MUP 2001-294City of. La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case NoIAP dKV I — 2'� Date ecvd. Fee: Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT NRI / L Q L P (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 81 --loo Avenue 53 Phone No. 760-391-5200 CITY, STATE, ZIP: La Quinta, CA 92253 Fax No. 76o—�q1 -,;2> > PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION: 52nd and M PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONS !AY - 2 2111PI Phone No. Fax No. on): FINANCE DEPT I (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): 7 6 0- Z o o— o In 2 t- h r„ n o s 760-200-007 thru - • � •- a •- - •• - - - - - _West corner of APN No. 767-200-001 west to Canal Road A 18\Nlinor Use Permit Canal Road to Avenue 54 c�rR>\rTSeTnAT RFO TEMENTS: ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/s" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT T7771 DATE SIGNATURE OF APPLICA T NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER L L P (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) DATE IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATIONGIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. D A � M AY - 2 2001 CITY OF LA OUINTA FINANCE DEPT A 1Minor Use Permit P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 May 7, 2001 Mr. Grant Hornbeak NRI/LQLP 81-100 Avenue 53 La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2001-294 Dear Mr. Hornbeak: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The Community Development Department hereby approves your application request for a temporary fence approximately 7,000 feet long and six feet high along Avenue 52 from the All American Canal to just east of Madison Street and along Jefferson Street from Avenue 54 to the All American Canal, subject to the following conditions: 1. The permit is valid for one year, expiring on May 7, 2002. A time extension can be granted for an additional year pursuant to Section 9.200.080 of the LQMC. 2. Chain link fencing will be installed having a maximum height of six feet. Barbed wire, razor wire or similar materials in or on the fence is prohibited per Section 9.100.030 of the- LQMC. -The fence cannot be installed in the street right-of- way. 3. The applicant will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in case of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta will have the right to select its defense counsel ( at its sole discretion. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. G:\WPD0CS\ItrcdiMUP294CC.wpd 11 MAN This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission. The appeal form can be obtained from this Department.- The appeal form must be completed and filled with the required processing fee within 15 calendar days from the date of this letter. Please contact our office should you desire assistance with your request. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELO MENT DIRECTOR CHRISTINE DI IORI Planning Manager Enclosures c: Code Compliance Department G:\WPD0CS\ItrcdiMUP294CC.wpd • Memorandum To: Nancy Aaronson CC: Grant Hornbeak Johnny Pott Dan Williams From: John Gasper Date: 4/30/01 Re: Vandalism For your knowledge we had our first vandalism on Sunday April 29, 2001. I think it is imperative that we "Install security gates immediately followed by a perimeter security fence". Please advise if you require any additional information. Thank You, John Gasper ?o 44C -,-)O 1 MW 3 - 12uj 3 6- -- •\ 374 323\N 288 287 259 258 - U NT R Y C L U B j 325 ' 289 � -- - 227 J 326 322 1 290 : 286 _ 260 25' 2zt 226 — VT H E 32, 291 229 321 2iS 261 236 225 j 7 DESERT 326 320 292 2s4 I I 2 ) 262 2s3 zz4 � r7 329 319 293 xs3 ( r) 230 223 J u u n d e d 2 0 0 0 r� 330 316 294 262 ' I 231 LA Q U I N T A, CA % 11 281 264 233 222 _ 331 3I7 1 �.) "5232 PHASE 1 t 16316 296 280 263 1 � zs2 221 .� � 332 233 31! 279 333 29,t 266 zit 4220 I t 334 314 298 27i 267 230 l 234 219 Hole Champ. Toum Member Foram' Par D. L. V 313 27 1 235 • 1 408 361 333 288 4 R 335 299 276 26e 249 �2U 1 450 401 330 310 4 R 312 3 375 357 334 240 4 L 336 300 '36 1 311 - ----_ 27 5 490 443 397 345 4 R 269 217 4 567 530 470 424 5 LIR 337 310 309 306 301 274 273. 272 2711 270 216 - 237 6 200 174 130 110 3 W T-- 307 306 216 7 584 527 474 403 5 R2 342 34"340 339 338 305 302 247 238 6 197 164 133 104 3 NW 304 303 2116 215 9 453 437 390 340 4 R Out 3744 3394 2991 2564 36 5R/2L � 159 160 163 166 167 168 169 170 214 171 244 243\ 210 161 162 ib3 1611 172 I85� 196 242 241 10 424 360 348 307 4 L \ - 173 174 184 _ 187 8 11 447 410 376 330 4 R - --- - - 175188 'ziz11 177 144 1 211 13 50 484 436 39 5 UR n6 l n7 xs 189 14 460 407 350 317 4 R 17s 112 k - 201 zo2 zo3 zoo 210,15 374 314 287 230 4 R P. 190 199 200 205 206 2099 16 414 378 354 307 4 L _ --- 179181 191 198 207 17 156 167 127 80 3 W lxo 197 208 18 561 506 461 402 5 R 1 \ 1� 1193 194 193 n 3587 3223 2883 2484 36 4R/3L l lIu -- -. Total 7331 6617 5874 5048 72 9R15L P1112 to � � � SCORECARD CLARK COURSE j 17 Hole Champ. Toum. Member Foram' Par D.L. 7 2 1 524 497 465 432 5 UR 1 187 163 140 111 3 N 6 3 457 417 377 334 4 L • 5 4 367 335 313 260 4 L 4 5 40,3 377 370 17 — 3 33 34 35 _ 6 340 313 297 272 4 L - �� 2 1 32 36 - 7 157 137 128 110 3 SW 31 a 585 527 482 452 5 LIR 30 8 9 423 398 366 318 4 R 27 6 40 39 Out 3443 3164 2940 2640 36 3U4R 41 \ 151 2526 4302 f0 567 537 483 450 5 UR / 2324 ;+_ 114 11 393 368 330 277 4 L cl,veaouxa 22 ,;<_ 46°3 f2 217 183 153 123 3 NEE ILI/ 133 1$ - ,17.18 Is 2e 21 - 47 3 13 357 333 297 244 4 R 2 152 , �'- 48 14 445 415 340 288 4 L - -- - ■ la 15 15 187 163 137 120 3 S j 151 130 149/146 X147 T—_ 49 so 16 643 613 560 530 5 L/R 116 las 111 113 S1 17 480 403 380 330 4 L 142 ; 141 140 - 124 's9 38:37 56 53 3.153 Sz 18 452 422 385 360 4 L 139 & 61 __ — _ 122 125 126 127 (� 6z 128 ,63 In 3741 3437 3065 2722 36 4U3R Q -� 129 ' 130 131 � 132 � 133 134 121 133 136 \ 136 Total 7184 6601 6005 5362 72 7U7R i 137 �` d 4 04 126 — PALACIOS na 7 6 HACIENDAS 71 t � 117 � � - -. � � � •� n\ Vs743 CASAS �wrxoa.., q • 76`. 7s7 C A S I T A S ! eewcnae rr v • s 79 611e3 x2 e1 1� �1 /��,, {{��N 1&11 It II II 11111 1 1071 1 10110311011 999897%93%939291 %x9 H�x7 %x3 a��,� BO Q— 02a� �{1'V\ VILLAS d 1APRIL 2001 N0T T 0 S C A L E