MUP 2005-688i • RMINI� COd� � • ;nt Department 2253 760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No.M U P C6 - b S S Date Recvd. Ic OS Fee: 4.175 - Related 7SRelated Apps.: Logged in by: OR USE PERMIT APPROVAL A -✓ PL -V MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT (Print) MAILING ADDRESS L -a Pi 5t-, Phone No. A0 - Shy -.77&2 CITY, STATE, ZIP: L,,4CA I? A2 �' 3 Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS:.Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION: 4 1,W,, 75 Fax No. PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information):�_T0:z; ji-a�'h L 'M (6"t U -W -e-0 . (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): b q 3- P 3a - 013 A 18\Minor Use Permit 0 ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8%2" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT � "V' d � 1 C. .Ske/�� Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE j - 6 NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER IJc�,�� ro �. S k . &0 rJ (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A1Minor Use Permit moi' P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALi.r: TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUANTA, CALIFORNIA'92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 October 10, 2005 Daniel C. Skelton, 46-675 Washington Street La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2005-688 - Temporary Construction Dumpster Permit Dear Mr. Skelton: The Community Development Department hereby approves your application request to Place a temporary construction dumpster in the driveway at 46-675 Washington Street in La Quinta, California, as shown on the attached exhibit during the remodeling of the residence, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its agents, officers, and employees from any claim, action, or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Minor Use Permit. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select - its defense counsel at its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant'of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC). 3. Once the dumpster is placed on site, it can remain on-site for a one-week period. An extension may be applied for, with no additional fee, in writing to the Community Development Department before expiration. 4. Use of the dumpster shall be limited to the hours of construction as listed in the La Quinta Municipal Code (Chapter 6.08; Nuisances). A copy of this time schedule can be obtained from the Building and Safety Department. 5. The dumpster shall be placed ,on the driveway. The dumpster may not be located on the street, as per Section 6.04.100 of the Health and Sanitation Ordinance. 6. The dumpster shall be immediately removed by the authorized disposal service at MUP 05-688 Dumpster P:\Andy's\Minor Use Permit or Adjustment\MUP, 05-688 Dumpster.doc a�f 'N, the applicant's expense if any noxious or nuisance odors are found to emanate from the container. . 7. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure _that refuse stays within the container by use of a tarp or netting under windy or other adverse weather conditions. 8. The dumpster may not be used to remove hazardous waste. It is the responsibility of the applicant to properly dispose of any and all waste. 9. The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that may arise and are not addressed herein. 10. Approval of this Minor Use Permit Application will not result in conditions detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious to or incompatible with other properties and uses in the vicinity. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7068. Sincerely, Andrew J. Mogensen Associate Planner c: Building and Safety Department, Code Compliance Department Waste Management of the Desert MUP 05-688 Dumpster P:\Andy's\Minor Use Permit or Adjustment\MUP 05-688 Dumpster.doc =METROOCAN PROPERTY ZOOFI LE= Riverside (CA) **************************************************************************************** * * * <<< OWNERSHIP INFORMATION >>> * Parcel Number :643 182 013 S: T: R: Q: * Ref Parcel # :000 000 000 Pos Interest: * Owner Name :Skelton Daniel C/Jan Logan * CoOwner * Site Address :46675 Washington St La Quinta 92253 * Mail Address :46675 Washington St La Quinta Ca 92253 * Telephone :Owner: Tenant: * <<< SALES AND LOAN INFORMATION >>> * * Transferred :12/04/1998 Loan Amount :$87,302 * * Document # :528927 Lender :Mortgage Capital R * Sale Price :$87,500 Loan Type: :Fha * Deed Type :Grant Deed Interest Rate :Fixed * % Owned :100 Vesting Type :Joint Tenant * <<< ASSESSMENT AND TAX INFORMATION >>> * * Land :$33,077 Exempt Type * * Structure :$75,058 Exempt Amount * Other Tax Rate Area :20-119 * Total :$108,135 Taxes * * .:$1,675.96 % Improved :69 * * * <<< PROPERTY DESCRIPTION >>> * * Map Grid :849 G2 * * Census :Tract:451.11 Block:l * Land Use :RO1 Res,Single Family Residences * * Legal :LOT 70 MB 040/081 TR 2117 * * * Sub/Plat :Tr 2117 * Book :40 Page:81 * * * * <<< PROPERTY CHARACTERISTICS >>> * * Bedrooms -:3 Stories :1 YearBuilt:1972 AgPreserve * BathFull :1 Units :1 MiscImprv:No * Bath3Qtr :1 Bldg SgFt:1,120 Street :Paved ADDITIONAL * BathHalf : Gar SgFt :441 Waterfrnt: * Fireplce :No Gar Type :Attached Elect Svc:Developed RmAddtns :Yes * Cntrl Ht :Yes Lot Acres:.20 Gas Svc :Developed RmAddSF * Cntr1A/C :Yes Lot SgFt :8,712 WaterSrce:Developed AddGarType * Pool :No Roof Type:CompositionSewerType:Developed OthrPkng *************************************************************************************** Information compiled from various sources. Real Estate Solutions makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of information contained in this report. E//2 NW//4 SEC. 30, T 5S, R. 7E >ts.0 i,%!l.,ifz TR 204.3 ti � st••,r I \ y► -pit % O FEB 2 2 2W TMS NAP /S roR POR E112 IVW114 SEC 30, T. 55, R 7E 7-R. A. 020-003 643- 18 020-067 020-074 617-05 020-094 ozo-1/9 om - 139 020-153 020-164 O /Go' O —WASH11V6TO1V S rREE T Nd o lk IAA 020-l' 11A CAMEO— PA U DRIVE IC N -4 O 63) V E 4,, fad AfS40181-83 Tract A(b.2117 IVB. 4116-7 2043 ASSESSORS VAP 8K643 PG, /8 MAR 0 2 2005 RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CAL IF SEP, 92 �y3-,'�-Gl3-y