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MUP 2005-587
FINANCE �uinta velopment Department Impico Eornia 92253 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No.11it(iP zoo Date R cvd. / • S . O s Fee: 7S.00 Related Apps.: Logged in by: / • A ' R MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL 0 MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. #,'115 , APPLICANT �`' V/e SS/!° �T l 115 (Print) MAILING ADDRESS �y 2 OQ O y 66 �%i-l�e`Q Phone No. -76o 456V 5'03V CITY, STATE, ZIP: LC[ LION t4 CA -17,Z53 Fax No. 760 3V401 ev" PROPERTY OWNER (If different): �`'• Verfie #iMr (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: ' ' Y ZOO /dQ #e k,;-ei-Q PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): New de-6acd Cas -tea gverihevfe D1 3Sj sF Af c%Jef a� wet Aro- (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): �0t5 IS /(P Ae 7 71V COQ J/ vyit 0 a60 15�h tek A18\Minor Use Permit r SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8%2" x I I". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT t" • �ess�C /' ,(/ S (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT el DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER Ai-. `k sf te #1 //S (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Minor Use Permit P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 January 14, 2005 Jessie Hills 54200 Avenida Herrera La Quinta, CA 92253 FILE CQ?Y SUBJECT: Approval of Minor Use Permit 2005-587 Dear Mr. Jessie Hills: Your request for Minor Use Permit 2005-587 to allow the construction for a new guesthouse/casita at 54200 Avenida Herrera for Mr. Jessie Hills is hereby approved. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for this Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by you in front of a Notary Public. The original approved documents are then to be recorded with the County Recorder with a recorded copy given to us for our files. Until the recorded copy is received, our Minor Use Permit file is not complete. After we receive our copy we will provide our clearance to the Building Department to issue the building permit. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7070. Very truly yours, Tim Nguen Assistant Planner - Attachment C: Building and Safety Department p:\tim\mup/LA 2005-586.doc L] RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City of La Quinta — City Clerk's Office PO Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Jessie Hills 54200 Avenida Herrera La Quinta, CA 92253 C COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT 54-200 AVENIDA HERRERA, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This covenant and agreement are made and executed this 14'h day of January, 2005_by Mr. Jessie Hills, as the record owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she -is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: APN # 774-214-027, as per record map on file with the Recorder of Riverside County In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to and with said City to restrict the use of said property as follows: The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 2005-587); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30.040 (RC Cove Residential Zone District) . and 9.60.100 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall • 0 be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, as may be amendedfrom time to time. This covenant and agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This covenant and agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a municipal corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. By: 1. 2. 3. Signature(s) Dated: (1 Douglas�R. Evans Community Development Director City of La Quinta Printed Name of all owner(s) Date ALL PURPOSE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) MUST BE ATTACHED IN 8 1/2 X 11 " FORMAT, FOR EACH SIGNATURE. 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ► ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) On , before me, Personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, Signature of the Notary Public • CURTIS RICHARD ARCH I T E C T ARCHITECTURE • L A N D A Guesthouse Addition to the Mr. &Mrs. J. Hills 1Ze5idence 54-200 Avenida Herrera La Quinta, California COLORS & MATERIALS 1 Base stucco color: La Habra X-79 Villa 0 S H U P E PLANNING 2 Clay Tile Roof: U.S. Tile 1 -piece `s' clay tile, Bermuda Blend color mix 3 Wood Fascia: Behr #502 Beach Beige semi -transparent stain Note: The intent of this addition is to match the colors and materials of the existing residence. Verify all colors and materials selections. /, 3. 72-880 FRED WARING DRIVE, SUITE A-5 PALM DESERT, CALIFORNIA • 92260 PHONE: 760-346-7354 FAX: 760-346.0689 Existing Yard J Nor A Guesthouse Addition to the 100, Mr. & M ro. J. Hills 100' Avenida Herrera Site Plan The General Contractor shall verify all existing on-site conditions and measurements. All materials, finishes and duality of workmanship shall match or exceed existing. Promptly make any discrepancies between site observations and these construction documents known to Architect and/or Engineer. The General Contractor shall patch and repair all transitions and additions to match existing where necessary to achieve a uniform appearance and a water -tight condition. 24 %36 PRINTED ON NO. 1000H CLEARPRINT® 1/599=1' -O '.N. 774-214-027-2 ;s 15 & 16 i p Book 774, pg 21 it No. 26, Santa Carmelita e La Quinta, Riverside Co. 200 Avenida Herrera Quinta, CA 92253 ?3 Acres J Residence 54-200 Avenida Herrera La Quinta, Califrniao General Notes Provide that property hubs placed by a Ilcense4 surveyor with identifying RCE tags attached are in place prior to request for first inspection. Storage of building materials or debris shall be confined to the lot for which permit is issued. Adacent vacant properties may not be utilized for this purpose unless written permission of owner is on file with the City. The public right-cf-we, shall be maintained in a clear condition at all times. The Contractor and/or the Owner shall provide a trash He to insure proper clean-up of all building materials. All contracture shall have a cwrent valid city business license prior to permit ieauanee. All contractors anchor Cwner-builders must submit Certificate of Workman's Compensation insurance coverage prior to issuance of building permits. The General Contractor and/or Ownarbuildere shall cum plata and submit a subcontractors list form to the City prior to a request for final inspection. Approved temporary sanitary facilities (chemical toilets) shall be on the construction site prior to a request for first m.pacler. Retaining walls, pools, fountains and property line block walls require separate submittals for approval and permitting. The General Contractor shall be responsible for coordination of the work of all trades on the site. Dlm nal In sister and .11are shall be brought to the Architects attention and corrected before formwork fer concrete and layout of framing walls occurs. The General Contractor shall vor4inat. the work of foundation, framing, plumbing, electncal and mechanical subcontractors prior to the start of the work, and shall verify on-site all dimensions an ijobeite conditions. No dAw.tlons of any kind shall be made from these drawings w Vseb, the written approval ofthe Architect, Revisions and Addendums to plane shall be submitted to the Building Department prior to any field changes, and shall have written concurrence from the Architect. landscaping work shall be completed prior to any request for final inspection. No work is topro ted on this site until all permits and approvals have been obtained, all easements of cord iaterferingcwith the were are eliminated, and all required dedications made. The issuance of a building permit does not authorize the installation of mechanical, plumbing, or electrical work that requbes a separate permit, The Contractor shall provide safe and adequate braces and connections to support the component parts of the structure until the structure itself (including the floor and rocf4iaphragms) is complete e ough to adequately support itself. All work shall comply with local City co4au and ordinances. Agency -approved ,are shall be kept at the job site and shall not be used by workmen. Sheet Index J The Contractor shall be responsible for the method and safety of all persons and property ontlnuously Auring the performance of fils work.bah dung and after working Fours. Contractors shall exercise all necessary precautions to protect lives, property and adjacent work or buildings. should the Contractor need to work on or over adjacent property, it shall be his responsibility to get written permission from the adjacent property owner prior to proceeding with this work. The General Contractor and/or the Owner/Builder agree to indemnify and had the Architect Formless from any and all iia bllity, real or alleged, In connection with the performance of work en this project, exoepting liability arising from the sole negligence of the Architect. It shall be the responsibility of the ContnaCm to comply with all otiliby installation requirements, including but not limited to ass,water,electrical, telephone, television and sewer. Where utilities or their appurtenances are instilled as a part of these contract documents, the Ctntractor shall comply with the utility company's installation and equipment requirements, and specifications and drawings. Locations of transformer , vaults, pull boxes, splice boxes and other appurtenances required for utility services an4/or maters any of which require the approval of the utility company having jurisdiction, shall be located in accordance with said utiitty company's approved plans. Locations shown on these plans are to be considered approximate only. Veriy the exact location of all utilitias prior to the start of any work, including excavation. These plans, prepared exclusively for the Owner, shall not be assigned to any third party without the written appro 1 of the Architect. Drawings and 5pecificatio retro of se a and shall remain theproperty of Curtis R. 5hupe, Architect, whether the project r er which they are produced is executed or not. They and any and all ideas and designs contained therein are not to be used by any other party, on other projects or on ewcensione to this project except by agreement in writing and with appropriate compensation to the Architect. All work shall comply with the California building 5tandarde Cade found in 5tate of California Title 24 LCR as amended and adopted by the City of La Quinta and the County of Riverside. Sheet 1 Title Sheet, Site Plan, General Notes Sheet 2 Floor Plan, Foundation Plan, Electrical & Mechanical Plan, Roof Framing Plan, Notes & Details Sheet 3 Exterior Elevations, Roof Plan, Attic Ventilation Calculations & Details, T-24 Documentation REVISIONS BY �1-11, � U ai CO, ��o L 'Al J O N X • E d a 0 � =o 75 N • � 5= m c �i (Q yR } tw i 6 U- C) o S 1 U¢ 0 � o Ui W V W V) 4A � N ?1 J L IQ = Q O O t Q o Q�� Date 12/2004 Scale 1/8"=1'-0 Drawn CRS Job Hills Sheet 1 Of 3 Sheets V Lighting 352 5.f. @ 3w/5.f. = 1.06 KW PA 2406.4. All glazed exterior openings shall have Tight -colored shading devices Installed prior to final Inspection, per energy calculations. All glazing shall be dual -pane as 0 Laundry load @ 1500w/ea= 0.0 KW required by energy calculations, unless noted otherwise. All glass enclosure doors and panels within bathrooms shall be minimum 3/16" thick fully tempered glass. Fireblock all 51oud walls and partitions at floor, ceiling, soffit and at miel-height Demand Factor by Table 220-11; of all walls over six feet In height, at 10' intervals horizontal and vertical with solid wood blocking. Flreblock at all Intersections between concealed wall and 2.56 KIV 0 _ i 51, t 0 0 2 Q DI± s;li0D10 COIN. PST : ". Pill SP. F- r -� N WET . W P-7 u/ J , JJ -- 11 M A,L+-NEwPte!M;;Ht21� I �✓Q �-�s 06� rL�a-S GiC ICo O.G. , w/ 13 Fan ePrTa �9� BTU/jl �b~4iJ roAS WAIT e1- 0.ewmF WA`Ft?-• l4eAIS"li OFF i Au, �IEvJ c�1UtIG�? l,l. $E 91- �w ifJT �lp� w,w,� �l GEIUl�65 454,0 $� VZI' p�ywplx� t Mia, I�,D, i'If�O51� y jFloor flan 1/4" 2og(23 oV ! i � /Gv 2OA DVaTI,��i SKIT-5%i'1�` ASG UNIT- �iFN Lo�'lo� 1 . � L 1 \ Provide two (minimum) separate 20A kitchen appliance circuits per NEC 220-4(b). Provide at least one 20A branch circuit to Serve bathroom receptacle$. Such clrcults shall have no other outlets, per CE5 210- 52(d). Aluminum conductor5 are permitted only if Size 1/0 or larger, and only tofeed main or subpanels. All other current carrying conductors shall be copper per LQMC 5.03.030. Electrical & Mechanical Plan '/4 94 X 36 prdN D ON NO 100011 CLZARPR*M Floor Plan Notes Lighting 352 5.f. @ 3w/5.f. = 1.06 KW All glazing within 18" of finish floor and swinging doors shall be tempered per UBC 2406.4. All glazed exterior openings shall have Tight -colored shading devices Installed prior to final Inspection, per energy calculations. All glazing shall be dual -pane as 0 Laundry load @ 1500w/ea= 0.0 KW required by energy calculations, unless noted otherwise. All glass enclosure doors and panels within bathrooms shall be minimum 3/16" thick fully tempered glass. Fireblock all 51oud walls and partitions at floor, ceiling, soffit and at miel-height Demand Factor by Table 220-11; of all walls over six feet In height, at 10' intervals horizontal and vertical with solid wood blocking. Flreblock at all Intersections between concealed wall and 2.56 KIV r cel in ck all penetrations as soffits roofs o 1 5. Fireblo horizontal spaces such g 3KW to 120 KW @ 35% (0) of fire-reshetive walls, floor -ceilings and roof-cellinge such as openings around Fixed Appliances per vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, between attic and chimney chase, at stair stringers, and similar places at ceiling and floor levels, which shall be protected __J as required in UBC Sections 705.2.1, 709 and 710. Demand Factor, Finish grade around the structure shall slope away from the foundation a minimum _ of 2% toward a public street or engineered drainage structure, or as per approved __ 1 @ 0.9 KW @ 75/= Grading Plan by Civil Engineer. FAU Contractor shall provide current ICBG evaluation reports for all items to be installed, 0.45 KW :. utilizing the proposed approvals therein. Evaluation reports are subject to the local 19 1.2 KW @ 75 /.=_ building official'5 acceptance, and approval, of each specific report, and are subject to _Under Other Leads at 100% modified acceptance. I' The general contractor Shall be responsible for coordination of the work of all trades � U on the site. Dimensional Inconsistencies and errors shall be brought to the Air Conditioning Load architect's attention and corrected before formwork setting for concrete and layout _ _ 5.0 KW of framing walls occurs. Coordinate the work of foundation, framing, plumbing, TOTAL.LOAD:' _. electrical and mechanical subcontractors prior to the start of any work. Verify on- site all dimensions and conditions prior to the start of the work. This project shall comply with the 2001 edition of the California Buliding Code `Provide 60A Subpanel (Title 24), which adopts the 1997 UBC, 2000 UMC, 2000 UPC and the 1999 NEC. 4 GIRGI; seos ill50 IAOU 4-r-> PUMP NOV* )lav 10 Isb 5oA I.� t'p��7E Electrical Load Calculation (verify all fixture loads & requirements) Light(ne & 'i Avvliances: _... Electrical Plan Notes -b,,aO:cal .,SDvm bor:chN, Srall tornriY rJIaIWEC 2 �-e I. ✓ rdr,: Each sys.m rot5a: baaµ 9r,al--ve'aanini: together to form the grounding electrode system. The bonding Jumper shail be 5ized in accordance with section 250-79(c) and shall be connected in the manner specified In Section 250-115. 1) A metal d el Atoll cPnt11UOL5 to for 70 feet or more an ect r water pipe In direct contact with the earthY underground 9 PP Continuity of or a bonding conductors. Co grounding electrode conduct and th n Y connection of the r 9 the paints of g 9 the grounding path or the bonding connection to interior piping shall not rely on water meters. A metal underground water pipe Shall be Supplemented by an additional electrode of a type specified in Section 250-51 or in section 250-63. 2) An electrode encased by at least 2lnches of concrete, located within and e conalstin of is In direct contact with the arch. foundation or footing that 9 near the bottom of a concrete fou g at least 20 feet of one or more Steel reinforcing bars or rods of not less than 1/2" diameter, or consisting of at least 20 feet of bare copper conductor not smaller than No. 2 AWG. Grounding System shall Include a continuous bond from panel to Ufer ground, cold water piping and gas piping system. Main Service panel Shall be grounded per NEC 250-63. to wit: 1#2/0 in P' conduit to accessible cold water main, bonded per NEC 250-63, table 250-94. All smoke detectors shall be 110V. and wired to building electrical system, with battery back-up. All detector$ shall be wired together to sound a common alarm to any fire. All convenience outlets outside of residential structures or within Iaundrye, bathrooms, garages, or above any kitchen counter, shall be ground -fault interruption circuit protected. Provide ground -fault circuit - Interrupter protetlon (GFCI) for all 125 volt, single-phase 15- and 20-amphere receptacles Installed in bathrooms, kitchens at countertops. Hundrye, garages (except dedicated outlet$) and outdoors within 6'-6" (1.95m) of grade, per NEC Section 210-6(a). All exterior receptacles Shall be weatherproofed per NEC 410-04 and 210-06. Provide GF01 protection at any hydromassage bathtub & associated electrical equipment per CEG 660-70. Fixtures In shower and tub areas Shall be listed for damp locations, per NEC 410-04. Bedroom branch circuits shall be are fault circuit protected per NEC 210-12(1,). Use energy-saving ballasts on all fioure5cent lighting. Electrical Plan Symbol Legend IRA CKET-MOIN-P rOV.1-ANDE5LENT LIGHTING HMURE, DECORATIVE 9RA55 OR GLA55, 95 W. TYPE AF, +75 UNO (SELECTION 9Y CWNER) ROUND RELE55ED 110V. INGANDESCENT DOWNLIGHT FIR'JRE WrrHERMAL PROTECTION, 5TEPPED BAFFLE & PNNTEDTRIM.--WTYPER UNOI CAPRIRRWA"`30TRIM FI N RoINTEDT£553W. QUDLAMPNO;CAQPLO71FII ueEwnHERMALUP?TID AT STEPPECOOFFLE& L FAINTED TRIM,I3W. QUAD LAMP LINO; CAPRI PL091CSW/RMAIOI TRIM (P5H12 TRIM ATVAPOR PROOF COL.) ( I SCUM, RELE55ED'IOV.INCANDESCENT DROP OPAL H'LEILIAG LIGHTING PIRLRE WRHERMAL PRO7<LTION, J 1OCKTYPEAUNO; CAPRI s!Omx w1016 FRIM _J DUPLEK RECEPTACLE, IVORY GROUNDING TYPE 20A TOV,"12" UNO: LEVITONOE, SERIES _ DUPLEX RECEPTACLE. IVORY GROOM DING TYPE 20A HOV.W/GROUN O FAULT PROTECTWN LIROLU9Y a42 "LNC: LEMON OELORA SERIES ARG DUPLXRECE ACLE,'/ORYGROLNDINGYPE20A110V.WIARLFALLTRO LTIONCIRCUI:ftT,.l2"'JNO,A5 I' /p 7 REQUIRED BY210-12(b) FOR ALL BEORCOM BRANCH CIRCUITS; LEViTON DELORA SERIE5 jj} FLUSH RECEfTALLE 25CV.30A.OR 90A. 4-PCLE.IVGRY, .42^LINO; VERIFY REGUIRCMENTS WITH APPLIANCE K` MANUF:HUe6ELLOR EQ. (J) METALONSCTION BOx.CODE51ZE 09 A5 NOTED (WN.2/3).WITH 5OLICWOODBLOLKINOATALLCEHING GCXP I� FU PAN -E DIMMCRSWITHWITH IDE COMPO &POKERTTP OH/OFF L'.NTCHO� PRIG.0A UO'A � p .4L ef. _,j; r-R--(LRF'-'_R-,,,tr 41'F..'_nUf1,_i(TS'I'..__Ici ,H, �]- SINGLE POLE TOGGLE SNITCH, 20A 11OV.IVORY. +40'; LEVITON DECORASESF5 TELEPHONE MaPULAR CONN ECTOR WIvCPY PLATE.a12"UNO,HOMERUNTOTELEPHONE5ERVICE50AR0; i VERIFY FONDER OF PAIRS AT EACH LOCATION; LEMON DE60RA 5 -`RIES r\%9 TELEVISION CABLE CONNECTOR WMALE COAX TERM INAL&IVORY ILATE, d2'; LE'/(TON DECORA SERIES LINEVOLTA6E WIRING PER LO•JE AUTOMATIC SMOKE Ve=.OR.POP. 'NIBATTERT BACKUP, CEILING MOUNTED, IVORY COVER: WIRE ALL DETECTOR5 TOGETHER FOR COMMON ALARM AT ALL LOCAUONS; HREX'/OOOWMB05MOKEICODETELTOR EQUIPMENT 'USED DISCONNECT, WEATHERPROOF. 5IZE ANP INSTALLATION PER MANUFACT'URER'S WAREQUAREMELT5 WA WEATHERPROOF,R'ITHGA5KETE05ELF-CLO51.VGMETALCOER VeP YAPOZ PROOPFI%UPE,WIILBOAPPROVAL MOTOR 0I3 4-.. FIELD LOCATION ,III LRA5$HO5E 1I16. sEYED. WITH COPPER RISER AND ANTI -5I PION VALVE t Foundation Plan Notes I9"0 All perimeter and Interior bearing walls shall have 5/8" diameter anchor bolts @ 32" o.c. embedded T' minimum into concrete footings. Omit anchor bolts at doors and windows that extend to slab level. All anchor boits shall have Simpson BP 5/5-2 3/16" thick 2'x2" plate washers (or equivalent) per UBC section 1806.6.1. All new concrete slab shall be 4" thick reinforced concrete (Fc = 2500 psi 28 days; 5-1/2 sack Type V Portland Cement per yard with water/cement ratio of 0.55 by weight) with #3 bars @ 15" COD. each way at slab center over 2" clean sand @ 95% compaction over 10 mil vi5queen vapor barrier over 12" min. compacted fill @ 95%c action or oils report. om per P P P Dimensions are to face of footings, slab, etc. Coordinate with other pians for IK locations of walls, plumbing fixtures, etc. General Contractor shall verify all dimensions with the Owner and Architect prior to commencement of the work, iVerify locations of all underground conduits with the electrical and mechanical �1 drawings. ` Offset plumbing out of any bearing footings. Provide R-4 (minimum) pipe I Insulation for all hot water tlnee in recirculating hot water system. See structural calculations for additional information. i 2 �>✓u� 411 Got. j �2SOP Fl; i up 2 I N i -� I h -c Foundation flan '/4" Roof Framing Plan 1/4" 14ifcDx RgW9. ToaJ o.c.9 Equipment Specifications . F-3°oFo•'I �T� Tanklese Water Heater: ilinnal Continuum #202OW ( c7CRT: gJ;-4 exterior mounted in recess box 19K btuh natural gas with 3 16a�61k• f DC -45 remote control panel PArr�IP• �x 5`tUDS .�� Air Conditioning System: Mitsubishi Electric "Mr. Slim": 1rvL>,C- Indoor unit: MOHI2TN 12900 btu/h cooling, 13600 btu/h, heating, seer=10.2.115v,10, 60hz b �YwD' 2 DR lWA� �F- 3�d Outdoor unit: MU:. -TN, 208-230v, 16, 60hz, 20A J Framing Notes Mechanical Plan Notes e all exterior perimeter walls of new addition with one la er 3/5" CDX Sheath p n Y Glazing and insulation shall conform to the state Energy Insulation Standards. plywood str. I with 8d @ 4" o.c. edges and boundary, 12" o.c. field. Sheathing shall extend from SillPlato unbroken to top plate. Provide 5/5" x 14" long All mechanical equipment Shall be secure) fastened In place per UMC Section 504. Air conditioning com r sorsS bolts at 32" .. at all perimeter IIs within 12" of all ends. Provide es hall be located on a con a anchor o c p e walls, 9 p trete Pad, securely fastened approved washers at all anchor bolts per code. and not less than 3" above the adjacent grade. Upon completion of the Installation of Insulation, a card certifying that the All structural (umber shall be graded in accordance with "Grading & Ore55ing Insulation has been Installed In conformance with the requirements of the Rules (#16) of the West Coast Lumberman's Association:' Provide A.A.I.T.C. regulations shall be completed and executed by the insulation applicator and by the certificate of compliance for glue laminated wood members to the building bulider. This compliance card shall be posted at a conspicuous location within the inspector prior to installatlon. building. Flreblock at all Intersections between concealed wall and horizontal spaces Joints and other openings in the building envelope that are potential sources of air such as soffits, roofs or ceilings. Fire -stop all concealed spaces of stud walls leakage shall be caulked, weatherstrippeel, or otherwise sealed to limit air infiltration and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels and at 10 and exfiltration. All manufactured doors and windows shall meet the following requirements: foot Intervals along the length of any wall. Air Infiltration rates (efm/ft) of operable sash crack shall be 0.37 Top plates shall be continuous over openings. Use common nails, typical. Use for windows and doors In this commercial application; 10 -16d nails on each Side of all top plate splices. All nailing shall be in full Doors and windows Shall have a temporary label, not to be removed before compliance with UBC Table 23-11-B-1. Inspection by the enforcement agency, listing the certified U -value and air Infiltration rates; Roof diaphragm nailing shall be inspected prior to covering. Roof diaphragm [)core and windows shall have a permanent label listing the certifying U Shall be 5/8" plywood, str. II, panel [dent. index 32/16, w1lod @ 6"o.c. boundary organization (NFRC), U -value and rating procedures. The manufactured and supported ends, 12" D.C. field. Face grain of plywood shat( be perpendicular windows shall have a label attached certified by the National Fenestration to supports. Minimum plywood sheeting dimension shall be 2'-0, Rating Council (NFRC) and Showing compliance with the energy calculations. 1'1La Provide roofing plywood with an Integral radiant barrier for ail roof Sheathing. Each HVAC system shall be equipped with controls capable of automatically U Per Title 24 Energy Calculation requirements, LPTechShleld or equal is required shutting off the System during periods of non-uee, (automatic time switch control X for all roof sheathing. device with an accessible override allowinly. operation for up to four hours, an V occupancy sensor, or a manually controlled four hour timer), and automatically All horizontal framing shall be D.F. Larch #2 or better, base Fb=700psi. 4x and restarting and temporarily operating the system (a setback heating thermostat 6x beams shall be D.F.#2, base Fb=7001Q5i. unless noted otherwise. 5etpoint and setup cooling thermostat 5etpolnt). 2x studs shall be D.F.#2 or better. Before a certificate of occupancy Is granted, the person with the overall At header beams, nail 2x trimmer stud to 2x king stud with 16d @ 6" ox. At responsibility for construction, or the pereon(s) respon5ib[e for the installation of header beams with 2-2x trimmers, nail trimmers together with led @ 8" ONO. regulated manufactured devices Shall post, adjacent to the permits issued, an Provide multiple studs at all beams for full bearing unless noted otherwise on installation certificate for the manufactured devices Installed. These include, but plans. Provide Stripping where required to provide a uniform Surface where are not limned to: any heatingfcoo{ing or ventilation unit, tighting, refrigeration, flush joist and beams are different depth. plumbing fitting, Insulation or door and window product. These certificates Shall Identify all features required to verify compliance with the appliance Standards, Truss Notes include a statement Indicating that the installed devices conform to the appliance standards and the requirements for those devices shown in the plans, and state the number of the building permit under which the construction or Installation was Trusses shall be designed and engineered by Truss Fabricator. Truss performed. If construction of any portion subject to this requirement is impossible Fabricator Shall provide calculations and Shop drawings to Architect for review to inspect because of oul eaquent construction, the Installation certificate(s) shall prior to truss fabrication. be posted upon completion of that portion. Each truss shall be legibly branded, marked or otherwise have permanently Upon completion of the installation of Insulation, a card certifying that the affixed thereto the following information located within two feet of the center insulation has been Installed in conformance with the requirements of the of the span on the face of the bottom chord: regulations and consistent with the plans and specifications for which the building a) Identity of the company _. .z t, -= rO?s; permit was Issued =hall be comp!Siea and executed by the Insulation applicator and b) The design load; by the builder. The certificate will also State the manufacturers name and material e) The spacing of the trusses. Identification and the [Metalled R -value. This compliance card shall be posted at a _ conspicuous location within the building. General Contractor Shall refer to Truss Fabricators shop drawings for truss design, specs and truss framing tayout. Install prefabricated roof trusses strictly per Truss Fabricator'5 shop drawings. Block trusses solid at all ridge lines and above all bearing wall double plates and beams perpendicular with trusses. Roof trusses perpendicular with and crossing over any interior shear walls shall bear upon that shear wall Foundation design is based on fuli-span prefabricated trusses with simple bearing. Contractor he re5ponsible for coordination between foundation and framing when truss conditions differ for any reason from the assumed bearing conditions upon which the foundation design is based. Architect and/or Engineer of record shall be notified of any variance from design conditions and solutions. REVISIONS Lighting 352 5.f. @ 3w/5.f. = 1.06 KW BY 1 appliances @ 1500w/ea=1.5 KW 0 Laundry load @ 1500w/ea= 0.0 KW '.. Total = 2.56 KW Demand Factor by Table 220-11; First 3.0 KW CD 100%= 2.56 KIV 3KW to 120 KW @ 35% (0) 0.00 KIV Fixed Appliances per - _ ' 220-17 at 757 Demand Factor, _ Garbage DiSposal __ 1 @ 0.9 KW @ 75/= 0.68 KW FAU 1@0.6 KW@75/= 0.45 KW :. Counter Refg. 19 1.2 KW @ 75 /.=_ _0.90 KWI _Under Other Leads at 100% I' I Demand Factor.. � U Air Conditioning Load 1 @ &.0 KW _ _ 5.0 KW LW TOTAL.LOAD:' _. 12.59 KW 12590 W/230 V = 54.7 A Demand Load `Provide 60A Subpanel North J j v Electrical Plan Notes -b,,aO:cal .,SDvm bor:chN, Srall tornriY rJIaIWEC 2 �-e I. ✓ rdr,: Each sys.m rot5a: baaµ 9r,al--ve'aanini: together to form the grounding electrode system. The bonding Jumper shail be 5ized in accordance with section 250-79(c) and shall be connected in the manner specified In Section 250-115. 1) A metal d el Atoll cPnt11UOL5 to for 70 feet or more an ect r water pipe In direct contact with the earthY underground 9 PP Continuity of or a bonding conductors. Co grounding electrode conduct and th n Y connection of the r 9 the paints of g 9 the grounding path or the bonding connection to interior piping shall not rely on water meters. A metal underground water pipe Shall be Supplemented by an additional electrode of a type specified in Section 250-51 or in section 250-63. 2) An electrode encased by at least 2lnches of concrete, located within and e conalstin of is In direct contact with the arch. foundation or footing that 9 near the bottom of a concrete fou g at least 20 feet of one or more Steel reinforcing bars or rods of not less than 1/2" diameter, or consisting of at least 20 feet of bare copper conductor not smaller than No. 2 AWG. Grounding System shall Include a continuous bond from panel to Ufer ground, cold water piping and gas piping system. Main Service panel Shall be grounded per NEC 250-63. to wit: 1#2/0 in P' conduit to accessible cold water main, bonded per NEC 250-63, table 250-94. All smoke detectors shall be 110V. and wired to building electrical system, with battery back-up. All detector$ shall be wired together to sound a common alarm to any fire. All convenience outlets outside of residential structures or within Iaundrye, bathrooms, garages, or above any kitchen counter, shall be ground -fault interruption circuit protected. Provide ground -fault circuit - Interrupter protetlon (GFCI) for all 125 volt, single-phase 15- and 20-amphere receptacles Installed in bathrooms, kitchens at countertops. Hundrye, garages (except dedicated outlet$) and outdoors within 6'-6" (1.95m) of grade, per NEC Section 210-6(a). All exterior receptacles Shall be weatherproofed per NEC 410-04 and 210-06. Provide GF01 protection at any hydromassage bathtub & associated electrical equipment per CEG 660-70. Fixtures In shower and tub areas Shall be listed for damp locations, per NEC 410-04. Bedroom branch circuits shall be are fault circuit protected per NEC 210-12(1,). Use energy-saving ballasts on all fioure5cent lighting. Electrical Plan Symbol Legend IRA CKET-MOIN-P rOV.1-ANDE5LENT LIGHTING HMURE, DECORATIVE 9RA55 OR GLA55, 95 W. TYPE AF, +75 UNO (SELECTION 9Y CWNER) ROUND RELE55ED 110V. INGANDESCENT DOWNLIGHT FIR'JRE WrrHERMAL PROTECTION, 5TEPPED BAFFLE & PNNTEDTRIM.--WTYPER UNOI CAPRIRRWA"`30TRIM FI N RoINTEDT£553W. QUDLAMPNO;CAQPLO71FII ueEwnHERMALUP?TID AT STEPPECOOFFLE& L FAINTED TRIM,I3W. QUAD LAMP LINO; CAPRI PL091CSW/RMAIOI TRIM (P5H12 TRIM ATVAPOR PROOF COL.) ( I SCUM, RELE55ED'IOV.INCANDESCENT DROP OPAL H'LEILIAG LIGHTING PIRLRE WRHERMAL PRO7<LTION, J 1OCKTYPEAUNO; CAPRI s!Omx w1016 FRIM _J DUPLEK RECEPTACLE, IVORY GROUNDING TYPE 20A TOV,"12" UNO: LEVITONOE, SERIES _ DUPLEX RECEPTACLE. IVORY GROOM DING TYPE 20A HOV.W/GROUN O FAULT PROTECTWN LIROLU9Y a42 "LNC: LEMON OELORA SERIES ARG DUPLXRECE ACLE,'/ORYGROLNDINGYPE20A110V.WIARLFALLTRO LTIONCIRCUI:ftT,.l2"'JNO,A5 I' /p 7 REQUIRED BY210-12(b) FOR ALL BEORCOM BRANCH CIRCUITS; LEViTON DELORA SERIE5 jj} FLUSH RECEfTALLE 25CV.30A.OR 90A. 4-PCLE.IVGRY, .42^LINO; VERIFY REGUIRCMENTS WITH APPLIANCE K` MANUF:HUe6ELLOR EQ. (J) METALONSCTION BOx.CODE51ZE 09 A5 NOTED (WN.2/3).WITH 5OLICWOODBLOLKINOATALLCEHING GCXP I� FU PAN -E DIMMCRSWITHWITH IDE COMPO &POKERTTP OH/OFF L'.NTCHO� PRIG.0A UO'A � p .4L ef. _,j; r-R--(LRF'-'_R-,,,tr 41'F..'_nUf1,_i(TS'I'..__Ici ,H, �]- SINGLE POLE TOGGLE SNITCH, 20A 11OV.IVORY. +40'; LEVITON DECORASESF5 TELEPHONE MaPULAR CONN ECTOR WIvCPY PLATE.a12"UNO,HOMERUNTOTELEPHONE5ERVICE50AR0; i VERIFY FONDER OF PAIRS AT EACH LOCATION; LEMON DE60RA 5 -`RIES r\%9 TELEVISION CABLE CONNECTOR WMALE COAX TERM INAL&IVORY ILATE, d2'; LE'/(TON DECORA SERIES LINEVOLTA6E WIRING PER LO•JE AUTOMATIC SMOKE Ve=.OR.POP. 'NIBATTERT BACKUP, CEILING MOUNTED, IVORY COVER: WIRE ALL DETECTOR5 TOGETHER FOR COMMON ALARM AT ALL LOCAUONS; HREX'/OOOWMB05MOKEICODETELTOR EQUIPMENT 'USED DISCONNECT, WEATHERPROOF. 5IZE ANP INSTALLATION PER MANUFACT'URER'S WAREQUAREMELT5 WA WEATHERPROOF,R'ITHGA5KETE05ELF-CLO51.VGMETALCOER VeP YAPOZ PROOPFI%UPE,WIILBOAPPROVAL MOTOR 0I3 4-.. FIELD LOCATION ,III LRA5$HO5E 1I16. sEYED. WITH COPPER RISER AND ANTI -5I PION VALVE t Foundation Plan Notes I9"0 All perimeter and Interior bearing walls shall have 5/8" diameter anchor bolts @ 32" o.c. embedded T' minimum into concrete footings. Omit anchor bolts at doors and windows that extend to slab level. All anchor boits shall have Simpson BP 5/5-2 3/16" thick 2'x2" plate washers (or equivalent) per UBC section 1806.6.1. All new concrete slab shall be 4" thick reinforced concrete (Fc = 2500 psi 28 days; 5-1/2 sack Type V Portland Cement per yard with water/cement ratio of 0.55 by weight) with #3 bars @ 15" COD. each way at slab center over 2" clean sand @ 95% compaction over 10 mil vi5queen vapor barrier over 12" min. compacted fill @ 95%c action or oils report. om per P P P Dimensions are to face of footings, slab, etc. Coordinate with other pians for IK locations of walls, plumbing fixtures, etc. General Contractor shall verify all dimensions with the Owner and Architect prior to commencement of the work, iVerify locations of all underground conduits with the electrical and mechanical �1 drawings. ` Offset plumbing out of any bearing footings. Provide R-4 (minimum) pipe I Insulation for all hot water tlnee in recirculating hot water system. See structural calculations for additional information. i 2 �>✓u� 411 Got. j �2SOP Fl; i up 2 I N i -� I h -c Foundation flan '/4" Roof Framing Plan 1/4" 14ifcDx RgW9. ToaJ o.c.9 Equipment Specifications . F-3°oFo•'I �T� Tanklese Water Heater: ilinnal Continuum #202OW ( c7CRT: gJ;-4 exterior mounted in recess box 19K btuh natural gas with 3 16a�61k• f DC -45 remote control panel PArr�IP• �x 5`tUDS .�� Air Conditioning System: Mitsubishi Electric "Mr. Slim": 1rvL>,C- Indoor unit: MOHI2TN 12900 btu/h cooling, 13600 btu/h, heating, seer=10.2.115v,10, 60hz b �YwD' 2 DR lWA� �F- 3�d Outdoor unit: MU:. -TN, 208-230v, 16, 60hz, 20A J Framing Notes Mechanical Plan Notes e all exterior perimeter walls of new addition with one la er 3/5" CDX Sheath p n Y Glazing and insulation shall conform to the state Energy Insulation Standards. plywood str. I with 8d @ 4" o.c. edges and boundary, 12" o.c. field. Sheathing shall extend from SillPlato unbroken to top plate. Provide 5/5" x 14" long All mechanical equipment Shall be secure) fastened In place per UMC Section 504. Air conditioning com r sorsS bolts at 32" .. at all perimeter IIs within 12" of all ends. Provide es hall be located on a con a anchor o c p e walls, 9 p trete Pad, securely fastened approved washers at all anchor bolts per code. and not less than 3" above the adjacent grade. Upon completion of the Installation of Insulation, a card certifying that the All structural (umber shall be graded in accordance with "Grading & Ore55ing Insulation has been Installed In conformance with the requirements of the Rules (#16) of the West Coast Lumberman's Association:' Provide A.A.I.T.C. regulations shall be completed and executed by the insulation applicator and by the certificate of compliance for glue laminated wood members to the building bulider. This compliance card shall be posted at a conspicuous location within the inspector prior to installatlon. building. Flreblock at all Intersections between concealed wall and horizontal spaces Joints and other openings in the building envelope that are potential sources of air such as soffits, roofs or ceilings. Fire -stop all concealed spaces of stud walls leakage shall be caulked, weatherstrippeel, or otherwise sealed to limit air infiltration and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels and at 10 and exfiltration. All manufactured doors and windows shall meet the following requirements: foot Intervals along the length of any wall. Air Infiltration rates (efm/ft) of operable sash crack shall be 0.37 Top plates shall be continuous over openings. Use common nails, typical. Use for windows and doors In this commercial application; 10 -16d nails on each Side of all top plate splices. All nailing shall be in full Doors and windows Shall have a temporary label, not to be removed before compliance with UBC Table 23-11-B-1. Inspection by the enforcement agency, listing the certified U -value and air Infiltration rates; Roof diaphragm nailing shall be inspected prior to covering. Roof diaphragm [)core and windows shall have a permanent label listing the certifying U Shall be 5/8" plywood, str. II, panel [dent. index 32/16, w1lod @ 6"o.c. boundary organization (NFRC), U -value and rating procedures. The manufactured and supported ends, 12" D.C. field. Face grain of plywood shat( be perpendicular windows shall have a label attached certified by the National Fenestration to supports. Minimum plywood sheeting dimension shall be 2'-0, Rating Council (NFRC) and Showing compliance with the energy calculations. 1'1La Provide roofing plywood with an Integral radiant barrier for ail roof Sheathing. Each HVAC system shall be equipped with controls capable of automatically U Per Title 24 Energy Calculation requirements, LPTechShleld or equal is required shutting off the System during periods of non-uee, (automatic time switch control X for all roof sheathing. device with an accessible override allowinly. operation for up to four hours, an V occupancy sensor, or a manually controlled four hour timer), and automatically All horizontal framing shall be D.F. Larch #2 or better, base Fb=700psi. 4x and restarting and temporarily operating the system (a setback heating thermostat 6x beams shall be D.F.#2, base Fb=7001Q5i. unless noted otherwise. 5etpoint and setup cooling thermostat 5etpolnt). 2x studs shall be D.F.#2 or better. Before a certificate of occupancy Is granted, the person with the overall At header beams, nail 2x trimmer stud to 2x king stud with 16d @ 6" ox. At responsibility for construction, or the pereon(s) respon5ib[e for the installation of header beams with 2-2x trimmers, nail trimmers together with led @ 8" ONO. regulated manufactured devices Shall post, adjacent to the permits issued, an Provide multiple studs at all beams for full bearing unless noted otherwise on installation certificate for the manufactured devices Installed. These include, but plans. Provide Stripping where required to provide a uniform Surface where are not limned to: any heatingfcoo{ing or ventilation unit, tighting, refrigeration, flush joist and beams are different depth. plumbing fitting, Insulation or door and window product. These certificates Shall Identify all features required to verify compliance with the appliance Standards, Truss Notes include a statement Indicating that the installed devices conform to the appliance standards and the requirements for those devices shown in the plans, and state the number of the building permit under which the construction or Installation was Trusses shall be designed and engineered by Truss Fabricator. Truss performed. If construction of any portion subject to this requirement is impossible Fabricator Shall provide calculations and Shop drawings to Architect for review to inspect because of oul eaquent construction, the Installation certificate(s) shall prior to truss fabrication. be posted upon completion of that portion. Each truss shall be legibly branded, marked or otherwise have permanently Upon completion of the installation of Insulation, a card certifying that the affixed thereto the following information located within two feet of the center insulation has been Installed in conformance with the requirements of the of the span on the face of the bottom chord: regulations and consistent with the plans and specifications for which the building a) Identity of the company _. .z t, -= rO?s; permit was Issued =hall be comp!Siea and executed by the Insulation applicator and b) The design load; by the builder. The certificate will also State the manufacturers name and material e) The spacing of the trusses. Identification and the [Metalled R -value. This compliance card shall be posted at a _ conspicuous location within the building. General Contractor Shall refer to Truss Fabricators shop drawings for truss design, specs and truss framing tayout. Install prefabricated roof trusses strictly per Truss Fabricator'5 shop drawings. Block trusses solid at all ridge lines and above all bearing wall double plates and beams perpendicular with trusses. Roof trusses perpendicular with and crossing over any interior shear walls shall bear upon that shear wall Foundation design is based on fuli-span prefabricated trusses with simple bearing. Contractor he re5ponsible for coordination between foundation and framing when truss conditions differ for any reason from the assumed bearing conditions upon which the foundation design is based. Architect and/or Engineer of record shall be notified of any variance from design conditions and solutions. REVISIONS BY V iA W!!�♦♦ V)N0 m o V i 7 � U V � LW J v- Cl J j v L � 3 Iw i _ 4 IL 4-1 S i t` V¢ 0 rZ O E 4-1 ii U O U O 1 11- U S E •L O � 1a N � V In Lill W V S 4-N N O R 0303 "n L r � L O L: O Q Date 12/2004 scale 1/4"=1'-0 Drawn CRS Job Hills Sheet 2 Of 04 Sheets Front (iciest) Exterior Elevations '/499-1'-O Roof Plan '/4"_Vii I /�1: AiII IG T9d al- illi I R "' ff,,,,,.Lt - - Right-Olde (South) Roof Plan Notes 11 Indicates 5impson VD24-ZA Dormer vents; form flashing to tile profile as required; paint III to match roof tile. Indicates Sola -Tube 8" diameter high -efficiency domed skylight and mirrored lightwell, installed per manufacturer's specifications and installation detail indicates Simpson VUE166-ABR 16"x8" Eave vents; paint to match wood eave Tile roofing shall be U-6. Tile 1 -pc. ie5" clay tile, 8.0#/s.f. with 3" hi lap, Class A, I.C.13.0. #3523, Bermuda 5lend color (verify manufacturer and color match with exiting tile roof at: main 1 residence). All tiles shall be nailed and installed strictly per manufs. recommendations over one lP layer type 30 felt, with closed valleys and 28 ga. (min.) GI flashing, over 5/8" COX plywood sheathing nailed per roof frari �,g plan. Roof truss design shall I -roll for 14.0#/safe loading. J Provide roofing plywood with an integral radiant barrier for all roof sheathing Per`Title 24 Energy Calculation requiremen*5, VlechShield or equal is requ; j for all roof sheathing. Attic Ventilation Calculations Area of open truss attic and flush rafter spaces: 352 5af. Required attic ventilation, V2 high, V2 low: 1/300 x 352 s.f. = 1.2 5.f. 1.2 s.f. x 144 s.i./s.f. =173 e.i. (87 9.1. high, 87 5.1. low) Number of proposed high tile roof dormer vents: 1 (51mpson VD24-ZA Dormer vents, 120 stir. each): 10 120 stir. = 120 61) Number of proposed low vents: 3 (51mpson VUE168-A5R Eave vents, 65 9.1. each: 3 @ 65 sei. =195 9.1.) Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Part 1 of 2) CFAR Certificate of Compliance: Residential (Pert 2 of 2) CF -1 R Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential (Page 1 of 2) MF -1R _.-._ re9..,a.,.n..,. �wam Twle vanaos _ Illi:x11111. i )€Gael w m^^mvnn rca.+wlrvma++.uwmmawy m.w wmwuw•Nw+m �axrmaxm H rr Fmma qa nnably LorsllgJCa'nmenLL L[mp[nenl T 0 • NVAG SYSTEMS xv v.nu +^° C0DIG40uN[n'Bu a 1.0a.1Nnoeyrumuean Oxp�xnumcew a (g tic BereOe rypMel e1C( Fwn,r zll�T— (0801824 2 Da as n R�1 Hearn F W'l t 1 .1.r. ena Type Ercmlen PI ix n mo9let ulmn _a .. e�we✓ tenon F, nClueXlO u C' Ty pe xmace etc. ) n L[mu[x mmmenm R�a� pFUEM6PF)aucb et ilc etc. 1 Yp El Coal- erm..On f orq5 OnH pump 1 r�F, 115EL n wo[am oma. 1 °M' SF .1 GSNEMLINFORMATION Yes/NO I SVNOm EE Np�ardIt. P mw.lvtml ' — Wl. wxxnNdv Tokl Cana noose Floor Hee: Average Catlin Haight ejoit 1 - © ° °® L TOral Conaluon°a slangre6: —352112 —�il211i IS Rrs°F itioning. Water Heating and Plumbing BYa1gm Measure Supply glrouGd [ CunOtlFan BUIItlIriBType; Icnehane ormor0) oop°o Ca011ng Epul pmenl Mnlmum Oucl DUG Tne-m L M rl 9FMeTY Single Famry Oalachetl Q/O ❑galla° type lmrcona uoner, nBel pump eve.. coBling)(SEER) Emdexcr LoceeBn (obit ek) 0. -Value Type C[mmenle - - _ Single FamiNAllecnetl _9 ❑gAArgFat, np El .epggpEO-n e• i 3 +gees, �- Moln.rax i ❑Edffi FPn pEhlSmr +g ° — —- ti e5t1290 ata onalrucllon FIBcrG pa Sleb Flcor Frcnl OaBmalbm_� TY ❑ C — -- NVmberol �Mina Unlls' uow2ze -- NYmhefotS10tl0a' ❑RebeO Floor WATER HEATING SYSTEMS geteat T k EnerOY FeG1 I Exlemel Weler Healer WBIar HBaler OaNbVllpll pin Ing t Cep. Rec[very bkntlby Tenklrsul. RVelue 1 el EMckncy Loa. l%1 alA4 8mnI1fW-e..n.. C__,._94-�L•+��- -s` 24 % 36 PRINTED ON NO. 1000H CLEARPRINT• O Ip Or Owner 1 e wb um CCel 0[eumanYtl[n AUNw N rq. 'I 6 f' Name 1cmL TWulFirm: f � Aearaa,,tonal Aaamsd. , c %.r ca azxco s_. Telephcna: 9Ge J S� Telepnone L. mo b 1 E I 1 AGenry N TI IeIFI : Atl TalePh[ne' I aWN,nm eau aalloaTlmo._pfAlm[�v'_UtlM0t0 Fmma qa nnably LorsllgJCa'nmenLL L[mp[nenl T 0 T e VV lug (g tic BereOe rypMel e1C( SIM n_.o n R�1 _B _I F .e..wmml.m _a .. e�we✓ E 01 aa� X015 C' rexEBTlagTrox 14'x 14'� _ El Coal- erm..On logon Crania- Area Fenea Tallon Eal O elan filet F"na wo[am oma. 1 °M' SF .1 I tl YBB/NO Yes/NO I SVNOm EE Np�ardIt. P mw.lvtml ❑ 9f a Wm ®em OveMpr'lnuwwPo,+ms k Wl. wxxnNdv ,alme. ,mm 1 en Oxme.Ahlul _ sm. oo Til,�Wa agarta"OY'AIpa' ta.M p 1 6ydBf:.. 1 - © ° °® L allRai �. IS Rrs°F itioning. Water Heating and Plumbing BYa1gm Measure Supply glrouGd [ CunOtlFan xe, np Cm al ROOM$ oop°o TO°eF Q NTERIORANDEXTEWORSXAOING p M rl 9FMeTY ❑❑ Q/O Cl art ,.mw.,.,.„.m.,mm.�,e, ao - } _om -I IS - - _ "".wau.ee+im.m.am+m+..xrmw. _9 0Opo El , i 3 +gees, y i V J ° w• —- ti ❑ ❑ C ❑ 0 uow2ze -- 24 % 36 PRINTED ON NO. 1000H CLEARPRINT• O Ip Or Owner 1 e wb um CCel 0[eumanYtl[n AUNw N rq. 'I 6 f' Name 1cmL TWulFirm: f � Aearaa,,tonal Aaamsd. , c %.r ca azxco s_. Telephcna: 9Ge J S� Telepnone L. mo b 1 E I 1 AGenry N TI IeIFI : Atl TalePh[ne' I aWN,nm eau aalloaTlmo._pfAlm[�v'_UtlM0t0 Title 24 Documentation '1" % 'f1 ,IFF VUE164-A Y24 -Z sp•cexeeanp 1.23 1.28 -u.uz Span maunp 48.58 55.50 6.92 DemeSt. Rdwylgr_ else 436 7,5 i0itla 101.17 100.61 0.56 Parcp tben0.mans naen 061, i 131JILl COMPLIaE dNW' m ,. b'Sib.�hm ttl.. ,M 11 is mt .IbunPlnx`. 3341kf' FL,orvLmm vReu Typa LJ eunelnp type Single Para Cetached SUIMIxp Fr[nt OabnYlnm: (We61J,2TO de(1 Total Fanea4Nlon- 0.$a/u xumner.tDwTnxp Onti 500 TOWCOwbaa+wa v.wma: 3,188 ft2 Number 0180[el:e. 1 Total can entente 3lebgreu 352 f12 INGZONEINFOPMATION 1T Trowt .11 BVIIA pM X 1. He nita IDna Ypa g Zona Name FIOOr Has VOWme U Type _- OPAOVE&URFAGE& Ar, Call TVP—e. Area OF I Till _"N Fom:BRalarar. Lc N[nl Commane __J6fl loo' -1 Waal_ wWCU __.Jd9 Jr.044 1 ai. h+LVM1Uv] I-- eu - gar a -n Wan_1N'.]],xUBL_ Runln lwbnTma IltT,,.2"1r20 Vr Igayr -- — .I. *Oap i�,'C;a(> Left-6fide (North) SDE: Ml NO. W N DUCRW710N FREE AIR Rear (East) MODELNO. SIZE DESCRIPTION FREE AIR ..al oxsamume,wrvumwa gkQ___ 10' x 10' j dormer (4 mesh) __ a..,.wa°"" 10'x 10' - .'e W�111_ I U. soft aluminum 1pnAW .e..wmml.m q Factor SXGL .. e�we✓ �I ® 'tc C' m� Mwummumtl M++nmimm6uvxe, 14'x 14'� _ tau J0Il ib9 Oip _ ., _➢110. _ 9SA Mmn 15 ), j aevroaajwwvuwu,rvNmO vuRuu✓auroxumvav v w W wo[am oma. 1 °M' CD'laor, v"w [Ymmr,mvM'ucurewcmevu W+emN. .. e+»ra. aww e�m.wm.w.+1.wabmmwwwamw,+e+mmxam.,�w.m.m+w.lmaw,. I SVNOm EE Np�ardIt. P mw.lvtml ❑ 9f a Wm ®em OveMpr'lnuwwPo,+ms k Wl. wxxnNdv ,alme. ,mm 1 en Oxme.Ahlul _ sm. oo Til,�Wa agarta"OY'AIpa' ta.M p 1 6ydBf:.. 1 - 1IM80FMISMIK 8Y8TE aM1b L g,I mnenw+vwn xm n- wu IS Rrs°F itioning. Water Heating and Plumbing BYa1gm Measure Supply glrouGd [ CunOtlFan xe, np Cm al ROOM$ pvmvew.nplvev uvuwmnmww..vsrwWan�.mv,+++'*av TO°eF Q NTERIORANDEXTEWORSXAOING p M rl 9FMeTY 8j{tlG1e,_ o _. wm 7�'.�rt 5YCR1en: art ,.mw.,.,.„.m.,mm.�,e, 9'A - } _om -I IS - - _ "".wau.ee+im.m.am+m+..xrmw. _9 r•amp®q�emMmmw •yam Rewm ar DUG. E 1 I i 3 +gees, y Title 24 Documentation '1" % 'f1 ,IFF VUE164-A Y24 -Z sp•cexeeanp 1.23 1.28 -u.uz Span maunp 48.58 55.50 6.92 DemeSt. Rdwylgr_ else 436 7,5 i0itla 101.17 100.61 0.56 Parcp tben0.mans naen 061, i 131JILl COMPLIaE dNW' m ,. b'Sib.�hm ttl.. ,M 11 is mt .IbunPlnx`. 3341kf' FL,orvLmm vReu Typa LJ eunelnp type Single Para Cetached SUIMIxp Fr[nt OabnYlnm: (We61J,2TO de(1 Total Fanea4Nlon- 0.$a/u xumner.tDwTnxp Onti 500 TOWCOwbaa+wa v.wma: 3,188 ft2 Number 0180[el:e. 1 Total can entente 3lebgreu 352 f12 INGZONEINFOPMATION 1T Trowt .11 BVIIA pM X 1. He nita IDna Ypa g Zona Name FIOOr Has VOWme U Type _- OPAOVE&URFAGE& Ar, Call TVP—e. Area OF I Till _"N Fom:BRalarar. Lc N[nl Commane __J6fl loo' -1 Waal_ wWCU __.Jd9 Jr.044 1 ai. h+LVM1Uv] I-- eu - gar a -n Wan_1N'.]],xUBL_ Runln lwbnTma IltT,,.2"1r20 Vr Igayr -- — .I. *Oap i�,'C;a(> Left-6fide (North) SDE: Ml NO. W N DUCRW710N FREE AIR Rear (East) MODELNO. SIZE DESCRIPTION FREE AIR ROOF OPENING VD18-Z 18' Square tall 56 sq, In. 10' x 10' j dormer (4 mesh) __ VD18-ZA 18' Square tall 56 sq. in. 10'x 10' - dormer with dead U. soft aluminum 1pnAW flange (4 mesh) q Factor SXGL VD24-Z 24" Square tail 120 sq. in. 14' x 14' dormer 14 mesh) _ 1 VD24-ZA 24" Square tail 120 sq. in. 14'x 14'� _ dormer with dead J0Il ib9 Oip _ ., _➢110. _ 9SA soh aluminum CRIB _ 8upplyAlF.u[b wo[am oma. 1 °M' For attic air exhaust. .. EME1 LOUVERS & I SVNOm EE Np�ardIt. P mw.lvtml VENTS k ^- 1 ,alme. ,mm 1 en Oxme.Ahlul _ Cater Method Summary (Part 2 of 3) C -2R }51Jl,�tali aska an s' bATe ' 1faao uv __ '-- -- FENESTRATIONSURFACES U. Ad Glai TRF. 1pnAW p T YPo q Factor SXGL TII 3m t Ca'nmpnd .. a wPo�°'sg p�ulY �. [� —nen I�M wO:e �A: 1 )M1tl IT 4 "aw ebFLJfi LI J0Il ib9 Oip _ ., _➢110. _ 9SA SL_%MdPem _Y4 _6. CRIB _ 8upplyAlF.u[b wo[am oma. 1 °M' �—�T- (ai- TOTAL SYSTEM b f 1 m m LOAD I SVNOm EE Np�ardIt. P mw.lvtml C UIPMENTSELECTION Np MITeU&SH ELECTRON Cb M9X,2Nry 1pdi dAM PlnlovlervrvFyMl ^- 1 ,alme. ,mm 1 en Oxme.Ahlul _ sm. oo Til,�Wa agarta"OY'AIpa' ta.M p 1 6ydBf:.. 1 - 1IM80FMISMIK 8Y8TE aM1b WI tl a. g,I Sir, IS Rrs°F m� Supply glrouGd [ CunOtlFan xe, np Cm al ROOM$ 6ae4 TO°eF Q NTERIORANDEXTEWORSXAOING p M rl 9FMeTY 8j{tlG1e,_ o _. Lsn -t9 u"IL 3 5YCR1en: W 9'A - } _om -I IS - - _ 2 eu. s=V rc'; _9 13 •yam RuelnlazpmL '_IIS. z1011d RaxLpaa.,mMM.A __ __ f +w 0+ arEma'M u+vxww+ ,m+.µu.n _- av�0q Computer Method Summary (Pert 3 of 3) C-26 HICasi R. rig. THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS OE81GN T81 Ixalea LocationTYOe - SG ( 00. Lo 4 FamS Rebren RNeI Cemmanb PERIMETERLOSSE6 ' F2 naula lOn TLpO LanoN Fac or RVaI pe�q{,paa00n/COmmenb m,usnmanr__ � Citi �s _ o cwb HVAC SYSTEMS - He g E u maul MI OI tib p Ty 1 Yp ( EXIT eye eL0 � Outt Thprl=wrst Lpfsllan/ EoR _ (AFUEM&PFacIGa41 G PValuO. T LaaA_Y _ [to tleLLPymv {91tS9£ Ou eu1MWFm yy_ LaaA___ . Zy '_lop PIpO pp0 IcaN. It am Name =N Dl mebr' Tn¢k. t cN(E m(i M, v DUG TyP 1 4 Em L M1B p II al SEER __ m u !c) FiValue Tn wbl B C[mU _ Ap[m�+ayxlaum _XaaE3 ua 1L_ deNar✓v-pMN. WATERHEATINGSTSTEMS tear Tenk EnerSY Fncr+ +Tank na Water Xeebr Walcr Healer pI5MbY0an pin Input Cep RID41 6Nnayy RNyu00 System Neme Tvpa Type S L (BIWM1 (001 Emdarlcv Lear. M EM, FT OaO�TE M+ap Sm tuato_SlanWd_l= ➢33_ _I I- 11 Fp, abmon ynaq^abmoTl be Apu .•at. "Pr Na -IS.wena Aw m , Wrenerryatt ,rw,w arl.Vi pmpEnpo°ane Rgnaq orron. mYu�WmwrvEhrAaenryeMbWtl%Leu.MARIDI --- InFYm]Imo:Si¢&Ol,itNlBPuypRh:_1f0.IMIDL_ p Br. �+ e.�LF^Wffi� ..1.9�J+as_3W_ __�Y.N�^T•r `- _ HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY an s' bATe ' HIIIS Ca Ito 1/Al Ca_e'te ____ INEERINGC N8 _ F-L-a-owa—u— 352 SVBTEM LOA. Number018 a lam.._. r C COOLI GP EO i0 Ii Xetlin S el m CFM 8enalble Lalenl CFM Santlble '. o +epCE To.l I. Load. SWE U Ralam VanGau9hll O�am(BmMry _ M RBIum AIFDucw NO C. bm For. FFen j Ourpmpr6yFlam W.I. OalumleuM 12%0 8u Fan Y pulpa nl _ 8upplyAlF.u[b wo[am oma. 1 °M' �—�T- (ai- TOTAL SYSTEM b f 1 m m LOAD I SVNOm EE Np�ardIt. P mw.lvtml C UIPMENTSELECTION Np MITeU&SH ELECTRON Cb M9X,2Nry 1pdi dAM PlnlovlervrvFyMl ^- 1 ,alme. ,mm 1 en Oxme.Ahlul _ sm. oo Til,�Wa agarta"OY'AIpa' ta.M p 1 6ydBf:.. 1 - 1IM80FMISMIK 8Y8TE aM1b TIN08 88 EM P8YCXROME S RG emtureea Tme olNea ne P0ek1 Sir, IS Rrs°F m� Supply glrouGd [ CunOtlFan xe, np Cm al ROOM$ 6ae4 TO°eF Q Ralum ar Ducm E 1 O LING SYBi MPSYCHROMETRICb IAI. tre9m Temperatures at T1me.1..Wine Fare Laerrstro oaaI U.ak v! W p maroal � dopes m.ax Rx.ROOMS 03 N U.rh •yam Rewm ar DUG. E 1 I i 3 0 REVISIONS I BY i- 0 � m U U (3 3 4-1 toN� y)m o U � � Q v 06 o p = � v � 0 'F 4-1 H i� ell ��0) oSt. jL N O N Q VJ J Q m v! p S N � Q 03 N •yam O O i 3 0 y i V J w• N ti 43 0 L U h O ®ate 12/2004 Scale 41 � O Job U IF 4-1 3 4-1 Sheets 41 E W Q v 06 n m p LL. cn 4-1 H ®ate 12/2004 Scale 41 Drawn CRS Job U Sheet 3 Of 14 Sheets 41 oSt. N O Q VJ Q m L U S N � Q 03 N •yam O O �.� 0 S Tit V LO V J ®ate 12/2004 Scale 114'=11-0 Drawn CRS Job Hills Sheet 3 Of 14 Sheets