MUP 2002-3490 • City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 APPLICATION FOR 180-0 MAII-Mer"A Case No. MO 07- - Date Recvd. Fee: 415" Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. A � APPLICANT (Print) MAILING ADDRESS - tOn raij-P (�S1'}, J 0 2 Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: LL t- QU_jj-\�j] I 9 3 Fax No. -7 TK &D \ Ili+. (4,11 CeLL-: ►,- PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION: 1w- iCL�S PROPOSED USE AND/OR I _. Phone No. Fax No. information): 1 (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): t•,0� `T�� 3 A 18\Minor Use Permit CITY OF LA QUiNTA FINANCEDEPT. - l SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS• ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8%Z" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT llA l h �Aqh NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER C, (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY O �S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: _ DATE—LP 10Z (Signature provides consent for - plicant t use site)vpropose ctivity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. e i CITY OF LAQUINTA FINANCE DEPT A I Minor Use Permit RECEIPT City of La Duinte, 78-495 Calle Tampico, P. O. Box 1504, La Quinta CA 92253 r�wTC _ �,- 3 200a-- 621t 66 RECEIVED ADDRESS FOR Is Shining Brighter Than June 5, 2002 F,__ C11101DY P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 Ms. April Acker 78-060 Calle Estado, #7 La Quinta, Ca 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2002-349 (TEMPORARY TRAILER) Dear Ms. Acker: The Community Development Department has approved your request to establish a temporary trailer on Lot 41 of Tract 28983 for a four month period, subject to the enclosed plan and the following conditions: 1 . Obtain a building permit including an electrical permit for temporary power. 2. Provide restroom facilities to accommodate personnel. 3. Mounted on the exterior of the trailer close to the front door shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum 1 " high letters). 4. Install one 2A10BC fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the front exit door. 5. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. 6. Removal of the trailer is required shall be done by October 7, 2002, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Community Development Director may extend the permit for a set time period if needed. No fee is charged to extend this permit. 7. Dust control measures shall be employed if parking is allowed adjacent to the trailer. Such control measures shall include a gravel parking lot since the use is temporary. In addition, temporary landscaping shall be installed as shown on the planting plan. P\Martin\MUP 02-349Acker\MUP 02-349.wpd IP ILI i 0 8. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 with this office within 15 days of approval of this. permit. Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777-7068. Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR MARTIN MAGANA Associate Planner c: John Hardcastle, Code Compliance Tom Hartung, Building & Safety John Freeland, Public Works Fire Department Sheriff's Department P\Martin\MUP 02-349Acker\MUP 02-349.wpd a TF1 d4- u�, �M� i {I r 14• - � r d Planning Commission y Council -0 Comm iY Dev. VOP. Initials _ / U Case III iIku r ExhPLANT TREES AGGENTS 9Y 5YM. NAME GOMMENT5 SYN. NAME GOMMENT5 PD Phoenix dactylifera Height Per Plan BTF= Bougainvillea "Temple Eire" 5901, �PNDSCgp Date Palm Bougainvillea v N0Rr �� �• r�V PGH Prosop i5 chliensls DW Dasyllrion wheeler! "5901. Expires Januar) 2603 Thornless MescLulte Desert spoon (Grey) z� � U SM 56hinue molle � signature California Pepper Cate SHRUB5 61ROUND GOVERS qlF OF CAS 5YM. NAME GOMMENT5 BMJ Buxus microphylla Japonlca Japanese Boxwood GN Cassia nemophila Green Gassla LJT Ligu5trum .japonicum 'Texanum' Wax Leaf Privet LMY Lantana montevidensis 'bold Mound' Lantana PGB Prunus carollniano 'Bright and Tight' Carolina Cherry PTV Pittosporum tobira 'Varlegata' Variegated Mock Orange RIB Rhaphiolepis Indica 'Ballerina' India Hawthorn NOTE: Ail trees that are brought in from Arizona are to be Inspected by Agricultural Dept. prior to planting. Contractor is to call for inspection. SYM. NAME GOMMENTS L Gynodon doctylon 'Tifgreen 32b' Sod Hybrid Bermuda Grass Annual Golor 10" O.G. To be selected by Land. Arch. 4 r Salt River Rock 7" deep fill under add. shrubs (1/3) !/2" to 1", (2/3) 1" to 5" NOTE: ALL AREAS WITH SALT RIVER SHALL BE TREATED WITH A PRE -EMERGENT HERBIGIDE PRIOR TO AND AF=TER INSTALLATION OF THESE AREAS, INSTALL ROGK OVER VeWITT PRO 5 WEED BARRIER' OR APPROVED EQUAL. DENOTED TREES REQUIRE "DEEPROOT" OR APPROVED ROOT BARRIER 5HRUE3 5YNIB0L5 ( ) I gallon shrub (L � J 5 gallon ahrub X 15 gallon Shrub 5= LOW BRANGHIN6 5TD = 5TANDA RD PALM TREE PLANTING NOTES PLANTING NOTES 1. Palms shall be planted using established planting procedures. Refer to palm tree planting detail. 2. Palm tree root balls shall be trimmed or cut to ensure re vert from transplanting shock .3. Palm trees must be in a healthy condition at time of delivery. i�alm trees determined unhealthy or damaged at time of delivery or installation shall be rejected by contractor and replaced by subcontractor at his expense. 4. All palms shall be cleaned of excessive dead and ragged fronds or frond stubble. Cut fronds should be cut to a maximum leng� of 6'. 5. Called out heights of palms shall be THE HEIGHT FROM TOP 01= ROOT 5ALL TO E30TTOM OF LiVE FRONDS. (. Palm trees to be properly watered in and soils properly tamped around the root balls when planting, leaving no volds of soli around root balls. 1. Palm trees shall be planted vertically, unless noted otherwise. 5. Trunks should be rough with frond bases still securely attached. 9, Trunks may not be totally skinned unless noted to do so. 10, Trunk bases may be skinned to a maximum height of V-4' (taller trees 69 11. Skinned areas above the 6' level will be accepted, at the direction of the Landscape Architect. 12. Care should be exerelsed in the cabling during transport and planting so as not to damage or loosen bark 13, Severe cracking or holes in the basal trunk area will not be acceptable, 14. One initial watering will be performed by subcontractor. Basin willl be left on each palm so subsequent watering can be performed by ethers, Basln is to be removed during finish grading. 15, Subcontractor to untie frond tops (60) days after planting. Irv. Palm tress shall be planted a minimum of 18' away from building saves. 1-1. it is recommended any palm tree planted within 5' of any walk, wall or structure be planted with Deep Root root barrier to a depth of 2' minimum to protect against root damage. 16. Washingtonla robusta trunks are to have a minimum diameter of 14" measured 4' high on trunk above finish grade. NOTE: NO PALM TREE SHALL RE OUT OF THE ORIGINAL GROUND FOR MORE THAN (48) HOURS PRIOR TO RELOCATION AND PLANTING. i. Before any plants are planted, all planted areas are to have been graded in an acceptable manner to asssure positive drainage per the grading notes. 2. Separate all shrub/ground cover areas from lawn areas with 2'x 2' redwood headerboard or 3 layers of redwood bendarboard with staggered Joints (refer to planting plans). Stake headerboard with i'x 2'x 12' redwood stakes spaced 46' on center maximum. 3• Plant shrubs a minimum of 30' from all landscape light fixtures. 4. UJhexe clrcumatances permit, plant no tree closer than 15' to an edge of paving or headerboard. �. Provide all shrubs which need support with 1/2' square redwood stakes. Once installed, trim top of stake 6' below top of shrub. Use green Plastic ties. 6. Remove all stakes from vines 1. Refer to planting details. b. Whenever possible, use plant materiale- acclimated to the Coachella Valley. 13. Landscape contractor when tying vlries is to use a drill to establish the pilot hole to recv lve the 46 -head portion of the molly. 1st. UkIn tying vines or espaliers, wires sh�auld be spaced as follows: ist (2) at 1'-6' apart from finish grade, this next (3) at 1'-0' apart to make the top wire at ro'-O' above finish grade. Wires should be a minimum of V-0' tong center on plants. Uhan vines or espallers are closer than 10, apart, use a continuous wire between both plants. 11. For protection of trees in turf areas laave a bare area approx. 4' away from tree base in all directions, For; plant pit size refer to specs. 12. Where circumstances permit, do not plaint specimen trees closer than four (4) Feet from the edge of paving, headerboard, or roof lines. DEEPROOT or approved root barriers are to be [installed per detall 'D' on the planting specification sheet. Refer to plartmne legend for species requiring deep root barriers. 13. WARNING Plant material listed may or�may not have been approved by "L the Agricultural Commissioner's office. andscape contractor, please contact the developer for status of Agricultural Commissioner's approval or denial, Plant material not confortIme with quarantine laws may be destroyed and civil action taken. All plant material is subject to inspection at the discretion of the ,,4ericultural Comm (ssloner's office. All plant material must be free from 1'ed Scale (Aonidielia aurantii). 14. No shrubs are to be planted within 15'jof hardscape, measured from canter of shrub. i i i .�I I'FA ... y d EM North Job No. Sheet No. L-1 of '- - S U) _ O an Q r q�v AZ tl7 016-4 IL¢ vane 5YM. NAME GOMMENT5 SYN. NAME GOMMENT5 PD Phoenix dactylifera Height Per Plan BTF= Bougainvillea "Temple Eire" 5901, �PNDSCgp Date Palm Bougainvillea v N0Rr �� �• r�V PGH Prosop i5 chliensls DW Dasyllrion wheeler! "5901. Expires Januar) 2603 Thornless MescLulte Desert spoon (Grey) z� � U SM 56hinue molle � signature California Pepper Cate SHRUB5 61ROUND GOVERS qlF OF CAS 5YM. NAME GOMMENT5 BMJ Buxus microphylla Japonlca Japanese Boxwood GN Cassia nemophila Green Gassla LJT Ligu5trum .japonicum 'Texanum' Wax Leaf Privet LMY Lantana montevidensis 'bold Mound' Lantana PGB Prunus carollniano 'Bright and Tight' Carolina Cherry PTV Pittosporum tobira 'Varlegata' Variegated Mock Orange RIB Rhaphiolepis Indica 'Ballerina' India Hawthorn NOTE: Ail trees that are brought in from Arizona are to be Inspected by Agricultural Dept. prior to planting. Contractor is to call for inspection. SYM. NAME GOMMENTS L Gynodon doctylon 'Tifgreen 32b' Sod Hybrid Bermuda Grass Annual Golor 10" O.G. To be selected by Land. Arch. 4 r Salt River Rock 7" deep fill under add. shrubs (1/3) !/2" to 1", (2/3) 1" to 5" NOTE: ALL AREAS WITH SALT RIVER SHALL BE TREATED WITH A PRE -EMERGENT HERBIGIDE PRIOR TO AND AF=TER INSTALLATION OF THESE AREAS, INSTALL ROGK OVER VeWITT PRO 5 WEED BARRIER' OR APPROVED EQUAL. DENOTED TREES REQUIRE "DEEPROOT" OR APPROVED ROOT BARRIER 5HRUE3 5YNIB0L5 ( ) I gallon shrub (L � J 5 gallon ahrub X 15 gallon Shrub 5= LOW BRANGHIN6 5TD = 5TANDA RD PALM TREE PLANTING NOTES PLANTING NOTES 1. Palms shall be planted using established planting procedures. Refer to palm tree planting detail. 2. Palm tree root balls shall be trimmed or cut to ensure re vert from transplanting shock .3. Palm trees must be in a healthy condition at time of delivery. i�alm trees determined unhealthy or damaged at time of delivery or installation shall be rejected by contractor and replaced by subcontractor at his expense. 4. All palms shall be cleaned of excessive dead and ragged fronds or frond stubble. Cut fronds should be cut to a maximum leng� of 6'. 5. Called out heights of palms shall be THE HEIGHT FROM TOP 01= ROOT 5ALL TO E30TTOM OF LiVE FRONDS. (. Palm trees to be properly watered in and soils properly tamped around the root balls when planting, leaving no volds of soli around root balls. 1. Palm trees shall be planted vertically, unless noted otherwise. 5. Trunks should be rough with frond bases still securely attached. 9, Trunks may not be totally skinned unless noted to do so. 10, Trunk bases may be skinned to a maximum height of V-4' (taller trees 69 11. Skinned areas above the 6' level will be accepted, at the direction of the Landscape Architect. 12. Care should be exerelsed in the cabling during transport and planting so as not to damage or loosen bark 13, Severe cracking or holes in the basal trunk area will not be acceptable, 14. One initial watering will be performed by subcontractor. Basin willl be left on each palm so subsequent watering can be performed by ethers, Basln is to be removed during finish grading. 15, Subcontractor to untie frond tops (60) days after planting. Irv. Palm tress shall be planted a minimum of 18' away from building saves. 1-1. it is recommended any palm tree planted within 5' of any walk, wall or structure be planted with Deep Root root barrier to a depth of 2' minimum to protect against root damage. 16. Washingtonla robusta trunks are to have a minimum diameter of 14" measured 4' high on trunk above finish grade. NOTE: NO PALM TREE SHALL RE OUT OF THE ORIGINAL GROUND FOR MORE THAN (48) HOURS PRIOR TO RELOCATION AND PLANTING. i. Before any plants are planted, all planted areas are to have been graded in an acceptable manner to asssure positive drainage per the grading notes. 2. Separate all shrub/ground cover areas from lawn areas with 2'x 2' redwood headerboard or 3 layers of redwood bendarboard with staggered Joints (refer to planting plans). Stake headerboard with i'x 2'x 12' redwood stakes spaced 46' on center maximum. 3• Plant shrubs a minimum of 30' from all landscape light fixtures. 4. UJhexe clrcumatances permit, plant no tree closer than 15' to an edge of paving or headerboard. �. Provide all shrubs which need support with 1/2' square redwood stakes. Once installed, trim top of stake 6' below top of shrub. Use green Plastic ties. 6. Remove all stakes from vines 1. Refer to planting details. b. Whenever possible, use plant materiale- acclimated to the Coachella Valley. 13. Landscape contractor when tying vlries is to use a drill to establish the pilot hole to recv lve the 46 -head portion of the molly. 1st. UkIn tying vines or espaliers, wires sh�auld be spaced as follows: ist (2) at 1'-6' apart from finish grade, this next (3) at 1'-0' apart to make the top wire at ro'-O' above finish grade. Wires should be a minimum of V-0' tong center on plants. Uhan vines or espallers are closer than 10, apart, use a continuous wire between both plants. 11. For protection of trees in turf areas laave a bare area approx. 4' away from tree base in all directions, For; plant pit size refer to specs. 12. Where circumstances permit, do not plaint specimen trees closer than four (4) Feet from the edge of paving, headerboard, or roof lines. DEEPROOT or approved root barriers are to be [installed per detall 'D' on the planting specification sheet. Refer to plartmne legend for species requiring deep root barriers. 13. WARNING Plant material listed may or�may not have been approved by "L the Agricultural Commissioner's office. andscape contractor, please contact the developer for status of Agricultural Commissioner's approval or denial, Plant material not confortIme with quarantine laws may be destroyed and civil action taken. All plant material is subject to inspection at the discretion of the ,,4ericultural Comm (ssloner's office. All plant material must be free from 1'ed Scale (Aonidielia aurantii). 14. No shrubs are to be planted within 15'jof hardscape, measured from canter of shrub. i i i .�I I'FA ... y d EM North Job No. Sheet No. L-1 of