MUP 2004-5180 City of La Quinta RHAWX R�Vrf111i colt-.�,. Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 11 OFFICE USE ONLY kup G Case No. 04 — 6-1 Date Rgcvd. /L6 Fee: P Related Apps.: Logged in by: CLO W APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL ht/ MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT P,-- LIiF' -lz5 D (Print) MAILING ADDRESS Phone No. 65Y,-,�) 771 �%� CITY, STATE, ZIP: 1- Ll XK(Lg ��/ ��� �7 Fax No./7�nJ '771 - PROPERTY 7/ - PROPERTY OWNER (If different): 7d�iS� /� • l i/Z -.5-e /j (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: ��yl l/�2C`"r C�/iE'� • Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: ���� �� Ti`i J� %�9d 3?/.fax No.�� �7� ,77 9 PROJECT LOCATION: 7�� %/� ��C�D�c1 �/ey5- 6/G//r7,-4 53 PROPOSED USE AND//OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): A I Minor Use Permit .4iJBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/2" x I I" sheet or folded down to 8'/Z" x 11". ❑ , Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information foam. NAME OF APPLICANT (Please int) n SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE y/lle/�2 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) '� I IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: SC k DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. . .1 NOTE: A18\Minor Use Permit 1111w50991 QJP.O. BOX 1144 1STBANK - LA OUINTA, CA 92253 8ISTB 1 K Sun Vista °601 771-4722 FAX: (780) »1.4922 8/30/2004 3wrZ'1r",0,f DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION City of La Quinta **75.00 C, Seventy -Five and 00/100*ss:«s:sssssss:s«««««sss:«ssssssss:ssssss«ssss«ssssssssssss«ssssssssss»»»»ss»»»»»»»ss»»», 151 DOLLAR5 City of La Quinta Post Office Box 1504 781195 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 MEMO Wilson Lot 21 _ nR P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 September 16, 2004 Sun Vista Development PO Box 1 144 La Quinta, CA 92247 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2004-518 - LOT 21, TR 28470-1 Guest House at 78711 Deacon Drive East (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 FILE COPY The Community Development Department has approved your application request to include a detached guesthouse with your proposed single family residence at the above address. This approval is based on the following findings: A. The proposed use is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, as it is of a residential nature and is determined to be accessory to the principal residential structure. B. The proposed use is consistent with the Zoning Code, as it is permitted in the RL zoning district subject to approval of a Minor Use Permit, and as conditioned in accordance with Section 9.60.100, regulating Guest Houses. C. The proposed use is not subject to CEQA, based on Guidelines Section 15303(e). D. Approval of this Minor Use Permit Application will not result in conditions detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious to or incompatible with other properties and uses in the vicinity. Based on the above findings and pursuant to Section 9.60.100 (Guest Houses), the approval of this application is subject to the following Conditions: 1. This Minor Use Permit approval shall remain valid pursuant to Section 9.200.080, which shall also govern any extension request. 3. Floor area of the guesthouse shall not exceed 30% of the floor area of the main house. Architectural aspects of the guesthouse shall conform to those of the main dwelling. 4. No cooking/kitchen facilities are permitted in the guesthouse. mup04518gh 11 1 5. The guesthouse shall only be used by, and shall be restricted by covenant to, the occupants of the ' main residence, non-paying guests or domestic employees, and shall not be rented or otherwise occupied separately from the main residence. 6. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise that are not addressed herein. Enclosed is a copy of approved Exhibit A (setback review only) and B, along with a deed restriction form for compliance with Condition 5 above. It is the applicant's responsibility to have this document recorded with the Riverside County Recorder's Office, prior to any final inspection for the guesthouse. Therefore, a copy of the recorded document shall be supplied to the Building and Safety and Community Development Departments for the respective files. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7069. Very truly yours, OSCAR W. ORCI INTERIM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Wallace H. Nesbit Associate. Planner Enclosures c: Planning Manager Building and Safety Manager Code Compliance mup04518gh RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of La Quinta — City Clerk's Office PO Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Steven K. Wilson 7409 Rivercrest Circle Fort Smith, AR 72903-2215 COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT 78711 Deacon Drive East , LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This covenant and agreement are made and executed this day of , 20, by , as the record owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: Lot 21 of Tract 28470-1, as per record map on file with the Recorder of Riverside County In consideration of the -City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to and with said City to restrict the use of said property, as follows: The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 2004-518); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3.. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), . guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This covenant and agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La 0 1 0 Quinta. All leases of said dwellingand/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This covenant and agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. By: X X X X Oscar W. Orci Interim. Community Development Director City of La Quinta Signature(s) Printed Name(s) Date Date ALL PURPOSE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) MUST BE ATTACHED IN 8 1/2" X. I V FORMAT, FOR EACH SIGNATURE. • STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) On 91 17 I -a-or) 4 'before me, _ � Personally appeared &r:C W. (fin w 0 personally known to kA or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, Signature f the Notary Pliblic PI'MUS MANLEY _ Commission # 1378906 Notary Public - California Riverside County My Comm. Eg*es Oct 16.2006 jCALL4 „ z E 50 z TAMPICO i AVE 52 ffi PROJECT LOCATION VICINITY WY LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA CTS J CCL m N E ; V y k E o o -d .0 O 3 U mEUE o c�. E cn Z h- = O m p j aUU�. : Cd <00 U SCALE 1'=8' 0 4 8 16 24 Underground Service Aler' Call: TOLL FREE 1-800 227-2600 TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG APPR01M FOR POU&M C I PW4O6 AIO ZMIC msUOCL TOTAL LOT AREA=13,966 SF=0.321 AC. TOTAL BLDG AREA=4,590 SF=0.105 AC. mium me �O� °"� DM>�� BUILDING AREA/LOT AREA=32.9% MOFu� MY OF,A QUA NOTE: DRNEWAY APPROACH REQUIRES A SEPARATE PERMIT & INSPECTION FROM CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BENCHMARK: / RN. 00. BENCIUAI C 103-3-70, �o/P OF CON-. FD . t350' NLY OF OlDFLLAVE 1 52LPAND JO' E7Y OF CL OF WASHOLGTON WE, 6• SLY OF POWER PIX£ 1989270 ETF/. -40.71. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BFNLNGS HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE WEST LIE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SEC. 7, TITS, R7F, SBM, ASSHOWN ON A RECORD OF SURVEY RS 67/76, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CAUFORNLA, BEING N0006'OB" E LOT 20 -C.:all i10 FF=(38.50) rILL PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERNSION OF: Q�pFESS7� �° \AR ESSI SHAHANDEH ESFRCE 14 . S7a34tIDEki wTE: =c CIVIL ENGINEER RCE N0. 47834 EXP. GATE 12/31/2005 � Na 4783! � APPROVED BY. r� rz/3iM �? CIV1A �' PALM DESERT DATE: ' OF CALL n* -175 No -D Y. Pa 0—t a mm RCE N0. EXP. DATE _. DTC) \ \\ 35.3' 33 1si NVNv \ \ 3 oa \\ 35.187 moo. 1' CF DWY 10 \ Z a 1 2.T8END SL v I 4.561NV S 458END (35.8770 3 �1NM d l d \ II I I(35.97TC) _ON_ JAR 4.49 I I I /I I N ' � Dlal, BOX �iI { (36.06TC) a I ' 10. i PUE LL it / WE 1---4) REVISED 8/3%04 WILSON RESIDENCE DESIGN: DRAFT: E SITE PLAN ESS' ESSI LOT 21, TRACT 28470-1 ESS. X04 PORTION OF SWnON 7, 5.83., B.7E., 3611&.EL DWG No. SP858001 CITY OF LA QUINTA SHEET 1 OF 1 _c a E m c 0 0 C C �C cUE o U E �,z-Mt 0 - V 0 0 � Q❑❑�:a .=UWP_ 0 0 0 FLOOR PLAN ec.ALe va+roe PLAN OTES ❑ r.YG � Ma, a ,..� eaa. - AIL MAaiALTMIEO mu.wolr vwt eL .arAum n rLa WMFACIUEM! 9naa1Gn00 4D aD+vanT K9.m .el NltAwlol .ea,wleaL of ; Q' ..lF .,00l s.« .al c4.Aa Ot46fN. 1 .Lt, -M 061x.919 (K11. vOmO�B .91 ,..,,rn[,wF.'f ANCA 1 /HOMO[ Y CFM Ma.p071Atq AAQ rllll MIg1 ruNerE'r IOI YY MAmWing- 7. 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