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MUP 2007-926A
City of La Quinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY i ' � _ pc - R— DateNo. D I Date Rec d. 7. Fee: Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT t\ CNA 1 t o C� (Print) MAILING ADDRESS one No. % ' 3 tc� 2 - IC? 7 CITY, STAT$, ZIP.: Lo, q 2- --LS 3 Fax No. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No. CITY, STATE, ZIP: . Fax No. PROWCTLOCATION: �O'Ck F , .FT T'�E A ND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): (attach sheets if neededl LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): Jgk- QAC - � , �2 Lj A] Winor Use Permit t7Y �Qu 1pTA \ r .. -.-e- nil/T. �� 04/19/2007 14:17. .".76077)1 2W J OR B DONDERO PAGE 01 illy. P. 6931004 Phu- floor p'M 404 of by;4w�. 4*d iwito vm* BW Wd.,.�, 9ph6atkv^ the OFA. v + OF A, JPPUCAlqr DATE 14(#%M. OF AM WNM WtTY $ICINAn= OF PROPany OWN13RM ... IF.NOT SAW ASAPUCS Muftwitr by VWW to mbv* appiwg Nvi NNY be Pmvid&V NOTZI FALSE OR MULZADINC WORMATWZW IZVM nqTMS APPLICA77ON SMA_L j GRoUMS.FQRPZNMGAPPLIC-A2i0N. Bg April 25, 2007 Mr, Don Reynolds 56-240 Jack Nicklaus La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 07--926 , A. CASITA: 56-240 BALK NICKLAUS Dear Mr. Reynolds: le ed 4 atbc44 Xtj Your request for approval of Minor Use Permit 2007-926 edlowing the construction of a casita at 56-240 Jack Nicklaus, in La Quinta, is hereby a proved. You may now contact the Building & Safety Department for your building perm.`.. Enclosed is the approved original Deed Restriction for this (Minor Use Permit. It must be signed by the owner irI front of a Notary Pubiic. The criginai approved documents are then to be -euorded 'NV'ith the County Recorder, with a rE,r:'.'v'dt-'d cop)" given t(7 li-ie Cite icor Our flies. The Community Development Department will sign the joky ;;ard when the recorded copy is received, which would provide our clearance to the I.:F:.;;;ding & Safety Department to issue the building final inspection. Until the recorded copy is received by the, Community Development Department, your Minor Use Permit is not complete and a final inspection will not be conducted by the Building & Safety Departmer.. Should you � rave any questions, please call me at (760'; f 71/2.5. Sincerely, ERIC CEJA Assistant Plan er Attachments c. Building and Safely Department P.O. Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �� (760) 777-7000 -FAX (760) 777-7101 • RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Don Reynolds WHEN RECORDED PLEASE MAIL TO: Don Reynolds 56-240 Jack Nicklaus La Quinta, CA 92253 DOC2007-0365336 06/04 07 WON Fee :16.00 Page 1 of 4 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. Ward Assessor, County Clerk 8 Recorder 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 2 S I R U PAGE I SIZE DA MISC LONG I RFD COPY M A L 465 426 PCOR NCOR SMF NCHG EXAM962- COVENANT AND AGREEMENT RESTRICTING THE USE OF THE RESIDENCES AT 56-240 JACK NICKLAUS, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 802 This Covenant and Agreement are made and executed this 25th day of April, 2007 by Don Reynolds, as the recorded owner(s) of the property described herein. The City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation, is hereby made a party to this Agreement for the purposes set forth below. The undersigned hereby certifies that he/she is the property owner of the following described real property in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California: Tract 28340-1. Lot 26; in the City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California (-P/V 76 2- 0 7 o_ n 3 ce:> In consideration of the City of La Quinta issuing a building permit for certain improvements which will be constructed on said property, the undersigned does hereby covenant and agree to, and with said City, to restrict the use of said property as follows: The guest house may not be rented nor sold independent of the main single- family residence (Minor Use Permit No. 07-926); 2. No kitchen or cooking facilities shall be constructed in the guest house per the provisions of Chapter 9.30.030 (RL Zone District) and 9.60.110 (Guest Houses) of the La Quinta Municipal Code; 3. All on-site facilities are intended for the sole occupancy of the property owner(s), guests, and caretakers (i.e., a maid and/or housekeeper, etc.); and, 4. The guest house shall be used primarily as a sleeping facility, and shall be maintained in accordance with all zoning and other codes as set forth in the La Quinta Municipal Code, as may be amended from time to time. This Covenant and Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon future owners, their successors, heirs, or assigns, and ourselves, and shall continue in effect while said accessory building remains on the real property or unless otherwise released by the authority of the City of La Quinta. All leases of said dwelling and/or property shall be subject to this restriction. This Agreement shall be entitled to the remedy of injunctive relief in addition of any remedy in law or equity. This Covenant and Agreement and the provisions hereof are irrevocable, except by the written consent of all parties to the agreement, including the City of La Quinta, a Municipal Corporation. The City shall have the right . to enforce each and every provision hereof and the parties agree that the Agreement shall not be rescinded, revoked, modified, or otherwise amended or changed, without the expressed written consent of the City first being obtained. In the event that the owners, their heirs, assigns or successors in interest, shall fail to perform any obligation hereunder, they hereby agree to pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City of La Quinta in securing performance of such obligation, including attomey's fees. By: 1. 2. 3. Signature(s) Printed Name of all owner(s) Dated: s' I " o7 X V. / Z.� 07 Le nson Date Planning Manager City of La Quinta ALL PURPOSE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT(S) MUST BE ATTACHED IN 8 1/2 X 11" FORMAT, FOR EACH SIGNATURE. STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA) On if ay -6q. before me, TaMpda n ieTD , Notary Public, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satigQctory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and 'that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal, t X� Signature of the Notary Public u. Commlalon 0 1723,111 Notary Co cplotnlo R MI►C�ann, �a � 202, 11 • CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California ss. County of SACT JOAQUIN On May 219 2007 before me, .Trudy (',pnlav_ jgptary Date Name and a of Of9eer (e.g., 'J en Doe, Notary Public personally appeared DON REYNOLDS Name(s) of Signer(s) [3 personally known to me ❑ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. IT my handa official seal. a SigZm of Notary Public OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document DEED RESTRICTION FOR Title or Type of Document: MINOR TT.SE PERMIT 07-926 CASITA• 56-240 1ACK Document Date: 4-25-07 Signer(s) Other Than Named Above, LES JQ4NSON Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: Don Reynoldg Number of PagWJCKI-AUS SET Individual Top of thumb here ❑ Corporate Officer — Title(s): ❑ Partner — ❑ Limited ❑ General ❑ Attorney -in -Fact ❑ Trustee ❑ Guardian or Conservator ❑ Other: Signer Is Representing: 0 1999 National Notary Association • 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 • Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 • www.nationelnotary.org Prod. No. 5907 Reorder, Call Toll -Free 1.800-076-6827 r 4111111110 oft a 51TE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" A CASITA ADDITION FORm M & MR ON Y N 0 L D 56=240 JACK NICKLAUS LA QUINTAv CAL aft aft ftftft ARFA CALCULATION5 LOT AREA 1 3, 954 SQ. FT. EXISTING RESIDENCE 3,573 SQ. FT. ADDITION 489 SQ. FT. TOTAL AREA EXISTING + ADDITION 4,062 SQ. FT. NEW LOT COVERAGE 29.1% I . SITE PLAN � TITLE SHEET 2. DEMOLTION PLAN 3. FLOOR PLAN 4. FOUNDATION PLAN FRAMING PLAN 5. FOUNDATION DETAILS G. FRAMING DETAILS 7. ELEVATIONS 8. ROOF PLAN * REFLECTED CEILING PLAN 9. DETAILS 10. ELECTRICAL PLAN PLUMBING PLAN I I. MECHANICAL PLAN t - TITLE 24 12. LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTE: ALL "OR EQUAL" SUBSTITUTIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO BLDG DEPT. PRIOR TO INSTALLATION NOTE: ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CODES, AND THE 2004 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODES � 2005 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODES t ALL OTHER LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. NOTE: ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2001 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, PLUMBING AND MECHANICAL CODES, AND THE 2004 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODES t 2005 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODES * ALL OTHER LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. 10 49 r: 0NVICINITY MAP NO SCALE SITE PROJECT DRAWN NOTE: ALL LIGHT I`IXTURE5 � PLUMBING FIXTURES SHALL MATCH EXI5TING RE5IDENCE - AND SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR. TO INSTALLATION. NOTE: ALL INTERIOR FINISHES (CARPET, TILE, ETC.) SHALL BE APPROVED BY OWNER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. NOTE: WEEP 5CREED SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 4" ABOVE THE EARTH, OR 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS. I� REMOVE ROOT= TILE AS F @ ENTRY STRUCTURE Wh ATTACHES TO NEW CAST' DEMOLITION FLAN SCALE: 114" = 1'-0" REMOVE ALL LANDSCAPI HARDSCAPE - REROUTE IRRIGATION LINES @ LOCATION OF ADDITION REVISED PATIO/ENTRY W EXISTING GARDEN WALL * - FOOTI NG TO DE REMOVED SHOWN DOTTED DRAWN DRAWN 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 5HT'G W/ I Od @ G" O.G. EN ,� 8N t 12" O.C. FN P.I.=40/20 :N/1-4\MING 0 PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" E RAM r N G NOTES I . PLYWOOD ROFE 5HT'G TO BE APPLIED PERPENDICULAR TO JOIST5. 2. PLYWOOD 5HT'G TO BE 2'-0" WIDE MIN. 3. ' PLYWOOD AS FURRING 4. TRU55E5 TO BE DESIGNED 5YTRU55 COMPANY. TRU55 MANUFACTURER TO PROVIDE CALCULATIONS AND SHOP DRAWING5 TO DE5IGNER'5 OFFICE AND 5TRUCTURAL E'NGINEER'S OFFICE PRIOR TO TRUSS FABRICATION. TRU55E5 TO BE ENGINEERED BY TRUSS MANUFACTURER. 5. AN A.I.T.C. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR GLUED LAMINATED WOOD MEMBER5 5HALL BE GIVEN TO THE BUILDING 11\15PECTOR PRIOR TO I N5TALLATION. 5. EACH TRU55 SHALL BE LEGIBLY BRANDED, MARKED OR OTHERWI5E HAVE PERMANENTLY AFFIXED THERETO THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION LOCATED WITHIN 2 FEET OF THE CENTER OF THE 5PAN ON THE FACE OF THE BOTTOM CHORD: IDENTITY OF THE COMPANY MANUFACTURING THE TRU55. THE DE51GN LOAD THE SPACING OF THE TRU55ES G. ALL LUMBER SHALL BE DOUGLA55 FIR #2 OR BETTER. NOTE: 5TRUCTURAL 0155ERVATION PER UBC 1702 15 REQUIRED. SN EAR WALL SCN EDU LE 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD 5H7G W/ 8d @ G"O.C. EN 12" O.G. FN; 5/8" DIA. X 12" LONG A. B, W/ 2"X2"X3/ 1 G" SQ. WA5HER5 @ 3G" O.C. BOTTOM PLATE NAILING = i Gd G" O.G. 51LL NAILING (5N) = I Gd @ G" O.G. 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD 5HT'G W/ 8d @ 4" O.C. EN t 12" O.C. FN; 5/8" DIA. X 12" LONG A.B. W/ 2"X2"X3/ 1 G" 5Q. WA5HER5 @ 24" O.C. BOTTOM PLATE NAILING = I Gd @ 4" O.G. 51LL NAILING (SN) = I Gd @ 4" O.C. D A 0 m HPAHD22 HPAHD22 DESIGN DEAD LOAD = LIVE LOAD = fOUNDATION PLAN SCALE: I/4" = I' -O" LOADS 24.0 PSF 20.0 P5P HPAHD22 HPAHD22 DRAWN CONCRETE WALK WHERE OCCURS- CONCRETE WALK WHERE OCCURS- DRIP SCREED (TYP.) DRIP SCREED (TYP.) SEE PLAN SEE PLAN 7/8" STUCCO OVER LATH "SIMPSON" HPAHD HOLDOWN-SEE PLAN _ 7/8" STUCCO OVER LATH 7/8" STUCCO OVER LATH SHEAR WALL WHERE OCCURS SHEAR WALL WHERE OCCURS 2XG STUDS @ I G" O.C. CONCRETE WALK WHERE OCCURS- 4X POST @ HPAHD HOLDOWN 2XG STUDS @ I G" O.C. - 4X POST @ HOLDOWN5 DRIP SCREED (TYP.) SEE PLAN DRIP SCREED (TYP.) SHEAR WALL WHERE OCCURS SHEAR WALL WHERE OCCURS 2XG P.T.D.F. SILL PLATE 2XG P.T.D.F. SILL PLATE w W/ A.B. PER SHEAR WALL SCHED. W/ A.B. PER SHEAR WALL SCHED. 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ #3 BARS @ O 4" CONCRETE 5LA5 W/#3 BARS @ O "SIMPSON" HPAHD HOLDOWN 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ #3 BARS 18" O.C. EA WAY @ MID -HT OF SLAB 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ #3 BARS 18" O.G. EA WAY @MID -HT OF SLAB PER PIAN @ 18" O.C. EA WAY @ MID -HT. @ 15" O.G. EA WAY @ MID -HT. OF SLAB OF SLAB �o �q 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/#3 BARS @ — — — — — — NOTE: EDGE NAIL SHEAR I I I I 18" O.C. EA WAY @ MID -HT OF SLAB f7#4 PANEL INTOHOLDOWNP05T TYP. t J.2720 #4 BAR CONT. TOP t BOT. AR CONT. TOP BOT. I ; �� a #4 BAR CONT. TOP t BOT. -4 BARS CONT. , ' ^ 2- #4 BARS CONT. a FOOTING DETAIL 2 FOOTING DETAIL 3 FOOTING DETAIL 4 FOOTING DETAIL 5 FOOTING DETAIL 5 5 5 Ej 5 5 G" 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD 5HT'G 2X6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ — 2X4 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ 2X STUDS @ 16" O.G. WALL AS OCCURS 4X P05T MIN. @ HOLDOWN5 R-21 BATT INSUL. @ EXT. 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHT'G WALL SHEAR WALL WHERE OCCURS I I "SIMPSON" HOLDOWN - SEE PLAN - 1 /2" GYPBD. c, I I #4 BAR CONT. W/ 7/8" O 55TB20 BOLT tu 2XG P.T.D.F. SILL PLATE 2X4 P.T.D.F. SILL PLATE 2X P.T. D. F. SILL PLATE W/ o 2X P.T.D.F. SILL PLATE W/ 5/8" DIA. A.B. W/ 5/8" DIA. A.B. A.B. PER SHEAR WALL SCHED. I I o PER 5H EAR. WALL SCHED. MIN. 2 PER 51 DE va iv I I EN EN CURB AS REQ'D EN 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/#3 BARS @ 4" CONCRETE SLAB W/ #3 BARS @ 1 8" O.C. EA WAY @ MID -HT OF SLAB " 18" O.C. EA WAY @ MID -HT OF SLAB II II II II41 ® EN III II �0 II II oIt o I - , ill 4" CONC. SLAB W/#3 BARS J 4" CONC. SLAB W/GXG, a 1 II #3 5AR5 @ 18" O.C. EA WAY @ 15" O.C. EA WAY @ MID o v 1 O/ 1 O W.W.M. @MID �9 lllllIll{!i . , �� u!1111! @ MID -HT OF SLAB z m I�!!11= �!i!►1 �» !!!!!! .!,1!!i HT. OF SLAB _ ? HT. OF SLAB =111 � — ® ® Ili( I Milli !lliil� �, � #4 CONT. TOP $ BOTTOM m (2) #4 CONT. TOP BOT. #4 CONT. TOP BOT, !►111, 6" G" m `� m I'I 1 a i ® 0 8 2- #4 BARS CONT. o illill iu tu XrIP3A 5 FOOTI NG DETAIL 5 FOOTI NG DETAI L 8 FOOTI NG DETA I L 5 FOOTING DETAIL 50 FOOTING DETAIL 5 4 3 4 G 6 6 G 3 3 VERIFY SLOPE 9 6 12 ®®®~�® �® 6 % 4 ® '® ®� '4' q ® 2 1 ® ® 2 J g ® 9 6 9 6 6 ® ® 4 loo �V ®, PLATE HEIGHT PLATE HEIGHT 00 loo R-21 BATT INSULATION IN WALLS SEE DET. 1/2" GYPBD @ WALLS R-38 BATT INSULATION IN CEILING FOR 5/8" GYPBD @ CEILING FRONT 1 4 Q 1/2" GYPBD @ WALLS ARCH 9 b 5/8" GYPBD @ CEILING R-21 BATT INSULATION 2 @ EXTERIOR WALLS 5 R-38 BATT INSULATION q @ CEILING �® q® 1 q FIN N. FLR. FIN. FLR. j 5 8 ®®® TI NAA °®��®® 00 SCALE. SECTION 5135 .J C O SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/4" = P -O" 5 FOOTI NG DETAIL 5 I I5 FOOTING DETAIL 17 FOOTING DETAIL IO FOOTING DETAIL 19 FOOTING DETAIL 20 FOOTING DETAIL DRAWN DRAWN CHECKED DATE MAR. 29, 2007 SCALE FOOTINO 1"= 1'-0" FRAMING 3/4" = 1'-0" JOB NO. 9 0 1. 2 5 5 SHEET 6 OF SHEETS 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 5HT'G 5/8' CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 5HT'G 2X JOISTS @ 24" O.C. 2X TRUSSES @ 24" O.C. 2X TRU55E5 @ 24" O.C. 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 5HTG - SEE PLAN 3X SOLID BLK'G W/A35 @ EA BLK 3X 50LID BLK'G W/A35 @ EA BLK 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOFSHT'G 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD SHEATHING (NEW) ° 2X TRUSSES @ 24" O.C.. I X T G DECKING TO MATCH EN 1 X T G DECKING TO MATCH EXIST. 2X SHAPED CONT. \lV/ 4 - 1 Gd EXISTING ° ° 4X8 RAFTER TAILS @ 24" O.C. - EN EN @ EA TRUSS EN '�- NOTE: EXTEND G' -O" INTO ATTIC EN ° @ NORTH ELEVATION ONLY - IN/ I Gd EN EN ° @ 12' O.C. STAG. TO 2X TRU55E5 ° I EN EN 4X8 RAFTER TAILS @ 24" O.C. - EXTEND 5-0" INTO ATTIC - Wil Gd NOTE: SEE DETAIL EN @ 12" O.C. STAGG. TO 2X TRUSS° 2/9 FOR ADDITIONAL GIRDER/ HIP TRU55 -SEE PLAN X ° INFORMATION EN AS EN BEAM OCCURS BEAM AS OCCURS - SEE PLAN - o 0 W/ 2X CONT. @ TOP W/ I Gd @ G" O.C.° 2X SOLID BLK'G 2XG STUDS @ I G" O.C. W/ 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD 5HT'G 2X FRAMING @ 24" O.C. WI 3- I Gd HANGERS 13Y TRU55 MFG'R @ EA CONN. 2X TRUSS 70P CHORD 3X 50LID BLK'G @ RIDGE GX8 CONT. BEAM - SEE PLAN W/ 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 2X AS REQ'D @TOP W/ 16d @ 6" SHEATHING O.C. EA 2X 2X TRU55 TOP CHORD "51MP50N" A35 EA 51DE LDOVHiA LDOVH2A 81GENI GTR525 C,�fF3A FRAMING DETAIL 2FRAMING DETAIL 6 FRAMING DETAIL 4 FRAMING DETAIL 5 FRAMING DETAIL G:: 6 6 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 5HT'G — HIP TRU55 - SEE PLAN 3X SOLID BLK'G AS REQ'D FOR STRAP 2X TRU55E5 @ 24" O.C. 3X SOLID BLK'G W/A35 @ EA BLK "5IMP50N" A35 EA SIDE OF HIP 2X TRUSS BOTTOM CHORD (OR "SIMP5ON" STRAP PER PLAN 5/8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 5HT'G e 4X8 RAFTER TAIL AS HIP 2X MEMBERS BETWEEN CHORDS) DBL EN EN I X T t- G DECKING TO MATCH EXIST. ° , �� TRUSS OCCURS EXTEND @ 24" O.C. ° 4X8 RAFTER TAILS @ 24 O.G. 5'-0" INTO ATTIC 2X CON7. @ TOP OF BEAM EN EN W/ I Gd @ 12" O.C. �' �� - W/ I Gd @ G" O.C. ° STAG. 70 2X TRU55E5 DBL 2X TOP PLATE CONT. GIRDER TRUSS - SEE PLAN NOTE: SEE DETAIL 2X STUDS @ I G" O.C. - DBL STUD "SIMPSON" A35 EA SIDE OF EN 2J5 FOR ADDITIONAL BELOW HIP TYP. GIRDER TRU55 INFORMATION "SIMP50N" STC CUP @ EATRUSS SECTION HIP TRU55 - SEE PLAN OR BLK BETWEEN TRU55E5 J EN 4X8 RAFTER TAIL A5 HIP 2X4 FRAMING @ I G" O.C. W/ 3/8" CDX PLYWOOD 5H7G / / TRU55 OCCURS EXTEND BEAM - SEE PLAN 5'-O" WTO ATTIC 2X STUDS @ 16" O.C. BEBLOW W/A35 EA/ 5X�P057 4X 1O BEAM - SEE PLAN WJ 2X CONT.EN 6X6 POST W/ EPC GAP @TOP W/ 16d @ 6" O.G, "51NiP50N" A35 EASIDE OF HIP 2X STUDS@ I G"O.C. W/3/8" CDXBEAM ONLY A5 OCCURS -SEE PLAN PLYWOOD SHT'G AIL A35 @ HIP BEAM AS OCCURS2X STUDS @ I G" O.C. 2XG STUDS @ I G" O.C. W/ 3/8" - OR "SIMPSON"'.STRONG WALL CDX PLYWOOD 5HT'G PER PLAN 2X CONT. \PJ/ I Gd@ G" O.C. DBL 2X TOP PLATE 2X 50LID BLK'G W/ A35 @ EA BLK PLAN VIEW I Gd @ G" O.C. AS 'RAFTER TAIL oCCU R5 LDOVH2C COPNCGI STC' GCLIP FRAMING DETAIL 6 FRAMING DETAIL 6 FRAMING DETAIL 6 FRAMING DETAIL 10 FRAMING DETAIL FRAMING DETAIL 12 FRAMING DETAIL 13 f-RAMING DETAIL 14 FRAMING DETAIL 15 FRAMING DETAIL 6 6 6 6 EI- FRAMING DETAIL 16 IL FRAMING DETAIL 18 FRAMING DETAIL 1G FRAMING DETAIL 20 FRAMING DETAIL 6 DRAWN CHECKED DATE MAR. 29, 2007 SCALE FOOTINO 1"= 1'-0" FRAMING 3/4" = 1'-0" JOB NO. 9 0 1. 2 5 5 SHEET 6 OF SHEETS WE5T ELEVATION SCALE: 114" = P -O" .vv � �. 1 Iw v Ivry �o vwve- I rV(C I MIN. GALV. WEEP SCREED FRONT 9 AT FOUNDATION PLATE LINE. ARCH WEEP SCREED SHALL BE PLACED A MIN. OF 4" ABOVE EARTH OR 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS CASITA ADDITION ROOF SLOPE XI5TING RESIDENCE ,LOP tt FINISH XI5TING 50UTH ELEVATION SCALE: 114" = P -O" EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/411 = I 1-01' (.LAY I TO MA STUCCO TO MAIC ivvlt-• 17F1V 17L MIN. GALV. WEEP SCREED I I\vViVL GltJMIN. GALV. WEEP SCREED AT FOUNDATION PLATE LINE, AT FOUNDATION PLATE LINE. WEEP SCREED SHALL BE PLACED A MIN, OF 4" ABOVE EARTH OR 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS NOO NTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = P -O" 1\1 J I"; 11\V V ItJL C.b Vt_\u17L MIN. GALV. WEEP 5CREED AT FOUNDATION PLATE LINE. WEEP 5CREED SHALL BE PLACED A MIN, OF 4" ABOVE EARTH OR 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS WEEP 5CREED SHALL BE PLACED A MIN. OF 4" ABOVE EARTH OR 2" ABOVE PAVED AREAS DRAWN 721 SQ. FT. X 144 = 1 03,824 / 300 = 34G SQ. IN. REQ. 448 SQ. IN. PROVIDED 80 SQ. IN. FREE AREA EACH - PRIME �- PAINT TO MATCH ROOF TILE SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 8"X I G" SOFFIT VENTS (2 TOTAL) - SCREENED 4+ LOUVERED - PAINT TO MATCH STUCCO ....,..CH EXISTING (4 TO 1 2 - VERIFY) - CLAY TILE TO MATCH EXISTING - OVER 40 LB FELT - OVER 5.8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF SHT'G - TILE TO BE DY "U.S. TILE" - ICBO #3523 - OR APPROVE EQUAL 4X8 RAFTER TAILS @ 24" O.G. I X T � G DECKING- 5TAIN # SEAL TO MATCH EXISTING REffLECTED CEILING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4X8 RAFTER TAILS @ 24" O.C. I X T * G DECKING - STAIN �- SEAL TO MATCH EXISTING G" SOFFIT VENTS DTAL) KEENED �- LOUVERED INT TO MATCH STUCCO DRAWN ELEVATION NICHE @ CA51TA FRONT SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 4X8 BEAM - SEE PLAN 2 -'STEP STUCCO O OVER I " FOAM BOA 4� TEXTURE TO MATC RESIDENCE G" NOTCH @ ARCH - 51 PARTIAL PLAN ON 5HEE SHOWING WALLS OVER ABOVE FIN. FLK. FAUX WOOD SHUTTERS t SEALED - COLOR AS S BY OWNER - FIELD VERff PRIOR TO FABRICATION CAULK ALL EDGES SECTION 2X4 FRAMING W/3-1 6d @ EA CONNECTION 2X CONT. W/3-1 Gd @ EA STUD 2X SHAPED W/3-1 Gd @ EA STUD MET. TRIM I BATT INSULATION CDX PLYWOOD 5HT'G V. FLASHIING - IT TO MATCH 5TER COLOR CONT. LEDGER - I Gd @ EA STUD ^'O MATCH EXISTING TYP. OVERHANG SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" SCALE: 3/4" = P -O" GALV. METAL DRIP EDGE DECKING STAINED 7 TO MATCH EXISTING -TER TAILS @ 24" O.G. $ SEALED TO MATCH - RADIU5ED ENDS VVN STUCCO OVER LATH - FOAM BOARD - TEXTU RE TO lvlf I V1 �X15TING RESIDENCE IDGE TITLE CAP (MUDDED TO MATCH K15TI NG) X RIDGE TILE NAILER LAY TILE ROOF TO MATCH EXISTING !8" CDX PLYWOOD ROOF 5HT'G OOFING PAPER OVER NAILER X TRUSSES @ 24" O.G. - EE PLAN �X SOLID BLK'G OR HIP TRUSS A5 TRUSSES OCCUR - SEE (PLAN - SEE DETAILS I OR 4/5 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION DRAWN TIE RECESSED FIXTUF IN WITH EXTERIOR LIGHTING CIRCUIT NOTE: A 20 AMP MIN. CIRCUIT SHALL BE SET ASIDE FOR NEW BATHROOM GFI OUTLETS - THIS CIRCUIT SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OUTLETS NOTE: ALL LIGHT FIXTURES IN BATHROOM SHALL BE 40 LUMENS/WATT (OR GREATER) FLOURESCENT ELECTRICAL NOTES I . ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING SHALL BE COPPER, - ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING WITHIN THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE COPPER ROMEX. (51ZE PER CURRENT N.E,C.) 2. ALL SNITCHES SHALL BE INSTALLED @ +38" OFF FINISH FLOOR UNLE55 NOTED OTHERWISE. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS SHALL BE 120V POWERED WITH BATTERY BACK-UP PER UBC 3 10.9.1 .3 * LOCATED IN EACH SLEEPING ROOM * CENTRALLY LOCATED POINTS IN HALLWAYS PER UBC 3) 0.9. 1.4. SCALE: 1/4" = )'-O" ELECT. SYMBOL5 SCHEDULE NOTE: ALL LIGHT FIXTURES IN BATHROOM SHALL BE 40 LUMENS/WATT (OR GREATER) FLUORESCENT I =E)= J 15V DUPLEX OUTLET NOTE: A 20 AMP MIN. CIRCUIT SHALL BE SET ASIDE FOR NEW BATHROOM GFI OUTLETS - THIS CIRCUIT SHALL HAVE NO 49- 1 1 5V DUPLEX OUTLET OTHER OUTLETS G.F.I. GROUND FAULT PROTECTED NOTE: BRANCH CIRCUITS THAT SUPPLY 125 -VOLT, SINGLE PHASE, 15- AND 20 -AMPERE OUTLETS INSTALLED IN DWELLING WALL MOUNTED LIGHT UNIT BEDROOMS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY AN ARC -FAULT FIXTURE CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER. NOTE: IF RECEPTACLES, LUMINARIES, FANS, 5MOKE ALARMS ETC, IN A HALLWAY OR LIVING ROOM ARE ON THE SAME RECESSED LIGHT FIXTURE CIRCUIT AS A BEDROOM, THOSE OUTLETS MUCH BE ARC -FAULT PROTECTED A5 WELL PER THE REVISED 2004 CALIF. ELECT, CODE. NOTE: A BATHROOM 15 A ROOM CONTAINING A SHOWER, TUB, TOILET OR A SINK THAT 15 USED FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE. THE OCCUPANCY SENSOR (SOMETIMES CALLED "VACANCY 5EN50R") MUST HAVE A MANUAL ON/OFF AND AUTOMATIC OFF FEATURE (TIME DELAY CANNOT BE GREATER THAN 30 MINUTES AND SENSOR CANNOT BE LOCKED IN A PERMANENT "ON" STATE), LUMINARIES THAT ARE RECESSED INTO INSULATED CEILINGS ARE REQUIRED TO BE IC t AT (INSULATION CONTACT AND AIRTIGHT) RATED. ELECTRONIC BALLASTS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL HIGH EFFICACY LUMINARIES OF 13 WATTS OR HIGHER. THE HIGH -EFFICACY LUMINARIES SHALL BE SWITCHED SEPARATELY FROM THE LOW EFFICACY LUMINARIES. CLOSETS LESS THAN 70 5Q.FT. IN AREA MAY HAVE LOW -EFFICACY (INCANDESCENT) LUMINARIES, NOTE: OVERCURRENT DEVICES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN THE VICINITY OF EASILY IGNITABLE MATERIALS SUCH AS IN CLOTHES, CLOSETS OR IN A BATHROOM. NOTE: PROVIDE HIGH -EFFICACY LUMINARIES IN THE KITCHEN. AT LEAST 50 PERCENT OF THE TOTAL WATTAGE MUST BE FROM HIGH -EFFICACY LUMINARIES. NOTE: BOND GROUNDING ELECTRODE TO METAL GAS AND WATER PIPING, NOTE: PROVIDE AT LEAST TWO 20 -AMPERE SMALL APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCUITS TO SERVE KITCHEN, BREAKFAST ROOM, AND DINING ROOM. SUCH CIRCUITS SHALL HAVE NO OTHER OUTLETS. NOTE: BRANCH CIRCUITS THAT SUPPLY 125 -VOLT, SINGLE PHASE, 15- ARID 20 -AMPERE OUTLETS INSTALLED IN DWELLING UNIT BEDROOMS SHALL BE PROTECTED BY AN ARC -FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER. NOTE: LUMINARIES PROVIDING OUTDOOR LIGHTING AND PERMANENTLY MOUNTED TO A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING OR TO OTHER BUILDINGS ON THE SAME LOT SHALL BE HIGH -EFFICACY LUMINARIES. LUMINARIES THAT ARE RECESSED INTO INSULATED CEILINGS ARE REQUIRED TO BE IC * AT RATED (INSULATION CONTACT AND AIRTIGHT). ELECTRONIC BALLASTS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL HIGH EFFICACY LUMINARIES OF 13 WATTS OR HIGHER. -kA- 2 -WAY SWITCH 2'-0"X4'-0" um FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE - SURFACE MTD 0 SMOKE ALARM PUSH BUTTON FOR --Q OVERHEAD GARAGE P. B. DOOR OPENER WP 220 V W/ HIGH PERFORMANCE DISCONNECT SWITCH �- 220V 4 W.P. G.F.I. CON D. NOTE: CLEARANCE TO DISCONNECT SWITCH SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CEC I 10-2G (a). NOTE: SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN (SHEET ! 2) FOR A/C COND. LOCATION HW * CW LINES SUPPLY CONNE U m SCALE: 1/4" = I' -O" FLUME3ING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO WORK. 2. ALL FIXTURES SHALL HAVE SHUT OFF VALVES @ WALLS. 3. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL SIZING OF PIPING AS PER THE CURRENT PLUMBING CODE. 4. ALL WASTE PIPE TO BE A135 PIPING. 5. ALL HOT $ COLD WATER PIPING TO BE COPPER PIPING. G. ALL HOSE 13I15155 SHALL BE PROVIDED WI A NON-REMOVEABLE TYPE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE PER CURRENT UPC. 7. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY FOR, PAY $ PULL ALL NECESSARY PLUMBING PERMITS t- FEES. 6. OFFSET PLUMBING OUT OF BEARING FOOTINGS, 9. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE � INSTALL ALL A/C CONDENSATE LINES. DRAWN "%/A,'- airlTFC. • Verify all dimensions at job site prior to fabrication and installation of material - Establish with Designer's approval final location of all equipment, ductwork, etc, e The drawings are diagrammatic and do not release the contractor from the responsibility of installing the HVAC system per code requirements, free from defects and in excellent working conditioning. Installation shall be done by skilled workman, trained for the work performed - Duct sizes are net inside dimensions. Increase duct size where internal duct insulation is required - All work shall conform to the state and local code requirements - Verify at the job site the exact location of structural members such as beams, columns, etc, prior to locating equipment, ductwork and grilles. Coordinate with related contractors prior to installation - Alf thermostats shall be electronic programmable type -7 day - Locate thermostats per code and as directed by the Designer for best system efficiency - The HVAC contractor shall provide refrigeration piping and low voltage winng as required for each remote system. Pip song and installed shall be per manufacturer's recommendations i • Seal aq comply ductwork as required to tom IY with Title 24 requirements, mens. The ductwork shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations - i=lex ductwork and fasteners shall be U. L. I b I approved and be installed without sharp bends or crimps to meet code requirements. 'R value as indicated by the Title 24 Energy Calculations. Use minimum 2" wide hanger material (602.3) - Underground ductwork shall be'spunstrand' or equal fiberglass. Installation will be per manufacturer's recommendations. Ail plenums, fittmgs and sound traps will be sealed water tight and covered with a minimum 3" concrete. Where duct finer is required, johns-manvil e 'arcime' will be installed as per manufacturer's recommendations - Only approved material meeting the requirements of U.L. 181 shall be installed within ducts or plenums (605.3) - Duct liner shall be fastened with both approved adhesive and mechanical fasteners. Exposed edges shall be treated as not to cause deterioration of the line (605.0) - External duct Insulation shalt be labeled with the manufacturer's name, the R -value, the flame spread Index and the smoke development Index (604.4) + Metal fittings, plenums and boxes shall be sealed and Insulated properly - Ductwork shall be constructed In accordance with the chapter 6 of the UMC or applicable SMACNA standards - Duct joints shall be sealed with materials of meet T-24 requirements and current budding codes - The Equipment installed outside the budding shall be listed for outdoor installations or be In an approved weatherproof enclosure (304.3) - Upon completion of the project, the mechanical contractor shall balance the air flow at each register and grille, test the operation of the equipment and install new filters - All mechanical equipment shall operate free of any objectionable noise or vibration - Coordinate location of the primary and secondary condensate drain with the plumbing contractor - Condensate shall be collected and discharged to an approved plumbmg fixture or disposal area (309.3 e 1105. 1 O) - Coordinate high voltage wiring with the electrical contractor. The electrical contractor shall provide line voltage wiring, high and low voltage conduit, disconnect switches, fuses, etc. for the HVAC equipment - The General Contractor shall provide framing required for the installation of the HVAC system. It is the responslblhty of the mechanical contractor to lay out the openmgs, platforms, curbs, etc. for the framer - When more than one MVAC unit is mstalled in a budding, each unity shall be permanently labeled to indicate the area or space served by that unit - Equipment designed fixed in position shall be securely fastened In place (308) - All HVAC equipment shall be approved prior to installation by nationally recognized standards and evidenced by the hstlng and label of an approved agency - Disconnect switches shall be provided for all HVAC units (see electrical d rawmgs) - Provide service receptacle by code (see electrical drawmgs) - Balance the HVAC system to the air quantities as indicated on the plans and per owner's satisfaction - Thermostatic expansion valves and system efficiency check are required on this project and must be Inspected by a third parry - Duct leak testing shall be performed by a third party certified to do such a test (as required by T-24) - Insulation inspection and approval shall be done by an approved HERS tester. The Inspection shall coincide with Insulation Installation completion and prior to drywalling MECMANICAL PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-01 NOTE: PROVIDE MECHANICAL VENTILATION 5Y5TEiv1 CAPABLE OF PROVIDING FIVE AIR CHANGE5 PER HOUR. NOTE: ALL HVAC EQUIPMENT 5HALL BE APPROVED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION BY NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED STANDARD5 AND EVIDENCED BY THE L15TING AND LABEL OF AN APPROVED AGENCY. NOTE: APPLIANCES DESIGNED TO BE FIXED IN P051TION SHALL BE 5ECURELY FASTENED IN PLACE. NOTE: MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUPPORTED DIRECTLY BY THE GROUND 5HALL BE ISOLATED FROM THE GROUND BY A LEVEL CONCRETE SLAB EXTENDING NOT LE55 THAN THREE INCHE5 ABOVE THE ADJOINING GROUND LEVEL. NOTE: HVAC DUCT LOCATION IN (ATTIC) 5OFFITED AREA AND DUCT INSULATION K -VALUE (K-4.2) REQUIRED BY ENERGY CALCU LATI ON5. Carrier Heating and Air Conditioning Equipment ----- --- - --- --------- - ------ Certificate Of Comulliance : Residential (Part 1 of 4) -_ CF -1 R Mc..._&-Mr._L.an-ReLiol-ds-Gasita ._ ---. __ Building Zone 1 Fan Coil Unit FX413NF024 BTUH output (heat) 24000 CFM 800 HP @ 208/230v-lph 1/2 BTUH output (cool) 24000 HP Cond Unit 25HBA4024 MCA @ 208/230v-lph 21.2 SEER/HSPF 14.0/8.5 Thermostat P3741 l OOFM ----- --- - --- --------- - ------ Certificate Of Comulliance : Residential (Part 1 of 4) -_ CF -1 R Mc..._&-Mr._L.an-ReLiol-ds-Gasita ._ ---. __ Building _._ -------- -,-----.,----, .__ _- . -,----- -----._ _ --3J2-9a0-a7------ Project Title _..I (Multi F=amily -datQ..-----,- _5'1-240-Jack--_LaO,uj it,a---_._.. _ _ . __ __.-__ _ _..---- I -- _.... _ . ,.____--_- I ---.__- ---- -------,-----I Project Address FuelType: 1 Building Permit 4 i (76 },200-478.01 _____--_-- -I O.;i C'r Title_24__-___.____._.______.... documentation Author ------____-- ----_._ -- 7'e10phone Plan Check/Date ecklDate I C7.t 7 _._ _.______ EI .. -- -. t(( __ - _ __.--_.-_.__------ __. _ _....._._-----_ --_ l _-__._ __ 1._5 --- - : Flald Checklbate ' _---__.--- ----- - Cumptle�iice (Method 82 ft2 C ifnal 7of19 TOV Standard - Proposed Compliance {kitulaf_yj-_-_ i:Desitn Desire PJia"tn--- Space Heating 3.18 1.77 1.41 space Cooling 87.11 83.70 3.41 Fans 12.33 14.08 -1.70 Domestic Hot Water 32.22 32.510 -0.28 Pu s 0100 �11P _--_ _.._._ .. _0 _00_1 __ 0,00 _ . T©refs ? 3.90 ? 32-05 2.85 Percent better than Standard: .Rn3B, --r3.19_.._-. .�'. .__� 'Ne_w.._. _..... s?--, 821-.__-_.___..Cla53L--.111_.1 211 %------------------I------ ----___------ - uildinq Type: l ;Single Family 1 Acc'itlon Total Conditioned Floor Area: 487 ft2 _..I (Multi F=amily 'Existing +Add.!Alt Existing Floor Area: i112 Building Front Orientation: (E) 100 dag Raised Floor Area: 0 ft2 FuelType: Natural Gas Slab on grade Area: 487 ft2 Fenestration: .Average Ceiling Height: 10.0 ft Area: 82 ft2 Avg. Li: 0.57 Number of Dwelling units: i.00 Ratio: 16.7% Avg. SHGC: 0.46 Number of Stories: 'I BUILDING ZONE iNFORMATION n of Thermostat Vent Zone Name F'.cor Area Volume Units Lone Type Type _._. _____... _ _.__--_.___-_.. .... _.._---- Hg! -., Area _ __ - __._.__.__-_1.1__11 HVAC----,-----,,--. __._._._ __-----__-_ ------ _ _....<._._ _. -4A7 4A7 ___... A,81_t, 1_00- _ ._ Cnlditrnred_.-_.- ---Setback.__.__ -? -._ _ at'a - - - . T - _ _- __- ®PAQUE SURFAtrES , -...-- - __ _ _ _ -_-._- -_ _ ______-- ._ ._. ...-,-,---- Insulation Act. Gains Condition ..__-_ _-_ -_ Type Frame -----,-----,--,---- Area U -Fac. --.-.__ Cats. Cont Azm. Tilt Y / N Status JA IV Reference Location _. _ _ . --- _ - _ / Comments -- - _- - --- Rn-4- - tu1(i _ 487 _x,428 .Rn3B, --r3.19_.._-. .�'. .__� 'Ne_w.._. _..... s?--, 821-.__-_.___..Cla53L--.111_.1 _--_---.._-_. )Clad_-- ,Ns..pd_ ._.. M2 - , f .._O.SIa� o r. ! _._ __ .49`Ati..._.__._--__.- .Gasita._...__.__... _..�. 1... i3.IlS3 ._ . - 1�. __-94 F,J lav _ --- ---.!CJa1L..._-ltJoQd---_166,...4,Gh9..� ?1--.R_0_fi-._1510____a.D �_ihtear._..___ 932.6_.. _. _.__----aasita____--.._-.--_._. _ .__.-.^ �Nai�._ �rt�.>� ___.__a.� ._f)sa� �_2 (r p ' _..._. .f19_l4Ei__..__-_ Casita_-------_.__ _� . �-a.a. __._a��_._.._tior��N_2-- II __.-_----- mut - -- -__� _SL06g ^1 ...L�-SL4._.....$(�. __.__94 t.,_•l�r�__._. _Q9 --1,i-----__- virilia._-�Jalt _________---- ----- _._- --- - ---- .__ . _ ___._. __ _.__..� _ . _ ------- ---- ... _._..--------- _1__111 1111 . 1111_ _. .._...______. r_:_i ��� ____,_ 1111 -. - - --'.----'_"' ----- --._'--- I 111._._ _ -11_11.-___. I� ._. 11_11 ._.-1.1__1_1_-___ -.-.-------------- .__. ... - _..__._ _ . __.._. _. -___. _. i !._� ._--_._ __ i_ 1 ` --__-__.. ---.__---__- __- -_ _-. --- -_ _---..1----. _.__.. _. 1111._ _ L. i ..._. .. _. -_._ _---111 _. _-.- .----------...----. 1- ' ------ _..__--- - _-.---- - ' --- .11-+-.-.-,.-----..1 -- ._. _ _..._ ___ __ _.__ _._. r_ L_,1 _._ - -. _.-.___ _ . . _ . (_ ..-- - 11 11--- _ ...... 1. __ --_______-.--.- I - -., - -. ._ J --- _..1111 -_.,_. -I------------- ' i I i i __ -- -- - - _ __ _, __-- __--_--__-____- i_J ' --- - ,- _ .._.- _ _ _ _-- _--- _ .-_ ._ ___ 1111-- _-.. - -_. . . - ------ ------ - 1_111_-.. ------ ..._ 111___ 1 _. --. 1111._ . r J --------------------- 1 1111. ,- 1111. .. - __-_.. IF . _ ,..,. _ 1-1-. 11 1111_.. _ - 1111. -1 -_ _- -___ __ - -.-"--- ... _.-...- . _. _ _._ - - -_-- ' Loc:' I- __ _ _ -1I- _.-- -.-_ -----_1111. -_ - -- ---- ------ - -- (__i r , _ -- - ---' - ---- - -- - ---- -- - _-- -------. --- - -- -- - - - __ _ _ _. _,1 --- ------ ---- .1------------------- - -_ _... _._ L--' I - - - _... _ . ---- -- -- ---- - 1 L_I .__ _ _ - -- -- ----- --- _ _------ ----- .---- - . - .- -.. Run_Initi-atjorl Tfrngs_03!?9107 09:47:45_ - __?Bun Code 1175_i88±t55 -- --- -- - ---_-._--_-._.._-i ., --M ------ - -- - -- I EnergyPro 4 3 by EnergySoft - c r Number. 6712 Jab N - r Uce u Page, 3 of 12 1 Certificate Of Comp lance Residential -- Pari 4 of ) C1=�1 R _ - _ - _ �,�r. & £'u rs. Den Re nold-va sj _._ �°2D? 20,07 -.- c .. _ .. .___ 1111 �.. __ _ . _ r}9$e - -- � -- --1111 _ _._.--_ . _ .__. .. jec ritle p Assumptions y� _ Special Features and Modeling Tho local e icrceman t agency stioulct YsPocial attention to the iterls 3pcclfied In this a'ro,kst. The*q Itemsrequire special wrlttat+justification and doenumantattmn, and ,iipecfa! verifluatldn to b^ used with the Puff 11113 ca apPr'oarh. i'tie local enfor-Gveent a dctermli the ads' 1Ja,, of the 1U,.;1 irt(6nn, and i my rr:)omt x buiidlincg or desft_in that otherwise c0nlPtie; based arc this -_ ay r y 11 Y v e (--_- I - _-I t' tlflcutlon avid documentation submitted. Pian . Plaid , adequacy -of the s Zeta tea p 5 _-------___.,___ --1 ..___.___-._ 1__1_11._ _ ..__...._ _._ _ __ ._ .. ______--...11------ ___._.__.�_._. -. -_- -_ -- _ _ -1 I __--__ __ _11_11 __.-_ _ -- -11--. . .. _ _ _- . _-- -._---- .------..--.._-______.___._-__,.._....__ __ 11__11_ _._._. _ _. __ I . 1 _.- ----- - _w_.__._-. ._ ___- __. _ - -11 _ __ ._ __--- ___. _ - I. i _...._.--_._.- -..... .---.---- - -.---j .--. -- .. _._. -_ -_ .. _ -.. - - -. - .. 1111 __ -- _ ___._--. _ 1___1.11 __ _ -_ _. __ 1 ___------- -.__ --- - .. 1111 _11_11 -.__-._.__...__.._---__.- ___.._.-`-.1_ ._------ -----i ---__..__--_._- . ___..___- --. -_. _ ___._. __.- _.-__. ___..- _ _ ------ . - --- - -- -- .._- ... -.. . . _ J ___._ 1___1__11 , -r. -- _._...__ ._._.- -1_111 .-__.. ..-._.-1111. .. _11_1_1.._-.__ . _._ __. -_- . - ---1 _. __ _.. __1_111.-. __-__._-___..� ..__i. -11__11-.--A 11.1 .1 _._.----- .. _1111_... ._ -.. _ ...._.....__......-.._--_"----.... : I ___._._-_ _._ .._-_1_. ____ ___-... _. _..-__.-_ -. _..___..-_...... I _---__--_1__111 ._. _.____,.___... -.. .. . _- _- _. _.. ___.. --. _1_111 _11 _.. _.__. ___._.._ ____.-__ .-.. _ -._ _ .. _ 111_1 _......._.. _. .__._ --.._ _._ _.__.. _...-.._._ .. .__. .._..-- �._ _ --- -- ----_...___--__- -_ ..__._.....__ ...... _ _111_1-_._ . -._.... T ' HERS Required Verification !terns in this section require field'.esting ands •r ver!ffcadoo by a carttfiet! horns enor,gy ater tinder thU superrvlslon of 3 CEC• -- approved HERS rovid_•r using CcC awrir_lvecj testing andJ or varlfication methods attd must e reported an tho CF.4R Pian 1 Field p ; I ;nstailatlon certificate. __ _-_ ,--._ -- -_' d---- -- -- ... - - -' ..-_.._.-_..___ - .. �..._. .. 1111__ _.._ _ ._ -- , ..�he H.V. r Sysfem'HVAC- ihrorpe ate^, r6F:7g verified Duct i.eak�,ge, Target le-ai,a.ge ,3 c�..., J,ater; a^:d documented on the CF:ti2. ! � ! __ _. _1 ..1 _- _._-_ -.-. _ 11. 1 _.._. __-..__-. ____.! __._--, �. 1___111- __- 11__11----_. }.- rhis HVA S; st,=,r. 1 -VA(;- " in HERS ve,;fi..d ,eiriger2nt CheI,ga test or :a HE RG ver.tied Tlie!I'nol ab C; Expanvicn Valve.! � i _ _- -..... _11..11 - --------...1---- -..1-.------.------3- ..___ .' ih Caoi'n �ystarr' "Garier._.5 ?�. 4 4a.+ ;:odes crr:c!• for a. 1 i 5 r sF,. Condenser. A certified HERS f;ater vtu t ilaici' 2rif the irn,taii3ir,I cf the -,;avec-" condense:. _.._- - -- ---' __ --.-... .- . -- -.-............ -- --_...-- _--.-.`_.......-. _ . ....... -'.___..._._ -111_.1 -- - �----- . ----- '1._ ----------- 1 _1111___ ._. ___.1 4 - ----- .-_.__. _... .. ._ __.._.__.. .. _.-_. 1_111-..__.... . __'-__. _. _...-_-- -- - -,--- - ---- ' I --- - . _--__ ..------._.._ . . 1.1 1 1-..- . .. '- . -'- ..-_-----I-----I---- .._ ' ---.. ___ 1111.._---__1-__111. -- ---' I II I . _- . _ _-- . --- -.-- --.- _..... _ .. . _ __ . _ _ - - - —- ---a - - -I---- - - i I I _.- ---_ _.._.___ ---- .._ _ ......._, --- . ---1-1-1-11-- - ---1111._----r-- - - _i ...----.------ .---'--. _._. . .. _ . - -..__ . - _ - - --- - -- •-- I ..!_, __-._-_---.. 11_1__1_---.__......._-111_1_. ...._..._..._ ..._...___._.._.-.._.._.......__. .__.__,__......_-_.__.....__....____.._..._.__. ------ ___--_I _ i i -'- -- _ . _ _ .. - ' - --- - -- -----1 -- -.-1------- _.. _ __..._..._--------.1. - _ _ _ 11_1_1. I -- ___ - _--- ---_-1_ �-.__� --------- ....._- --- - -. ...._..._ .... --- _- j y..____.--._--_.-.------_------ -- _- _..__..__._.. _ :._,-._._:.._-._._ . _. ____'_._.._.__._ _._ - -- _..-__...._._.-1_111.-.�_ _11_11_ .._.-.--- �- i I - -_ ..... -- ------ -----I .- I - ,_ .. _._ -. _111_1 __. __. _. .. 1111-. .-........__- ..._._.___^._..._....I I i I l -- -- -- --- ---.-1...---- - ...-_.-_._-.-___.-_ --_ _ _.-- _____ __--._ _ ..__ . a et tat°vrsn ! irir: 43389/t� 1313:x97 ------ 45 .'108� _ W r one gj"n=•. by n?r3iar`ft .!sr ,. n .. iter.t?.+2 Job t urn - et __1-- ---'--11__1_ ..- �f 12 -.---__.: - ------ --- - -- --- ----- _ - Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Partt_2 of 4CFA R Certificate Of Compliance : Residential (Part 3 of 4} - F-1 R iulr, $Ntrs,_ cr? Ta'd C1-.- a _-.3129/2007.--- -_ Mr. & Mrs. Don Ike. n5�lds-Gasita 3/20'2007 -- --------w - -..__ .. -- ..--._---- - .. _-- - ---- - -._ . ----_ .- --- ..-----------------..- ProjsctTitle _. _...._.... ._.....,_,�_-_ .- _1111.-______.__...___.__. Date Project Title [tate FENESTRATION SURFACES HVAC SYSTEMS True Cond. Lcca#ionr Heain h1inimum Ccolinzl Minimum Condition Thermostat r# Type Area U.. actor' 7HGC2 Azm Tilt Stat Glazing Type Comments g _ _ ---- __1.111. _ ____ _ :_ _._._ _--__._ __.___..__-_._---_-_.._-.._._- Location Type - Eff Type Fi# Stat, Type _. -111 1.___ ..-_ .__--_ ._ _- _1. _1 . _-__..-._.___-- ---- __ ... _.. _.._ ._-----.-_--____- L_. �11nc?asL_}3,ef___(NL-- a.S1)_._Q.S39_f`L_�: D.,46 _itFRC _.__.1D.... gfL�;jvr...._..QsovaL--umaLt3fea 7.iniad__.--,,r,.asiza_______...._.-_-- HVAC -1 S iiiHaatFump_._. 8.3rJHSTF S fi;HeatPuvn. 14.0 LEER Ne+w ;etuack - 2 y1llndow Ri ht L0 - 3.5 0,720 , FRC -039 i(1!�Rc _. 1G. 90 _'Je'w G ass Ulocrc....... ----- - --1111_..-_---- 1 - ----. - .30 - _. _.H ---- f ---- -- -_. .._-_._ ._ � �. - ----g _1._. ------ __�_ Gasita ---- _111-1._ 3 Viirlr3yw Frori__SE)-_.,41'0 ._ 7 589 N l4lc' 0.4 .^L.F ,c jy0- .. �0 Ne?_ ._ DoubiF-iy�r_f41 tat T nted__...._ __r asita --- -- ..- -- -- - - ---- - - ..._ _. --------'- _� _k iridow 1 -aft St ° 0 0.1530 VRC. 0.46 N, "RC 190. J `�1s)"1_. _ __aouais hermai Er?ak Ti 11 __.._ -ostia - - _-._..____..-- _ - _.- .-.-----. _.._.---_ _ ......._ 111 1 .. _. _.._ _._-_-. __ -.._._ _.. _ _.._._._._. _-------- _. ---- ... ----------..___. ___-s�_-. __:__._.____ __-__ _-_ __ __ . _-, . __.--_--.. - _.__.__--_..____,__.._.,...___-__-_-_-__..._-__ I HVAC DISTRIBUTION __.--- _..- _. -- 1 1 11_-- Du Dust Ccrtdit n Ducts _ - _ _ ___- _- __ ___._. ___ _-- ___-___-_ _-.-- Duct D is D .. _.._. _-.__ _ _.. _ -..__ _-._.._-_. _ .- __-_ _ Location_ R-`lalua Stafus Tested? __ _ ovation Hsating- __._ . _ roofin9 _ . _._.__-- __ . -- _------ - _--.__-_ .-._._.__..-_ _..__ ____11 _ ___,_____ ._ ...._-_-__..__ -.-_ ____...----------._ HVAC_1 _._ Ducted Ducted - _... Attic _ - ( 4:2.. New . _ _. 'r?s ----- -- _. __._. -- - _ ---- ------ ---- - . -- -- ----- I.- -- .. .. - . -- -- --- _- _ - -- _ . _1.1.11 _ . _ Hydropic Piping -- --'--- --- - -- -- -_ _. _ ... - _.. --- --- . -. ---- -- -- _ Pipe P'pe I , . __._. -_ _ __ . -- ___ - -------.-.- --- sm te.dame Ler- t; D, - --nensLt:er Thick. - .. _ - ---- - ___ _ _.... . .. - - WATER HEATING SYSTEM -___-1 __ _ _ . _. _ __ . _-.-_.__._.----__-_ H Rated dank Energy Tank lnsul. AT S --- _ -- --.- _ -. _ _--._-1 -__-._ -- t a1) Condition n a - - Water Heater � In nut C C nditio Factor Standby R -Valu Sy3tern -Name Tye? Disf ibuti Jn y�+. - Input r al} ,latus or RE Loss (%n)_ Ext i.:ndicaY socrce either From nI�RC or Table -110A. 2. Indicate sc-circa either from NFi?C or Table 19'68. -----_ _ _ _ _ _ .- _--111 . - _.. _ -_-- _ '. - (-------_._.- --_1.11 1 _ r._.-_ Standard C:as 50 gal or Less Small :was No alp In ui hon _ _- 47,000 50 New n!a n!a INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR SHADING _ - --------------Q,67 __ _ --- Window .-I----- Overhar - l=eft P ir), - R_i �t Firi _ 1111 -- -- _ --- --- - _- - . --- - _ _ -- - - --- -- ----.- A .--Exterior��nadaTyp2..-._ 3 ..: �..__1Nc_ Len ict._ LE t r(Ext .._....Dt tY.Len. -tic t.- Dist._ Len,-- -_..__. ----------- --- -- . - -- ..- _._ - -- - ----- - ...----- -_"------- i . 3g Screen - r, 76 __--r tVlulti-Famity Central Water Heating Details atx# screen _..__._ _ _ o_ _. __ _ -._ - _._ _Hot tNa_iTr Pump _t W_ star Pipinn_i en th ft _ Add 1/2" __, _ _ _ -- _ ......- 3 E� g -Screen ---__._._--__ . Ci 7U, -` -_. Control __1.1.11 --.__- - _ -# HP � a In Plenum Outside Buried !rsulation _.. _. _- _ 't._ -- J,7rs �._ - - - - -__ _..._ ---- --.. - _ --_ ... ---- _ ----------- . 9 _creep-------_ _ .9 0 Pi__0 Q _._.4 1 2,4 _ .29. _ - -- - -----.- - -- -- --- _1 1 _ -- ------ ____ --- _ _11.11.1 _..._____ _-.._.__..__ I I - __ -- -- _----- _._. -1 .. -_.._ ___ _. _--- ._____ --_. .--. ---__. REMARKS ., ..---1 ..1.----- _------- _- ----- _ .------_ _11- , ------ ._ - ----- -- _.. ---- _. ----- _ ' ------ -... - -------'---1-111_ -_ ._.-.. .---- -- 1111 ------ - --- _1_1:.11. -__. - ... - .. -. ---'-- - ----_ _-- i - . '----- -11-11._...----- _.__. __.___ .._ _. _1111__ - ------ _ ..---------- _. _-- -1-1 I . . — _ - -' ----_ . _ .._ .. -. ___ _. - - . _ _ .____ ----COMPLIANCE STATEMENT.. _ 1111 _1111 --.---.---------1-- _ .__ _.--___.__.. _- ._.__ ... -__ _.... __.. _ _____ ._.._, - _-- This celiticate of compliance lists the _+uilding features and sp: cificatio s t,eer'eo to comply with Titie 24, Parts ' and e, of the Gaiifornia Code of - . - __..--__..___ .... _.-_- _._.- _ . . .. -_. - _.__.-_ -.__ . . _ __... .. ____ -. -__.-_ -,-_... Regulations. and the administrative re u!ations to :rn iement them.- is ce^ificale has be signed b the it iv'' i 9 P an g y a id lu Jai with overat. design r2sFons trIllly ._____----..- .. __. _. I -----.I- ...... . 1_11.1 _ _- ----_._- —— .___1111 The undersigned recognizes that pomp!+arse using duct design duct sealing, vefitication of refrigerarit charge and TXVs, insulation installation quality, and building envelope sealing require ulsta;le, testing and csrtiflc3t:on and held varlication'oy an approved HERS rater . _.._ -- ---_ _ ___. _. . - . _-..--- _. ___- _ - - -_ Designer or O irer (pe- Busine.s & P wesa.on_ Goac-) 9octmons aon Aatthor -- _ _.. -__.._ _. _ .____ . -1 ---- ___ _--- . 1.1_11_ -___ Nrnt Name: Tim .Scott _._._ _. -_1111.. _- _._ __ __._.. _.._-.__ o ._--------_ ___ 1_1_11-___- TltlerFirm r'lotlert R Pltchfotd Des tin r Drafting - . -,._ TltlelFirm Scott Design & Title 24. -_ -_ _- - ___ - --- iL _ - -- -. . THERMAL MASS FOR HIGH MASS DESIGN Addresa. 41.623 -ti •I tic, r - . -_...- � __. Address: 77085.tAlor,iq_an.I7r__-- Area Thick. ilea; inside Condition LoeatiCn/ Desert, s 9 - Palm '?e.a ,CA 92211 -- - _ - - - ----- Typ _. __.--_---- _..._ _._-_(sf) - (n.; Cap. Cond,R iaL JA lv Reference Status Comments Talepho 760)'345-' .4 __ �•lephena. n0 2C0-4 80 . _. --__... _ _. -1_1_11. - ___-_..__--1.---------- --- - _ - - -- -- ---1.111 - - - -- _ _ _. -1------- - -'-- -- -- -- - - *.may �_d '� ✓� o " � -` 1 _..--_-- --_11___11_ __..__ __ - ---_ t - - _..- -- - -- _ _' ---- ....._-1111_.. ._.--�-----------_ ., ----- ---- ---111.1 -_ 1111-_. _1111. _.. _._ .__. ___�._.. ... - r , . 1.1.11-.- - -. _...--------__ _- � a,e) (signature) (date? . _-_ . -.._, _-.--..-1-------- Enfo menf -1- - .rte Agency ._.. __.--_..'-- -_- ----- _. 11.1..1 _..-_-1-.1-..1l.--.„-.--.,.--,-.-.,-..''.----._._--______- -' - _ _ _._plane ' a v or.dition�ocaUonJ i-ItledFirm. _1111- -- _.. - .-- --. _._ _ .. 1.111-- T ren tr P -Val. Location JA IV Reference __ --- 1-111-11 __.._. .... .___ .-- PES 'stVtETI=R LOSSES _ g ._--- --- __ _ Insulation _..-_---.-_._ _ Status Comments A:)rlress Nana Nv i❑ . Ia . o Al h --__ .. _ _______- . ____-_-_ - __- --. SlatPerimater 68 -__ _- ___ 111 1- ...__ _ _ _. ___._-__ New . , - - Ca iia - - - - - _._._ - __ __ - - - - - ______-..-'- ---- - Teiephone: olab Perimeter__--.___ . -_-. 21 ._.None do lnsulaOcn _- __ 28_A1 Naw Gasita -- - -_. _----.. _ _ _ . --- - .._..-- _ _ - __ .- ---.. _ -- ---.-------------------- .- -- T=_- -_ -_ .- _ . _._ (st3naturaj-..-____ -- ---- - ------ _ . _ _ ----- _ -- (date) _1.111--_.-.- -- .._- 111.1---- -Bun itliliAtiop.7i+ne_O,LZ9147.09:07..}K---_._._R:d!t CU.sia ... 17M-$,$9 5 ------------.--------_-! i Run Initiatigr�Tirne: 03t79I q9:t :4S Run Codi 117 lee ECSSK -ate ErergyPro 4.3 b;• Er:a-gYSatt User Number 6712 Job Number pa a:4 of 12 i Ener • ?ro 4.3 b nn m SoR U,er Nun1ber 67+? _ _ o = - -...-- ----- --- _ ._ ._.. _.... -- -..._ ....-- -. _ .._ ._.._.---- - - -11_11...-------- -r' .. '1111----..._9L_--�-e_zY ..__ .._ . _ _.__ _.__.. __ _. 1111 .. .ab Numte . - fa -.5 of 12 ---_-.__ - ____....__ _.._.________- __.---_ ____..__-___-_._�____.____� Mandatory pleasures Summary: Residential (Page 1 of 2) MF -1 R Mandator Meaacarea urt��na� Re�iderlt�al {Page 2 of 2) MF -1 R r NOTE: d = ant+ •• r r N Low s_ -as d .al �u rtinq; subject to the S!a,.c a ds mast caniair: these me ea re arc; a pini li nca approach used. IAore shin ant m � i nr 07_. Leew,se adeenFa! i - nrr-rd � s e . i - 1 asur g ass f the r, ,r a pp g co 1)l a -s ou I J ngs s,,tyect io ti -e 5ta .a s oust contain these m _asures rey:ardless of the :;nmpaa±ice aperriach us.rd. liters stringent requirements from the Certificate of Compliance supercedo the items marked with an asterisk (') below. 'AJheo this checkl4l Is incorporated into the permit ci- mpflance rrulrenlents from the 'coriii of Comrniance superr-ede the items mar:(ed •with ar amensx ;') below. Wnen tris creckfist is i'corpora:ed doeJmens, the featarea noted steal' be considered b, all parties as minimum component etformance specifications for the mandator measures whether intC the enrrt decuments, hu: features noted seal' be c,msiaered ❑ €il oarites as minimum; cc,iric neni orf rm iri for + emandator/ p P p 1 P y , 0_ G 0 ace s�ecficat i s o .h_ they are shorn e!sewhare in the dacumants cr er tris check,ist only, measures whether they are shown alsewhea in the dc,vxnsnts of cn this dh, c`wist oniy - ----'------1.111._ .----�------ -1111------- ---- ----.---- - - - - - stiru ti o n --- - - - -e boxes w --" _.._ _. _ d check ----- - - -- r Clteck or initis! a{splicabte boxes or check NA if not appitcable and included With the eNFORCE- � i lost it4^ri ens: Check or initial applicable boxes vdhan r orrfpleted or cheoSe idtA if 1101ENFORCE- ' DESCRIPTION n DESCRIPTION , !A CESiGNER HENT Permit application - -_ NIA DESIGNER N16AT ,-_..---'----- -- --+ ;a 'a. ---..__-.- ermita 9[cationdacwrantal6on_---.-...----..__. _..'--------------- -. -- ..------------ -- - - --__------ -- ---- I3vilding Envelope Measures I +Space Conditioning, Water 1rteatinq and pIUMbinag System Measures, (continued) -- - _'---_," .-_.._ ---- _ - -- _ ----.. -,------ __--_ ... _----__-----' _--------_--- ----- -' -- --.._ ---.-..._-----.. _ _ __ 1111--_.. -- ----- _--------- 15C(a): rtAinimum R-19 in v.00d ceiling insulation or equrrelent U -factor in meta! frame ceiling. L� 1 X} L_j § 160(m)- Ducts and Fars I _ _ 1 1 1. All ducts and plenums msta!teo, sealed and insulated to meet the requirements of the CNIC Sections 605, 60=, 603 GG4. __ FX [_ 1 1 § 150 Loose til! insulator manufacturer's labeled R -Value, � r ' i t^1 --_- i,.J �_ IJ 305 3rD: 3faraard o-� sJpp'y-a:r and retu:r•-ar ductssrd plaaurns are ins:riatad to a rrdnumum installed !eve' of I, _ _ i F?4 2 0- enc•ozed entirely to conditior:ed space Openings stlail be sealed .mtil rnasuz;, tape or other duct -closure system I I § 157 c i,fmimum R-13 wall insulation in wood framed www ur equivalent U -factor in one r j hat rEets tae ?noiirablz requirements of'JL t 61, UL 18tA, Cr 19+B or aerosol Sealant that meets fie requirements O tel frame walls (does not . X; ,� i I apply to e tenor mass wails.] i I oi' UL 7 if mastc or tape iz uscd'.o sea openings greater than '!4 inch, the eombira`ion of mastic and either mesh I ` cr to 7 hal be users 1 r r, 15 150(d): Minimum R-13 raised iloor insulation in framed floors or equivalent U -fuer. I .1 i xj _1 i a , - I 2. 8uildmg cavities, support ;rlatforrns for air handlers, and p ,rums deimed or constructed 14ith matar'ais other than I !� i seated sheet metal, duel board or RexiB,e duct srai! riot he used For,xtive n ^' ? 150(e): Ins ailation of Fira¢Izces. Dacoretiwv. Gas epees and Gas to s. y g con.11+anad sir. Builth o cavities and Appliances �' I I supptl"t-)13Jorims ma Conte•!` •+SCTS rjuut3 iflsia,:ed Ir. Ca,Oiea arid sit put !attofms shall rel be com ressed to csUse 1 Y 1)1 P p i1. P,lasonrr and factory -built fireplaces have: I I r eoucr',ons in ire Coss se;.'t ur,a, area of tie ducts. I I I a. closable matai or less d, -,-)r c gyri • n opening fi+ - ' Y.I 11 3. Joints and seam's cf duct li stains anr tneir com• c lent hall not b tufa ' ;i ', ' ekrubber' � i -- (-- F-- gov + g tae entire or ping of the .ecus J _ Y V s s e a- a n tr aeth aa, ado •s ve Y ,: -' -- duct tae U n±es-' '-r h l• r i3 r it Combination inat u' ni d -r -i- P C tapes >! 5. Ct a,,2 s aS.d .0 b ion it„ m3stF;, and draw tln.i_o. , i b. auts.d. air make with damper and eeniroi, flue damper and corU,ri X I ' _ I ?,. No contlnlous burning gas pii^, iighis mowed. L-1 I { -� 4. Exnaus[ fan N/8'ama vera pack d*aft 0" a..tornaic damper_. - --1 .� I - _ 1 - 'r: •1111, : - r1 r I , r' : GTI ver iatirq system- ss'rv!rp condi. aped srce ]ave either c „omatic or readily accessible. manually operating § t aC(f): Air reiarring wrap installed to cc r.,¢ty with .rt 51 meets requirements spacifiad in the AC149 Resideniiai illanuaL L� i -i ._..� I darripe;s. _ �} § Vapor b�r� ar , !• r-1 --I h I - .50(gJ. r i. s mandate. r n Climate zones td and tE G.1.y. ,_.., `, fin Protection c -f In- 'ir;, r ,nn shall r `.-r., �, f i- r F s a 1 I lsuiac. s a . Ue p o,. t.J rom damage, incuding that due to stalight, moisture, equipment L -i sA maintenance, and wind. Cellular foare in fa5on ahall ?;e prolacled a3 abo'•ee or painted with a coating that is waiar § 150(1): Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate for the insulation alone without ficin s no greater than 0.3°A, water vapor ! 1 , _-I i retardant and rovidas sh;e!din from sous fsdiam.n that can cause degradation of tri material. y a ! _i G 9E a1 i I permeant: rate no greater than 2.0 permii-ria- I- 71i 7. Rexib!e ducts cannot have porous .nnsr Cores __ _X• __ § 118' insulation spa^ifiad o• :nsta!;ed megis insulation installation quality standards. Indicate type and include i-1 ff,-��•�! C,F-o"ft Form _ l L- 114 Pool and Spa Heating S Stems and opment i ---_ __. ._ ! P 7 Y Eq r . i § 116-17: Fenestration Products, gxteror poor,. a^c+ InfiltraiCn/Eafiitration con!rc!s. I 1. A thermal en�cienc hat complies with the i = y Regulations, t the I Y" 1)l APp t -'ice EffcienC R= u!aticns. on -of. -•.witch mountaU ^uts;,,e of _ `-1 �! e r e r i.._J I.�,' �.- I heater. weatherprco. operating instructions, no _scwcre�stance heating and no pilot.lghi. 1 Ooor and windows between =Wifioned and unconditioned space.> designsd to lim!t air leakage. _�! i h; t__�i i 1 '2 System+ is installed with: 1 !; . . -. enestrwnri products (excep+ Field iabrlated; :rave lapel with canIfled U -Factor, certifiad Solar Heat Gain , , _ ^„ r o , i.. - I - vOefflCient (S'rfC;C), and mfiitratio-i cerificahcn. i I r(i 1 a. At ?.eat 3o is pipe oet.veen filler an•J neater for future soiar heating. :-. 1 E. '__I I i_, Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. [-jj � , i Ell 1 3. Exterior doors and •windows weatherstnppe•d. all joints and penet:aiions catiked and sca'�.ed. I [-i ❑ i - 1 -_ I 1 3. Pool :ysterr has direciional inlets and a circula'ion pump time sMtcr U F I I I !Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures I ! § 115: Gas fired fg.n-type central furnace!,. pool neaters. spa heaters orhouseraia cooking appliances have no continuousiy tx I -1 1 burr ng pilot llgnt (Exe_pticn Non-e+ectricaf. cco;ing appliances with oilct < 150 Btu/hr) 1 I - f- _ I . i '. § 110-13: HVAC equipment, water heaters, >r,awarheads and faucets certified by the 'energy Cammissian. ! __i t� - § 118 (i)'. ^dol RaoF raateriaf meed specified :riteri3 L i L) _ i j I I 1 L', htin Measures I § 15o(h). Hsaifng andior ccoling ioads calculated %i1 ac^ordaree Mth ASHRAE, S61r CNA or ACOA. ,-_ I, Ki f i § 150(k) i HIGH EFFICACY LUMINAIRES OTHER TnAN CUTpCCR HID contain only high efficacy amps as cutlined In T=ble !, �. L 1 I § 160(i): Setback therrhostat on ail appl;cabia heating and/ar cooling systems. I J IN hi I 150-C, ar•, do not contairi a rrediurn s•.rer, ta>e soc(et (E24riE26). 80asis for lamps 13 Wells or greater are I eiactnc and halve an output fregcenuy oo les; than 20 kHz. I fa 150(1)• Wafer system pipe and tank insulation and cooling systems Ilne %nsulation, n0 z • „ r r._.; i- § 1: O1: HIGH h F. AC'. i UMINAIRES . OUTDOOR HL1 s:ntain only h'gh ef'i;acy lamps as outlined in Table 150-C __ ! j J d gy Factor less than Cr."roust be edemaliy wrapped with ins,laiion I I ; J , J --i { luminaire ties f'ectary ins'al:ed HID bullas: - t. Siata�e gas•water heaters rated vdtn an Ener J 1_; I having an irsta':ed thereat resistance of R-12 or greater 1 § 150(k)2: Fefmanently installed luminair n o kitcrens sha i be nigh a!ficacy Iumina'res. Up tc 501 o! the wattae_, as deterrnn d L _. , i J j t in Section. 30(c), of permaneat,y ins; deet lurunaires in kitchens may be In lurniraires that are hot h gi i ediicaoy luminaf.es ,4 1' o'- controlled ' a - . a' -u � tsn s t s ,�i p a r .. . t3 c6 k for pier s -. ti 'ndir r a d b =,m' r r 2 p systems. an rad storayv tanks, or other i act hot vrat r idr._s have R•12 external ❑ ❑ I p ,did r'1 at Yhese .umtn_t as are n t o e y n _s separate from these cenlroUng the high effdac'j tt minaires. ;isolation or R- o infernal insulation ar:d i�ndicate(I on the astcrior cf the lark showing the P,-vaGle. I §-150(k`;3: Penr.arentiy rstailed tumir:aires in bathrooms, garages, launt:rr rooms, ct!'iiy rooms shalt he high afriCacy luminaires. -; i X� 1.,.1 i - - ! OF, are controlled by an occupant sensor(s) certfiea to comply wiih Section 119(d). 3. The follcwaig Piping is insulated accord;n is Table 150•AJG or Equation 150-A In uh tion Tf" ck 1 i a p . g g q s a eta_;: § 150(k)4 Perrrahenii irsta!k�d IUMIra feS I0Cated other than in ;icilens bathrroms, oarages, laundry rooms, ane'Ahly rooms - I -- r shall be hi F efficacy lummni-es (except c!oaets less than 70 ft) OR are conCroll.' by a dinlmer sw tch OR anis I FZ 1 1 First 5 feet of hot and cold •,nate, pipas cto-est to water heater iank, non-reciroutating syste ris, and enine U XI _ conircfed o an OC^u ant censer fear com• hes vr!h Section 1'i° d` iia Cees no 'um cr1 autori bcall r have I ! length of reciro'uiating sections of hof water pipes she!l be irsulated to Table 1568, y . p ( t t , a y o a e an f i al'v'iays or. cplion. _ -- i 2. Coding system piping {suction. an!Ilan water, or trivia il:,es), piping insulated between heating souroe and ! ❑ ❑ I I § 15C(k)5 Luminalra3 chat are ret:essod imp insulated c -pilings are approved fOr ZBrO Clearancr: insu!aficn COvef QC) aid are ;J jn, _I, 1 indirect hot water tank shall tt-e insulated 10 Table 150-S and 'cqua+ion 150-A. i Certified to ASTM E288 and labeled as air tigitt (AT> b iw_ss than 2 4 CFhA ?,t 75 Pascal>. r- 4. Steam hydronic heating systeims or hot water systems > t 5 pai, meet revuirements w Tabic 123-A. L J Li 1-_' 1 r` 150•,k)5 Luminaires providing outdoor !ighting and permanently mounted 10 a residential buildi+ig or to otnei buildings on the I.-.� F_' J' I i - r-1 I same lot shall be high efficacy luminaires (not including light ng around swimrmnq pools/water 'features o• other Article 1 5. Irsu'ation must he protected from d'ama e. inetudin' that due to 3anli nt moisture e1 ui inert main±enance, 1 ar 9 3 y q p �.., L- �� 380 Iccalions) Oft are controlled by occupant sensors with integral photo cont•ol certified to comply with Sexton 11_ ,d) I and wind, - I -i 1 _ ' § 150(i. T Li ntiri for par un lots for 8 or more vehicles shall nave lighting that coin lie'• •.with Ssctrns i 30 13 n r 4?. r 9 g o 2. and �. I I-, q y 9 p I a. Insulaiior, for spitted v,ater plpiny and refrigeram auciicn piping includes e vapor ratarJan, or is enc!asej ,_: i igi-aing For parkin arages o. 8 or mors vehic!ps shelf have ii filing that. commies with Section i 30 131, and 146. er li:ely ;n conditioned space. - _ -_ i; 150(k)8: Permanently ;nstal+ed liyhting ir, lite enclosed, nen -dwelling spaces of Iow•rise Iesidert,ai buildings with tow or more L_ I__i �_� ( 1 emelling units shall be high ,n`ficacy luminaires OR are controi!ed by occupant sensor(3) ceftifteo to comply with Section 7. Solar wafer -heating systemsicaiectors arc- certified by the Solar Rating arid Certification Corporation. _ 1._-; `_,I I 119 !i ._..-. __- ...1 ...__.__ _ __ 1111_.----------`- �------ _. .. 1111_ ..._ _ ._-_._11.11..-...-----1111..------.. ;_... ----_.._... 1111.. 1.1_11._- _-___11.1.1 _. .. EueigyPrc a,3 ry EnargyScft US .r NumPer 6712 Inv Y ether, page:? of 12 ' IIF_nergyPro 4.c oy EnetgySoft ij,er Numbef ri71L lob Nrmoer. - - - __ __ ____ ----.----_.--'?eyed +Ji 12 - -------' ---.,--- -- - - -- _ 1111 - -'--- - -- - 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 i i 1 f 1 i i 1 1 EX15TI NG LANDSCAPE EXISTING TURF TO REMAIN EXISTI.. TREE EXISTING DRIVEWAY EXISTING ENTRY WALK LAN D5CAPE LEGEND 5YM BO L Ee NAME WASHINGTONIA ROBUSTA WASHINGTONIA ROBU5TA BOUGAINVILLEA - BARBARA KARST TRAILING PURPLE LANTANA JAPANESE BOXWOOD CAR155A - BOXWOOD BEAUTY GENERAL NOTES SIZE QUANTITY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO VI51T 51TE AND BECOME FAMILIAR WITH ALL SITE CONDITIONS BEFORE SUBMITTING BID. ALL GRADING TO + OR - I/10 OF ONE FOOT BY GENERAL G TO 10 3 CONTRACTOR. FINISH GRADE AND FINE RAKING BY FEET LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. 5 -GALLON I 5 -GALLON 7 5 -GALLON 49 5 -GALLON I G INDIAN HAWTHORNE 5 -GALLON DETERMINE IN FIELD ANNUAL FLOWERS 4" POTS 12" O.C. BY SEASON r■aaaaaaaraaaa rar ' • aaaaraa ■rr■a■aa■rar aa■rr■rraatr •COD15LE 0690:::::::: araaara■ar■a FLUORESCENT LIGHT FIXTURE, LOCATION FOR NEW AND RELOCATED, MATCH EXISTING EXISTING LANDSCAPE EXISTING TURF TO REMAIN Lu m 0a_-r ❑ 0 iu N z NEW TURF —� EXISTING TURF HEADER TO REMAIN i 0i SCALE: 1/4" = I'-0" mkim, all IWISM1711 101 PROPO5ED CA51TA EXISTING LANDSCAPE EXISTING NEIGNPOKS GAKAGE Ipq EXISTING FAN PALP N TO MATCH EXISTING FAN PALMS J NOTE: ANY ADDITION TO OUTSIDE LIGHTING 5HALL 5E ADDED TO HOMEOWNER'S ELECTRIC METER. BACKFILL PLANT POCKET FOR M05T PLANT MATERIALS WITH ONE PART NITROLIZED SAWDUST AND ONE PART NATIVE 501L. PREPARED 501L MIXTURE FOR POTS, RAISED PLANTER AREAS TO RECEIVE ANNUAL COLOR TO BE: ONE PART NITROLIZED SAWDUST, ONE PART "PERLITE", ONE PART NATIVE SOIL, ONE HALF PART'TERRA-SORB" PARTICLES, AND 1/8 PART "GRO-POWER' FERTILIZER. APPLY A I " LAYER OF NITROLIZED SAWDUST OVER ALL TURF AREAS. APPLY A 2" LAYER OF NITR.OLIZED 5AWDU5T OVER ALL GROUNDCOVER AREAS. TILL SAWDUST TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 8" INTO SOIL. AGRIFORM 2 GRAM PLANT TABLETS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL PLANT MATERIALS ONE GALLON 51ZE AND LARGER IN THE FOLLOWING RATIOS: I -GAL = I TABLET, 5 -GAL = 2 TABLETS, 15 -GAL = 4 TABLETS, 24" BOX = 5 TABLETS, 36" BOX = 8 TABLETS. DESIGNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL PLANT MATERIALS WHICH ARE NOT TO THE STANDARDS OF INDUSTRY. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE MODIFIED AS NECESSARY TO ADEQUATELY PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE AT PRECIPITATION RATES EQUAL TO THE COMMON AREA WITHIN THE DEVELOPMENT. CONTRACTOR SHALL MATCH EXISTING 5PPAY AND BUBBLER HEADS AND KEEP LAWN SYSTEMS SEPARATE FROM SHRUB SYSTEMS. POP-UP HEADS ARE REQUIRED ADJACENT TO ALL PAVING AND HEADER BOARD. EXISTING LANDSCAPE NOTE: IRRIGATION LINES TO BE RE-ROUTED RE -LOCATED A5 REQUIRED DUE TO ADDITION. CONTROLLERS TO BE RE -LOCATED AS REQUIRED. EXI5TI NG RE51 DENCE NEW A/C COND. N 750 24'40" W 176.55'