MUP 2006-799F04ANCR City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 51 — 14" Date Recvd. rp J;ap Ids Fee: '1 Related Apps.: INO-.A For An Event of More Than 2,000 People, include Waste Reduction Info APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL 17- A - MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT1` ��—1 (Print) G/- / MAILING ADDRESS �2, C %% /3 y �� %,¢ I L J / Phone No., cP� CITY, STATE, ZIP: /��/yI ✓%f' 5�g-A7- ��r� Fax No. %�;_G PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: �"�(� i/ (/� C-Qrc j� Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: A !,{ (� Jam/}- GAJ` Fax No._ PROJECT LOCATION: 7( (J (let- CJ PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): zt'- ' 6-/ L G � 7 54 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): /-f —cP/A-- 4; 4fC — q -C_ G3 AI8\Minor Use Permit (attach sheets if needed) D MAY 2 3 2006 L CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT, SUBMISSION RE UIREMEN!PS- 0 Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/2" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'/z" x 11". ❑ Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Infonmation form. (Please Print) c SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Plaacn Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY O IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT (Signature provides conse: i DATE DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AI Minor Use Permit NAME OF APPLICANT (Please Print) c SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Plaacn Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY O IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT (Signature provides conse: i DATE DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. AI Minor Use Permit Recycling an aste Reduction at large venues & events in the City of La Quinta Recently California passed Assembly Bill 2176 which requires recycling at large venues and events. This bil defines large venues and events as: An event which serves an average of more than 2,000 individuals per day of operation (botl people attending the event and those working at the event [including volunteers] are included it this number); and Charges an admission price or is run by a local agency. Prior to the Event Effective July 1, 2005, AB 2176 requires that all large venues and events prepare a waste reduction plan. A,, part of this plan, the law requires large venue and event operators to meet with recyclers and solid wast( handlers to select appropriate waste diversion programs. Contact Valerie Ward, Recycling/Communit, Outreach Coordinator at Waste Management of Desert (760) 674-1032 to complete the attached Wast( Management Plan. At Conclusion of Event AB 2176 also requires that operators of large venues and events submit to the city written documentation o the progress of the waste reduction, reuse, recycling, and diversion specified in their plan, including the typ< and weight of materials diverted and disposed (waste characterization report). The city has included a wast( diversion form with your permit information. The completed form, with the final waste characterization repor prepared by Waste Management of the Desert, is due to the city within 30 days after the close of the event. For more information on large venue and event recycling, please visit the California Integrated Wast( Management Board's website at www.ciwmb.ca.pov. Thank you for helping to keep La Quinta beautifull (0 Prepared by Hilton Famkopf & Hobson, LLC City of La Quinta Large Venue & Event Waste Management Plan CONTACT DESCRIPTION TIMELINE Operations • Quantity and size of containers: Contact Name: • Delivery and pickup dates Contact Phone: • Service schedule • e Event Maintenance • _ maintenance staff members to pickup recyclables and trash Contact Name: from containers and transport to roll -off box or main receptacle Contact Phone: every hours, throughout event area. • All recyclable items will be separated from trash by maintenance staff daily. • • Vendor #1 • Set-up schedule Contact Name: • Description of vendor services Contact Phone: • Discussion of recycling opportunities • Vendor #2 • Set-up schedule Contact Name: • Description of vendor services Contact Phone: • Discussion of recycling opportunities • .0 E City of La Quinta Education, Monitoring and Final Report Education/Monitoring • Initial meeting with Waste Management of the Desert to discuss event recycling program. • Prepare) recycling education materials to be delivered to vendors, maintenance and other operations staff prior to event. • Waste Management onsite monitoring schedule • s Waste Characterization • Prepare and submit to City staff a waste characterization report Report to City Staff which includes all recyclables tonnage separated by material type • • i 2 Tav, 414 4" P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 June 12, 2006 Mr. Mike Kirk Mike Kirk Construction Inc. 72-677 Beavertail St. Palm Desert, CA 92260 SU6JECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2006-799 78-815 VIA CARMEL Dear Mr. Kirk: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 "/It COP� Your request for approval of Minor Use Permit 2006-799, allowing the construction of a casita/guesthouse at 78-815 Via Carmel in La Quinta, is hereby approved. You may now contact the Building & Safety Department for your building permit. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for thi-s Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by the owner in front of a Notary Public. The original approved documents are then to be recorded with the County Recorder, with a recorded copy given to the City for our files. The Community Development Department will sign the job card when the recorded copy is received, which would provide our clearance to the Building & Safety Department to issue the building final inspection. Until the recorded copy is received by the Community Development Department, your Minor Use Permit is not complete and a final inspection will not be conducted by the Building & Safety Department. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Assistant Planner Attachments c. Building and Safety Department 0" RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Ms. Sandra Young WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Mr. Mike Kirk �j Mike Kirk Construction Inc. 72-677 Beavertail St. Palm Desert, CA 92260 COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCE'AT 78-816 VIA CARMEL, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA This Covenant and Agreement are made and executed this 12th day of June by . Ms. Sandra Young, as the recorded owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this Agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the property owner of the following described real property in. the.City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: APN: 646-430-031, in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to, and with said City, to restrict the use of said property as follows: 1. The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single- family.residence (Minor Use Permit No. 2006-791); . 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), . guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall .be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, as- may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, .and ourselves, and shall continue in - effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This Agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation. The City. shall have the right to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended ,or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest; shall fail , to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of, La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attorney's fees. By: 1. 2. 3. Signature(s) Printed Name of all owner(s) . - _ Dated: 6 Planning Manager City of La Quinta State of California County of Riverside On G/ bafore me, Phyllis Manley, Notary Public, personally appeared Les' Johnson, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) PHYLLIS. MANLEY Convnlssion• 1378908 MOM Notary PubYc - CaKornla Riverside County AAjr Comm. Expires Oct 16.2006 RANCHO LA QUINTA April 12, 2006 MAS'rl:K A,SOCIATT0N Sandra Young 78-815 Via Carmel La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: 78-815 Via Carmel - ARC approval Dear Ms. Young, FAX: Mike Kirk Construction 346.1820 The Rancho La Quinta Architectural Committee on April 12, 2006 has reviewed and approved your second submittal of plans for a room addition and Casita at 78-815 Via Carmel,,with the.following conditions: F 1) All work is to be done in accordance with all applicable requirements of governmental entities, inil.uding the City of La Quinta, and in accordance with all Homeowners Association arch itectural'guldelines and governing documents. When the work has-been finished, please fill out and return tome the Notice of Completion. The association's arch itectural,consultarit will perform a final inspection after receipt of that notice to verify installation according to the approved plan, and then the.deposit.can b rocessed for a refund. Sincerely, /f_ Leann lA.+9I12Lce Assistant Community Association Manager for The Architectural Committee Rancho La Quinta Master Association Cc: Architectural Comm. 73-550 .AI.KSSANDRO, Sulr►. 5 • PALM r)PSOT:',:�'.A 95?R6(1 - 760.34,6.1161' FI'kX.760.346.991S GENERAL NOTES: L- ILL WORK CALLM FOR IN THESE PLANS SHALL BE E)O5GUTE2 NTH EXTfi@E CONCERN FOR SMP AND SAFETY IN FULL AC,GORDANCE NTH THE ADOPTED CODES AND ORDNANCE5 OF THE "r -DICTION IN MCH IT 5 BENS CONSTRUCT®. 2- ALL WORD HHE7H62 SPEUFGALLY CALLED FOR OR NOT, SHALL BE C40N5TRUCTED UDE3R THE LATEST EDITION OF THE UYFORM BULDNS CODE A6 A04WIW BY THE LOCAL GovERNNG ASE NCY. a- ALL EXTERIOR PLATWORK SHALL NAVE A POSITIVE SLOPE AWAY FROM THE MAUL A% NMIIV 4.- THE 61!1 A CONTRACTOR SMALL T110RGJ6H.Y FA4LIARUX HIMSELF WITH THIS DOCIITB/T5 PRIOR TO PROCJ3MINB WITH ANY C.0N5TFWTION AND SHALL REF40RT ANY DISCREPANCY TO THE P15SIS ER PRIOR TO COMM@LGIINB ANY WORK SHOULD ANY DEVIATION BE MADE FROM THESE MN5 WTHOVT TRE YRITTEN CONSENT FROM THE DESIGPISi; THE 01,46i)iGO TRACTOR A55UHE ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUCH DEVIATION. 5: THE 6ENERAL CONTRACTOR .MALL SUBMIT COPIE5 OF SHOP DRAWN65 OF ALL MAN -AC.TURFD ITEMS ( Ia. CABINETS, TRU1S6ESE7CJ TO THE DE5i&M FOR REVIEH ANO APPROVAL PRIOR TO FABRICATION. THE 66H=AL CONTRACTOR HILL BE RE!SFQ513LE TO PROVIDE AOEOIATE TIME FOR REVIE N (10 WORKING DAY$I OF 51,014rTTED ITE3•L' 50 )- R 'SUCH REVIEW SHALL NOT ADVIER5ELY IMPACT THE COINTR)TION 5C.:t®UE 6,- WR15Q)EHT SITE VISITS BY THE 01254 aHER OR EN61HEM IN NO MAY ALLEVIATES THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARDS TO CODE COMPLANCE, SAFETY OR 7`140 V6NE55. 7.- ALL SU5-COkTRACTORS SHALL VISIT THE .Ice SITE NTHIN 24 HOUR5 PRIOR TO COt- 6 NG HORK M SLB-GOP(TRAGTOR SHALL BE RESPON5IELE FOR REVIE3H1,15 RELATED TRADES 51,15- 51114FACE PREPARATION AHD SHALL RSi)RT ANY NONI.dFORPMNS CNsc4wADY TO THE 60NERAL CONTRACTOR E)ECUnON OF NOW BY ANY SLD -CONTRACTOR NDICATE5 ACCEPTANCE OF THE PREV1015 TRADES WORK 0: THE OYNBR A6 CAMS TO HOLD 144301LE56, INDEMNIFY AND DEFEND THE DESIGI'61. HIS EMPLOYEES, AND ENGINEERS AGAINST ANY AMC) ALL LIABiL11Y. CLAIM DAMAGES AND COSTS OF DEME ARISIHIG OUT OF THE ERFOR5 OR Of� OR NEGI- 6ENT ACTS GAU5ED BY THE P10DFICATIOHS TO THE PLAN AND SPBGN`ICATIOlS, 4 ANY C+"SF- MODIFICATION OR ALTERATION OF THESE MAW SHALL BE AT THE 501,E RISK OF THE PERSON MAKN6 OR CAVSIN6 THE a4'E AND SHOt.ID BE RE.'VIEM87 BY THE 0E516PER OF RECORD FOR CONFORMITY METH THESE PLAN. qr VERPY CONNECTION POINTS FOR POMER TELEFHOE LAN SYSTEMS PR10R TO CONSTRUCTION APPROXIMATE ONLY LOCATIONS INDICATED FOR TRAN5FORP•62 LOCATIONS. ETC. IL- COMPLY MTH ALL UTILITY COMPANY REGAARE3•ERT75. PROVIDE ALL RELATED CONDUITS, RLL BOXI:S AND R158R5. I2- CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ACTUAL DEPTH AND LOCATION OF ALL EX251NS VTLITIE5 PRIOR TO CIDNSTR11CTTONL. CALL U'DERISRORD SERVICE APRT (TOLL PREF 600-642-2444) EL- PRIOR TO TRENC HNB. 6RADIN5, EXCAVATING, DRILLING, PIPE F11544N5, PWITNS TREES D166N5 FENCE POST HOLES ETC. THEY HILL SUPPLY INFORMATION OR LOCATE AND MARK ANY UDERA5ROUD FACILITIES. 14 DELETED I B- BIALDIN6 ADDRES6 SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE IIIf E IALD1NG IN SUCH POSITION AS TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE END 1564BLE FROM THE STREET PER SECTION 502. SITE PLAN NOTES: WARNONS , PLANT MATERIAL LISTED MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEER APPROVED BY THE ASPJOLTLRAL 60r- SiDEtS O rbCE. LANDSCAPED A#W- 5 INDICATED SHALL BE PRCMDED W RLL COVERAGE AUYOMAnC IRR16JAnON SYSTEM W AN APPROVED BACK PLOH DEVICE- TEMPORARY EVICETEMPORARY TOILETS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE 6EIE3ZA. COHTRIGTOR FOR ALL TRADES UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF THE YORK ALL TRADES SHALL AT ALL TIMES KEEP THE F47ID46M FREIE FROM ACCUMULATION OF HASTE MATERIALS OR RI.BBSH CAUSM BY 1HE YORK NO UTILITY TRENC E5 PARALLEL TO A POOTINS AND DEEPER THAN IS' SHALL BE LOCATED HTHIN A DISTANCE OF 4'-0' OF A BUILDING FOIOTNS_ UnUTY TRHICAES PEiRPHOKALAR TO A r-OOTINS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 4'-0' DEEP AND THE DISTURBED SOIL SNA,LL BE CO4PACTED YYTHYN A 410' DISTANCE OF ANY FOOTINNS OR II DER A CONCRETE SLAB. ALL PROPERTY LNFcc, EASEHIN 5 AND U1ILD NS'S, BOTH EXISTING AND PROPOSED, ARE M ON THIS SITE PLAN THE DEA OPE R)CONTRAGTORAOMIER 5 RESPON54BLE FOR T1E VERIFICATION OF EUHSTN6 GARB (OR EDSE OF STREET PAVING IF NO CARD VAST), LOCATION FROM M PROPERTY UNKS) HrrH THE PUBLIC YORKS DEPARTMENT. UTILITIES NOTE VERIFY CONNECTION POINTS FOR POPM TBFPHO/E AND GAN SYSTEMS PRIOR TO Gpi5TRX. TION APPROXIMATE ONLY LOCATIONS INDICATED FOR 7RAN5PORF82 LOCJATIONSA ETC, COMPLY METH ALL UTILITY COMPANY R5WR@ER5, PROVIDE ALL RELATED CCN01.0I75. RLI. BOXES AND RISERS, CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ACTUAL DEPTH AND LOCATION OF ALL EXISnN6 UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTFILCTIOK- GALL UGHZGROUID SERVICE ALERT (TOLL FRff 600-642-2444) PRIOR TO TREMCHINS, GRADING, EXCAVATING, DRILLING, RPE RSMNSPLANnNG TREES. OWWN6 FEW.E POST HOLES M. THEY HILL SUPPLY I FORXMTION OR LOCATE AND MAW ANY LND6t64401140 PACILITES. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: 9 04 ERRORy 015rwAGE5 or omwiG61ppsor Y" ao&gk tpw.*k.tkti a o0w wWaU d—.rh, Yr 6BBtAL CONTRACTOR rd"lr d1wgw M W" d sch artar a a milm I. as wwl 2Nd NV 6BHUL CONTRACTOR lar Io *a u& www hilae calaYW 016tr fab•Icdta of IK mrk THE ai m cQM TRALTCR HIL BE THD RFSITYANSN LE No So rad d al wra%&- avoyft Cr awwm ad w cat or ewm" a caw REFERENCE CODES ALL COSTRLGTION SHALL COMPLY KTH . UNDP" 611.0915 CCOE a" wo Off" MV41A ICr1L GOLF W01 IMO 11 rom Phew cG» 00011PYJ MT1010L MWTRIc& GODS (2001 hW TITLE 24, PART 2 CA OCRI A AOMK>7RATIVE C M DOW C40158NATYA11TrSHL nmG 2005 NOTE: THE 5 R12SP0H51BLE FOR THE VERIFICATION OF EXISTD16 CLRB6 (OR EDGE OF STREW PAVN6 IF NO CURBS EXIST) FROM PROPERTY LNE(W NTH THE PUBLIC, NOR" DEPART)LHfT. NOTES: POOL, SPA. RETAN61N6 YNLLS AND 64RDE3N HAJ-5 REGUIERE SEPARATE PE3"T 12RN64AY APPROACH RECJARES A SEPARATE PERI T AND INSPECTION FROM CITY OF LA OIANTA PUBLIC HORK5 DEPARTI- R PROPOS", STUCCO FIN151 NHDOME, ARCHITECTLIRAL DETAILS, FASCIA ETC, TO N ATCH D051INS II GAS NOTE II EROACE 6K0 R4 L FIVIIS Underground Service Alert 'LF rho Call: TOLL FREE 1-800 227-2600 C�LANDSCAPE W HAVAI E)QSTMB IC/IaVIATE HITH LUDEED PACIM C4RP0RAT0I — �1 11, .00 LAN05CAPE TO MATCH EXI5TIN67 (COORDINATE WITH LUNOEED PACIFIC GORPORATIOW NFW ROOF TILF Tn RF- HAWYNJ RlY)FINA rn_ REGAL BLEND 25% EA.: 8411 8419 8420 8468 (ROOFING TILE FROM THE DEMOLITION OF THE EXI5TI% TO BE 5AVED) i DEMO PLAIN E7aff"NG LANDSCAPI TO RF_MAR11 'L- EXISTING L"DSCAPE \� TO REMAIN c+i EXIS TING GOLF COURSE '�.. JE 3USTING LANDSCAPE TO RE MAIN i- i+wr OaSM DFUVEWNGAY ;t - LOCA CALTOLLO Nr LA QUINTA9 CA VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE COTTAGE SHEET INDEX A,1 srrjjjkAN AL2 DIMENSION PLAN A:3 ELEVATIONS A-4 SECTIONS A.3 ROOF PLAN E,1 ELECTRICAL PLAN M.1 MECHANICAL PLAN S,1 FOUNDATION/ FRAMING PLAN & DETAILS SM SHEAR MAX DETAIL T24 TITLE 24 '�.. JE 3USTING LANDSCAPE TO RE MAIN i- i+wr OaSM DFUVEWNGAY ;t - LOCA CALTOLLO Nr LA QUINTA9 CA VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE COTTAGE N �\ V AREA TABULATIONS COMPLIES NTH ORDINANCE OF LA CROATIA SANDRA YOUNG 0 NEW LIVING AREA: gT44aD sa R. 10M NORTH U6 PROPOSED DETACHED SITE PLAN CASU" =DO 5aff. 21.0% otr�1 a� E' r I~ • A.� wrn,A wa.�.a nr� w ra M .r CA51TA SHALL NO E FORE THAN 306 OF RES(".k LNIN5 AREA re.. �. ,w..r,Aa� w r,.. w.nwo�w ws. �i wu ert � �a,ra,Aon. 56 N; A P. K 646 430 ON PROJECT ADDREW: lb- I VIA CARMR, 0 I LA CLIENTAL CA 9224 Z ZOM : RI a OCCUPANCY: SINGLE FAMILY TYPE V NON - RATED 0 _ AREA TABULATIONS: TOTAL SITE: I7h24m 5a FT. E7LISTING LIVH4G AREA: 3,434LD 52 FT. PROPOSED STUDIOr 30.00 Sa FT. NEW LIVING AREA: 3,14400 Sa FT. PROPOSED DETACHED ESIDENCE rAArTA' I441.00 Sa FT. TOTAL LIVING AREA: N �\ V AREA TABULATIONS COMPLIES NTH ORDINANCE OF LA CROATIA SANDRA YOUNG 0 NEW LIVING AREA: gT44aD sa R. 10M NORTH U6 PROPOSED DETACHED SITE PLAN CASU" =DO 5aff. 21.0% otr�1 a� E' r I~ • A.� wrn,A wa.�.a nr� w ra M .r CA51TA SHALL NO E FORE THAN 306 OF RES(".k LNIN5 AREA re.. �. ,w..r,Aa� w r,.. w.nwo�w ws. �i wu ert � �a,ra,Aon. GENERAL INFORMATION OWNER: SANDRA YOUNG 0 V lb-&5CARMEL U6 LA CA T neo) - L_ sdT OH LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ND. BOCK A P. K 646 430 ON PROJECT ADDREW: lb- I VIA CARMR, I LA CLIENTAL CA 9224 Z ZOM : RI a OCCUPANCY: SINGLE FAMILY TYPE V NON - RATED 0 _ AREA TABULATIONS: TOTAL SITE: I7h24m 5a FT. E7LISTING LIVH4G AREA: 3,434LD 52 FT. PROPOSED STUDIOr 30.00 Sa FT. NEW LIVING AREA: 3,14400 Sa FT. PROPOSED DETACHED � i rAArTA' I441.00 Sa FT. TOTAL LIVING AREA: 4761.00 Sa FE. EXISTING GARAGE 6600 Sa FT. W46DO Sa FT. TOTAL FOOTPRW 5316AO SaT-T. A - acral ura nwraalq JORGE SEPTIEN 74151 V WAY 6IIRTf 0 PAW DRMT. CA 922W X103521 T.1- MO-3728 iMO.3721 F¢ REVISION BY I MOM MLAM ceamL woa SHEET TT^ -E: SITE PLAN DRAWN SAA HE N D DATEu IWOI, LII �L E As HONED JOB N0. LQJLM SHEET A, 1 0 V U6 Q z Cy ul I Z CA a LU 0 _ =3W ~ Q a a Q 0 � i 0 REVISION BY I MOM MLAM ceamL woa SHEET TT^ -E: SITE PLAN DRAWN SAA HE N D DATEu IWOI, LII �L E As HONED JOB N0. LQJLM SHEET A, 1