2006 01 10 PC Minutes
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
January 10, 2006
7:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00
p.m. by Chairman Kirk who asked Commissioner Alderson to lead the flag
B. Present: Commissioners Ed Alderson, Richard Daniels, Paul Quill, and
Chairman Tom Kirk. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Daniels/Alderson to excuse Commissioner Ladner. Unanimously
Staff present: Community Development Director Doug Evans, Assistant
City Attorney Michael Houston, Planning Manager Les Johnson,
Associate Engineer Paul Goble, Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Associate
Planners Wallace Nesbit and Andrew Mogensen, Assistant Planner Jay
Wuu, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer
A. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of the
December 27, 2005 regular meeting. There being no changes to the
minutes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson
to approve the minutes as submitted. Chairman Kirk abstained.
Continued - Environmental Assessment 2005-550, General Plan
Amendment 2005-106, Zone Change 2006-126, Specific Plan 83-002,
Amendment #5, and Tentative Parcel Map 32752; a request of Ray
Shaffer for consideration of: 1) a Negative Declaration of environmental
impact; 2) a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change from golf Course
to Low Density residential; 3) a Specific Plan to allow the conversion of
2.3 + acres of existing golf course/common area to residential use; and
4) review of a Parcel Map to subdivide 2.3 + acres into three single-
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family lots, for the property located between Weiskopf and Jack Nicklaus
Golf Courses, immediately south of PGA Boulevard, within PGA West.
1 . Commissioner Daniels informed the Commission that he belongs to
the Master Homeowners' Association (HOA) for PGA West, but
not the HOA for this subdivision. He does not believe it is a
conflict of interest and will participate in the meeting.
2. Chairman Kirk opened the public hearing and asked if anyone
wanted to speak regarding the project. Mr. Myron Mintz, 80-355
Weiskopf, stated his objections to the project and asked that this
item be continued .
3. Staff informed the Commission why the continuance was
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Quill to
continue Environmental Assessment 2005-550, General Plan
Amendment 2005-106, Zone Change 2006-126, Specific Plan 83-
002, Amendment #5, and Tentative Parcel Map 32752 project to
January 24, 2006. Unanimously approved.
B. Site Development Permit 2005-839; a request of Marchi and Associates
for Wells Fargo Bank for consideration of development plans and a sign
for a bank with a drive-thru with approximately 4,500 square feet of floor
area, for the property located northwest of the intersection of Highway
111 and La Ouinta Drive in The Pavilion at La Ouinta project.
1 . Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Principal Planner Stan
Sawa presented the information contained in the staff report, a
copy of which was on file in the Community Development
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Daniels asked about the Americans for Disabilities
Act requirements in regard to the sidewalk to Highway 111. Staff
stated access must be provided to the public sidewalk as well as
the parking lot.
Chairman Kirk stated asked the location of the bus stop. Staff
stated they would need to review the plans to determine the exact
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4. Commissioner Daniels asked if the drive-thru intruded into the
landscape area at the southeast corner. Staff stated it will slightly
for the knuckle.
5. Commissioner Alderson thanked staff for taking into consideration
the slope design for the drive-thru. He then asked if the
landscaping plans would come back before the Commission. Staff
stated currently it is recommended for staff review, but the
Commission can condition it to come back.
6. Commissioner Daniels asked if the landscaping plans reflected the
Architecture and Landscape Review Committee (ALRC) concerns.
Staff stated no but, the applicant is aware of what they are and
they are included in the conditions.
There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Kirk asked if
the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Brett
Marchi, architect representing the applicant, stated he had a
concern with regard to Condition 26.A.1.a. as it was his
understanding that all street conditions have been completed.
Associate Engineer Paul Goble stated that was true, but the
condition was added because the Specific Plan and Site
Development Permit calls out changes to the street configuration
and they have not been completed. The plans for the ultimate
improvements are still pending, so the condition was placed on the
project until they have been completed. Mr. Marchi asked about
Condition 30.G. regarding the 14 foot drive-thru aisle width. The
setbacks are taken from the curb of the drive aisle and if they have
to provide a 14 foot drive aisle, it would cause them to reduce the
building by two feet and he does not have the room. He asked if
there was an exception that could be taken in regard to the
setback. Associate Engineer Paul Goble stated they have had
extensive discussions with the City's traffic consultant regarding
aisle widths and the 14 foot requirement was the reasonable width
that was decided upon. Mr. Marchi asked what this was based
on. Staff stated it was based on large vehicles with
maneuverability that could create problems.
Commissioner Alderson asked where the 14 feet came into play.
Mr. Marchi stated it is along Highway 111 when you first come
into the Center. He went on to discuss his reasoning for
requesting a smaller drive aisle.
Commissioner Quill asked the width of the aisle at the knuckle.
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Mr. Marchi stated he did not know, but their dimension was based
on a suburban size vehicle. He believes they have the 14 feet at
the radius.
10. Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would address the other
issues raised. Mr. Marchi stated that in regard to the parking
(adjacent to the drive-thru), on the approved master plan for the
site, the parking is already laid out in this location. As far as the
employee parking area being in conflict with the A TM users, the
employees will be arriving in the morning and leaving at the end of
the day which he believes will not be a conflict with the A TM
users. The area will be identified as employee parking.
11 . Chairman Kirk asked if staff had any issues with the employee
parking. Associate Engineer Paul Goble stated it is a concern, but
staff addressed this in Condition #30 A-J. Staff's primary concern
is site distance on the north as you leave the drive-thru aisle. Mr.
Marchi stated they would extend the walkway and put a bend in
the berm to soften the look.
12. Commissioner Daniels stated that since they protrude into the
required setback on the curb, could they move the building to the
north. Mr. Marchi stated the only way to get a 4,500 square foot
building on this site is to move the drive aisle back or remove the
parking on the front. They are pinched at the top for the exit aisle
to get the handicap area out of the building. The building is very
tight and they would have to lose square footage. Commissioner
Daniels asked how far they protrude into the setback. Mr. Marchi
stated about three feet.
1 3. Commissioner Alderson asked if they could make the planter on
the south side of the building narrower and widen the driveway.
Mr. Marchi stated he would agree with this but they were required
to buffer the building with landscaping.
14. Chairman Kirk asked if the grid element shown on the elevation
was a trellis. Mr. Marchi stated it would be a very tight green wire
mesh product that vines will grow into.
15. There being no further public comment, the public participation I
portion of the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to
Commission discussion.
1 6. Commissioner Daniels stated he was trying to resolve the intrusion
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into the setback. He would rather have the landscaping removed
adjacent to the building and supplement for landscaping on the
berm. He does not have a concern with the parking and he agrees
with the applicant on the public walkway.
17. Commissioner Alderson complemented the applicant on the colors.
He would agree with the applicant in regard to the 12 foot drive-
thru aisle on the straight portion.
18. Commissioner Quill stated the width of Chick-fil-a driveway was
not even discussed when it was before them; what was their
width. Staff stated it was approximately 14 feet and will narrow
at one point. The traffic engineer wanted more and staff settled
on 14 feet. Some areas of this drive aisle could be reduced.
Community Development Director Doug Evans suggested they
consider reducing the width on the straight portion of the aisle and
keep it at 14 at the radius. Staff could work with the applicant to
taper the aisle on some portions. A 12 foot lane on a straight aisle
is sufficient, as long as the radius in larger.
19. Commissioner Quill thanked staff for making sure the berm is at
four feet to screen headlights of the cars entering the drive aisle.
He likes the applicant's suggestion to meander the sidewalk
access to bring the berm in tighter and screen the view. He would
like the Texas Ranger size increased on the drive aisle and add an
additional six or seven Texas Ranger plants on the west side to
help screen the area. Has no problem with the encroachment into
the setback and he is willing to compromise to reduce the drive-
thru aisle on the straight portion and have the knuckle wider.
20. Chairman Kirk stated the building is a nice design, with respect to
the setback encroachment if they allowed the 1 2 foot drive aisle
they could add the two feet to the setback in another area and the
average would be 50 feet. He agrees with Commissioner Quill in
regard to the landscaping and the applicant treatment of the
curvilinear sidewalk. He did not hear what the Commissioners
wanted in regard to the parking.
21 . Commissioner Quill stated he has no issue with the parking.
22. Commissioner Alderson stated the area was not conducive for
public parking and therefore would have no problem. He would
like to see larger plants. Community Development Director Doug
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Evans stated one gallon plants would not be as root-bound as five
gallon plants.
23. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-001, approving Site
Development Permit 2005-839, as recommended and modified:
a. Condition added to require curvilinear sidewalk between
Highway 111 and the building.
b. Condition added to require additional landscaping - five
gallon Texas Rangers.
b. Condition added to allow the drive aisle to be reduced in the
straight areas as long as the knuckle is 14 feet
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Quill, and
Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Ladner. ABSTAIN: None.
Tentative Tract Map 34185; a request of Sienna Corporation for
consideration of a subdivision of approximately 3. 1 2 acres into ten
residential lots and other miscellaneous lots for the property located
± 425 feet west of Jefferson Street along the north bank of the CVWD
Stormwater Channel, south of Fiesta Drive, accessed from Hummingbird
1 . Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Associate Planner
Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which was on file in the Community
Development Department. Staff noted some changes to
conditions identified in a memorandum distributed to the
Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked if the four or five parking spaces
that were on Lot B, were removed and moved to a proposed
parallel parking option along the CVWD Flood Control Channel, and
on the premise CVWD will not allow this option, then the applicant
would go to a 32 foot street width, has the applicant agreed.
Staff stated the owner has reservations about increasing the street
Commissioner Quill stated that typically development along the
Channel requires lining of the Channel; is that the case here. Staff
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stated it is already lined except for a small strip which the
applicant will line.
4. Chairman Kirk asked if this property has ever been designated as
open space. Staff stated that was not known without extensive
research of the files. Chairman Kirk asked if there has ever been
any other designation made on this property. Staff stated that
would be question for the applicant. Community Development
Director Doug Evans stated staff was not aware of any
development or restrictions on this site.
There being no further questions of staff Chairman Kirk asked if
the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Mike
Rowe, representing Sienna Corporation, gave a presentation on the
project. They did have an objection to the condition requiring the
widening of a street to accommodate parking; they would agree to
widen the entry road and restricting the parking on the street.
With regard to the proposed gate for the CVWD access, he does
not believe CVWD will allow this. They do not propose any gates
along an access roadway. This property was originally purchased
to provide well sites for CVWD. These well sites have gates and
they have spoken with CVWD regarding curb returns for access to
the well sites on the southerly return.
6. Commissioner Quill asked if they were proposing a private street
with no gates. Mr. Rowe there would be public access.
7. Commissioner Daniels asked how public access was proposed for
the two original lots they were proposing previously. Mr. Rowe
demonstrated their proposed location and reasoning for changing
the tract design.
8. Commissioner Alderson asked about Lot Band C in regard to how
they would be treated. Mr. Rowe stated they would be
landscaped and could use berming to hide the parking spaces. An
HOA will be created to maintain the lots.
Chairman Kirk asked if there was any other public comment. Mr.
Shane Falleur 79-895 Fiesta Drive, stated he lived right behind Lot
B and his concern is that there is no wall or landscaping to hide
headlights coming from the proposed parking into his property.
They were told only two lots were going to be created and now
things have changed. There is no wall to separate this tract from
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his property. Mr. Rowe stated they would be willing to construct
a wall. Chairman Kirk asked if a six foot wall would address his
concerns. Mr. Falleur stated yes.
10. Mr. Rod Wright, 79-859 Hummingbird Lane, Lot 65, s~ated his
concern is that he bought his house to live on a cul-de-sac and
now there will be a lot of traffic on his road. He too had been told
there would be only two lots. Now with ten lots he has traffic
11 . Ms. Bobbie Froemming, 79-865 Hummingbird Lane, stated she too
was approached and told that a block wall would be constructed
between her house and the homes to be built. She is also
concerned with the amount of traffic these ten lots will create.
The construction of the homes will also bring a lot of construction
trucks onto Hummingbird Lane.
12. Mr. Robert Denewiler, 79-915 Fiesta Drive, Lot 58, stated he too
is concerned with the amount of traffic. When he bought his I
home, he was told nothing would be built behind his house now,
there will be ten homes. Commissioner Quill asked if Mr. Rowe or
anyone from the Sienna had ever spoken with them regarding the
proposed tract. Mr. Denewiler stated no, and he also did not
receive any notification regarding this hearing.
13. Mr. Lee Larimore, 78-925 Fiesta Drive, stated he agrees with
what has been stated as well as concern regarding the density of
this tract. He asked the size of the lots as it appears the houses
are as big as the lots. This will affect their property values having
the smaller houses next door. He is also concerned about their
access onto Jefferson Street.
14. Chairman Kirk asked Mr. Rowe to address the concerns that had
been raised by the residents. Mr. Rowe stated the lot sizes along
Fiesta Drive will be 8,700 to 10,800 square feet. These lots are
comparable to lots in the area with the exception of the cul-de-sac
lots. The construction traffic for the tract will come down Fiesta
Drive. In conversations with the residents he has informed them
what the area was zoned for and this tract is still below the
allowable density, four units to the acre. He believes he has
always been upfront with the residents in the area.
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15. Commissioner Quill stated Lots 55 and 56 currently have houses
on them and asked if Sienna ever owned them? Mr. Rowe stated
16. Commissioner Alderson asked the house sizes proposed. Mr.
Rowe stated they are not intending to build. If they are unable to
sell the lots, then they will build what is comparable to what is
17. Commissioner Quill noted Lots 2 and 3 have a rear slope going
into the building envelope. Mr. Rowe stated there will be stepped
retaining walls to accommodate the slope. Commissioner Quill
asked if the stormwater would go to the channel. Mr. Rowe
stated yes and it has been worked out with CVWD.
18. Commissioner Daniels asked if there were any two story houses
and would he have any objections to being conditioned to only one
story. Mr. Rowe stated he would object, if it was already allowed
by Code. Chairman Kirk asked what the maximum height
requirement was for this area. Staff stated 28 feet. Chairman
Kirk asked if there were any two story homes existing. Staff
stated no.
19. Commissioner Alderson asked about the concern regarding
automobile lights into the adjoining property. Mr. Rowe stated he
had told the residents that if they build the homes, they will build a
20. Ms. Bobbie Froemming, stated she would appreciate the
Commission conditioning the applicant to one-story homes. She
too was told this property would never be built upon.
21 . There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to
Commission discussion.
22. Commissioner Quill stated he has a concern that the applicant has
not met with the residents regarding these issues. He would also
agree with limiting the homes to one story and requiring the
applicant to construct a wall if the adjacent property owner wants
it. He would support continuance of this project to allow the
applicant time to meet and discuss some of the issues with the
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23. Commissioner Alderson stated he too is concerned that some of
the residents were not notified about the public hearing. He
supports limiting the project to one story. He would prefer to look
down the drive-in entry and see a landscaped road rather than the
dirt trail that exists. If CVWD did not allow the encroachment, the
applicant is not supporting the street widening alternative and he
does not know where it will go.
24. Commissioner Quill stated that in regard to street widening, he
would support the 28 foot wide street.
25. Commissioner Daniels stated he would support Commissioner
Quill's comments. He would also support the project going
forward while working with the neighboring residents to resolve
the issues. He would want Mr. Rowe to meet with the neighbors
and resolve the issues as early as possible.
26. Chairman Kirk stated he too would be concerned if he lived here
for 30 years and had an expectation of low density or open space. I
He would like to see a continuance to see a meeting between the
residents, staff, and the developer to resolve the issues such as
density, amenities, and site design. He agrees with allowing the
28 foot right-of-way with rolled curbs. If they can work an
easement with CVWD and have rolled curbs he would not be
concerned with off-street parking.
27. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Alderson to
continue Tentative Tract Map 34185 to February 14, 2006
28. Chairman Kirk reopened the public hearing. Mr. Rowe asked that
the notice be made tonight to allow this public hearing to take
place in one month. Chairman Kirk asked that staff deliver a
notice to each resident and post it in the area.
29. Commissioner Daniels stated he believes the neighbors have been
notified and he would move to continue the hearing to February
14, 2006 with the project being re-noticed for a neighborhood
meeting. Commissioner Alderson seconded the motion and the
motion carried unanimously.
Village Use Permit 2005-032 and Development Agreement 2005-009; a
request of Nispero Properties, Inc. for consideration of: 1) development
plans for construction of a ± 19,433 gross square foot two-story office
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building, including a 935 square foot coffee bar in the Village at La
Guinta; and 2) a Development Agreement for parking management to
allow construction of said office building and coffee bar for the property
located at the northwest corner of Avenida La Fonda and Main Street.
1 . Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Associate Planner
Wallace Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff
report, a copy of which was on file in the Community
Development Department.
2. Chairman Kirk asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Alderson asked if the westerly property wall would
be four feet in height. Staff stated there is no existing wall. Staff
is recommending a four foot wall.
There being no further questions of staff Chairman Kirk asked if
the applicant would like to address the Commission. Mr. Steve
Nieto, Southwest Concepts, representing the applicant, gave a
presentation on the project.
Commissioner Daniels asked if the applicant saw any parking
problems. Mr. Nieto stated no, his own parking lot where he has
his business in the Village is never full. He has no objection to the
conditions or the Development Agreement.
5. Commissioner Quill stated he would like to see a pedestrian access
created to Old Town through this building. Mr. Nieto stated it
would all depend on what is built on the adjacent lots to the west.
They are proposing a six foot wall along the west property line.
Commissioner Quill stated he would like the pedestrian access to
be similar in style to what the City has installed on Avenida
Chairman Kirk asked what the ALRC recommended. Mr. Nieto
stated they requested the rear elevation of the coffee bar be
redesigned to remove the oval windows and install some arches to
reflect the other windows. Chairman Kirk stated he would rather
see windows than the arches with no windows. Mr. Nieto stated
the area behind the arches is for storage. He would recommend
some type of inlay inside the arches with stone or tile. Chairman
Kirk asked if the second floor of the rotunda, on the rear elevation
behind the rail, needs some detail added. Mr. Nieto stated there is
an office in the rotunda with one window. He does not believe
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there will be much ability to see this area from the street. They
could create some detail to add interest. Chairman Kirk stated he
was concerned where the pedestrian activity will occur. It appears
most of the activity will occur in the rear instead of the front of
this building. He too wants to see the link between this project
and the downtown area. Mr. Nieto stated the front elevation is
the choice elevation and most of the traffic will enter from the
rear. Chairman Kirk stated he would prefer the traffic be along
Main Street. He asked staff if there could be some on-street
parking provided with a 28-foot street width. Associated Engineer
Paul Goble stated the traffic engineer found it very difficult with
the layout of the building and the curve of the stree~. Something
would have to be sacrificed because the building footprint has
been maximized. Chairman Kirk stated they would prefer to lose
parking in the rear to obtain on-street parking. This would slow the
traffic down and he would prefer to see the coffee bar in the front
of the building. Community Development Director Doug Evans
stated this is probably starting to push the idea of 28-foot wide
streets. This particular location is relatively busy with the Senior
Center and Library. If the City allows on-street parking we would
need to look at locations to maintain turning movements in and out
of driveways. They considered popouts, but unless you pull it
behind the sidewalk you could have half a car in the street.
Chairman Kirk asked if the Commission supports the idea.
7. Commissioner Alderson asked if they are proposing parallel parking
with an inside radius would this not cause more problems.
Associate Engineer Paul Goble stated it is a problem in this area
and unless a variance were given to the standards currently being
used, you run into the building.
8. Commissioner Quill stated it seems you could have parallel parking
spaces the entire length of the building along Main Street with a
sidewalk and enhanced pavement landscaping and push the
building to the west a few feet and still make it work. This would
help bring the traffic into the front of the building.
Commissioner Alderson stated that if we are trying to create
pedestrian activity in the front, could they have an ornate walkway
across the street and utilize the library parking lot. Staff stated it
could be done but, it may not be the best location.
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10. Chairman Kirk stated he would suggest no one would park across
the street and walk across the street unless the rear parking lot
was closed or full. Mr. Nieto suggested they eliminate or reduce
the landscaping and provide a 32 foot wide street with parallel
parking. Community Development Doug Evans stated the street
could be widened four feet closer and landscaping reduced to
accommodate the on-street parking on the inside of the curb.
Some areas may need to be red-curbed, but it should work.
11 . Chairman Kirk stated he would not want to lose horizontal
landscaping. If you move the curb back four feet he would like to
see landscaping in the sidewalk itself. If the building were moved
to the west and lose parking spaces to the north and south and
make them up with parallel parking on Main Street.
1 2. Commissioner Quill suggested an enhanced or paver sidewalk with
planter pockets with trees be used similar to the EI Paseo
13. Chairman Kirk asked if there was an opportunity to move the
coffee bar to the front of the building. Mr. Nieto stated they could
move it into one of the front spaces without redesigning the
building. If they are required to move the building to the west he
would not be able to meet ADA requirements. Discussion
followed. Staff recommended parking pockets with landscaped
areas be allowed which would give them ten spaces. Chairman
Kirk stated he would not recommend the parking pockets on an
inside radius as it would make it more difficult to get in and out.
Associate Engineer Paul Goble stated he was not tied to the
parking pockets.
14. Chairman Kirk asked if anyone else wanted to speak on this
project. Mr. Bob Hill, 58-473 Quarry Ranch Road, developer of
the project, stated that in regard to the parking issues they
envisioned the building not being a retail center similar to Old
Town, but office oriented. He does not see the intensity of in and
out parking during the day similar to what retail uses would
generate. The coffee bar was to service the businesses in the
office complex and across the street and not to be a IIStarbucks II .
He would agree to the on-street parking with the detailed
walkway across the street. He does not agree with losing parking
spaces and move the building back as he would not receive any
benefit from this.
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15. There being no further public comment, the public participation
portion of the hearing was closed and the matter was opened to
Commission discussion.
16. Commissioner Alderson stated the emphasis for the front parking
to have a user friendly building does not appear to be what the
applicant wants. Therefore, he does not believe the building
should be moved back. As far as the rear window of the coffee
shop, he supports some architectural detail being made.
17. Commissioner Quill stated it is a great looking building and he
agrees with the window treatment to the coffee bar. The idea of
this area is to make it a pedestrian friendly area. Having a traffic
calming sidewalk into this site with on-street parking will help to
accommodate that emphasis. He does not believe it is necessary
to push the building back. The sidewalk could be reduced and
enhanced with planters and it could still work with on-street
18. Commissioner Daniels stated he too would not want to push the I
building back. Allowing the on-street parking is needed.
19. Chairman Kirk stated he wants the public space image and the
objective of pedestrian linkage between major activity centers in
the City. On-street parking, enhanced paving, and pedestrian link
across the street need to be done. If we can get 14-1 5 parking
spaces with on-street parking, he does not believe a Development
Agreement is needed for four spaces. Community Development
Director Doug Evans stated they would need to provide the
applicant with relief for parking standards which would require a
different application. Chairman Kirk asked why they could not
grant 1000/0 credit for parking spaces. Community Development
Director Doug Evans stated they were doing that through a
Development Agreement. From a parking perspective, there may
be an advantage to having public parking at this end of the Village
and give people the ability to walk from the east to the west
throughout the Village area.
20. Following discussion it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Quill/Daniels to adopt Planning Commission
Resolution 2006-002, recommending approval of Village Use
Permit 2005-032, as recommended and modified:
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Condition added: the street section on Main Street be
widened to allow an additional four feet on the half width in
order to allow on-street parking in front of the building.
Condition added: an enhanced sidewalk with associated
landscaping shall be installed.
Condition added: architectural detail shall be added to the
rear elevations of the coffee bar.
Condition added: coffee seating shall be encouraged in the
front courtyard area of the building.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Quill, and
Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Ladner. ABSTAIN: None.
21 . It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Daniels to
adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2006-003, approving
Development Agreement 2005-009, as recommended and
Modified to allow a one to one credit for up to the number
of parking spaces that is determined by the Public Works
that can be created.
ROLL CALL: AYES: Commissioners Alderson, Daniels, Quill, and
Chairman Kirk. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner
Ladner. ABSTAIN: None.
A. Continued - Consideration regarding Hookah Bars; a request of City for
direction in regard Hookah Bars within the City.
1 . Chairman Kirk asked for the staff report. Assistant Planner Jay
Wuu presented the information in the staff report, a copy of which
is on file in the Community Development Department.
Commissioner Daniels asked why it was not proposed as a
permitted versus a conditional use. Staff stated that during their
review of the use, it was found that some undesirable uses had
accompanied the use in other cities.
Chairman Kirk asked if the applicant would like to address the
Commission. Mr. Emad gave a presentation on the project. He
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Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2006
stated there would be no serving of alcoholic beverages. Coffee,
tea, juice, soda and water would be served in closed containers.
Admittance would be limited to adults 1 8 years and older. It
would be a safe environment.
4. There being no further public participation, the matter was opened
to Commission discussion.
5. Commissioner Daniels stated he thought it was a reasonable
request and he would support the use.
6. Commissioner Alderson stated he could not support this type of
business as he believes it is a health issue.
Chairman Kirk asked if the Commission has to allow a use that is a
permitted use, similar to an adult business, somewhere in the City.
Michael Houston stated not in this case. Business uses other
than adult uses, do not have the same free speech protection adult
uses have. Cities and counties are allowed to prohibit such uses
under a general commercial speech standard.
8. Chairman Kirk stated he too does not want to encourage smoking,
but this is an allowed use. He would see this use being allowed in
the Village Commercial area as well. It would add to the foot
traffic in the Village. Mr. Emad stated the location is for those to
sit down and smoke inside the building.
9. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Daniels/Kirk to
approve the use of Hukah Bars as recommended by staff.
Commissioner Daniels and Chairman Kirk voted in favor.
Commissioner Alderson voted no. Commissioner Quill abstained.
Commissioner Ladner was absent.
A. Review of City Council meeting of January 3, 2006 was given.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Alderson/Daniels to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to a
G:\WPOOCS\PC Minutes\2006\ 1-1 0-06PC.doc
Planning Commission Minutes
January 10, 2006
regular meeting of the Planning Commission to be held on January 24, 2006. This
meeting of the Planning Commission was adjourned at 9:54 p.m. on January 10,
Respectfully submitted,
G:\WPDOCS\PC Minutes\2006\ 1-1 0-06PC.doc