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MUP 2004-562
City of La Quinta Community Development Department A-495 Calle Tampico Puinta, California 92253 PfVS �( 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 p10 G f) ,— OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 14 IV07 co -5622 Date Recvd. 1 Fee: t —] S Related Apps.: Logged in by: LICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT (Print) 3� ,. MAILING ADDRESS �� �� Phone N����s� CITY, STATE, ZIP.V1 �1 �2? Fax No. 6d 9 S PROPERTY OWNER (If different) :e::�I,fi'.N� l A P K.A l elo "�,, (Print) /��!,(N MAILING ADDRES S' AXOM MAP,'11� Phone N(1� �� CITY, STATE, ZIP: a 63 Fax No. gb fie PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED USE AND/OR W - <Q, r ''ONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): KIS6�t Dwr�� LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): A18\Minor Use Permit n ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on -8%" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 11". O Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT Y (Please Pr' /( SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE l I NAME OF'PROPERTY OWNERa-"j>[P, �P (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNS�(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: ��,f, � it,cat c��K— DATE W05� (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. . A I Minor Use Permit . P.O. Box 1504 LA QUix-r.A, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLL•' TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 December 20, 2004 Stephen R. Nieto Southwest Concepts 78-120 Calle Estado, Suite 206 La Quinta, Ca 92253 4a" (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2004-562 (SECOND RESIDENTIAL UNIT) Dear Stephen: The Community Development Department has reviewed your request to establish a second residential unit on property located at 53-640 Avenida Martinez (APN: 774-132-024), and has approved your request. According to the Zoning Code, a "second residential unit" means a dwelling unit, including sleeping and cooking facilities, that is accessory to a pre-existing primary residence on a single-family lot. "Granny housing" is intended. for sole occupancy by one or two persons age sixty-two years or older or a handicapped person of any age (plus spouse or care giver). "Granny housing" is included within the term "second residential unit." This approval is based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions: FINDINGS: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, as it is of a residential nature and is determined to be accessory to the principal residential structure. 2. The proposed use is consistent with the Zoning Code, as it is permitted in the RL zoning district subject to approval of a Minor Use Permit, and as conditioned in accordance with Section 9.60.100, regulating Guest Houses. 3. The proposed use is not subject to environmental review based on Section 15303(e) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 4. Approval of this Minor Use Permit application will not result in conditions detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious to or incompatible with other properties and, uses in the vicinity. PAMartin\MUP's\MUP 04-562 NietoSecondResUnit.doc (�t3 5. The second residential unit is compatible with the design of the main unit and the surrounding neighborhood in terms of landscaping, scale, height, bulk, lot coverage and exterior appearance. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. Only one second residential unit or one guesthouse may be established on any lot in addition to the primary residence. Therefore, no more than two residential units on a single lot are permitted under the provisions of this section. 2. _ No interest in the second residential unit may be sold separately from the remainder of the property. However, the second residential unit may be rented. 3. The second unit shall conform to the minimum lot size requirements of the applicable zoning district and on which one owner -occupied single- family detached dwelling unit (the primary residence) already exists. 4. The second residential unit shall be either attached to, and located within the living area of the existing primary residence or, detached from and located on the same lot as the existing primary residence. 5. Any new construction required for establishment of the second residential unit shall conform to all building code standards and applicable state law. 6. The second residential unit shall conform to height, setback, lot coverage, fees, and other zoning requirements generally applicable to residential construction in the district in which the property is located. 7. The second residential unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary residence. 8. The detached second residential unit shall not exceed one thousand two hundred square feet total floor area. 9. A minimum of three off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each residential. lot containing an approved second residential unit, to include the following:. an enclosed two -car garage for the primary residential unit and one space enclosed or open for the second unit. 10. The second residential unit may be separately metered for gas, electricity, water, sewer and other utility services. PAMartin\MUP's\MUP 04-562 NietoSecondResUnit.doc 1 1. The height of the second residential unit shall not exceed seventeen feet in height and not be more than one story. 12. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 with this office within 15 days of approval of this permit, which is the appeal period established under Section 9.200.120 of the Zoning Code. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (760) 777-7068. Sincerely, MARTIN MAGANA Associate Planner C: Building & Safety Department File PAMartin\MUP's\MUP 04-562 NietoSecondResUnit.doc al -011 5ETBACK ® 5' 10P.00' fE , NIr,q POINT (E) V-0" HIGH — _ _ — __ — ^. — —— C"OLOQCWYL q �- MIN. '- TYP- % GRA55 I, Iq i / (-)PATIO \ la i EXfSTING IST, RE5IDENCE 1,235 SOFT. COC MOCKUL AL I PROPOSED 2nd 1RE5IDENCE { i 641 501:1 I I I �I o i GRA55 � I Q, (E) 5'-0" NIGH 0 ca_. CI.IX.K SALL I I I I I I I 0 5c'TBACK e 5' EXISTING 2 -GAR GARAGE Ut rATE 455 SOFT. �� ----------------- aETaa�< 654 EOUIPMEN - L 1' 1 L 11UPLA5. FIN 9'HIGfr- TO MATU nbvetE LaKEa.L '� l o ,7 IN, T o 0 o TYP. -� a) 5 .4 HGH CAW. "U.-- If In (E)POOL Igo m 9- 30..0• M] f offi �{f� y{ o I AG IONDEI45ER BET SOF CONT.C' ON PADAD TOP OF PAD TO 9E NO LE55 RAD 3" //� X X/ i/ I I ; I I L(E)5'-0'HWN i WL G41EW.ATE WI5 • W. GATE GRA65 3'-5^ I 5 i GR495 DTY !E/ S'-®" NIGH (E) 5'-0' HIGH GRA.S • � � LOC. mom "I � • �- �� ���� �� -.� ... I� 100.00' le GRA55 G-Rg55 I T SITE PLAN SCALE: I/all_1'_0II * DATUM PO!Nr DILL BE THE BUILDER'S RESPONSIBLY TO FIELD VERIFY AND LOCATE ALL VPERTY LINES. ALL SITE PLAN LAYOUTS, GARAGE LOCATIONS AND 6ET5ACK ALL BE BACK CHECKED AGAINST THE DEVELOPERS RECORDS FOR COMPLIM '[OR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY WORW, BUILDER SHALL CHECK SITE PLAN 'H PRECISE GRADING PLAN FOR DISCREPANCIE6, ANY DIOCREPAI-IES ALL BE BROUGHT TO THE IM-lEDIATE ATTENTION OF SOUTH MST CONCEPTS. THE 0EvFLOPEP/CCNTRACTM0IiKR 16 RESPC N6IBLE FOR THE VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CURB (OR EWRE E OF STET PAYING IF NO CURB EXI616) LOCATION FROM PROPERTY LINEW WITH THE PUBLIC 1JOWS DEPARTMENT. AVENVA MARTINEZ CURB f 12" TOP OF LOT) _�56 m y 0PRe GRA55 IE) W GALLS PROPANE Tt NORTH TOTAL 5T,RUCTURE5 (Ist 4 2nd) 3,632 50PT, TOTAL SITE 10,000 SQ.FT. TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 36.2% Apmr ved tsv: HesQ# 0 Planning Commission ❑ GCAy Council Community Dev. Dept, Initials Cass; NO. VAQ62— Exnl t _ ---- - vith Conditions ------ SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS PROGRESSIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS • Architectural Design • Residential and Commercial • Planning and Development 78-120 Calle Estado, Ste. 206 La Quinta, CA 92253 Office (760) 5644707 Fax (760) 5644955 www.swconcepts.com PROJECT TITLE Proposed 2nd Residence for Stormy & Claudia Fairweather 53-640 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, California 92253 A.P.N.:774-132-024 Date/ Description Number Drawn By Aproved By Project Maneger Z Q J a w Date: 11123/2004 GENERAL INFO -'1�,4TION OWNER: ; 5TORMY 4 CLAUDIA FAIRIUEATHER m 53-640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ LA QUINTA, CA 92253 , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT No, 11 BLOCK N0. 243 > APNO: 114-132-024 Z PROJECT ADDRE55: 53-640 AVENIDA MARTINEZ o LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ZONE: R.C. occuPaCY: SINGLE FAMILY TYPE V NON -RATED AREA T,A15ULATION5 EX15TING 15t RESIDENCE 1,230 5a.FT, EXI5TIN`q GARAGE 455 5a.FT, EXI5TINT COVERED PATIOS 793 5a.FT, TOTAL E�15TING 15T RE51DENCE 2,415 SQ.FT, PROPO5rED 2nd RESIDENCE 641 50.FT. ° PROPOSED MECH 4 STORAGE 42 50PT, PROPOS D CARPORT 4 PATIO 411 SOFT. TOTAL PRR�OP05ED 2ND RESIDENCE 1,154 50.FT. TOTAL 5T,RUCTURE5 (Ist 4 2nd) 3,632 50PT, TOTAL SITE 10,000 SQ.FT. TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 36.2% Apmr ved tsv: HesQ# 0 Planning Commission ❑ GCAy Council Community Dev. Dept, Initials Cass; NO. VAQ62— Exnl t _ ---- - vith Conditions ------ SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS PROGRESSIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS • Architectural Design • Residential and Commercial • Planning and Development 78-120 Calle Estado, Ste. 206 La Quinta, CA 92253 Office (760) 5644707 Fax (760) 5644955 www.swconcepts.com PROJECT TITLE Proposed 2nd Residence for Stormy & Claudia Fairweather 53-640 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, California 92253 A.P.N.:774-132-024 Date/ Description Number Drawn By Aproved By Project Maneger Z Q J a w Date: 11123/2004 e W va •a AA G 0;U - =r l m d'_3}" U 3�_23�1 3I LJ 4'-011 BWP 4 _0 BWP ti 77 p� 131,2" MIN. SLAB W/ 6" x 6 'I0MI0 W.WM, — �' PLACED AT SLAB MIDPOiNT10vER10 MIL yp v15GtUEEN OVER 2" LAYER OF IAND\ r - T ? f 32'- I4r1-0" . NeWP—►� - ---- _ __—I N2 L • =471 •- I- — — -- -- --- -I POSE Q SLAB -- - _ ' 2,500�PSI h � II IIS I f I I I L7 IJ 31/ 2" MIN SLAB W/ 6" x 6"-110/10 112M. PLACED AT SLAB MIDPOINT OVER 10 MIL I V15MEEN OVER 2" LAYER OF SAND II II - ---- - I I 4'_C" 4'-0" BWP 12,_0 C21'-01' 3 FOUNDATION FLAN SCALE: I/4" = I' -m" c� O THI5 PROJECT 15 PROP05ED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF GBG 2320 FOR GONVENTIONAL LIGHT -FRAME CONSTRUCTION. THESE PLANS COMPLY WITH THE 20+01 PROV1510N5 OF CONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTION WHIGH MEET THE INTENT OF UBC SECTION 2320. �.s u � Q P05T LENGTH 2X STUDS ® I6" O.G. TYPICAL INSTA 4ATION CORNER INSTALATICN HPAHD22 A 25 INTERIOR FINISH 1 4,320 12,400 3- PER MFR'a SPECS 4- FOOTING PER TYPICAL DETAIL PLANS - Pc- 2500 pat (UN.O.) SHOT PINS a 37,' O.G. ni •4 REBAR W/ 14 GAUGE WASHERS 2X STUDS a 16" O.G. (NTERiOR SEARING FOOTING INTERIOR FIN16H � NON-BEARING INT. WALL T'�P. 5 TYP. HOLD DOWN DETAIL CONTINUOUS 3 b 2X P.T.DF. SILL WITH \ 4 SLAB FOOTING � `1 In %'I ANCHOR BOLTS Cl Q BOLTS AT 12" O.G. AND AL n THI5 PROJECT 15 PROP05ED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF GBG 2320 FOR GONVENTIONAL LIGHT -FRAME CONSTRUCTION. THESE PLANS COMPLY WITH THE 20+01 PROV1510N5 OF CONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTION WHIGH MEET THE INTENT OF UBC SECTION 2320. �.s u � Q 311 I I PATIO 21'XiO' 8' CLG Em [!21 uuchm6w"20 STEFD(XN FROM � PINI°HEDTO�T BE A MAX MUM OF ONE i,CH.� / TYON ALL DRS.5,UINIGIV, 0UTWAR:O4 I --I 1",r'�lp$G. FC100'i 14'-5"XII'-11" 9' CLCa CRPT. 12 Tr B=AT CLOSET 11 9XCL� I) 1819 CRPT. I 15 23 TUB/SHWA BEDROOM 14'-5"X13'-5" 9' CLG CRPT, I _ 3 KITCHENREQ. '! II r14 _S X11' -p m _9' CLCs —, TII Ff--_r A I —I� — I m -----� -__-J , 30x27 22 W/H STORAGE n, — 9 Mew E3 STEFDOJ.N FROM F05HED 3 FLOORTr, EEAM661MOF / , ONE iNrH (TYF. G4J ALL DRS., I - 5WINGiN5 OUTwARD5,) 12 6'-0 12" g.. 6 6j II I 4'-0" —. KNIII II I I CARPORT 12'X21' -S" I a 1 II II II UF.=.es su�a:,4a 0 5 -01151-011 5'-0' 5'-0.. 21'-0" FLOOR ELAN SCALE: I/4"=1' -0l$ o IS O.C. NATURAL GRADE 4 REBAR CONTINUOUS J�= ,� =I i0 -11111-i I I� I -.�'� � - TOP � BOTTOM UNA. 1TI Ili •d REBAR CONTINUOUS K CONCRETE SLAB 2ND RESIDENCE 641 SOFT. MEGH. 4 STORAGE 44 SOFT. TOTAL ll eO FT. SIMPSON HOLDOIINS P05T LENGTH 2X STUDS ® I6" O.G. TYPICAL INSTA 4ATION CORNER INSTALATICN HPAHD22 (2) 2X / 4XI 25 INTERIOR FINISH 1 4,320 12,400 3- PER MFR'a SPECS 4- FOOTING PER TYPICAL DETAIL PLANS - Pc- 2500 pat (UN.O.) SHOT PINS a 37,' O.G. •4 REBAR W/ 14 GAUGE WASHERS 2X STUDS a 16" O.G. (NTERiOR SEARING FOOTING INTERIOR FIN16H � NON-BEARING INT. WALL T'�P. 5 TYP. HOLD DOWN DETAIL CONTINUOUS ' 2X P.TDF. SILL WITH 2X P.T.DF. SILL WITH \ 4 SLAB FOOTING � 5/8" DIA. X 12" ANCHOR %'I ANCHOR BOLTS BOLTS AT 12" O.G. AND W/ 2"X2"X 3/16" 12" MAX. FROM ENDS OF WASHERS e QUATER POINTS EXTERIOR PLASTER MUD SILL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON OF EACH END OF B.W.P. (UN.O. ON OFND.PLANs) SIM. c5I COLUMN BASE PLANS 2"14" SLAB FOOTING WASHER SHALL BE USE WEEP SCREED 4" 5LA8 FOOTING 4. ;. `. ..,., ;..... • , ...' :, " i t AIR GAP � ,'�1 MIN 03 DOWELS �� -- t. FINIS C - - 311 I I PATIO 21'XiO' 8' CLG Em [!21 uuchm6w"20 STEFD(XN FROM � PINI°HEDTO�T BE A MAX MUM OF ONE i,CH.� / TYON ALL DRS.5,UINIGIV, 0UTWAR:O4 I --I 1",r'�lp$G. FC100'i 14'-5"XII'-11" 9' CLCa CRPT. 12 Tr B=AT CLOSET 11 9XCL� I) 1819 CRPT. I 15 23 TUB/SHWA BEDROOM 14'-5"X13'-5" 9' CLG CRPT, I _ 3 KITCHENREQ. '! II r14 _S X11' -p m _9' CLCs —, TII Ff--_r A I —I� — I m -----� -__-J , 30x27 22 W/H STORAGE n, — 9 Mew E3 STEFDOJ.N FROM F05HED 3 FLOORTr, EEAM661MOF / , ONE iNrH (TYF. G4J ALL DRS., I - 5WINGiN5 OUTwARD5,) 12 6'-0 12" g.. 6 6j II I 4'-0" —. KNIII II I I CARPORT 12'X21' -S" I a 1 II II II UF.=.es su�a:,4a 0 5 -01151-011 5'-0' 5'-0.. 21'-0" FLOOR ELAN SCALE: I/4"=1' -0l$ o IS O.C. NATURAL GRADE 4 REBAR CONTINUOUS J�= ,� =I i0 -11111-i I I� I -.�'� � - TOP � BOTTOM UNA. 1TI Ili •d REBAR CONTINUOUS K CONCRETE SLAB 2ND RESIDENCE 641 SOFT. MEGH. 4 STORAGE 44 SOFT. TOTAL ll eO FT. SIMPSON HOLDOIINS P05T LENGTH NAILS 18d TYPICAL INSTA 4ATION CORNER INSTALATICN HPAHD22 (2) 2X / 4XI 25 1 24 1 4,320 12,400 3- PER MFR'a SPECS 4- FOOTING PER TYPICAL DETAIL PLANS - Pc- 2500 pat (UN.O.) - 2X STUDS fl 16" O.C. (2) 2X OR 4X O I- STRAP PER PLAN LAP AT ALL SEAMS CUN.OJ MINIMUM STUD 2X P.TDF. PLATE INTERIOR FINISH 18" - VERIFY ALL W/ 1-32" DIA. X 3 1/2" 3- PER MFR'a SPECS 4- FOOTING PER TYPICAL DETAIL PLANS - Pc- 2500 pat (UN.O.) SHOT PINS a 37,' O.G. •4 REBAR W/ 14 GAUGE WASHERS 1 EXTERIOR 5EARiNG FOOTING 2 (NTERiOR SEARING FOOTING AND FIRST 2 PINS PLACED 6" � NON-BEARING INT. WALL T'�P. 5 TYP. HOLD DOWN DETAIL CONTINUOUS -AND '. FLIM '_ -' L o. \ 4 SLAB FOOTING � POST HPAHDR CORNER INSALLA7IGN I. LI � •_ -; • „ _ TOP 6 BOTTOM UN.D. 12" - MIN. 6 -MIL VISQUEEN TO HAVE MIN. 12" IUELDED 1g^ Ili In iu ul-na,,,1IITII� 11=11 -T=)� T -III = f I -1I I� I= I III I! l�l O I- STRAP PER PLAN LAP AT ALL SEAMS CUN.OJ '_" �- - 2- POST, PER PLAN `. " MINIMUM MUM FROM E IR DGE 18" - VERIFY ALL 3- PER MFR'a SPECS 4- FOOTING PER TYPICAL DETAIL PLANS - Pc- 2500 pat (UN.O.) INFORMATION PER 50IL6 REPORT. -NOTE : INSTALL STRAP OVER SHEAR PANEL 1 EXTERIOR 5EARiNG FOOTING 2 (NTERiOR SEARING FOOTING 3 COLUMN BASE DETAIL_ � NON-BEARING INT. WALL T'�P. 5 TYP. HOLD DOWN DETAIL FLOOR PLAN NOTES Indicates Plan Notes - See Numbers below: 0 21" X 32: 1, Double kitchen sink with garbage disposal. 2. Built-in dishwasher. (Verify dimensions with manufacturers specs,) 3� Provide 36" - clear refrigerator space with rough plumbing For ice maker. (recess in wall). Stove, oven 4 microwave with hood, light and fan. Vent to outside air. (VTOSA) Provide 30" clearance above range or cooktop to unprotected combustible material, or twenty-four (24) inch clearance to metal ventilating hood. 5. Provide waste and water For washing machine in recessed wall box. 6. Provide dryer vent to outside air with back draft damper. 0 Water heater - provide 18" high min, wood framed and drywall covered platform with P 4 T discharge line to outside, Provide two straps to adequately brace W.N. lone strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 OF the tank), a. Attic F.A.U. Provide light, switch, Fuel gas stub -out, and electrical outlet. Provide unobstructed passageway 24" wide of continuous flooring from access to Spur Trent and its controls. Also provide unobstructed work space in front of equipment 30" depth min. 57 F.A.U. Provide IS" high wood Framed and drywall wrapped platform from house slab elevation. Provide combustion air. Provide condensation line to outside or an approved drarn For air conditioning. The F.A.U. closet or alcove must be 12" wider than the furnace or furnaces being installed. 10. Duct chase - provide necessary draft stops. Il, Garage wall, ceiling, and supporting posts or columns shall be protected with 5/8" type "X" drywall. 6" plumbing wall. 13. 2x6 stud wall. 4. 1-3/8" solid core door with automatic self-closing device and weather stripping to be tight fitting. 15, 60" x 30"„ steel tub with shower Combo. Ceramic tile, to ceiling over two coats Portland cement plaster and Felt at adjacent walls. Provide curtain rod. Control valves must be pressure balanced or have thermostatic mixing valves, 16. Ceramic tile, shower pan and curb with ceramic tile wainscot to %" over two coats Portland cement plaster and Felt at adjacent walls. See palm for pan size. Provide safety glass enclosure as shown. Shower head at e4". Control valves must be pressure balanced or have thermostatic mixing valves. 1. 60" x 42",= steel oval tub with the wainscot to 8" above deck at adjacent walls. I'l-5-1 Center of water closet to be a minimum of 15" to vertical Surface of sides. Water closet shall be "ultra low flush" with 1.6 gal. min. 19. Provide all necessary blocking for toilet paper holder and towel bars, 20 Tempered glass, 21. Provide illuminated street numbers visible and legible from the street. 22. 30" x 22" Attic Access with 30" headroom clearance. Section 1505.1 23. Provide water-resistant gypsum board under tub and shower enclosure materials to a height of 10" minimum above the drain inlet. (CBG 80113) Verify all finishes with Developer. Verify all sizes with Manufacturer's specifications. -NOTE: Q DOOR 4 WINDOW NUMBERS CORESPOND TO NUMBER ON C -2R (PART 2 OF 3) OF TITLE 24 r, FOUNDATION NOTES 1. All continuous exterior footings to have 5/8" dia. x12" A.B.'s with 2"x2"x3/I6" washers, Min. T' embedment into concrete, at 12"oc. unless noted otherwise, onplans. One anchor bolt should be located max. 12"away from the end of minimum 3.1/2".the sill plates min. (2) AB.'s per sill plate per shear panel. 2. All Interior non shear wails to have HIM X -DNI (with a minimum penetration of 1-1/4" into slab) at 24" on center, unless noted otherwise to be Installed in accordance with ICBG 1388, November 1595. Actual slab thic' cess to be minimum 3.112". t 3, All hoJdowns and posts anchors are to be installed according to Simpson Strong Tie specifications and requirements of ICBG Report Numbers 1211 and 4448 and shall be tied in place prior to foundation inspection. 4. Min. concrete width to be 6" for receiving MPAs and HPAHD22, Verify locatiiOns OF holdowns and anchor bolts with rough Framing to assure proper and accurate installation. 5. Provide Ill dowel at 2411o.c. and 12" from the corner at all concrete stoops and porches. i 6. Provide min. (1)'4 reinforcing bar at top and (1) 14 at the bottom for all continuous Footing in addition (1) 04 bar extra for electrical ground. Location to be verified with electrical contractor. i 1. Verify min foundation depth, width, reinforcing steel and additional expansive requirements with valid soils report and if any more restrictive they shall the above minimums. 8, Concrete strength to be minimum 2500 PSI. 9. Footipes shall be examined and certified in writing by the project soil/ geology engineer prior to inspection and placement of concrete. 10. Waiting period for concrete slabs on grade prior to start of construction is diT foIlow$: a) Walk on slab 24 hours after concrete has been poured. b). Begin wall framing 4-5 days after concrete pour. c), Begin roof/Floor framing 1-10 days after concrete pour. d). Do not load roof prior to 14 days after concrete pour. 11. WOOL plates or sills shall be bolted to the Foundation with a minimum of two bolts per piece, with one bolt located not more than 12 inches not less than seven bolt diameters from the and of each piece. CBC 1806b LEGEND -BRACED WALL PANELS UPDATED 5/1/2004 4'-0" Braced Wall Panel with 3/8" STR plywood sheathing onailed one Face of i \ stud wall from floor to ceiling nwith 8d common or galvanized /f� \ box nails, 6" O.C. at edges, 12" O.C, field and intermediate. (2) 5/8" Round x 10" long 6-0 anchor anchor bolts placed at quarter points of panel (24" O.C,), embedded 1" minimum. A2Alternate Braced Wall Panel (2'4" min. width of panel) with 3/8" STR plywood sheathing Floor to ceiling nailed with ed common or galvanized box nails at 6" ALT O.C. edges, 12" O.C, field. Provide 2 each HPAHD22 or HD5 hold downs -one BWP at each end of panel. L3Interior Braced Wall Panel with 1/2" Gypsum Wallboard Panel, min. 4'-0" each side or wall or V-0" on one side of stud wall. Use cupped head drywall nails at VOL. edges and NT Field, (2) 5/8" round x 10"anchor bolts placed at panel quarter points (24" O.C),, BWP embedded 1" minimum. SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS PROGRESSIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS -Architectural Design - Residential and Commercial - Planning and Development 78-120 Calle Estado, Ste. 206 La Quinta, CA 92253 Office (760) 564-4707 Fax (760) 5644955 www.swconcepts.com PROJECT TITLE Proposed 2nd Residence for Stormy & Claudia Fairweather 53-640 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, California 92253 A.P.N.: 774-132-024 Date/ Description Number ' Drawn By �! Aproved By ^— Project Manager Date: 11/23/2004 i Q I2'-2" TCP OF TIL 14'-2" TOP OF TILE -21 TOP OF TILE~12 12 TYP. 14 41 TYP. ii�'-I" T.O_P jj�j-o" -- - - NEW 2X6 FAS44 TO MATCH EXISTING• FASICA EXACTLY EXTERIOR FL45TER TO MATCH EXISTING PLASTER EXACTLY F.F. O° - - - - FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4": 1'-0" 4X6 EXF05ED RAFTERS /NEW ROOF TO MATCH EXI5TIN3 I ROOFEXACTLY 12 TYP. 2 X14'-2" TOP OF TILE 12 TOP • - _ - - - 21 TYP.. -- - - " l r NEW 2X6 F451CA TO 4x6 EXP05EDJ MATCH EXi571NG RAFTER5 FASICA EXACTLY' --J 6X10 BEAM EXTERIOR FLA5TER TO MATCH EX15TiNG PLASTER EXACTLY FF.o"____�I--_--__ `-6X10 BEAM \ ii i - FF 01' 71_�I 0I i, i �' LEFT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4": I'-0" 2" TOP of TILJ - - - - - _ - - - - - - 12'-2" TOP OF TILE AlI YP- Q�9'-I" T.C_F'. _ NEW 2X6 FASCA TO MATCH EXISTING FASICA EXACTLY 44Xa EXF05ED / RAFTERS EXTERIOR PLASTER TO MATCH EXISTING PLASTER EXACTLY -- AFF. O" - .-- - - Q�_F.G_-6 REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4": V-0` I NEW ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF EXACTLY I 14'-2" TCP OF TILE 14'-2" TOP O° TILE NEW ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF EXACTLY - - 9'-1" T_C.F_� - - -0'-6" BOB� XIO BEAM F.F. O"� F.G- e, 2'-2" TOP OF: TILE 6 SECTION NOTES Indicates Section Notes - See Numbers below.. I. 5/6" Type "X" typ, at garage to house. I -HR assembl For garlge ceilings where garage trusses are perpendicular andybear on tFe house/gqarage wall. When ceilingq is used as part of assemblyy faeten�Ps are required on I6 11 ches on centers and supporting wall shall be of equal rating. The assembly shall be per the gypsum manual or l -A GBG 104.1 From Foundation to roof sheathing. 2. 5/8" Type "X" drywall, typical under stairs. 3. 3/4" Plywood over floor joists. El 2x4 stud wall at 16" O.C. All insulation materials shall 5. 2x6 stud wall at 16" O.G. have a flame spread rating not Designed wood trusses at 24" O.C. to exceed 25 and a smoke 1. Girder Truss density not to exceed 450. R-13 insulation, I" "Falcon" Insulation 5d, on exterior of wall, verify with Energy Calcs, 9. R-21 insulation, verify with Energy Gil 10. R-38 insulation, verify with Energy Calcs. 11, Drop Beam 12. 4x HDR 13. Refer to Exterior Elevations and Details for Fascia and barge. 14. Provide 5/8" drywall at trusses. 15. Drywall stub wall, see plan and detail i6. Concrete slab, slope min. 1/8": I'-0" to drain. 11. Concrete slab, min. 3-1/2" thickness 18. 2x P.T. mudsill. typ. 19. 2x soffit framing at I6" D.C. 20. California framing F271 Provide G.I. flashing at roof to wall connection 22. Line of wall or elevation behind. 23. Drywall over 1/2" plywood sheir 24. Drag truss 25. Hip truss 26. Window seat A6" 21. 611 per elevation 28. Soffit per elevation 29. Furred wall per elevation 30. Provide min. 26 GA Galy. Weep screed at foundation plate line weep screed shall be a minimum of 4" above adjacent grade and 2" above adjacent fiatwork Notes: STUCCO 5PECIFICATION These sections are For profiles of ceiling heights, plate heights and i' FOAM - FALCON BOARD general shapes of trusses only. Refer to structural plans and truss - IC50 "i - (2) COAT manufacturer's plans for actual sizes and details and layout of all framing. 5TUCCo FINISH All insulation materials shall have a Flame spread rating not to exceed 25 FF. 0" -F. ©'' - - �F.Cx_-�i�l 1-1\VYIV4 II .:V lwn.un. v. w�u vv,"�w AT FOUNDATION PLATE LINE, WEEP SCREED SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4" ABOVE ADJACENT RIGHT ELEVATION GRADE AND 2" ABOVE ADJACENT FLATWORK.(TYP) SCALE: 1/4": 1'-0" 14'-2" TOP of TILE 12 - i �,� ANEW ROOF TO 4 TYP. �� MATCH EXISTING {2 Q '-2" TOP OF TILE - - - - - - - 12 ROOF EXACTLY _TYP. 14 12 \ S' -I° T.C_P. - - / _ } -t TYP. 2 NEL 2X6 FA51CA TO MATCH EXISTING 4 A F451CA EXACTLY \ I EXTERIOR PLASTER TO MATCH EXI57IN3 PLASTER CLOSET BATH FOYER c` \ EXACTLY 30 FF. O" _ \ell _ G_ a„� 2 (:2 SECTION B SCALE: 1/4": V-0` NEW 2X6 R MATCH EXI EXPOSED RAFTER5 EXTERIOR BEAM MATC4 EX EXACTLY F.F. 0" �F.F SECTION A SCALE: 1/4": I'-0" �14'_2" TCP OF TILE - - - - - - --- - _ - --- - - O" \ SECTION C SCALE: 1/4": 1'-0" NEW ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF EXACTLY an a smoke enslty not to exceed 450. Provide fire blocking at all intersections between concealed 4 horizontal spaces such as soffits, roofs or ceiling FIRE NOTES Fire blocks and draft stop: (UBC Section 108) Fire blocks shall be provided in the following locations: 1. In concealed spaces of stud wall and partitions, including Furred spaces at ceiling and floor levels and at 10 Foot intervals both vertical and horizontal. See also section 803 UBC, Item I. 2. At all linterconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, droop ceilings and cove ceilings. 3. In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of run and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls under the stairs are unfinished. 4. In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar 9'-1° T_OF openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and Floor levels, with non combustible materials. 5. At openings between attic spaces and chimney chases for factory -built chimineys. 6. inhere wood sleepers are used for laying wood flooring on masonry or concrete fire -resistive floors, the space between the floor slab and the underside of wood Following shall be Filled with noncombustible material feet in area or fire blocked in such a manner that there will be no openings under the Flooring which exceed 100 square and such space shall be filled solidly under all permanent partitions so that there is no communication under the flooring between adjoining rooms. F . 0 1. Fire block construction: ,-FC, Fire blocking shall consist of 2 Inches nominal lumber or two thicknesses of I inch nominal lumber with broken lap joints or one thicknesses of 23/32 inch wood structural panel or one thickness of ? inch type 2-M particle board with joints backed by ? inch type 2-M particle board. Fire blocks may also be of gypsum board, cement asbestos board, mineral fiber, glass Fiber or other approved materials securely fastened in place loosefill insulation material shall not be used as a Fire block unless specifically fire tested. 5. All air ducts penetrating occupancy seperation wall between garage and living area shall be 26 gauge minimum. Please provide detail for wall mounted heat pump, note any firewall penetrations required for installation 302.4 Ir T.O.P� - ell -611 - -- F_. a- Kxzzs�- SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS PROGRESSIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS • Architectural Design • Residential and Commercial • Planning and Development 78-120 Calle Estado, Ste. 206 La Quinta, CA 92253 Office (760) 564-4707 Fax (760) 564-4955 www.swconcepts.com PROJECT TITLE Proposed 2nd Residence for Stormy & Claudia Fairweather 53-640 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, California 92253 A.P.N.:774-132-024 Date/ Description Number Drawn By Aproved By Project Maneger Z o� W -111 J W W C0 NEW 2X6 FASICA NEW B.G.B� MATCH EXISTING T:O --o'-'o" FA51CA EXACTLY 4 EXTERIOR PLASTER TO 4 MATCH EXI5TING FL45TER EXACTLY O" \ SECTION C SCALE: 1/4": 1'-0" NEW ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING ROOF EXACTLY an a smoke enslty not to exceed 450. Provide fire blocking at all intersections between concealed 4 horizontal spaces such as soffits, roofs or ceiling FIRE NOTES Fire blocks and draft stop: (UBC Section 108) Fire blocks shall be provided in the following locations: 1. In concealed spaces of stud wall and partitions, including Furred spaces at ceiling and floor levels and at 10 Foot intervals both vertical and horizontal. See also section 803 UBC, Item I. 2. At all linterconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, droop ceilings and cove ceilings. 3. In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of run and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls under the stairs are unfinished. 4. In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar 9'-1° T_OF openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and Floor levels, with non combustible materials. 5. At openings between attic spaces and chimney chases for factory -built chimineys. 6. inhere wood sleepers are used for laying wood flooring on masonry or concrete fire -resistive floors, the space between the floor slab and the underside of wood Following shall be Filled with noncombustible material feet in area or fire blocked in such a manner that there will be no openings under the Flooring which exceed 100 square and such space shall be filled solidly under all permanent partitions so that there is no communication under the flooring between adjoining rooms. F . 0 1. Fire block construction: ,-FC, Fire blocking shall consist of 2 Inches nominal lumber or two thicknesses of I inch nominal lumber with broken lap joints or one thicknesses of 23/32 inch wood structural panel or one thickness of ? inch type 2-M particle board with joints backed by ? inch type 2-M particle board. Fire blocks may also be of gypsum board, cement asbestos board, mineral fiber, glass Fiber or other approved materials securely fastened in place loosefill insulation material shall not be used as a Fire block unless specifically fire tested. 5. All air ducts penetrating occupancy seperation wall between garage and living area shall be 26 gauge minimum. Please provide detail for wall mounted heat pump, note any firewall penetrations required for installation 302.4 Ir T.O.P� - ell -611 - -- F_. a- Kxzzs�- SOUTH WEST CONCEPTS PROGRESSIVE DESIGN CONCEPTS • Architectural Design • Residential and Commercial • Planning and Development 78-120 Calle Estado, Ste. 206 La Quinta, CA 92253 Office (760) 564-4707 Fax (760) 564-4955 www.swconcepts.com PROJECT TITLE Proposed 2nd Residence for Stormy & Claudia Fairweather 53-640 Avenida Martinez La Quinta, California 92253 A.P.N.:774-132-024 Date/ Description Number Drawn By Aproved By Project Maneger Z o� W r V J W W C0 Date: 11/23/2004