MUP 2007-961J 0 0 Revemm City of La Ouinta Community Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 OFFICE USE ONLY Case No. 67-70 Date Recvd. B/1116-7 Fee: { 75 Related Apps.: Logged in by: APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Comm D Deve opmen�t i 1 pursuant to Section 9.2I 0.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to e that UTd uses r the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or biLn us esses., 2 9 �iri j + + + + + + + ,1► + + + + + CfTY LA INT APPLICANT DESERT EL�.'rE, INC. PNIKQ pEpENT (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 78401 Hwy. 111 Suite G CITY, STATE, ZIP: La Quinta, CA 92253 PROPERTY OWNER (If different): (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: 760 777-9920 Phone No. Fax No. 760 777-9918 Phone Fax Nc 29 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho Santana "'NCI� pFpNTq�l PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational information): EZ 103.1 Radio Remote Model Complex September 1, 2007 1:00-3:OOPM (attach shee G � ne .ded) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): A181MinorUse Permit 4 BMTS4ION RFn IT RLjElsrra- ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by -Community Development Department sta Five (5) sets of plans on- 8 %2" x i 1 "_ sheet or folded down to &V7."f�.- " x 11 ". ❑. Filing fee.for Minor Use Permit_ If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee, with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each: This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT D . �- (Pleas ntl SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE 1 �' NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS A.PPLICANF: DATE (Signature provides. consent for applicant to use site for proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application maybe provided) NOTE: FALSE OR NUSLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDSTOR DENYING APPLICATION. . A18\Minor Use Permit • August 30, 2007 Lt to?, Mr. John Pedalino Desert Elite, Inc. 78-401 Highway 1 1 1, Ste. G La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2007-961 - RADIO REMOTE EVENT Dear Mr. Pedalino: The Planning Department hereby approves your application request for a Radio Remote event at the Rancho Santana Model Home complex, along Avenue 52, as shown on the provided exhibit, subject to the following Conditions: The applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City of La Quinta in the event of any legal claim or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 2. The event shall be held on Saturday, September 1, 2007 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Equipment setup shall begin at 12:00 p.m. that Saturday. All equipment must be removed, and site restored to prior conditions, before 5:00 p.m. at the conclusion of the event. 3. The applicant shall obtain all other applicable permits, if required, from the appropriate agencies (i.e. Fire Department, Sheriffs Department, etc.) 4. A building permit shall be obtained if temporary electric facilities or stages are required for the Radio Remote. The Building and Safety Department can be reached at (760) 777-7012. 5. The use of amplified equipment for music presentations is permitted. The applicant shall comply with the City of La Quinta Noise Ordinance (LQMC 9.100.210). 6. If portable generators are used for electricity, they shall be shielded to prevent accidental contact with guests. If extension cords are used, they shall be ground - secured to prevent tripping. 7. Roadways, parking areas, and pedestrian traffic aisles to other activities in the vicinity shall be maintained accessible at all times. Overflow ��pparking shall be P.U. Box 1504 • LA UUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1 504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (760) 777-7000 •FAX (760) 777-7101 contained, on-site, within the Rancho Santana development. Parking is not permitted along Avenue 52 or Monroe Street. 8. An advertising balloon is allowed for this event ONLY. The balloon is permitted on Saturday, September 1, .2007, between the hours of- 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. The balloon shall be removed at the conclusion of the event. 9. The site shall be left clean and in its original manner after every event. Trash receptacles shall be provided so that trash/debris can be deposited accordingly. 10. The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that may arise and are not address herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by anyone provided they submit the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 to this office within 15 days of approval of this permit. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Very truly yours, ERIC J. CEJA Assistant Plann r C: Code Compliance Department 2eje0 0 )pt �CiteiZc. August 28, 2007 City of La Quinta Planning Dept. Attn: Eric Ceja 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92247 Eric, Attached are five copies of the Minor Use Permit Application Package for the EZ 103.1 "Rolling for Riches" Radio Remote in the Model Complex at "Rancho Santana" on September 1, 2007. Please note the following related to this event; 1)The EZ 103.1 Radio Remote on Saturday, September 1, 2007 between 1:00-3:00pm. The EZ 103.1 Tent will be in the driveway of the Model 4. Location indicated by BLUE DOT on Site Plan. 2)We request approval of a Model Home balloon located between the Model and Model 3. Exhibit attached. Location indicated by RED DOT on Site Plan. I have enclosed a check in the amount of $75.00 for the application fee. Thank you for reviewing the above application for our Radio Remote event. S1 cerely, John R. Pedalino 78401 -JJ-y. 1 1 1 St. g P. QQW.I., C4 92253 (760) 777-9920 J. (760) 777-9918 uq[ov! I _ � 1'ly�'ti owtw '�Nf 'SSIYL70SSY ONY HLflfS 'Otf3lN/YN nr-uraw! am aaAr wpwmni. .r.n aw.ama a.,..,... lurr A.rnA rTsaroo w=Mi[ rr9rbil rwri Mw1YM iA! �• �•• 10arM �vaarao AHiaYo lnaaaA veluaaaw +.niir AHiaO] .ro a.a 1Y. ms-wto[u aauao warow rr.�a. araxz3 fi'SRTiR75 oiioo.vH w oa uvwra• Yo Yaa woaaaA o YOArr w aMn:ra Aaron Aa0 DYL M MYIeY Ol Ls0♦ V} W4-YF� lYL MYY rrIVl'111 1 <.1 ,Y H.„. ra/ ..il IIOLLVOYI �, al/e.Va A p d marloar w na uso.r.. 1�JpY on.rro arH rnuvrrinii a ao nrirr as ._ ". Igard.i laii aMa.Y.ra n Q nr[I M nws! oa u�M.r.. eas-v►o ary laarwrou lei rail 1Murlri.Yr alwa.n av Q _ p• 'ia • .Ica. a..ealep aau. uriri wwlw _ .aanr wc< vorlior aMa 1 �r 1a� 9Yrior ..O1M — •a Maaary u'n aaau. c' aowon rw Ii.aAr on [iour'a. taara. prwy � m.ar YM .i am waara. an arra. awo�..i riot/ R"r A 101 �iltiYY m.00Yi {j� Qa11M•fv / LIrJ.WrI / MQW W .a1HY.rl �YY j W Mi✓Jr ![YI .1 M0 .r..aiya. 11>i1a. uVA1M d icon .oa rwt . uoi vane ma.omi! ur�ari mRo�ar Acari avw a1n Mlv. an.opM Hn1P1 [/rL lYIiYO AaD ®.OJDYi ifLLTOWV MIL lYlwl>D AII.rYJ .ralep �� e.LLYoluir •Ml OHl OML.D3 a�. AYaWO HaW.'oi aaaurerrV H �il�y W W MWl nYLLIOM n WO2 Alo el.0iply P wI11YW.Vi R+ -r 01MY[ AL.q'J .I.a.Ra _ I H3-I25}7�pF73g3F$ I IOMI >.1tl [YIM 911WOY - YM4t.p.0 aNp.ltla Taut vwvM�'.aNae RTi ! R 1lrM 'AVr M)aH� La1p11Y1 l LL! ' ! 7N'OaarOO..Y OM1 MlA bIWM1 - U=KT R2 R • a.a. tltl -aMM.RHr �W.F.1aM4! 7M]11Qu Ya.Of1I� YIMM rl A u[r W Avr1MN lmia OM1YeY Mor lY1 l�Yllq� 1. 71111111YOG 63.101 ilia[ r7 RM iq G N.Dpp OIV1.w .DO -006-<.[ oNV • O-O�-�<�Ou[ �� ( liapOa O.W car. lYO1rM! NYlO.. JO 1 MRa111 MI�Y .pa11O< My1�M Nb 1d E�NIOVdJ k VNIWI1aWd aNV zoz�e 'ON ddw 1�b'�11 =-3/U1b'1N=:]1 vweo�nv� O 31y1B '3OIB!!3N!! =iO A1N110o d f10 t/'1 d0 A1J0 3Hl NI COOL H01idry SNOISIA38 a r.wv vi �6`F7b11V0�7H6HV I nalls r -r 1t/ VIl Jyp i .WrwM .a �ai MwY� IUr Lwrtnl d.� �1 .M �� Soft Rockfor the Coachella- Palley! KEZN has a great promotional opportunity for your business, the Rolling for Riches promotion! With the combination of on -air mentions on KEZN, a custom on -air promotion, web exposure on ez103.com, and a 2 hour on-site remote, this promotional partnership is designed to increase awareness and drive traffic to your business! Promotional Overview • Each Saturday for 4 weeks there will be 2 -hour remote events. for the Rolling for Riches Contest, one Remote per Participating Sponsor. The fifth and final week, a 3 -hour Remote will be held at Augustine Casino.. • Each of the first 4 weeks, a total of 50 Lucky people will compete in a dice game for a chance to win $10,000. In the fifth and final week, 250 people will be eligible to compete for a chance to win $50,0001 • Each week the 50 people will be chosen from our website, sign ups at EZ103.1 office, and by being the 10th caller to our on -air Rolling for Riches promotions. Those 50 people will be eligible for a chance to win $10,000 by coming to the remote at YOUR BUSINESS and rolling 5 dice. • Each of the first 4 weeks there will be a $500 cash (or Merchandise Equivalent) winner regardless if the Grand Prize is won or not. In the fifth and final week there will be a $2,500 cash prize regardless if the Grand Prize is won or not. These prizes are provided by each week's sponsor. • When the eligible people roll the five dice, one side of each die will have that week's participating business' logo and remaining sides will have the EZ103.1 logo and the Title Sponsor. The dice will be rolled one at a time in anticipation of getting the Participating Sponsor's logo on all five dice. If that happens the winner receives $10,000 • • PRODUCT INFO PRODUCT COLOR LOGO COLOR CLIENTAPPROVAL File Name: model homes 0 red ❑ white Product: PVC Helium Sphere Quantity: 1 Client Customer Sgnature' Size: 10' Due Date: Date *PRODUCTION WILL NOT BEGIN UNTIL APPROVAL IS RECEIVED.