� NI © o� 1.90 S 14 13 A00 -4N 0.17 AC. I7590.51 S.F..r 7591.00 S.F. w" 7599.11 S.F. �"0.17 AC. 7781.5 7 S.F.0.17AC. 12 94 0.17 AC + 0.18AC. 2 I o N00 11 �. f v 7731.69 S.F. W 1 1 10 9 gi 2 Z2 2 ( I 2 Z 2 � ry / 0.18 AC. 7657.82 S.F. 7612.50 S.F. L, 7594.23 S.F. 7602.q I 10' / �I 0.18 AC. 0.17 AC. 0.17 AC. i.� 0.17 r 51.33' 3.96' 2734 1 51.30'3,7.24'4 r S02'23 51 E 115.88' CS &NO2'36'08'W 75.29' (50225' 17"E 115.80 j Cg � _ I 1 J ARD (NO2'3026'W 75.35) SEE 1 C 142 � ►. � � 46 ^� BELOW C 13 C4 FD. 1 1/2' lP WITH CAP N R=948.00' D=2975'45" L = 489.68' LS 4693 FLUSH �� (R=948.00' r� D=29'35'25" L= 489.59' NO RECORD ACCEPTED AS ANGLE POINT IN TRACT BOUNDARY _ (�) L J 7' 3,6 s Jl�l.£, ZO:r/37- 0 T AS NOTED HEREON 18" LONG, W/PL.gSTIC CAP TRACrBASI MAP N0. 25500-2 SOF BEARINGS ? TRACT MAP N0.25500-4 S SHOWNBON TRAWINGSCTAMAP N0. 2fROM55THE 00 2 CENTERLINE OF WINGED FOOT ASIS OFPAGES 19 & 24 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF RNLE IN OOK 217 BONG M02'25.1 rW ERSIDf CO f 55.90' A• 14.47.4 r' ,11 ri 97 00 �+s vls t 5.86' '41 ari pav a �, 1ploe 46 717 R � ' CrO487.27 --- 4Z67r$ �i t t .. 1 .-t L6i��- �f• •sKS 14 SLY_ • 5' PLAN J 1 � s.o• sird770 _.._ !t PLAN IR OC -487.1 sa � � ' • s.s• •, � r I^ JOEM IR or -4m 7 Aftr 53, d t +• s $ :1 4 14.46'2(1-- - i-12.89' 31! SZ.oq• a- Js •4S - Ped ll►.t5+c►} Oti �Nn do •l�rrdy L$lv a1�1'I d t%f SSD J a b� ► S i �S �^ �,� o ti ;1 0 0 --pIV)S ,OL R-90 Box: 12x42 DOH Type: B2 Exterior: T1-11 Doors: (1) DBL SGL LTTE WOOD O o 0 0 0 0 AND (1) 36x84 RLC -1 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 Windows: (2) DBL SGL LTTE WOOD Interior. DRYWALL, PANTED o 0 0 0 0 0 Floor. CARPET OVER PAD Ceiling DRYWALL, PAINTED Lights: CAN LIGHTS n Partitiow: AS SHOWN \\/PAD ONLY Plumbing: LAV IN BASE CABINET HVAC: DUCTED RETURN AIR 1 PARTMON HAS (4 Y I Special Featarex: SOFFIT RUNNING FULL LENGTH OF UNIT, () ) WDWS SN: F12-3122 UNIT NO: 9288 NAME: SIZE: 12x45 n r a� J p D K 70 n �V n � X V ] /° r 9 3 0 fl �9 V w W fY F -- In U 35-383 0 94 n1A - 7 �2 UNITS M _ 'i\ 1- �0 236 N53-.113 189.1 -IRR Sq _4 '!� -40 -4 't.� ql 2y , 1IRR q5 1 31 - m 9A --� 237 41 2b + 4 25 45 LA N 33133 y b Q) 'ti 33_.35 2A -++ 2 _44 22 -4 2\ -4 4 7 20 qJ 3 4 gl 1 -4 \q g6 44 16 77 tT 23 8 N 33 X93 N 95 4 c Flu P O Ii W QIP IRR N 4 7 \A \� 1 9 7 R `1 P 261 POOL1' \ \O 14 94 4 1 91) 44 3 _ / 139.1 ti 4 w TRACT a 3 ^� ti 2 - _ A\ N o O - / '` 3J �9 J 74 3. 2 00/ � !< 2876 �9 'R v _ 4 2 >7 J 7 PN Rq o J IRR l38 ° o POOL 6,9 (164+2) 6> 7 - 1 ° 01 1 o 24'D I.P. C TRACT I 323 53-610 1 152i 33_179 3 33_189 ^ 29121— 9121-3-199 0 ,62 ,_1 99 V _ b 13 066 IF 56-011 243 n 1RR TRACT J 1oL —29122 2.7 P 33-233 U 0 cD 2_8 33-243 n a O 249 N SS - 2500 N 33-273 y ci W / 2 N SS -203 A\ 2 X N J/ N 252 W 6 A2 - N 35293 L _ F -R 20 AO 3q UNITS M QQ ' Z 7 W jam_ -IRR �l TRACT ,Ol 4 -3 .. = 55=323 .. a 196 -POOL U 25500-2 —� 5 k04 1 3= C zs4 h j 35-35" a �b \03 c w W fY F -- In 24'CML/CMC-1983 (9330) 42'STL.CASING _ 24'DIP . (2.390) U 35-383 0 94 n1A - 7 �2 UNITS M _ 'i\ \00 q8 4 7 -� �0 236 N53-.113 189.1 -IRR Sq _4 '!� -40 -4 't.� ql 2y , 1IRR q5 1 31 - m 9A 237 41 2b + 4 25 93 5 -49 92 -4 9\ N 33133 y b Q) 'ti 33_.35 2A -++ 2 _44 22 -4 2\ -4 4 7 20 qJ 3 4 gl 1 -4 \q g6 44 16 77 tT 23 8 N 33 X93 \3 -4 0 95 4 -4 \b -4O 4 \h POOL Ii W QIP IRR N 4 7 \A \� 1 9 7 R o PI 01 P 261 POOL1' \ \O 14 94 4 1 91) 44 3 _ / 139.1 19 4 3 1 (O IRR +4 b Q 63 IRR h L. 1 ► 11 19 14 Z 16 4 74 3. 13 9 7 ICHL/CMC r _ 4 2 >7 12 7 PN Rq /0 4 3 - 3 WELL 69 - 9 6724 /i 0�hg9 7h� IRR l38 ° o POOL 6,9 (164+2) 6> 7 - 1 ° 18'D, I.P.-90 HILLS o 24'D I.P. C 613 323 53-610 063 N 36-007 !30 5 0 _ 324 ,s=cza 13 066 IF 56-011 _, 24'CML/CMC-1983 (9330) 42'STL.CASING _ 24'DIP . (2.390) FROM : GREENE>STREET)CONSTRUPON PHONE N0. : 8188794809 GREENEWAY dcvclopmcnt,inc June 20, 2001 Mr. Greg Trousdale City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: MUP 2001-265 Dear Mr. Trousdale: • Jun. 29 2001 04:36PM P2 Ft <e-- (fc5t� In response to your fax memo dated 6-18-01 concerning the above referenced permit, this letter shall serve as a formal request to extend our temporary sales trailer permit for 90 days from the 6-22-01 expiration date. Our models are still under construction and we need the additional time to complete them and move our sales staff into the home. Please advise if additional information is necessary in order to accomplish this extension_ Thank you for your efforts in this matter. Si LSG/hs �* 0 qac Q_e bY: Q�� 5-210rov E3 Planning Commission _------ O City C GO &r^m ev. D pt. Initials Case o. Exhibit 29395 Agoura Road, Suite #204 - Agoura Mills, CA 91301 greenewaydev @aol.com • License # 6782550 Tel (818) 879-4800 . Fax (818) 879-4808 L 1 (o AkJ�C� d ! 4e5+ roam I �tI I Z1, 4zTf V Q� co�.rvck v�lk�=-t I � g8�rl.����•J� 11 - �^r ToS4,-cc? G° — — G9 c y Qe4.�eP ' c;M O G0R` 1 XAO G0� • s -T, fj To .P >10,00 IECMVE ,IAN 2001 CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT