MUP 2003-403• • 0 APR -08-2003 02:58 PM D.K.S. CONTRACTING & ENG 949 3058081 APR -06-2003 02:32 P. • City 0, f U Quints 0MCa to ONLY Community Development Department c�w lie. aco 3 - 4o 3 78-495 Calla Tampico no s'° La Quint&, California 92253 FRabo"AM' (760).777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 LOW to br. et 0 APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL P. 01 j P.01 MMCM USE PERMIT applications aro reviewed and Mwved -by the COMUBIty Dev I"M40 Ditactos ptwum to Seam 9.210.020, of tha Zoning Coda The PwPw of the review ie to ataw that lat,d tum rig the permit do oot bave an M h -M W Mit on n ==diag properties, roddda ". or wadum. ApDr .i(` ANT . ' . is • L ct c,4 rr L� /3 rf ��r� ^4� ' MAILING ADDRESS.3� % Si-�i •� 3/ vol, -- 'hwe No., cn-Y, STATI , ZIR , �Lv .� e. , A 9 a eo /p PROPERTY OWNER (If (Print) MAlt24 ADDRESS; 7? 7 5 n /& / a.ti, c phone No.% 7 7 7-70-0-0 CITY, STATE, Zl'P: La Oct Via. I C4 ? Fax No. 7 - 1R01= LOCATION: Z14' S5S s e PROPOSED VSE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including oPM160 al id0=4dos): —T—Pqr (S �� 5�1^r#torl crc2.. LBOAL DESCRaMON (LOT at TRACT OR A.P.N.): A16441M UN POUit APR -08-2003 02:58 PM D.K.S. CONTRACTING & ENG 949 3058081 P.02 APR -00-2003 62:32 P& P.02 w. 0 Plot Plan, floor plane end elevat,ion plans (as dowdred by ComMunitY Development Depptc M ghm- Five (S) seta of plane on W' x 11" shed or folded dawn to BNS" x 11". C] Pili tR he for Mina Use PerMiL If filing multiple appli0490, the moat expweive agpli ion will be WwrW M tie, with remaining related applications diswunted 50% for east. TWO di=W don not VPIY to Snit mntwl Inlbrmedon fb1m. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ i 4 ♦ + + NAME OF APPLICANT �• � � s • � o r�-�►-e�$� .� �' � n �v�ee r�•t �t� c - (Please Print) SIGNATURE OP APPLIC NAME OP PItOPBRTY OWNLR 4g 0 wk 510 ATURB OF, PROPERTY OWN IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: (Mpagweprovida mmi for applimW to ase Atte fir proposed achWty). (&Paste wrjtt" awAority by owner to ,rabwf appllcadm may be p vWdsO NOTE: FAIL OR BUBLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN TW6 AFFUCATION BAALL U GROUNN FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AlrMiMUE Pn'adt 0 04i 16.1.200:3 F -I 9: 16 `349 7 8 0 8 1 FROM : FHC 6 0 P�;GE 02'..."FI-2 FAX NO. : 760345454e Apr. 16 2003 02:19AM P2 F A M I L Y H E R- I T A G E' C H U R C H A01 .15, 2003 City of La QWnta 787495 Calk Tampico La Quints,- CA 92253 Subject: Conierit Letter To. whom this may conc:Txk; PamUyHcAtage Church gives. D."- Contracting &En&iIaccring, Inc., penniBsion to park {he construction trailer for the construcbon-of the new La Quinta, Fire Station for the .'duration of the project have . aay. qunfions, please do -not hesitate to contact me at (760) 345-0355_ ere y. Bill=ateSs ill an* ess chairman of the 13oard Family Heritage Church -Cc: D.K.S. Contracting & En&eong, Inc. 78-998 MILES AVENUG • LA Q)UINTA, CAL'IFORNIA 92253 (7.60) 345-0365. 04-16-03 08 16 RECEIVED FROM:9493878681 P.02 P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (7 60) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 April 14, 2003 D.K.S. Contracting & Engineering 9321 Irvine Blvd. Irvine, California 92618 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2003-403 Dear Applicant: This is. to report that the Community Development ;Department has approved your _`' request,...to have a temporary construction trailer at 44-555 `Adams Street during -: coristruction of City Fire Station #3 based on the following findings: 1 . Adequate parking exists for guests and employees; and 2. Adherence to the conditions will ensure that adverse impacts to surrounding properties will be minimized. Project conditions are: 1 . The trailer can remain on-site until April 14, 2004, unless an extension of time is granted by this Department. A request for a time extension shall be made in writing by March 20, 2004. The Community Development Director may, after reviewing the facts, extend the use of the office trailer for another six-month period. 2..., .:Use of the office trailer shall be limited to the hours of construction as listed in ­ th"e La Quinta Municipal Code (Chapter 6.08, Nuisances). A copy of this time schedule can be obtained at the Building and Safety Department. 3. A building permit is required for this application. Please apply to the Building and Safety Department for a permit (760-777-7012). 4. Install one 2A10BC fire extinguisher inside the building by the exit door, and provide a "Door to remain open during business hours" sign above the exit door. 5. No signs are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. G:MUP folder/MUP403 dks Trailermpd Mean 6. Mounted close to the front door shall be a written notice informing emergency personnel of your 24-hour emergency phone number that they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e:, minimum 1 " high letters). 7. All requirements addressed in Section 9.60.210 (Construction and Guard Offices) of the Municipal Code shall be met where applicable. The Municipal Code can be accessed online at la-quinta.org. 8. The applicant and/or property owner agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this application. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City shall promptly notify the applicant/developer of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 9. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the written appeal and filing fee of $175.00 are submitted to this Department within 15 calendar days. Please contact our office if you wish to file an appeal and we will assist you. Should you have questions regarding this letter, please contact the undersigned at 760-777-7067(Fax 760-777-1233) or gtrousde@la-quinta.org. Sincerely, JE HERMAN CO UNIT8 DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AUSDELL TAsso Planner Enc. c: Community Development Director Ed Randall, Building and Safety Department Fire Marshal Betty Sawyer, Executive Secretary G:MUP folder/MUP403 dks Trailer.wpd ARR-01-'2,00 3 05:00 F'r•1 II. t`. S- CONTRi=1I_TIFIG « ENG s+4'::, F'. 05 _LIAzti:-21 -03 02-57P- 03/19/2003 ACOROw C�R_TiFICAI'E QF LIABILITY 1TNlsuCATR IRIf �ANc AMATTER Of INPORMATIOM s�o....T R (714 525-585 �- FAX ( 714)525-0400 ONLY AND CONVIERS No RIaMTS UPON TMeSUOP WS CIRnFICNO IMIICI-PnT if(c InSur:Trxr. AgnrlC., Inr.. FIQLpLIR.Tk1SCERTIPICATODOoeNOTAMQND.rxY�NDOR -- ALTER TH6 COVERAO! APfgRD6D dV THE PpL (CIEs! YiLOVt• 1110 Brom Blvd., 0250 rUllr•ann, CA 92835 INlIURERBAFFORDING 00V14RA06 Koren FarrhRm -- " 1NeuaLRA IAT'. _H_AWIEY INSURANCE COl4 _ IywtnD 01(� �Dut RACT I IVC k NO I N!'�1i I Mei. I IAC . _ .M--... - 9321 IRVINE Bt -VU. IRpuaelts: CENTURY _NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY IRVINE, CA 97618 IusumrA c: 041 1 N_ Sl1RANCE COMP bNY INSURER 10: STATE COMPENSATION I HS JOANCE F 11tVD p1/ua[RL -. OTANDInu OVERAISES -1111, TTTE PatICIEs 0/ IN'ALIRATAC! IJBTED BELO1. W NAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE IN6URfiD NAMt;b AoovE '-it THE POLICY I-,tq i �pIC/ITf;D E ISSUED ANY 11EOUM.9O NT, TERM OTt STLU IrON o► ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CCR TIfICATf MAY 6! ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. THE ' TERM all ATTDRbf D BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IB SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, ENCLUSON6 AND CONDITIONS Or SUCII f OtICIYS. AOOR80ATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN RSOUCEO DY PAID C AM • iTlv Pcr TJ1iiB7tT O1:H flora _` L01334 01116111AL Lu6LITV X C'MIAIQR(:1„Lr+eNC•R1lL1Aan.u� I CLAIMA AtAVS I x 1 11 1 "IHI A «f cLNt Anr.RLt3nll lR'll An•uc : 1.1 u rM . Ltw. 1'ULICY -- --IAP0119C AuIOMOraR LIAAILIIT +Hv n,ul1 I I: X RIRI.O Ad(02 )t NO40*Xr0AUI05 OARLOL LM\ILIVY ANY AU10 LIC1III L4RL R1 I Cerus I ..I CL nn+5 "-I'( I: Ialouclleu wL ILh110W 1 TTORRIR, ccom lAnas ARO t rpLOTIRI' LM�LITY 11 _ I oris. - , - tICY w '� `— 05/25/Z(]02 05/25/21[N)a tACN0crva14LNCL r� (11)I' I Ipo, arU1�v11 1114 LIAMA :1. V. y �..•. 4.0 ! - pa0pLHIIDALIAGL f MILO EJIp (AAT sun p wnl / — _— PERSONAL A AOv INJUItY I , . ()(K) rim LA OLNLNAL AOGHICIAiL f 2.000 "IN N . rpnulxaS . a;tu,q• „1• .Kt, 1 1 . COO . 0114 1--.-•_--• 0'1/1fi/MY, (17 111/1200.1 COM6INLOAiNA 11 LOW I -• L it 1 1 U(R) 1)(1(' S/2002 05/25/2003 TLA A.Cq..l) AODRLOA IL f RDux.• INJ11"'r ' t t E.L. D19EA",•L Ln L'•M'1'• • LS 1 . ()(10 . Tl(1( t *3EAae.�'•,La.'ur.,n t�1.U(1U.nUT I �. ,.,••r.,r„nr A/ OpIRAIIDRA1LeCAr10Y1MTH,CLleIIICLUAIDMR ADOfO 0Y LNOORACRlR1JRRGIAL PIOVI61ORe 1 111 11 I(:A I E HOLUER I's NAMkI) AL11)I I IONAL I r6I REL) AS RLSPLC I S 1'RW'EII I Y I.E.ASUI Irl I Ht. NA1J1 11 I N51110 1) HOLDER FAMILY I(F.R I TAGS CHURCH 7R99A MILES AVENUE I_A QUINTA, CA 92253 FAX: (7G0)345-0355 ssURMLert1M: CANCELLATION SHOULD ARr Or TAI ARDI/I B/ICRIRID T'OLICIRe AA CAWC14.09"roR■ ims IRPUTATORIATR r140ALOp. 1146 nIUINO CONFANY WILL BN86AVOR 10 rAIL Syr PATI WRITTIR NOTICETDTNIOIRTDICATI HOLOTROARLD 101NLLLAT fur VAILURR TO RAO JUCR 001106 IIIALL WpD06 MOONL10AT10N OR UAWL111 OrAtl' maupOMTHEC rp1AMY,RIAOIDTIORRfpR([lll(MIYII. �._.. . 04-01-03 17:02 RECEIVED FROM:949 3058081 P.05 e00LrwJUNT I Ipo, arU1�v11 pa0pLHIIDALIAGL f IMAI KCA�nI) — _— AIJIL�I,NL+•CA n,::•LM.NI [ LA N . AUNO ONIOER Pt:,; i CACNOGGURRLNCL 1 1 U(R) 1)(1(' S/2002 05/25/2003 AODRLOA IL f t t /2o0a 01 /01 %2004 %T- T,,wr LM•,1 •: LR , L.L LACNACCIDIrIr f 1 6CK1 OPT E.L. D19EA",•L Ln L'•M'1'• • LS 1 . ()(10 . Tl(1( t *3EAae.�'•,La.'ur.,n t�1.U(1U.nUT I �. ,.,••r.,r„nr A/ OpIRAIIDRA1LeCAr10Y1MTH,CLleIIICLUAIDMR ADOfO 0Y LNOORACRlR1JRRGIAL PIOVI61ORe 1 111 11 I(:A I E HOLUER I's NAMkI) AL11)I I IONAL I r6I REL) AS RLSPLC I S 1'RW'EII I Y I.E.ASUI Irl I Ht. NA1J1 11 I N51110 1) HOLDER FAMILY I(F.R I TAGS CHURCH 7R99A MILES AVENUE I_A QUINTA, CA 92253 FAX: (7G0)345-0355 ssURMLert1M: CANCELLATION SHOULD ARr Or TAI ARDI/I B/ICRIRID T'OLICIRe AA CAWC14.09"roR■ ims IRPUTATORIATR r140ALOp. 1146 nIUINO CONFANY WILL BN86AVOR 10 rAIL Syr PATI WRITTIR NOTICETDTNIOIRTDICATI HOLOTROARLD 101NLLLAT fur VAILURR TO RAO JUCR 001106 IIIALL WpD06 MOONL10AT10N OR UAWL111 OrAtl' maupOMTHEC rp1AMY,RIAOIDTIORRfpR([lll(MIYII. �._.. . 04-01-03 17:02 RECEIVED FROM:949 3058081 P.05 -AFR-C+1-'--'00= 04:59 F'M D CONTRACTING w ENG 949 5t:0=:1 MAR -26-2003 02:30 PM 89/19/2083 15:91 94y397>?081 F a w . e A Y Y•.\ W F.0 p•10 pAm 0210 04-01-03 17:01 RECEIVED FROM:949 3058081 P.0.3 .AFF:, -01-2003 04:59 F'r*l Ii. S. -CONTRACTING ENG 94905:=:081 MAR -26-2003 02:10 FM 04-01-03 17:02 F' . C-14 P. 09 PAT, NOW 1.6 -,,sump wo 100 "Ma b. PL w L 00 00 0, Aw or$ b:l laulk Mtiglm:opd RECEIVED FROM:949 3058081 P-04