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MUP 2006-866
ob ft"NCE 0 ww..ftft-/� City of La Quinta M�� E USE ONLY Community Development Department Case No..o 6 - s�,6 6 78-495 Calle Tampico Date R�vd. 12 - I `i -d6 00 La Quinta, California 92253 Fee: S. Related Apps.: (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 Logged in by: AA., %/ For An Event of More Than 2,000 People, include Waste Reduction Info APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT fl G VryQN61 rAG . S',� p l,ertic (Print) MAILING ADDRESS T:26wr Phone No. 76 o S'6 It. 1866 CITY, STATE, ZIP: (..Ad .I, �� � . ! j& V Fax No. 7b d • S64- Z6 R7 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): T121 &VU**AT1 C*J DVAVM0Q!1P0 IL (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION:_77 6 • 2Z 5r- 64AA-G C'Ar-:0/ $•• PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): 14PAJ.1 77D . I b . d0Z ?' 0A 5yN eT Gyy�S A 18\Minor Use Permit SUBMISSION I N M Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8%2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/2" x 1 I". vn Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT (Pleas rint) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT if/ / NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER//f DATE (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER / �+6 r s IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE__Z; •// • O G W. Le (Signature provides consent fo t to use site for posed activity) y DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AI Minor Use Permit P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 December 22, 2006 Mr. Skip Lench Lendel Ventures, Inc. P.O. Box 450 La Quinta, CA 92247 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 06-866 CASITA: 78-225 CALLE CADIZ Dear Mr. Lench: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SFILE COPY Your request for approval of Minor Use Permit 2006-866 allowing the construction of a casita at 78-225 Calle Cadiz, in La Quinta, is hereby approved. You may now contact the Building & Safety Department for your building permit. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for this Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by the owner in front of a Notary Public. The original approved documents are then to be recorded with the County Recorder, with a recorded copy given to the City for our files. The Community Development Department will sign the job card when the recorded copy is received, which would provide our clearance to the Building & Safety Department to issue the building final inspection. Until the recorded copy is received by the Community Development Department, your Minor Use Permit is not complete and a final inspection will not be conducted by the Building & Safety Department. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, ERIC CEJA Assistant Planner Attachments c. Building and Safety Department 0 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Mr. Skip Lench Lendel Ventures, Inc. P.O. Box 450 La Quinta, CA 92247 WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Mr. Skip Lench Lendel Ventures, Inc. P.O. Box 450 La Quinta, CA 92247 COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCES AT 78-225 CALLE CADIZ, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This Covenant and Agreement are made and executed this 22nd day of December by Michael Moorhead, as the recorded owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this Agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: APN 770-156-002, Lot 2, Tract: Desert Club, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to, and with said City, to restrict the use of said property as follows: 1. The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single- family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 06-866); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This Agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation. The City shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. By: 1. 2. 3. Signature(s) Is" LelUdohnson Planning Manager City of La Quinta Printed Name of all owner(s) 12•yt•cG Date • • ALL PURPOSE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) MUST BE ATTACHED IN 8 1/2 X 11" FORMAT, FOR EACH SIGNATURE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA) On 1"'14--4 a(m , before me, (j4j Notary Public, personally appeared ,,� offv` 'personilly known to me or proved to me on the basis of saWsfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, :J� Signature 4f the Nota Publi nut mom Can-- *"I 116977% %dory Mft - caU►ana Rlv.raa. courwy MV Camrn �rw 00 16.201 940.030 Table of development standards. 0 La Quinta Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.50 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 9.50.030 Table of development standards. http://gcode.us/codtquinta/view.php?topic=9-9_50-9_50_030&fr... Search Print No Frames A. Definitions. For purposes of this section and this code, the following definitions shall apply: 1. "Livable floor area" means the interior area of a dwelling unit which may be occupied for living purposes by humans, including basements and attics (if permitted). Livable floor area does not include a garage or any accessory structures. 2. "Lot coverage" means the ground floor area of the buildings on a site expressed as a percentage of the net site area. For purposes of this definition, "ground floor area" shall mean all enclosed area, including exterior walls and mechanical spaces. Carports, garages and parking structures are included in ground floor area but swimming pools and unenclosed post -supported roofs over patios and walkways are not included. 3. "Net project area" means all of the land area included within a development project excepting those area with before -development slopes of thirty percent or steeper and those areas designated for public and private road rights-of-way, schools, public parks, and other uses or easements which preclude the use of the land therein as part of the development project. B. Table of Standards. Table 9-2 and the illustrations in Section 9.50.040 following, set forth standards for the development of property within residential districts. However, standards different from those in Table 9-2 shall apply if special zoning symbols described in Section 9.20.030 are designated on the official zoning map. 1 of 3 12/15/2006 3:52 PM Table of development standards. 0 http://qcode.us/codesquinta/view.php?topic=9-9_50-9_50_030&fr 0 Table 9-2 Residential Development Standards Development Standard District RVL RL RC RM RMH RH RSP RR Overlay Overlay Minimum lot size for 20,000 7200 7200 5000 3600 2000 * ** single-family dwellings (sq. ft.) Minimum project size for n/a n/a n/a n/a 20,000 20,000 * n/a multifamily projects (sq. ft.) Minimum lot frontage for 100 60 60 50 40 n/a * ** single-family dwellings (ft )t Minimum frontage for n/a n/a n/a n/a 100 100 * n/a multifamily projects (ft.) Maximum structure height 28 28 17 28 28 40 * ** (ft)2 Maximum number of 2 2 1 2 2 3 * ** stories Minimum front yard 30 20 20 20 20 20 * RVL:40 setback (ft.)3 Minimum garage setback4 n/a 25 25 25 25 25 * ** Minimum interior/exterior 10/20 5/10 5/10 5/10 5/10 10/15 * ** side yard setback (ft.)5, 7 Minimum rear yard setback 30 20 for 10 15 15 20 (ft.)7 new lots and 10 for existing recorded lots Maximum lot coverage (% 40 50 60 60 60 60 * ** of net lot area) Minimum livable area 2500 1400 1400 1400 1400 750 for * ** excluding garage (sq. ft.) (multifamily: multifamily 750) nf'2 17/1';1'?n A 1.51 PM 9.5D.030 Table of development standards. • Minimum common openI n/a I n/a area6 Minimum/average 10/20 10/20 perimeter landscape setbacks (ft.)6 http://gcode.us/cod4uinta/view.php?topic=9-9_50-9_50_030&fr... n/a 1 30% 1 30% 1 30% 1 30% 1 n/a n/a 1 10/20 1 10/20 1 10/20 1 10/20 1 n/a * As shown on the approved specific plan for the project. ** As provided in the underlying base district. Minimum lot frontage on cul-de-sacs and knuckles shall be 35 feet. Minimum lot frontage for flag lots shall be 15 feet. 2 Not including basements. Also, notwithstanding above table, the maximum structure height equals 22 feet for all buildings within 150 feet of any general plan -designated image corridor, except in the RC zone, which is 17 feet. For non -garage portions of dwelling only. Also, projects with five or more adjacent single family dwelling units facing the same street shall incorporate front setbacks varying between 20 feet and 25 feet or more in order to avoid streetscape monotony. 4 For all but RVL district, minimum garage setback shall be 20 feet if "roll -up" type garage door is used. Also, for side -entry type garages, the garage setback may be reduced to 20 feet in the RVL district and 15 feet in all other residential districts. The following are exceptions to the minimum side setbacks shown:" For interior side yards in the RL, RM and RMH districts, if the building is over 17 feet in height, the setback is five feet plus one foot for every foot over 17 feet in height or fraction thereof, to a maximum setback of ten feet. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or a combination of at grade and airspace above the 17 -foot building. For RH, five feet minimum plus one foot additional setback for every foot of building height above 28 feet, or fraction thereof, up to a maximum setback of 15 feet when said height above 17 feet is located between five and ten feet from said side yard property line. For interior setbacks, if the building is over 28 feet in height the setback is ten feet plus one foot for every foot over 28 feet in height or fraction thereof, to a maximum setback of 15 feet. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or may be a combination of at grade and airspace above the 28 -foot building height. 6 Common open area and perimeter landscape requirements do not apply to single-family detached projects unless a specific plan is required. Common open area equals percent of net project area. Perimeter landscape setbacks are adjacent to perimeter streets: first number equals minimum at any point; second number equals minimum average over entire frontage (thus, 10/20). See Section 9.60.240 and additional landscape/open area standards. 7 Rear and side yard setbacks for residential units abutting the image corridor shall be a minimum of 25 feet with the exception of RVL zone district where it only applies to the side yard. (Ord. 325 § I (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) I of z 11/1 VWMA 1.51) nnn 9.60.100 Guesthouses.• http://qcode.us/cod�quinta/view.php?topic=9-9_60-9_60_100&fr... La Quinta Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.60 SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 9.60.100 Guesthouses. Search Print No Frames A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of guesthouses where such units are permitted in accordance with Section 9.40.040. B. Definitions. For purposes of this code, the following definitions shall apply: 1. "Guest house" means a detached or attached unit which has sleeping and sanitary facilities but no cooking facilities and which is used primarily for sleeping purposes by members of the family occupying the main building, their nonpaying guests, and domestic employees. 2. "Living area" means the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit, including basements and attics (if permitted) and shall not include a garage or any accessory structure. C. Limitations. Only one second residential use or guesthouse may be established on any lot under ten acres in size, in addition to the primary residence. Therefore, no more than two residential units on a single lot under ten acres are permitted under the provisions of this section. More than one guesthouse may be established on lots of ten acres or larger. D. Standards for Guesthouses. A guesthouse may be constructed as an accessory use in the RVL or RL districts subject to approval of a minor use permit. All guesthouses shall conform to the following standards: 1. Detached guesthouses shall conform to all applicable building code standards and all development and design standards of the zoning district in which they are located. In addition, the height of the guesthouse shall not exceed seventeen feet and shall not be more than one story. 2. Guesthouses shall be architecturally compatible with the main unit. 3. The floor area of the guesthouse shall not exceed thirty percent of the existing living area of the principal residence. 4. The placement of a guesthouse on a lot shall not result in violation of the lot coverage maximums set forth in Section 9.50.030. 5. There shall be no kitchen or cooking facilities within a guesthouse. 6. A guesthouse shall be used only by the occupants of the main residence, their non-paying guests, or domestic employees. The guesthouse shall not be rented or otherwise occupied separately from the main residence. 7. A deed restriction shall be required for recordation against the property to prohibit the use or conversion of the guesthouse to a rental unit, to a unit for sale, or to add a kitchen or cooking facility. 8. If a private sewage disposal system is used, approval of the local health officer shall be required. (Ord. 394 § 2 (Exh. A) (part), 2003; Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exhs. A, B) (part), 1996) 1 of 1 12/15/2006 3:33 PM I' SITE PLAN -GUESTHOUSE :) \ 1IL411_ SOUARE FOOTAGE: HOUSE 4,07500 SO. FT PATIO 49800 SO FT GARAGE 988.00 SO FT NEW GUEST HOUSE. 8080050FT NEW C•UEST HOUSE PATIO I.. FT TOTAL. 8.781.00 S"FT. LOT SIZE 78.879 00 SO FT PERCENT COVERAGE 23.5 % A.P.N.: 776186-00? ADDRESS: 78-228 GLLE GqZ LEGAL: TENCH DEM rtwio,urc. z a 0. V georruoMr oR oxr RNMrt nlglla .. NS.s M/.TENUL lPECWGVION9 n— _,.. r,.. w,...r,.r '^_E•m oe a"'•'� o¢ O NtN�W3vM3Jt. �rw w...w�✓ w_wai:��� _•.—..a i `s�v NOTV: WINDOWS IWC RIM _tea pIMYQgN MOfEB VINYL I—YOR / lQML _ BN EW/a1 BC11® � wv Q --p COv5iE FA•iC Stt FOOTACE m .. ••�•• ' O❑ s.ro wxcn ._..e FLOOR PLAN NOTE: ALL 5MCEWALL PAN" SMALL EE E(TEIOED FROM TOR OF ROOTING TO BOTTOM OF ROOF MARH1AM 1701 O O BRACE PMEL DETALFFIR vv .... NOTE L O f00TW0 DETA4 ---_ � LENCI DESIGN IV STUDIQINC FOUNDATION PLAN 0. U 5 Ii A x w NOTE 000rnuowr oP cory wort P[Palq. r FMMEI OEfNI w.l 0, 00 FRONT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION � aoC�mvEou ..iwH olc7 0 SECTIgp-AG-GILEVATION RIGHT ELEVATION • �Ow4.�•O�urt.MP�n� ❑❑❑ ®POOH MTq P®PO 1M10 POOH lCOPOOM LST[JD101VOn� �s V! i,`:'9 i,'.Y�� � :�H�7�°.�i�1:W �• ++ '.•`° 1v��:'��?v1�. .���:fx'ii�r �•-,,f�' -_ �. i:r.��` fi• .4 �Y.•:jj j: y::i. ':Y:,. .�iti: SECTION "A-A" SECTION 'B-B" x w 0 W 20205 TEMP. 1' BAR 4050. 'd 6'-10' l' i - 6'40' 3' 3'-a- f11 H1 f10 2020 SH. 2020 S N. 131'2020 F 0 2020 5 H. TEMP. 1' BAR SET 12.0 SO FT. 1' BPR SET I.BAR SET 4 0 SOFT U-0370 4.0 SOFT. 4 0 SOFT U-0370 LC - O -----J . t'--S6-J — O R)A C/ EMP Or UNDER SSE FLO1 COUNTER REF TEMP O SS J F� BATH CLOSET CLOSET STARr 4r BATH ABOVE FLOOR 2680 PI<T DR 2480 PKT.DR. 2480 PKT DR 2680 PKT.DR WM 2680 H 2880 M.C. 8' DPM (NO SHOVER DOOR) a -DPM 3.1. (NO SMOKER ORS m N BEDROOM LIVING BEDROOM .0 _oq 1T-0'CEIWO ROOM 70-(r CEILING ' (4)1016 F. ='O 1 T -O' CEILING 6 0SOFT f2 H (2)2680 FR DR 2060 SF1. (TEMP.) (2)2680 FR. DR. 2060 SH. (TEMP,) 40.0 SOFT. (TEMP.) (TEMP.) 313'PAC OFT 40.0 SO- BPR $ET U-0370 -� 12 12 0 12.0 SO FT 1212660 FR.DR -0370 120.l . . 7 f3 (TEMP.) f6 V-0370 2060 SH. 40 0 SO FT. 2060 SH £ € (TEMP.) -0370 (TEMP.) UTDOO 2'-0- BAR SET 2'-T BAR SET SMOKER 12.0 SO FT. 12.0 SO FT. U-0370 U-0370 3'$ 4'-1- 4'- 3'F a'-1' 4'-+' 3'$ 3'-T 13-01 COVERED PATIO (� i' ■ -Fill FEI 1'$ 10-1 1 21- d-44'-1 - 44'-10' FLOOR PLAN SCALE:11411•-T (2)AK SC Vd'100SO,N. VENTS EA DOOR ('&B) • • 9,50. 1190 Irregular lots. • La Quinta Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.50 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 9.50.070 Irregular lots. http://qcode.us/cod W uinta/view.php?topic=9-9_50-9-50-070&fr Search Print No Frames A. Purpose. Setback distances established for residential districts are based on rectangular lots. Nonrectangular lots, lots with three sides or more than four sides, and other nonstandard lots require special measurement techniques in order to achieve the purpose of setback requirements, i.e., the appropriate separation of structures from streets and other properties. The purpose of this subsection is to provide standards for the establishment and measurement of setbacks on irregular lots. (See Chapter 9.280 for definition of lot lines.) r�c�raarsa�atssa� r<sl�atanre�t,ors ,.abaroomm Wow iµ W Ja { r , i lE7drlClt --� Sam" Cr.NlErWV Figure ": Setbacks on Irr gdar Lots B. Front Setbacks. Front yard setbacks shall be measured from the ultimate street right-of-way line. C. Rear Setbacks. In the case of an irregularly shaped lot, a ten -foot line which is within the lot and parallel to and most distant from the front lot line shall be considered the rear lot line for purposes of determining required setbacks and for interpretation of other provisions of this code (see illustration). -r Um x U` FNWLMUK u�r Figure 94a: Rear UA I..4ue for Measuring Setbacks D. Side Setbacks. All lot lines which are not front or rear lot lines shall be considered side lot lines for the purpose of measuring setbacks. E. Pie -Shaped Lots. Setbacks on pie -shaped lots shall be measured at the closest point between the building and the angled lot line. 1 nr') 17/1 G/')M! '2•'qd PTA ' 9.5"70 Irregular lots. http://qcode.us/cod�quinta/view.php?topic=9-9_50-9_50_070&fr 0 F. Flag or Panhandle Lots. 1. Definition. For purposes of this section, "panhandle lot," "flag lot," "panhandle building site" and "flag building site" all mean the following: a lot or building site having its only vehicular access by way of a narrow accessway which serves no other property and which is less than forty feet wide and more than twenty feet long. 2. Setbacks. All setbacks shall be the same as for other lots in the applicable district. The director shall determine the front lot line via the following procedure (see illustration): FLAG LOT SEMAF.RCS SAME FRCNT M UNE d MAG AS FOR CRIER LCRB LCTSsNALLMOMMED aT THE DOECTGR 1� ��••••*••'� / w.. Figure 9-7: Fhg Let Setbacks and Frout Ut Une a. A line shall be drawn across the accessway where it meets the buildable portion of the lot. b. The front lot line shall then be determined as that lot line adjacent to the accessway which has the least amount of lot width. 3. No Structures in Panhandle. No structures shall be permitted in the panhandle portion of the lot nor shall that portion be credited to minimum lot area requirements. 4. Minimum Lot Frontage. Minimum lot frontage for flag lots shall be fifteen feet. G. Determination by Director. Where a building site is situated such that any of the front, side or rear property lines are not readily determinable, required setbacks shall be as determined by the director in compliance with the following criterion: required setbacks shall not permit the placement of buildings on the site in a manner that will constitute a grant of special privileges inconsistent with the limitations placed on other properties in the vicinity and incompatible with surrounding uses. (Ord. 325 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1998; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A) (part), 1996) 11 ..r 11 I' II G/YAAL 1 . C A "A4 9.60.090 Second residential units. 0 La Quinta Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Title 9 ZONING Chapter 9.60 SUPPLEMENTAL RESIDENTIAL REGULATIONS 9.60.090 Second residential units. http://qcode.us/cod*uinta/view.php?topic=9-9_60-9_60_090&fr... Search Print No Frames A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of second residential units within residential districts consistent with Sections 65852.1, 65852.150, and 65852.2 of the State Government Code. B. Definitions. For purposes of this code, the following definitions shall apply: 1. "Second residential unit" means a dwelling unit, including sleeping and cooking facilities, that is accessory to a pre-existing primary residence on a single-family lot. "Granny housing" is intended for sole occupancy by one or two persons age sixty-two years or older or a handicapped person of any age (plus spouse or care giver). "Granny housing" is included within the term "second residential unit." 2. "Living area" means the interior habitable area of a dwelling unit, including basements and attics (if permitted) and shall not include a garage or any accessory structure. C. Limitations. Only one second residential unit or one guesthouse may be established on any lot in addition to the primary residence. Therefore, no more than two residential units on a single lot are permitted under the provisions of this section. D. Standards for Second Residential Units. A second residential unit may be established in the RVL, RL, RC, RM or RMH districts if the following standards are met and a minor use permit is approved by the community development director in accordance with Section 9.210.020: No interest in the second residential unit may be sold separately from the remainder of the property. However, the second residential unit may be rented. 2. A second unit shall only be permitted on a residential lot which conforms to the minimum lot size requirements of the applicable zoning district and on which one owner -occupied single-family detached dwelling unit (the primary residence) already exists. 3. The second unit shall be either attached to and located within the living area of the existing primary residence or detached from and located on the same lot as the existing primary residence. 4. No second unit shall be permitted on any residential lot already containing two or more dwelling units if under five acres in size. Thus, on lots smaller than five acres, a secondary dwelling unit may not be added to a lot containing a guest house or vice -versa. 5. Any new construction required for establishment of the second unit shall conform to all building code standards and applicable state law. 6. The second unit shall conform to height, setback, lot coverage, fees, and other zoning requirements generally applicable to residential construction in the district in which the property is located. 7. The second unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary residence. The floor area of an attached second unit shall not exceed thirty percent of the existing living area of the primary residence. 9. A detached second unit shall not exceed one thousand two hundred square feet total floor area. 10. The placement of a second unit on a lot shall not result in violation of the lot coverage maximums set forth in Section 9.50.030. -cn in/Ie1.11 nwr 9.60.090 Second residential units. http://qcode.us/codiiquinta/view.php?topic=9-9_60-9_60_090&fr... 11. A minimum of three off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each residential lot containing an approved second unit, to include the following: a two -car garage for the primary residential unit and one space enclosed or open for the second unit. Tandem parking spaces shall not be credited toward meeting this requirement and no variance or minor adjustment shall be granted to allow substandard parking spaces or locations. 12. The second unit may be separately metered for gas, electricity, water, sewer and other utility services. 13. The applicant for the minor use permit for a second unit shall be the owner currently occupying the subject property. 14. The provisions of this section shall not validate any existing illegal second unit. An application for a permit may be made pursuant to the provisions of this code to convert an illegal second unit to a conforming legal second unit. The standards and requirements for said conversion shall be the same as for a newly proposed second dwelling unit. 15. In addition to the findings required generally for all minor use permit approvals, the following finding shall be made in order to approve a conditional use permit for a second unit: "The second unit is compatible with the design of the main unit and the surrounding neighborhood in terms of landscaping, scale, height, bulk, lot coverage and exterior appearance." (Ord. 299 § 1 (part), 1997; Ord. 284 § I (Exh. A) (part), 1996) '1 , r'1 1'111 cPInnc 7.^1^1 n1k4 0 SITE PLAN - GUEST HOUSE CASA ESTRELLA NEW ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE. HOUSE. a0750SOFT A.P.N. 7 7 61 6 6002 PATIO: 490.00 SOFT. GARAGE'. 988.00 SOFT. NEW GUE57 HOUSE. 808.0090 FT. ADDRESS: 7&226 GLLE CApZ NEW GUEST HOUSE PATIO. 41200 SO FT. TOTAL. 6.78100 SO FT LEOAL'. ���UN LOT SIZE' 28,S7900SOFT PERCENT COVERAGE 235% 0 TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET# SITE PLAN .................................................. Si FOUNDATION PLAN / FLOOR CLAN ............. t ELEVATIONS 4 SECTIONS ..._.............. _...... 2 ROOF / STRUCTURAL i TRLSSPLAN ......... 3 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ........................ D•1 ELECTRIGLAEOIANICAL PLAN ....... ..EAh1 IENCH --5.1 RUOIO.L`.C. gaorvpwrt w ear RNRa mora. ex au.i.�mwsuw � WiN�wraRua.. MATERIAL 9FECFiCATON9 — .nr— O 0 � OENEPH.NOTB TV— If V WNJDOW91WC 0]00 `. iWIDATgN NOTEB • VINYLILOME'OR .e....warr JOWL _ lilt_ rpE0Rm0l LNWO PEORpMw r.uern. ar ..+ OCOM __e'er w . �•L• .....�rarr 1p R E WALL61p®l�E rl F04 ---j .r.n � SpW FE Fp pATGE r COVERED PAiq 17 .. FLOOR PLAN MOTE: ALL MACIRWALL PANELS SHALL OE EXTENDED FROM TDP rm..:.r... OF FOOTING TO BOTTOM OF ROOF DIAPHIAM .. — 0 BRACE PANEL DETAL ....u... •' ren .. e.. NOTE ....m.............aar L roorwD DETUL op I LENCN DPSIGN STllDIQING FOUNDATION PLAN NOTE QoorrwlRVT o. owr 1uoMr nroM•o. _ PMMET OETAM1 MLS :all oao FRONT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION rvaeC'm E�iKAiKK+ C1 0 SECTIWAG-G EVATION RIGHT ELEVATION Ll 11 El !®ROOM 77. lEDRO LA'INu ROOM BE090GM L91'UD0JNC, 77777 SECTION "A -A" SECTION 'B -B" 0 !13 2020S TEMP. )'BAR 40SOI FLOOR PLAN SCALE:1/411'-0' W1100S0.IN VENTS EA. DOOR (r6Bl 10-2, 6'-10. 3' ' 3'4' t12 t11 tt0 2020 SH 2020 S.H. (3)2020F0. 2020 S.H TEMP. 1' BAR SET 12.0 SOFT. 1' BAR SET 1 • SAR SET 4.0 SOFT. U-0.310 4.0 SOFT. 4 0 50 FT U-0 370 O ----J . M LL�'J oe O EMP 0LA8S UNDER START4T BONEFLOOR BATH CLOSET COUNTER REF. CLOSET TE s - FAU ❑ BATH ABOVE FL 2680 PKT.DR. 2480 PKT, DR. 2480 PKT.DR 2880 PKT.DR. WM 2680 H.C. 2680 M.C. SHOVER DOOR) 8"DAM(NO SHOWER ORBEDROOM LIVINGBEDROOM!e10'-01'CEILMGROOM 101-0" CEILING (4)10816 F.10'-01'CEILING 60 SO U-0 37_6FT(2)2860 FR.DR. !1 (TEMP.) (2)2680FRIXi. 20605H -3 3'PPD0.0 40.0 SOFT. TEMP) (TEMP) U-0.370 SO FT, r-0'BPR SEf 2.04 )2680 FR.DR. 370 120 SOFT U-0 370 q (TEMP.) !SL U-0370 £ 2060 S.H. 40.0 SOFT 2060 S.M. £ (TEMP.) -0370 (TEMP.) UTD00 2'-0' BPR SET SET SHOWER 12.0 50 FT. U-0.370 �08M 3'A" w (� COVERED PATO FM 2'f IV- 2'-r 10-r a •n FLOOR PLAN SCALE:1/411'-0' W1100S0.IN VENTS EA. DOOR (r6Bl • t13 2020 S1 TEMP. 1' BAR ; 40501 FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 11411'-0' (212880 SC V41005o, NEMS EA, DOOR 888) 'i^ 1 - 8'-1P 3' 3L^ t12 ttt t10 2 20S 2020 S H, (3)2020 F.O. 2020 S.H 7p 'BAR SET 12.0 50 FT. 1' BAR SET 1' BAR SET 40S0 FT. U-0370 4.OSOFT 4050 FT U-0.370 El I ENP0r UNDER TAR/ FL BaEFLow BTM CLOSET COUNTER REF. CLOSET START FPL BATH ABOVE FLOCK 2680 PKT,DR, 2480 PKT.DR. 2480 PKT.DR 2680 PKT.DR. m WM MI 2880 M C 2680 M.C. SHOVER DOOR) 5^DPM r,2,,,,T (NC SHOVER ORI 3,�, BEDROOM LIVING BEDROOM 10'-0" CEILRNGROOM 10'-0' CEILING (4)t➢18F.10'-(' CEILING e 0 SOFTU-0370 t2 (2)2880 FR.OR. t7 (TEMP) (2)2680 FR.OR. 2080 SM 40050 FT (TEMP.) (TEMP)40.0 U-0.370 SO FT2'-O' BAR SE 212~880 FR OR p (TEMP.) U-0370 € 2080 SH 40.0 SO FT 2080 SH. - (-,,p)-0370 (TEMP.) UTDOO 2'-0^ BPR SET 2'-0^ BPR SET SHOVER 12.0 SO FT, 12.0 SO FT U-0370 u-0 370 4'- • 4'- ' 31 13'-0• COVERED PATIO boa a Fill ❑ 2'-e' tOJ" 2'-8' 10.2' 2'$' •01• 2' 8' 4' 44-1 FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 11411'-0' (212880 SC V41005o, NEMS EA, DOOR 888) ------------------------ ADJOINING LOT t6" I j BELOW SUBJECT PROPERTY j L ----------------------J / UNAUTHORIZED USE WARNING THESE DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF LENCH DESIGN STUDIO,INC. REPRODUCTION IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED. UNAUTHORIZED USE EXTENDS TO ORIGINAL AND MODIFIED DERIVATIVE PLANS AND IS APPLICABLE TO INTENTIONAL AND UNINTENTIONAL INFRINGEMENTS. THE DEVELOPER CONTRACTOR IS - RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFICATION OF DIMENSIONS FROM EXISTING CURB TO PROPERTY LINE o I Lu OPENING IN WALL z FOR DRAINAGE J H W 0 20,_6.... rd SET BACK r c m , � 1 � � 1 4 � i N SITE PLAN. - GUEST HOUSE t .Y UNF•.„ry t I h I ..� N I I i I------------------------------------------ —---------- `1 om ick � CAS SLOPE 1 % MIN. FLOW LINE I I I I I 1 / / / / / f / / _.. woo ; ------------------------- --------- —�— _.—.—.—._.—.— .T._.—.—._._.._ \--PROPERTY LINE 182.64' ---------------------- I I ADJOINING LOT ±6” ABOVE SUBJECT PROPERTY I I L ----------------------J SQUARE FOOTAGE: HOUSE: 4,075.00 SQ.FT. PATIO: 498.00 SQ.FT. GARAGE: 988.00 SQ.FT. NEW GUEST HOUSE: 808.00 SQ.FT. NEW GUEST HOUSE PATIO: 412.00 SQ.FT. TOTAL: 6,781 .00 SQ.FT. LOT SIZE: PERCENT COVERAGE 28,879.00 SQ.FT. 23.5% roz ii I / / --------------------------------------------J/ -li_ G,gTE XISTIN3 6' HIGH BLOCK A.P.N.: 770-156-002 ADDRESS: 78-225 CALLS CADIZ LEGAL: LOT # 2, BLOCK # 5, UNIT # 1 DESERT CLUB I / / / / / / / / / / / / ---------------------- ADJOINING LOT t6' j BELOW SUBJECT PROPERTY j I I L ----------------------J TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET # SITE PLAN .................................................. S-1 FOUNDATION PLAN / FLOOR OLAN............. 1 ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS ........................... 2 ROOF / STRUCTURAL & TRUSSPLAN ......... 3 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS ........................ D-1 ELECTRICAL/MECHANICAL PLAN ....... .. E/M-1 PIANS PREPARED BY. LENCH DESIGN STUDIO,INC. A.P. LENCH 11 PRESIDENT REVISIONS BY HEATHER MAY 8/03/06 DRAWN A.RADONI CHECKED S.L. DATE 11-14-06 SCALE 1/811=11-011 JOB NO. SHEET S-1 DEC 14 2006 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (UNLESS OTHERVISE NOTED) 1. SOIL TABLE 18-1-A CLASS 5, SOIL BEARING PRESSURE = 1000 Psf 2. CONCRETE: Fc'- 2500 psi @ 28 DAYS 3. REINFORCING STEEL: ASTM A615 GRADE 40 # 5 BARS AND SMALLER, GRADE 60 #6 BARS AND LARGER. 4. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS: Fm = 1500 psi 5. MORTAR: TYPE M OR S 6. STRUCTURAL STEEL: SHAPES, PLATES AND BARS: ASTM A36 PIPE COLUMNS: ASTM A53, GRADE B (Fy= 33ksi) TUBES: ASTM A500, GRADE B (Fy=46ksi) SHEET METAL: ASTM 570, GRADE B (Fy-30ksi) BOLTS: ASTM A 307 WELDING PER AWS SPECS 7. USE E70XX ELECTRODES 8. LUMBER: HORIZONTAL 2x, 4x: DOUGLAS FIR LARCH NO.2 OR BETTER HORIZONTAL 6x. & LARGER: DOUGLAS FIR LARCH NO.1 OR BETTER STUDS TO BE 10': DOUGLAS FIR LARCH STUD GRADE OR BETTER ALL OTHER VERTICAL LUMBER: DOUGLAS FIR LARCH NO. 2 OR BETER GLU LAMS: 24F -V4 OF/DF WITH STANDARD SHOP CAMBER OF 3/8"/20' EXCEPT FOR CANTILEVERED BEAMS, USE 24F -V8 DF/DF 9. FRAMING HARDWARE: SIMPSON STRONG TIE CONNECTORS. FOUNDATION NOTES: 1. THIS HOUSE IS PROPOSED TO MEET REQUIREMENT OF CBC 2320 FOR LIGHT FRAME CONVENTIONAL CONSTRUCTION WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE CLOULDED AREA UNDER CODE 2320.2 "DESIGN OF PORTIONS" 2, UNLESS NoTEd GTHERWISE, PROVIDE 518"x 12" LONG ANCHOR BOLTS AT 72" O.C. AND 12" FROM END -PAIN. 2. A.B PER SILL PIECE WITH 7" MIN. EMBEDMENT WITH 2"x2"x3/16" SQUARE PLATE WASHERS, 3. HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 1806.7.1. AND 1806.7.2. SHALL BE PLACED IN CONTINUOUS FOUNDATIONS TO MINIMIZE DIFEPENTIAL SETTLEMENT. FOUNDATION REINFORCEMENT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH COVER IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 1907.7.1. 4. ALL COLUMN BASIS, COLUMN BOLTING, HOLD DOWN STRAPS AND HOLD DOWN BOLTS, CRITICAL TO THE STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY OF THIS BUILDING SHALL BE HELD IN PLACE BY MEANS OF TEMPLATES PRIOR TO FOUNDATION INSPECTION. BRACE WALL SCHEDULE z WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL (4'-0" MINIMUM) WIDTH PATIO LAB x3/8" CDX OR EQUAL W/8d NAILING, 6" @ EDGES, l-' J 12" @ INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS, W/2 ANCHOR FIN. FLOOR BCII TS @ 94 t_ C, MINIMUM ALTERNATE BRACED PANEL (2'-8" MIN) 3/8" MINIMUM T PLYWOOD SHEATHING NAILED WITH 8d COMMON TYPICAL AND BLOCKEDAT ALL PLYWOOD EDGES, TWO O ANCHOR BOLTS @ QUARTER PANEL POINTS. SHEATHING NAILED WITH 8d COMON OR EACH PANEL END STUD TO HAVE HPAHD22 GALVANIZED BOX NAILS NAILED IN ACCIR - HOLDOWN. SEE DETAIL. NAILING TO BE 6" @ DANCE WITH TABLE 23-1 -Q AND ALL PANEL EDGES OR 12" AT INTERMEDIATE SUPPORTS. OINTERIOR 3 BRACEWALL GYPSUM BOARD '/2' THICK SHEATHING NAILED WITH 8d COMMON AND BLOCKED BRACED WALL PANEL. BY 4' WIDE BOTH SIDES OR 8'4" ON STUDS SPACED PANEL DETAIL LESS THAN 24" O.C. AND NAILED @ 7" O.C. WITH TOP OF FOOTING TO BE 6" BELOW MINIMUM #11 GAGE NAILS 1'/" LONG, 7/16" HEAD, 1 -0 MIN. HOUSE FIN. FLOOR DIAMOND POINT GALVANIZED. I FOOTING DETAIL MAXIMUM HEIGHT FOR ALTERNATE BRACED PANELS IS 10'-0" NOTE: ALL BRACEWALL PANELS SHALL BE EXTENDED FROM TOP OF FOOTING TO BOTTOM OF ROOF DIAPHRAM TOP OF UPPER BRACED PANEL TOP PLATE TYPICAL O 6IQ oI� BOTTOII� OF SILL PL E ALTERNATE BRACED PANEL BRACED PANEL TYPICAL E TIE - DOWN DEVICE WITH AN APPROVED UPLIFT CAPACITY OF 1,800 PUONDSTYPICAL AT EACH END EACH PANEL. USE HPAHD22 - OR HD -2A AS ------------------- z I PATIO LAB I HOUSE I 412 SQ. FT MINIMUM FIN. FLOOR --I MINIMUM r� T TYPICAL TYPICAL on- �m 3/8" THICK (MiN) WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL THREE ANCHOR BOLTS, ONE AT EACH SHEATHING NAILED WITH 8d COMON OR PANEL QUARTER POINT, INSTALLED GALVANIZED BOX NAILS NAILED IN ACCIR - IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION DANCE WITH TABLE 23-1 -Q AND ALL PANEL 1806.6, TYPICAL EACH BRACED WALL EDGES TO BE BLOCKED, TYPICAL EACH PANEL. BRACED WALL PANEL. 0 0 BRACE PANEL DETAIL ------------------- z I PATIO LAB I HOUSE I 412 SQ. FT FIN. FLOOR --I T, l r� T SLOPE 1% FAU on- �m �I ElfCL c� 1 #4CONT. T&B �/ ( I ,- CONC. CO PATIOSLAB IS START D�1 I I -1 O BATH ABOVE FLOOR m 2680 PKT.DR. 2480 PKT.DR. I 2480 PKT.DR. 2680 PKT.DR. b rl TOP OF FOOTING TO BE 6" BELOW ( 1 -0 MIN. HOUSE FIN. FLOOR I FOOTING DETAIL ( ------------------- 0 44'-10" T-6" U-10" T-4" 10'-2" fH. " 6' 8" 9' 5" T-0" T-0" #13 (2)2020 #12 #11 TEMP. (2)2020 S.H. (3)2020 F.O. 1' BAR S VBAR SET12.0 SQ. FT. 0 4.0 SQ.FT. U-0.370 I Ln "z7n '4' 6'-10" T-6" T-4" -5" 6'-8" 5'-0" #9 #10 (2)2020 S.H. (2)2020 S.H. TEMP. (2)2680 S.C. 1' BAR SET 1' BAR SET `EA. DOOR (T&B NTS 4.0 SQ.FT. 4.0 SQ.FT. / U-0 370 11 n o-, 2'-8" 0'-4" In FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 4'-0" BRC. PNL. 18'-1" 10'-2" 2'-8" 4'-0" BRC. PNL. 10'-4" BRC. PNL. z CASITAS: 10 I (oj ------------------ 412 SQ. FT --I o I T + "oe I TEMP. GLASS I UNDER I START 42" T I COUNTER REF. I FAU on- �m �I ElfCL T- '7 / ABOVE FLOOR BATH CLOSET CLOSET 42ASS 7� T ( I ,- I CO IS START D�1 I I -1 O BATH ABOVE FLOOR m 2680 PKT.DR. 2480 PKT.DR. I 2480 PKT.DR. 2680 PKT.DR. b rl 2680 H.C. 2680 H.C. 0 f O 6" DAM 3'-4" o (NO SHOWER DOOR) - 6" DAM I m tC7 (NO SHOWER DOOR) Cd -I C3a 0 0 N � N #8 o o BEDROOM LIVING BEDROOM = L_ w 10'-0" CEILING ROOM10'-0" CEILING N (4)1016 F. Q N `6 10'-0" CEILING c�+ 6.0 SQ.FT. CV T" U-0.370 13'-2" I 15'-2" I I 13'-2.. I I 0 i I NOTE: 0 + CV #2 #1 (2)2680 FR.DR. #6 #7 (2)2680 FR.DR. 2060 S.H. CV N 2060 S.H. (TEMP.) (TEMP.} (TEMP.} i EMPLOY MONOLITHIC POUR SYSTEM FOR FOUNDATION. CONCR TE I (TEMP.) 40.0 SQ.FT. 40.0 SQ.FT. 2'-0" BAR SE 2'-0" BAR SET U-0.370 #4 C° 0.370 12.0 SQ.FT., 12.0 SQ.FT. (2)2680 FR.DR. U-0.370 TO BE 4" MIN. THICK W/6x6, 10x10 WWM @ CENTER OF SLAB I U-0.370 #3 (TEMP.) #5 2060 S.H. 40.0 SQ.FT. 2060 S.H. RATED MINIM M 2500 PSI. ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE MINIMUM 5/41" I (TEMP.) U-0.370 (TEMP.) r iI DIAMETER X 0" WITH 2" X 2" X 3/16" SQUARE WASHER. THff 2'-0" BAR SET 2'-0" BAR SET C9 12.0 SQ.FT. 12.0 SQ.FT. CO I MINIMUM EME EDMENT OF ANCHOR BOLTS INTO CONCRETi I I 1 U-0.370 U-0.370 I z OOTINGS IS 7". i I i D1 D-1 ' T-8" 4'_1" 5'_3" 5'-3"T-8" 3'-8" D_1e0�� o 00 00 zo 3'-8" 4'-1" 4' 1" T-8" 13.0" iD 13,_0" 15'-6" 13,_0„ I I D 1 l i I COVERED PATIO I a+�a t4 CV Q N N N m 2 L-------- ---- - 2'-8" 0'-4" In FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 4'-0" BRC. PNL. 18'-1" 10'-2" 2'-8" 4'-0" BRC. PNL. 10'-4" BRC. PNL. FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 0 i� WINDOW SYMBOLS SH - SINGLE HUNG XO - SLIDERS FO - FIXED FR DR - FRENCH DOORS NOTE: WINDOWS IWC 5300 VINYL I LOW 'E' OR EQUAL SQUARE z CASITAS: 808 SQ.FT. ------------------ 412 SQ. FT --I - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- I T . on- �m �I ElfCL ( I ,- I b f O I m I I I m tC7 L_ T" 13'-2" I 15'-2" I I 13'-2.. I I i I NOTE: i EMPLOY MONOLITHIC POUR SYSTEM FOR FOUNDATION. CONCR TE I C° TO BE 4" MIN. THICK W/6x6, 10x10 WWM @ CENTER OF SLAB I RATED MINIM M 2500 PSI. ANCHOR BOLTS TO BE MINIMUM 5/41" I r iI DIAMETER X 0" WITH 2" X 2" X 3/16" SQUARE WASHER. THff I MINIMUM EME EDMENT OF ANCHOR BOLTS INTO CONCRETi I I 1 1 I FOUNDATION f I OOTINGS IS 7". i I i D1 D-1 ' D_1e0�� o I I D 1 l i I a+�a t4 N m 2 L-------- ---- - -- --------- ----- z N � e a a�O 2 + Q O� OST r--- z e a+��� 2 QI + 1 5 O r N 0- m Q z O�9 e A+ yO`'9 Q I Q OST a+�� 2 OST aAvIl 2 OST I � , o a I i-8" m L----- B C. PNL. W EL 2, 8., BRC. PNL. ----------- ----I 2' 8" D o BRC. P L. O BRC. NL. I I I 13' 0" W QI I I 13'-0" I co do+Q Os I '-8" 10'-4" coO � Q0 I 4, I e0 I I �� e0 HA HED AREA 8.. 10'-2" 2'-8 a 10'-4" HATCHED AREA 2'-8r+a O a TO ATCH HEIGHT 2 z TO MATCH HEIGHT I v OF --- OP OF SLAB a 2 �' OF TOP OF SLAB a -------c++ --- -- - N a N � m aeO� y�+AA QOMA+ e ti0 vA �p Ao a+ e0 2,_8„ BRC. PNL. 10'-4" 2'-8" 10'-2" 2'-8" 10,-4" 2'-8" BRC. PNL. BRC. PNL. BRC. PNL. 44'-10" FOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: 1 /4"=1'-0" 0 i� WINDOW SYMBOLS SH - SINGLE HUNG XO - SLIDERS FO - FIXED FR DR - FRENCH DOORS NOTE: WINDOWS IWC 5300 VINYL I LOW 'E' OR EQUAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: CASITAS: 808 SQ.FT. PATIO: 412 SQ. FT ©COPYRIGHT OR COPY RIGHT PENDING. THESE DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF LENCH DESIGN STUDIOS,INC. UNAUTHORIZED USE, IN ANY FORM, IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED AND EXTENDS TO ORIGINAL AND MODIFIED DERIVATIVE PLANS AND IS APPLICABLE TO INTENTIONAL AND UNINTENTIONAL INFRINGEMENTS. GENERAL NOTES: 1. FIXED APPLIANCES ARE REQUIRED TO BE SECURELY FASTENED IN PLACE. 2. DRYER EXHAUST DUCT, NOT LESS THEN 4" IN DIAMETER, SHALL HAVE SMOOTH INTERIOR SURFACES, A BACK - DRAFT DAMPER AND SHALL TERMINATE OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING. 3. DRYER VENTS SHALL NOT EXCEED A TOTAL COMBINED HORIZ. & VERT. LENGTH OF 14 FEET INCLUDING TWO 90 DEGREE ELBOWS, TWO FT. SHALL BE DEDUCTED FOR EACH 90 DEGREE ELBOW IN EXCESS OF TWO. 4. OUTLETS ABOVE COUNTERTOP OF KITCHEN SINK TO BE GFCI PROTECTED. 5. PROVIDE AT LEAST TWO 20 AMPERE SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS TO SERVE KITCHEN, BREAKFAST ROOM AND DINING ROOM. SUCH CIRCUITS SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OUTLETS. 6. PROVIDE AT LEAST ONE 20 AMPERE BRANCH CIRCUIT TO SERVE LAUNDRY APPLIANCES. SUCH CIRCUITS SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OUTLETS. 7. ALL SMOKE ALARMS TO BE 120V POWERED AND HAVE BATTERY BACKUP, 8. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, PLUMBING. MECHA- NICAL AND 2004 ELECTRICAL CODES, 2005 ENERGY CODES, AND ALL LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. 9. ALL HOSE BIBBS TO HAVE NON -REMOVABLE BACK FLOW PROTECTION DEVICES, 10. HOT -MOPPED SHOWER PAN SHALL BE INSPECTED UPON COMPLETION OF HOT MOPPING AND SHALL BE FILLED WITH WATER FOR INSPECTION. 11. PROVIDE PRESSURE REGULATOR FOR WATER SERVICE WHERE STATIC PRESSURE EXCEEDS 80 PSI. 12. ALL "OR EQUAL" SUBSTITUTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO AND APPROVED BY THE CITY BUILDING OFFICIAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF THE ITEM. 13. SMOKE ALARMS TO BE INSTALLED A MINIMUM OF T-0" FROM SUPPLY AIR VENTS. 14. ALL INSULATION MATERIALS SHALL HAVE A FLAME - SPREAD RATING NOT TO EXCEED 75 AND A SMOKE DENSITY NOT TO EXCEED 450 PER UBC 2602.3. 15. BATHROOM RECEPTACLE OUTLET SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY AT LEAST ONE 20 -AMP BRANCH CIRCUIT. SUCH CIRC- UITS SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OUTLETS. 16. ALL DUCTS PENETRATING SEPARATION WALL OR CEILING BETWEEN GARAGE AND LIVING ROOM AREA SHALL BE 26 GAUGE MINIMUM. 17. INSTALL WATER RESISTANT GYPSUM BOARD UNDER TUB AND SHOWER ENCLOSURE MATERIALS TO A HEIGHT OF 70" MINIMUM ABOVE THE DRAIN INLET. 18. CLEARANCE REQUIREMENT OF 30" ABOVE RANGE TO UNPROTECTED COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL OR 24" CLEARANCE ABOVE RANGE WHEN EQUIPPED WITH METAL VENTILATING HOOD. DUCTS SHALL HAVE SMOOTH INTERIOR SURFACES. 19. ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION BY NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED STANDARDS AND EVIDENCED BY THE LISTING AND LABEL OF AN APPROVED AGENCY. 20. CONCRETE PAD SUPPORTING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SHALL EXTEND NOT LESS THAN 3" ABOVE GRADE. 21. WHEN TWO OR MORE APPLIANCES ARE CONNECTED TO ONE VENTING SYSTEM, THE VENTING SYSTEM AREA SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN THE AREA OF THE LARGEST VENT CONNECTOR PLUS 50 PERCENT OF THE AREAS OF THE ADDITIONAL VENT CONNECTORS. 22. ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS ARE PERMITTED ONLY IF SIZE 1/0 OR LARGER AND ONLY TO FEED MAIN OR SUBPANELS. ALL OTHER CURRENT CARRYING CONDUCTORS SHALL BE COPPER. 23. LIGHTING FIXTURES IN CLOTHES CLOSETS TO CONFORM TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: A. SURFACE - MOUNTED INCANDESCENT FIXTURES MAY BE INSTALLED ON THE WALL ABOVE THE DOOR OR ON THE CEILING, PROVIDED THERE IS A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 12 INCHES BETWEEN THE FIXTURE AND THE NEAREST POINT OF A STORAGE SPACE. B. SURFACE -MOUNTED FLOURESCENT FIXTURES MAY BE INSTALLED ON THE WALL ABOVE THE DOOR OR ON THE CEILING, PROVIDED THERE IS A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 6 INCHES BETWEEN THE FIXTURE AND THE NEAREST POINT OF A STORAGE SPACE. C. RECESSED INCANDESCENT FIXTURES WITH A COMPLETELY ENCLOSED LAMP MAY BE INSTA- LLED IN THE WALL OR THE CEILING, PROVIDED THERE IS A MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF 61NCHES BETWEEN THE FIXTURE AND THE NEAREST POINT OF A STORAGE SPACE. D. RECESSED FLOURESCENT FIXTURES MAY BE INSTALLED IN THE WALL OR THE CEILING PROV- IDED THERE IS A MINIMUM OF 6 INCHES BETWEEN THE FIXTURE AND THE NEAREST POINT OF A STORAGE SPACE. 24. PROVIDE A COMBINATION PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE RELIEF VALVE AT ALL WATER HEATERS, SET TO OPEN AT NOT MORE THAN 150 PSI, DRAIN PIPE SHALL EXTEND TO OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING AND TERMINATE NOT MORE THAN 2 FEET NOT LESS THAN 6 INCHES ABOVE THE GROUND AND POINT DOWNWARD WITH THE END UNOBST- RUCTED. ANY OTHER TERMINATION LOCATION SHALL REQUIRE APPROVAL BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. 25. LIGHT FIXTURES IN TUB OR SHOWER ENCLOSURE SHALL BE LABELED "SUITABLE FOR DAMP LOCATION". 26. BRANCH CIRCUITS THAT SUPPLY 125 -VOLT, SINGLE PHASE 15- AND 20- AMPERE OUTLETS INSTALLED IN DWELLING UNIT BEDROOMS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY AN ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER. 27. COMBUSTION AIR OPENINGS TO BE COVERED WITH CORROSION -RESISTANT SCREEN OF'/4" MESH 28. DUCTS USED FOR KITCHEN RANGE VENTILATION SHALL BE OF METAL AND HAVE SMOOTH INTERIOR SURFACES. 29. EACH HVAC UNIT SHALL BE PERMANENTLY LABELED TO INDICATE THE AREA SERVED BY UNIT. 30. LPG APPLIANCES SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED IN CRAWL SPACES, PITS, OR BASEMENTS. NO LPG PIPING IS PERMITTED IN SLABS WITHIN THE STRUCTURE. PLANS PREPARED BY: LENCH DESIGN STUDIO,INC. PRESIDENT REVISIONS BY DRAWN K. RADONI CHECKED S. L. DATE 11-14-06 SCALE 1/411=11-01i JOB NO. t SHEET 1