MUP 2003-425I 0 0 City of La Quinta p U Community Development Dc rtnV 12 200 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 CI FINANCETY OF LADET. (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 LAG-LV�� 2M USE ONLY Mclp o3-y'.� ecvd. l ob k-10; 15 Apps.: Logged in by: v%kM ciri °"""'' APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT ji) VVI f ---s 4� • �Q �� (Print) // MAILING ADDRESS Jr3 3 2• v1.c(0 Phone No.MO - ,�(a ��-%y0 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Z4 �� /(A Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: ,5-3 3 O A -c e- • �� 414 Quc PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): Ci i2 vt,n A y AD .'; � 3 � ;c 30S� e c�f 1 Sa 7'a s 6t5 -e_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): AI8\Minor Use Permit (attach sheets if need RECVD FOR PRO SING G� GI (D E) ASSIGNED TO (INITIALS) i ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT JA vv --e_ Is Lj Qv 12 - (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICA / - DATE z� NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER, (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Minor Use Permit P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 21, 2003 Mr. James W. Leque 53-830 Avenida Mendoza La Quinta, California 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2003-425 (USE COVENANT) Dear Mr. Leque: F� COpy (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The Community Development Department has reviewed your request to construct a second residential unit with cooking facilities at 53-830 Avenida Mendoza, pursuant to Sections 9.60.090 (Second Residential Units) and 9.210.020 (Minor Use Permits) of the Zoning Code. This Department has approved the accessory unit request because it is architecturally compatible with the main residence, subject to execution and recordation of the attached Covenant. Once recorded, please send a copy of the material to our office and the Building and Safety Department. Enclosed is a letter addressed to the County Recorder stating that Covenant can be recorded. Findings in support of the request are: No impact to the City's General Plan will occur as the Land Use Element designates the site for residential purposes under the Medium Density Residential (up to eight units per acre) category because Government Code Section 65852.2 permits the addition of a second residential unit to exceed City land use policies to create alternative housing opportunities within the State of California. The existing 5,000 square foot lot is a legal lot of record which can support the second unit, provided development standards as set forth in the City's Zoning Code can be met. 2. The lot, measuring 50 feet wide by 100 feet long, currently is developed with a 1,356 square foot single family house and two car garage which was built in 1977 based on records from the County of Riverside. The proposed second residential unit has been designed in compliance with the requirements of Section 9.60.090 of the City's Zoning Code which permits cooking facilities for occupants that are 62 years of age and older, or are physically challenged, in an RC Zone District. As planned, the second unit is compatible with the design MUP425 SecondUn it.wpd/g/greg E"J:Wr of the main unit and the surrounding neighborhood in terms of landscaping, scale, height, bulk, lot coverage and exterior appearance, and will be constructed to meet current Uniform Building Code requirements. A building permit must be issued to constructed the planned improvements. 2. The project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15303(a) which allows a second dwelling unit in a residential zone. 3. Adding a dwelling unit to the existing single family house will not diminish the property values in the surrounding area in that the proposed unit is located at the back of the house and not visible from the street. Furthermore, infrastructure improvements exist to service the project, subject to the rules and regulations of the affected public utility companies being complied with during any on-site construction activities. No adverse impacts should occur based on approval of this permit. Please revise your plans during building plan check to ensure that a third on-site parking space is provided. Enclosed is a copy of our Zoning Code provisions. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7067, or via e-mail at gtrousde@la-quinta.org. Sincerely JUY C TIYAOEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR J7TVU �SDELL an P. ner GT. Enclosures c: Community Development Director Ed Randall, B&S Counter Technician MUP425SecondUnit.wpd P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 21, 2003 County Recorder County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, California 92502-0751 SUBJECT: RECORDING OF MUP 2003-425 Dear Colleague: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 The City of La Quinta has approved the above noted Minor Use Permit. Please allow its recording as presented by the applicant. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7067. Very truly yqurs, DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR RgUSDELL t6 Planner GT. LtMUP425 County.wpd-g m • RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of La Quinta Community Development Department La Quinta, CA 92253 WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: City of La Quinta Community Development Department c/o Greg Trousdell P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 • COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE PROPOSED SECONDARY RESIDENCE AT 53-830 AVENIDA MENDOZA, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This covenant and agreement is made and executed on this the 21" day of August, 2003, by James W. Leque and Yvonne K. Leque for property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certify that they are the property owners of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: Lots 20 in Block 249 of Santa Carmelite at Vale La Quinta, Unit #23, as per Map recorded in Book 20, Page 25 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder (APN: 774-173-005) In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for construction of an attached second dwelling unit for independent. living, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to and with said City to restrict the use of said property as follows: Use of the second residential unit ("granny housing") shall be in compliance with Section 9.60.090 (Second Residential Unit), requiring occupancy by one or two persons age 62 years and older, or a physically challenged person of any age, including spouse or caregiver, pursuant to Minor Use Permit 2003-425. This covenant and agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La COVEN425Second. WPD/G-GT 0 ! Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This covenant and agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable and nonmodifiable except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. Dated: James W. Leque By: Yvonne K. Leque Notary Ca By: Oscar Orci, Planning Manager City of La Quinta COV EN425Second. WPD/G-GT 0 0 State of California County of Riverside On g 11Da /'g -o0-"" before me, Phyllis Manley,Notary'Public, Notar Public, personally appeared Oscar Orci, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) PHYLLIS MANLEY Commkssion A 1378908 Notary Public - Collforri o Rmmwe County MV LE oct to 2M6 9.60.080 0 • 9.60.080 Satellite dish and other antennas. A. Purpose. Satellite dish and other antennas cons' with the design and location provisions of this section shall be permitted as accessory structures w' any residential district. B. Permitted Commercial Antennas. Com ial television, radio, microwave, comm tion towers, and related facilities are permitted as principal in all districts subject to approval of conal use permit and conformance with the requirements o pter 9.170 (Communication Towers a quipment). Satellite dish and other antennas are permitted cessory structures in nonresidential di s in accordance with Section 9.100.070. C. Permitted Noncom cial Antennas. Noncommercial. privat ned television and/or radio antennas shall be contained enti within a building except for: (1) sate dish antennas and other antennas which cannot function wh ompletely enclosed by a building; a amateur radio antennas used by operators licensed by the F ral Communications Commission (F , pursuant to 47 CFR Section 97). Such permitted outdoor ante shall comply with the following des' standards and requirements: 1. Nu er. No more than 'one satellite dish a ne amateur radio antenna shall be permitted per lot. 2. ght and Diameter. Satellite dish ante shall not exceed eight feet in height measured from adjacent grad finish floor and shall be no more th (ght feet in diameter. Amateur radio antennas shall not exceed the maximum building height for the dis as specified in Section 9.50.030. 3. Ground-Mounted.Antennas. a. Location. All ground-mou antennas shall be located within the rear yard or may b ated within an interior side yard if not within equired side yard setback. Such antennas are prohibit om exterior street side yards unless not visibl m the street. All antennas over six feet in height shall et back a minimum of ten feet from all prope es. b. Screening. d -mounted satellite dish antennas shall be screened :view, including views from adjacent yards, b dscaping or decorative structures (trellis, arbor, fe , etc). The dish antenna shall be a single color t ends with its surroundings (e.g., off-white, dark , brown, gray or black). C. D' sed Antennas. An antenna which has the appearanc typical backyard furniture or equipment (e.g., ite dish antenna manufactured to have the appe f a.patio umbrella) is not required to comply • with the preceding location and screening standards but comply with height and size limits. Such an antenna may be placed on any patio or deck.. 4. Building -Mounted Antennas. Roof -top and other building -mounted antennas are prohibited in all residential districts if over twenty-four inches in diameter unless completely screened from horizontal view via a parapet wall or other feature which is integrated into the architecture of the building. (Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284.§ 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 9.60.090 Second residential units. A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of second residential units within residential districts consistent with Sections 65852.1, 65852.150, and 65852.2 of the State Government Code. B. Definitions. For purposes of this code, the following definitions shall apply: 1. "Second residential unit" means a dwelling unit, including sleeping and cooking facilities, that is accessory to a pre-existing primary residence on a single-family lot. "Granny housing" is intended for sole occupancy by one or two persons age sixty-two years or older or a handicapped person of any age (plus spouse or care giver). "Granny housing" is included within the term "second residential unit." 2. "Living area" means the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit, including basements and attics (if permitted) and shall not include a garage or any accessory structure. C. Limitations. Only one second residential unit or one guesthouse maybe established on any lot in addition to the primary residence. Therefore, no more than two residential units on a single lot are permitted under the provisions of this section. (La Quina 3-02) 240 0 0 • 9.60.090 D. Standards for Second Residential Units. A second residential unit may be established in the RVL, RL, RC, RM or RMH districts if the following standards are met anda minor use permit is approved by the community development director in accordance with Section 9.210.020: 1.. No interest in the second residential unit may be sold separately from the remainder of the property. However, the second residential unit may be rented. 2. A second unit shall only be permitted on a residential lot which conforms to the minimum lot size requirements of the applicable zoning district and on which one owner -occupied single-family detached dwelling unit (the primary residence) already exists. 3. The second unit shall be either attached to and located within the living area of the existing primary residence or detached from and located on the same lot as the existing primary residence. 4. No second unit shall be permitted on any residential lot already containing two or more dwelling units if under five acres in size. Thus, on lots smaller than five acres, a secondary dwelling unit may. not be added to a lot containing a guest house or vice -versa. 5. Any new construction required for establishment of thesecond unit shall conform to all building code standards and applicable state law. 6. The second unit shall conform to height, setback, lot coverage, fees, and other.zoning requirements generally. applicable to residential construction in the district in which the property is located. 7. The second unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary residence. 8. The floor area of an attached second unit shall not exceed thirty percent of the existing living area of the primary residence. 9. A detached second unit shall not exceed one thousand two hundred square feet total floor area. 10. The placement of a second unit on a lot shall not result in violation of the lot.coverage maximums set forth in Section 9.50.030. 1 D 11. A minimum of three off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each residential lot containing an approved second unit, to include the following: a two -car garage for the primary residential unit and one space enclosed or open for the second unit. Tandem parking spaces. shall not be credited toward meeting this requirement and no variance or minor adjustment shall be granted to allow substandard parking spaces or locations. 12. The second unit may be separately metered for gas, electricity, water, sewer and other utility services. 13. The applicant for the minor use permit for a second unit shall be the owner currently occupying the subject property. 14. The provisions of this section shall not validate any existing illegal second unit. An application for a permit may be made pursuant to the provisions of this code to convert an illegal second unit to a conforming legal second unit. The standards and requirements for said conversion shall be the same as for a newly proposed second dwelling unit. 15. In addition to the findings required generally for all minor use permit approvals, the following finding shall be made in order to approve a conditional use permit for a second unit: "The second unit is compatible with the design of the main unit and the surrounding neighborhood in terms of landscaping, scale, height, bulk, lot coverage and exterior appearance." (Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 9.60.100 Guesthouses. A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of guesthouses where such units are permitted in accordance with Section 9.40.040. B. Definitions. For purposes of this code, the following definitions shall apply: 1. "Guest house" means a detached unit which has sleeping and sanitary facilities but no cooking facilities and which is used primarily for sleeping purposes by members of the family occupying the main building, their nonpaying guests, and domestic employees. 2. "Living area" means the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit, including basements and attics (if permitted) and shall not include a garage or any accessory structure. C. Limitations. Only one second residential use or guesthouse may be established on any lot under ten acres in size, in addition to the primary residence. Therefore, no more than two residential units on a single • lot under ten acres are permitted under the provisions of this section. More than one guesthouse may be established on lots of ten acres or larger. 241 (la Quina 3-99) * <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> *---------------------------- ---------------------------- v =METR OOCAN PROPERTY P•OFI LE _ Riverside (CA) **************************************************************************************** * Land Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences ^ * * Legal :LOT 20 BLK 249 MB 020/025 SANTA l * * :CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 23 * (y <<< OWNERSHIP INFORMATION >>> * Sub/Plat :Santa Carmelita Vale La Quinta Unit 23� �> * Book :20 Page:25 * * * Parcel Number :774 173 005 S: T: R: Q: * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Leque James W/Yvonne K * CoOwner * * Bedrooms :3 * Site Address :53830 Avenida Mendoza La Quinta 92253 Units :1 MiscImprv:No * Mail Address :53830 Avenida Mendoza La Quinta Ca 92253 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant: * Gar Type :Attached Elect Svc:Developed RmAddtns :Yes * Lot Acres:.11 Gas Svc :None RmAddSF * CntrlA/C :Yes 1 Tl .. ...1 .l.T.. Lot SgFt :4,791 WaterSrce:Developed T1.-. ..G T..�...n..�,.�.....:L.. ..... n... .. .. m..... .. TT ..... .. * i <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION >>> * * * Transferred :06/24/2003 Loan Amount :$92,000 * Document # :464459 Lender :Wells Fargo Home M * Sale Price Loan Type :Conventional * Deed Type :Grant Deed Interest Rate :Fixed * % Owned :100 Vesting Type :Married Persons * * * * * <<< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * * Land :$12,462 Exempt Type * Structure :$75,150 Exempt Amount * Other Tax Rate Area :20-015 * Total :$87,612 Taxes :$1,079.24 * % Improved :86 * * ---------------- ---------------- ------------ * <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> *---------------------------- ---------------------------- v * Map Grid :879 F2 * Census :Tract:451.09 Block:l * Land Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences ^ * Legal :LOT 20 BLK 249 MB 020/025 SANTA l * :CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA UNIT 23 (y * Sub/Plat :Santa Carmelita Vale La Quinta Unit 23� �> * Book :20 Page:25 p * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * * * Bedrooms :3 Stories :1 YearBuilt:1977 AgPreserve * BathFull :2 Units :1 MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr Bldg SgFt:1,356 Street :Paved ADDITIONAL * BathHalf Gar SgFt :484 Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :Yes Gar Type :Attached Elect Svc:Developed RmAddtns :Yes * Cntrl Ht :Yes Lot Acres:.11 Gas Svc :None RmAddSF * CntrlA/C :Yes 1 Tl .. ...1 .l.T.. Lot SgFt :4,791 WaterSrce:Developed T1.-. ..G T..�...n..�,.�.....:L.. ..... n... .. .. m..... .. TT ..... .. AddGarType nLL.�TI..,. ... i w 22 O /4 3 22 O3 ®"eA� 0 22 0 3 -*00 ®ip wb o- ° rRA 020 - 0B-9 O 017* ., (p 4 2/ ® 4 2/ ® l6 4 2/ ® ©4 /9 `c Q J r94 OPO • 062 O iQC D5 Q 20 ©© 5 z 200 5 20 O O 5 /B ® 6.201 „ TRA TRI N m©©N 02�12Om TRA C.-0 69 ; Ozo- ® 6 6 6 69 7® /72 o /75 © 73 ©m 7 6 ' /B oJ 7 4 3 20-062 N 020-096 TRI [i20-121 ;18 ,7 ® ,g 6 ,7 ® ®8 ,7 ® ® B /5 ®u° ® 9 h J 020-060 Q .22 02D - //6 020•//6 MA 020-121 = TRA 020- 076 )9 /6 0 ®9 /6 O ©9 /6 ©9 /4 O9 ©9 v Q Q 1 N N —kLf ZD/O 2 /5 @ ® /0 /5 QO ®/O Q /5 Op 22 /0 %3 O --- j rRA 020-099 /0 V /4 // ©To /4 1/ l/ /4 /� 23 // m /2 ° Op -zoo _ ° e o /0 0 30 30 /aa 1 0 30 30 30 30 �\ Z317C v c 30 3o TRA 020-0e9 TRA 020-069 e a p TRA /2 : o p /3 /Z ©/2 ozo-rzi// 90�o f�4� 79. y9 N �j 9r 3p + CALLE za° —+ + 260 CN/LEON m r •e1 z/dos S_ `1 L S /Tire Sec. /2 s a9 E— 1 I yob 22 OArA LlA11e-077 PM 99-19e PM 09-191 AT VALE LA QU/NTA UN/T NO. 23 MB 20/25 PM 99- 195 L.L.A. 92-166 ASSESSOR'S MAP SK. 774 RIVERS/DE COl1NTY, CAL w - 100.00° 100.00' 12'-5 1/4.1 4'-0 3/4" 1 b' -b" 1 1 LIE / F L 0 0 R FLAN SCALE: 1/4" = l' -O" AN A0'"'is IM 2 FOUNDATION PLAN & FRAMING PLAN 3 FOUNDATION & FRAMING DETAILS 4 ELEVATIONS S ROOF PLAN & REFLECTED CEILING PLAN & DETAILS 0 ELECTRICAL PLAN & PLUMBING PLAN 53m=830 AVENIOA M E N 0 0 Z A 7 ME CiiAN I CAI & TITLE 24 CALLS LA Q U I N T A C A L I F 0 R N I A P10TE; ALL "OR EQUAL' SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO BLDG DEPT, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION NOTE: ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & ENERGY CODES. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE DRAWN I SITE PLAN / FLOOR PLAN 2 FOUNDATION PLAN & FRAMING PLAN 3 FOUNDATION & FRAMING DETAILS 4 ELEVATIONS S ROOF PLAN & REFLECTED CEILING PLAN & DETAILS 0 ELECTRICAL PLAN & PLUMBING PLAN 53m=830 AVENIOA M E N 0 0 Z A 7 ME CiiAN I CAI & TITLE 24 CALLS LA Q U I N T A C A L I F 0 R N I A P10TE; ALL "OR EQUAL' SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO BLDG DEPT, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION NOTE: ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL & ENERGY CODES. VICINITY MAP NO SCALE DRAWN --———————————— — — — — —— a--_ 1---1---I- --i �� 51 a 66 BEAM � 1 qt -3) 13'4' =1 J 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF SHT'G W/10d @ 6" O.C. EN & BN - 12" O.C. FN P.I. = 40/20 FRAMING Hp1ES 1. PLYWOOD ROOF SHT'G TO BE APPLIED PERPENDICULAR TO JOISTS. 2. PLYWOOD SHT'G TO BE 2'-0" WIDE MIN. 3. * PLYWOOD AS FURRING 4. TRU55ES TO BE DE5IGNED BY TRU55 COMPANY, TRU55 MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE CALCULATIONS AND SHOP DRAWINGS TO DESIGNER'S OFFICE AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER'S OFFICE PRIOR TO TRU55 FABRICATION. TRUSSES TO BE ENGINEERED BY TRU55 MANUFACTURER. SHEAR WALL SCHEDULE 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHT'G W/ 8d @ 6" O.C. EN 12" O.C. FN; 1 5/8" DIA. X 12" LONG A.B. W/ 2"X2"X3/16" 50. WASHERS @ 36" O.C. BOTTOM PLATE NAILING = 16d @ 6" O.C. SILL NAILING, (SN) = 16d @ 6" O.C. 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHT'G W/ 8d @ 4" O.C. EN & 12" O.C. FN; 5/8" DIA. X 12" LONG A.B. W/ 2"X2"X3/16" 50. WASHERS @ 24" O.C. BOTTOM PLATE NAILING = 16d @ 4" O.C. SILL NAILING (SN) = 16d @ 4" O.C. DRAWN — PLYWOOD SHT' G PER SHEAR -�� EXISTING 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ EXISTING SLAB & FOOTING WALL SCHED. CONT. 12" WIDE X 18" DEEP FTG. 0 EXIST. 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. 2X6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. NOTE; SPECIAL INSPECTION REQUIRED NEW 2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ BY DEPUTY INSPECTOR APPROVED BY 3/8" CDX PLY4lOOD SHT'G - SEE W/ R-21 BATT INSUL. t1/2�I POST "5IMP50N" HOLDOWN - SEE PLAN - BUILDING DEPARTMENT ( SHEAR WALL SCHED. HT' NAILING SEE SCHED. FOR 55TB BOLT REO'D #4 BAR W/8" EMBEDMENT INTO I NEW 2X4 P.T.D.F. SILL PLATE W/SEE PLAN & 1/2" GYPBD. 2X6 P.T.D.F. & SHEAR SILL PLATE - EXISTING FTG. EXTEND 2'-6" MIN. I I 5/8" DIA. X 1.2" LONG A.B. I I SPACING PER SHEAR WALL SCHED. o WALL SCHED. INTO NEW FTG - DRILL HOLES PER 4X POST "SIMPSON" REQUIREMENTS - USE I I EN NEW 4" REINF. CONCRETE SLAB 2X6 P.T.D.F. SILL PLATE W/ 5/8" MIN. @ 'SIMPSON" S.E.T. EPDXY - ICBO e �. ET . ��. DIA. A.B. W/2"X2"X3/16" WA5HER5 b HOLDOldNS o 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/#3 BARS @ 18" #ER -5279 _ , WAY @ @ 24" O.C. AS PER SHEAR WALL � o O.C. EA WAY @ Mid -HT OF SLAB EN SCHED. — FOOTING 4,v/I i ® ® MID -HT OF SLAB _ I NEW r OOT I NG 4!/ ® �' � 4 I I 4" CONC . SLAB W/#3 BARS @ 18" EN �' ®� �' �' ® � O.C. EA ,JAY @ M I D HT. OF SLAB BOTTOM T TOP & B JJ ll �� �J #3 BAR X 2'-8" @ 18" O.C. W/ l\` __...�.�4 CONT. TOP & BOT. 145° MAX. �. ffi ®�. r J 4" I n — ° ® � i DRILLNHOLES �PER N"SIMPSON" REG. FTG -- ++ CON_. SLAB 1J/3 BARS _ 18 \, I " I I & USE "SIMPSON E.T. EPDXY O.C. @ MID HT, OF SLAB - OVER o III II -II ��I �) IMI III ( - ICBO #ER -5277 SECT I ON L ® �. w =� 2" CLEAN SAND - OVER 10 MIL � � ® • ,®; � .� � � � V I SQUEEN - OVER 2" CLEAN SAND 1' -0" I II— GI `—` #4 CONT. TOP & BOTTOM — `� �'"� ; ; #4 CONT. TOP & BOTTOM [HOLDOWN 55TB BOLT 1 POUR 2 POUR HD2A 55TB 16 55TB 20 HD5A 55TB 20 55TB 24 HD8A SSTB 28 55TB 34 2 - 44 BAR CONT. 80YTDEPUTYCINSPECTORIAL CAPPROVVED TION REG D EXISTING NEW LAP 2'-0" MIN. BY BLDG DEPT. �I CHECKED DATE JULY 12, 2003 SCALE NORTH ELEVATION STUCCO COLOR & FINISH TO MATCH EXISTING - 7/8" THICK STUCCO OVER PAPER BACKED EXPANDED METAL LATH EF3F T E L E V A T 1 0 N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" PROPOSED ADDITION O ps 0 PROPOSED ADDITION NOTE: PROVIDE 26 GAUGE MIN. GALV. WEEP SCREED AT FOUNDATION PLATE LINE WEEP SCREED 5HALL BE PLACED A MIN. OF 4" ABOVE THE EARTH OR 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS �OUiH E L E V A T 1 0 N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" TO JMATCHvEX I ST I NG , A J, - 7/8" THICK STUCCO OVER PAPER BACKED EXPANDED METAL LATH 'LE i f R 0 0 F PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" A 3 NEW ROOF SLOPE TO MATCH EXISTING (3 TO 12) VERIFY ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING - OVER 15# FELT - OVER 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHT' G 2-12"X16" SCREENED & LOUVERED ATTIC VENT - PRIME & PAINT TO MATCH STUCCO NOTE: TEXTURE & PAINT CEILING TO MATCH WALLS R E F L E C T E D C E I L 1 N' G P L A IN DRAWN E L E ( T R I C A L P L A N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ELECTRICAL NOTES 1. ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING SHALL BE COPPER, - ALI ELECTRICAL WIRING WITHIN THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE COPPER ROMEX. (SIZE PER CURRENT N.E.C.) 2. ALL SWITCHES SHALT_ BE INSTALLED @ +38" OFF FINISH FLOOR UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, 3. ALL RECESSED INCANDESCENT LIGHT FIXTURES TO BE TYPE I.D. OR T,C. AT LOCATIONS IN CONTACT WITH INSULATION. 4. SMOKE ALARMS SHALL BE 110V POWERED WITH BATTERY BACK-UP PER UBC 310,9.1.3 & LOCATED IN EACH SLEEPING ROOM & CENTRALLY LOCATED POINTS IN HALLWAYS PER UBC 310.9.1.4. RB. SAL E L E ( I 9 WIN -ter 5 Y M B 0 L 5 SCHEDULE 115V DUPLEX OUTLET 1159 DUPLEX OUTLET GROUND FAULT PROTECTED WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE RECF_SSED LIGHT FIXTURE ?—WAY SWITCH 2? -0 i9X4 S -Opp FFLOURESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE - SURFACE MTD sD SMOKE ALARM PUSH BUTTON FOR —{7 OVERHEAD GARAGE P. B. DOOR OPENER TIE INTO EXISTING COLD �----------_------ — - — - WATER SUP PI Y—� P L U I P L A N SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" LUMRINO NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO WORK. 2. ALL FIXTURES SHALL HAVE SHUT OFF VALVES @ WALLS. 3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL. SIZING OF PIPING AS PER THE CURRENT PLUMBING CODE. 4. ALL +rIASTE PIPE TO BE ABS PIPING. 5. ALL HOT & COLD WATER PIPING TO BE COPPER PIPING, b. ALL HOSE_ BIBBS SHALL BE PROVIDED W/ A NON-REMOVEABLE TYPE BACKFLOW,! PREVENTION DEVICE PER CURRENT UPC, 7. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR, PAY & PULL ALL NECESSARY PLUMBING PERMITS & FEES. 8. OFFSET PLUMBING OUT OF BEARING FOOTINGS. 9. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE & INSTALL ALL A/C CONDENSATE LINES. C NOTE: PROVIDE / WATER LINE TO DISH WASHER IF USED CO DRAWN CHECKED DATE JULY 12, 2003 SCALE �f'f t ficate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CF -1 R F;tf, Leque-Addition 7116103 ;-1-8313 Avenida Mendoza - La €�uit,ta }:sate�.-._ _..-. . ' 4 d!f tYY,21.2x6,16 _; _._ H Air Conditioning(760) Iiff171Q r:ilt� _...... .... . 340-3088 � - L?o•_ ,TTanfatFoh :4utfiar ---- r ,:,tnputer Performance ___.., _,._ Plan ec CSaTe ! ge _-- - l �.np.l ice -C4-1orrniatsr) 1� ethe (iClimate Zone - i _ F,neforcem@r@Rni A�gen--c- y . U_s_e._.Only i -NERAL INFORMATION . C_overedSlab 'rrlR•O,OParimeterInsulation -ii Conditioned Floor Area: --` x;80 ;t Average ceiling Height: 8.0 It ;:t_.- Conditioned Slab Area: 3 -ftp - Su:ldIng Type: u _. (G` -crit one or more) Single Family Detached Aci?ition -'3ingle Family Attached ; 1 EXIT-t;nl, Building ❑; Exieting Pius Addition nae? icer EfTlCienG ' l Location Piping p 9 'n` Orientation: (V1f'eSt} 7f} deg Flog Construction Type: ISlab Floor t, o` Dwelling Units: 1r (AFL1E-[H:3PF)(d1Jcits, attic, etc,) �^l Raised Floor t:.,.,iLDING SHELL. INSULATION' -- ,t;Onst, -- - - Frarne Assembly Location(Commenis Type U -Value (attic, garage, typical, etc.) oof (R_38.?x34.1t} V1:,od 0.028 Exterior Roof ,i�ri t-eque-Addition ' 4 d!f tYY,21.2x6,16 _; _._ P _ i•;r > ,rte -..... _- n 'r ria 0.756 . C_overedSlab 'rrlR•O,OParimeterInsulation . ,., YSTECf3 Note: Input Hydron!c or Cumbitrsd Hydra nic data ander Water Heating Systems, except Daslgn Healing Load: rila 0,756 Exposed Slab W;R-0.0 Perimater Ins Wet !on ---^ rta#icate of Compliance- Residential (Fart. 2 of 2) CFA R Cee §ficats of Compliance; residential (Addendum) GF -1 R ,i�ri t-eque-Addition 7116103t P : qunr -Addit;ort 7116103 _ i•;r > ,rte -..... _- - - ---.. _-. - a e i ; ,rt rr.,� - Date . ,., YSTECf3 Note: Input Hydron!c or Cumbitrsd Hydra nic data ander Water Heating Systems, except Daslgn Healing Load: ;r tltre� iris iliodeffng Aa5USY1j3LfOdiS Distribution r , ca t:+?,,t agzncy should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These Items require specie! r { Equipinent T' iOlmufri Type and Duct or ,n t ca :on and documentation, and special verification to ba used with the perfcrmance approach, The local nae? icer EfTlCienG ' l Location Piping p 9 Thermostat Location ! ?-', e is o4ency deternfines the adequacy of theJustification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise compiles (AFL1E-[H:3PF)(d1Jcits, attic, etc,) R -Value Type Comments J c tri id-i_iacy of the s @alai justification nand documentation submitted. p 1 --p Plan Frel -- --_ _---_ - _--.__ Sp:i-, fc to Pump ___-- 7 80 HSPS Ducts in Attic ------------ 4.2 Setback HVAC -1 4 tc TI HVAC -1" must thee? all 4:EC Criteria for a Zonally Controlled system serving only Living Areas. t Heat ?un1p7 OC HSPF D Cts in Attic 4.2 Setback HVAC -2 _ -'> a sic ti "HVAC -1" includes credit for' a Radiant Barrier Installed per Section 8,13 of the Residential Manual, -- ---__--- _ _ a. Jn(,ee C-2Rb - Verify ,Thermal i'llass 313 sqft Covered Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at KitehenlRetreat i.._si,gn(neF 0-2R) - Verify Thermal Mass 186 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50" thick at Kitchen/Retreat System "HVAC -2" must meet all CEC Criburi i for a Zonally Controlled system serving only Sleeping Areas. ;l r:g E xtJlprtl2tlt Minimum Duct ;-sir-onclitioner, Efficiency Location Duct Thermostat Lccation �'' Systern "ii°lk T" includes credit for a Padiar;4 Barrier irstallad per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual.-- .__ _ -- f- u4�cER) (attic, etc. P. -Value Type Comments pasignfsee C -2R) - Verify Y. th armai Mass: 159 sqft Covered Stab Floor, 3,50" thick at Bedroom _ ----- _-- I' 9.0 SEER Ducts in Attic 4.2S@fback HVAC -1 :!r , Pump --- - -c n SEER Ducts in Attic __. _ 4.2-- Setback HVAC -2 - - - ---- -- - -- - - --- - -- -- - -_ I I 1 ......_.. -_ NATER HEATING SYSTEMS Rated 1 Tan!. Energy Facts 1 Ext2rnai ,_ _ - __ .----- _-- ._ , ______-_._ Water Neater Distribution # in Input Cap. or Recover/ Standby Tank Insul. n> Typ� Type Sysi. Btu/hr (gal) Efficiency Loss R -Value ka tl rea 3 -�rfcation FSG -'!Q-222 $malt Gas 1 _ . mU*f: be confirmed and/or tested by a cartifled HERS rater under the supervision ol a CEC: approved HERS 1t 'FR; , rater must document the field -- -- . Standard. 32,000 30 0.62 n/a nla .- verification and diagnostic testing of these measures on a form CF -6R. - anit� i - ---.._ ---- --_ .._-_, ... ___-...-__ - .__- -_--. _- _. -_ - _.. - _ =- .•, SF,peyt "�''tAC=1 `rfnG U�-it'Cfflf#efa3 nl-Ch���B 2f�-1•CIYf'i�'6f�Y&Ci}7; �017 iX i),%�-.eltTft2�i'��FiS Y�@( 44itd5t �YOVTd---- i .. - :.-hall as : sltxa;e [rated 'n u!s of ; --$a }Lan nr er ua; iZ 75,000 8fulhrl, al�rrc J p .{ resistance and nee' r um pump raaisr seaters, list ensrgy tactor. the TXtI. !., measure ilei Reftigerarit C harge and Airflow. � I ,r Jos neral= r.'aF,r heaiers %roied input of greater that.. 75,Og0 ufu!hr}, hit Rated incut, Reccvenf Cf ciancy and Standby Lass. i ar.t;:ract_s gas'.['a?arhaaters fns, Rated Input and RScovery Eific'ancy. .S 1 Hi y scnm "HVAC .2"includes Refrigerant Charge and Airflow Cried (o'r a TXV). A certified HERS rater must pr�v3d --� of tha TXV, or measure the Refrigerant Charge and Aitflow. I i t! - I i' -t --we C ccmplia lce I'sts the building t--atures and performance spec;fi--atior:s needed to comply with Title 24, Parts t and o of',he !, Codd o; Rer,ulations, and the administrative reguleti ons to implement them This certificate has been signed by the individual with S7RATfON _ - j st , ,esuonsibility. The undersigned ieconntze that compliance using duct sealing and TXV's requires installer testing and cert,ficailor " _ -- - _ - - Shading Devices c<flon -3y an approved HERS rater: - ---------------- .. ----- -- ---------- or -- - --- �r{-niaficJn P,rea �o cAc -__.- f:;?t orf�}'ristttr (peri3ustcfess Pro:essionsCode) Documentation r n2�tratlon Exterior G erhan ide rens i (SF) U -Factor SHGC Shadin Yes t No Yes 1 No 9 fame: Tim Scott )- -- ---- 6.0 0.82 0.59 Bug Screen ! iX ❑ rr . Rr h rt A f'i. rrtord. t}esian 3 Drafting Title/Firm:Ft & HA4Gondilioning - _ -- - -- - -- - - 27.0 0.82 r-� ss: 41 o2a Eclectic, #A2 Address: 74-991 Jori Drive #20 0.59 Bug Screen ❑ F11 l J C) _ ' _....._ _ .._._...__ .-. _ .- Al es_} - 20.0 0.85 0.59 Bug Screen Palin tae&ort Ca 52260 _-- Paint Desert, CA 92260.2043 I , 1, t❑ s f �s TelephoneI ❑ ❑ ri - --- - - _. _.. - - --- - - -------------- - -- -- -- I -*� 11 -- , i�,LAM ._ ... ..-....-._.-_....__.._ .._ 1_. .t:.d,,,..: i --❑ r6�t8 tai natu ;U , --- - - 1 ) ❑ ❑ ❑ f --' - - - - -- ❑ ❑ ❑ I- ID - - _ ❑ ❑ %_] ❑ - -- ---- - --- ... -- - -- - .. - I 1 Run Initiation Time: 07116103 09;34:03 Run Code: 1058373243 Run Initiation ! anis; 07/16/03 09:34:03 Run Code: 1058373243 Y ,1 Ey FnarcySoft User limber. 553.3 - - . _ _ -- Time: LE t moa Idumbbr: Pa P.3• -� _.._ _._ _--_.-_ .. -__- _�_.._ .. -- --- _ _ g_ of i9 1 3 _ a 4 Llser Numbat 5533 Job N irnbai. pa,ge:4 of 19 � v r� q j •oft Initiation User Number: 5533 Job Number: Paye.S of t9 t 't r�'y"r .- EXI5T Mandatory Measures Checklist; Residential( Pag e 1 of 2) � �l MF -1 R Mandator Measures Checklist; Residential (Page 2 of 2) 3^rE MF -1 R w, Lite.r Method Summary (Addendum} C-2 tvrise reeidamiai buildings subject to the Slandards must contain these measures regardiess of the compliance approach used items marked with an rL _ 7,ynse ra^ d .r aeF-mix !•`via . be Superseded' a -� sial buildings subject to !ha standar4a 1r.ust contain these rrea3uras ragardiess of the comp7lance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk , �e A�lriiliar� 7116103 } by more strirgaM comp!lance requirements listed on file Cecil i ate of Compliance. When this checkllsi is incorporated into r, ma• hP saaeisaded h' mora ;ti in ant cam lanae re ulrem' n ' d n tF.= 'eriifiea e of+ t' • -" "'-l' !`ie permit da.u: lents, the features noted shall be considers - When this checklist is !ncurporaced into the permit ' -: _ _ ..._. _._. -----_------- --- ----_ -- _ d o} all Sadie$ as rainf,fI component carformance specifications for the mandato. measures locurme illi Data rhet.-er !hey a n•• i nt -ne _a.uras ruled srr'f be considered by all y:ar8es as minimum cornponen? psrfprmance =penfi.at;ons for the mandato,y measures whether they are re ar:awr. els m' _ra'n !ha documents or on this checklist only. ;harm eE _[:nese u, ti- ooc..m>:nis or on this chucks! only. *ci_-'i E23tUCp6 3r2ri Modeling ASStti7tj7tfOr1S -------------• _ _._. _. _..._. __ . .. f _ 1:e !u z •if'orcement agency should pay special attontlon to the items specified In this checklist. These items require special €,1 iPY9 i i :t:£kation and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach, The local Instructions: Check or itiitfat applicable boxes or an tet N/A !f not applicable. DESIGNER ENF0RCEMENf i int I'P�1PT10 � p p pp i ! instrtietions: Check ar initial appticabi_ boxes or enter NIA if not applicable. [?E51GNEr� ;:ENFORCEMENT dirrg Enyelo�re7+7!€�asureS ':: agency datr-,•renines the adequacy of the iustifioation, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies r' C`r3rfonl g, }Nater Heating and P!umiJing System Measures: (corliinued} h _�equ:icy of the special justification arra documentation submitted. - Pla iT Fie 0 obn'riu!n R -1s ceiling ins Iatwn _ =it; _tem "HVAC -1" must meet all CEC Criteria for a Zonal!" Controlled system servIn on! Livid Areas. ,fie § t5J(ml. C_r• s ano t=ans _ --_--- r Y g Y 9 ices' fill insulation manufaciurer's labeled R-Valvc, .... - ' `j � • - ' �; err• "ftVAi=•1"includes er@cif for a Radiant Barrier insfalled per Section 8.13 of the Residential Manual. 1 Ali duals and ;^,:mums insiallad, seat=_d and insuleLa to ureal the requirements al the 1993 Ctv1C sactlals Bol, �'' _ { &03, 6604' and St-neard w; ducts 'tau slid to 2 mQtlri•41ti i,4stal!ed &-Vel Qf R-4.2 W enebsad eolifely in :i,``: A;nut :•-" f1-2'; f-Jn(&:- - iG-^Zg) - ✓@CifY Thermal h 55:--38 ^g-ftYrarer@-! SlabFloor,-F-to-ar', 3.50" i_ hick at Kitchen/Retreat : Mirim,rn R-13 vial! insu;atiu^ in,vocd frE mcd'Nalla rhU-value in metal fraiiawalls (doe; � _ru,,one., space. Opnutg_hssa,ap ,t.r,h„?pe, eroal alat, or ahaduct-clappy to e:taiicr mass wahs) sure system - ---.-_ - -- - '_-S L'•eOgn(see -21R) -Verify Thermal Mass! 186 sqft Exposed Slab Floor, 3.50 ' thick at Kitchen/Retreat .F _ applicab e rroGuirementa of UL 181, U:-18? or UL1316. If mastic or Tape is used to s -?at up2nings _ I •,reatar titan ,r4 ,neh, the combination of masts, and either fresh crisps shell be user}. 8ur;ding avitiss shell rot j ; r � } '>,`.C: 5ysfern "HVAC -2" must meet all CEC Cr(teria for a Zanatly Controlled system serving oil Sleeping Areas, -T-- - ' i.10fil `S -Fir- un- R -f 3 raised f!cor insulation in franiacr ;''oors or agmva'ent. i --- Y 9 Y P g ' __ I vied for ec, vayinr con:Jitioned air .loin!s a^d saacn., �f diol systems and their mmpvnenfs shall .hat J'; stem "HVAC -2" includes credit for Radiant adian4 Barrier Installed per Section 8.13 or the Residential Manual, -� 3 3 SQt,j $•3o Fdy'a .nswation-::^afec absorption Cate ria greater Than 0.34'0, ureter nrapor ?ransmission rata no S �j ;ea'eJ'tilth c'c:n pack rubhar adhesive dual ;ages unless Such tape is L'Se,: In evmbinat'son'wit;1 mastic and -- -- ----------- -- --_ -- I al •r F-•. i permiincn.---- _-.. e _______._ I ❑ � --- _ 9 sift Cavan d SEab Float, 3 SJ }nick at Bedroom _rl ietrorrr,s for handieis, and femuris define' r nstruc ed wHh t er _. -. . .-., , 11,7 nsul t•on ;: e.. rind �t lnrt?lie' 3'.rild�',g ca'r ie>. supP^ P tr ao co t ma mals otli � .. _._. ..---_.______._.... .. -_�--.__._- -_.. .- _,.-..-_-- ....... --� T p 1 meet; insula€ion v.ialiiy standards. Indicate type and form. P - ---- j 1 ihxr seafso Shaer mart, duct board or fEex!ata duct snfiir not be used for conveying cordit'oned air. 8ulfding -- - - ` if;n(,en C• -2R} Verif�,/ 7ttermal Mass 15 ano s --p r' [Jatforps ma' - p � c a n ducts C'�cns In,tal'ed In cavities and pt plat - - ` r pull i support fprms shall not cc ,, ;1' (-f is Fer.esLaGor, Pmducts, Eii!arioc roc rs aha infiflration/cxfitlr4,ti Can[rois j erpies> J In ca:ss reductions :n the cress -sect ors) area of the ducts. s Ucers vnd'mndov.- b -v; l + Jointe and soars of duct system, sled fneir apmyanen(s strait not na sea'od vdtn cloth back rubber adhesive et eon couiitlonad and un:xuiaf(iona;i sPacas resigned !O limit air leakage _- ,'Jai tap135 unless s, -,ch a tape is used in combination with mastic and dray bands. %. r'ePeyh;, 1.'n ryrUdu4`15 {BXrg ^: i'atd i3bilcat5d) Fair+' i< � ' _ 'Ib�I Ylltfl Ce(ftfied iJi'aCto (- fa:ill`le•,f .j alar Neat Galn i � i i r_?.mast far, s/semi ha.e hack dratz. or a, -It cmatic da n ars o. tic :',i.I-tGC), and iortiirat:nn certification.-- { any venti'a[ion s}'stams sa'vi,ui conolticned space have sit erautamatic or readily accessible, inanuaty E-Aenc, J r_ and r sndcws :vratner;irppao. al! loin?sand paneirt ons cauC<ed and sealed I at.d dar•ipr-rs. - ...... l r d Verification 7 ' ' actluri of fnsusation tn;ulafioaT lisp be vre!ectr-c from dzmaga, incit:d,rg that due to Sunt ht, mo!s!ars. ':res must b) ! r-unfirmed and!@r tested a r' x r I I ted b _artir'lad HERS rater under the supervision of a CE approved HERS i., Climate- Zdces f 4 and 16 enry. � , i f gJ p rent mai^tene.9-, and c lel but no(!'m!tad h iiin fcitow al ed Insulation exposed to vcl-af. shalt oa suitable �1,? ICER` fator must document the rel +erification and diagnostic tes 1 f these -measures; on a form CF SR. - ---- t,_tdaor ;.;rvlre e.g., prolecfed by a-iuminua, sn<:or metal. painted carrra.,, or plastic oovar. Cellular foam � .-titan r Ft@ f- testing a -. f - -- - - - { $P,:al !nhlhatwn barrier installed ro cec. y :van Secfion t 51 meats Commission qualify ;tandarods I i "rulaunr. shat: iia 9rc*.acted as :r mre ui c, Fula{ •.vat a coating he! r want •etardz n and r ovi s , "•tern n 1{ -T' na u es fee,. t era f Cnar - n Af �w r t \ - - - - u pr des molding g n 9c a d riJ , 4 eaTitor a XGA cid HERS ra »r mus �rovitf tna: can the matarial. of lite T),11, ar measure the Ref, ig@rant Charge and Airflow. -- -- -r --- -� -- --- - i 9Jiaj: !rstriraiiun of =irapiaces, ecoiativE bas App!i=noes and Gas Logs, t/zscs.ry an factcry-bvlf rife, lace$ nave: 1 i >�' Pau and Spa testing Systems and Equipment ,� si. rn "�1/a .-2'" includes R trigarant Charge and Airflow Credit (or a TX J)..A certified HERS rater must prov!'d� T j os« nb: a or g ass doer er�c 'ad ,utn 78'h lhermai efficiency, an -off ,wu�.n. •r.aadiarxoof operating Instructions, of the "TAV, or ,Measure the Refrigerant Char and Airflow. Charge ueiians, no elacirlc resistance g g i a. ,stake Nih: dampar afic control i I haafn.3, and no piol, i i Fl•.,.= 6, ,via• arid confro( I ! S,'s[em IS rnsia0sd wish at isast 33' ai pipe bar,rean fitter and heater for future solar, cov2r for outdoor pnc•Is or t j I sires. -_ I I fJc cur;t au. -is burning gar pi[os a!loived. i At least 36" of ripe bear Eon Filter and heater far `uiure ,o!ar heating. ' b Co°Far for du'doer dols of yalvocr spas I ' Pool sy+ an' has directional Gtietc and a circulation p• «p time sr itch. !#toiling, Water {Heating and Plumbing System Measures! Ga i nrr furnaces u peol heaters, spa heaters ,:r house d cook ng appi!ances have no ----- ..."--'.� -..-_.---.---.-__'.... ---- ----- ----- a . ituous f curing pilot light. (5xcepi;oiv i louec« e'ical cooking applkn :&iia th pilot 150 6balhr) 3' . aqulpn^9.1? ar3ter as er>, slicv:erhea !s and faucets certified by the (:p1T«ni55.or _ _ - -- - - - - - - _- j _.._�_-��-_.--....._- � -.. ._..___._�_-_....._, _____ -� `; Ir• i!;_ Law Ruv.f:nater;at r;,.eet sp&Nried rritaria I andlor cocilmroans cafe+ulat. d -t 3-orJance with AS HRAs, SPAAC'1s. r ACLA. -- --' -- - - -- a -'-3`lleirtg Measures r on all applicable n."at,ng andioi coeliny aytsrns._- i :t M: hair s for general i, .i ,.g in AnGner; shall nave lamps with art?f uacy 40 lu;ner:sivrati or grea`er fir ripe and Tana Insulation i, I« r in nitcha-is Thi g_rieref fighting sha' ce oontroifed by a Switch on a readily access+ole ! (lhtrr3 -1 S o age gas rrat'r heater$ rated with art. Energg -actor less than 5.53 must be exterraily wrapped with j ; o. tr-Y, yen_: - ao enharce to ice kRcnen �0-11ire-�.n :,yrs g alt tnsratied !hereml resistance or R- f 2 or greater. .. ._ ..._ .. .. .. .... tr7wm 5 ire ar pities cio asst to water heater tack, rine-,-PdrwiuCng systgrPS, inSI-laced (R-4 or grater) I - I Po05 v:lrh a snr,'wer or carqub must have eithar at least one fumiraire vriti[ tamps with an eff•cauv of � .a•:ks for solar sysNrn, t'nfi'ed Storage tanks, or other indirrcf not water larks have R-12 external j I urne. _!....t: cr greater switched+ at iha ?nuance to the room crone Uf'.be aternatl'ia to this requirement ins tali n n^ i_ , .• "c in 950(X)2., and recessed ceJin, ;ix ur_o.aro I (insulation uo, approved. CoiminedkIvulation, - -it c _ i d or exposed piping insulated in Feu,. utafing Sections -:,if hot water systems. l I 5 C001 -Ig system piping bef0w 55 degrees F, lmulatad, i ! 8- Piping Ir,suluting befv'san heating so•erce a.nd indirect hot water tack. 1 1 :Fro 3.1 g?-nercysoft Ussr Number 5533 Number; - Page'6 of 19 i.1i3l, -'orgy-Soft -.. .. _. ...............__ .... Usertlurnb.rr. 5533 ... __._ _.. -._... Job Nvrnber, - -_._.?aye: i` of 19 i "WHIRLPOOL" #AC0052XJ WALL UNIT 5,200 BTU AIR 10.7 EER 110V MFCHAN I CAL P L A N M F ( H A N I (AL N01E5 1. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CATALOG CUTS & SPECIFICATIONS TO THE DESIGNER FOR ANY EQUIPMENT SUPPLIED OTHER THAN THAT SPECIFIED. "WHIRLPOOL" #ACE184XJ WALL UNIT 17,800 BTU AIR 15,000 BTU HEAT 9.7 EER 2 2 0 V t