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MUP 2008-990
02/27/2008 14:55 7605642044 CH EL DORADO PAGE 01 City o a Quinta _4 �- ' .S ; Planning Department r,y 78-495 Calle Tampico`°' La Quinta, California 92253 O`'L' (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 2, ■ xir APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Ply 9.210.020, of the 7oning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that I have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. APPLICANT OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 06— '?'4?0 Date Recvd_ 3/5-/&B Fee: -t'7 5 - Related Apps.: e -- Logged in by: 1=� C— or P�30 (Print) MAILING ADDRESS //,S7 4—/ Phone No. �7i�) j• 70�`� CITY, STATE, ZIP: �A/,9�jE/n'J �'/� �� (� Fax No. 71y) 7l� T PROPERTY OWNER (If different): �jf /moi c��DRfi'cz'0 �% l (Print) ,p MAILING ADDRESS: /157 A /� 6t!1/ C�� CF1. Phone No.. (/ iw ) (pan s CITY, STATE, ZIP: I'AlAhnIj27- CJ & &4_ Fax No. 7 PROJECT LOCATION: �� �7� z- -4 Sr PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): lYC' Ga Note: Ifyour activity requires an addition exceeding 200 square feet, a trailer, or electrical service, issuance of an MUPITUP will he done concurrent with a Building Permit P:\ApplicationslMinor use Pennit.doc 02/27/2008 14:55 7605642044 CH EL DORADO PAGE 02 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS- 0 Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Planning Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8'/z" x 11" sheet or folded down to 8'h" x 11,,. 17 Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT–,�V f (,�4�}011 (Pleas rint SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE—!> NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER //L(J✓ (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: DATE (Signature provides consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICA'11ON SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. P APPGcarionsWinor Use P==LcWc PREPARED 3/05/08, 12:56:19 PAYMENTS DUE INVOICE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROGRAM PZ821L . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 08-00000074 MUP 2008-990 SALES OFFICE FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINOR USE PERMIT 75.00 TOTAL DUE 75.00 Please present this invoice to the cashier with full payment. • • P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO (7 6 0) 7 7 7-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7101 March 10, 2008 Mr. Scott Shaddix Craftsman Homes Communities, Inc. PILECopy1157 N. Red Gum Street Anaheim, CA 92806 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2008-990 MODEL HOME CONVERSION: THE COVE AT THE CITRUS Dear Mr. Shaddix: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for a model home complex and sales office/garage conversion for the Cove at the Citrus, located on Lots 24 26 and at 50-857 Cereza Street, within the Citrus residential development (TR 32751 Lot 24 - 26), subject to the exhibits on file, LQMC Section 9.60.250 Model Home Complexes, and the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), it's agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 2. The approval of this minor use permit allows the construction of three residential units to be used for model home viewing purposes only. The three model home units shall consist of one unit located on each of the following lots: Lot 24, Lot 25, and Lot 26 of Tract 32751. The approval also allows the conversion of Lot 24 to be used for model home sales office purposes only. Any other lot within Tract 32751 shall not be used for model home unit purposes. 3. In accordance with LQMC Section, 9.60.250 E, prior to use of the model home units, a cash deposit in the amount of $1,000 shall be posted with the Planning Department to insure any structures and facilities associated with the model home units will be removed or made consistent with applicable zoning regulations and related approvals within 90 days after the expiration of this approval or discontinuation of the use, which ever occurs first. 4. This minor use permit grants one temporary banner, not to exceed 32 square feet in area, and eight (8) model home complex flags. Banner and flag placement locations shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. The banner and flags shall be removed by March 10, 2009. 5. In accordance with LQMC Section, 9.60.250 F, this. minor use permit shall expire on March 10`h, 2009, one year from the date of approval. A time extension of up to one year may be approved by the Planning Director if the director finds that all requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.250 and all other city requirements have been met. Please note this letter serves as the Planning Department's approval of Minor Use Permit 2008-990, it authorizes the use of the property as identified herein and subject to the conditions of approval listed herein. It does not supplant the need for any other permits that may be required. Please contact the Building and Safety Department at (760) 777-7012 for information regarding the issuance of any required building permits. The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 to this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerelv, Associate Planner C: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Department Deby Conrad, Code Compliance Department Ed Wimmer, Public Works Department M..ovm rdl Nm.n.p: nmap No za.p caxPllwae UOtO No acoa.a,pm a mar �4IxP _ :Q.- sz—.147 rau wmuw wtt Dacus a nMs wh parr u. sxou w W bamPm Mo artETr oNccron couxopn SErawaA+r oaacma ac c. ciao Ep•. wm a/m/o, - an or u OUNIA urr w u wmA suw opNr[nNo sw cs Dui sou rxE[ 1_800-227-2600 �aN au s $ l. RAI. [Ik A b !■ tb I TR 24890-1 1 (UNDEMoPED) a s qa{ . RaR 9 ss� I b 0 '77 28 94 LOT COVERAGE TABLE C e C �j 0111 NLA U.}>{ ip rr r fm]b ,. t •' ,-- - N. 10.75 3 r -f a.Jmi an•UJ..x� LZ r l a L h a U - ----- - ------ - --------- _.._ ...._..._ �: a — s : — — — CEREZA — --- — — — ——--------------— — — — — — — ---------- INS v io- ar mrnxc ".�, - $ • 06txo 5[am M1 iw 6 xxl /Sp=,i Mr '} -'—'W—f--- OeiK wnA Pp n0 F]£M1110a � !r. r ' ---� CON9TRl1CTION NOTES A i Niw ru +°PScm ru n iNsm naw ntvnpa npm wtt ¢nARx m npols>. TaE w41 oawwc[ s�uw ra wnpm rua rc rw w ttaa ntv.rox 0 o.Txn orPrx roorNG rxw. oEPN roonc - � x r¢i ® c iar ese � +�rwRas ra � ras.s sous r.2o .Lo}'r xY1 RTA13 20 N A r0 N ® m - oma oD•r. roonlc ® usw MSN la mrmaNaP Pw ----- nes umm gsnaxr uE ,1 — • — • — — toroltan aom Na9p us[ uu eoon rASupP CIN or l.A OUtNTA lllN9� J�m�r� OeT. 1• Nl5(MI �aflP NLL O SGr RSiBor Plan 6.1 No, m 07069 a0 N.ae MUNDERGROUND Ilf1U71E5 PRIVATE ENGINEERING NOTE K arx NRPAgA IAIOCn ME OmEorlox a: N THE flry U O k STAR M CAIFOAa\ az y : n,["uc.e ��a4 wio fli�n Ax a °a .. etIrMum�ara.aoNoan PRECISEISSEGaGRADING RADING PLA N ?TRACE2751MODLS o1 2_x. LOAND 28 , , ro Ara va0> CRAFTSMEN HOMES 1:\5250TPG\PG-u0DEt5-2 rc aA.72 4 • NOTE: Do not process Model Home Refund until verification received that models have been converted. See attached documentation. /CW - 6/7/12 CITY OF LA QUINTA CUSTOMER RECEIPT+ Date: 5/87/88 01 Receipt no: 15582 Description Quantity Amount 99 OVERRIDE REVENUE 1.014 tlee8.N Trans number: %148 CITRUS EL DORADO MODEL DEPOSIT ACCT 010100002281008 Tender detail CK CHECK 1732 t10e0.0e Total tendered IION. 00 Total payment t1M.00 Trans date: 5/07/08 Time: 15:055:22 +e{ THAW YOU FOR YOUR PAYMENT *** FOR QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL 768-777-7150 MODEL HOME DEPOSIT Date: `Z,/'7 l9 4S Case No: Ll\� Name of Project: 1,�1� (�Z Cc Purpose of Deposit: ExpirationDate: `1 Extended to:_ Amount of Deposit: $ Finance Department; 161-0o00-118.10 -00 Charge to account: Project Finance (White) Applicant (Yellow) Log (Pink) File (Gioldenrod) 5 05/05/2008 YON 16:48 FAI 7607 7155 City of La Quinta PDX ® X001/003 P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-_1509 78-495 CALLF TAMP Ico (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (766) 777-7101 March 10, 2008 Mr. Scott Shaddix Craftsman Homes Communities, Inc. 1157 N. Red Gum Street Anaheim, CA 92806 D ° PLAY 0 7 200.3 , CITY OF LAU COPY FINANCE OEPfN7 rA SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2008-990 MODEL HOME CONVERSION: THE COVE AT THE CITRUS Dear Mr. Shaddix: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for a model home complex and sales office/garage conversion for the Cove at the Citrus, located on Lots 24 _ 26 'and at 50-857 Cereza Street, within the Citrus residential development (TR 32751 Lot 24 26);. subject to the - exhibits on file, LQMC Section 9.60.250 Model Home Complexes, and the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant/property owner agrees to* defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City'), it's agents, officers and employees from .any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification, shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 2. The approval of this minor use permit allows the construction of three residential units to be used for model home viewing purposes only. The three model home units shall consist of one unit located on each of the following lots: Lot 24, Lot 25, and Lot 26 of Tract 32751 The approval also allows the conversion of Lot .24 to be used for model home sales office purposes only. Any other lot within Tract 32751 shall not be used for model.home unit purposes. 3. In accordance with LQMC Section, 9.60.250 E, prior to use of the model home units,. a cash deposit in the amount of $1,000. shall be posted with the Planning Department to insure any structures and .facilities associated with the model home units will be removed or made consistent with 05/05/2008 XON 16:48 FAI 76LU7 7155 City of La Quinta Pub.Wk ® �Ob2/003 applicable zoning regulations and. related approvals within 90 days after the expiration of this approval or discontinuation of the use, which 'ever occurs first. 4. This minor use permit grants one temporary banner. not to exceed 32 square fest in area, and eight (8) model home complex flags. Banner and flag placement locations shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. The banner and flags shall be 'removed by March 10, 2009. 5. In accordance with LQMC Section, 9.60.250 F,this, minor use. permit shall expire on March 10', 2009, one year from the date of approval. A time extension of up to one year may be. approved by the Planning Director if the director finds that all requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.250 and all other city requirements have been met. Please note this letter serves as the Planning Department's approval of Minor Use Permit 2008-990, it authorizes the use of the property as identified herein and subject to the conditions of approval listed herein. It does not supplant the, need for any other. permits that may be required. Please contact the Building and Safety Department at (760) 777-7012 for information regarding the issuance_ of any required building permits. The City may elect. to add conditions to this application- request to. mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing -fee of $175.00 to this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. Should you have any questions -please contact me at (760) 777-7125: Sincerely, J UU Associate Planner C: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Department Deby Conrad, Code Compliance. Department Ed Wimmer, Public Works Department or. F"nu 1 -40 -W -M ■ r I ■ Ir ■•Ir ■h +�+�+�•■ M 24880.1 ({IiCYq Mro will-, . Ir. n> LUM '' I' ! { !' a �• � • 1 '^ sar mtiluoaea rasa 1i e i I .j !•'I i .O7 Mw;. ,. N, •1•• WM�P//P1cPO��{aIJYY '111'' � ' •.t 1 �a� _--__------- - ------ - -- 1_. __• •�ra�—;"•!.•-••-• -�* .� .:fit -.--3± ._..�►-�..-t1--i::.'C�IiA'_.n __c. �_ .. - -2G-"'�C.. _– • — •• 1 1•t •. ._r r p1 It Hit it Ira■ •. vs■11e - �, ..���1 9O1041O11e � P 1041101 ■61111 ,y�-�y�yy �` + ' - e IwlI1iO 01NP eiW➢Y�ilaiiY,OiO[ _.11._ • 0101P/InC OY w -NA Y1a IIA" Q Y i/x111ow .10 . • arsr1p 0e1. • W.Ompr w :•M -OM M 1 M M M 1 Q,y1�11P1�,10 PAt f•F _ O■AI■M•p01v V ea11V1 �1rOP 111 A h 1 s w Y Oma O . a1010■111M A WPM' {�, 0.00■rA •---• 11YRP IIIOII YII ' .. MeY ®� e1OO1Or011YM � LRe T100.00l Itlae ===c.a7wAw esO1 - f0•rer4 i�O..�O A/Ye101910OK G ' arri � IYIe 11111. 11i11o1 - . ■01■IGO■10 Ip{II■■' aM mm, �e���11��X�4y1PRI M� E ONOM •1nr.1\YI ■e011x11111 r s..�i 111RCrr N00 z1t701'e.4- 1 w v •e MODMA �� m1■ o Oe0 en• IOr 1p V Item Details Page to of 1 is Desktop Deposit © Copyright 2005 - 2008 Wells Fargo. All rights reserved. y CITY OF LA GUINTA mtt CUSTOMER RECEIPT+ Date: 5/07/08 01 Receipt no: 15582 Description guantity� UE Amount 99 OVERRIDE VEP 1.00 $1000.00 Trans number: 96148 CITRUS EL DORADO MODEL DEPOSIT ACCT #10100002281000 Tender detail CK DECK 1732 $ N& N Total tendered (1000.00 Total payment $1000.00 Trans date: 5/07/08 Time: 15:05:22 } THAW YOU FOR YOUR PAYMIT f FOR QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL 760-777-7150 MODEL HOME DEPOSIT .Date: ��� Case No: Name of Project: 1;�y3`, �Z �C c �-\'C f2f� Purpose of Deposit: N\ -'>S> r— 1-�W`- Expiration Date: q7:2 /\'o �a`1 Extended to: Amount of Deposit: C> - Finance Department: . ,� I61-000o-1�S� t0 -00 Charge to account: Finance (White) Applicant (Yellow) Project No: Log (Pink) File (Goldenrod) • 05/05/2008 RON 16:48 FAX 76007 7155 City of la Quinta Pub.Wk 0 f A-14-17 : . BSc H4___%4*440" 1001/003 P.O. BOX 1504 LA QVINTA. CALIFORNIA 92247-_1504 78-495 CALLe TAMP CO (760) 777-7000 L; QIIINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (76.0) 777-7101 March 10, 2008 Mr. Scott Shaddix PLAY 072000 I Craftsman Homes Communities, Inc. 1157 N. Red Gum Street CITY F 1.q QUIN7_ COPY FINANCE DEPT Anaheim, CA 92806 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2008-990 MODEL HOME CONVERSION: THE COVE AT THE CITRUS Dear Mr. Shaddix: The Planning Department has reviewed and approved your request for a model home complex and sales office/garage conversion for the Cove at the Citrus, located on Lots 24 — 26 'and at 50-857 Cereza Street, within the Citrus residential development (TR 32751 Lot 24 •- 26),- subject to the exhibits on file, LQMC Section 9.60.250 Model Home Complexes, and the following conditions of approval: I. The applicant/property owner dgrees to' defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City'), it's agents, officers and employees from .any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 2. The approval of this minor use permit allows the construction of three residential units to be used for model home viewing purposes only. The three model home units shall consist of one unit located on each of the following lots: Lot 24, Lot 25, and Lot 26 of Tract 32751. The approval also allows the conversion of Lot 24 to be used for model home sales office purposes only. Any other lot within Tract 32751 shall not be used for model home unit purposes. 3. In accordance with LQMC Section, 9.60.250 E, prior to use of the model home units, a cash deposit in the amount of $1,000 shall be posted with the Planning Department to insure any structures and facilities associated with the model home units will be removed or made consistent with 6545/2008 NON 16;48 FAX 7607 7155 City of La Quinta Pub,Wk ® �02/003 applicable zoning regulations and. related approvals within 90 days after the expiration of this approval or discontinuation of the use, which 'ever occurs first. 4. This minor use permit grants one temporary banner, not to exceed 32 square feet in area, and eight (8) model home complex flags. Banner and flag placement locations shall be reviewed and- approved. by the Planning Department prior to installation. The banner and flags shall be removed by March 10, 2009. 5. In accordance with LQMC Section, 9.60.250 F, this. minor use permit shall expire on March 10', 2009, one year from the date of approval. A time extension of up to one year may be. approved by the Planning Director if the director finds that all requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.250 and all other city requirements have been met. Please note this letter serves as the Planning Department's approval of Minor Use Permit 2008-990, it authorizes the use of the property as identified herein and subject to the conditions of approval listed herein. It does not supplant the need for any other permits that may be required. Please contact the Building and Safety Department at (760) 777-7012 for information regarding the issuance of any required building permits. The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 to this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, JUU Associate Planner C: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Department De by Conrad, Code Compliance. Department Ed Wimmer, Public Works Department % ulamm-C Moro Ivw. '---1^�• row1AA 1 1•Y '�W�� roM ArA N roAl.rs ���•�•••A YAt Mri•N W[ A rW.1 ���� OIIAQMrl41 w aw IIL110APA .IIP q lIr�C W • AM/ ALP OA M Y.O NP Lr~ rm A/ Arq y 1 tl •/S oL.Ma •••-•��^•••� PPM am 04 Mt nP Nf s -P.. Arr.R•ro O PPIISM 0 rWAP•Pro IAB tA01'f tlL w �'� •� • MI wPIL.IL.�LA 1wM. w1.1rA• � � .• PIR Mom rwwIw m.0 O awv!ww ew rt loww w 100 PI....P LQUILANz- jOT CMRA99 TANA ot�r 1M /F a�6Y �YIw �7 a. Q� :ir AP 1lA Y �!r 11 7 f� �P P.77 ci F�- 10 � CJP nu Al�� ClO N O . rod ntt FIZ p 1 � s+• v w O r—� rn .A 00 '17 jOT CMRA99 TANA ot�r 1M /F a�6Y �YIw �7 a. Q� :ir AP 1lA Y �!r 1AArt.IP WY .! A OP rOgr arl.1-9111. .n • w OR M PLAN TRACT NO. 32?51 11 7 f� �P P.77 ci F�- C� r"FJ f fc� 1 � C� �rt 1AArt.IP WY .! A OP rOgr arl.1-9111. .n • w OR M PLAN TRACT NO. 32?51 . Item Details 0 • Page 1,. of 1, ; Desktop Deposit Image Viewer AL i _ Defauh ��� Rotate Rotate View Back F y Zoom In •leo * @ Zoom Out Citrus F! Dorado LLC �s: s wxn,*%.r a st +c� tI rYCA ,Q nATF. 'Kytd.AR�. FAY b. 2W6 $1000.00 ;:rtiv —*MTBOd68l�, AIM Oi0ltU0 L� �1Hir�cK C.it7 of to ' Item ID: 050708263920799 Item Status: Deposit Complete Item Type: Check Check No./AUX-On-Us 1732 Cash Receipt: Print I Close Window Deposit Account: (CITY OF LA QUINTA) Deposit Location: RTN Check Account Check Amount: $ 1,000.00 © Copyright 2005 - 2008 Wells Fargo. All rights reserved. Print o Carolvn Walker From: Deby Conrad Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 9:54 AM To: Carolyn Walker Subject: FW: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 Attachments: 507-805 Cereza St Lot 24 (1) jpg; 50-805 Cereza St Lot 24 jpg; 50-831 Cereza St Lot 25 (1) jpg; 50-831 Cereza St Lot 25jpg; 50-857 Cereza St Lot 26 jpg; 50-857 Cereza St Lot 26 (2) jpg; 50-857 Cereza St Lot 26 (1) jpg Last one Deby Conrad Community Safety Manager (760)777-7022 dconrad@la-guinta.ore From: Wayne Campbell Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 9:04 AM To: Deby Conrad; Anthony Moreno Subject: FW: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 An inspection revealed the Citrus EI Dorado Properties located at 50805 Cereza, 50-831 Cereza, and 50-857 Cereza St. not converted from models and not in -compliance. 50-805 Cereza St Driveway not accessible 50-831 Cereza St Driveway not accessible 50-857 Cereza St Driveway not accessible Garage not accessible Garage conversion From: Anthony Moreno Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 5:17 PM To: Deby Conrad Cc: Carolyn Walker; Wayne Campbell Subject: RE: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 The street name does not ring.a bell. I checked every address folder under Citrus and did not find item in search of. I also did not find an address folder under the street name. I am not familiar with case or circumstances. Sorry. Anthony Moreno Senior Code Compliance Officer 760-777-7034 amoreno@la-guinta.or� 1 l Carolyn Walker From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: . Attachments: Anthony, Please assign this to Wayne. Thankyou Deby Conrad Community Safety Manager (760)777-7022 dconrad@la-guinta.ore Deby Conrad Tuesday, May 08, 2012 4:04 PM Anthony Moreno (amoreno@la-quinta.org) Kay Hensel; Carolyn Walker FW: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 4657_001.pdf ' From: Carolyn Walker Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 4:01 PM To: Kay Hensel; Deby Conrad Subject: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 I am processing a Model Home Deposit refund for Citrus EI Dorado, LLC, Case No. MUP 08-990 (Tract 32751, Lots 24-26). The project location is noted as the Cove at the Citrus, Lots 24-26 and at 50-857 Cerez Street, within'the Citrus residential development. APN: 776-190-024. The application date was March 5; 2008 and was submitted by Scott Shaddix on behalf of Craftsmen Homes Communities, Inc. Could you please confirm 1) the homes have been converted from models, and 2) your Departments have no outstanding issues that would prevent my refunding the deposit. If you need additional information, please let me know. Thanks for your help. Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary Planning Department City of La Quinta 760-777-7118 cwalkenf Oa-quinta. org 1 From: Deby Conrad Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 12:25 PM To: Anthony Moreno (amoreno@)Ia-quintLM) Subject: FW: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 Do you have the email? Deby Conrad Community Safety Manager (760)777-7022 dconrad@la-guinta.ore From: Carolyn Walker Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 12:17 PM To: Deby Conrad Subject: FW: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 Deby: I know Wayne did this and you sent a response to me, but I'll be darned if I can find it in my e-mails. Would you, Anthony, or Wayne, have a copy of the e-mail which you could re -send to me? Sorry .... these things sometimes get lost in my in -box. Thanks for your help. Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary Planning Department City of La Quinta 760-777-7118 cwalke la-guinta. orq. This email and any files transmitted with it may contain legally privileged or otherwise confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you may have received this communication in error, please adivse the sender via reply email and delete the email you received. This email address is to be used for official City of La Quinta correspondence only.Any messages which are transmitted to this address which contain advertisements, spam, malicious attachments, or any other type of inappropriate content may be automatically deleted or blocked from receipt or viewing. Please consider the environment before printing this and any email. From: Carolyn Walker Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 4:01 PM To: Kay Hensel; Deby Conrad Subject: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 I am processing a Model Home Deposit refund for Citrus EI Dorado, LLC, Case No. MUP 08-990 (Tract 32751, Lots 24-26). The project location is noted as the Cove at the Citrus, Lots 24-26 and at 50-857 Cerez Street, within the Citrus residential development. APN: 776-190-024. The application date was March 5, 2008 and was submitted by Scott Shaddix on behalf of Craftsmen Homes Communities, Inc. 0 Could you please confirm 1) the homes have been converted from models, and 2) your Departments have no outstanding issues that would prevent my refunding the deposit. If you need additional information, please let me know. Thanks for your help. Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary Planning Department City of La Quinta 766-777-7118 cwalke .la-guinta.orq a �•.• ry 0CF, :7�i: az' ili' s 8 •�- ' t_ ARTISAN SERIES W/LOFT LOT 25 i I All Ll ilk TH E OVE AT 1'klk CITRIJ� S0-8S 7 C E REZA STREET i !r •r ►+ sa m' �:.: - --- - - - - NEW IIINI �� Z�J e.� Li iv .Ir. r 3�'1Wi1w��.. •wr --^..-•----r ._:. _. .,.:d:"RRr•R..:.Ar'=R._..'•"-:�.rr^^cr�'-m.�_ en;--�T:+--w'�'� _.-ice-_.e _.. .. _. _. _ __....._ ._._ lIll 01- O Carolyn Walker From: Kay Hensel Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 5:17 PM To: Carolyn Walker Subject: RE: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 Lots 24-26 were finaled on 6/6/08 but we never knew if there had been any kind of conversion to model home status. There are still homes in that tract that have not been completed, and CityGIS says that Citrus EI Dorado still owns the 3 lots. I don't know if those houses have finished their careers as models. Good luck on that one. Kay Kay }I e vw1v Counter Technician City of La Quinta (760)777-7012 khensel(cDIa-quinta.orq From: Carolyn Walker Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:36 AM To: Kay Hensel Subject: RE: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 Hey ............................you don't need to do this today! I'm just making sure I'm getting the info out. Do it on Friday when it's (hopefully) quieter. Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary Planning Department City of La Quinta 760-777-7118 cwa1ker0)1a-guinta. org This email and any files transmitted with it may contain legally privileged or otherwise confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you may have received this communication in error, please adivse the sender via reply email and delete the email you received. This email address is to be used for official City of La Quinta correspondence only.Any messages which are transmitted to this address which contain advertisements, spam, malicious attachments, or any other type of inappropriate content may be automatically deleted or blocked from receipt or viewing. Please consider the environment before printing this and any email. From: Kay Hensel Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:27 AM To: Carolyn Walker Subject: RE: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 0( f Don't think I've seen that one yet. 1 119 to scoot out early for an extended lunchtday, then have a fee meeting with Burt at 3. I'll try to get the info before the end of business today. Kay Kay ffe wl/ Counter Technician City of La Quinta (760)777-7012 khensel(a)la-puinta.org From: Carolyn Walker Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2012 11:10 AM To: Kay Hensel Subject: FW: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 Kay Did you already respond on this one? ...I can't seem to find an e-mail response in my mailbox. Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary Planning Department City of La Quinta 760-777-7118 cwalker(a)la-guinta. ora This email and any files transmitted with it may contain legally privileged or otherwise confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient, or believe that you may have received this communication in error, please adivse the sender via reply email and delete the email you received. This email address is to be used for official City of La Quinta correspondence only.Any messages which are transmitted to this address which contain advertisements, spam, malicious attachments, or any other type of inappropriate content may be automatically deleted or blocked from receipt or viewing. Please consider the environment before printing this and any email. . From: Carolyn Walker Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2012 4:01 PM To: Kay Hensel; Deby Conrad Subject: Model Home Deposit for MUP 2008-990 I am processing a Model Home Deposit refund for Citrus EI Dorado, LLC, Case No. MUP 08-990 (Tract 32751, Lots 24-26). The project location is noted as the Cove at the Citrus, Lots 24-26 and at 50-857 Cerez Street, within the Citrus residential development. APN: 776-190-024. The application date was March 5, 2008 and was submitted by Scott Shaddix on behalf of Craftsmen Homes Communities, Inc. Could you please confirm 1) the homes have been converted from models, and 2) your Departments have no outstanding issues that would prevent my refunding the deposit. If you need additional information, please let me know. Thanks for your help. 0 0 MODEL HOME DEPOSIT REFUND FOR MUP 2008-990 If you receive instructions/information from Diane Martin, in Finance, noting there is a balance in a specific fund; i.e., MUP 2006-734, you will have to check with her on amount, etc. - she will need the Customer ID No. and Project Code from the Invoice If you receive the request from a planner, they should give you a letter —/ signed by the applicant - with the application number noted. Check the Model Home Deposit Log Book to pull the Model Home Deposit Pink Copy. Pull the appropriate file; i.e., MUP 2006-734. Contact Greg, or Kay, in Building and Safety .and verify that the models have been converted and there are no outstanding issues that would delay the refunding of this deposit; i.e., model home garage was not converted back, etc. (It is best if you send an e-mail so that you have the verification.) ❑ When verified, prepare a Demand/Check Request, noting this is a "Refund of .Model Home Deposit for MUP XXXX-XXX, deposited to. 101-0000-228.10-00 -(This is the GL Account No.) on XX/XX/XXXX. In checking with Building & Safety, all models have been finalled and funds are eligible for refund. Appropriate documentation is attached." ❑ Attach the documentation which will include copies of whatever Diane ,M. gave you (usually a copy of the check. and deposit slip), plus the original application. Request that the check be returned to you for mailing. ❑ Give to Les for signature. ❑ Make a black -&-white copy of everything and take the original signed copy and attachments to Finance (Sandra). ❑ If you do not want to keep the MUP file at your desk until the check is processed, you can file it back with a note in it saying - "MHD Refund Pending - See (your initials)" and you can retrieve it when you get the check. (Or you can put a copy of the check request in with a note saying "Check Pending". ❑ When you receive the check, make a copy and include it in the appropriate file; i.e. MUP 2006-734, before you mail it out. ❑ NOTE: According to Phyllis (2/1/10) - if any refundable deposits are made -- you have to notify the City -Clerk. This includes MUP's for model home deposits, developer deposits, or any refundable deposit required as noted in the Conditions of Approval for a project. ❑ Note the refund in the Model Home Deposit log book. P:\CAROLYN\Admin\PROCEDURES\REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS\MODEL HOME DEPOSIT REFUND FORM.doc c I cl n QMWIVar VQ - WIDTH AND SLOPE: 3'-0" (36") MIN. WIDTH, 1:20 MAXIMUM SLOPE. (A RAMP IS STEEPER) LEVEL CHANGE: 1/4" AT 90 DEGREE, 1/2" AT 1:2 SLOPE. ADA ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES SECTION 4.7 CURB RAMPS: 4.7.3 WIDTH: THE MINIMUM WIDTH OF A CURB RAMP SHALL BE 48" (915mm), EXCLUSIVE OF FLARED SIDES. 4.7.6 BUILT-UP CURB RAMPS: BUILT-UP CURB RAMPS SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THEY DO NOT PROJECT INTO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC LANES. 4.7.7 DETECTABLE WARNINGS: A CURB RAMP SHALL HAVE A DETECTABLE WARNING COMPLYING WITH 4.29.2. THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH AND DEPTH OF THE CURB RAMP. co ff-) CD co 00 QD Q� � i 0 Q- x c co V)co ct E i` i O Ct 0 4.29.2* DETECTABLE WARNING ON WALKING SURFACES: DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL CONSIST OF RAISED 'TRUNCATED DOMES WITH A DIAMETER OF NOMINAL 0.9 IN. (23mm), A HEIGHT OF NOMINAL 0.2 IN, (5mm) AND A CENTER -TO --CENTER SPACING OF NOMINAL 2.35 IN. (60mm) AND SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH ADJOINING SURFACE, EITHER LIGHT -ON -DARK OR DARK--ON--LIGHT: THE MATERIAL USED TO PROVIDE CONTRAST SHALL BE AN INTEGAL PART OF THE WALKING SURFACE. DETECTABLE WARNING USED ON Q7 INTERIOR SURFACES SHALL DIFFER FROM ADJOINING WALKING ^ CD 00 SURFACES IN RESILIENCY OR SOUND -ON -CANE CONTACT. N Lf) 4.7.9 LOCATION AT MARKED CROSSINGS: CURB RAMPS AT MARKED t1 CROSSINGS SHALL BE WHOLLY CONTAINED WITHIN THE MARKINGS, EXCLUDING ANY FLARED SIDES. ®� 4.7.10 DIAGONAL CURB RAMPS: IF DIAGONAL (OR CORNER v T(PE) CURB RAMPS HAVE RETURNED CURBS OR OTHER WELL- DEFINED EDGES, SUCH EDGES SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE " DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN FLOW. THE BOTTOM OF DIAGONAL Q) CURB RAMPS SHALL HAVE 48 IN. (1220mm) MINIMUM CLEAR E SPACE AS SHOWN IN FIG 15(c) AND (d). IF DIAGONAL CURB U RAMPS HAVE FLARED SIDES, THEY SHALL ALSO HAVE AT •� , LEAST A 24 IN. (610mm) LONG SEGMENT OF STRAIGHT CURB �o LOCATED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CURB RAMP AND WITHIN U THE MARKED CROSSING. , X SEC. 4.13.8* THRESHOLDS AT DOORWAYS �- THRESHOLDS AT DOORWAYS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2 IN. (13mm) FOR ALL TYPES OF DOORS. RAISED THRESHOLDS AND v FLOOR LEVEL CHANGE AT ACCESSIBLE DOORWAYS SHALL BE SALES OFFICE PARTIAL FRONT ELEVATION ® BEVELED WITH A SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 1:2 (SEE 4.5.2). Z3 Lncf) SCALE: 1/4" = 1' - 0" SECTION 413.9* DOOR HARDWARE HANDLES, PULLS, LATCHES, LOCKS, AND OTHER OPERATING >(o .- DEVICES ON ACCESSIBLE DOORS SHALL HAVE A SHAPE THAT 1.:.::.:::::.::.;_,r s i. ; ::...... :....... I ! TIGIS HTSY TO GRASP GRASPINGSP OR WITH HWRISTREQUIRE PINCHING, OR TWISTING OF THE TO i I � :..... , , �..../... / TO OPERATE. LEVER -OPERATED OR PUSH -TYPE MECHANISMS 0 1 i' ;�..r.--' _-.... - AND U -SHAPED HANDLES ARE ACCEPTABLE DESIGNS. WHEN .... DING DOORS ARE FULLY OPEN, OPERATING HARDWARE SHALL I SLI d" BE EXPOSED AND USABLE FROM BOTHSIDE, HARDWARE i'i V` f' f REQUIRED FOR ACCESSIBLE DOOR PASSAGE SHALL BE MOUNTED 30 IN, AND 48 IN. (1220mm) ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. M IMAX UM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOOR SHALL NOT EXCEED 8.5 I ... ........ POUNDS FOR EXTERIOR DOORS, AND 5 POUNDS FOR INTERIOR �I ' E `- - -' _._--.,... li RS, SUCH PULL OR PUSH EFFORT BEING APPLIED AT RIGHT i - .. 's .� 00 r D -- ----.... ............... ANGLES TO HINGED DOORS AND A _ �........::a.................................... T THE CENTER PLANE OF SLIDING OR FOLDING DOORS. COMPENSATING DEVICES OR AUTO- MATILi C DOOR OPERATORS MAY BE UTILIZED TO MEET THE ABOVE (� 2668 i STANDARDS. WHEN FIRE DOORS ARE REQUIRED, THE MAXIMUM .................... ...... �_ - i� 1 , i r ; s �' `�(�� i =4 I EFFORT TO OPERATE THE DOOR MAY NOT EXCEED 15 POUNDS. Ln ;Q `' n. / io MISC. NOTES ENTRANCES AND DOORS TO BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES SHALL BE MADE ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (SECTION 1001.9.1). ALL GATES, INCLUDING TICKET GATES, SHALL MEET ALL APPLICABLE ACCESSIBILITIES SPECIFICATIONS OF DOORS (SECTION 1001.9.4). THERE SHALL BE A LEVEL AND CLEAR FLOOR LANDING ON EACH SIDE OF A DOOR. THE LEVEL AREA SHALL HAVE A LENGTH IN THE DIRECTION OF THE DOOR SWING OF A LEAST 60" AND THE LENGTH OPPOSITE THE DOOR SWING OF 48" AS MEASURED AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE PLANE OF THE DOOR IN ITS CLOSED POSITION (SECTION 1004.9.2.2a). THE WIDTH OF THE LEVEL AREA ON THE SIDE TO WHICH THE DOOR SWINGS SHALL EXTEND PAST THE STRIKE EDGE OF THE DOOR A MINIMUM OF 24" FOR EXTERIOR DOOR AND A MINIMUM OF 18" FOR INTERIOR DOORS. ADDITIONAL 12" IS REQUIRED AT THE PUSH SIDE, IF THE DOOR IS EQUIPPED WITH BOTH LATCH AND CLOSER (SECTION 1004,9.2.30). THE BOTTOM 10" OF ALL DOORS INCLUDING NARROW FRAME, EXCEPT AUTOMATIC AND SLIDING DOORS, SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, UNINTERRUPTED SURFACE INSTALLED ON THE PUSH SIDE OF THE DOOR TO ALLOW THE DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION (SECTION 1004.8.1). RECESSED DOORMATS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO PREVENT INTERFERENCE WITH WHEELCHAIR TRAFFIC. 1. THE REST ROOM FACILITY FOR THE EMPLOYEES, GENERAL PUBLIC AND PHYSICALLY DISABLED WILL BE AN ACCESSIBLE PORTABLE UNIT LOCATED OUTSIDE THE SALES OFFICE, REFER TO THE CIVIL DRAWING SITE FLAN FOR LOCATION AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE TO THE RESTROOM. 2. REFER TO THE CIVIL AND LANDSCAPE DRAWING SITE PLAN FOR THE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE TO THE PROPOSED SALES OFFICE. ELECTRICAL KEY WALL KEY —� TELEPHONE -&9- ELECT SWITCH ii QUADRUPLEX OUTLET Qz SURGE PROTECTED 5-P-0 OUTLET DUPLEX OUTLET CEILING DUPLEX OUTLET INDICATES LOW WALL ELECT SWITCH THREE WAY 2 x 4 STUD WALL I LIGHT FIXTURE LLLLLL 2 x 6 STUD WALL WALL MOUNTED RECESSED DIRECTIONAL UMMOMEM 2 x 6 PLUMBING WALL LIGHT FIXTURE DECORATIVE o RECESSED H`,J PENDANT FIXTURE LIGHT FIXTURE 1X4 FLUOR. < c COMPUTER LINE LIGHT FIXTURE FAX MACHINE OR FLUSH MOUNTED �r ALARM SYSTEM ELECT. JUNCTION BOX HALOGEN TRACK LIGHTING SHELF ABOVE SOFFIT LIMITS Plot Date 2/13/08 .yY+�+j�ia L. SALES OFFICE PARTIAL LEFT ELEVATION SALES OFFICE FLOOR PLAN vICpO. , 'O 01 SCALE: 1/4" 1' - 0"_ *� r1 4 SCALE: 1/4" - 1' - 0" +�•! APPROVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY \,tom CRATE 7/_V3I EXHIBIT x - — Project # 05044 - Sheet # SCALE: 1/4" = 1' - 0" SALES OFFICE PARTIAL FRONT ELEVATION C I 4040 SL. O O CLOSING 1� ( OFFICE j" o j 10'-0" CLG. Lo I Cl N 3050 FX. D� TEMP. GL 2'-5„ 2668 if 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1' - 0" a- ! 0 I ►- - r -J MTG. ROOM i 10'-0" CLG. co / o r7 3050 FX. Di 8" WALL ,1 AREAAY I 10'-0" CLG. 3068 FX. 3068 3068 3068 FX. FR. DR. u FR. DR. FR. DR. FR. DR. TEMP. GL TEMP. GL. TEMP. GL. TEMP. GL. TO PARKIN 2'-1" 1 4'-0„ FENCE II 4'-0" 16'-2" 21'-0" TO MODELS 4'-0" 1 2'-1" 2'-5» 0 H.C. NOTES SIDEWALKS: WIDTH AND SLOPE: 3'--0" (36") MIN. WIDTH, 1:20 MAXIMUM SLOPE. (A RAMP IS STEEPER) LEVEL CHANGE: 1/4" AT 90 DEGREE, 1/2" AT 1:2 SLOPE. ADA ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES SECTION 4.7 CURB RAMPS: 4.7.3 WIDTH: THE MINIMUM WIDTH OF A CURB RAMP SHALL BE 48" (915mm), EXCLUSIVE_ OF FLARED SIDES. 4.7.6 BUILT-UP CURB RAMPS: BUILT-UP CURB RAMPS SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THEY DO NOT PROJECT INTO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC LANES. 4.7.7 DETECTABLE WARNINGS: A CURB RAMP SHALL HAVE A DETECTABLE WARNING COMPLYING WITH 4.29.2. THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH AND DEPTH OF THE CURB RAMP. 4.29.2* DETECTABLE WARNING ON WALKING SURFACES: DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL CONSIST OF RAISED TRUNCATED DOMES WITH A DIAMETER OF NOMINAL 0.9 IN, (23mm), A HEIGHT OF NOMINAL 0.2 IN. (5mm) AND A CENTER -TO --CENTER SPACING OF NOMINAL 2.35 IN. (60mm) AND SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH ADJOINING SURFACE, EITHER LICHT-ON-DARK OR DARK -ON -LIGHT. THE MATERIAL USED TO PROVIDE CONTRAST SHALL BE AN INTEGAL PART OF THE WALKING SURFACE. DETECTABLE WARNING USED ON INTERIOR SURFACES SHALL DIFFER FROM ADJOINING WALKING SURFACES IN RESILIENCY OR SOUND -ON -CANE CONTACT. 4.7.9 LOCATION AT MARKED CROSSINGS: CURB RAMPS AT MARKED CROSSINGS SHALT_ BE WHOLLY CONTAINED WITHIN THE MARKINGS, EXCLUDING ANY FLARED SIDES, 4.7.10 DIAGONAL CURB RAMPS: IF DIAGONAL (OR CORNER TYPE) CURB RAMPS HAVE RETURNED CURBS OR OTHER WELL- DEFINED EDGES, SUCH EDGES SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN FLOW. THE BOTTOM OF DIAGONAL CURB RAMPS SHALL. HAVE 48 IN. (1220mm) MINIMUM CLEAR SPACE AS SHOWN IN FIG.15(c) AND (d). IF DIAGONAL CURB RAMPS HAVE FLARED SIDES, THEY SHALL ALSO HAVE AT LEAST A 24 IN. (610mm) LONG SEGMENT OF STRAIGHT CURB LOCATED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CURB RAMP AND WITHIN THE MARKED CROSSING. SEC. 4.13.8* THRESHOLDS AT DOORWAYS THRESHOLDS AT DOORWAYS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2 IN. (13mm) FOR ALL TYPES OF DOORS. RAISED THRESHOLDS AND FLOOR LEVEL CHANGE AT ACCESSIBLE DOORWAYS SHALL BE BEVELED WITH A SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 1:2 (SEE 4.5.2). SECTION 4.13.9* DOOR HARDWARE HANDLES, PULLS, LATCHES, LOCKS, AND OTHER OPERATING DEVICES ON ACCESSIBLE DOORS SHALL HAVE A SHAPE THAT IS EASY TO GRASP WITH ONE HAND AND DOES NOT REQUIRE TIGHT GRASPING OR PINCHING, OR TWISTING OF THE WRIST TO TO OPERATE, LEVER -OPERATED OR PUSH -TYPE MECHANISMS, AND U -SHAPED HANDLES ARE ACCEPTABLE DESIGNS, WHEN SLIDING DOORS ARE FULLY OPEN, OPERATING HARDWARE SHALL BE EXPOSED AND USABLE FROM BOTHSIDE. HARDWARE REQUIRED FOR ACCESSIBLE DOOR PASSAGE SHALL BE MOUNTED 30 IN. AND 48 IN. (1220mm) ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOOR SHALL NOT EXCEED 8.5 POUNDS FOR EXTERIOR DOORS, AND 5 POUNDS FOR INTERIOR DOORS, SUCH PULL OR PUSH EFFORT BEING APPLIED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO HINGED DOORS AND AT THE CENTER PLANE OF SLIDING OR FOLDING DOORS. COMPENSATING DEVICES OR AUTO- MATIC DOOR OPERATORS MAY BE UTILIZED TO MEET THE ABOVE STANDARDS, WHEN FIRE DOORS ARE REQUIRED, THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE THE DOOR MAY NOT EXCEED 15 POUNDS. MISC. NOTES ENTRANCES AND DOORS TO BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES SHALT_ BE MADE_ ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (SECTION 1001.9.1), ALL GATES, INCLUDING TICKET GATES, SHALL MEET ALL APPLICABLE ACCESSIBILITIES SPECIFICATIONS OF DOORS (SECTION 1001.9.4). THERE SHALL BE A LEVEL AND CLEAR FLOOR LANDING ON EACH SIDE OF A DOOR. THE LEVEL AREA SHALL HAVE A LENGTH IN THE DIRECTION OF THE DOOR SWING OF A LEAST 60" AND THE LENGTH OPPOSITE THE DOOR SWING OF 48" AS MEASURED AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE PLANE OF THE DOOR IN ITS CLOSED POSITION (SECTION 1004.9.2.2a). THE WIDTH OF THE LEVEL AREA ON THE SIDE TO WHICH THE DOOR SWINGS SHALL EXTEND PAST THE STRIKE EDGE OF THE DOOR A MINIMUM OF 24" FOR EXTERIOR DOOR AND A MINIMUM OF 18" FOR INTERIOR DOORS. ADDITIONAL 12" IS REQUIRED AT THE PUSH SIDE, IF THE DOOR IS EQUIPPED WITH BOTH LATCH AND CLOSER (SECTION 1004.9.2.3a). THE BOTTOM 10" OF ALL DOORS INCLUDING NARROW FRAME, EXCEPT AUTOMATIC AND SLIDING DOORS, SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, UNINTERRUPTED SURFACE INSTALLED ON THE PUSH SIDE OF THE DOOR TO ALLOW THE DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION (SECTION 1004.8,1). RECESSED DOORMATS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO PREVENT INTERFERENCE WITH WHEELCHAIR TRAFFIC. I is ::...................... ......::.............. ........... ......... r --, ............. ` a- ! 0 I ►- - r -J MTG. ROOM i 10'-0" CLG. co / o r7 3050 FX. Di 8" WALL ,1 AREAAY I 10'-0" CLG. 3068 FX. 3068 3068 3068 FX. FR. DR. u FR. DR. FR. DR. FR. DR. TEMP. GL TEMP. GL. TEMP. GL. TEMP. GL. TO PARKIN 2'-1" 1 4'-0„ FENCE II 4'-0" 16'-2" 21'-0" TO MODELS 4'-0" 1 2'-1" 2'-5» 0 H.C. NOTES SIDEWALKS: WIDTH AND SLOPE: 3'--0" (36") MIN. WIDTH, 1:20 MAXIMUM SLOPE. (A RAMP IS STEEPER) LEVEL CHANGE: 1/4" AT 90 DEGREE, 1/2" AT 1:2 SLOPE. ADA ACCESSIBILITY GUIDELINES SECTION 4.7 CURB RAMPS: 4.7.3 WIDTH: THE MINIMUM WIDTH OF A CURB RAMP SHALL BE 48" (915mm), EXCLUSIVE_ OF FLARED SIDES. 4.7.6 BUILT-UP CURB RAMPS: BUILT-UP CURB RAMPS SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THEY DO NOT PROJECT INTO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC LANES. 4.7.7 DETECTABLE WARNINGS: A CURB RAMP SHALL HAVE A DETECTABLE WARNING COMPLYING WITH 4.29.2. THE DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL EXTEND THE FULL WIDTH AND DEPTH OF THE CURB RAMP. 4.29.2* DETECTABLE WARNING ON WALKING SURFACES: DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL CONSIST OF RAISED TRUNCATED DOMES WITH A DIAMETER OF NOMINAL 0.9 IN, (23mm), A HEIGHT OF NOMINAL 0.2 IN. (5mm) AND A CENTER -TO --CENTER SPACING OF NOMINAL 2.35 IN. (60mm) AND SHALL CONTRAST VISUALLY WITH ADJOINING SURFACE, EITHER LICHT-ON-DARK OR DARK -ON -LIGHT. THE MATERIAL USED TO PROVIDE CONTRAST SHALL BE AN INTEGAL PART OF THE WALKING SURFACE. DETECTABLE WARNING USED ON INTERIOR SURFACES SHALL DIFFER FROM ADJOINING WALKING SURFACES IN RESILIENCY OR SOUND -ON -CANE CONTACT. 4.7.9 LOCATION AT MARKED CROSSINGS: CURB RAMPS AT MARKED CROSSINGS SHALT_ BE WHOLLY CONTAINED WITHIN THE MARKINGS, EXCLUDING ANY FLARED SIDES, 4.7.10 DIAGONAL CURB RAMPS: IF DIAGONAL (OR CORNER TYPE) CURB RAMPS HAVE RETURNED CURBS OR OTHER WELL- DEFINED EDGES, SUCH EDGES SHALL BE PARALLEL TO THE DIRECTION OF PEDESTRIAN FLOW. THE BOTTOM OF DIAGONAL CURB RAMPS SHALL. HAVE 48 IN. (1220mm) MINIMUM CLEAR SPACE AS SHOWN IN FIG.15(c) AND (d). IF DIAGONAL CURB RAMPS HAVE FLARED SIDES, THEY SHALL ALSO HAVE AT LEAST A 24 IN. (610mm) LONG SEGMENT OF STRAIGHT CURB LOCATED ON EACH SIDE OF THE CURB RAMP AND WITHIN THE MARKED CROSSING. SEC. 4.13.8* THRESHOLDS AT DOORWAYS THRESHOLDS AT DOORWAYS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1/2 IN. (13mm) FOR ALL TYPES OF DOORS. RAISED THRESHOLDS AND FLOOR LEVEL CHANGE AT ACCESSIBLE DOORWAYS SHALL BE BEVELED WITH A SLOPE NO GREATER THAN 1:2 (SEE 4.5.2). SECTION 4.13.9* DOOR HARDWARE HANDLES, PULLS, LATCHES, LOCKS, AND OTHER OPERATING DEVICES ON ACCESSIBLE DOORS SHALL HAVE A SHAPE THAT IS EASY TO GRASP WITH ONE HAND AND DOES NOT REQUIRE TIGHT GRASPING OR PINCHING, OR TWISTING OF THE WRIST TO TO OPERATE, LEVER -OPERATED OR PUSH -TYPE MECHANISMS, AND U -SHAPED HANDLES ARE ACCEPTABLE DESIGNS, WHEN SLIDING DOORS ARE FULLY OPEN, OPERATING HARDWARE SHALL BE EXPOSED AND USABLE FROM BOTHSIDE. HARDWARE REQUIRED FOR ACCESSIBLE DOOR PASSAGE SHALL BE MOUNTED 30 IN. AND 48 IN. (1220mm) ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR. MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE DOOR SHALL NOT EXCEED 8.5 POUNDS FOR EXTERIOR DOORS, AND 5 POUNDS FOR INTERIOR DOORS, SUCH PULL OR PUSH EFFORT BEING APPLIED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO HINGED DOORS AND AT THE CENTER PLANE OF SLIDING OR FOLDING DOORS. COMPENSATING DEVICES OR AUTO- MATIC DOOR OPERATORS MAY BE UTILIZED TO MEET THE ABOVE STANDARDS, WHEN FIRE DOORS ARE REQUIRED, THE MAXIMUM EFFORT TO OPERATE THE DOOR MAY NOT EXCEED 15 POUNDS. MISC. NOTES ENTRANCES AND DOORS TO BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES SHALT_ BE MADE_ ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (SECTION 1001.9.1), ALL GATES, INCLUDING TICKET GATES, SHALL MEET ALL APPLICABLE ACCESSIBILITIES SPECIFICATIONS OF DOORS (SECTION 1001.9.4). THERE SHALL BE A LEVEL AND CLEAR FLOOR LANDING ON EACH SIDE OF A DOOR. THE LEVEL AREA SHALL HAVE A LENGTH IN THE DIRECTION OF THE DOOR SWING OF A LEAST 60" AND THE LENGTH OPPOSITE THE DOOR SWING OF 48" AS MEASURED AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO THE PLANE OF THE DOOR IN ITS CLOSED POSITION (SECTION 1004.9.2.2a). THE WIDTH OF THE LEVEL AREA ON THE SIDE TO WHICH THE DOOR SWINGS SHALL EXTEND PAST THE STRIKE EDGE OF THE DOOR A MINIMUM OF 24" FOR EXTERIOR DOOR AND A MINIMUM OF 18" FOR INTERIOR DOORS. ADDITIONAL 12" IS REQUIRED AT THE PUSH SIDE, IF THE DOOR IS EQUIPPED WITH BOTH LATCH AND CLOSER (SECTION 1004.9.2.3a). THE BOTTOM 10" OF ALL DOORS INCLUDING NARROW FRAME, EXCEPT AUTOMATIC AND SLIDING DOORS, SHALL HAVE A SMOOTH, UNINTERRUPTED SURFACE INSTALLED ON THE PUSH SIDE OF THE DOOR TO ALLOW THE DOOR TO BE OPENED BY A WHEELCHAIR FOOTREST WITHOUT CREATING A TRAP OR HAZARDOUS CONDITION (SECTION 1004.8,1). RECESSED DOORMATS SHALL BE ANCHORED TO PREVENT INTERFERENCE WITH WHEELCHAIR TRAFFIC. I is f 1. THE REST ROOM THE EMPLOYEES, AND PHYSICALLY ` FACILITY FOR GENERAL PUBLIC DISABLED WILL BE r I IE E; si AN ACCESSIBLE PORTABLE UNIT LOCATED OUTSIDE THE SALES OFFICE. REEFER TO THE CIVIL DRAWING is (000 SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION AND ACCESSIBLE ROUTE TO THE RESTROOM. i X Com) O � ........................................................ ..... - 2. REFER TO THE CIVIL AND (LANDSCAPE DRAWING SITE PLAN FOR THE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE TO THE � PROPOSED SALES OFFICE. C co i�5 c9 V E I t � P� ELECTRICAL KEY WALL KEY Qo v *.o d- -�f TELEPHONE ELECT SWITCH ct Z !� Ln C � O INDICATES LOW WALL i �a QUADRUPLEX OUTLET -&7'ELECT SWITCH 2 4 STUD WALT_ THREE WAY x 0 f: SURGE PROTECTED I LIGHT FIXTURE 11111111111111111111ri 2 x 6 STUD WALL SS -P-0 OUTLET WALL MOUNTED LL_0 DUPLEX OUTLET RECESSED DIRECTIONAL 1177777777 2 x 6 PLUMBING WALT_ o � CEILING DUPLEX OUTLET LIGHT FIXTURE ® _ :3 ' :..................... DECORATIVE RECESSED :. SHELF AB OVE H PENDANT FIXTURE_ LIGHT FIXTURE 1 X4 FLUOR.;- SOFFIT LIMITS p CD c COMPUTER LINE ra 11_IGHT FIXTURE FLUSH MOUNTED Q (_0 a F FAX MACHINE OR ALARM SYSTEM -0 E ELECT. JUNCTION BOX or) HALOGEN TRACK LIGHTING SCALE: 1/4" = 1' - 0" (D CO ca � r-• I rn 0 M (000 Lo i X Com) O � � � C co i�5 c9 V E I t � P� r 1 CD Co Qo v *.o d- ct Z !� Ln C � O 0` i �a • (000 Lo Com) r- V U Co �./ *.o • �� 0` �••� 0 x 0 LL_0 U o � ® _ :3 p CD Q (_0 Q� -0 or) ® 0 a_ Plot Date 2/13/08 Project # 05044 Sheet #