2006 02 18 CC Minutes
FEBRUARY 18, 2006
A special meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of
9:02 a.m. by Mayor Adolph.
Council Members Henderson, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph
(one vacancy)
Lucia Moran, P. O. Box 1305, manages a commercial center and spoke regarding
graffiti at the center. She took photos to the Community Policing Station for
possible identification; however, there were no officers at the Station. A volunteer
sent her to the Indio Sheriff's Station, whereupon a La Ouinta officer was sent to
Indio. Police Chief Meyer responded that officers will go directly to the affected
business or residence; there's no need to go to the Police Station.
Ms. Moran also spoke of daily problems with panhandlers at La Ouinta Drive and
Highway 111. She requested additional patrols. Police Chief Meyer responded he
is aware of the panhandling problem; the same panhandlers move from city to city.
He's working with the property owners on a JlNo Trespass If letter that must be
given to the panhandlers, which would validate any potential court cases, and
gives the panhandlers notice that the City is serious. Police Chief Meyer will work
directly with Ms. Moran on this issue.
Neeta Quinn, 78440 Via Sevilla, is working on two petitions: one for a signal at Via
Sevilla and Washington Street; the other for paving improvements on Via Sevilla
and surrounding streets. She asked if petitions are the correct course of action.
Public Works Director Jonasson responded that a signal at that location does not
yet meet warrants; however, it might when Indian Wells develops its side of
Washington Street. He added that current available data show few accidents at
that intersection. Mayor Adolph requested that Public Works Director Jonasson
contact Ms. Quinn directly.
Mark Moran, 53545 Avenida Cortez, spoke regarding speeding/racing along
Avenida Montezuma in the Cove. He also spoke regarding interactions with
deputies, and stated he feels some deputies are not Jlcommunity-mindedlf because
they are rotated between cÎtíes. He suggested forming a Public Safety Committee
to address police and fire issues.
Bob Marra, Business Owner in Point Happy, spoke regarding traffic enforcement at
northbound Washington Street to westbound Highway 111. He noted the signal
City Council Special
Meeting Minutes
February 1 8, 2006
cycle is short, and police have been aggressively pulling people over. Mayor
Adolph said that it's partially a problem with Caltrans. Council Member Henderson
indicated she has noticed that while many cars get through the intersection legally,
several more try after the light has changed.
Joan Rebich, 53810 Avenida Cortez, representing the Cove Neighborhood
Association, spoke regarding several issues of concern for Cove residents. She
urged the preservation of La Quinta's natural beauty and Council support of the
Coachella Valley Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan. Cove area issues
include: stricter code enforcement, which requires increased City staffing and
better database capabilities; increased police protection; speed limit enforcement;
and street markings that are visible at night.
Mack Carter, 53495 Avenida Bermudas, also spoke regarding the short signal cycle
at Washington/Highway 111. He also discussed motorcycle noise levels late at
night, and requested additional enforcement.
David Orme, 78510 Singing Palms, urged everyone to observe speed limits. He
also spoke regarding construction noise at the Point Happy residential project, and
said the contractors have been placing a sign in his driveway, blocking his way. He
requested someone from the City to speak with the contractor, and thanked the
Police Department for its quick response to a recent sign problem.
Mayor Adolph noted a letter was received from Kay Wolff, and will become part of
the record.
Annual Financial Management Review
City Manager Genovese, Finance Director Falconer, and Economic
Development/Redevelopment Consultant Frank Spevacek each presented a
portion of the staff report.
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City Council Special
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2006
In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Spevacek said the build-out
analysis for the current City limits includes all revenue-generating commercial
Council I\~ember Henderson referenced the economic development efforts,
especially on Highway 111, and asked if it helps relieve the projected deficit.
Mr. Spevacek replied that it does, but revenue estimates are conservative,
whereas cost projections are more aggressive.
In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Genovese said the City's
retirement system is well-funded. However, the Police and Fire retirement
and benefit costs have escalated, and that the City fully funds via our
contract with the County. Regarding commercial development, he stated
that the City is fine now, but the population is growing and much of the
current revenue includes one-time development fees.
Council Member Henderson noted the City has done some pre-zoning for
Planning Areas 1 and 2 during the last General Plan update in 2002. In
response to Council Member Henderson, Community Development Director
Evans stated the City's zoning would apply if the area is annexed into the
City. The County's zoning includes more large residential and agriculture
In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Spevacek confirmed the 3-4%
projected revenue-increase takes into account expanding retail sales and
development of commercial properties, and accounts for both upswings and
deflationary trends over time.
Council Member Sniff stated he favors annexation to the east and southeast,
and feels the build-out analysis for the Planning Areas is somewhat negative.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Genovese replied community
service districts are a possibility, and that the build-out analysis is negative
because it's based on the County's general plan. Staff recommends a
strategic planning process for the Planning Areas.
In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Spevacek noted estimated police
costs are based on current service levels, and the projected population
estimates are based on current zoning, including 4 units per acre and 2.1
persons per household. He added that the information provided lays the
groundwork for possible negotiations with the County to share increased
property values, to look at ways to enhance revenues and land use patterns.
City Council Special
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2006
Mr. Evans noted developers are looking to maximize density, and are looking
at commercial development as they notice the imbalance between residential
and commercial zoning. Staff will be bringing forward a Strategic Planning
Process in the future.
Council Goals
Council Member Osborne's goals include:
1 . Public Safety - increase general services, and improve communication with
citizens and residents of gated communities; Citizens on Patrol is on-line, but
more Cove patrols and gang enforcement are needed.
2. Monitor Traffic - need more traffic patrol and traffic control measures when
streets are closed; negotiate with Caltrans for control of Highway 111;
maintain signal synchronization along Highway 111 and Washington Street;
create a "Street Master Plan If map showing street designation (related to
traffic flow); prioritize Fred Waring Drive improvements; and assess impacts
of County's plans for Avenue 62.
3. City Staffing - increase City staffing and conduct a compensation study.
4. Sphere of Influence Master Planning - obtain a better understanding of
zoning restraints and include more commercial development.
5. RDA Loan Restructuring - continue with these efforts.
Council Member Henderson's goals include:
1 . Public safety is apriority. She inquired about the status of red light
cameras, and Mr. Genovese replied an update is forthcoming in March.
2. Improve parking at the top of the Cove (for trail access).
3. Code Enforcement - review enforcement procedures and policies; Improve
follow-up; use compassion when dealing with code violations.
4. Museum improvements - Building & Safety Director Hartung stated the full
construction documents will be completed this summer, but funds for
construction have not been identified. Council Member Henderson
suggested the use of ERAF funds; Mr. Genovese stated this will be included
in the CIP discussions.
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City Council Special
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2006
5. Village Houndabout Improvements - Public Works Director Jonasson
reported the design will be completed in late spring.
6. Trail at SiilverRock Resort.
7. Develop a plan to attract a movie theater.
Council Member Sniff's goals include:
1 . Formulate a productive agreement with ODC for SilverRock Resort
2. Road improvements, including widening Highway 111 to three lanes
throughout the City to ease traffic congestion; Fred Waring improvements;
and analyzing proposed Avenue 62 improvements, which could become very
important in the future to move traffic from east to west.
3. Move forward with City Hall improvements to house additional staff, and
include green tile, if possible.
4. Supporting business on an ongoing basis via good television advertising.
5. Add a fevv more police cars to increase the City's fleet - the visual element
serves as a deterrent to crime and reassures the public.
6. Add new park facilities to serve the City's large population of youth and
young adults.
7. Increase City staff, which may require increasing the personnel budget.
8. Provide affordable housing as mandated by the State. He inquired whether
affordable housing could be located anywhere on the SilverRock property;
Mr. Spevacek replied, JlYes." Council Member Sniff suggested the affordable
housing be attractive, unobtrusive, and of good quality.
9. Enhance and protect General Fund reserves.
1 O. Deal effectively and thoughtfully with the Multi-Species Habitat Conservation
Plan, and request additional clarification from the Coachella Valley
Conservation Commission. Issues include: definition of the assessment
limits, how much debt can be assumed, who is responsible for the debt, and
how much adjustment can be made in the fees.
City Council Special
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2006
11 . Move forward with the museum.
12. Effectively deal with parking in and near the Village. He suggested adding
parking near the Village to accommodate large events and using trams to
move people.
Mayor Adolph's goals include:
1 . Set aside adequate reserves to cover one year of operations.
2. Add Code Enforcement staff to improve code enforcement in the Cove. He
believes this could assist with law enforcement.
3. Create a comprehensive plan for traffic control, both now and in the future.
4. Develop a plan of action to seek County tax sharing in the sphere of
influence/annexation area.
5. Resolve PM-10 and tumbleweed problems at SilverRock Resort. He noted
Mr. Jonasson has recently provided a memo regarding the current status.
6. Widen Highway 111; improve Avenues 54 and 58, and Madison Street;
improve Fred Waring Drive.
7. Move forward with boutique hotel, clubhouse, and practice facility at
SilverRock Resort.
8. Do not overburden staff with major goals and expand City Hall to
accommodate additional staff.
Council Member Osborne added initiating a study of berms and walls in the sphere
of influence area.
Mr. Jonasson noted the Highway 111 widening plans are nearly done and staff is
working with Caltrans on the environmental process. He added letters have been
sent to property owners along Highway 111 for property dedications, and
construction could begin by the end of this year. He further reported that the
County is working on a plan to widen their portion of Fred Waring, but details of
the plan are unknown at this time.
Regarding signal synchronization, Mr. Jonasson stated the contract Traffic Engineer
works on synchronization bi-weekly. He added that Palm Desert sometimes takes
their signals along Washington Street out of synchronization. He stated the
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City Council Special
Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2006
Jefferson Street signals will be synchronized, but in reply to Council Member
Henderson, indicated that Eisenhower Drive will not have signal synchronization.
He added that staff will be focusing on drainage issues.
David Orme, 78510 Singing Palms, spoke in regards to engineering challenges
inherent in the field, and he requested additional parking near the Senior Center and
Library. He also urged the City to find a good traffic engineer.
Mike Keebler, representing the Coachella Valley Unified School District, spoke
regarding the sphere of influence and noted that Planning Areas 1 and 2 are within
Coachella Valley Unified School District's boundaries. He stated CVUSD would like
to be involved in sphere of influence/annexation planning efforts, and CVUSD
would like to develop joint use parks and facilities.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~_ r"-
JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk
City of La Quinta, California