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MUP 2014-1001
rANANCII Cit, of La Quinta Community'Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760).777-7-125 FAX:.(760) 777-1233 OFFICE tUSE ONLY `'� Case No.1 Date Reevd. Fee: Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved -by the Community Development Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code.. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT AT&T Mobility / Cable Engineering Services (Print) MAILING ADDRESS' 10640 Sepulveda blvd, suite 1' CITY, STATL, ZIP: Mission Hills, CA 91345 PROPERTY OWNER (If different):. KSL Desert Resort , INC MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP:_ (Print) 49 -499 -Eisenhower Drive La Quinta; CA 92253 Phone No. 818 898 2352 Pax No. Phone No. 760-564-7653 Fax No. PROJECT LOCATION: 49499 Eisenhower Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): Modification to an existing wireless telecommunication facility. The proposed modification consists of -the removal and replacing of twelve 4' antennas for twelve new 6' antennas..Additional equipment is proposed to be installed in the existing. -equipment shelter. (attach sheets if neededl LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): APN: 658-180-029 & 658-190-011 A I Minor Use Permit JUL 0- 12014 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LI MISSION REQUIREMENTS: Ej Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Community Development Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on -8%z" x 1 l"sheet or folded down to S%z" x 11". .0.. filing fee.for Minor Use'Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application'will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form: NAME OF APPLICANT cable Engineering services/ Aaron Whiting (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT_ DATE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER KSL Desert Resort INC (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides. consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE . GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. . A18\Minor Use Permit e Q }Ul O12014 UINTA CIT IN Date Paid: Tuesday, July 01, 2014 Paid By: PETER HILGER Cashier: PJU Pay Method: DEBIT Printed: Monday, June 30, 2014 3:11 PM 1 of 1 f~CVCTF RAC RECEIVER APR 9 2015 at8ct CITY QUINTA ITY CCLERK RK D DEPARTMENT 1452 Edinger Ave., 3rd F7 Tustin, CA 92780 March 24, 2015 City of La Quints Mr. Les Johnson 00000 Planning Director 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: LAC964-01 LA QUINTA RESORT City Planning Director: General Order 159-A (GO -159-A) of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) requires cellular carriers to send a notification letter of a utility's intent to construct a cellular facility to CPUC's Safety and Enforcement Division within 15 business days of receipt of all requisite local land use approvals. The notification letter shall state that such approvals have been received, or that no land use approvals are required. As set forth in GO 159-A, copies of the notification letter are required to be served concurrently by mail on the local governmental agency. Where the affected local governmental agency is a city, service of the notification letter to the city shall consist of service of separate copies of the notification letter upon the City Manager, the City Planning Director and the City Clerk. In order to comply with these requirements, I have enclosed a copy of the notification letter for our project within your city limits. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mark Rivera, Area Manager, AT&T Mobility Construction and Engineering at mr3921 @att.com. Joyce McDonnell Site Acquisition Specialist Bechtel Communications AT&T Mobility Project Attachments 1. Proiect Location: Site Number: Site Address: County: Location: Assessor's Parcel Number: 2. Project Description: Number of Antennas to be installed: Tower Design: Tower Appearance: Tower Height: Building Size(s): ATTACHMENT A LAC964-01 LA QUINTA RESORT 49499 Eisenhower Dr. La Quinta, CA 92253 Riverside 33-41-14.28 N 116-18-33.10 W 658-180-029 658-190-011 12 Existing Monopalm 4 Antennas per sector, 3 sectors 72' overall height 18'-10.5" x I I'-1" sq ft TI lease area 3. Business addresses of all Local Government Agencies: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 4. Land use approval: at&t NAD 83 On November 10, 2014, the City of La Quinta approved Minor Use Permit 2014-1001 for modification to a Wireless Telecommunication Facility at: 49499 Eisenhower Dr., La Quinta, CA 92253. The 15 day appeal period passed November 25, 2014. November 10, 2014 0 • Peter Hilger - Planning / Site Acquisition Specialist Cable Engineering Services 10640 Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 1 Mission Hills, CA 91345 FILE c_ Nr SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2014-1001; AT&T SITE #LAC964 WIRELESS FACILITY MODIFICATION AT 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE Dear Mr. Hilger: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request to remove and replace twelve (12) existing 4.0' panel antennas with same number of new 6.0' panel antennas, install six (6) new tower -mount surge suppressors, twenty-seven (27) new radio - remote units, and associated equipment in an existing cabinets shelter, for an existing telecommunication facility located at 49499 Eisenhower Drive, within the La Quinta Resort property. The approval of this application is subject to the exhibits on file for this Minor Use Permit and the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINDINGS Consistency with the General Plan: The proposed equipment at the existing telecommunication facility are consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, in that the proposed equipment is intended to enhance community access to quality wireless communication services. 2. Public Welfare: Approval of the new equipment for an existing telecommunication facility will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. 3. The proposed new equipment at the existing telecommunication facility will minimize adverse visual impacts as the proposed replacement antennas and associated equipment will occur entirely on and within existing facilities, and will maintain a stealth appearance on the existing monopalm design. 4. The proposed new and replacement equipment is designed to facilitate continued function of the existing antenna array, without modifying the height or other pre- existing conditions to maintain the service provider's objectives for coverage within this portion of the community. 5. The proposed new and replacement equipment is necessary to improve community access to wireless services. 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org CONDITIONS The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. The City of La Quinta shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. The applicant shall comply with all provisions of La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.170 "Wireless Telecommunication Facilities". 3. The applicant shall comply with all provisions contained in Conditions of Approval for Conditional Use Permit 2000-061 (CUP 2000-061) and Site Development Permit 2001-706 (SDP 2001-706). 4. The applicant is permitted to install the following on the existing three sector tower array and within the existing equipment shelter: remove twelve (12) existing tower mounted panel antennas and install twelve (12) new replacement panel antennas (4 antennas per sector); mount twenty-seven (27) new remote radio units (9 RRU per sector); install six (6) new surge suppressors (2 per sector); and associated new equipment in equipment cabinets located within the existing 'equipment shelter. All new/replacement equipment on the array shall be painted to match as appropriate. 5. Any new cables running from the equipment shelter to the antennas arrays shall be contained within existing cable conduit the tower and the equipment enclosure as shown. All cables shall remain interior of the tower and shall not be visible from surrounding properties. 6. The applicant shall obtain all necessary building permits from the City's Building Division, and is responsible for meeting all applicable plan check submittal requirements. 7. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party who submits the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $1,573.00 to this office within 15 days of the date of approval of this minor use permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7069 or via email at wnesbit _la- quinta.orq. Sincerely, Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner c: Building Division File; CUP 2001-061 P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 July 29, 2014 Aaron Whiting, Planning Technician Cable Engineering Services 10640 Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 1 Mission Hills, CA 91345 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 49499 EISENHOWER RESORT Dear Mr. Whiting.- On hiting: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 FILE ��pV 2014-1001; WIRELESS TOWER MODIFICATION DRIVE — AT&T SITE #LAC964; LA QUINTA On July 1, 2014, the City of La Quinta Community Development Department received the above-mentioned application for plans associated with proposed installation of a wireless cell tower facility at 78106 Francis Hack Lane (City maintenance yard). The first step in the City's development application review process is to determine if your application meets the minimum requirements for processing. These requirements are listed and described in the application form you signed and submitted as part of your application packet. Unless specifically waived, each item listed on the application form, in the manner described, is required to determine your application complete and acceptable for processing. In review of your application, it is determined that your application, as submitted, is determined to be incomplete and cannot be accepted for processing until the following items are submitted and determined adequate for review. • The application is not signed by the property owner. Provide written authorization for the application submittal by KSL Desert Resort Inc, represented as property owner. • Based on Sections 9.170.070.F, provide a structural report/statement from a California registered structural engineer, demonstrating the existing tower is designed structurally to accommodate the proposed increased number and type of equipment being added, and that it can accommodate capacity for the maximum number of foreseeable users, including all potential co -location scenarios presently anticipated. • The Justification/Project Description submitted does not correspond to the subject site in La Quinta. Please provide a corrected version for review. Once the outstanding items are received and determined acceptable for processing, you will receive a letter of completeness and your application will undergo final review and processing. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7069 or via email at wnesbit(a-la-quinta.org. Sincerely, Wallace Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner ..W. ee0/.eewI.p ..sWf PRESCOTT COMMUNICATIONS INC. Justification / Project Description Proposed Modification to a Wireless Telecommunications Facility 49499 Eisenhower Drive., La Quinta, CA 92253 AT&T Mobility Site LAC964 Introduction: e at&t RECEIVED OCT 17 2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT&T Mobility, a federally licensed and California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") registered telecommunications utility / franchisee, requests approval of a Minor Use Permit to modify a wireless telecommunication facility. The modification will fill a significant gap in coverage and capacity in the Eisenhower Drive area, as well adjacent areas of La Quinta. The proposed modification consists of the removal and replacement of the existing four foot antennas for 12 six foot antennas. Additional equipment is to be installed in the existing shelter and six surge protectors along with 27 RRUs are to be pole mounted. Description of Use: Pursuant to the City's municipal code, AT&T Mobility has submitted a Minor Use Permit application, in order to modify a wireless telecommunications facility (WTF). There are no other collocateable WTFs currently operating in the vicinity of the aforementioned site capable of filling the gap in the target area. All other options would require the installation of new facilities above grade. Site Selection: When looking to upgrade wireless telecommunication facilities, AT&T Mobility tries to limit the amount of new site locations within certain vicinity to reduce the amount of structures supporting wireless antennas. AT&T Mobility is looking to upgrade the current site location located on Eisenhower Drive to provide enhanced LTE coverage to the area. A significant gap in coverage and capacity exists in the Eisenhower Drive area. This area is not currently served with the full array of the possible AT&T technologies, which allow for additional capacity and coverage in the area. This area is in a canyon like area making current coverage inadequate and extremely difficult at best and nonexistent at worst. This site, as it exists was determined to be the best possible solution to provide the adequate coverage and capacity required and would not add an additional element into the view -shed of the area. Site Justification: Wireless telecommunications networks operate on a grid system of facilities that establish the functionality and performance of the system. The network is established on a "line of sight" premise that requires each site to be situated in a manner that allows adjacent and abutting sites to generate signals that slightly overlap. The primary objective of this model of network deployment is to provide seamless service to a designated area. At this time, AT&T Mobility's RF engineers have identified a significant gap in the acceptable level of service in the area that the proposed project will serve. The network is evaluated Page 1 of 2 Cable Engineering Service for AT&T Mobility 10640 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SUITE 1• MISSION HILLS, CA 91345• RMSCOTT COMMUNICATIONS INC. continuously in an effort to maintain the standard of service demanded by the public and mandated by governmental regulations. Currently, a significant gap in service exists in all areas proximate to the proposed location on roadways and in buildings. This area is comprised of parks, and single family residential developments. The outdoor service level in limited areas is poor'and poor to nonexistent within the service objective. The current network configuration lacks the signal strength and capacity necessary to establish and maintain in-building service. The proposed facility meets the following RF coverage objectives: 1. Significantly improve currently deficient coverage within the target area 2. Provide seamless coverage along Eisenhower, and Avenue 50, as well as the surrounding canyon and as far as Washington Street proximal to the site. 3. Greatly improve upon, and in some cases, finally offer in -building coverage in the service area of the proposed site In the absence of the proposed facility, AT&T Mobility will be precluded from completing the network deployment and their customers will continue to experience unacceptable levels of service. The detrimental impact may be most pronounced in daily usage and heightened during emergencies and catastrophic events. The system will provide access to "E911" and to first responders during periods that landlines may not be operable. Preferred Mounting Technique: The mounting technique used is the least intrusive design, while maintaining the "line of sight" premise of the AT&T wireless network. The antennas are to be mounted to the existing tower structure and will blend into the structure, as before. Noise/Acoustical Information: The noise that will be generated from the proposed site is not significant and will remain below 45 CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level). Maintenance: The wireless telecommunications site will be maintained once a month for graffiti mitigation and to ensure the property is kept in good visual condition. The cabinets used, will be of the best available commercial grade quality. Vandalism related damages should be reported by calling Property Management as identified on each WTF and a maintenance crew will be dispatched within 48 hours to repair or restore the facility. Conclusion: Based on the preceding facts and statements, consistent with the City's code standards for development and operation of WTF's, AT&T Mobility respectfully requests approval to modify and continue to operate this WTF. Page 2 of 2 Cable Engineering Service for AT&T Mobility 10640 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SUITE 1• MISSION HILLS, CA 91345• DECEIVED ES OCT 16 2014 TEK Date: September 25, 2014 ENGINEERING Marianne Dunst CITY OF LA QUINTA Destek Engineering, LLC COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Crown Castle 5150 Stilesboro Road NW, Ste 510 3530 Toringdon Way Kennesaw, GA 30152 Charlotte, NC 28277 (770) 693-0835 Subject: Structural Analysis Report Carrier Designation: AT&T Mobility Co -Locate Carrier Site Number: LAC964 Carrier Site Name: La Quinta Resort Crown Castle Designation: Crown Castle BU Number: 845223 Crown Castle Site Name: LA QUINTA Crown Castle JDE Job Number: 300774 Crown Castle Work Order Number: 926774 Crown Castle Application Number: 242671 Rev. 5 Engineering Firm Designation: Destek Engineering, LLC Project Number: 1402427 Site Data: 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, Riverside County, CA Latitude 33° 41'14.3", Longitude -1160 18'33.1 63.667 Foot - Monopole Tower Dear Marianne Dunst, Destek Engineering, LLC is pleased to submit this "Structural Analysis Report" to determine the structural integrity of the above mentioned tower. This analysis has been performed in accordance with the Crown Castle Structural 'Statement of Work' and the terms of Crown Castle Purchase Order Number 704187, in accordance with application 242671, revision 5. The purpose of the analysis is to determine acceptability of the tower stress level. Based on our analysis we have determined the tower stress level for the structure and foundation, under the following load case, to be: LC5: Existing + Proposed Equipment Sufficient Capacity Note: See Table I and Table II for the proposed and existing/reserved loading, respectively. This analysis has been performed in accordance with the 2013 CBC based upon an ultimate 3 -second gust wind speed of 130 mph converted to a nominal 3 -second gust wind speed of 101 mph per section 1609.3.1 as required for use in the TIA-222-G Standard per Exception #5 of Section 1609.1.1. Exposure Category C and Risk Category II were used in this analysis. The seismic design category and site class are Both D, as determined in "Appendix C- Additional Calculations" of this report. All modifications and equipment proposed in this report shall be installed in accordance with the attached drawings for the determined available structural capacity to be effective. We at Destek Engineering, LLC appreciate the opportunity of providing our continuing professional services to you and Crown Castle. If you have any questions or need further assistance on this or any other projects please give us a call. Structural analysis prepared by: Wade Baxter, EIT. Respectfully submitted by: Joseph Frega,P.E. Principal Engineer tnxTower Report - version O G1 c C7��. r EXP. 143411 C1Vt\- 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision'5 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) INTRODUCTION 2) ANALYSIS CRITERIA Table 1 - Proposed Antenna and Cable Information Table 2 - Existing and Reserved Antenna and Cable Information Table 3 - Design Antenna and Cable Information 3) ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table 4 - Documents Provided 3.1) Analysis Method 3.2) Assumptions 4) ANALYSIS RESULTS Table 5 - Section Capacity (Summary) Table 6 — Tower Components vs. Capacity 4.1) Recommendations 5) APPENDIX A tnxTower Output 6) APPENDIX B Base Level Drawing 7) APPENDIX C Additional Calculations tnxTower Report - version September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 2 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 1) INTRODUCTION September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 3 This tower is a 63.667 ft Monopole tower designed by SABRE COMMUNICATIONS in June of 2004. The tower was originally designed for a wind speed of 70 mph per TIA/EIA-222-F. 2) ANALYSIS CRITERIA The structural analysis was performed for this tower in accordance with the requirements of TIA-222-G Structural Standards for Steel Antenna Towers and Antenna Supporting Structures using a 3 -second gust wind speed of 101 mph with no ice, 30 mph with 0 inch ice thickness and 60 mph under service loads, exposure category C with topographic category 1 and crest height of 0 feet. Table 1 - Proposed Antenna and Cable Information Mounting Center Line Number Antenna Feed Number Feed of Antenna Model Manufacturer Level (ft) Elevation Of Manufacturer Antenna Model of Feed Line Note Level (ft) (ft) Antennas Manufacturer Antenna Model Lines Size (in) Note (ft) 6 cci antennas HPA-45R-BUU-H6 w/ Lines Size (in) 12 ericsson Mount Pipe 8 1-5/8 1 3 cci antennas OPA-65R-LCUU-H6 w/ encsson RRUS 11 3 3/8 12 powerwave P65 -15 -XLH -RR w/ Mount 63.0 Mount Pipe 16 1-5/8 2 63.0 63.0 8 5/8 Pipe 4 3/4 AIR 21 B4A/B12-B5P 2 raycap 3 ericsson 2AM w/ Mount Pipe 3 3/4 9 ericsson RRU-11 1 1 tower mounts T -Arm Mount [TA 602-3] 1 raycap DC6-48-60-18-8F Table 2 - Existing and Reserved Antenna and Cable Information Notes: 1) Existing Equipment 2) Equipment To Be Removed Table 3 - Design Antenna and Cable Information Mounting. Center Number Antenna Number Feed Level (ft) Elevation of Antenna Model Manufacturer Mounting Line Number Antenna Antennas Number Feed 63.667 Level (ft) Elevation of Manufacturer Antenna Model of Feed Line Note (ft) Antennas 12 2-1/4 Lines Size (in) 12 ericsson KRY 112 76/1 8 1-5/8 1 12 encsson RRUS 11 21/2 12 powerwave P65 -15 -XLH -RR w/ Mount 63.0 63.0 16 1-5/8 2 technologies Pipe 4 3/4 2 raycap DC6-48-60-18-8F 1 1 tower mounts T -Arm Mount [TA 602-3] Notes: 1) Existing Equipment 2) Equipment To Be Removed Table 3 - Design Antenna and Cable Information Mounting. Center Line Number Antenna Number Feed Level (ft) Elevation of Antenna Model Manufacturer of Feed Line (ft) Antennas Lines Size (in) 63.667 63.667 1 - Palm Tree Crown & Fronds - - 6 - Curved Arm Mounts 62 62 12 2-1/4 12 - D68441-165 49 I 49 1 - 2' dish w/ radome 1 1-5/8 tnxTower Report - version • 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 3) ANALYSIS PROCEDURE Table 4 - Documents Provided L] September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 4 Document Remarks Reference Source 4 -GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS Geotechnical Solutions, Pro#A- 5232963 CCISITES -4,982 896.994 75.3 1839-02, 12/03/2002 L2 50.5-0 Pole 4 -TOWER FOUNDATION Sabre, Pro#02-06211, 07/03/2001 5198042 CCISITES DRAWINGS/DESIGN/SPECS Summary 4 -TOWER MANUFACTURER Sabre, Pro#02-06211, 07/03/2001 4840305 CCISITES DRAWINGS 3.1) Analysis Method tnxTower (version, a commercially available analysis software package, was used to create a three-dimensional model of the tower and calculate member stresses for various loading cases. Selected output from the analysis is included in Appendix A. 3.2) Assumptions 1) Tower and structures were built in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 2) The tower and structures have been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specification. 3) The configuration of antennas, transmission cables, mounts and other appurtenances are as specified in Tables 1 and 2 and the referenced drawings. 4) The analysis was performed for the main tower members.and their connections. It does not include an evaluation of the antenna mounts and their connections. This analysis may be affected if any assumptions are not valid or have been made in error. Destek Engineering, LLC should be notified to determine the effect on the structural integrity of the tower. 4) ANALYSIS RESULTS Table 5 - Section Capacity (Summary) Section Elevation (R). No. 163.667 Component Type Slze Critical Element P (K) SF'P_allow % (K) .Capacity Pass / Fail L1 - 50.5 Pole TP21.875x18x0.188 1 -4,982 896.994 75.3 Pass L2 50.5-0 Pole TP36.281 x20.691 x0.313 2 -14.356 2550.640 99.6 Pass Summary Pole (1-2) 99.6 Pass Rating = 99.6 Pass tnxTower Report - version 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 Table 6 - Tower Component Stresses vs. Capacity — LC5 September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 5 Notes Component Elevation (ft) % Capacity Pass I Fail 1 Anchor Rods 0 81.0 Pass 1 Base Plate 0 80.8 Pass 1 Base Foundation 0 94.7 Pass Structure Rating (max from all components) = 99.6% (Votes: 1) See additional documentation in "Appendix C — Additional Calculations" for calculations supporting the % capacity consumed. 4.1) Recommendations The tower and its foundation have sufficient capacity to carry the existing and proposed loads. No modifications are required at this time. tnxTower Report - version 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 APPENDIX A TNXTOWER OUTPUT tnxTower Report - version • September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 6 • DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATION n 63.67 OPA-65R-LCUU-146 vd Mount Pipe 63 (4) KRY 112 7611 63 (3) RRU-11 63 (4) KRY 112 761 63 (3) RRU-11 63 (4) KRY 112 7611 63 (3) RRU-11 63 DC6.484M-18.8F 63 AIR 21 84AB12-85P 2.4M wl Mount 63 DC6-08-60.18-BF 63 Pipe DC6-48-60-18-8F 63 AIR 21 84AB12-85P 2.41VI wl Mount 63 i (2) HPA-45R-BUU-146 w/ Mount Pipe (2) HPA-/5R-BUU-H6 w/ Mount Pipe 63 63 AIR 21 84AB12-85P 2.41VI wl Mount 63 Pipe (2) HPA-45R-BUU-H8 w! MDunt Pipe N T -Ann Mount [TA 602-31 O OPA-65R-LCUU-1-18 wl Mount Pipe 63 OPA-65R-LCUU-1-16 wl Mount Pipe � G N m • DESIGNED APPURTENANCE LOADING TYPE ELEVATION TYPE ELEVATION Palm Tree Cmwn 63.67 OPA-65R-LCUU-146 vd Mount Pipe 63 (4) KRY 112 7611 63 (3) RRU-11 63 (4) KRY 112 761 63 (3) RRU-11 63 (4) KRY 112 7611 63 (3) RRU-11 63 DC6.484M-18.8F 63 AIR 21 84AB12-85P 2.4M wl Mount 63 DC6-08-60.18-BF 63 Pipe DC6-48-60-18-8F 63 AIR 21 84AB12-85P 2.41VI wl Mount 63 Pipe (2) HPA-45R-BUU-146 w/ Mount Pipe (2) HPA-/5R-BUU-H6 w/ Mount Pipe 63 63 AIR 21 84AB12-85P 2.41VI wl Mount 63 Pipe (2) HPA-45R-BUU-H8 w! MDunt Pipe 63 T -Ann Mount [TA 602-31 83 OPA-65R-LCUU-1-18 wl Mount Pipe 63 OPA-65R-LCUU-1-16 wl Mount Pipe 63 MATERIAL STRENGTH GRADE Fy Fu GRADE Fy Fu A572-65 165 ksi 180 ksi TOWER DESIGN NOTES 1. Tower is located in Riverside County, California. 2. Tower designed for Exposure C to the TIA-222-G Standard. 3. Tower designed for a 101 mph basic wind in accordance with the TIA-222-G Standard. 4. Deflections are based upon a 60 mph wind. 5. Tower Structure Class II. 6. Topographic Category 1 with Crest Height of 0.000 ft 7. TOWER RATING: 99.6% REACTIONS FACTORED AXIAL 14 K Tl�MOMENT 1866 kip -ft REACTIONS - 101 mph WIND Destek Engineering, LLC lob: 845223. Le Quinta /DES 5150 Stilesboro Road NW, Ste 510 Pm)edr 1402427 EK Kennesaw, GA 30152 c°em` Crown Castle Drawn by Ahmet Colakoglu App'd: Phone: (770) 693-0835 code: TIA-222-G _ 0-:09125/14 scale: NTS FAX: Path: Dwg No. E-1 September 25, 2014 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis CCI BU No 845223 Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 Page 7 Tower Input Data There is a pole section. This tower is designed using the TIA-222-G standard. The following design criteria apply: 3) Tower is located in Riverside County, California. 4) Basic wind speed of 101 mph. 5) Structure Class ll. 6) Exposure Category C. 7) Topographic Category 1. 8) Crest Height 0.000 ft. 9) Deflections calculated using a wind speed of 60 mph. 10) A non-linear (P -delta) analysis was used. 11) Pressures are calculated at each section. 12) Stress ratio used in pole design is 1. 13) Local bending stresses due to climbing loads, feed line supports, and appurtenance mounts are not considered. Consider Moments - Legs Consider Moments - Horizontals Consider Moments - Diagonals Use Moment Magnification Use Code Stress Ratios J Use Code Safety Factors - Guys Escalate Ice Always Use Max Kz Use Special Wind Profile Include Bolts In Member Capacity Leg Bolts Are At Top Of Section Secondary Horizontal Braces Leg Use Diamond Inner Bracing (4 Sided) Add IBC .6D+W Combination Options Distribute Leg Loads As Uniform Assume Legs Pinned Assume Rigid Index Plate Use Clear Spans For Wind Area Use Clear Spans For KL/r Retension Guys To Initial Tension Bypass Mast Stability Checks Use Azimuth Dish Coefficients Project Wind Area of Appurt. Autocalc Torque Arm Areas SR Members Have Cut Ends Sort Capacity Reports By Component Triangulate Diamond Inner Bracing Use TIA-222-G Tension Splice Capacity Exemption Treat Feedline Bundles As Cylinder Use ASCE 10 X -Brace Ly Rules Calculate Redundant Bracing Forces Ignore Redundant Members in FEA SR Leg Bolts Resist Compression All Leg Panels Have Same Allowable Offset Girt At Foundation 4 Consider Feedline Torque Include Angle Block Shear Check Poles Include Shear -Torsion Interaction Always Use Sub -Critical Flow Use Top Mounted Sockets Tapered Pole Section Geometry Section Elevation Section Splice Number Top Bottom Wall Bend Pole Grade Length Length o/ Diameter Diameter Thickness Radius Area R R fl Sides in in in in in in in3 L1 63.667-50.500 13.167 2.750 18 18.000 21.875 0.188 0.750 A572-65 5.301 2.838 15.136 22.212 12.907 766.962 7.699 11.113 69.018 1534.934 (65 ksi) L2 50.500-0.000 53.250 L2 21.827 18 20.691 36.281 0.313 1.250 A572-65 9.893 36.841 35.677 5831.392 12.769 18.431 316.392 11670.457 17.842 5.836 (65 ksi) tnxTower Report - version Tapered Pole Properties WA Section Tip Dia. Area 1 r C I/C J It/Q w in in, in° in in in3 in° int in L1 18.278 10.601 424.933 6.323 9.144 46.471 850.425 5.301 2.838 15.136 22.212 12.907 766.962 7.699 11.113 69.018 1534.934 6.455 3.520 18.773 L2 21.827 20.213 1060.452 7.234 10.511 100.891 2122.299 10.108 3.092 9.893 36.841 35.677 5831.392 12.769 18.431 316.392 11670.457 17.842 5.836 18.674 tnxTower Report - version September 25, 2014 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Face Allow CCI BU No 845223 Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 Total CAAA Page 8 Weight Elevation Weight Mult. Double Angle Double Angle Tower Gusset Gusset Gusset Grade Adjust. Factor Adjust. Elevation Area Thickness Ar Factor Stitch Bolt Stitch Bolt (per face) A, Spacing Spacing Itz It Diagonals Horizontals It Rz in klf in in L1 63.667- 1 1 1 3 50.500 0.000 0.000 LDF4.5-50(5/8") L2 50.500- 1 1 1 63.000 - 0.000 0.000 No Ice 0.000 0.000 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances - Entered As Area Description Face Allow Component Placement Total CAAA CAAA Weight Elevation or Shield Type In Face Number L1 63.667-50.500 n It 0.000 Leg RZ Itz It K L1 Rz//t klf LDF2-50(3/8") C No Inside Pole 63.000 - 0.000 3 No Ice 0.000 0.000 LDF4.5-50(5/8") C No Inside Pole 63.000 - 0.000 8 No Ice 0.000 0.000 WR-VG86ST-BRD( C No Inside Pole 63.000 - 0.000 3 No Ice 0.000 0.001 3/4) 0.000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 LDF7-50A(1-5/8") C No Inside Pole 63.000 - 0.000 8 No Ice 0.000 0.001 Feed Line/Linear Appurtenances Section Areas Tower Tower Face AR AF CAAA CAAA Weight Sectio Elevation R in in In Face Out Face L1 63.667-50.500 n It 0.000 ft2 RZ Itz Rz K L1 63.667-50.500 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.122 L2 50.500-0.000 A 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.492 Feed Line Center of Pressure Section Elevation CPx CPz CPx CPz KB Section Record No. Ice Ice R in in in in L1 63.667-50.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 L2 50.500-0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Shielding Factor Ka Tower Feed Line Description Feed Line Ke KB Section Record No. Segment No Ice I Ice I Elev. Discrete Tower Loads tnxTower Report - version September 25, 2014 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis CCI BU No 845223 Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 Page 9 Description Face Offset Offsets: Azimuth Placement CAAA CAAA Weight or Type Horz Adjustmen Front Side Leg Lateral t Vert R fl R, RZ K re o R Palm Tree Crown A None 0.000 63.670 No Ice 389.530 389.530 3.000 (4) KRY 112 76/1 A From Leg 3.760 -20.000 63.000 No Ice 0.715 0.306 0.015 -1.370 0.000 (4) KRY 112 76/1 B From Leg 3.760 -20.000 63.000 No Ice 0.715 0.306 0.015 -1.370 0.000 (4) KRY 112 76/1 C From Leg 3.760 -20.000 63.000 No Ice 0.715 0.306 0.015 -1.370 0.000 DC6-48-60-18-8F A From Leg 3.760 -20.000 63.000 No Ice 2.567 2.567 0.019 -1.370 0.000 DC6-48-60-18-8F B From Leg 3.760 -20.000 63.000 No Ice 2.567 2.567 0.019 -1.370 0.000 DC6-48-60-18-8F C From Leg 3.760 -20.000 63.000 No Ice 2.567 2.567 0.019 -1.370 0.000 (2) HPA-45R-BUU-H6 w/ A From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 13.467 7.704 0.108 Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 (2) HPA-45R-BUU-H6 w/ B From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 13.467 7.704 0.108 Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 (2) HPA-45R-BUU-H6 w/ C From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 13.467 7.704 0.108 Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 OPA-65R-LCUU-H6 w/ A From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 10.598 7.179 0.099 Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 OPA-65R-LCUU-H6 w/ B From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 10.598 7.179 0.099 Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 OPA-65R-LCUU-H6 w/ C From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 10.598 7.179 0.099 Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 (3) RRU-11 A From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 1.912 1.472 0.044 0.000 0.000 (3) RRU-11 B From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 1.912 1.472 0.044 0.000 0.000 (3) RRU-11 C From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 1.912 1.472 0.044 0.000 0.000 AIR 21 B4A/B12-B5P 2.4M A From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 11.782 11.038 0.154 w/ Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 AIR 21 B4A/B12-B5P 2.4M B From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 11.782 11.038 0.154 . w/ Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 AIR 21 B4A/B12-B5P 2.4M C From Leg 4.000 0.000 63.000 No Ice 11.782 11.038 0.154 w/ Mount Pipe 0.000 0.000 T -Arm Mount [TA 602-3] C None 0.000 63.000 No Ice 11.590 11.590 0.774 tnxTower Report - version September 25, 2014 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis CCI BU No 845223 Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 Page 10 Load Combinations Comb. Description 1 Dead Only 2 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 0 deg - No Ice 3 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 0 deg - No Ice 4 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 30 deg - No Ice 5 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 30 deg - No Ice 6 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 60 deg - No Ice 7 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 60 deg - No Ice 8 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 90 deg - No Ice 9 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 90 deg - No Ice 10 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 120 deg - No Ice 11 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 120 deg - No Ice 12 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 150 deg - No Ice 13 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 150 deg - No Ice 14 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 180 deg - No Ice 15 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 180 deg - No Ice 16 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 210 deg - No Ice 17 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 210 deg - No Ice 18 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 240 deg - No Ice 19 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 240 deg - No Ice 20 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 270 deg - No Ice 21 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 270 deg - No Ice 22 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 300 deg - No Ice 23 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 300 deg - No Ice 24 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 330 deg - No Ice 25 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 330 deg - No Ice 26 Dead+Wind 0 deg - Service 27 Dead+Wind 30 deg - Service 28 Dead+Wind 60 deg - Service 29 Dead+Wind 90 deg - Service 30 Dead+Wind 120 deg - Service 31 Dead+Wind 150 deg - Service 32 Dead+Wind 180 deg - Service 33 Dead+.Wind 210 deg - Service 34 Dead+Wind 240 deg - Service 35 Dead+Wind 270 deg - Service 36 Dead+Wind 300 deg - Service 37 Dead+Wind 330 deg - Service Maximum Member Forces Sectio n No. Elevation R Component Type Condition Gov. Load Comb. Axial K Major Axis Moment kip -ft Minor Axis Moment kip -R Lt 63.667- Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 50.5 Max. Compression 1 -6.319 0.000 0.000 Max. Mx 8 -4.982 -285.861 0.000 Max. My 14 -4.982 0.000 -285.861 Max. Vy 8 28.215 -285.861 0.000 Max. Vx 14 28.215 0.000 -285.861 Max. Torque 24 0.000 L2 50.5-0 Pole Max Tension 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 Max. Compression 8 -14.356 -1866.080 0.000 Max. Mx 8 -14.356 -1866.080 0.000 Max. My 2 -14.356 0.000 1866.080 Max. Vy 8 31.070 -1866.080 0.000 Max. Vx 2 -31.070 0.000 1866.080 Max. Torque 24 0.000 Maximum Reactions tnxTower Report - version September 25, 2014 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis CCI BU No 845223 Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 Page 11 Location Condition Gov. Vertical Horizontal, X Horizontal, Z Load K K K Torque Comb. Vertical Shear, Shear Pole Max. Vert 14 14.423 0.000 -31.039 Max. H. 21 10.817 31.039 0.000 Max. H, 2 14.423 0.000 31.039 Max. M. 2 1866.080 0.000 31.039 Max. Mz 8 1866.080 -31.039 0.000 Max. Torsion 24 0.000 15.519 26.881 Min. Vert 7 10.817 -26.881 15.519 Min. Hx 8 14.423 -31.039 0.000 Min. H. 14 14.423 0.000 -31.039 Min. M. 14 -1866.080 0.000 -31.039 Min. M, 20 -1866.080 31.039 0.000 Min. Torsion 4 -0.000 -15.519 26.881 tnxTower Report - version Tower Mast Reaction Summary Torque Load Vertical Shear, Shear Overturning Overturning Combination Moment, M Moment, M, K K K kip -11 kip -ft kip -R Dead Only 12.019 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 0 deg - 14.423 0.000 -31.039 -1866.080 0.000 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 0 deg - 10.817 0.000 -31.039 -1858.164 0.000 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 30 deg - 14.423 15.519 -26.881 -1616.073 -933.040 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 30 deg - 10.817 15.519 -26.881 -1609.217 -929.082 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 60 deg - 14.423 26.881 -15.519 -933.040 -1616.073 -0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 60 deg - 10.817 26.881 -15.519 -929.082 -1609.217 -0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 90 deg - 14.423 31.039 0.000 0.000 -1866.080 0.000 No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 90 deg - 10.817 31.039 0.000 0.000 -1858.164 0.000 No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 120 deg 14.423 26.881 15.519 933.040 -1616.073 0.000 - No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 120 deg 10.817 26.881 15.519 929.082 -1609.217 0.000 - No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 150 deg 14.423 15.519 26.881 1616.073 -933.040 -0.000 - No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 150 deg 10.817 15.519 26.881 1609.217 -929.082 -0.000 - No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 180 deg 14.423 0.000 31.039 1866.080 0.000 0.000 - No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 180 deg 10.817 0.000 31.039 1858.164 0.000 0.000 - No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 210 deg 14.423 -15.519 26.881 1616.073 933.040 0.000 - No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 210 deg 10.817 -15.519 26.881 1609.217 929.082 0.000 - No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 240 deg 14.423 -26.881 15.519 933.040 1616.073 -0.000 - No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 240 deg 10.817 -26.881 15.519 929.082 1609.217 -0.000 - No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 270 deg 14.423 -31.039 0.000 0.000 1866.080 0.000 - No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 270 deg 10.817 -31.039 0.000 0.000 1858.164 0.000 - No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 300 deg 14.423 -26.881 -15.519 -933.040 1616.073 0.000 - No Ice 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 300 -deg 10.817 -26.881 -15.519 -929.082 1609.217 0.000 - No Ice 1.2 Dead+1.6 Wind 330 deg 14.423 -15.519 -26.881 -1616.073 933.040 -0.000 - No Ice tnxTower Report - version 0 • September 25, 2014 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis CCI BU No 845223 Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 Page 12 Load Vertical Shear Shear: Overturning Overturning Torque Combination Load PX Py Moment, M, Moment, M. Py PZ K K K kip -ft kip -ft kip -ft 0.9 Dead+1.6 Wind 330 deg 10.817 -15.519 -26.881 -1609.217 929.082 -0.000 - No Ice 12.019 0.000 0.000% 2 0.000 -14.423 Dead+Wind 0 deg - Service 12.019 0.000 -6.126 -367.928 0.000 0.000 Dead+Wind 30 deg - Service 12.019 3.063 -5.305 -318.635 -183.964 0.000 Dead+Wind 60 deg - Service 12.019 5.305 -3.063 -183.964 -318.635 -0.000 Dead+Wind 90 deg - Service 12.019 6.126 0.000 0.000 -367.928 0.000 Dead+Wind 120 deg - 12.019 5.305 3.063 183.964 -318.635 0.000 Service 0.000% 7 26.881 -10.817 -15.519 -26.881 Dead+Wind 150 deg - 12.019 3.063 5.305 318.635 -183.964 -0.000 Service 14.423 0.000 0.000% 9 31.039 -10.817 Dead+Wind 180 deg - 12.019 0.000 6.126 367.928 0.000 0.000 Service 15.519 -26.881 14.423 -15.519 0.000% 11 Dead+Wind 210 deg - 12.019 -3.063 5.305 318.635 183.964 0.000 Service 15.519 -14.423 26.881 -15.519 14.423 -26.881 Dead+Wind 240 deg - 12.019 -5.305 3.063 183.964 318.635 -0.000 Service 0.000% 14 0.000 -14.423 31.039 0.000 Dead+Wind 270 deg - 12.019 -6.126 0.000 0.000 367.928 0.000 Service 10.817 -31.039 0.000% 16 -15.519 -14.423 Dead+Wind 300 deg - 12.019 -5.305 -3.063 -183.964 318.635 0.000 Service 26.881 15.519 10.817 -26.881 0.000% 18 Dead+Wind 330 deg - 12.019 -3.063 -5.305 -318.635 183.964 -0.000 Service -26.881 -10.817 15.519 26.881 10.817 -15.519 Solution Summary tnxTower Report - version Sum of Applied Forces Sum o/ Reactions Load PX Py PZ PX Py PZ % Error Comb. K K K K K K 1 0.000 -12.019 0.000 0.000 12.019 0.000 0.000% 2 0.000 -14.423 -31.039 0.000 14.423 31.039 0.000% 3 0.000 -10.817 -31.039 0.000 10.817 31.039 0.000% 4 15.519 -14.423 -26.881 -15.519 14.423 26.881 0.000% 5 15.519 -10.817 -26.881 -15.519 10.817 26.881 0.000% 6 26.881 -14.423 -15.519 -26.881 14.423 15.519 0.000% 7 26.881 -10.817 -15.519 -26.881 10.817 15.519 0.000% 8 31.039 -14.423 0.000 -31.039 14.423 0.000 0.000% 9 31.039 -10.817 0.000 -31.039 10.817 0.000 0.000% 10 26.881 -14.423 15.519 -26.881 14.423 -15.519 0.000% 11 26.881 -10.817 15.519 -26.881 10.817 -15.519 0.000% 12 15.519 -14.423 26.881 -15.519 14.423 -26.881 0.000% 13 15.519 -10.817 26.881 -15.519 10.817 -26.881 0.000% 14 0.000 -14.423 31.039 0.000 14.423 -31.039 0.000% 15 0.000 -10.817 31.039 0.000 10.817 -31.039 0.000% 16 -15.519 -14.423 26.881 15.519 14.423 -26.881 0.000% 17 -15.519 -10.817 26.881 15.519 10.817 -26.881 0.000% 18 -26.881 -14.423 15.519 26.881 14.423 -15.519 0.000% 19 -26.881 -10.817 15.519 26.881 10.817 -15.519 0.000% 20 -31.039 -14.423 0.000 31.039 14.423 0.000 0.000% 21 -31.039 -10.817 0.000 31.039 10.817 0.000 0.000% 22 -26.881 -14.423 -15.519 26.881 14.423 15.519 0.000% 23 -26.881 -10.817 -15.519 26.881 10.817 15.519 0.000% 24 -15.519 -14.423 -26.881 15.519 14.423 26.881 0.000% 25 -15.519 -10.817 -26.881 15.519 10.817 26.881 0.000% 26 0.000 -12.019 -0.126 0.000 12.019 6.126 0.000% 27 3.063 -12.019 -5.305 -3.063 12.019 5.305 0.000% 28 5.305 -12.019 -3.063 -5.305 12.019 3.063 0.000% 29 6.126 -12.019 0.000 -6.126 12.019 0.000 0.000% 30 5.305 -12.019 3.063 -5.305 12.019 -3.063 0.000% 31 3.063 -12.019 5.305 -3.063 12.019 -5.305 0.000% 32 0.000 -12.019 6.126 0.000 12.019 -6.126 0.000% 33 -3.063 -12.019 5.305 3.063 12.019 -5.305 0.000% 34 -5.305 -12.019 3.063 5.305 12.019 -3.063 0.000% 35 -6.126 -12.019 0.000 6.126 12.019 0.000 0.000% 36 -5.305 -12.019 -3.063 5.305 12.019 3.063 0.000% 37 -3.063 -12.019 -5.305 3.063 12.019 5.305 0.000% tnxTower Report - version • 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 • Non -Linear Convergence Results Load Combination Converged? Number of Cycles Displacement Tolerance Force Tolerance 1 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000001 2 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00001832 3 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000966 4 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 5 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 6 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 7 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 8 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00001832 9 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000966 10 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 11 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 12 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 13 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 14 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00001832 15 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000966 16 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 17 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 18 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 19 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 20 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00001832 21 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000966 22 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 23 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 24 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00003556 25 Yes 5 0.00000001 0.00001053 26 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000001 27 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 28 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 29 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000001 30 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 31 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 32 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000001 33 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 34 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 35 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00000001 36 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 37 Yes 4 0.00000001 0.00008176 Compression Checks September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 13 Pole Design Data Section Elevation Size L L. K11r A P. ops Ratio No. Pu If R R inz K K -0 P„ L1 63.667 - 50.5 TP21.875x18x0.188 13.167 0.000 0.0 12.425 -4.982 896.994 0.006 (1) L2 50.5-0(2) TP36.281x20.691x0.313 53.250 0.000 0.0 35.677 -14.356 2550.640 0.006 Pole Bending Design Data tnxTower Report - version tnxTower Report - version Pole Shear Design Data Data September 25, 2014 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Elevation Section No. Elevation Size Actual OV„ V. CCI BU No 845223 Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 OT Ratio T Mu. M„ Y V T. Page 14 K K ova kip -ft kip -ft 0T OMY Ratio Section Elevation Size Mux OM x Ratio MY No. 1.000 ✓ (1) Mx Pass My ft kip -ft kip-tt OM„x kip -R kip -H OM -Y L1 63.667 - 50.5 TP21.875xl8x0.188 285.862 384.673 0.743 0.000 384.673 0.000 (1) 4.8.2 L2 50.5-0(2) TP36.281 x20.691 x0.313 1866.083 1884.992 0.990 0.000 1884.992 0.000 tnxTower Report - version Pole Shear Design Data Data Section Elevation Section No. Elevation Size Actual OV„ V. Ratio V Actual T. OT Ratio T Mu. M„ Y V T. If K K ova kip -ft kip -ft 0T L1 63.667 - 50.5 TP21.875xl8x0.188 28.215 448.497 0.063 0.000 770.288 0.000 1.000 ✓ (1) (1) Pass L2 ✓ 4.8.2 L2 50.5-0(2) TP36.281 x20.691 x0.313 31.070 1275.320 0.024 0.000 3774.600 0.000 tnxTower Report - version Pole Interaction Design Data Section Elevation Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Ratio Comb. Allow. Criteria No. Size P„ Mu. M„ Y V T. Stress Stress No. R OP„ Om- OM„Y OV„ 0TH Ratio Ratio L1 63.667 - 50.5 0.006 0.743 0.000 0.063 0.000 0.753 1.000 ✓ 896.994 (1) Pass L2 ✓ 4.8.2 L2 50.5-0(2) 0.006 0.990 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.996 1.000 ✓ 4.8.2 tnxTower Report - version Section Capacity Table Section Elevation Component Size Critical P op./.. % Pass No. R Type Element K K Capacity Fail L1 63.667 - 50.5 Pole TP21.875xl8x0.188 1 -4.982 896.994 75.3 Pass L2 50.5-0 Pole TP36.281 x20.691x0.313 2 -14.356 2550.640 99.6 Pass Summary Pole (1-2) 99.6 Pass RATING = 99.6 Pass tnxTower Report - version t 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 APPENDIX B BASE LEVEL DRAWING tnxTower Report - version • September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 15 (PROPOSED) (3) 3/8' TO 63 F7 LEVEL 6A (8) 5/8' TO 63 FT LEVEL (3) 3/4' TO 63 FT LEVEL (INSTALLED -TO BE REMOVED) (2) 1/2' TO 63 FTLEVEL (4) 3/4' 10 63 FT LEVEL (16) 1-5/8' TO 63 FT LEVEL OF � ° (8) 1-5/8" TO 63 FT LEVEL (AT&T MOBILITY) I If I f 04 01 1 ' I 1 03 02 ' ' • BUSINESS UNIT: 845223 TOWER ID: C-BASELEVEL u 63.667 Ft Monopole Tower Structural Analysis Project Number 1402427, Application 242671, Revision 5 APPENDIX C ADDITIONAL CALCULATIONS tnxTower Report - version 1 September 25, 2014 CCI BU No 845223 Page 16 Stiffened or Unstiffened, Ungrouted, Circular Base Plate - Any Rod Material TIA Rev G Assumption: Clear space between bottom of leveling nut and top of concrete not exceeding (1)'(Rod Diameter) Site Data BU#: 845223 Site Name: LA QUINTA App #: 242671 Rev 5 Pole Manufacturer: 1 Other Anchor Rod Data Qty Diam: Rod Material: Strength (Fu): Yield (Fy): Bolt Circle: 10 in ksi ksi lin 2.25 A615 -J 100 75 1 44 Plate Data Diam Thick: Grade: Single -Rod B-eff 50 in in ksi in 2 60 11.51 Stiffener Data (Welding at both sides) Config Weld Type: Groove Depth: Groove Angle Fillet H. Weld Fillet V. Weld: Width: Height: Thick: Notch Grade. Weld str.: 1 0 <-- Disregard <-- Disregard in in in in in in ksi Iksi Fillet 0.375 45 0,375 0.1875 7 14 0.5 075 50 80 Pole Data Diam: Thick: Grade: # of Sides: Fu Reinf. Fillet Weld 36.27 in in ksi "0" IF Round ksi ',0° if None 0.313 65 18 80 0 Reactions Rigid Mu: 1866 ft -kips Axial, Pu: 14 kips Shear, Vu: 31 kips Eta Factor; q 0.55 TIA G (Fig. 4-4) If No stiffeners, Criteria I AISC LRFD -Only Applcable to Unstiffened Cases Anchor Rod Results Max Rod (Cu+ Vu/r ): Allowable Axial, O'Fu`Anet: Anchor Rod Stress Ratio: Base Plate Results Base Plate Stress: Allowable Plate Stress: Base Plate Stress Ratio: Flexural Check 43.7 ksi 54.0 ksi 80.8% Pass Rigid 210.6 Kips AISC LRFD 260.0 Kips (p`Tn 81.0% Pass n/a Flexural Check 43.7 ksi 54.0 ksi 80.8% Pass Rigid AISC LRFD (p`Fy Y L. Length 24.91 n/a Stiffener Results Horizontal Weld n/a Vertical Weld: n/a Plate Flex+Shear, fb/Fb+(fv/Fv)^2: n/a Plate Tension+Shear, ft/Ft+(fv/Fv)^2 n/a Plate Comp. (AISC Bracket): n/a Pole Results Pole Punching Shear Check n/a 0 = none, 1 = every bolt, 2 = every 2 bolts, 3 = 2 per bolt *` Note for complete joint penetration groove welds the groove depth must be exactly 1/2 the stiffener thickness for calculation purposes CClplate 1.5 - Circular Base G 1.3, Effective March 19, 2012 Analysis Date 9/25/2014 Monopole Drilled Pier 0 0 CO Foundation Tool Suite - Monopole Pier - Beta Release CCI Foundation Tool Suite -v1.0 Ultimate TIA Revision: BU: 845223 ACI 318 Revision: 2008 Site Name: LA QUINTA D 4)Mn App Number: 242671 Compression 14 kips Work Order: 926774 31 kips Moment Monopole Drilled Pier Input Criteria Ultimate TIA Revision: G ACI 318 Revision: 2008 Seismic Category: D 4)Mn 2229.74 k -ft Compression 14 kips Shear 31 kips Moment 1866 k -ft Swelling Force 0 kips Foundation Dimensions Cohesion _ Pier Diameter: 5.5 it Ext. above grade: 1 it Depth below grade: 20 it Material Properties 1 (ft) __ Number of Rebar: 18 Rebar Size: 9 Tie Size 4 Rebar tensile strength: 60 ksi Concrete Strength: 3000 psi Ultimate Concrete Strain 0.003 in/in Clear Cover to Ties: 3 in _ - - S -_ i- 'SoilProfile: 8452235oi1 --- - ' Date: Lq CCA3TLE 3' CC Analysis Results Concrete/Steel Check Ultimate Ultimate Ultimate Mu (from soil analysis) 2032.44 k -ft Depth to Zero Shear: 4.79 ft 4)Mn 2229.74 k -ft Friction Uplift Skin Comp. Skin Bearing Soil Safety Factor: Thickness From To Unit Weight Cohesion Angle Friction Friction Capacity SPT'N' Layer (it) (ft) (ft) (Pct] (psf) (deg) (ksf) (ksf) (ksf) Counts 1 2.75 0 2.75 110 0 0 0 0 0 2 16.544 2.75 19.294 110 100 22 0.6 0.6 6 3 3.4559 19.294 22.7499 110 2000 0 0.6 0.6 6 Analysis Results Concrete/Steel Check Soil Lateral Capacity Mu (from soil analysis) 2032.44 k -ft Depth to Zero Shear: 4.79 ft 4)Mn 2229.74 k -ft Max Moment, Mu: 2032.44 k -ft RATING: 91.2%. Soil Safety Factor: 1.40 Safety Factor Req'd: 1.33 RATING: 94.7% rho provided 0.53 rho required 0.50 OK Soil Axial Capacity Skin Friction (k): 134.13 kips Rebar Spacing 8.97 End Bearing (k): 106.91 kips Spacing required 18.05 OK Comp. Capacity (k), 4)Cn: 241.04 kips Comp. (k), Cu: 14.00 kips RATING: 5.8% Dev. Length required 14.96 Dev. Length provided 49.43 OK Overall Foundation Rating: 94.7% Page 1 of 1 Site BU: Work Order: Application: • CCOc'11 S u Ic Monopole Analysis per TIA-222-G 845223 926774 242671 Rev.5 • 61 CCA�TLE Axial, Wf = 14.0 kips From TNX: Shear,V,,=l 31.0 kips Appurtenance Weight (top 1/3 of structure), W. = 6.0 Average Moment of Inertia, la„ = 2546.3 Fundamental Frequency, Ff= 0.812 Ffrelated variable, SA = 0.512 Calculated CS = degrees minutes I seconds Minimum CS = Site Latitude = 33 41 14.30 33.6873 degr Site Longitude = -116 18 33.10 -116.3092 Idegr Mass or Stiffness Irregularities = No (Table 2-9) (Table 2-1) (Table 2-11) Ground Supported Structure = Yes Structure Class = 11 Site Class = D - Stiff Soil Spectral response acceleration short periods, Ss = 1.500 USGS Seismic Tool Spectral response acceleration 1 s period, Sl = 0.631 Tower Height (AGL), Hf = 63.7 ft (Table2-3) (Table 2-12) (Table2-13) (2.76) (2.76) Ikips Importance Factor, I = 1.0 Acceleration-based site coefficient, Fa = 1.0 Velocity -based site coefficient, F„ = 1.5 Design spectral response acceleration short period, SDs = 1.000 Design spectral response acceleration 1 s period, SDI = 0.631 Calculated CS =1 0.667(2.77.1) Base Seismic Shear,V,=l 7.8 Appurtenance Weight (top 1/3 of structure), W. = 6.0 Average Moment of Inertia, la„ = 2546.3 Fundamental Frequency, Ff= 0.812 Ffrelated variable, SA = 0.512 Calculated CS = 0.342 Minimum CS = 0.044 Minimum CS when SI 2:0.75 = 0.000 Final CS = 0.342 Alternative Base Seismic Shear, Vy = 4.0 kips 4 m (2.711.2) ( (2.771) (2.771) (2.771) kips ees ees Seismic shear does not exceed 50% of wind shear. No further analysis is required per section 2.7.3 of TIA-222-G. CCISeismic 2.0.07 Page 1 Analysis Date: 9/25/2014 0 - • Wally Nesbit From: Peter Hilger <Peter.Hilger@cableeng.com> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 9:24 AM To: Wally Nesbit Cc: Esperanza Benitez; Rob Searcy Subject: FW: AT&T cell site modification, 49499 Eisenhower drive Attachments: 845223 La Quinta Application Fully Ex.pdf HI Mr. Nesbit, Aaron Whiting is no longer with our company and I will be finishing his.work with the city. I've attached a copy of the application form, signed by the property owners and will send the originals to you as soon as I have them in hand. Sincerely, Peter Hilger Planning / Site Acquisition Specialist eab/a eag/iteering 8@N/CB8 Prescott Communications Inc. 10640 Sepulveda Blvd., Ste 1 Mission Hills, CA 91345 Offc (818) 898-2352 Cell (818) 304-3426 Peter. hilgerta'�.cableeng.com -------------------------Confidentiality Notice------------------------- This electronic message transmission contains information from Prescott Communications, Inc. which may be confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the content of this information is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail and delete the original message and any attachment without reading or saving in any manner. Thank you in advance. From: Aaron Whiting Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2014 9:11 AM To: Peter Hilger Subject: FW: AT&T cell site modification, 49499 Eisenhower drive From: Wally Nesbit[mailto:wnesbitCai)la-quinta.or41 Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 2:21 PM To: Aaron Whiting Subject: AT&T cell site modification, 49499 Eisenhower drive Aaron — attached is the 30 -day review letter. I am not requiring the lease info as it is an existing site. However there are some other items need prior to final review/approval. Wally Nesbit From: Aaron Whiting <Aaron.Whiting@cableeng.com> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 11:14 AM To: Wally Nesbit Subject: RE: AT&T cell site modificaiton, 49499 Eisenhower drive Hi Wally, Would I be able to send over the correct justification through e-mail to you? Thank you, Aaron From: Wally Nesbit [mailto:wnesbit@la-quinta.org] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 10:48 AM To: Aaron Whiting Subject: RE: AT&T cell site modificaiton, 49499 Eisenhower drive Hi Aaron — I do have your application. It looks fine however the Justification/Project Description submitted appears to be entirely based on a site in Thousand Oaks. I will need a corrected letter for that. I'd also like to know the frond count for existing tower. It appears that 4' antennas are being replaced with 6' antennas and there may be a need to add more or longer fronds. OTW it looks approvable as submitted. Wallace H. Nesbit, Principal Planner Community De clopmcm Dcpartrncnt: City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tmipico La Quinta CA 92253 Direct: 760-777-7069 Em 760-777-7011 email: % nesbit@la-quinta.or_v R/ 61111%4" From: Aaron Whiting[mailto:Aaron.Whiting@cableeng.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2014 8:50 AM To: Wally Nesbit Subject: RE: AT&T cell site modificaiton, 49499 Eisenhower drive Mr. Nesbit, Would you be able to assist in my inquiry below? I am looking for any comments to the application that was submitted. Thank you, Aaron Aaron Whiting Planning Technician Cable Engineering Services 10640 Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite 1 • 0.6/0 • • dt&t (� onBlnesr/ng Po5smi) Justification / Project Description JUL 0 12014 Proposed Modification to a Wireless Telecommunications Facility CITY OF LA QUINTA "49499 Eisenhower Drive., La Quinta, CA 92253 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AT&T Mobility Site LAC964 Introduction: AT&T Mobility, a federally licensed and California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") registered telecommunications utility / franchisee, requests approval of a Minor Use Permit to modify a wireless telecommunication facility. The modification will fill a significant gap in coverage and capacity in the Eisenhower Drive area, as well adjacent areas of La Quinta. The proposed modification consists of the removal and replacement of the existing four foot antennas for 12 six foot antennas. Additional equipment is to be installed in the existing shelter and six surge protectors along with 27 RRUs are to be pole mounted. Description of Use: Pursuant to the City's municipal code, AT&T Mobility has submitted a Minor Use Permit application, in order to modify a wireless telecommunications facility (WTF). There are no other collocateable WTFs currently operating in the vicinity of the aforementioned site capable of filling the gap in the target area. All other options would require the installation of new facilities above grade. Site Selection: When looking to upgrade wireless telecommunication facilities, AT&T Mobility tries to limit the amount of new site locations within a certain vicinity to reduce the 'amount of structures supporting wireless antennas. AT&T Mobility is looking to upgrade the current site location located on Eisenhower Drive to provide enhanced LTE coverage to the area. A significant gap in coverage exists in the Eisenhower Drive area. This area is surrounded by hills making current coverage extremely difficult at best and nonexistent at worst. Pursuant to the City's code requirements, AT&T Mobility searched the area for potential sites that would fulfill RF coverage objectives and maintain compliance with the City's wireless telecommunications site placement and design standards to establish the least intrusive option for service. Initially the area was analyzed to determine zoning compatibility for the placement of a WTF, then site selection focused on commercial and institutional districts as well as the Right of Way (ROW). In the area of focus, several residential zones, churches and schools are present. Another factor of consideration was to find co -location opportunities. As there are no co - location opportunities present that would not necessitate a significant height increase of the existing facility, the site selection area was narrowed primarily to the ROW and the First Baptist Church of Thousand Oaks. The church was not interested in allowing the antennas to be architecturally integrated into the church tower due to a previously proposed WTF project, Page 1 of 4 Cable Engineering Service for AT&T Mobility 10640 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SUITE 19 MISSION HILLS, CA 91345• eeble ® • dt8ct opglnesrfng wMo�e PRESCOTT COMMUNICATIONS INC. therefore the subject utility pole location was identified. The proposed utility pole replacement complies with the City's wireless site development placement and design objectives, and fulfills the technical network performance criteria, as dictated by the significant gap in AT&T Mobility's RF coverage in the Herbes Road area. Final site selection rested on several factors: 1. The proposed site's location and antenna placement height will adequately fulfill the RF coverage objectives and fully eliminate or minimize the significant gap in coverage that exists in the target area 2. The equipment will be able to be adequately shielded and concealed from view in order to maintain existing sight lines and preserve the aesthetic beauty of the area 3. The overall site location and design will be able to comply with the letter and spirit of the City's ordinances and municipal code The subject site, once constructed and operating, will have no impact on foot, bicycle and vehicular traffic. It will not adversely affect the surrounding property, and will have a minimal physical and aesthetic footprint in this area. Site Justification: Wireless telecommunications networks operate on a grid system of facilities that establish the functionality and performance of the system. The network is established on a "line of sight" premise that requires each site to be situated in a manner that allows adjacent and abutting sites to generate signals that slightly overlap. The primary objective of this model of network deployment is to provide seamless service to a designated area. At this time, AT&T Mobility's RF engineers have identified a significant gap in the acceptable level of service in the area that the proposed project will serve. The network is evaluated continuously in an effort to maintain the standard of service demanded by the public and mandated by governmental regulations. Currently, a significant gap in service exists in all areas proximate to the proposed location on roadways and in buildings. This area is comprised of a church, schools, parks, and single family residential developments directly to the west and nearby to the north, south and east. The outdoor service level in limited areas is poor and poor to nonexistent within the service objective. The current network configuration lacks the signal strength necessary to establish and maintain in -building service. The proposed facility meets the following RF coverage objectives: 1. Significantly improve currently deficient coverage within the target area 2. Provide seamless coverage north and south of the site along Erbes Road, and extending east and west along Granada Drive/Janss Road 3. Greatly improve upon, and in some cases, finally offer in -building coverage in the service area of the proposed site In the absence of the proposed facility, AT&T Mobility will be precluded from completing the network deployment and their customers will continue to experience unacceptable levels of service. The detrimental impact may be most pronounced in daily usage and heightened during emergencies and catastrophic events. The system will provide access to "E911" and to first responders during periods that landlines may not be operable. Page 2 of 4 Cable Engineering Service for AT&T Mobility 10640 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SUITE 19 MISSION HILLS, CA 91345• • • onpineor/np 7I at&t PRESCOTT COMMUNICApM`TIONS INC. Preferred Mounting Technique: The mounting technique used is the least intrusive design, while maintaining the "line of sight" premise of the AT&T wireless network. The antennas are mounted to cross arms and painted to blend into the background of hills and vegetation in the best manner possible to reduce the aesthetic impact, while maintaining the coverage objective. Alternate Design Consideration — Light -Standard: The adjacent light standard was given consideration for mounting, per the Pre -Application Meeting. A light -standard design for this site would require the following: • Use of stacked antenna radome covers to fit the four panel antennas needed to fulfill the RF requirements for this site. This would result in a total height of 42' vs. the proposed site's 33' top of antenna height. • The panel antenna and mounting gear would necessitate a 30" radome diameter on top of the +/-11" diameter light standard. • The two utility poles to the north and south of the light standard would have to be replaced with 55' (47'6" AGL) or 60' (52"AGL) utility poles to maintain the Go 95 Rule 94 mandated 6' power line clearance from the antennas. As a result of these considerations, a light -standard design would be more intrusive and have a greater visual impact than the proposed utility -pole mounted design. See application attachment "Site Photosimulations" page 3, View 1 Alternate Design, for a visualization of the light -standard design. Flush -mounted Equipment Vault Vents Consideration: The use of flush -mounted vault vents was given consideration per the Pre -Application Meeting. Given the location of the underground equipment vault at the bottom of a slope, the use of flush - mounted vault vents would not be feasible, as it would increase the chances of vault flooding. There will be no hazard created by the vent stacks due to their placement outside ADA regulated areas of concern. Noise/Acoustical Information: The noise that will be generated from the proposed site is not significant and will remain below 45 CNEL (Community Noise Equivalent Level). Maintenance: The wireless telecommunications site will be maintained once a month for graffiti mitigation and to ensure the property is kept in good visual condition. The cabinets used, will be of the best available commercial grade quality. Vandalism related damages should be reported by calling Property Management as identified on each WTF and a maintenance crew will be dispatched within 48 hours to repair or restore the facility. Cumulative Effects: Page 3 of 4 Cable Engineering Service for AT&T Mobility 10640 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SUITE 1• MISSION HILLS, CA 91345• o.blae 0 • Zrvv a�Mees le at&t PRESCOTT COMMUNICATIONS INC. The proposed tip height of the telecommunication antennas is 32'-8". There is one other telecommunication facility located in the ROW within the vicinity and one proposed. The additive or cumulative effects associated with the subject site will not exceed the RF intensity already deployed in the subject area. Additionally, the proposed telecommunications site will have a maximum operating output of approximately 2000 watts and will operate well within acceptable FCC thresholds. Conclusion: Based on the preceding facts and statements, consistent with the City's code standards for development and operation of WTF's, AT&T Mobility respectfully requests approval of the Special Use Permit to operate a WTF within the ROW. Page 4 of 4 Cable Engineering Service for AT&T Mobility 10640 SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD SUITE 1• MISSION HILLS, CA 91345• AT&T �J. at&t 12900 Park Plaza Cerritos, CA 90703-8573 www.att.com May 13, 2014 City of La Quinta Department of Planning and Community Development 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Wireless Telecommunications Facility Minor Use Permit To Whom It May Concern: AT&T proposes to modify a wireless facility located at the 49499 Eisenhower Drive in the City of La Quinta. AT&T has contracted with Cable Engineering Services to provide development services for wireless telecommunication purposes on its behalf. As to the application WTF Minor Use Permit Application Section J, AT&T agrees to cooperate in the future with other communication companies that wish to co -locate additional antennas and/or equipment on the subject site providing that such shared use does not impair the operation of the approved AT&T wireless facility. Additionally, if another entity wishes to co -locate on the subject location and AT&T objects, upon the Coastal Commission's request AT&T agrees to provide evidence via an independently prepared technical analysis to substantiate the existence of technical Interference issues, If you have any questions or concerns regarding any information provided in this letter, please feel free to contact me at the number listed below. Thank you, 1 Kyle Rogers AT&T Mobility JUL 012014 CnY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Wproud Sponso, of the US. Olympic Team aw AT&T Mobility, LLC T: 562-468-6164 12900 Park Plaza Drive F: 562-403-1830 Cerritos, CA 90703 www.att.com LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION To Whom It May Concern: Cable Engineering Services, Inc. (CES), Prescott Communications and its employees and agents are authorized representatives of AT&T Mobility LLC fka New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC and have been contracted to perform real estate functions, Cal Trans permits, land -use entitlements, and architectural and engineering services for AT&T Mobility telecommunications facilities. AT&T acknowledges that as authorized representatives, CES and Prescott Communications will accept refunds, final bills and/or additional charges. Furthermore, CES and Prescott Communications will also be issuing checks for CalTrans encroachment permits and any other fees associated with this work. Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact AT&T's property management department at 562-468-6164 or via email christina.wager@att.com. Date: January 18, 2012 Si ,stma Wager I Estate Manager Angeles Region cc: file WProud Sponsor of SUe u.S. Olympk Team NnWWoo N�W0.1'at o 0 � 3. d1N1n I s TOWAIR Search Results • Page of 1 TOWAIR Determination Results A routine check of the coordinates, heights, and structure type you provided indicates that this structure does not require registration. *** NOTICE *** TOWAIR's findings are not definitive or binding, and we cannot guarantee that the data in TOWAIR are fully current and accurate. In some instances, TOWAIR may yield results that differ from application of the criteria set out in 47 C.F.R. Section 17.7 and 14 C.F.R. Section 77.13. A positive finding by TOWAIR recommending notification should be given considerable weight. On the other hand, a finding by TOWAIR recommending either for or against notification Is not conclusive. It is the responsibility of each ASR participant to exercise due diligence to determine if it must coordinate Its structure with the FAA. TOWAIR is only one tool designed to assist ASR participants in exercising this due diligence, and further investigation may be necessary to determine if FAA coordination is appropriate. DETERMINATION Results PASS SLOPE(100:1): NO FAA REQ-RWY MORE THAN 10499 MTRS & 7476.74 MTRS (7.47670 KM) AWAY Lowest Elevation Runway Length Type C/R Latitude Longitude Name Address (m) (m) AIRP R 33-45- 116-16- BERMUDA RIVERSIDE 13.7 1524.5999999999999 5.00N 56.00W DUNES PALM SPRINGS, CA Your Specifications NAD83 Coordinates Latitude Longitude Measurements (Meters) Overall Structure Height (AGL) Support Structure Height (AGL) Site Elevation (AMSC) Structure Type 33-41-14.3 north 116-18-33.1 west 21.9 21.9 13.1 TOWER - Free standing or Guyed Structure used for Communications Purposes Tower Construction Notification Notify Tribes and Historic Preservation Officers of your plans to build a tower. Note: Notification does NOT replace Section 106 Consultation. http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/AsrSearch/towairResult.jsp?printable 1/17/2006 -ULS License - Cellular License 0KA351 - NEW CINGULAR WIRELEOCS, LLC Page 1 of 2 Universal Licensing System FCC > WTB > ULS > Online Systems > License Search FCC Site Mal) ULS License Cellular License - KNKA351 - NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, [11 HELP LLC 01 R Refine Search [* Return to Results A Printable Page ft Reference copy Map License ADNN jr LOCATIONS ® This license has pending applications: 0004155791, 0004078789 Call Sign KNKA351 Radio Service CL - Cellular Status Active Auth Type Regular Market Market CMA002 - Los Angeles -Long Channel Block A View Frequencies Licensee PA 10/01/2017 RECEIVED JUL 0 12014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FRN 0003291192 Type Limited Liability Company (View Ownership Filb ) Licensee NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC P:(202)457-2055 1120 20TH STREET, NW F:(202)457-3074 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 E: MICHAEL. P.GOGGIN@ATT.COM ATTN MICHAEL P. GOGGIN Contact AT&T MOBILITY LLC P:(202)457-2055 MICHAEL P GOGGIN F:(202)457-3074 1120 20TH STREET, NW E: MICHAEL. P.GOGGIN@ATT.COM http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.isp?licKey=12514 3/11/2010 Beach/Anaheim Submarket 0 Phase Dates Grant 11/06/2007 Expiration Effective 11/06/2007 Cancellatior Five Year Buildout Date 11/22/1998 Control Points 1 6045 EAST SLAUSON AVENUE, COMMERCE, CA 2 301 NORTH CRESCENT WAY, ANAHEIM, CA 3 15215 SOUTH BROADWAY, GARDENA, CA All Control Points 4) Licensee PA 10/01/2017 RECEIVED JUL 0 12014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FRN 0003291192 Type Limited Liability Company (View Ownership Filb ) Licensee NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC P:(202)457-2055 1120 20TH STREET, NW F:(202)457-3074 WASHINGTON, DC 20036 E: MICHAEL. P.GOGGIN@ATT.COM ATTN MICHAEL P. GOGGIN Contact AT&T MOBILITY LLC P:(202)457-2055 MICHAEL P GOGGIN F:(202)457-3074 1120 20TH STREET, NW E: MICHAEL. P.GOGGIN@ATT.COM http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/license.isp?licKey=12514 3/11/2010 ULS License - Cellular License *KA351 - NEW CINGULAR WIRELEJWCS, LLC WASHINGTON, DC 20036 Ownership and Qualifications Radio Service Type Fixed Regulatory Status Common Carrier Interconnected Yes Alien Ownership The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Alien Ownership questions. Basic Qualifications The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Basic Qualification questions. Demographics Race Ethnicity Gender Page 2 of 2 ULS Help ULS Glossary - 1=AQ - Online Help - Technical Support - Licensing Support ULS Online Systems CORES - ULS Online Filinq - License Search - Application Search - Archive License Search About ULS Privacy Statement - About ULS - ULS Home Basic Search By Call Sign - FCC Wireless ULS CORES Help Tech Support Submit Hem Request http://wireless2.fcc.gov/U1sApp/U1sSearch/license.jsp?licKey=12514 3/11/2010 ,ULS License - PCS Broadband I nse - KNLF205 - NEW CINGULAR WisLESS PCS, LLC Page 1 of 2 ULS License PCS Broadband License - KNLF205 - NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC ® This license has pending applications: 0004078789 Call Sign KNLF205 Radio Service Status Active Auth Type Market Market MTA002 - Los Angeles -San Diego Channel Block Submarket 35 Associated Frequencies (MHz) Dates Grant 07/07/2005 Effective 03/16/2010 Buildout Deadlines 1st 06/23/2000 Notification Dates 1st 05/05/2000 Licensee FRN 0003291192 Licensee NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC 5601 LEGACY DRIVE, MS: A-3 PLANO, TX 75024 ATTN FCC Group Contact AT&T MOBILITY LLC Michael P Goggin 1120 20th Street, NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 ATTN Michael P. Goggin Expiration Cancellation 2nd 2nd Type CW - PCS Broadband Regular B 001870.00000000- 001885.00000000 001950.00000000- 001965.00000000 06/23/2015 06/23/2005 03/14/2003 Limited Liability Company P:(469)229-7471 F: (469)229-7297 E: LG5201@ATT.COM P:(202)457-2055 F:(202)457-3074 E:MG7268@att.com Ownership and Qualifications Radio Service Type Mobile Regulatory Status Common Carrier Interconnected Yes Alien Ownership The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Alien Ownership questions. Basic Qualifications The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Basic Qualification questions. http://wireIess2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UIsSearch/Iicense.jsp?IicKey=8882&printable 4/8/2010 ULS License - PCS Broadband ense - KNLF205 - NEW CINGULAR *ELESS PCS, LLC Page 2 of 2 Tribal Land Bidding Credits This license did not have tribal land bidding credits. Demographics Race Ethnicity Gender http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseisp?licKey=8882&printable 4/8/2010 ULS License - PCS Broadband rise - KNLG472 - New Cingular Wirel*CS, LLC Page 1 of 2 ULS License PCS Broadband License - KNLG472 - New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ® This license has pending applications: 0004078789 Call Sign KNLG472 Radio Service Status Active Auth Type Market Market BTA262 - Los Angeles, CA Channel Block Submarket 0 Associated Frequencies (MHz) Dates Grant 06/21/2007 Expiration Effective 03/16/2010 Cancellation Buildout Deadlines 1st 04/28/2002 2nd Notification Dates 1st 01/14/2002 2nd Licensee FRN 0003291192 Licensee New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 5601 LEGACY DRIVE, MS: A-3 PLANO, TX 75024 ATTN FCC GROUP Contact AT&T MOBILITY LLC Michael P Goggin 1120 20th Street, NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 ATTN Michael P. Goggin Ownership and Qualifications Radio Service Type Mobile Type CW - PCS Broadband Regular 001865.00000000- 001870.00000000 001945.00000000- 001950.00000000 04/28/2017 Limited Liability Company P:(469)229-7471 F:(469)229-7297 E: LG5201 @ATT.COM P:(202)457-2055 F:(202)457-3074 E:MG7268@att.com Regulatory Status Common Carrier Interconnected Yes Alien Ownership The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Alien Ownership questions. Basic Qualifications The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Basic Qualification questions. Tribal Land Bidding Credits This license did not have tribal land bidding credits. http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/licenseisp?licKey=9858&printable 4/8/2010 ULS License - PCS Broadband 10 rise - KNLG472 - New Cingular Wirele10CS, LLC Page 2 of 2 Demographics Race Ethnicity Gender http://wireless2.fcc.gov/U1sApp/UlsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=9858&printable 4/8/2010 . ULS License - PCS Broadband *rise - WQHT993 - New Cingular Wirel*CS, LLC Page 1 of 2 ULS License PCS Broadband License - WQHT993 - New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC ® This license has pending applications: 0004078789 Call Sign WQHT993 Radio Service Status Active Auth Type Market Market MTA002 - Los Angeles -San Diego Channel Block Submarket 14 Dates Grant 05/18/2007 Effective 03/16/2010 Buildout Deadlines 1st Notification Dates 1st Licensee FRN 0003291192 Licensee New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC 5601 Legacy Drive, MS: A-3 Plano, TX 75024 ATTN FCC Group Contact AT&T Mobility LLC Michael P Goggin 1120 20th Street, NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036 ATTN Michael P. Goggin Ownership and Qualifications Radio Service Type Mobile Associated Frequencies (MHz) Expiration Cancellation 2nd 2nd Type CW - PCS Broadband Regular B 001870.00000000- 001885.00000000 001950.00000000- 001965.00000000 06/23/2015 Limited Liability Company P:(469)229-7471 F: (469)229-7297 E: LG5201@ATT.COM P:(202)457-2055 F:(202)457-3074 E:MG7268@att.com Regulatory Status Common Carrier Interconnected Yes Alien Ownership The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Alien Ownership questions. Basic Qualifications The Applicant answered "No" to each of the Basic Qualification questions. Tribal Land Bidding Credits This license did not have tribal land bidding credits. http://wireless2.fcc.gov/U(sApp/U IsSearch/license.jsp?licKey=2957918&printab le 4/8/2010 ULS License - PCS Broadband ense - WQHT993 - New Cingular Wire j*PCS, LLC Page 2 of 2 Demographics Race Ethnicity Gender http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UIsSearch/llcense.jsp?licKey=2957918&printable 4/8/2010 w City of Riverside Attn: Planning Dept. 3900 Main Street Riverside, Ca 92501 Crown Castle Tel: 949-930-4347 38 Technology Drive, Suite 250 kelly.mcdonough@crowncastle.com Irvine, CA 92618 Re: Application for Zoning/Building Permit Crown Castle Telecommunications Site at: 49499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, CA 92253 CCATT LLC ("Crown Castle") hereby authorizes AT&T Mobility, including its Agent(s), to act as our Agent(s) in the processing of all zoning applications, building permits and approvals through the City of Riverside for the existing wireless communications site described below: Crown Site ID: 845223 - La Quinta AT&T: LAC964 (10086597) La Quinta Resort Site Address: 49499 Eisenhower Drive, La Quinta, CA 92253 APN: 658-190-011 Crown Castle By: Date. Kelly Mc onough Real Estate Specialist JUL 0-:12014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 4 U State of California County of ORANGE On JUNE 4, 2014 0 ACKNOWLEDGMENT before me, ALIDA FAY S MONTIEL, NOTARY PUBLIC (insert name and title of the officer) personally appeared KELLY A MCDONOUGH who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature (Seal) AUOA FAY S. N TIER COMM. 42064281 NO%Pgbk . Catdonft z 1 Comm ow �r1 2ma Aaron Whiting From: Esperanza Benitez Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 1:42 PM To: Aaron Whiting Cc: Rob Searcy Subject: RE: LAC964 - LTE 3C Hi Aaron, Anna wants to know if you need the structural for the zoning submittal? She's only asking because according to her they usually just supply the structural for the BP. Please let me know when you get a chance. Thank you, Esperanza Benitez Wireless Project Manager Cable Engineering Services Phone: 818-898-2352 Cell: 818-356-6033 Fax: 818-898-9186 esperanza.benitez@cableeng.com From: Aaron Whiting Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 4:30 PM To: Esperanza Benitez Cc: Rob Searcy Subject: RE: LAC964 - LTE 3C RECEIVED JUL 0 12014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Hi Espiranza, It looks like this will require a Minor Use Permit. I left a voicemail with a planner to confirm everything and make sure there are not additional items or fees, but below is a list of all that we will need from Bechtel. Thank you, Aaron Photo-sims RF Maps Structural Report 5 Sets of plans ( Do we print or AE?) $200 for submittal fee We will also need the property owner's signature on the application form. From: Esperanza Benitez Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 11:18 AM To: Aaron Whiting Subject: FW: LAC964 - LTE 3C 1 Hi Aaron, Here is the information received for La Quinta site LAC964. Thank you, Esperanza Benitez Wireless Project Manager Cable Engineering Services Phone: 818-898-2352 Cell: 818-356-6033 Fax: 818-898-9186 esperanza.benitez@cableeng.com From: Giebe, Anna (mailto:ajgiebe(dbechtel.com] Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 9:05 AM To: Peter Hilger Cc: Esperanza Benitez Subject: LAC964 - LTE 3C Good Morning! This is a hot site that fell thru the cracks. I need you to get the application before my Tuesday meeting. The applications should just be for what we are installing now. The zoning will be for the Cell Site of the Future. Please let me know if you have any questions. This site at one time was AT&T and was acquired by Crown. Thanks Bechtel Communications, Inc. 6131 Orangethorpe, Suite 500 Buena Park, CA 90620 Mobile 310-592-9076 Desk 714-676-2815 Bechtel Corporation 2013. Contains confidential and/or proprietary information to Bechtel and its affiliated companies which shall not be used, disclosed, or reproduced in any format by any non -Bechtel party without Bechtel's prior written permission. All rights reserved. "I certify that this e-mail and all attached documents do not contain Sensitive Personal Information as defined by AT&T comuany policy." I e ra tia CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LAC96449499 Eisenhower Drive - La Quinta, CA 92253 I AC �A • LTE Justification Plots Market Name: Los Angeles Site ID: CLU4860/CSL04860 Site Name: LA QUINTA ATOLL Plots Completion Date: May 13, 2014 Assumptions o`ur, current Atoll (Design tool) project tool that •:• The propagation referenced in this package is oases on proposed LTE coverage of AT& I users in the surrounding buildings, in vehicles and at street level . For your reference, the scale shown ranges from good to poor coverage with gradual changes in coverage showing best coverage to marginal and finally poor signal levels. •:• The plots shown are based on the following criteria: Existing: Since LTE network modifications are not yet On -Air. The first slide is a snap shot of the area showing the existing site without LTE coverage in the AT&T network. The Planned LTE Coverage with the Referenced Site: Assuming all the planned neighboring sites of the target site are approved by the jurisdiction and the referenced site is also approved and On -Air, the propagation is displayed with the planned legends provided. Without Target site: Assuming all the planned neighboring sites are approved by the jurisdiction and On -Air and the referenced site is Off -Air, the propagation is displayed with the legends provided. Existing and Planned sites view haco Ceta►lnaceansaWa��� � •' �'''«at+.te:e,� Q ._- -- s , n < < µ „ 1114 �t y L Hwo-11 '- 7 ti r i 0 / ��P/ O �r) m> muco- G• Calle di!4 sur Shoshone Or C °` Por C* 5 Borrego Dr Borrego �' 3) g 6 Cale Arroba > > 3 aygr o -f- `� ' Si ve!*da Rne-pro NOO M rCarnes or 'z' _ 0 s ? Alberta Ave Arthurs O Q%a Pawon }ermiier `f µ ti r el Ex ? 6A kr«n`"wses�o �4 `?moo a 4 yy OG ` Vk r tt� o, v} V"" S R CL �, y o f 0o � e n s-- MOu^tarn 3 Fi Ston Or E Gasn . � 1An dsor+g Way .y Viola Ct 7r 4yr �' 4,) V g ? O 'Y ' Cate El Dorado i nod, Gabe !vay Tamu k St Mord '0. � � Carno4on Ln � � v `7� 3 p o Vta Lam do O Nd ask ltd ATtxr k Qrrg4 Qr 7�sA4' Q Q tip Crystal "op a v C, Q C `$ Sign of Spring SL f ig Pl Marguerta Ave Rd s N� �M r O O < 4P!h ° S 8na- Rd E: Toro C joA j( 8u� '�, i� r Avt e^ pe.,S Avenue 38 �n WR1 pOa: d Tr! Cr %� erg �^' C, v s; 7/ Avg rb or Cbl umbos to =On a Gee PI urn In Or � F 'bra < r/ v % �c r .,od CL ti 'S;, za3a e' ara ` �V � Avenue 49 » < Shadv C : 5 CO r O n da CSLO4860 Calk _ ., 4 Y ? (i 4 H3ptirs Dr y y or r er G sy "U/k, 3a p _`t GauAt Wa lc 7 •'' Zp. 2 ��5� �taR M elJ a '� r•�+ g ��O 'moo• V�St 90 Zi, rnAas Or o a D * o R d ria { Ton Or $ �� ydi o Aa t. Zen Avenue 51 Dr Cay catan 4v S C ga �� 10 l � Beth G* Yu �o j Z _ '� ° r 41, polo Rd 0 Proposed Macro Site Calle Sinaloa a < < ft 3 'r -G F»sa — j rqr ��3 s V e0 Sia G�'4 n < ? - m 'f,, „� es nor 4s Cale Sonora -� Vt.ns Ct Calk Nogales Cabe 'kan t, �y ;d 53rd Ars Avenue �' i a Cale Arroba > > 3 �.�"� o -f- `� Calle M.adred '2' n RL 3 2� x+Q� �a�c t5 P S Exhibit 7.03 LTE Coverage (RSRP) — Existing (On -Air) C. v ►turon Dr C311e - ^ C Borrego Or Mary to Fs Vim Ar Li _ tnpE rd marlstc StGPs C', N,rer«N.ours tigo IX "k608'd Tri r wn Ln % RrBta Trl 79 � j •r D �ry. yy �.,... Oil- o .. 1 • O Proposed Macro Site S%gn -Al, ft� { , l ` O CSL04860 Cape Hue Calk S S �d ykerit bn d Ca��Yuca;s^ n �s usa o Calle Sinaloa C 's � , 2j :ane Sonora Calk Nogales Cade Md ,trQreY o 4.4, c Cale Arroba g > SQi I ►1 LEGE ND (C -overage Signal) � ., �-75cIRm InclM�r tii};,nal t5 .85dRm In 'chick Swnal Exhibit 7.04 LTE Coverage (RSRP) — Planned CSL04860 - Stand Alone f aKo ` f '-yLai�na Way `' ; i,;`ti 'z Q , A ^ �'� f • da pam,,o Hoo N De An.a Way � ? Lr y°`ena Ct a �,� 1 ~� Carnes Or _ �� �r_ Alberta Ave Arthurs 11 it < ^+ ' ''t� O ,, Pavron z O < O'er jenntfer viaa � 1 R d >t i °� 5� �yr¢n Dr Catte del sur Shoshone Or C � , Z C+aid ,,� �, ''`'�� a E 14 #Q St s 'u''a•r cr n Borrego Or Mary to Dr 3 '� ? Cfia^Oen ver 1 c herseshpe 'CIO o� a Farvav O „ �.� sg �€ Ng a �4 ,�,,�� _ v!irlJwta.nJr f rt�Stp 0' m V,nta DrE Gate �'�i o wndwrgtikDY yu 4' �. !2 Cz U+ r y G g o S Corte E! Dorado { & ,we,,Tamarisk St �vfa�a��? Cara#an Ln ' v 3A e� N S 6 Vsa late a6` Garde^ A'd mtxr k Po. gs �^+'sta! C l�C �?-.: _ �, .. G? .. _ . _.. _. _ 4, p oD p�> - marguerta Ave ` ack Rd FAQ Dr fia C 0 Sign of Spring 9 St ') '� i►g P! ka ' Rd �!� apn rr 0 < G$ h Ave n 9� Ave e:8 S Briar Rd E' Ta o C: JDI,��n Buckp wm to �� q,at `�-d Tr` C` „� O �„� s. . r� � °�vwV to Col unzus Ln 17.oq . a Tri Or Plurn Lr' -� n Shadv Ct � S < 0. 'vim '� Avenue t 10, " Y: Hopkins ar 10,x Gaunt Way �► r�y'LV,StaDr R an'�s£ir �6 Zen ToritTr of Avenue SY �a�ta ►d tk y • ga � 3e � $e polo Rd 9na10a oi�G �r•ia =@y (`0/ Cr 41 b��Q s Via S#'Ona • So 1 ns C' gales Or w dP Gj f p _ S� i1 • iib- 5 _ .0 53fd Avis Avenu% 0 Proposed Macro Site 0 ExWtint Macro Sites LEGE N h ((:overage Signal) -7xigni lndrxx Srygn.rl 85dFm In Vehicle Skinal Exhibit 7.05 LTE Coverage (RSRP) — Existing and Planned CSL04860 _CI F =Wary a 9� �7 Gq w LI J. Ar — o HLWOn Dr ealle s � r • ^ Borrego Or Mary In w a V,n2s� pr . � � ►nQtorl 7am3rtSi' St ft o d jo 4 nber � % ? ��w4r sc M rS+ k Rd' o't yti'a Rd A &rucb '5C, c'(+ Od Tri (;, . rt iiosew�dCt Z g > it R f - v x L Pon g �/ rr • 0 Proposed Macro Site 0 Existing Macro Sites a n .. No w E �«Logo 2 Dr _ r+ r d CSLO4860. t � d = y►� Y 1 a *4• y�� "off ' .. Y d C Gi = e 9nslos o? �# -PZs g v e ' y V les °'. case 0 4r# ►°rsC F r � A I I GEN 1) (Coverage S-ignal) robetdll dhd � C Jc`� f z;klsm In•\'ehick. Sit nal 4MdBm O utdcxrr lign11 0 Coverage Legend Rethink Possible In -Building Service: In general, the areas shown in dark green should have the strongest signal strength and be sufficient for most in -building coverage. However, in -building coverage can and will be adversely affected by the thickness/construction type of walls, or your location in the building (i.e., in the basement, in the middle of the building with multiple walls, etc.) In -Transit Service: The areas shown in the yellow should be sufficient for on - street or in -the -open coverage, most in -vehicle coverage and possibly some in -building coverage. Outdoor Service: The areas shown in the purple should have sufficient sign strength for on -street or in -the -open coverage, but may not have it for in - vehicle coverage or in -building coverage. i V) • • A/E DOCUMENT REVIEW STATUS Status Code - �_�. t eWith minor or no comments, construction . may ���� may proceed pros 1 12 i Not Accepted -Please resolve comments and resubmit �\ Acceptanee don disigadetails. - not cansutiae approval of cakulatiwn, anaryatf, test mettgds or materials developed or selected by the subcontractor and does not mBew subcontractor from tIm compliance obligations. , CONST_ LITE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT Reviewed I _ENG J. SITE NUMBER: LAC964 _stattisey_ArnoldDeGuzman�;R�,,�'„��,, SITE NAME: LA QUINTA RESORT DRAWING INDEX REV. DIRECTIONS PROJECT INFORMATION DRIVING DIRECTIONS FROM AT&T WIRELESS, CERRITOS ,::,-iAC964-FOD TrTLC SHEET 0 Sika OFr� yK: ATti ePOPDSES M MCAtiY, OPERATE ANO tW MAINTAIN AN Edd UKNNED 'ELICOu FACRIIY. 1.1URN LEFT TU MERGE ONTO CF -91 E piC SCOPE WILL CONSIST Of THE FOLLOWING: LA-LAC964-Z01 =ITE PUN 0 2. TAKE D.E.CA-60 EA -215 S ExIT F7.VA_RD SM OLGO,ANDIO 1. REDOV:: MID REPLACE E41STING ANTENNAS With (12) NEW 6' PANIL A: ENNAS. TIERCE ONTO CA. -60 C 2. INHM 51ALL ACDITC. 101PDENi LNSIDE ERGPNG EOU.PDENT RIELTEP AF GROUNU 1-0-11L.LA-LAC954-2C2 ENLRCED EVE 3 ANTENNA LA706 1 PLAINS 0 4. VERGE G' 0 CA -SG E/1-215 S 3. I1 SrALUT:pN OT (6) SURGE SUPPRES50PS, AND (27) RRUS AT THC ANTENNA LE3EL LA-L-C964-ZC3 EOUIFD 17::7 ROOM UYOI:I :UN 0 5. (EEP LEFT i7 CONTINUE CN CA -60 E G. uERCE p'ITO I -1C E LL_L A;;o54-Z04 ELEVATIONS O TME T'$ rJSVICTON Sl Erin TURN RICH' ONFO WASHINGTON9. TURN. RIO?Sr ONTO EiSE414 WEP. DR 10. END AT 49x99 EISEE1,114 ER ORXE ON THE MINT 51iE *DRESS. 49799 E15ENPC'NER OFu.E LAOMITA, CA. 92251 F4?UKRI'r O'ANER: rR DESERT RESORT, INC VICINITY MAP 49-499 CISEM10ti'ER WIE U OUINfA, CA 92253 CONTACT: (740) 554-7653 _ SITE ACOW WI : CCASIM RISUNE35 GROUP, INC. __ _ _ _ _ _14N [;:• ALA'F I ____ _ _ _ �. __.. _ :6150 SCL'NTxIC WAr IRVNE, CA 92515 111 i -= CONTACT: ��SHUA ANA.n ,o (9009) 964-8405 I _ AGENT: BE HIEL CCi MUMCAii N$ _ 5131 OPANEETHORPE AVE. YH FL 9::EI4 PMx, CA 90620 i 1 1 APPI ICAYr AT&T W7R.LfSS --- LAMUDE: 12900 PARR PLAZA t»A RECEIVED COMM, CA 90703 3S 41' 14.25' N CODE COMPLIANCE �� I.1'•t'�!10'M N� AI'L aK -- r� LONGI ELEVA.T101+: -1117 l9' 31.Tf w JUL 0 12014 43 FEET ADSL I. .20.3 CAIJr^.7R,NA ADMINISTRATIL'E CODE (CAC) CALIFOP.':A ENERGY CCkMi5510N BUILO'.NG ENERGY 2. 2013 CAitFCfiN4 CUe_D!NC CODE (C°..(,), VOLUMES I. AND EFF'.C'IENCY STANDARD$i WE 2 t2Oi2 ED, TON IriERuirOF:AL P4iR01FM. C!XIF WITH Nil] G. 2013 CALIFORN'F. fIRE CGIIE (CFC) (2012 EDITION Of INTERNATh"'NAL FIR. WIT. ;010 / I `? JURISDICTIONC1Y OF U OUIMn CITY OF LA QUINTA CALIFORMA AUEtIDLIENTS) 3. 2013 CAL+°ORNIA ELECTRICAL (.'SDE (2011 EDITION COrE CAIFORNIIA 14!ENOV. S) A.P.N.. r �� 858-1150-"� .-" k 6fa-130 Oil COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NATIONAL ELECTRLAL CODE RTTH 2013 CALIFORNIA PA ' 2013 CAUMR'CF;,EE N CO I^^ ( I MI_R<;01'ENTS B. 2013 CALL ORNA FiFELE1NE5 ST0.4DA?OS CODE - PROPOSED 11`'..1: TELECOMDUNICATrAl FACEITY 4, 2013 CMLrOR:rA uECtWINMA Ca<SE (CuCi (7012 EDII':0N 9. APaN'.1BLE LOCAL COTS Ci..'S I _ --- - AVF SO _ ,17111 20•.1 _ __ __ ----- APDG LRIIi ORD uCCFI'HIC.AL CODE VY "i 2013 CALL: JRhA NfPA71 - NATIFNk W. AL.7� cum. MIT LMIO'k �. AbEnUUCNs51 • 14PA 271 - STRIOAR7 FOR SAIMARI L CONSTRICINX 5. ;O',0 CAffOR41A ENERGY CDC E f2fI0R EGTION A,,Wlr%, AA DEDOUigN OMEATKIN, 2313 EDITOL DCI PACIFiC LA QUINTA RESORT � ��yat&t LAC964 LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT A)EIC WORKS USID: 26438 �� �^ S stat ;� ;� � o ' TITLE SHEET uAAneMluIl.wawrzrmliawloieln<oNNr a;wG*w�rce 19499 EISENHOWER DRIVE c4Awapu,� •O GT aTwSCM a' �` °vei°"Aw' °L` +]wun4ccmurznvcrT l• r rn.]e.laeal e.••n,iasl U QU:NTA, CA 92253 anllnosucrw tA1T +s oFm. ascan I»+,n 25774 -DIS -Li U-UC964-i01 • • 5- 0 4p / If ; LA QUI; TA RESORT DRIVEWAY ... ....... J, 'o 1/1 A10 IDIOM. 11.1:11' IN N EQUIPMENT INSIDE. SEE 1/Z02 FOR MORE INFORMATION . ......... . (E) RES'DENTW AKA—%' • 17� . I . ........ LI rA SITE PLAN SME: DCI PACIFIC AIEIC WORKS LA QUINTA RESORTaW LAC964 e&t USED: 26438 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT SITE PLAN 0" LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I -.m PAW Iry s E fs %C- 1 25736-615-0—LAC9,64—Zol 0 4p (N) G'H PANEL ANTENNA. 4 PER SECTOR, 12 TOTAL (N) AT&T 1OWER M=frT SUKE S FIPRFSS,'R. 2 P6 SEUCTOP, 6 TOTAL 13 A (t4) Rr-YOIC RADIO UtIff (RRU), 9 PEP. SECIOR, 27 TOTAL MON"i"'j. -.4 11 )Rol# ENII.F (Ejtvroxoll rMT (E) AT&T EOLRF-" FACMM W/ W1 (N) LOUPUL41 MDE. SEE (N) ANTENNA ON EMSTING <i- MONOPALM. SEE ANTENNA AREA I/M FOR MORE INFORUATI(M. Ayou PLAN FOR MORE 1.6 ORNATION — (N) ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN X\ SME: PER --EUOR. I.' TOTAL PAO TRECS 1. in LE; 1rAlS, ly. r�ASS AREA r eEl —,CA (E) ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN SCaE: 3/8'-1'-0- ENLARGED SITE PLAN ScAls- DCI PACIFIC LA QUINTA RESORT aM 07- AlE I C WORKS LAC964 aut LTE USID: 26438 3RD CARRIER PROJECT oTnjw� cc 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE ENLARGED SITE ANTENNA LAYOUT PLANS W. DAr -A QUINTA. CA 92253 MW70S CA srx 1; » us"go 75736- 615 -L:r LA-LAC964-ZO2 0 0 0 0 LEGEND (EXISTING) FIRE ri ,RST AID 41i L"ERGENCY ---E AND i4f-91 STATION FATT1RIC',,/--I,L CELL - - - - - - - AtAP,,'H; eAFIERY [;ICCfl - NECT 6) 24-.9C POWLk L!rAPO A:.'.P 4nv,:- POWER e0,APD AmP I CC TO CC CONVER117H tr4VETIER AMP mv.RIEP 2 Amp CCIMVC-ROAL ;'-.0 14ETER 10 i1r, E' ECTR!-i-L S --RACE E;4TkANCE PANEL T( --7-L) CIDMMERCIAL AC SEPVI',:E •ryCC"4!-!Ff?1-!AL TRAN--FfRmEP Y, VA A' LOAD CENTER Ak4P -- ,cl :%C MA -M BREAKER PANEL 06TALL RES SWI (WQ ON 19- RACK AC, sl"PRES", P', SEC (E) TRANSFER c. -R', ANSFEF ic) ARGUS ckill, •2<v 10 ERICSSLI -R-S 6VI' :2u S,c- PORTABLE GENERATOR 'fl--60-pu 7 fAt,'f BY GE� --RATO'Y - - - - - - KW !CUL) PCII-4 i5D) auDa-s 0111 It) C9 :.0 LE!,' 0 TER PAC;( 041 nT H-1 A- UK rt� EXTERNAi fo r;A!,,rjEp .5 TOWER CB�.,'7RUC CA mOX GP5 A,..[N.4A 3k0 rFU'3 0- PIPE VA 61`0 OuTLET (44 rip( W,57 (3) �'Fv, -1 VA, C JN T CONTRC)L, L7A -0 (r) FPf ..AST IQ w, r -p -q -Fp i S;. HUM'frFIEP (71 1EI.TA DC J1fj'AFLR PLA -47 (IJUEPPEn. lC) fro OF�Er (ROCA". W.CRAM4AL RECTIPER HMA- OIF OE H. -L -V: EP f -A.;vp pl,mv C:SLE EW*.,,Nr"E PANEL/ POPT C-ij,'RIER %'wf-L slue (ows) TELCO ROAR',: X BAR: ---- X VAST.FF, CJP✓UND B4r iWGB)- �Et PCMER PLAUT PEP;RN BAR: X - - - - NIL csu (s) PHOYJE (P -ITS) 65 FLOCK Osx por ALARM OP, DN RECTIFIER '.,,EPJT ITAKE LrX)'.Ek 3206 1AATF (3r' '.'ARR1;*) C;,eiN,[ r EQUIPMENT ROOM (P GROUND LEVEL DCI PACIFIC LA QUINTA RESORT am LAC964 A I E I C WORKS ata LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT USID: 26438 Emu rw zllm —i ww ax o D anWIKTPIR I I —MG 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE EQUIPMENT ROOM LAYOUTPLAN T LA OUINTA. CA 92253 CBMTO& CA 0470nv svaz A; -mN K�.go LA-LAC964-703 0 0 (N) REMOTE RADiO UNIT (RRU), 9 PER SECTOR, 27 TOTAL (N) REMOTE RADIO UNIT (IRU). 9 PER SECMR. 27 TOTAL (N) 6'H PANEL ANTENNk 4 PER SECTOR, 12 TOTAL lui 6'H PANEL AMESINk PER SE.-TOR, 12 F-- fr) A4lrt'Z�Lkln�MPAI.q_ Etry Aial R,,D TOTAL (N) AT*T TOWER Wumm (C) AT4T PA�[t ANTEInkS. SURGE S�IPPRESSCR. PCr 7ECl0k, 12 TOTAi (N) AT&T TOM WOUNIED SURGE SUPPRESS". 2 PM SECTOR. 6 TOTAL 2 PER SECTOR. 6 TOTAL 7 M01, & V., (E) ELEVATION FOR op, REFERENCE ONLY (1) MONOPALM (r) L--','E PA4 FREES (E) LIVE PALM TREES—, (E) AT&T EQUiPvEW BUILDING (Q AT&T 1QUPw4T anm— EKV--\ W901"fT Id RON FENCE — NORTH ELEVATI IN EAST ELEVATION /X DCI PACIFIC LA QUINTA RESORT AIEIC WORKS LAC964 aut USID: LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT 26438 7 07/21/11 M9" 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE ELEVATIONS ;7 — —vnA ax . ...... ....... LA OUINfZ CA 92253 PLU DRrtE �M.CAWM xvc As Win. ascan ocAei 57,16-615-LT I LA-LAC964-ZO4 0 0 1at&t1 7- 01010 LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT S 11 ITE NUMBER: LAC964 SITE NAMEm LA QUINTA RESORT III, DRAWING INDEX REV, DIRECTIONS PROJECT INFORMATION DRIVING DIRECTIONS FROM AT&T WIRELESS, CERRITOS SCOPE OF WORK: AT&T PROPOSES TO MODIFY, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN AN EXISTING UNMANNED TELECOM FACILITY. 1. TURN LEFT TO MERGE ONTO CA -91 E LA-LAC964-TO1 TITLE SHEET 0 THE SCOPE WILL CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: LA-LAC964-Z01 SITE PLAN p 2. TAKE THE CA -60 E/11-215 S EXIT TOWARD SAN DIEGO/IINDIO 1. REMOVE AND REPLACE EXISTING ANTENNAS WITH (12) NEW 6' PANEL ANTENNAS. 3. MERGE ONTO CA -60 E 2. INSTALL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT INSIDE EXISTING EQUIPMENT SHELTER AT GROUND LEVEL. LA-LAC964-ZO2 ENLARGED SITE & ANTENNA LAYOUT PLANS 0 4. MERGE ONTO CA -60 E/II-215 S 3. INSTALLATION OF (6) SURGE SUPPRESSORS, AND (27) RRUS AT THE ANTENNA LEVEL. 5. KEEP LEFT TO CONTINUE ON CA -60 E LA-LAC964-ZO3 EQUIPMENT ROOM LAYOUT PLAN 0 6. MERGE ONTO 1-10 E p 7. TAKE THE WASHINGTON ST EXIT LA-LAC964-ZO4 ELEVATIONS 8. TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST 9. TURN RIGHT ONTO EISENHOWER DR SITE ADDRESS: 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE 10. END AT 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE ON THE RIGHT. LA QUINTA, C%, 92253 PROPERTY OWNER: KSL DESERT RESORT, INC VICINITY MAP -499 LA QUINTAISCAHOWER 92253DRIVE CONTACT: (760) 564-7653 SITE ACQUISITION: COASTAL BUSINESS GROUP, INC. MILES AVE 16150 SCIENTIFIC WAY IRVINE, CA 92618 0 CONTACT: JOSHUA ALBA 1 1 1 y (909) 964-8409 CIO D AGENT: BECHTEL COMMUNICATIONS < 6131 ORANGETHORPE AVE, 5TH FL D cn BUENA PARK, CA 90620 �7 0 = 1 1 1 APPLICANT: AT&T WIRELESS z G� 12900 PARK PLAZA DRIVE o CERRITOS, CA 90703 z cf) LATITUDE: 33° 41' 14.28" N CODE COMPLIANCE AVE 48 c- LONGITUDE: -116° 18' 33.10" W PROJECT EISENHOWER ri 71 ELEVATION: 43 FEET AMSL 1. 2013 CALIFORNIA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE (CAC) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION BUILDING ENERGY 2. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (CBC), VOLUMES 1, AND EFFICIENCY STANDARDS) SITE DR oz JURISDICTION: CITY OF LA QUINTA 2 (2012 EDITION INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE WITH 2013 6. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (CFC) (2012 EDITION OF CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE WITH 2010 CALIFORNIA cn Gam, ai?3 A -L � 3. 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (2011 EDITION AMENDMENTS) LA QUINTA A. P. N.: 658-180-029 & 658-190-011 APPROVIE� ff° PILAW INC DEPART IEFAT NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE WITH 2013 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) 7. 2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE B. 2013 CALIFORNIA REFERENCES STANDARDS CODE LOCAL CODES RESORT ec CLUB AVE 50 50TH AVE PROPOSED USE: TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY `` 0, 9. APPLICABLE - -- 4. 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (CMC) (2012 EDITION NFPA72 - NATIONAL FIRE ALARM CODE, 2010 EDITION. - IAPMO UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE WITH 2013 CALIFORNIA NFPA 241 - STANDARD FOR SAFEGUARDING CONSTRUCTION, Q D AMENDMENTS) ALTERATION, AND DEMOLITION OPERATION, 2013 EDITION. 5. 2010 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE (2008 EDITION AjLAI 'L A 1 \ aw LAC 9 6 4 :�== Moblllry AI E C x10RKS ,,, at&t LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT USID: 26438 Mobility TITLE SHEET 0 02/24/14 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT HN BOK DKD NO. DATE REVISIONS BY CHK APP'D ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE 12900 PARK PLAZA DRIVE DRAIVING NUMBER 77 32 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 110 1 IRVINE I CA 92614 T 949 475.1000 1949 475.1001 F LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CERRITOS, CA 90703 SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN 25736-615—LT LA—LAC964—TO1 0 ri lil U W O u L (s LL r CD O J 'i J T J r — Ul w c m O 5 <L J f- I _ 46 `r i= 'r O S LJ <L J - - LLJ S ( Z Z `r S � Z 1 r -r rr j 01 Ey Z U O � J O (n U Z C� _ C) Fr W IJ 0 Z -_ W z � m J fY z�ln w O c� F, i O Cn u J I J Z U) I— Z T U Q U LL O / C2 O G z O s _, rY V) r 1 S F- � G O -L N L -,J � CL Ll m (n CL Ct I 0 z cl z r) J Q z LLI u =L � z c fT] r S a_ O 0 z / SITE PLAN F "A ; j'1,% i/ �� ON A I E I C YWE, ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 32 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 110 1 IRVINE I CA 92614 T 949 475.1000 1 949 475.1001 F LA QUINTA RESORT LAC964 USID: 26438 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 --- at&t Mobility 12900 PARK PLAZA DRIVE CERRITOS, CA 90703 0 02/24/14 1 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT I HN I BOK I DKD 1NO.1 DATE I REVISIONS I BY CHK APP'D SCALE AS SHOWN I DESIGNED 7••••• Qt&t �' Mab01ry LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT SITE PLAN DRAWING 25736 -615 -LT I LA-LAC964-Z01 I 0 0 w O w LI (n L � m 0 cc F -- O s_ o� Y) O w J -u U F- cn w w o � z c F_ w m m O J O Q 0 Q ~ z- J m cnwO O Q e u Q _ � z U z Q w _ m o z 0 Q Q � z 0 w ~o O w — O z m w O = � U z Cn w O m Q z � m oz� z Lj r m u � Q F— = CL w0N ��y m Z U O < U J F– LL Z z — O Q U w O 7 m � O U – � � z O Q w Z_ =) un Q z CD N LLI U O z U C7 O w Qmu� �z= O w 0 Z w O >- = z u J Q Z LLJ Q =mz U O m ::> m z = O O c� Q � � 5 z Q O 0 Z z (N) 6'H PANEL ANTENNA, 4 PER SECTOR, 12 TOTAL (N) REMOTE RADIO UNIT (f 9 PER SECTOR, 27 TOTAL (N) ANTENNA LAYOUT - • • m (E) TMAS, TYP. I TOWER MOUNTED JPPRESSOR, ECTOR, 6 TOTAL /r\ 4'H PANEL ANTENNA, 'ER SECTOR, 12 TOTAL •%O%///%////%%%/`�%///%///%%%%%%///OG,r • (E) ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN � i DCI PACIFIC A I EIC WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 32 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 110 1 IRVINE I CA 92614 T 949 475.1000 1949 475.1001 F 3 LA QU NTA RESCDRT LAC964 USID: 26438 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 WROUGHT IRON FENCE (E) AT&T EQUIPMENT FACILITY W/ (N) EQUIPMENT INSIDE, SEE 1/Z03 FOR MORE INFORMATION (E) RESTROOM LARGED SITE PLAN S)UALL: 11b =1--U �=- at&t + rr Mobility 12900 PARK PLAZA DRIVE CERRITOS, CA 90703 (E) RESIDENTIAL AREA (E) WROUGHT IRON FENCE (N) ANTENNA ON EXISTING MONOPALM, SEE ANTENNA LAYOUT PLAN FOR MORE IN v z w L� c� 0 102/24/14 I ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT DATE SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED REVISIONS (E) GRASS AREA -/ JVE TREES' w U z L11 w z 0 0 (E) RESIDENTIAL AREA atM ,� MOEility LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT HN BOK DKD ENLARGED -SITE & ANTENNA LAYOUT PLANS BY CHK APP'D DRAWING NUMBER REV DRAWN 25736—15—LT LA—LAC964—ZO2 0 E) LLA v c� C) u L � o 0 w v; 0 w n(�u" u -w w =' u m CJ <t 0 o <T :neo r <C u, S U t w _ � c 0 < 2� � o Q-2 'Y W 0 J L 0 LCA 0_ �n z ,� w c L i �r o z u� w o w oELI �L: <r o f , U J W Z w c� � w o z r� 0 �G<t J s <, z u cl� j L I iJ LLI T F— z u z } =�z Ir) u Ey- LL <r 0 Z G LEGEND (EXISTING) 0 FIRE EXTINGUISHER O2 FIRE SUPRESSION/HALON O3 FIRE SUPRESSION/FM 200 ® EMERGENCY LIGHTS O5 FIRST AID KIT © EMERGENCY EYE AND SKIN WASH STATION O7 BATTERIES/GEL CELL _______ AMP/HR ® BATTERY DISCONNECT ___ AMP 24VDC POWER BOARD _____ AMP --- T�VLi�, I-�if�Lly i11�U hlll-' 11 DC TO DC CONVERTER 12 INVERTER 1 ___ AMP 13 INVERTER 2 ____ AMP 4 COMMERCIAL AC METER 15 ELECTRICAL SERVICE ENTRANCE PANEL 16 COMMERCIAL AC SERVICE DISCONNECT 17 AC TRANSFORMER _ KVA 18 COMMERCIAL AC LOAD CENTER __ AMP 19 AC MAIN BREAKER PANEL 20 AC SURGE SUPRESSOR ____ PRI ____ SEC 21 TRANSFER SWITCH/MANUAL 22 TRANSFER SWITCH/AUTOMATIC 23 PORTABLE GENERATOR PLUG 24 STANDBY GENERATOR _____ KW 25 AC LEG BOOSTER (S) 26 EXTERNAL SECURITY LIGHTING 27 TOWER OBSTRUCTION LIGHTING CONTROL BOX 28 GFCI OUTLET 29 HVAC UNIT 3o THERMOSTAT/HVAC CONTROLS 31 HUMIDflER 32 DE HUMIDIFIER (ROOM) 33 DE HUMIDIFIER (COAX/WAVEGUIDE) 34 SUMP PUMP 35 CABLE ENTRANCE PANEL/ PORT 36 QUARTER WAVE STUB (QWS) 37 TELCO BOARD: 8' X __4'__ 38 TELCO GROUND BAR: _____ X _____ 39 MASTER GROUND BAR (MGB): _12"_ X 2" 4o POWER PLANT RETURN BAR: ____ X ____ 41 NIU (S) 42 CSU (S) 43 PHONE (POTS) 44 66 BLOCK 45 DSX PANEL ____ POS. 46 MDF 47 ALARM DEMARCATION 48 RECTIFIER 49 VENT INTAKE LOUVER 5o CONTROL UNIT 51 3206 UMTS (3rd CARRIER) CABINET ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 32 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 110 1 IRVINE I CA 92614 T 949 475.1000 1 949 475.1001 F P (Ej EQUIPMENT ROOM SCALE: 1/2"=1'-0" LA QUINTA RESORT LAC964 USID: 26438 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (E) GPS ANTENNA (E) DELTA DC POWER PLANT EQUIPPED U'6hT'r'i (2j I -R' 11U A'- 'RE'I'i fER 1ViODULLS - GROUND LEVEL 0 (E) 700 Mhz RRU's ON (E) PIPE MAST, (3-RRU's TOTAL) I 5'-2" KIZZZ ' i (E) w (E) INSTALL RBS 6601 (DUL) Q 2206 2206 850 02/24/14 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT ON (E) 19" RACK BOK ; LL- GSM GSM SM 21 BY I CHK APP'D SCALE AS SHOWN ' J E E �.. (E) ARCUS CXPS +24V TO 'L � 3'' 0° �. 2206 2206 -48V DC -DC CONVERTER, - 1900 850 7/7 (E) ERICSSON "RBS 6601' GSM GSM (DUE) & DC12-48-60-RM-_---- (SPD) MODULES ON 19" RACK (E) a w Q cn 29 (E) 3RD CARRIER37 I RRU's ON PIPE MAST AWS RRU's � ON PIPE ON MAST (E) (3) RRU's �� PB ON (E) PIPE MAST % 29 DELTA FOR 411 CARRIER L , E 5(E) 32060/1900 TELCO —"- at&t ope:a Mobility 12900 PARK PLAZA DRIVE CERRITOS, CA 90703 18'-10 1/2" v w Mobility �1 LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT EQUIPMENT ROOM LAYOUT PLAN UKAWINU NUMbLK I REV. 25736 -615 -LT LA-LAC964-703 0 0 02/24/14 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT HN BOK DKD NO. DATE REVISIONS BY I CHK APP'D SCALE AS SHOWN DESIGNED DRAWN v w Mobility �1 LTE 3RD CARRIER PROJECT EQUIPMENT ROOM LAYOUT PLAN UKAWINU NUMbLK I REV. 25736 -615 -LT LA-LAC964-703 0 E w u U = n O w w � w 0 o � r� O c LLJm�' 0 w > vUl~w o Q m 0 = n w`= w � cD w E7 M o o Q 0< z- J m Lj O Q e w Q 13 10 =0z 0 z Q w m o z z O O Q Q � - s r_ C) Q w w 000 � z 0 rzw w O J a- O = O Q w z :7 w D, O z z w � m Q z � LLI 0 � w w J z o cn < 0�- L-1 z w0 Q 0 - w 0 z m � 0 � z :> o Q w = _ c -- U-) m D - >- w � m � Q z w w CD - N L -j J O z� o ,J Q _ m z � 0 a- m z o >- = 0z� J Q z T M Z m < 0 O O = w Q 5 � z z w Q O � z /\I\ DVklf%TC DAnIf% IIAIIT (DDIIN NORTH ELEVATION DC1 PACIFIC ASE 14 C WORKS ARCHITECTURE I ENGINEERING I CONSULTING 32 EXECUTIVE PARK I SUITE 110 I IRVINE I CA 92614 T 949 475.1000 1949 475.1001 F LA QUINTA RESORT LAC964 USID: 26438 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I� (N) REMOTE RADIO UNIT (RRU), 9 PER SECTOR, 27 TOTAL T.U. (t) PALM FRONDS � 72'-0" ELEV (N) 6'H PANEL ANTENNA, 4 PER SECTOR, 12 TOTAL e ;�s T.O. E ANTENNAS MONOPALM 65'-0" ELEV AT&T RAD CENTER --- o 11r�Ir - — — — �+ II Ih� 63'-0" ELEV _I j fJe Jv j -0y (E) AT&T PANEL ANTENNAS, (N) AT&T TOWER MOUNTED 4 PER SECTOR, 12 TOTAL SURGE SUPPRESSOR, -� 2 PER SECTOR, 6 TOTAL (E) MONOPALM (E) ELEVATION FOR REFERENCE ONLY at&tr Mobility 12900 PARK PLAZA DRIVE CERRITOS, CA 90703 (E) MONOPALM luwa i �ra (E) LIVE PALM TREES ------- ill h (E) AT&T EQUIPMENT BUILDINGS iiuiwiR I'''` 4LIt (E) WROUGHT �II��I IRON FENCE ----\ 0 02/24/14 ISSUED FOR ZONING PERMIT NO. DATE REVISIONS SCALE AS SHOWN I DESIGNED DRAWN HN I BOK BY CHK atm Mobffil ND] LTE CARRIER PROJECT ELEVATIONS urwrvmU NUMUtK REV. 25736 -615 -LT LA-LAC964-Z04 0