MUP 2002-34202 10:46 City of LaAuinta Comm.Dev.Dept ID= 760 777 1233 P.01 R City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No_ oea .L - 3 y L Date Recvd_ (,/- 0 -�-`- Fee_ / c, Related App&: Logged in by APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved -by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT P& rj l U n � �l�Ylu/j. �� � %% eO (Print) MAILING ADDRESS - 0 - - oZ % / Phone No. %(z2 D —o100D CITY, STATE, ZIP: jo 1,2 L-,� S� C tq— �72 Z6 / Fax No. %6 0 — ?,99 TD.1'3__ Q w (-^ � ;2 ":�)sof'� f� PROPERTY OWNER (If different): K,S (Print) MAII.ING ADDRESS: yf� f ;Sell v oCt)e` Phone No. -76 4 - T zo CITY, STATE, ZIP: f `/l C i� cr 7 z .SSS Fax No. 76 0 -s-& �fS73s— ff // so -aoo v,s��;,� PROJECT LOCATION: (y S C lLA- aS'L7a C ( L a Qu i C'� 2 ZJ2- PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): r; f ZS, 0 0VI-- n� �h��n�y , mrri V0_+e lJa(+q -I%r 3�04, C'o,�nva/1y q-WV� 0 (attach sheet_c if nccde d) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): 1r'n1;''21602 A 18\Ivrinor Use Permit f'( Et CITYOFLAQUIMTA EMl�t^meq -22-82 18:46 City of LaAuinta Comm.Dev.Dept ID= 760 777 1233 P.82 r SUBMI2SION REOZIIBE ENT4- p Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8%:" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8W' x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each_ This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form NAME OF APPLICANT (CJy- SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT NAME OF PROPERTY OWNE / DATE_/l� /0 �— %' ConK°r'1t /e x A/I (Please Print)T � J� wa 1�r1� � l� ko-LA- sE SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity)_ DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SILAU BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Minor Use Permit 0 a P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Shining Brighter ThanE✓�� LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 April 17, 2002 Ms. Marilyn Balchan Entertainment Plus P.O. Box 2117 Palm Desert, California 92261 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2002-342 Dear Ms. Balchan: (7 60) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The Community Development Department approves your request to hold a private party for up to 300 hotel guests at 50-200 Vista Bonita (Dunes Clubhouse) on April 28, 2002, between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m., subject to the following conditions: Existing fire lanes shall not be blocked during the special event. 2. Temporary trash receptacles shall be provided so that trash/debris can be deposited accordingly. The site shall be left clean of any litter at the close of the event. 3. Temporary lighting shall not be directed toward surrounding residential properties. 4. Portable generators shall be shielded to prevent accidental contact with guests. Extension cords shall be secured to the ground to prevent tripping. 5. Noise created by musical entertainment shall not be physically annoying to adjacent residential property owners. The applicant shall comply with noise control standards established in Sections 9.100.210 (Noise Control) of the Zoning Code. 6. Before any aerial equipment is raised, please check for overhead wires. Please note that California Title 8, Electrical Safety Orders, specifies the closest distance that unqualified electrical workers can get to electrically energized conductors. Unqualified electrical workers can get no closer than six (6) feet to Imperial Irrigation District distribution lines and no closer than ten (10) feet to transmission lines. People operating boom type lifting or hoisting equipment can get no closer than ten (10) feet to distribution lines and seventeen (17) feet to transmission lines. GAUP 342 0 0 7. If ground excavation is required,please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-227-2600. The service is free of charge provided USA is given at least two days' notice. 8. By holding the outdoor event, the applicant and/or property owner agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. Sincerely, J MAN C TY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR G)fjRUDELL cia a lapiner Enclosures GT. c: KSL Recreation Community Development Director Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Community Services Director Code Compliance Department Fire Department Sheriffs Department APP, -16-2002 TUE 09:19 AM0KSL SALES DEPT. FAX N0, • Y,0,auii,® (sFSOR7' & CIUll Monday, April 16, 2002 Grcp Troustiell Associate Pl}imer City of I.a Q11ilita P-0. Box 1504 [_a Q11i111a, CA 02253 1)v31- (iri t; Trousdell, P. 02%02 Thk 101tcr is to request a Minor Use Permit for the use of the Dunes Cart Pact at the La Q11inta kesarl and Club fora Dinner on Sunday April 28, 2002 at 6:30PM. I`104 -c feel fire to contact me vt ith any questions or concerns at 760-564-7685, (.'Ilief Financial Officer ih!y1 u 04-16-@2 68:33 �'1 4`101 isr„hox•:r I)iivc. 1'0:,J O(Iir• i � : ,, t G`i, 1.1 CninL,. CalYorni., 92253 wx•w.I:�,iuini:vtan,Y.<vun Tt 760,564.4111 1•:ac 760 -Fm ,71,66 RECEIVED FROM: F-@2 9.100.200 Enclosure walls shall be at least six feet high and shall be made of strong, durable materials consistent with the colors and finishes of nearby buildings. Doors shall be self -latching, metal or metal -framed, and of heavy duty construction sufficient to withstand hard usage. Interior concrete or metal curbs shall be included to prevent damage to the enclosures walls from collisions with large, heavy containers. Decorative overhead structures such as trellises shall be integrated into the design if the enclosure is visible from higher terrain. 3. Trash Areas. All outdoor trash and waste bins shall be enclosed by a solid wall not less than six feet in height in accordance with this section. Gates shall not open toward a public street. Decorative overhead structures such as metal trellises shall be integrated into the enclosure design or tall landscaping planted on the affected side if it is visible from higher terrain or buildings. E. Weather Protection. Each enclosure or individual container shall be designed and maintained so that deposited materials are contained during windy periods. Enclosures or containers designated for recyclable materials which could be damaged or be rendered unmarketable by rain or other environmental conditions shall provide adequate protection against such conditions. F. Maintenance. Each enclosure shall be maintained to preserve its appearance and function and to minimize litter, odor and other nuisances. Trash and recyclables shall be collected regularly. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A, B) (part) 1996) 9.100.210 Noise control. A. Purpose. The noise control standards for nonresidential land use districts set forth in this section are established to prevent -excessive sound levels which are detrimental to the public health, welfare and safety or which are contr-Ary to the public interest. B. Noise Standards. Exterior noise standards are set forth below. Residential property, schools, hospitals, and churches are considered noise sensitive land uses, regardless of the land use district in which they are located. All other uses shall comply with the "other nonresidential' standard. All noise measurements shall be taken using standard noise measuring instruments. Measurements shall be taken within the receiving property _ at locations determined by director to be most appropriate to the individual situation. Exterior Noise Standards Receiving Land Use Noise Standard Time Period Noise sensitive 60 dB(A) 7:00 am. -10:00 P.M. 50 dB(A) 10:00 p.m. 7:00 am. Other nonresidential 75 dB(A) 7:00 am. -10:00 p.m. 65 dB(A) 10:00 p.m. 7:00 am. If the noise consists entirely of impact noise, simple tone noise, speech or music, or any combination thereof, each of the noise levels specified in the table in this section shall be reduced by five dB(A). C. Noise Limits. It is unlawful for any person at any location within the city to create any noise, or to allow the creation of any noise on property owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by such person, when such noise causes the noise level, when measured on any adjacent property, to exceed: 1. The noise standard for a cumulative period of more than thirty minutes in any hour, 2. The noise standard plus five dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than fifteen minutes in any hour; 3. The noise standard plus ten dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than five minutes in any hour; 4. The noise standard plus fifteen dB(A) for a cumulative period of more than one minute in any hour, or 5. The noise standard plus twenty dB(A) for any period of time. 6. For purposes of this section, the term "cumulative period" means the number of minutes that a noise occurs within any hour, whether such minutes are consecutive or not. D. Ambient Noise Level. If the ambient or background noise level exceeds any of the preceding noise categories, no increase above such ambient noise level shall be permitted. E. Exemptions. The following are exempt from the noise .restrictions of this section: 1. Emergency vehicles or other emergency operations. 2. City maintenance, construction or similar activities. 299 (r.• Quil- 9-%) 9.100.230 5. Manufacturing. 6. Medical facilities. 7. Metal plating. S. Mining and extraction. 9. Nurseries. 10. Oil and gas exploration and extraction. 11. Paint and finishing product sales. 12. Photo processing. 13. Recreation facilities such as golf courses, yacht clubs and amusement parks. 14. Recycling or resource recovery with potential for contact with hazardous materials. 15. Research, laboratory and testing facilities. 16. Service stations. 17. Transportation service facilities. 18. Utilities. 19. Waste disposal and treatment operations. 20. Wrecking and salvage facilities. 21. Other generation of hazardous waste, including materials to be disposed of by sanitary sewer. D. Off-site Hazardous Waste Facilities. 1. Definition. For the purposes of this section, the term "off-site hazardous waste facility" means any structures, other appurtenances, or improvements on land and all contiguous land serving more than one producer of hazardous waste, used for the treatment, transfer, storage, resource recovery, disposal or recycling of hazardous waste, including but not limited to: a. Incineration facilities (i.e., rotary kiln, fluid bed, etc.); b. Residual repository (i.e., receiving only residuals from hazardous waste treatment facilities); c. Stabilization/solidification facilities; d. Chemical oxidation facilities; e. Neutralizationtprecipitation facilities; or f. Transfer/storage facilities. 2. Where Permitted. Off-site hazardous waste facilities may be established in the CP district if a conditional use permit is approved in accordance with Section 9.210.020. Such facilities shall be subject to the requirements of subsection B of this section. In addition, all such facilities shall comply with the siting standards and approval procedures established by the Riverside County hazardous waste management plan and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 25135 et seq. of the State Health and Safety Code. E. Authority to Suspend Operations. Approval of any hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal or transfer facility as a use consistent with the purpose and intent of any zoning district shall be subject to the requirement that continuing authority be vested in the fire department or health care agency to suspend operations for public safety reasons. (Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 9.100.240 Service station standards. A. Use Permit Required. Gas and service stations may be permitted in the CR, CP and CC districts subject to approval of a conditional use permit and the use and design standards of this section. All uses to be placed on the service station site (e.g., mini -market, sale of alcoholic beverages, etc.) must be specifically included in the conditional use permit approval. B. Signs. Service station signage shall be in accordance with Chapter 9.160 (Signs). C. Hazardous Materials. All service stations shall comply with the requirements of Section 9.100.230 pertaining to hazardous materials, underground storage tanks, product lines, dispensing equipment, etc. D. Standards for Service Stations Without Repair Facilities. 1. Permitted Uses. Permitted uses include: sale of petroleum products, including fuel and oil, related automotive accessories, and similar retail uses; and automobile services such as washing and detailing. The following uses are specifically prohibited: sale of tires and batteries and similar products for which necessary facilities for installation and disposal of used materials are not present; automobile or equipment repair, storage or renting. All retail uses except petroleum dispensing shall occur within a building and all service uses shall occur in a specific location designated in the approved conditional use permit. 2. Storage and Display. All merchandise shall be stored and/or displayed within the service station building. 301 as QWM 3-") V1Ti1TiiJZ\<iZL XiJ a51 OURIST T ,. COMMERCIAL r1 • '�.. iM, I i i aaa r I• •� _ . �"'� {111!1 / i I e•• '� I r• — ^'.. ,�I IE CP/iii, y Tn• 07 _ x• rr_so�r,"UINTA RESORT N.A.P li ,� „ Y� ;.; ; :� ;• c WRX" 61; NIPV .i �. t•„��' .�•-' t>•, - ��ss '•� 1 y`�4'9 `% '�° , . rhe 7 k ,.t;�. 18 : �.. � .. � •, ��� 3 �, r �r"�Jr l ••i fir. try�c.. l•,��'•'•.•. -i• �9•' -•_ i�'. � - >1 \�• C ' �� 1''; •':�� 'i'rC�lh 1 r � fury 1 �- - r •i?• :r . 1 «•� - '__ \L \ �• ii..��tJ li, ��e _.: l:f (� ! `� t' i _ �' 'L..1 •� f: ISS, .' !1~�w 9!11 RESO• •.`7 S E .• s tet_ .l: �.r •.. • ✓ . r,�•;.� ✓ . '.•`•,� �� .. -:�; Ott .. .. i� ir• ' `moi. R •l''. r.11!'lrf.'•... �r�+•`�.. y�Ci ` .' - • l�•. - Spe4 IV. yt 17 La Qu +: \ . I ,1C L-. : = , {:•r_• 7' !SU oY'}1.5.'% > .:.:::.: .:r. 49-999 r u ti ,. �� •i �^ p L' .: �' 16 S�?C'%t �s.~i. •.. ,. $: EisCnl do F Ks1. 56-1.10 PGA 2.11 :... C (ul kou•S-e— r • TVW •'t .PC ' � dL � .� p • D�$n� t tn7tt Low O .E �� ScL• Val { law ass . NST s