MUP 2005-685w FMANCR City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico G 1, nta, California 92253 7 0 7-7125 FAX: 760 777-1233 SCEP�2��gq8 10 COMMUNITY QEVEL,QTPMENT EEPARTME OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 0 — l' 5 Date Recvd. 'I ( 'jL_^5 Fee{�"�� Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL PL: MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT POT2 �• ( . (Print) MAILING ADDRESS -7I- E55 1MM7 Phone No.7�� CITY, STATE, ZIP: L-A CQ1K(Aj CAr 927-53 Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): [-J� i�%JIr rAr ?X —D1@2S- (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: :X_18S lkx� Phone No CITY, STATE, ZIP: L -k gViz- Fax No._ PROJECT LOCATION: t2-5— +10 CAQ??l 91" D9. PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): 7100- ?71- 5315 5(9 hL,E rAMit-:y PEs) Vt c,E A1__5n e --H C�0 (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): A�tl _715-110-0245 L4+26 TIMCT 05M_1 IIPZ - _ SEP 2 8 2005 A 1Minor Use Permit • Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8`/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8%" x I I". Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT E' -Yu 1--?• IS+V I,l..' (Please int) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Minor Use Permit P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLe TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 October 4, 2005 Mr. Robert D. Avila 79-785 Tangelo La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2005-685 55-410 CHERRY HILLS DRIVE Dear Mr_ Avila: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 Your request for approval of Minor Use Permit 2005-685, allowing the construction of an attached casita at 55-410 Cherry Hills Drive in PGA West, is hereby approved. You may now contact the Building & Safety Department for your building permit. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for this Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by the owner in front of a Notary Public. The original approved documents are then to be recorded with the County Recorder, with a recorded copy giver, to the City for our files. The Community Development Department will sign the job card when the recorded copy is received, which would provide our clearance to the Building & Safety Department to issue the building final inspection. Until the recorded copy is received by the Community Development Department, your Minor Use Permit is not complete and a final inspection will not be conducted by the Building & Safety Department. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760; 777-7067. Very truly yours, 1W JAY Assistant Planner Attachments c. Building and Safety Department il/-A,7/2005 13:56 FAX NEW C104TURY TWU COMPANY RECORDING REQUESTED BY: .Robert D. Avila WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: DOC S 2005-0891709 10/28/2806 WaSM Fee: 16.80 Page 1 of 4 Recorded in Official Records County of Rtvorsids Lorry Y. Hard Rssessor, County Clerk i Recorder 1111111111IN11111 IM 008 M e U PAN Me w -W "0 Mr. Robert D. Avila ( L( 78-785 Tangelo La Quints, CA 92253 � � aar11 wm iaia� spm ow. COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT /b T "CHERRY HILLS DRIVE. LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 1 ThIs Covenant and Agreement are made and executed this Oh day of October by La OuIMa -Bulldere. LLC, as the recorded owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quints, a Municipal Corporation. Is hereby made a party to this Agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that helhhe Is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quints, County of Riverside, State of California: 60 28, TR 26W. in the Clty-of La Qulnta. County of Riverside, State of Callfornia In consideration of the City of La Quints issuing a building permit for certain tain Improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to, and with said City, to restrict the use of said property as hndows: 1. The guest house may not be rented nor sold Independent of the main single- family residence (NAnor Use Pwmit No. ; 2. No kitchen or cooking facilfdes shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30:030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest Houses) of the La Quints Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owners), guests, and caretakers p.e.. a meld and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained In accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth In the Le Quints Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs. or assigns, and. ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La Quints. Ali leases of said dwelling and/or AD rKWMRRW=snW0sMWUU q, AONtlIQOolalmntroRCW ffWS araaslWOM A8 W ris lJS<,WW OR A8?O n$ 8W= UM nasTatrs, 2350717 prop:Mverside: Lot 28 - RV:2005 00891709 1 of 4 it/P'7/2005 18:56 PAX r 9007 property shall be subject to this restriction. This Agreement shag be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief In addition of any remedy In low or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Qutnta, a Municipal Corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shag not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise mended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In etre event that the owners, their heirs, assn or successors in Interest, shall fail to perform any obggatlon hereunder, they herby agree to pay all costs and expenses Incurred by the City of La QuIrrta In securing performance of such obligation, Including attygW$ few,, Zn,, 3. Signatures) Printed Name of all owner(s) Community Development Director CRY of La Quints 2350717 prop:Mver": Lot 28 - RV:2005 00891709 2 of 4 11/07/2005 13:57 PAX STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) se. CITY OF LA QUINTA - ) On _ October S. 2005 . before me, Regenie Hensley, Notary Public, personally appeared DOUGLAS R. EVANS personally (mown to me to be the person whose name Is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the Instrument. WITNESS my hand and official soul. pwas I 4n6/.- RE0104A HENSLEY Notary Public Commission # 1621423 Expiration: October 23, 2008 (Seal) 11 008 2350717 prop:cRiverside: Lot 28 - RV:2005 00891709 3 of 4 il/17/2003 13:57 FAX i CALIFORNIA ALL-PURP08E ACK9dOW off county On -co personally gyred fi01A ftA. tOIYFY oaehnwalon a 14�Qfa Nobyhm. c comb �.8hyreaCam*st, se. 17 personally krwwn to me to me on the baste of a dWadory e to be the person(s) Whose n� Subscribed to the harttt hhatru and aCkh0Wl9dged 10 me umo eded the Game in d Cape). a elgna ion the khswment the pereon !or the enW upon bshet of Whk:fh the peraerw acted. exceed the ln*umenL n OPTIONAL >MUMb dor ar WMfiaon bWw a em r W*@d 6rmxh d sW F0w mPwM= M" an ft dhawaent w daarddpreued AWA* fentnawWf and MONO -100 daaww' t Deewlptlotl of Attached Documew , Title or Type of Oocumartl: Document Date: Number of Pages: Stgner(e) other Than Nerved Above: Capaoityges) Clalnod by Signer 819nar's Nam. 0 lndivldhml 77-010U. MOW C Corporate Offtcar — Title(s). C Partner — I] Limited 7 General C Attorney-InrFacl Q Trustee ' . C Guardian or Conservator C Other. Slgnsr Is RaWasentlng: .-.....�........�.nv.e�iwr•Ynq�1GAL G9fili�lWi•�I.o�W'Iq�paPOLUAW itrOld- Circe t'awar/41 1@009 n 2350717 prop:c tiverside: Lot 28 - RV:2005 00891709 4 of 4 RESOLUTION 98-84 CITY OF LA Q UINTA FEE SCHEDULE Date Effective - August 18, 1998 Agricultural Preserve ............. ... .............. ....:............ $800 Appeals to Planning Commission ........... ............................ $175 Appeals to City Council ................................................. $175 Building Moving Permit................................................$1 000 Certificate of Compliance* ................................................ $100 ZoneChange ...................................................... .$2,710 Conditional Use Permit ............ ..................................$2,000 Conditional Use Permit - Amendment ...................................... $750 Village Use Permit/Village Site Development Permit .......................... $1,000 Cove Residential Permit ................................................. $100 Cove Residential Adjustment ............................................. $300 Cove Master Design Guidelines ........................................... $250 Day Care - Large Family ................................................. $25 Development Agreement ............................................... $2,500 Environmental Assessment .............................................. $550 Environmental Impact Report ................ (Deposit Dependent on Scope of Report) General Plan Amendment ............................................... $4,000 Home Occupations...................................................... $70 Lot Line Adjustment**................................................... $250 Minor Adjustment*..................................................... $200 MinorUse Permit ....................................................... $75 ParcelMap ....................................................... .$1,000 Parcel Map- Waiver ...................................................$1,000 Parcel Map - Amendment* ............................................... $500 Parcel Map - Revision* .................................................. $500 Parcel.Map - Time Extension* ............................................. $500 ParcelMerger......................................................... $200 Reversion to Acreage ................................................... $400 SignPermit........................................................... $100 Sign Program - When submitted after Site Development Permit approval .......... $500 Site Development Permit .................... ............................ $2,000 Site Development Permit - Compatibility Review .............................. $750 Site Development Permit - Amendment ..................................... $750 Site Development Permit - Time Extensions ................................. $500 Specific Plan..........................................................$4,000 Specific Plan Amendment .............................................. $2,000 Statutory Condominium - Subdivision ....... ............................ $3,000 Street Name Change .................................................... $75 Street Vacation ....... :...................................... ........ $400 Temporary Use Permit .....:............................................ $100 RESOLUTION 98-84 Tentative Tract Map .....:..........................:.................. $3,500 Tentative Tract - Amendment ............................................ $1,750 Tract Map - Amended (After Recordation) .................................. $1,750 Tentative Tract Map - Time Extension` .................................... $1,000 Transfer of Rights - NPH ...............:................................. $400 Transfer of Development Rights .......................................... $500 Variance............................................................$1,700 Zoning Text Amendment ............................................... $1,500 Permit is exempt from Environmental Requirements One Lot Line Adjustment allowed per year, per tract or parcel map, per property owner. Multiple Application Discount The most expensive application will be charged a full fee, with subsequent related applications discounted 50%. This discount does not apply to Environmental Impact Assessments. AI5Afee schedule 7/27/00 81-T 1 17 1 M FIRE PIT 59'-11 ° 5'-4" 3 AlI / ///X /' // i� ' '/✓illi j /i ' ///'///''' / / /// / '' / /// '/�/ i / //' //jam !%/� %'//,//' '\ /�� I ///' //,/�%J/ �/////•�/ij y:X/�'///j`/�/(/%i�////i /////j// //i ' ' // I �� Ai�///j%//;, .//��./�/• %/,rf'i j'r," ;//%,%/ii; /%i/'i/'%//%////�"/, //,;%%%%//%/%i//ii/"i%i; it %;',f / '/,%i i;/,/i/" ;/v; ' �%y;\ I1'�///YSEDrRE11/111 �'A-5 13 I �!! //////j////,/%////////%//iii%/%I% ��i/, /� /,'/ '/ C 3 8 � /J^ t'� ��' cr 20 ;/ice/'i n �1\"���.} C2�1 r T,' i •--;�i////// /, /,//%// /,/ /, .�/,ii /: '/. 'r i/ �/,//�/ �,///; ////,/'�� --= /\\ ��. // ij/'// -., /�y, � 3 I f} COURT I �-?,� :� wry \.•' / /\ \ ' YARD � /�;y ' //�1�/ter/=' '•Liif ' / % ' iit �7�, r r T rz� / ._'? / r ; / / i ; ;j/. , / /; /,j/% 3'� - r ' I — I / r \ I '/ I 'TOWE r IV / 13 — �/ i ,�//%//%%/�///%%//ice %%/%//�//,%' � I s \ _ - -- I - -- - -� - - - - • -- -- - -- - _" "-- - � � SP ,, � �. -------- --- - ------------- fl 2 SP Iv IM -1 Ugnu SCALE • SITE KEYNOTES " 1. FLAGSTONE SLAB FLOORING 2. POOL -SPA EQUIPMENT UNDER GROUND CMU WALL VAULT ENCLOSURE 12" ABOVE GROUND. 3• A/C CONDENSER UNIT ON CONC. PAD. 4. 31/2° THK. CONC, SLAB W/ SALT FINISH 5. 3050 WOOD GATE 6. MAILBOX 7. FOUNTAIN (TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER) 8. STEP STONES 9. CONCRETE APPROACH PER CITY STANDARDS 10. FIBERGLASS COLUMNS, 11. TRASH AREA. 12, WROUGHT IRON FENCE 13. 5-0" HT. PLASTERED BLOCK WALL 14. 30" X 30" PILASTERS 15, PROVIDE ILLUMINATED STREET NUMBER VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET 16, ELECTRICAL PANEL 17, GAS METER 18, BAR -134 GRILLE W/ PLASTERED HOOD AVOBE 19, GROUND PLANTER 20, EDGE OF ROOF OVERHUNG 21. 12'X 5' SLIDING GARAGE DOOR 22. BOULDERS 23, PLANTER APPROVED BY COMI MUNITY DEVELOPMENT/DEPART�r1'ivW BY C J DATE 1�(`'� �r- EXHIBIT CABG S NO. s-�rw.P �--� Sanfamaria Design Associates Desi gn-Site Planning 75-153 Merle Drive. Suite B Palm Desert. CA 92211 Phone 760.568-3838 Fax 760.836-0856 e-mail smariadesign@aol.com Revisions : INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE: These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of Santamaria Design Associates. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Santamaria Design Associates. SHEET : z LLJ L J F w LU _ V) SHEET : mi R' e H G D AS A5 0 n a B A5 FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1 SHOWER HEADS, LAVATORY FAUCETS AND SINK FAUCETS USED FOR OTHER THAN SAFETY REASONS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH FLOW CONTROL DEVICES TO LIMIT TOTAL FLOW TO A MAXIMUM OF 3 GALLONS PER MINUTE. ALL SWINGING DOORS AND WINDOWS OPENING TO THE EXTERIOR OR TO UNCONDITIONED AREAS AS GARAGES SHALL BE FULLY WEATHERSTRiPPED, GASKETED OR OTHERWISE TREATED TO LIMIT INFILTRATION. ALL MANUFACTURED WINDOWS AND SLIDING GLASS DOORS SHALL MEET THE INFILTRATION STANDARDS OF THE 1972 ASTM 73 WITH A PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL OF 1.57 PSF AND SHALL BE CERTIFIED AND LABLED. UPON COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION OF INSULATION, A CARD CERTIFYING THAT THE INSULATION HAS BEEN INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THESE REGULATIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED AND EXECUTED BY THE INSULATION APPLICATOR AND BE THE BUILDER. THIS CARD SHALL BE POSTED AT A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION WITHIN THE DWELLING -INSULATION SHALL HAVE A FLAME SPREAD RATINGS IF 25 OR LESS AND A SMOKE DENSITY RATING NOT TO EXCEED 450. WHERE ANY 2" VENTS RUN HORIZONTALLY THROUGH A STUD WALL, A MINIMUM STUD OF 2 X 6 SHALL BE USED. ALL DOOR SIZES CALLED OUT ARE FINISH SIZES. ALL OUTSIDE HOSE BIBS ARE TO BE EQUIPPED WITH NON -REMOVABLE BACK-FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE PER U.P.C. SECTION 603.4.7 CUTTING, NOTCHING AND DRILLING OF STUD WALLS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THAT ALLOWED, BE THE LATEST EDITION OF U.B.C. SECTION 2326.11.9 OPERABLE SLIDING DOORS, FRENCH DOORSAND WINDOWS SHALL BE SUPPLIED WITH INSECT SCREENS, SHALL BE THE SAME MANUFACTURER. ALL EXTERIOR OPENINGS AND ROOF PENETRATIONS SHALL BE FLASHED WITH APPROVED MATERIALS AND METHODS. PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS AT ALL TUBS AND SHOWERS AND ALL SLIDING DOORS AS PER U.B.C. SECTION 2406.4 ALSO WINDOWS AS CALLED OUT ON PLANS. ALL BATH ROOM EXHAUST FANS SHALL BE VENTED TO OUTSIDE. ALL STUD WALLS SHALL BE FIRE STOPPED AT +4'-6" AND AT SOFFITS OR CEILINGS. ALL WALLS AND CEILINGS SURROUNDING SHOWERS AND TUBS SHALL RECIEVE GREEBOARD AS PER U.B.C. SECTION 2512. RECESSED INCANDESCENT FIXTURES SHALL BE "IC" TYPE WHEN IN CONTACT WITH THERMAL INSULATION OR PROVIDE A 3" AIR SPACE AROUND FIXTURE PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 410.66 ALL EXTERIOR CONVENIENCE OUTLETS SHALL HAVE WATERPROOF COVER PLATES WITH GFI PROTECTED RECEPTAALES PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 210-8. BATHROOM AND OUTSIDE PLUGS ACCESSABLE TO GROUND LEVEL SHALL BE 20 AMP G.F.L. PROTECTED PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 210-8. HOT MOPPED SHOWER PANS SHALL BE FILLED WITH WATER AFTER MOPPING AND INSPECTION CALLED FOR, WHILE FILLED. KITCHENS WHERE THE RECEPTACLES ARE INSTALLED TO SERVE COUNTERTOP SURFACES, 20 AMP G.F.I PROTECTED PER N.E.C. ARTICLE 210.8. APPROVED SMOKE DETECTOR WITH BATTERY BACK-UP; DETECTOR TO BE PERMANENTLY WIRED WITHOUT DISCONNECTING SWITCH OTHER THAN AS REQUIRED FOR OVER CURRENT PROTECTION, WIRE ALL SMOKE DETECTORS IN HOUSE TOGETHER FOR SIMULTANEOUS ALARM. LEGEND NOTES 1. KITCHEN SINK WITH GARBAGE DISPOSAL. 2. BUILT-IN DISHWASHER 3. 60" COOKTOP WITH HOOD, LIGHT AND FAN. VENT TO OUTSIDE AIR. (OPTIONAL MICROWAVE AND HOOD/FAN COMBINATION.) 4. DOUBLE OVEN. 5. PROVIDE 39" CLEAR REFRIGERATOR SPACE WITH ROUGH PLUMBING FOR ICE MAKER. (RECESS IN WALL) 6. 34" HIGH LAVATORY TOP & BASE CABINET. 7. PROVIDE WASTE AND WATER FOR WASHING MACHINE IN RECESSED WALL BOX. 8. PROVIDE DRYER VENT TO OUTSIDE AIR WITH BACK DRAFT DAMPER. 9. GAS FIRED F.A.U. UNIT -PROVIDE WOOD -FRAMED AND DRYWALL - COVERED PLATFORM 10. TILE HEARTH WITH 12" EXTENSION PAST BOX ON EACH SIDE AND 20" DEPTH AT FRONT 11. 75 GAL.WATER HEATER -PROVIDE 18" HIGH MIN. WOOD -FRAMED AND DRYWALL -COVERED PLATFORM AT GARAGE ONLY. PROVIDE P & T VALVE DISCHARGE LINE TO OUT- SIDE. PROVIDE SEISMIC STRAPS -SEE DETAIL. VENT TO OUTSIDE. 12. RETURN AIR GRILLE FOR F.A.U. 13. GARAGE WALLS, CEILINGS AND SUPPORTING POSTS OR COLUMNS ADJACENT TO DWELLING SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH 5/8" TYPE W DRYWALL FROM FLOOR TO ROOF SHTG. 14. WIRE FOR AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENER AS PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 15. 6" PLUMBING WALL -SEE CARPENTRY DIVISION OF GENERAL NOTES FOR NOTCHING AND BORING OF STUDS. 16. 2 X 6 EXTERIOR WALLS W/ R-19 INSUL. 17. 13/8" SOLID CORE DOOR WITH AUTOMATIC SELF-CLOSING DEVICE AND WEATHERSTRIPPING TO BE TIGHT FITTING. 18. SPA TUB (TO BE SELECTED BY OWNER) 19. 30" SQ. PLASTERED COLUMN. 20. NICHE (BOT. @ 30") 21. 8" RECESSED SHOWER PAN WITH TRAVERTINE WALL OVER 1/2" GREEN BOARD TO 84". SHOWER HEAD AT 78". PROVIDE SAFETY GLASS ENCLOSURE AS SHOWN. 22. CENTER OF WATER CLOSET TO BE MINIMUM OF 15" TO VERTICAL SURFACE AT SIDES. 23. 24" SQ. PLASTERED COLUMN. 24. FIREPLACE BY "HEAT & GLO" MODEL #6100+FRESH AIR FIREPLACE U.L, REPORT NO. . PROVIDE 20" MIN. HEARTH, FUEL GAS W/ ELECTRONIC SWITCH LIGHTER. PROVIDE GLASS DOOR KIT. OR SIMILAR APPROVED. (SEE ATTACHED INFORMATION) 25. WOOD SHELVING. 26. PROVIDE TEMPERED GLASS. 27. 18" SQ. TRAVERTINE 28. SHELF & POLE 29. LAUNDRY SINK 30, 18" SQ. PLASTERED COLUMN. 31. FIREPLACE BY "ISOKERN" 46" FIRE -LITE SERIES U.L. REPORT NO. 1777. PROVIDE 20" MIN. HEARTTH, FUEL GASV;1 ELEiTROiviC S'vviTCn LIGHTER. PROVIDE GLASS DOOR KIT. OR SIMILAR APPROVED. (SEE ATTACHED INFORMATION) 32. BUILT IN TV / ENTERTAINMENT 33. 16" 0. PLASTERED COLUMN. 34. SLOPED A SMOOTH FINISH CONIC. SLAB 35, ARCH AVOBE 36. PROVIDE ILLUMINATED STREET NUMBER VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET 37. OUTSIDE COMBUSTION AIR 38. LINEN 39. 1/4" POLISHED GLASS MIRROR 40. EDGE OF UPPER CABINET ABOVE 41. 36" HIGH GRANITE COUNTER TOP & BASE CABINET 42. 22" X 30" ATTIC ACCESS 43. HOOD ABOVE 44. GAS METER 45. ELECTRICAL PANEL 46. 42" HIGH BREAKFAST BAR 47. CABLE 48. TELEPHONE 49. TOILET PAPER HOLDER 50. VEGI-SINK 51. SKYLIGHT 52. 36" HT. KITCHEN ISLAND 53. 30" HIGH GRANITE COUNTER TOP & BASE CABINET 54, 36" HT. GRANITE CHINA CABINET 55. BAR SINK 56. U.C. REFRIGERATOR 57. 12"X12" (MIMIMUM) ACCESS PANEL TO BATH TUB TRAP CONNECTION. 58. CARPETING 59, open number 60. open number 61. VANITY 30" HT. 62• BENCH 30" HT. 63. BOOK SHELF 64. SHAMPOO NICHE WALL LEGEND 2X6 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. Yll R-19 INSULATION 2X6 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. W/ - - 5/8" GYP. BOARD TYPE 'X' FROM FOUND. TO FLOOR SHT'G. 2X6 PLUMBING WALL @ 16" O.C. 2X4 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. SCALE 1/411=11-011 Santamaria Design Associates Desi gn-Site Planning 75-153 Merle Drive. Suite B Palm Desert. CA 92211 Phone 760.568-3838 Fox 760.836-0856 e-mail smariadesign@aol.com Revisions : INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE: These drawings are on instrument of service and remain the property of Santamaria Design Associates. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Santamaria Design Associates, PROJECT No. 2005-4023 DATE JULY 2005 DRAWN BY: J.CONTRERAS SCALE As Noted 0 0 LL MCLLow F - w w = LL V) PROJECT No. 2005-4023 DATE JULY 2005 DRAWN BY: J.CONTRERAS SCALE As Noted I \\ \�\ `2 �7 D I M Eiii N SCALE 114'1=11-011 WALL LEGEND 2X6 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. W/ R-19 INSULATION 2X6 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. W/ 5/8" GYP. BOARD TYPE 'X' FROM FOUND. TO FLOOR SHTG. 2X6 PLUMBING WALL @ 16" O.C. 2X4 STUD WALL @ 16" O.C. aCitamaria Design Associates Desi gn-Site Planning 75.153 Merle Drive. Suite B Palm Desert. CA 92211 Phone 760.568-3838 Fax 760.836.0856 e-mail smariadesign@aol.com INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE: These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of Santamaria Design Associates. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Santamaria Design Associates. PROJECT No. 2005-4023 DATE JULY 2005 DRAWN BY : J.CONTRERAS SCALE : 1/411-11-011 As Noted SHEET: > 4 s _ PROJECT No. 2005-4023 DATE JULY 2005 DRAWN BY : J.CONTRERAS SCALE : 1/411-11-011 As Noted SHEET: +20'-8t1 _ .O.Ridge .O.Parapet T.O. Ridge *T,O,,_Pi - FINISH FLOOR +/ 15-8" T.O. Ridgge 14 T.O. Ridge +/- 14'-81' T,O. Ridge Fronf Elevafion e—z' _ — — — — — i --1X T.O.Rld�e — - \ \\ \ \ ¢ \ \.\ .s \\\ y, \ "t. _=� /bl/�,�i `y�✓--/,il`�'!, ��.v. /%'�L�,v_v ` \�:,Ei'i r<�". \� �,�` i �� i . i U I FINIaH FLOOR TGV' -81' .O.Ridge — 17'-10" T.O. Ridge + 15'_8" _ T.O. Ridge T141-111 I.0. Ridge FINISH FLOOR T. 171-611 O. Parapet +15'-611 _ _ T.O. Ridge +14'-211 .0. Ridge FINISH FLOOR ih ear Elevation SCALE 3/16"=11-011 SCALE 3/16"=1'-0'1 T.O.Parapet — +/-121-41, T.O.Ridge FINISH FLOOR _+/-17' — T.O.Parapet T.O. Ridge +/-141-211 T.O. Ridge +/-0,_0,, FINISH FLOOR +15[11111 �1 T.O.Ridge +141-911 T.O.Ridge _ +/-01-011 FINISH FLOOR ELEVATIONS KEYNOTES A. PRE -CAST CONCRETE COLUMNS AND PLASTERED TURRETS MISSION FINISH DUNN EDWARDS SP68 STONISH BEIGE xAITERNATE FIBERGLASS COLUMNS BY ARCO SOLUTIONS B. 7/8" EXT. CEMENT PLASTER-MISS(ON FINISH 1.- DUNN EDWARDS SP14 BAJA WHITE COLOR O/BUILDING PAPER BACKED METAL LATH. PROVIDE 2 LAYERS GRADE D PAPER WHEN APPLIED OVER WOOD BASE SHEATHING C. WOOD WOROUGHT IRON MAIN ENTRY DOOR D. 2 PCS.MUDDED CLAY TILE SERPENTINE PATTERN, MISSION BY REDLAND CLAY TILE ICBO#4300 "OLD HACIENDA BLEND" E. CLAY PIPE CHIMENEY FLUE CAP F. HURD WOOD / CLAD WINDOWS/ FRENCH DOORS ALMOND COLOR G. PLASTERED FOAM MOLDING DUNN EDWARDS SP68 STONISH BEIGE COLOR H. 24 GA. CORROSION RESISTANT WEEP SCREED 4°ABOVE EARTH OR 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS. I. WOOD GARAGE DOOR J. PLASTERED FIREPLACE _ +/- 15'-00" T.O. RIDGE +/- 0'0" FINISH FLOOR NOTES: PROVIDE TWO LAYERS OF GRADE D PAPER OVER ALL WOOD BASE SHEATHING. (CBC 1402.1) PROVIDE A `NEEP SCREED FOR STUCCO AT THE FOUNDATION PLATE LINE A MINIMUM OF 4" ABOVE GRADE. (CBC2506.5) ATTIC VENTILATION OPENINGS SHALL BE COVERED WITH CORROSION -RESISTANT METAL MESH OPENINGS OF 1/4 -INCH IN DIMENSION. SECTION 1505.3. SS THAN td io T TYP, CHIMNEY DETAIL LE-3ft Elte--voc.4ation U SCALE 3/16"=1'-011 Santamaria Design Associates Desi gn-Site Planning 75-153 Merle Drive. Suite B Palm Desert. CA 92211 Phone 760.568-3838 Fax 760.836-0856 e-mail smariodesign@ool.com Revisions : INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE: These drawings are an instrument of service and remain the property of Santamaria Design Associates. They are not to be reproduced or altered to any third party without the express written permission of Santamaria Design Associates. PROJECT No. 2005-4023 DATE : JULY 2005 DRAWN BY: J.CONTRERAS SCALE : 0 11 SHEET: Lo 0_000 z 00 w J i-- H L11 LU 2 LU V) PROJECT No. 2005-4023 DATE : JULY 2005 DRAWN BY: J.CONTRERAS SCALE : 0 11 SHEET: