MUP 2006-820AUG 0 2 City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (177-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 0 � - 31z O Date Recvd. g - Z -06 Fee: -1 7,5- — Related Apps.: Logged in by: FIINAn Event of More Than 2,000 People, include Waste Reduction Info i"'CION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. + + + + + + + + ++ + i+ + + + + + + APPLICANTZ�Yldakt Pao 4 f � I&I a IT (Print)/ A I � i�l'� g #t 31.3 MAILING ADDRESS 1711 1 V 1514 h L'14 D 1�� _ Phone No. 60 21 E 12 OF CITY, STATE, ZIP: Pa jn4 S" l YJG S C4 q 22 6 2- Fax No &() °l 2 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): yaW1l Z d, Lv0✓f, (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: PROJECT LOCATION: 114 M d_W nt tyIad (so(i a ✓1 Phone No. Fax No. I PROPOSED USE AND/OR'CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): �e s I Ail �.� 2 , S7 3 5 —7'�a r"ler -? / Z)52 &d C'i- . (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): `j� iC7" �22r79 — L o6 /5—/3 lnoole �.S l oIS 1211 sa le -s fi e va ��in A18\Minor Use Permit 9o0Z Z -' 90V SX JB AISSION REQ1HRF.MENTS: ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 11 ". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT Pl a Print) / OF APPLICANT DATE I Z� ZUd�j SIGNATURE rpm L' NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER Sa'L 111 hn tT OTE) LLA ► A MP9r 2:19 V7FPETWP�Ne (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. A18\Minor Use Permit 0 Ti.at,y 4 4aCQulH P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 August 9, 2006 Ms. Rosie Lara Standard Pacific of Coachella Valley 1717 E. Vista Chino Road, Suite A7 PMB #303 Palm Springs, CA 92262 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-820 Dear Ms. Lara: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 FILE COPY The Community Development Department hereby approves your application request to install a temporary sales trailer 1/4 mile west of Madison north of Avenue 58, within the Palo Verde housing subdivision, as shown on the attached exhibit, subject to the following Conditions: 1. Once the trailer is installed, it can remain on-site for a six-month period. However, an extension of the six-month period may be applied for, with no additional fee, in writing to the Community Development Department before expiration. The Community Development Director may, after reviewing the facts, extend the use of the trailer for another six-month period. 2. Use of the trailer shall be limited to the hours of construction as listed in the La Quinta Municipal Code (Chapter 6.08, Nuisances). A copy of this time schedule can be obtained from the Building and Safety Department. 3. A building permit is required for the temporary trailer, temporary electric power and the temporary trellis. Please apply to the Building and Safety Department for a permit (760-777-7012). Written permission from the property owner is required before a building permit can be issued. 4. The trailer shall be placed a minimum 10 -feet from the street unless otherwise approved by the Building and Safety Director. 5. A building address shall be installed on the trailer to help identify the temporary business location (e.g., minimum 2 -inch high letters in a contrasting color). 6. Provide one 2A10BC fire extinguisher inside the construction trailer and sign over the exit door which states `Door to Remain Open During Business Hours.' 7. The trailer, if elevated off the ground, shall be skirted with metal or wood siding material. The skirting material shall be painted to match the exterior color of the trailer. The exterior surfaces of the trailer shall be painted (or may be stuccoed) and in overall good condition. 8. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. 9. No exterior lighting for the trailer is allowed unless approved by the Building and Safety Department. All security light fixtures shall be hooded to prevent light glare from being cast onto adjacent residential properties and streets. 10. Mounted close to the front door on the outside of the building shall be a written notice informing emergency personnel of your 24-hour emergency phone number in case of problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum one -inch high letters). 11. The trailer shall be removed from the site prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy. 12. Provide restrooms facilities to accommodate on-site workers. 13. Dust control measures shall be employed if construction parking is allowed adjacent to the trailer. 14. The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that may arise and are not address herein. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7070. Very truly yours, If" ERIC CEJA Assistant Planner C: Building and Safety Department Public Works Department Code Compliance Department Sheriff's Department �e■1■1■ loll r— --- — ■. ■�:: Oi■ V■1r■■fie■■■■■ ■■ 1■111■■■��■■■'loss ■■■■■ IN ai ' iiiii■i� l II10Nl�i it I . _ vol F -ARL !■■ I:\loll\�.' _I■■■■■■■■ I -- -i�� I��r �� - �� il■a�l■r;e����iil■�— I;T � I�� --..._NEW x`1.1 1■■■■■■Ei �li��i�::t����������l;:l,���ll�ll!:I �����ri�lirli r■E■■E■■■■■■■1 I I■■■■� _�I ■o■■■■■■■■■o■1 ■■■■E Al ■moi 1■i�l■I ar�i� OII I■■■� I■■■■■■■■■■■■E1.■ 1■11■■110SMEN " �■.1■■ t>..� ■S■■■■■■■■■■■■ lira■■ia��� O�� /1 �■■■■� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�I■r■■zz= ME::1 MEMOIR IS 1■■■■■■■[� ■ -� - -�■�I ■ I�■■■■ �:. ONES IIt■■■.,■►.il ■■■r ■■o■■■■■o■EEE■ low ■■::1o■�IIlsl�, "i■ii� ■■■■■■■■■S■■E■ IIIc\■■i;l■O.. ■SI ■--i - ■■■■1 --a■■■■■E■■■■■;;1■■r=_t=:�1r■L, ■ �I■■■■ •- ■oss0000■osooN■ �■■■:1■�' '\�■■�■I I�:' ■■NNSEE■■■■■SEE■ rl■■..1■ SPsc.;,11 ■� __. IS MMMMMM1M lSNE■■EOE■■■■■■■ IIS\■■iEII 'Y�1I 111■■ 1�' RE I■os■;;1■0■■■■■■■■I;;;I■iiA ■ IN 121111111111111 cog MHEI ■N■I ..IN ..� wild momom_ iii l ►��j�j;;10 rf, „� i■_■ In ,� I■�■■■■■ „ Il 1. -� - I ■EEq;►tMIN ♦ ;;I■ O�, ,A�, v �■ ■N■I ♦��..1■ /� :: ice_ s u �C ■aai� �!►`���� �� J ,iii OMNI ®EMI i 7 tWMA IN �i►���`�i, .- 24�V 11111117 "MA n - I 4 , r ■ I �I SII ��■l:■1■1■I:■1■1■1:■1■11■:■'��■1:■�f i .l"ICI � 'ICI � •ICI _'•ICIr■�"ICI III■:■•1!u1!■:■•■n■:■•1 !n■:■•■■■:■•� ii�iiiv�-'.iiii Iul 11r■�1-11■u � u ■ • s b-,�, 1 ell■'1'11■-1'111■' I llll��all . �IIn��Illi ' ' =� II �hil!11 11■1„ I ISI ISI ra I�IIII.�o'l 'I l i Illl ,,ll111111111 I II_I Ii1i1i1� Iilililililililililililili1G1i1i T IGIilili � � � y 1"'Il ij jjj j iliiiliiii��i�iiiiil��iiiiilililll I I �� [1111-11' 1111111 i — 11111111 1111111 1 III — 1111111 — IIIA -- -- -- - — � L■:.1 11....1 11. IIID, 11 11 ���II C■1■ ��■Cu■�■C_■�_■_err ' �1■I�r1n1'r�1■1O1 .R11111111111,11 "11 SA=1 ee.i-ll �����► 1 11 11 116 ■ �r i'� i°■ii I '. ..1-11■I..rLII■1..111■1..1 I � I. .�_.._. _.-.._.__.-..�.-._ VIII Li��ll��■�IIIt.J.� —�—��■111111 � III loll■ 1■�� I , .t. rro?rwiNow 1■r Y _ rrr:rltri+�lilllr ■� .. - I lnnmuumn ��1�, Lil 111111 �t. I , WIMI a 106 iL I 0 N\ �e■1■1■ loll r— --- — ■. ■�:: Oi■ V■1r■■fie■■■■■ ■■ 1■111■■■��■■■'loss ■■■■■ IN ai ' iiiii■i� l II10Nl�i it I . _ vol F -ARL !■■ I:\loll\�.' _I■■■■■■■■ I -- -i�� I��r �� - �� il■a�l■r;e����iil■�— I;T � I�� --..._NEW x`1.1 1■■■■■■Ei �li��i�::t����������l;:l,���ll�ll!:I �����ri�lirli r■E■■E■■■■■■■1 I I■■■■� _�I ■o■■■■■■■■■o■1 ■■■■E Al ■moi 1■i�l■I ar�i� OII I■■■� I■■■■■■■■■■■■E1.■ 1■11■■110SMEN " �■.1■■ t>..� ■S■■■■■■■■■■■■ lira■■ia��� O�� /1 �■■■■� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�I■r■■zz= ME::1 MEMOIR IS 1■■■■■■■[� ■ -� - -�■�I ■ I�■■■■ �:. ONES IIt■■■.,■►.il ■■■r ■■o■■■■■o■EEE■ low ■■::1o■�IIlsl�, "i■ii� ■■■■■■■■■S■■E■ IIIc\■■i;l■O.. ■SI ■--i - ■■■■1 --a■■■■■E■■■■■;;1■■r=_t=:�1r■L, ■ �I■■■■ •- ■oss0000■osooN■ �■■■:1■�' '\�■■�■I I�:' ■■NNSEE■■■■■SEE■ rl■■..1■ SPsc.;,11 ■� __. IS MMMMMM1M lSNE■■EOE■■■■■■■ IIS\■■iEII 'Y�1I 111■■ 1�' RE I■os■;;1■0■■■■■■■■I;;;I■iiA ■ IN 121111111111111 cog MHEI ■N■I ..IN ..� wild momom_ iii l ►��j�j;;10 rf, „� i■_■ In ,� I■�■■■■■ „ Il 1. -� - I ■EEq;►tMIN ♦ ;;I■ O�, ,A�, v �■ ■N■I ♦��..1■ /� :: ice_ s u �C ■aai� �!►`���� �� J ,iii OMNI ®EMI i 7 tWMA IN �i►���`�i, .- 24�V 11111117 "MA n - I 4 , r ■ I �I SII ��■l:■1■1■I:■1■1■1:■1■11■:■'��■1:■�f i .l"ICI � 'ICI � •ICI _'•ICIr■�"ICI III■:■•1!u1!■:■•■n■:■•1 !n■:■•■■■:■•� ii�iiiv�-'.iiii Iul 11r■�1-11■u � u ■ • s b-,�, 1 ell■'1'11■-1'111■' I llll��all . �IIn��Illi ' ' =� II �hil!11 11■1„ I ISI ISI ra I�IIII.�o'l 'I l i Illl ,,ll111111111 I II_I Ii1i1i1� Iilililililililililililili1G1i1i T IGIilili � � � y 1"'Il ij jjj j iliiiliiii��i�iiiiil��iiiiilililll I I �� [1111-11' 1111111 i — 11111111 1111111 1 III — 1111111 — IIIA -- -- -- - — � L■:.1 11....1 11. IIID, 11 11 ���II C■1■ ��■Cu■�■C_■�_■_err ' �1■I�r1n1'r�1■1O1 .R11111111111,11 "11 SA=1 ee.i-ll �����► 1 11 11 116 ■ �r i'� i°■ii I '. ..1-11■I..rLII■1..111■1..1 I � I. .�_.._. _.-.._.__.-..�.-._ VIII Li��ll��■�IIIt.J.� —�—��■111111 � III loll■ 1■�� I , .t. rro?rwiNow 1■r Y _ rrr:rltri+�lilllr ■� .. - I lnnmuumn ��1�, Lil 111111 �t. I , WIMI a 106 iL I 0 N\ PLAN 3-C Interior / Exterior Design Theme: "SPANISH COLONIAL" Interior: Blue colors, classic Spanish furniture, traditional, heavy, substantial feeling, "turned legs" on furniture, Saltillo flooring in 18" sq. grid. Exterior: • Traditional Spanish pool / spa 0 Spanish Colonial gazebo with round columns (dining area) with possible sheer "drapes" on sides gathered back... • Classic Spanish pots on pedestals behind pool with large succulents (i.e. Agave) • Low accent walls in front yard with pilasters to match architecture • 18" sq. paving in court yard and accent areas to match interior. PEDESTALS WITH POTS 0 0 SPA I POOL mill Ill oiIli�l0 ■l ii0iSNQJs� rlr�.: ll ta < � Aim HE S (NO TURP) DINING GAZEBO Mail �n!fe PLAN 3 PLAN 2-B Interior/ Exterior Design Theme: "DESERT CHIC" Interior: Green colors, black / white accents, crystal chandeliers, "art deco" furniture accents and wall accents, decorative 3-D mirrors, limestone flooring in 24" sq. 45° grid pattern. Exterior: • Art Deco / Mid -Century hardscape and pool forms. • Raised (6" step) circular dining platform • Possible raised pool wall / shelf C rear of pool with decorative spouts and pots to match interior • Color concrete paving accents @ 24" sq. grid pattern in courtyard and selected front / rear yard areas. RAISED DINING TERRACE IZ.Zil�l t � Rmj u o'ii 0 TURF — {- 1 / TEMPORARY MODEL CIRCULATION WALKWAY �1\ 0 PLAN 2 PLAN I -B Interior/ Exterior Design Theme: "URBAN DESERT" Interior: Browns, earthy colors, crisp.... Modem / abstract art, "Asian / clean" design influence, stainless appliances, granite counter tops, weathered hardwood flooring. Exterior: • Strong, structural, contemporary shapes / forms. 0 Possible granite or ledgestone rear pool wall/spa accent material (clean/architecturalfeet) • Possible dark brown "Bomacron" (stamped concrete) pool deck and front yard paving accents (Alt. material: pavers to match driveway) • Built-in BBQ in rear yard, polished concrete counter top and stainless BBQ. �7a7 ,WA PLAN 1 RAISED BAND BEAM: GRANITE OR STONE POOL oil l0 C1 01 PALO VERDE LA QUINTA, CA ron�a STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN MODEL COMPLEX 08.01.06 0 5' 10' 20' 30' 140' BAR-B-QUE (D 112"x 13"MACHINE COUBOLTS ERSI W1WASHERS INTO BEAM BOTACCOMODATE O 1" x 4" PLANTON W/ 45" END CUT TO O COMPACTED SUBGRADE 14 CONCRETE FOOTING W/ LIGHT WASH FINISH O 2O 1/2" CHAMFER © 2 x 4" DETAIL 6" x 6" POST 10 FINISH GRADE OR SURFACE AND 3/4 CHAMFER ON TOP EDGE PER BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS - O3 4" x 10" GRAB BEAM - USE 4 1/2" 1/4" LAG �7 3" x 4" LATTICE W/ END CUT - ATTACH TO 11 1/2" x 6" MACHINE BOLTS W/ WASHERS @ EXPOSE FOOTING PER CODE 15 FACE OF BUILDING SCREW VP WASHER INTO POST - NOTCH 1 GRAB BEAMS W/, 6" x 1/4" LAG SCREWS W/ BOTH ENDS 1/2" TO RECEIVE BEAM WASHER, COUNTERSINK AND CAULK 12 SIMPSON POST ANCHOR NOTE: O 3" x 4" DETAIL PLANTON Wl 45° END CUT TO ® 4" x 8" GRAB BEAMS - ATTACH TO POST W/ 13 1.) CAULK ALL JOINTS AND JUNCTIONS RECEIVE 1 4" PLANTON MACHINE BOLTS -NOTCH 1" TO RECEIVE 2" x 12" POST BASE 2.) ALL WOOD TO BE RE -SAWN LUMBER LATTICE. TOENAIL INTO 4X10 GRAB BEAM 3.) PAINT WOOD WITH (1) COATS OF LATEX BASE ENAMEL PRIMER AND (2) COATS OF LATEX BASE SEMI -GLOSS ENAMEL COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY CENTEX. �0124 Q Q9'_0_� OIC � �_0� ,_,• Jr I I i t "I n 1/4"=1'-0" FALLOW AREA H.C. RESTROOM WOOD SCREEN FENCE TEMPORARY MODEL CIRCULATION WALKWAY LOW PILASTER W/ SQUARE POT SALES TRAILER TRAPFENCE section OF ©Eno I::MI ori y.a113 ,i12 FRONT ELEVATION 1 H.C. PATH OF TRAVEL 2 3 TEMPORARY PARKING AREA 4 5 6 7 1� r� 13 N 15 MASONRY WALL ----II---_----it------ -�}I-- B O R T H W i C K G U Y B F,1' T E N H is U S E N i N C �e■1■1■ loll r— --- — ■. ■�:: Oi■ V■1r■■fie■■■■■ ■■ 1■111■■■��■■■'loss ■■■■■ IN ai ' iiiii■i� l II10Nl�i it I . _ vol F -ARL !■■ I:\loll\�.' _I■■■■■■■■ I -- -i�� I��r �� - �� il■a�l■r;e����iil■�— I;T � I�� --..._NEW x`1.1 1■■■■■■Ei �li��i�::t����������l;:l,���ll�ll!:I �����ri�lirli r■E■■E■■■■■■■1 I I■■■■� _�I ■o■■■■■■■■■o■1 ■■■■E Al ■moi 1■i�l■I ar�i� OII I■■■� I■■■■■■■■■■■■E1.■ 1■11■■110SMEN " �■.1■■ t>..� ■S■■■■■■■■■■■■ lira■■ia��� O�� /1 �■■■■� ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�I■r■■zz= ME::1 MEMOIR IS 1■■■■■■■[� ■ -� - -�■�I ■ I�■■■■ �:. ONES IIt■■■.,■►.il ■■■r ■■o■■■■■o■EEE■ low ■■::1o■�IIlsl�, "i■ii� ■■■■■■■■■S■■E■ IIIc\■■i;l■O.. ■SI ■--i - ■■■■1 --a■■■■■E■■■■■;;1■■r=_t=:�1r■L, ■ �I■■■■ •- ■oss0000■osooN■ �■■■:1■�' '\�■■�■I I�:' ■■NNSEE■■■■■SEE■ rl■■..1■ SPsc.;,11 ■� __. IS MMMMMM1M lSNE■■EOE■■■■■■■ IIS\■■iEII 'Y�1I 111■■ 1�' RE I■os■;;1■0■■■■■■■■I;;;I■iiA ■ IN 121111111111111 cog MHEI ■N■I ..IN ..� wild momom_ iii l ►��j�j;;10 rf, „� i■_■ In ,� I■�■■■■■ „ Il 1. -� - I ■EEq;►tMIN ♦ ;;I■ O�, ,A�, v �■ ■N■I ♦��..1■ /� :: ice_ s u �C ■aai� �!►`���� �� J ,iii OMNI ®EMI i 7 tWMA IN �i►���`�i, .- 24�V 11111117 "MA n - I 4 , r ■ I �I SII ��■l:■1■1■I:■1■1■1:■1■11■:■'��■1:■�f i .l"ICI � 'ICI � •ICI _'•ICIr■�"ICI III■:■•1!u1!■:■•■n■:■•1 !n■:■•■■■:■•� ii�iiiv�-'.iiii Iul 11r■�1-11■u � u ■ • s b-,�, 1 ell■'1'11■-1'111■' I llll��all . �IIn��Illi ' ' =� II �hil!11 11■1„ I ISI ISI ra I�IIII.�o'l 'I l i Illl ,,ll111111111 I II_I Ii1i1i1� Iilililililililililililili1G1i1i T IGIilili � � � y 1"'Il ij jjj j iliiiliiii��i�iiiiil��iiiiilililll I I �� [1111-11' 1111111 i — 11111111 1111111 1 III — 1111111 — IIIA -- -- -- - — � L■:.1 11....1 11. IIID, 11 11 ���II C■1■ ��■Cu■�■C_■�_■_err ' �1■I�r1n1'r�1■1O1 .R11111111111,11 "11 SA=1 ee.i-ll �����► 1 11 11 116 ■ �r i'� i°■ii I '. ..1-11■I..rLII■1..111■1..1 I � I. .�_.._. _.-.._.__.-..�.-._ VIII Li��ll��■�IIIt.J.� —�—��■111111 � III loll■ 1■�� I , .t. rro?rwiNow 1■r Y _ rrr:rltri+�lilllr ■� .. - I lnnmuumn ��1�, Lil 111111 �t. I , WIMI a 106 iL I 0 N\ PLAN 3-C Interior / Exterior Design Theme: "SPANISH COLONIAL" Interior: Blue colors, classic Spanish furniture, traditional, heavy, substantial feeling, "turned legs" on furniture, Saltillo flooring in 18" sq. grid. Exterior: • Traditional Spanish pool / spa 0 Spanish Colonial gazebo with round columns (dining area) with possible sheer "drapes" on sides gathered back... • Classic Spanish pots on pedestals behind pool with large succulents (i.e. Agave) • Low accent walls in front yard with pilasters to match architecture • 18" sq. paving in court yard and accent areas to match interior. PEDESTALS WITH POTS 0 0 SPA I POOL mill Ill oiIli�l0 ■l ii0iSNQJs� rlr�.: ll ta < � Aim HE S (NO TURP) DINING GAZEBO Mail �n!fe PLAN 3 PLAN 2-B Interior/ Exterior Design Theme: "DESERT CHIC" Interior: Green colors, black / white accents, crystal chandeliers, "art deco" furniture accents and wall accents, decorative 3-D mirrors, limestone flooring in 24" sq. 45° grid pattern. Exterior: • Art Deco / Mid -Century hardscape and pool forms. • Raised (6" step) circular dining platform • Possible raised pool wall / shelf C rear of pool with decorative spouts and pots to match interior • Color concrete paving accents @ 24" sq. grid pattern in courtyard and selected front / rear yard areas. RAISED DINING TERRACE IZ.Zil�l t � Rmj u o'ii 0 TURF — {- 1 / TEMPORARY MODEL CIRCULATION WALKWAY �1\ 0 PLAN 2 PLAN I -B Interior/ Exterior Design Theme: "URBAN DESERT" Interior: Browns, earthy colors, crisp.... Modem / abstract art, "Asian / clean" design influence, stainless appliances, granite counter tops, weathered hardwood flooring. Exterior: • Strong, structural, contemporary shapes / forms. 0 Possible granite or ledgestone rear pool wall/spa accent material (clean/architecturalfeet) • Possible dark brown "Bomacron" (stamped concrete) pool deck and front yard paving accents (Alt. material: pavers to match driveway) • Built-in BBQ in rear yard, polished concrete counter top and stainless BBQ. �7a7 ,WA PLAN 1 RAISED BAND BEAM: GRANITE OR STONE POOL oil l0 C1 01 PALO VERDE LA QUINTA, CA ron�a STANDARD PACIFIC HOMES CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN MODEL COMPLEX 08.01.06 0 5' 10' 20' 30' 140' BAR-B-QUE (D 112"x 13"MACHINE COUBOLTS ERSI W1WASHERS INTO BEAM BOTACCOMODATE O 1" x 4" PLANTON W/ 45" END CUT TO O COMPACTED SUBGRADE 14 CONCRETE FOOTING W/ LIGHT WASH FINISH O 2O 1/2" CHAMFER © 2 x 4" DETAIL 6" x 6" POST 10 FINISH GRADE OR SURFACE AND 3/4 CHAMFER ON TOP EDGE PER BUILDING DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS - O3 4" x 10" GRAB BEAM - USE 4 1/2" 1/4" LAG �7 3" x 4" LATTICE W/ END CUT - ATTACH TO 11 1/2" x 6" MACHINE BOLTS W/ WASHERS @ EXPOSE FOOTING PER CODE 15 FACE OF BUILDING SCREW VP WASHER INTO POST - NOTCH 1 GRAB BEAMS W/, 6" x 1/4" LAG SCREWS W/ BOTH ENDS 1/2" TO RECEIVE BEAM WASHER, COUNTERSINK AND CAULK 12 SIMPSON POST ANCHOR NOTE: O 3" x 4" DETAIL PLANTON Wl 45° END CUT TO ® 4" x 8" GRAB BEAMS - ATTACH TO POST W/ 13 1.) CAULK ALL JOINTS AND JUNCTIONS RECEIVE 1 4" PLANTON MACHINE BOLTS -NOTCH 1" TO RECEIVE 2" x 12" POST BASE 2.) ALL WOOD TO BE RE -SAWN LUMBER LATTICE. TOENAIL INTO 4X10 GRAB BEAM 3.) PAINT WOOD WITH (1) COATS OF LATEX BASE ENAMEL PRIMER AND (2) COATS OF LATEX BASE SEMI -GLOSS ENAMEL COLOR TO BE SELECTED BY CENTEX. �0124 Q Q9'_0_� OIC � �_0� ,_,• Jr I I i t "I n 1/4"=1'-0" FALLOW AREA H.C. RESTROOM WOOD SCREEN FENCE TEMPORARY MODEL CIRCULATION WALKWAY LOW PILASTER W/ SQUARE POT SALES TRAILER TRAPFENCE section OF ©Eno I::MI ori y.a113 ,i12 FRONT ELEVATION 1 H.C. PATH OF TRAVEL 2 3 TEMPORARY PARKING AREA 4 5 6 7 1� r� 13 N 15 MASONRY WALL ----II---_----it------ -�}I-- B O R T H W i C K G U Y B F,1' T E N H is U S E N i N C