MUP 2006-869City of La Quinta OFFICE USE ONLY --� Community Development Department Case No.06 - X69 �✓ 78-495 Calle Tampico Date Recvd. 12 - Z 6 La Quinta, California 92253 Fee:- `7 5' a0 OF (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 Related Apps.: =ECOVE Tr. 3oi 3 3 D Am DEC 2 0 2006 Logged in by: �LACRDeVO A / / For An Event of More Than 2,000 People, include Waste Reduction Info DePMVEW AFF KATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT La Quinta Developers, LLC -�� �d�e✓✓ (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 39-755 Berkey Drive Ste. A Phone No. 760-404-1900 CITY, STATE, ZIP: Palm Desert, Ca. 9221 1 . Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: Phone No. Fax No. 760-343-7297 PROJECT LOCATION: 80-600 Avenue 52 PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): Jala -ty-c , lam, LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): A18\Minor Use Permit .` SUBMISSION REQUIREMEN • Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8%2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/2" x 11". • Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT La Quinta Developers, LLC (Please Print) A Delaware Limited Liability Company By: L&L Leasing LLC its Manager SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT A Nevada Limited Liabilit Com an nd�ILLBy: L Lowry, its Manager S_i nature of A Lica NAME — JIjllyfl- SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER() V Z (,, IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for appli tt o use titeforlproposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A 1Minor Use Permit -�1 P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 December 27, 2006 Mr. Jeff Fidler La Quinta Developers, LLC 39-755 Berkey Drive, Ste. A Palm Desert, CA 92211 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-869 Dear Mr. Fidler: SFILE COPY The Community Development Department hereby approves your application request to install a temporary sales trailer within the Diamante housing subdivision, along Avenue 52, as shown on the attached exhibit, subject to the following Conditions: A separate Minor Use Permit for the model homes must be applied for before the sales trailer is installed. Prior to use of the model home complex, a cash deposit in the amount of $1,000.00 shall be posted with the Community Development Department to insure the removal of the improvements once the permit has expired or the use terminated as required by the City Council Ordinance #361. The deposit will be refunded when all model home improvements have been removed. 2. Once the trailer is installed, it can remain on-site for one year. However, an extension of up to one year may be applied for, with no additional fee, in writing to the Community Development Department before expiration. The Community Development Director may, after reviewing the facts, extend the use of the trailer for another year. 3. Use of the trailer shall be limited to the hours of construction as listed in the La Quinta Municipal Code (Chapter 6.08, Nuisances). A copy of this time schedule can be obtained from the Building and Safety Department. 4. A building permit is required for the temporary trailer and temporary electric power. Please apply to the Building and Safety Department for a permit (760-777-7012). Written permission from the property owner is required before a building permit can be issued. 5. The trailer shall be placed a minimum 10 -feet from the street unless otherwise approved by the Building and Safety Director. 6. A building address shall be installed on the trailer to help identify the temporary business location (e.g., minimum 2 -inch high letters in a contrasting color). 'La 7. Provide one 2A10BC fire extinguisher inside the construction trailer and sign over the exit door which states 'Door to Remain Open During Business Hours.' 8. The trailer, if elevated off the ground, shall be skirted with metal or wood siding material. The skirting material shall be painted to match the exterior color of the trailer. The exterior surfaces of the trailer shall be painted (or may be stuccoed) and in overall good condition. 9. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. 10. No exterior lighting for the trailer is allowed unless approved by the Building and Safety Department. All security light fixtures shall be hooded to prevent light glare from being cast onto adjacent residential properties and streets. 11. Mounted close to the front door on the outside of the building shall be a written notice informing emergency personnel of your 24-hour emergency phone number in case of problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum one -inch high letters). 12. The trailer shall be removed from the site prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. 13. Provide restrooms facilities to accommodate on-site workers. 14. Dust control measures shall be employed if construction parking is allowed adjacent to the trailer. 15. The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that may arise and are not address herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 to this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760),777-7125. Very truly yours, ERIC CEJA V Assistant Planner C: Building and Safety Department Public Works Department Code Compliance Department Sheriffs Department C. V. W. D. NOTE THERE SHALL BE NO TPEE PLANTING WiTHIN THE C.V.W.D. EASEMENTS OR RIGHT—OF—WAYS. NOTE: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AT THE JOB SITE AND NOTIFY THE LAND— SCAPE ARCHITECT OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DIMENSIONAL ERRORS, OMISSIONS, OR DISCREPANCIES BEFORE BEGINNING OR FABRICATING ANY WORK. REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL DATA. QUANTITIES IF LISTED ARE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF THE CONTRACTOR ONLY AND ARE NOT INTENDED FOR ACCURATE BIDDING USE. WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT THE USE OF WATER CONSERVING PLANT MATERIAL WITH CONTRASTING COLORS, TEXTURES AND FORMS FROM THE SONORAN DESERT AND LUSH GREEN ACCENT PLANT MATERIAL WILL PROMOTE A SENSE OF STABILITY AND ENDURANCE. ALSO, THE USE OF DRIP AND DEEP WATERING IRRIGATION PRACTICES FOR THE LANDSCAPE MATERIAL WILL FURTHER PROMOTE LOW WATER CONSERVING METHODS, THUS PROVIDING A BETTER SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT. hDortant Notice — Underaround Service Alert Section 4216/4217 of the Government Code requires a Dig Alert Identification Number be issued before a 'Pemdt to Excavate Will be valid, For your Dig Alert Identification Number call Underground Service Alert bTOLLefore lyWIH�Ic 7-2600 two Working days PROJECT S1TE:�AW. 52 Vi C I N I TY MAP NO SCALE DIA MANTI LA QUINTA. CA Construction contractor agrees that in accordance With generally accepted constniction practices, construction contractor Will be required to assume safe and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of the project, including safety of all persons and property, that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to normal Working hours, and construction contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold design professional harmless from any and all Ilabillty, real or alleged, in connection With the performance of Work on this project, excepting liability arising from the sole negligence of design professional. M0 COM S H E E T I N D E X L-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L-2 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS L-3 LANDSCAPE DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS L-4 IRRIGATION PLAN L-5 IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTES D IAMANTE \1M100011 < \11''1.1.. IMAR02111S>M�A\ ilii I S1 ..�� . (NO SCALE) L�r P L A N T L E G E N D T R E E S BOTANICAL NAME PLANT SYM COMMON NAME — WATER NEEDS SIZE FACTOR Spy T: ECEELLOSIUM OFWLEXICAULE 36' BOX — IoW branched .20 -0 SA ACACIA STENOPHYLLA 24' Box — IoW branched .20 Shoestring Acacia — LOW e DSA ACACIA SMALLII 36" Box — IoW branched .20 \ fJ Desert Sweet Acacia — LOW "h• P A L M S CYCAS REVELUTA 24' Box .aD SP sago Palm — MoD OP ndo Palm — LOW 2' b.t.h. .20 OXAMAEROPas HUMILIS - 48' Box multi .e0 MF Medtterranen Fan Palm — MOD s ARECASTRUM ROMANZOTANUM 30' Box .60 Queen Palm — MOD 1MASHINOTONIA ROBUSTA 10 foot to 16 feet .60 y�11"i'1 Ir7exicdn Fan Palm — MOD brown trunk height Voris, Heights Un—Skinned trunk S H R U B S A Op SPAGUS DENSIFLORUS SPRENGERI 6 Gallon .50 MyersARAsparagus— MOD OBEAUCARNEA RECURVATA 15 Callon .20 Elephant Foot Tres — LOW O BOUGAINVILLEA 'La Jollci 5 action .50 Bush Bougainvillea — MOD OBong Trlval LEA •MOD Osaka' 5 Gallon .50 O CAESALPINIA PULCHERRMA 5 Callan .00 Red Bird of Paradise — MOD OCASSIA NEMOPHILA 5 Galion .20 Desert Cassia — LOW O GARDENIA JASMINOIDES "VEITCHIV 5 Canon .50 Witoha GOrdenta — MOD OHESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 1 Callon •20 H Red Yucca — LOW O LEUCOPHYLLUM FRU. i'Green Cloud' 5 Gallon .20 Texas Ranger — LOW OMOREA IRIS 5 Gallon .50 Fortnight Lay — MOD OHeaveenly Bamboo — MoD 5 Gallon .60 SN GGiaantuB9trdA of Partdto* I- MOD 24" Box multi .50 O STRELITMA REGINAE 15 Callon .s.0 Bird of Paridlee — MOD OTECOMA STANs 5 Gallon ,2O Ts Yellow Belle — LOW O THEVETIA PERUVIANA 24' Box std. .30 Yellow Oiecnder OD G R O U N D C O V E R S OLANTANA M. 'Oda Mound' 1 Gallon .80 Gold Mound Lantana — MOD OLANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS 1 Gallon .50 Purple Trailing Lantana — MOD AC ANNUAL COLOR COLOR PAKSHIGH .00 center. at 8 inches on center. — HIGH TURF HYBRID BERMUDA SOD *328 .70 Over—seeded With perennial rye — HIGH I A C C E N T S C ® MULHENBERGIA CAPILLARIS 1 Gallon' .s.0 Pink Mulhy — MOD V I N E S BOUOAINVILLEA 'Barbara Karst 15 Callon Vin* .50 Bougatnvnlsa — MOD a TECOMARIA CAPENSIS 15 Gallon Vine .50 Cape Honeysuckle — MOD I N E R T M A T E R I A L DECOMPOSED GRANTE — 'Mojave Gold' Fines 318' minus. Locate in all planters, except Were Annual Color and Turf occurs. 2" thick after compaction. Compact by mechicol moons to 8698 OO^ BOULDER — Angular 'BaJo Cresto' f 1/3 burred. 4' diameter and 3' diameter r EDGINO '�'/ FSEPARATE TURF AND PLANTER WITHc ALUMINUM EDGING by Cury—Rite DEC Q ,1 2086 1/8 x 4 Ph.: 800 / 386-2876 6� 4 G Color. Natural Aluminum Crr aF wawry ra NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTEDI e';vEwru€Ni 1. Landscape Architect to approve planting locations prtor to the tnstalilon Of go ton and planting. Contractor shall stake tree locations With 3' lath for approval by Landscape Architect. Contractor shall spot shrubs and vines Tn containers above ground prTor to df9pNO pita and prior to the lnetaliation of trrlgation for Landscape Architect's approva1l before planting. 2. Unless field conditions prohibit. locate TREES/PALMS no closer than 10 fest to buildings. sidewalks. Walls, curbs.. driveways, etc 3. Unless field conditions prohibit. locate SHRUBS no closer than 3 feet to buildings, eidewaiks. waftft, curbs. driveways, etc. NOTE: 18 INCH SET BACK SPRAY HEADS WHEN AT STREET CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND HARDSCAPES. UTILITY NOTES: THERE ARE NO CONFLICTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR OVERHEAD UTILITIES IN PROJECT AREA. 0 16' 32' 64' GRAPHIC SCALE: l`_-16' These plans have been reviewed* by the Coachella Valley Water District in accordance with Water Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 10.8, Section 65597 et seq, requiring efficient landscape and irrigation design in cooperation With the local governing agency (City or County). *Approval of this drawing by CVWD Staff does not constitute approval to encroach into district and USBR Rights -of -the -Way. Trees, plants, Walls and permanent structures of any kind may not be planted or installed in CVWD and USBR easements or right -of -Way Without first obtaining an encroachment permit from CVWD. Date Water Management Supervisor Development Services Supervisor RAS' LOPEZ ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING C.LN. 3474 RAYMOND Q LQPFX LANDSCAPE ARCH/7E'CT oeeeeft POST OFFICE BOX 12885 PALM DESERT, CA 92255 TEL (780) 178-0178 FAX (780) 881-8820 a—maAY RL48d83Caa.0W LA QUINTA DEV. LLC. BUILDER / DEVELOPER 41800 Washington St., IS105-220 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Phone: 760/404-1900 Fax: 760/343-7297 f2,42/08 revfeW Wlththe C/ty W f2/20/Oa Sumft to the Cftjt MCT/R/ TRACT 30138 PROJECT 71TLE: DIAMANTE MODEL C0MPLE LA QUINTA, CA SHEET 71 TLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN I REVISIONS I Mr Plot Dates: a/7/tv "AV a/la//be f t scALE.' DATE: 1 "=16' 9/7/06 Im GM/rl SHEET N0. Line mill Inn -4, MR -1-1 Vi C I N I TY MAP NO SCALE DIA MANTI LA QUINTA. CA Construction contractor agrees that in accordance With generally accepted constniction practices, construction contractor Will be required to assume safe and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of the project, including safety of all persons and property, that this requirement shall be made to apply continuously and not be limited to normal Working hours, and construction contractor further agrees to defend, indemnify and hold design professional harmless from any and all Ilabillty, real or alleged, in connection With the performance of Work on this project, excepting liability arising from the sole negligence of design professional. M0 COM S H E E T I N D E X L-1 LANDSCAPE PLAN L-2 LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS L-3 LANDSCAPE DETAILS & SPECIFICATIONS L-4 IRRIGATION PLAN L-5 IRRIGATION DETAILS & NOTES D IAMANTE \1M100011 < \11''1.1.. IMAR02111S>M�A\ ilii I S1 ..�� . (NO SCALE) L�r P L A N T L E G E N D T R E E S BOTANICAL NAME PLANT SYM COMMON NAME — WATER NEEDS SIZE FACTOR Spy T: ECEELLOSIUM OFWLEXICAULE 36' BOX — IoW branched .20 -0 SA ACACIA STENOPHYLLA 24' Box — IoW branched .20 Shoestring Acacia — LOW e DSA ACACIA SMALLII 36" Box — IoW branched .20 \ fJ Desert Sweet Acacia — LOW "h• P A L M S CYCAS REVELUTA 24' Box .aD SP sago Palm — MoD OP ndo Palm — LOW 2' b.t.h. .20 OXAMAEROPas HUMILIS - 48' Box multi .e0 MF Medtterranen Fan Palm — MOD s ARECASTRUM ROMANZOTANUM 30' Box .60 Queen Palm — MOD 1MASHINOTONIA ROBUSTA 10 foot to 16 feet .60 y�11"i'1 Ir7exicdn Fan Palm — MOD brown trunk height Voris, Heights Un—Skinned trunk S H R U B S A Op SPAGUS DENSIFLORUS SPRENGERI 6 Gallon .50 MyersARAsparagus— MOD OBEAUCARNEA RECURVATA 15 Callon .20 Elephant Foot Tres — LOW O BOUGAINVILLEA 'La Jollci 5 action .50 Bush Bougainvillea — MOD OBong Trlval LEA •MOD Osaka' 5 Gallon .50 O CAESALPINIA PULCHERRMA 5 Callan .00 Red Bird of Paradise — MOD OCASSIA NEMOPHILA 5 Galion .20 Desert Cassia — LOW O GARDENIA JASMINOIDES "VEITCHIV 5 Canon .50 Witoha GOrdenta — MOD OHESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 1 Callon •20 H Red Yucca — LOW O LEUCOPHYLLUM FRU. i'Green Cloud' 5 Gallon .20 Texas Ranger — LOW OMOREA IRIS 5 Gallon .50 Fortnight Lay — MOD OHeaveenly Bamboo — MoD 5 Gallon .60 SN GGiaantuB9trdA of Partdto* I- MOD 24" Box multi .50 O STRELITMA REGINAE 15 Callon .s.0 Bird of Paridlee — MOD OTECOMA STANs 5 Gallon ,2O Ts Yellow Belle — LOW O THEVETIA PERUVIANA 24' Box std. .30 Yellow Oiecnder OD G R O U N D C O V E R S OLANTANA M. 'Oda Mound' 1 Gallon .80 Gold Mound Lantana — MOD OLANTANA MONTEVIDENSIS 1 Gallon .50 Purple Trailing Lantana — MOD AC ANNUAL COLOR COLOR PAKSHIGH .00 center. at 8 inches on center. — HIGH TURF HYBRID BERMUDA SOD *328 .70 Over—seeded With perennial rye — HIGH I A C C E N T S C ® MULHENBERGIA CAPILLARIS 1 Gallon' .s.0 Pink Mulhy — MOD V I N E S BOUOAINVILLEA 'Barbara Karst 15 Callon Vin* .50 Bougatnvnlsa — MOD a TECOMARIA CAPENSIS 15 Gallon Vine .50 Cape Honeysuckle — MOD I N E R T M A T E R I A L DECOMPOSED GRANTE — 'Mojave Gold' Fines 318' minus. Locate in all planters, except Were Annual Color and Turf occurs. 2" thick after compaction. Compact by mechicol moons to 8698 OO^ BOULDER — Angular 'BaJo Cresto' f 1/3 burred. 4' diameter and 3' diameter r EDGINO '�'/ FSEPARATE TURF AND PLANTER WITHc ALUMINUM EDGING by Cury—Rite DEC Q ,1 2086 1/8 x 4 Ph.: 800 / 386-2876 6� 4 G Color. Natural Aluminum Crr aF wawry ra NO SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE ACCEPTEDI e';vEwru€Ni 1. Landscape Architect to approve planting locations prtor to the tnstalilon Of go ton and planting. Contractor shall stake tree locations With 3' lath for approval by Landscape Architect. Contractor shall spot shrubs and vines Tn containers above ground prTor to df9pNO pita and prior to the lnetaliation of trrlgation for Landscape Architect's approva1l before planting. 2. Unless field conditions prohibit. locate TREES/PALMS no closer than 10 fest to buildings. sidewalks. Walls, curbs.. driveways, etc 3. Unless field conditions prohibit. locate SHRUBS no closer than 3 feet to buildings, eidewaiks. waftft, curbs. driveways, etc. NOTE: 18 INCH SET BACK SPRAY HEADS WHEN AT STREET CURBS, SIDEWALKS AND HARDSCAPES. UTILITY NOTES: THERE ARE NO CONFLICTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES OR OVERHEAD UTILITIES IN PROJECT AREA. 0 16' 32' 64' GRAPHIC SCALE: l`_-16' These plans have been reviewed* by the Coachella Valley Water District in accordance with Water Code Title 7, Division 1, Chapter 3, Article 10.8, Section 65597 et seq, requiring efficient landscape and irrigation design in cooperation With the local governing agency (City or County). *Approval of this drawing by CVWD Staff does not constitute approval to encroach into district and USBR Rights -of -the -Way. Trees, plants, Walls and permanent structures of any kind may not be planted or installed in CVWD and USBR easements or right -of -Way Without first obtaining an encroachment permit from CVWD. Date Water Management Supervisor Development Services Supervisor RAS' LOPEZ ASSOCIATES LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PLANNING C.LN. 3474 RAYMOND Q LQPFX LANDSCAPE ARCH/7E'CT oeeeeft POST OFFICE BOX 12885 PALM DESERT, CA 92255 TEL (780) 178-0178 FAX (780) 881-8820 a—maAY RL48d83Caa.0W LA QUINTA DEV. LLC. BUILDER / DEVELOPER 41800 Washington St., IS105-220 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Phone: 760/404-1900 Fax: 760/343-7297 f2,42/08 revfeW Wlththe C/ty W f2/20/Oa Sumft to the Cftjt MCT/R/ TRACT 30138 PROJECT 71TLE: DIAMANTE MODEL C0MPLE LA QUINTA, CA SHEET 71 TLE: LANDSCAPE PLAN I REVISIONS I a \W—DATA\ALPINE—&WPVW \2 2000 DAWaltew Plot Dates: a/7/tv "AV a/la//be f t scALE.' DATE: 1 "=16' 9/7/06 DRAIj')V: GM/rl SHEET N0. Line