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MUP 2006-740
• FINMCK • Revwn C� City of La; Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-71'25 FAX: (760) 777-1233 �L GEME OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. Ulo Date Recvd. �, o Fee: Related Apps.: Logged in by: JAN 2 7 7.006 U PPIDICA tION OR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT S.a -L".PaA;?� (Print) �Ec-� �Ocs\ve35 MAILING ADDRESS 1q7 017 IbA[IVIC2p ►.1 TM1 �— Phone No. (76 o) 7 7) - go q CITY, STATE, ZIP: 1K Q01LU& 01, cl 22E13 Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION:_ PROPOSED USE (Print) Phone Fax No R CONSTRUCTION (Including operatio#al ikformation): (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & 'TRACT OR A.P.N.):_ A18\Minor Use Permit ci tBmISSION REQUIREMENTS: Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). *ive-43 sets of plans on 8'/2" x:11" sheet or folded down to 8'/i" x 11". .3.1 Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applitions discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. '��— • • NAME OF APPLICANT SIGNATURE OF 1:5�e P ease Print APPLICAN DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWt(R-S,!t', r �';ao�, (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) 1F NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for- proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority) by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A I Minor Use Permit wtj" ammi TWT 4a a, P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 February 7, 2006 Mr. Jim Pippin 79-200 Bighorn Trail La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-740 79-152 TOM FAZIO LANE SOUTH Dear Mr. Pippin: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 L • 4e YourYour request for approval of Minor Use Permit 2006-740, allowing the construction of a casita/guesthouse at 79-152 Tom Fazio Lane South in La Quinta, is hereby approved. You may now contact the Building & Safety Department for your building permit. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for this Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by the owner in front of a Notary Public. The original approved documents are then to be recorded with the County Recorder, with a recorded copy given to the City for our files. The Community Development Department will sign the job card when the recorded copy is received, which would provide our clearance to the Building & Safety Department to issue the building final inspection. Until the recorded copy is received by the Community Development Department, your Minor Use Permit is nct complete and a final inspection will not be conducted by the Building & Safety Department. Should you have any questions, please call me at (7601 777-7125. Very truly yours, JAY WUU Assistant Planner Attachments c. Building and Safety Department 0 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Mr. Jim Pippin WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Mr. Jim Pippin 79-200 Bighorn Trail La-Quinta, CA 92253 Ll COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCE AT 79-152 TOM FAZIO LANE SOUTH, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This Covenant and Agreement are made and executed this 7th day of February by Mr. Jim Pippin, as the recorded owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is herebymade a party to this Agreement for.the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: Lot 10, TR 27727, APN: 766-042-004, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed.on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to, and with said City, to restrict the use of said property as follows: 1. The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single- family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 2006-740); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities, are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs,. or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said_ accessory building remains .on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority. of the City of La Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or ,` � 1 property shall be subject to this restriction. This Agreement shall. be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, .except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of. La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the .expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. By: 1. 2. 3. Signature(s) Dated: Printed Name of all owner(s) Douglag'R. Evans Date Community Development Director City of La Quinta STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) On February 8, 2006 , before me, Regenia Hensley, Notary Public, personally appeared DOUGLAS R. EVANS personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed.to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal REGEWA HENSLEY Nota Public Commission #.1521423 Expiration: October 23, 2008 (Seal) REGENIA HENSLEY Commlwlon 0 1521423 -® Notary Public - California Riverside County My Comm. ENDtresOct 23,2008 a w a G e A KEY NOTES GENERAL NOTE5 C3 ewroaco •we •m eows.e ..vlw. • NaN Yi•aW. waw •D,.ro.+ ro snLD�w m� uML +ro Ym na•cNn YwLL w coroLe.m ro wwroem wNm�onavnoGwVILw, as p NDr l0®. NL�Ma�`u1aMK� �W. GOn4LL r�OIL •R p Nor La®, �,e rNw°`�`"wDL ro+a.anw wuParo p "0` 1Om. s nn••rla. amYosoO Imw•.uua. wm. p Nor w®, co.n•crow ro w.:n OwM1tlTI101100m �o.oe..w. wwl ro raW+awnoN. p L•1Dp•.o Mq• b• Lwroec•rc Yw'T'i W MnTD.KK p•rw «w ecr Q w wm. ` wroNow naavm •u nw.e. wlw.na. ED- --= m D.em w na .aaN.smae. m oesl.loa Wr urs. ocm Nm .Pun na •rnrl.cn v nas Nroaw•nw •ro m or aeanao�y naL Q aLlwwnr®•po®s Lwwr oaowe IIKUL®r. axr. co.riucroa ro �DYwr O.KMW.wp•DOm roawwMl. woa �t4P•R .OWT MO INy�YDn. wIP1 rIC rofOMOnOw LOT Clx O• LA 61mw w0.K wJOLO D. LAYgT DJOaW LDO•wW IDpnwDD p nn0 Dvr*ar. R•IL tDa ro uNnL 1V� waw nm L•nar a aDvo. •lo •tL snlIDrn ramam p mre.cw UW. IWIIJrp) a wlacw,ecrwL YA ...w Yp © wapPlx 410. .Pa �@0071{A OKr. e LM000Y0• eW.r lllY�Y•nOn•W 4W11W © GPD LOO. �Ky p�,y0 w0o0 �OOAc�rol A .. LMOO.MW gmaayaw, •Da ro LNNGM w.w rPa wLL OOOaW .I@.T W V� YR UYmW. YONN6 Rro. O. OwUx. ALL 011LIwp OD1VIW wNe MA YULL W wrwLLm VOO101001W. K pONlu•6 W CONCONnawlm DWw•y wJYn � MrO ID 10 OWMw. wIDM CwM.MO�! w .i •�'"ww"�'''oN� o.`�N�'r •�LnaD•. co""°'o i. �oauL wl+•croL ro wen wDu.. ro roelawm uwx cowlq LNO, wMJa N �noND �oeo am wK+mlPa .meou.rm Ou .o wI�L w°Www ero Dir e`�rLDne�unum 1— caNrecwoe ee .+ow .la eAolw. 1 LOJNIaN•r0 YlD ITVx 406•na0 wnl .41!01 W, 6tLwIXwL, .w .nD.raww.L Dluwwe .aw ro mwwaKnPl. Z K fJPwlYroO OM•LL NL7lM YA DWYrKN•W A LWww 0.0.'0 ■mp�C!'aw,VD:l .NW �! O L•Nwc•ww amoaamawwwl LAWOOM n ;�]lF •imwrmr. G •4L wm. Yreanm ro m weccwrm ruu 9 A �T w � On Owml fA� pWALOG•wPl J L � l I 1 � 1a1100MC Yf RLn U � 1 4. •L LAWOOY! R X10 ®YOr/rRp y Fal !O•la•A. T MaaNRLA ro 0 oelw avva co«rnm nal MNaw.L, o o. w. •os ro. •lo euro www® � wtrtwe•L .lo .owuouww maws. - ' ♦ YwLL oa OfJm®,•W 1W'lm ni wrµ •DJ•fONr Wlnw. 1Lnl/ LOT IO /I Mlblfr hlf lWaIOLJI ���•1/ n roax Lno De.laws uo Dmrcn ..e I Y1PY 1'a KOOCaO! oR., am. o.•u ~ w`a►.`.woelowD'i6e•Ncsi�es e•�NnLee� LOT q �•D� � �D.� / M`l`�.D000OY ~• 1'gOH •N. wLPlpav LN6 LY `' uo cerA.irO�uowcN �w O• It /.pr INrO ReF'® wlart •10 WM OirOKYe, haO.lOpp). r• *a DrMeYuw� � �nd�r Lo.n�O`. y� Nnao Ab1 ro 110W W iN w011oLK Ywa•w..n. ••�uao ro DD w las aa�r IN we�rlmw�:isr'+la�amlv�e�m�x �o P.a ro wow wore w,aoL wNo.ar. LNn n LOT 1 O u YDou1L oonwwcrall ro YfPO1N•R ns v wow. las. wa owner •lo �raKnaa•L mw.N ONYN®a waata M 0•A w •W .0 a nO - � •L!.•nP1 M0� A lAK4R NPaDW w]a P.W[UnO. V YA OPO Cwt mOONwnn. 0 nCp TOM FAZIO LANE eOUTH O IIE PLAN � I . KIa 4�� � (� EMU U Iaw7la 10 OME[ PA ® m7.1MM1Ert am rO°7a - ® eOr� r In wm wawrw au rem x r MI7a 1Ir w Mr LOT 11 PAD EL -178.5 LOT 9 PAD EL -154.5 Is/ PAD EL -188.0 FF EL -168.5 >a , 0 Iare IY Ion a / s PAD EL -169.0 i FF EL -169.5 ra 0 =I@ IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PRECISE GRADING PLANS od TRACT MAP NO. 27727 - LOT 10 ,.�••• LOCATED IN A PORTION OF SECTION 19, T. 7 S., R. 7 E.. B.H.M. rMOIo sr an Dome races ra IOLc, arrrr re mso aawwm =r WM9'aM6 ewm °0L 1Q@ war ®a— '�' C cem�aL u�u /" I �AIA� IId�P�i{IB,��Of 9�'�J0�84A,®a lMr m I L #®w10aMrMr®.#710YOm77M7srwID � I L#mmMu7eawLwa7nLa�mmee®7armsrw,awms / �yp��waaww.#arrm rMsr7aawwem maw /7 � a#a.maw,w®slurs ('v4-7 ffiOAmfAjV s7 Wvm Lw oma OEM In ma MD r,, 11 M7 r#Mrworwam.7 m7m7wm IS ,emcemrm w i oia.aL®7rraalr7lmaMw. nwrmr.®momaso7Lso7raM�aarm®7maa nrsrawlumo.x uwrlu■oMM®e.sosam�wLuarws#wwrammwa wama®Lrusrox WRam mm �iarp r•�' � , Mus amRrruw al,v7#a�Mr YrwaMlam Mw �p�p � ag�1 #aaaaswwMamwmm i a / / � �mmommweraw#mair O R71m�QmgrMw#Ml draw rM twln OTrr�Ml r7wf rFs a#a®LrMw<s®wmmwMa■mo7#MmromnarnmwrMMs arilmwww QeM 7#erMr mqO®wMIMw a armwo7 so. M111a r7v w w®Lo # an 7 u ®Isar m asm �aeo Mo �awnoN 07. .......... A MI MQ............ .............. U I/ A WIL(fA r)rr ............. a ®ma.......04 . VA rrsal�® . MI®YLIOmI....... m ,IM Off............ � i/ I IF "!E!f.9.•i b9x=�.5e.ra.sy Kv w•�.w a.,oe ma .M,.�o�,.L.......I do I'm I •r ............ � _ _ I I ® ............:... •� _ _ l I ® I � V I � -' -" ®I I � GENERAL NOTES •. •Im.M1GTIRK .Inp np Y]p'4 . YM° Md. a• EML. GOr1W TVY ro wuM YotTIrY,APoOCD rorosw•+.moL rotomrac+la. o ara roYiT uol n°I° oo°n . rvrtow ec.etlLeY tL°V.TpO YA Wruu. c. •YL t.roYla °nm .•u° ro ww YTT Ir°u�ror 4LOOK DOtlTOmOMMWrV YJrJ. D w •u.eu°�i r ® ,w Y•e nw.r°A°a .iwn�'ilonma WTrml Wctmwe.tuPT 40WA7'•wn16°. _____________® -------------- _ �t ■ Y, MDi I mYm.a.l us��+wolr wt M° i ,Twee aY� •c .eT.wYwi mo•r uo. 1 V I — I I P Pn Y R M .ua °m •L nnx °.TV • •4L YI.pM �•ItJ p W rrR'+' Yn0 mA,. U KL IYYLpp•Im 4 Ya� p W tm•aI _ — — — — _ `_ _ _ ® ® ® I — — � ; I I url�"ar Yury Wim' a eaelim p acmes ti.nmY Y�.0 Iw1�no�c�•w roT nmNolx. ovelm nue I I I I�` ® ® .a rmur rmr rtro w.0 W w.a avnun YY.pM mow p • .mIY•T P ,o• .ar. bOYO M I,I I � ' - I, KL CAptYY YMLY p W YI •T 4.06. YD •LL I — — I r1mYYl n•N.° p W JY °llq •T 4' OG YMm. rml YAIGIM•L MD YYJaTWRNL mU/6WY Ig�����• _ I I I I I _ _ _ _ _ I 1 0: � A � °� �� roan ® C I � _..'r-1 •r-1 . I I I I Y4nCD Ol 00n YWP AONW MYaIIY MTW ® • '1 I 1_ . -I I I I •T .LL YLW olvc.ror tonnon um nmrm° [� � I I I I O® YUY ulna M.m uY IMmwr atvnYm Ycr ® �Yo 1 b Yom 0•a, •Mm°YLp bLYS°YYC°, Y6WY, c •cY aTa. a. res ureo bMra4Y anw ro ........... ..... I I I-. I IWL n'1C0 Y01M1<D MLL 0.4YunO�m P M 6D � I ®® YAmN0.Y rb M q00� p VOGO�W P M V\ I L ••n1.K VmInL•nA ro W I�ON°CD T .mu0 P 'I. _ .__._..... }. I �® P M mIILD�IM. M 1m.V•M %b YMLL W aMIL. M MI- p bYGmn ROO° IrL6 YW.11L. Y�L � . rb• LUYWt urt.a. rcx Yp»J.v, r.•o.w u ! 1 I, Y. KEY NOTE5 g ` 1� 1®® ® �doo�•o° me wrGa °cmo I I I ® � _ _ _ _ p wlww ro r•w °.I•.n tL..mns rcoc ®1 i i J m '""'O° GmUb uo vronT4s esu° ro W I.wY .°toayr.tolmcrce b l__ __J -- Kneen.°,e:00u r•eu ,o. ns. m. I WALL TYPES o' Yen altml wtt ro. wL ps • ' � MIW WL.t96. " "�" "�" •gym. LOT 101 i, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i � �,�,-•�. . eYYmn w.us a� enuc+wa res rls.a lam ®' � YYa wsa esu ® +fie +��p •I®® � rw�as,•craK ®�• L=ZI lIIlal I � 4LL,VY 40mWla uIN u n _ ® L J /\FLOOR PLAN L ��r.I'3 nto®n• .. lily V2.1 �"an J A r I _ �t ■ V n I,I M MI- p bYGmn ROO° IrL6 YW.11L. Y�L � . rb• LUYWt urt.a. rcx Yp»J.v, r.•o.w u ! 1 I, Y. KEY NOTE5 g ` 1� 1®® ® �doo�•o° me wrGa °cmo I I I ® � _ _ _ _ p wlww ro r•w °.I•.n tL..mns rcoc ®1 i i J m '""'O° GmUb uo vronT4s esu° ro W I.wY .°toayr.tolmcrce b l__ __J -- Kneen.°,e:00u r•eu ,o. ns. m. I WALL TYPES o' Yen altml wtt ro. wL ps • ' � MIW WL.t96. " "�" "�" •gym. LOT 101 i, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i � �,�,-•�. . eYYmn w.us a� enuc+wa res rls.a lam ®' � YYa wsa esu ® +fie +��p •I®® � rw�as,•craK ®�• L=ZI lIIlal I � 4LL,VY 40mWla uIN u n _ ® L J /\FLOOR PLAN L ��r.I'3 nto®n• .. lily V2.1 �"an J A 0 GANERAL NOTES . ea ro wcer ni .a .a.00... GGc+ ■c.u+.nwa wn.ns . mvnw�. 6 IOpI ro r■er y_I rO. wvow, 1 w.G. @■1■.C. ry.. www i�.au+.rox •r �n.a.. o.■ O ® iwo• KEY NOTES !C3 !13 O O /� o GOIA wumo. ' ..M, .gRMO - IfAn n m.MOGwwM.G■ Dn�ATw. GOwOiME 10 C SI7A NORTH ELEVATION � A EST ELEVATION CWSITA SOUTH ELEVATION 4 C�SITA EAST ELEVATION 76� . 5 A' . I'o m m nuleo .caw aw amu., C5 w.rnir . m �nw uwr ro a wx� e, p iuwiw.w.Go■ce.uw.. ^SOUTH ELEVATION �LRTH ELEVATION L.J —'st . it ( a) EELEVAT10N @j STT ELEVATION 4 NORTH ELEVATION LOT 1 01 nnn \WEST ELEVATION a. ��s' . A5.1