MUP 2013-1056City oka Quinta OFFICE USE ONLY Planning Department Case No. t 3 - 10% Date Recvd. �i t• 78-495 Calle Tampico Fee: t75 La Quinta, California 92253 Related Apps.: (760) 777-7125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 Logged in by:� APPLICATION FOR MINOR USE PERMIT APPROVAL MINOR USE PERMIT applications are reviewed and approved by the Planning Director pursuant to Section 9.210.020, of the Zoning Code. The purpose of the review is to ensure that land uses requiring the permit do not have an adverse impact on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — APPLICANT sA/i -2- " 4 (Print) MAILING ADDRESS 7 9 0 ��5� 0(5,- % IZ (, a Phone No. ,gyp 7 72 C) 7 Z 5 CITY, STATE, ZIP: _/ h cXN / C#- % Z 2 ,/ 3 Fax No. ' ` f0-"4' C. PROPERTY OWNER (If different): 5A/D'-;2- A AJ 4 4 J/K /t-/ / iv v« &--Fl � (Print) MAILING ADDRESS: cs�C— '~ CITY, STATE, ZIP: 8::')" C PROJECT LOCATION: PROPOSED USE AND/OR CONSTRUCTION (Including operational F h-" CA -X E Phone No. Fax No. F RNANCF nFPT. (attach sheets if needed) LEGAL DESCRIPTION (LOT & TRACT OR A.P.N.): Note: If your activity requires an addition exceeding 200 square feet, a trailer, or electrical service, issuance of an MUPITUP will be done concurrent with a Building Permit. PAAppGcations\Minor Use Pennit.doe • SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: 0 - ❑ Plot Plan, floor plans and elevation plans (as determined by Planning Department staff). Five (5) sets of plans on 8%" x 11" sheet or folded down to 81/2" x 11". ❑" Filing fee for Minor Use Permit. If filing multiple applications, the most expensive application will be charged full fee; with remaining related applications discounted 50% for each. This discount does not apply to Environmental Information form. NAME OF APPLICANT SAL/ AF.2_ -rv' �S (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT', - DATE NAME OF PROPERTY O Sy•Z*4`�u� 7�r.e�, ivttio (Please Print) SIGNATURE OF PROPERTY OWNER(S) IF NOT SAME AS APPLICANT: (Signature provides consent for appl At, / ZU /,3 --- DATE proposed activity). DATE (Separate written authority by owner to submit application may be provided) NOTE: FALSE -OR MISLEADING INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING APPLICATION. P:WpplicationsWinor Use Permit.doc PREPARED 2122/83, 83:33:52 PAYpLESTS DUE IL'VOICE CITY OF LA QUZNM PROGRAM PZ821L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT SOCRER: 13-00000091 KUP 13-1056 SNJARANA DAY CARE FSS DESCRYP-WIC9 ANXM TI DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINOR USE PB87QT 75.00 T017iL DUE 75.00 Please present this invoice to the cashier with full payment. rt" L - Jf �n 1 4 X • - r March 4, 2013 . «lKta P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLF TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. & Mrs. Snjesana Beso 79-085 Ocotillo Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2013-1056 LARGE FAMILY DAY CARE: 79-085 OCOTILLO DRIVE Dear Mr. & Mrs. Beso: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 FILE COPY The Community Development Department has reviewed your request for a Large Family Day Care Center (maximum 14 children) in your residence at 79-085 Ocotillo Drive, in La Quinta, California. This letter is to notify you that your request has been approved and is subject to the following Conditions of Approval: 1 . All license(s) from the appropriate agency/agencies sha!I be obtained prior to operation of the daycare. 2. The home shall be equipped with fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and other fire safety equipment as specified by the Fire Marshall and/or state regulators. The applicant is required to meet with the fire inspector prior to operation of the daycare. 3. All outdoor play equipment shall be fully enclosed by a minimum of five-foot high fence. No such play area shall be provided where fences are less than five feet in height. 4. Outdoor activities shall be limited to between the hours of nine (9:00) a.m. and seven (7:00) p.m. This approval is final, but may be appealed by anyone to the Planning Commission provided the required forms and filing fee of 5175.00 are filed with this office within fifteen (15) days of the date of this letter. Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, ERIC CEJA Assistant Planner C. Riverside County Fire Department P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7011 FINAL NOTICE OF VIOLATION BESO,JASMINKO & SNJESANA RE: 79085 OCOTILLO DR 79085 OCOTILLO DR APN : 604-264-005 LA QUINTA, CA 92253-5917 Case No: 13-0055 Date: February 11, 2013 To BESO,JASMINKO & SNJESANA: On January 9, 2013, you were notified by this .office that you were in violation of the City's Municipal Code. Our records indicate that you were made aware of the nature of the violation(s), the action(s) necessary to correct the violation(s), and were givenample time to remedy the violation(s). Additional inspections were made of the subject property, most recently on February 11, 2013. That inspection revealed that the necessary corrective action(s) had not been taken. This letter will serve as notice that if the violation(s) is/are not corrected inten(10) days from the date of this notice, an administrative citationwillbe issued inorderto seekcomphance. We request your cooperation in resolving the issue(s) by correcting and/or repairing the following violation(s) by the compliance date(s). CODE SECTION VIO LAT IO N/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE DAT E 9.60.190(C)(1) LQMC - LARGE VIOLATION: Child-care facilities serving nine to fourteen February 25, 2013 CHILD CARE FACILITY children are permitted in all residential districts except the RH district if a minor use permit is approved. Such facilities shall conform to the preceding requirements forsmallchild-care facilities. Aminor use permit approved by the planning director shall be required to establish a large child-care facility in accordance with Section 9.210.020. In addition, all facilities shall comply with this section and with any additio nal re quire m e nts imposed as part of the use permit or of any otherapplicable permit. C O RRECT IVE AC T IO N: Obtain a m ino r use pe rm it fo r the large child care facility from Community Development Department. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Kevin Meredith at (760) 777-7017. Please provide the case number 13-0055 and the property address: Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city are greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number if yo u re quire assistance. • S inc a re ly, KevmMeredith Code Compliance/Animal ont lOfficerI, (760) 777-7017 • • P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION (760) 777-7050 FAX (760) 777-7011 NOTICE OF VIOLATION BESO,JASMINKO & SNJESANA RE: 79085 OCOTILLO DR 79085 OCOTILLO DR APN : 604-264-005 LA QUINTA, CA 92253-5917 Case No: 13-0055 Date: January 9, 2013 To BESO,JASMINKO & SNJESANA: Arecent inspection by a representative of the City of La Quinta Code Compliance Staff was conducted on January 8, 2013 at the above referenced property address and revealed conditions in violation of the La Quinta Municipal Code. We request your cooperation in resolving the issue(s) by correcting and/or repairing the following violation(s) by the Compliance Date(s). CODES ECT IO N VIO LAT IO N/CORRECTIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE DAT E 9.60.190(C)(1) LQMC -LARGE VIOLATION: Child-care facilities serving nine to fourteen January 23, 2013 CHILD CARE FACILITY children are permitted in all residential districts except the RH district if a minor use permit is approved. Such facilities shall conform to the preceding requirements for small child-care facilities. A minoruse permit approved by the planning director shall be required to establish a large child-care facility in accordance with Section 9.210.020. In addition, all facilities shall comply with this section and with any additional requirements imposed as part of the use permit or of any other applicable permit. CORRECTIVE ACTION: Obtain a minor use permit for the larg e c hind c are fac ility fro m the Dire c to r o f Planning. To ensure compliance with the City Codes, a re -inspection of the property will be made immediately following the Compliance Date(s),If you need additional time to correct the violation(s), please contact the undersigned to discuss an extension. Failure to correct the above fisted violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in further action by the City. If the aforementioned property is a rental property; pursuant to California Revenue and Taxation Code sections 17274 and 24436.5, a tax deduction may not be allowed for interest, taxes, depreciation, oramortization paid on the subject property in the current taxable year if yourproperty remains in violation of the La Quinta Municipal Code. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Officer Kevin Meredith at (760) 777-7017. Please provide the case number 13-0055 and the property address. Your efforts to maintain the safety and appearance of our city are greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the aforementioned phone number ifyourequire assistance. 7S inc e re ly, Y Kevdi Meredith Code Compliance/AnilaorntroIOfficerI, (760) 777-7017 State of California Department of Social Services Facility Number: 334804108 Effective Date: 12/29/97 Total Capacity: 14 In accordance with applicable provisions of the Health and Safety Code of California, and its rules and regulations; the Department of Social Services, hereby issues CAPACITY INCREASE EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/15/99 this BES09 SNJEZANA License t® to operate and maintain a FAMILY DAY CARE - Name of Facility B.ESO FAMILY CHILD CARE 79085 OCOTILO LA QUINTA CA 92253 This License is not transferable and is granted solely upon the following: MAXIMUM CAPACITY: 12 CHILDRENs WITH NO MORE THAN 4 INFANTS9 OR CAPACITY 14 CHILDREN WHEN 2 CHILDREN ARE AT LEAST 6 YEARS OF AGE WITH A MAXIMUM OF 3 INFANTS; PROPERTY.ONNER/LANDLORD CONSENT IS REQUIRED Client Groups Served: CHILDREN/INFANT Complaints regarding services provided in this facility should be directed to: SAN GORGONIO DAYCARE DISTRICT OFFIC/Q 782-1420 MARTHA LOPEZ l Deputy Director, 'Autharied Representative Community Care Licensing Division '—of- Licensing Agency. LIC 2M (3W) - POST IN A PROMINENT PLACE 0 STATE OF CALIFORNIA - HEALTH AND WELFARE AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING FACILITY SKETCH (Yard) The Yard Sketch should show all buildings in the yard including the home (with no detail), garage and storage building. Include walks, driveways, play area, fences, gates. Show any potential hazardous area such as pools, garbage storage, animal pens, etc. Show the overall yard size. Try to keep the sizes close to scale. Use the space below. FACILITY J ADDRESS: �7Ja r kvS STATE OF CALIFORNIA - HEALTH AND VVELFARE AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES GcMMLINrrY CARE LICENSING FACILITY SKETCH (Floor Plan) Applicants are required to provide a sketch of the floor plan of the home or facility and outside yard. The Floor Sketch must label rooms such as the kitchen, bath, living room, etc. Circle the names of the rooms that will be used by clients/children. Door and window exits from the rooms must be shown in case of an emergency (see Emergency Disaster Plan). Show room sizes (e.g. 8.5 x 12). Keep close to scale. Use the space below. See back for yard Sketch. ADDRESS: FACIL(j��y �Y Nh1 C� r -k - C� C -122-S-1 LIC 099 (Srot) • i V�1y�i -{lQ•--• y, • ..{.... ..;.« . .{...,....i. ..j;... ._...j.._ ' ttt ......h.. «.i...{...: '... ..{«.:... �i ... ..4...2.. ...y......:... w... ..._. �...j...i..-i••_•i _•j_.�_•_ •_._j.._ ...j_.«.«�••"a«. »...j. . :...j...i.... :.« .. P'�... 6. 441 ��,/i�/�( j •••3••T�• •�7... y ..;... - -.y...?.... ... ..... ?.. .j... ..j.....i«..j...4...i....._j ...............?....?...}... »..?....}... ..i....i...j...:.... • 5........... .1.. ?........ ...p...... .y...t... i.......�....?......., ...�... �...{... .......j....._i ..;...t... 1.... Mar ..- {....'... p...?.«. ... .yJy.�•�/C_ .._.._ « ..p=--:•. ..{..f.... _._.y.. _j..._:.... _P.._e. • ' _J... ...j...---j--j- _ - i ? 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LIC 099 (Srot) feet 100 meters 30 STATE OF CALIFORNIA- HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - ..:Y CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES COMMUNITY CARE LICENSING FACILITY SKETCH (Yard) - Family Child Care Home The yard sketch should show all buildings in the yard including the home (with no detail), garage and storage building. Include walks, driveways, play area, fences. gates. Please identify areas which will be 'off limits" to children. Show any potential hazardous areas such as pools, garb torage, animal pens, etc. Show the overall yard size. Try to keep the sizes close to scale. Use the space below. FACILITY NA3,IE f pCRESS LIC 999A (2/05) sus 16s Off