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MUP 2014-1015
w • City qfLa Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHow:760.777.7125 FAX.- 760.777.1233 Office Use Only Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline 5 Notes: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION • RECEIVED NOV 13 2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNHYnDEVELOPMENT NOV 13 2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY OppP Sections A, B and C are to be completed by the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies, reports and exhibits listed in Section D unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon SECTION A - PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: NE X i Lckje (- �yT^'!FSS Project Description: PR rL ATC- PF -25v S"i,r\r,, APN #(s): Site Address/ Location: Ll � N 3o Wy% i--f-Iry G-� J S i St, T�-7E z- -t 3 General Plan: Zoning: Specific Plan: Proposed Use: Proposed Phases: Related Cases: Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:1Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION B - STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future, thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: ��,�v 4 %Sc� �►'2 '7-nY l -7- U - o Hours of operation: S arA- g p M Number of employees: 3 List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: Types of equipment and processes used: Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: ^V% A - Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 RIAppllcatton Submittal FarmslApp caWmJMUP\MUP Appkation - 05.20.13.doc 0 SECTION C - APPLICANVOWNER INFORMATION Applicant: � F_ a -,e. Y L.,j^5 HA -e,, � r7(�D- 2Y72s - c-i'1� 2� (Name) (Phone) q� f �� e ✓i e flc �e F } `rr, 7S t3 o tie � ,' r 6..,-c C. b Owner(s): (s F 22r l v ►-5 2 (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) Architect k-- r J (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) (California State License #) Applicant Certification I certify that I have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application: I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. I understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, ' the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result In a sus p ns' n of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of R tion a 14, Section 154ft Applicant's Signature: Print Name: t E- 2>r C -L, 1<5-1 Owner Certification Date: % I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature": bate: Print Name(s): 'An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application S A.iv �k i_ Z Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R Applicadon Submittal FormslAppiicationslMUP1MUP AppAcadon - 05.20.13.doc SECTION C - APPLICA0/OWNER INFORMATION' Applicant: (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) Owner(s): Washington -111, LTD 760-485-5308 (Name) (Phone) 30240 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 6 gsanchez@gsanchezgroup.com (Mailing Address) (Email) Architect: (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (Email) (California State License #) Applicant Certification I certify that / have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. I understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains. errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15109. Applicant's Signature: Print Name: Owner Certification Date: I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature*: Date: E�011/13/14 Print Name(s): gill Sanchez - for Washington -111, LTD *An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Date Paid: Thursday, November 13, 2014 Paid By: WASHACK INC. / NEXT LEVEL FITN Cashier: SKH Pay Method: CHECK 3950 • I January 13, 2015 ec Mr. Gerry Washack Next Level Fitness 46-480 Washington Street La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2014-1015: NEXT LEVEL FITNESS Dear Mr. Washack: The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request for a private personal training studio located at 46-480 Washington Street, in the Washington Park commercial center. The approval is subject to the following Findings and Conditions of Approval: FINnINC;S Consistency with General Plan The land use is consistent with the general plan. The proposal does not alter the approved land use for the property, or affect land use on surrounding similar properties. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code The use is consistent with the provisions of this zoning code. The requested use will comply with all other development standards as required under said Zoning Code. 3. Compliance with CEQA Processing of this minor use permit complies with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. The Community Development Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities). 4. Surrounding Uses Approval of the application will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or injurious to or incompatible with other properties or land uses in the vicinity. 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. 1. The use permit may be modified or revoked by the City Council, or Planning Commission, should they determine that the proposed uses or conditions under which it is being operated or maintained is detrimental to the public health, welfare, or materially injurious to property, or improvements in the vicinity, or if the property is operated or maintained, so as to constitute a public nuisance. 2. Any expansion of this use or substantial modification that results in a change of use shall require an amendment of this minor use permit. Minor modifications to this permit shall be considered by the Community Development Director in accordance with LQMC 9.200.090, and may require notification of surrounding property owners prior to such approval. All other amendments shall be processed in accordance with LQMC 9.200.100. 3. The use of the facility as a private personal training studio shall be limited to the hours of 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., seven (7) days per week. This action is final unless appealed by Commission within 15 days of the action. wish to appeal. you or another person to the Planning Please contact our department should you Should you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7125. Sin*rely, w Y U Associate! Planner i 2 TRANSMITTAL D A T E : JANUARY 13, 2015 T 0 : THE CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING &_SAFETY DIVISION P.O. Box 1504, 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ATTENTION: .JAYWUU R E G A R D I N G: NEXT LEVEL FITNESS TI 46-480 WASHINGTON PARK BUILDING, SUITES 2 & 3 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 P LAN C H EC K: BCOM2014.1034 c THE FOLLOWING IIS OUR RESPONSE TO THE MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PROJECT. i 1) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 2) CHECKI#002361 FOR PERMIT APPLICATION FEE $200.00 CITY OF LA QUINTA 3) CASHIERS CHECK #0325012704 FOR CEQA FILING FEE $50.00 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 4) (1) 24"X36" PLAN SET: INCLUDING ARCHITECTURAL, INDEX SHEET, SITE PLAN AND FLOOR PLAN 5) (3)11x17" PLAN SET: INCLUDING ARCHITECTURAL, INDEX SHEET, SITE PLAN AND FLOOR PLAN 6) CD ROM WITH, APPLICATION SITE PHOTOGRAPHS, INDEX SHEET, SITE PLAN & FLOOR PLAN 7) (1) 24"X36" FINAL PLAN: INCLUDING ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 8) (3)11"X17" FINAL PLAN: INCLUDING ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, AND ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS. 9) CD ROM WITH FINAL PLAN SET 10) SITE PHOTOGRAPHS IF THERE IS ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED, PLEASE CONTACT ME AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. BEST REGARDS„ MATTHEW PEICK ARCHITECTURAL' INTERN KRISTI W. HANSON ARCHITECT, INC. MATTHEW KRISTIHANSON.COM PHONE: 760.776.4068 1 WWW.KRISTIHANS0N.00M I F A x : 760.776.4098 AW I I l tow 10 I � . fid'' f i ��• shingt3�St' �� •,� ' , ` op ?raTr of i 41 . JIBE T! .Ll INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE THESE DRAWINGS ARF AN INSTRUMFNT OF SFRVICF AND REMAIN THE PRDPFRTV DF HRIRTI HANRON ARCHIlFCTR INC THFV ARF NnT Tn RF RFRRnnI rFn nR el soon IN euv wev NnR nicri nc[n nR ncncuon Tn n.v.u:on ono,v unrun� �� ru< woomc :.:emc.� o�o.nec:nu nr vo�or� u..on..nn.n.�n.o ...n 1408 Contact: Kristi Hanson DATE 1113/15 A Custom Project For: NEXT LEVEL FITNESS IQs Q3Suites FRONT VIEW (SOUTH) 46.480 Washington Park Building, 2 & 3 La Quinta, CA 92253 c��� INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE THESE DRAWINGS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF KRISTI HANSON ARCHITECTS INC. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED DR At TFRFD IN ANYWAY NOR nIRCI nRFD nB Ascir W r) Tn AW Tuion PAPW WiTuni iT — ovoo— W—rT aro —Ac n -1-11-- A—Uff-- — Q 1408 1 Contact: Kristi Hanson DATE 1/13/15 A Custom Project For: NEXT LEVEL FITNESS 46.480 Washington Park Building, Suites 2 & 3 La Quinta, CA 92253 R" �R� Idp,0rf4� p e, �+ � LEFT SIDE (WEST) INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE THESE DRAWINGS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SERVICE AND REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF KRISTI RANSON ARCHITECTS INC. THEY ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED OR ALTERED IN ANYWAY NOR (ASCI OSFn nR AssicNFn Tn ANY Twan PAPTY wrrwii IT TUG FYPRGSS waiTTFN oFauicsinN r1r KQRTi ueucnN nQrurrcrTs wr 1408 Contact: Kristi Hanson DATE 1/13/15 A Custom Project For: NEXT LEVEL FITNESS PS�� Q RIGHT SIDE (EAST) 46-480 Washington Park Building, 9��1 i Suites 2 a 3 La Quinta, CA 92253 c " - INSTRUMENTS OF SERVICE THESE DRAWINGS ARE AN INSTRUMENT OF SFRVICF AND REMAIN THE PROPERTY OF HRISTI HANSON ARf.HfTFr..TR INC THFV ARF NOT Tn PF RFPRnnI ICFs nR AI TFRFn IN Amy WAv w)P nISCt ngpn nR AeQ—n Tn AW -1— D— WITInI.r TIC I-DICI a I—IT-1 n IDICTI unuenu norur�nre .r 1408 Contact: Kristi Hanson DATE 1113115 A Custom Project For: NEXT LEVEL FITNESSIt ZIE'vol Q BACK SIDE (NORTH) 46.480 Washington Park Building, Suites 2 & 3 La Quinta, CA 92253 1 (E) EXISTING PARKING SITE PLAN SCALE: 3/32" = V-0" GENERAL NOTES: 1. The existing fire alarm system within the building shall remain. All fire alarm work shall be done by appropriate licensed alarm company/contractor with plans and current fee submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation. (contact Fire Department for guideline handout) 2. Fire sprinkler system within the building or tenant space was approved for the original occupancy and layout of the building. If the sprinkler system has to be modified, a licensed C-16 contractor shall do sprinkler work. Plans shall be submitted with current fee to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation. 3. Tenant shall provide to Fire Department an access key to be placed in building knox box. 4. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 3AAObG with no travel distance from extinguisher in building further than 75 feet travel distance. Contact a licensed Fire Extinguisher Company for proper installation li;allSijlll'dl:V:"i ini'.0 i1uVe CLI'i fill l:;iri1'i BcIhIC'c wg affixed) C *FC., SecCmn 1002. 5. No new batt insulation will be required because building envelope will not be disturbed. 6. Per Dimension Egress Plan no Common Path of Egress Travel exceeds 75 feet. 7. At all doors leading outside the suite, provide a sign above the door that states: "This Door to Remain Unlocked when Building is Occupied." 8. All doorways leading to sanitary facilities shall be identified as follows: A) Men's sanitary facilities shall be identified by an equilateral triangle, 114" thick wl edges 12" long and a vertex painting upward. B) Women's sanitary facilities shall be identified by a circle, IW' thick and 12" in dimeter. C) Unisex sanitary facilities shall be identified by a circle, 114" thick and 12" in diameter w/ a 1/4" thick triangle superimposed on the circle and within the 12" diameter. The required symbols shall be centered on the door at a height of 60". 211 IF ANY ACCESSIBLE COMPONENT IS NOT IN COMPLIANCE PER FIELD VERIFICATION BY THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR THEN IT WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE BROUGHT INTO FULL COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS. THIS SHEET PROVIDES FOR INFORMATION ON EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ONLY. NOT SITE WORK IS PROPOSED. t\PPF?®V D PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY —DATE Vh�._ 1 t_ - � EXHIB T CASE NO. JA Ir; 0�3 7G;i C: CoMlm•11.: s QP GP ^,(� �►`1 QP�� �'/, tic cis Q�,10^,�a o�oo n, �Y~?aCD w �zOwz¢�= a LL z o O� H Q r z J z w o Z rnZ�ac`�noz 0. Q.X = z_ � w O 0. LLJ �1�[=lw w0 w� Z U U U= W Y ww z OCQ? W U a OJ 0= 0 f=.. �zwU� U) C1 M 0 N N . d Ito LU 4 m LL i J m. a LU r Ln U _ N m >0 �� W =_ a a J N cc o W W car a Mir J Sv-D ARcy�TF v KRISTI IN HANSON �} N0. C 24847 u� REN. 081312015 Q- 9TF OF ON REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. { CITY SUB. 1 a CITY SUB. 2 i CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT : Steve SCALE: AS NOTED SITE PLAN SHEET A 1.1% DATE: 10/29114 ' s PAD 4 5,466 s.f. REVISED FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" GENERAL NOTES All entrances and all exterior ground floor exit doors to building shall be made accessible to persons with disabilities. CBC Section 113313.1.1.1 1. Door hardware shall be openable with a single effort without requiring the ability to grasp the hardware (lever or push type is acceptable) mounted 34" to 44" above the floor. CBC Section 11 B-404.2.7 2. The bottom 10 inches of all doors shall have a smooth and uninterrupted surface on the push side to allow the door be be opened by a wheel chair. CBC Section 11 B-404.2.10 3. Th_ P --Ir of•fh. danding shall not be more than 1/2" lower that the threshold of the doorway. 4. Maximum effort to operate a required non -fire rated door shall not exceed 5 pounds force. CBC Section 11336.2.5 5. Coordinate keying requirements with Owner 6. Install Door Stop in floor and wall at all locations abutting walls. 7. Contractor responsible to verify all openings in field prior to ordering. WALL TYPES ;3� EXISTING BUILDING SHELL TO REAMIN, FRAMED WALL WITH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH. INSULATED WI R-19 BATT INSULATION. EXISTING DEMISING WALL TO REAMIN. FRAMED WITH STUDS AT 16" O.C. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE. 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES WI R-19 BATT INSULATION. EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO REMAIN. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W1518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO BE REMOVED, NEW PARTITION WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. WI 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE NEW PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W1518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. SEE ELEVATIONS FOR WALL HEIGHT. TOP PLATE SECTION DETAIL FLOOR PLATE SECTION DETAIL WALL DETAILS SCALE: 11/2"= V-0" INT. DOOR DTL. SCALE: 11/2"= V-0" I\CO QP �5 LU LL � °' o o O O G V Wo ¢ C, 2E Z W : W = W to � d H > > � w ¢ Q } z W W z O w z¢ W za F -^A (rte O w w (j K 0i�:¢ WWMZ z ¢Z�Q C7 W Efr Z 7 Z U O XCr LC W W¢ (n¢p UtWJO 7-~ ?ozw�o�fr ¢ 4 0 W H Y W W O CO Z)w U a 00M O W 4 0 H U) _ M 0a N LU Z F= m L L IL W LL oN > ++ N o J �U E N X _c E 00•:3 W 14*ty aZ �� KRISTI W HANSON yr NO. C 24847 ,p REN. 081312015 ?� 9TF OF C I*�'�FO� REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 CITY SUB. 2 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Steve SCALE: AS NOTED EXISTING / DEMO & NEW FLOOR PLAN SHEET A 2.1 DATE: 10/29/14 [icinity Map NEXT LEVEL FITNESS 46-480 Washington Park Building, Suites 2 & 3 La Quinta, CA 92253 APN# 643020068 yti w� bols Legend PLYWOOD III=III-IIIEARTH .III:=III=III ■rrrrrrrr■ CERAMIC TILErorroro .......... INSULATIONBATT INSULATION RIGID -� PROPERTY LINE METAL DOOR SYMBOL WINDOW TYPE REVISION CONTROL POINT DENOTES SECTION NUMBER SECTION DENOTES SHEET NUMBER DENOTES DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL DENOTES SHEET NUMBER DENOTES ROOM NUMBER ROOM IDENTIFICATION DENOTES SHEET NUMBER DENOTES WALL SECTION GYPSUM BOARD WOOD FINISH WOOD FRAMING BLOCKING METAL LATHE eneral Notes 1 All contractors shall submit Certificate of workmen's compensation insurance coverage prior to the issuance of a Building Permit per California Labor Code, Section 3700, 2 All construction shall comply with the following codes including all local codes and ordinances whether or not specifically shown in these drawings and specifications. 2013 California Mechanical Code 2013 California Plumbing Code 2013 California Electrical Code 2013 California Energy Code 2013 California Fire Code 2013 California Green Buildings Standards Code 3 All construction shall be completed in a craftsman like manner. 4 See also specifications for materials and standards. 5 All sub -contractors shall familiarize themselves with the plans and specifications as well as current site conditions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Architect. 6 Any changes required to be made to these plans or specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Architect. Any changes made without the written consent of the Architect shall not be the responsibility of the Architect. 7 Drawings and specifications are property of the Architect and are copyrighted for her use unless authorization is given to the Owner in writing. 8 All contractors shall have a current valid city of La Quinta business license prior to permit issuance per PDMC Title 5. 9 Contractor and/or owner shall provide a trash bin to insure proper clean-up of all building materials. Palm Desert Ordinance No. 262. 10 Approved temporary sanitary facilities (i.e. Chemical Toilets) shall be on the construction site prior to request for first inspection. Health & Safety Code, Section 5416. 11 Storage of building materials or debris shall be confined to the lot for which the permit is issued. Adjacent vacant properties may not be utilized for this purpose unless written permission of the owner is on file with this office. The public right-of-way shall be maintained in a clear condition at all times. PDMC, Chapter 8.02. 12 The issuance of building permit does not authorize the installation of mechanical, electrical, heating or refrigeration which requires a separate plumbing, electrical, heating or refrigeration permit. 13 All work shall comply with the Title 24, Part 2.5 Administrative Code, the Handicap Compliance Regulations, and the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code. 14 General Contractors and/or owner -builders shall complete and submit a contractor's sub list to the Business Support Center prior to request for final inspection per Palm Desert Ordinance No. 60. ABSOLUTELY NO SUB LISTS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ON THE APPROPRIATE FORM. 15 Address numerals shall comply with La Quinta Ordinance(s), 16 Landscaping shall be installed prior to request of final inspection. 17 Separate review, approval and permits are required for grading accessory buildings and structures, pools, water features, signs, trash enclosures, block walls, retaining walls not supporting building, and demolition work. Contact City of Palm Desert for procedural information. 18 Upon completion of the installation of insulation, a card certifying that the insulation has been installed in conformance with the requirements of these regulations shall be completed by the insulation applicator and by the builder. This insulation card shall be posted ata conspicuous location within the dwelling. 19 All 'or equal' substitutions must be submitted to, and approved by the Building Official prior to installation of the item. 2013 CRC R106.1.1 20 All glazing shall have a temporary label on the product until the field Inspector has inspected it. 21 Note that the discharge point for the exhaust air will be at least 3feet from opening which allows air entry into occupied portion of the building. Section 1203.3 22 Refer to structural drawings on Sheet S1.1, for special inspections required. 23 Contractor to submit steel shop drawings to the Architect and Engineer for review and approval prior to ordering. 24 Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the architect of engineer of record, who „ all review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal d ments have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official. TRUSS CALCULATIONS ARE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL. 25 Prior to requesting a Foundation Inspection, the Owner's Engineer shall field verify the building pad height and top of form height, as complying with the approved grading plan per La Quinta Municipal Code, Chapter 27-12 190, 26 All HVAC equipment shall be approved prior to installation by nationally recognized standards and evidenced by the listing and label of an approved agency. CMC 302.1 27 The City Building Inspector has the authority to request fully revised plan sheets with all field changes clouded with deltas to be submitted for City plan review when he/she determines the number of field revisions warrant such a request. onstruction Info. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: Monday - Friday 8 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 8 am - 5:00 pm Sunday NOT ALLOWED GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Gov. Holidays NOTALLOWED Violation of the above work hours is a citable offence under La Quinta Municipal Code (9.24.070). MECHANICAL ENGINEER: Tim Scott 77085 Michigan Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Phone/Fax: (760) 200-4780 Not Applicable Cell: (760) 777-0102 E -Mail timscott@title24foryou.com PLUMBING: Not Applicable LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Not Applicable CIVIL ENGINEER: Not Applicable ELECTRICAL: Southern California Edison P.O. Box 600 Rosemead, CA (760)324-8500 T1.1 T1.2 T1.3 T1.4 T1.5 FWAR A2.1 A4.1 A5.1 E1.1 M1.0 M2.0 M3.0 M4.0 TITLE SHEET 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES 2013 CAL GREEN NON-RESIDENTAIL CHECKLIST SITE PLAN EXISTING / DEMO & NEW FLOOR PLAN REFLECTED CEILING PLAN ROOF PLAN ELECTRICAL PLAN HVAC LAYOUT HVAC NOTES MECH. TITLE 24 MECH. TITLE 24 oject Data CODE CONFORMANCE ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CMC, CPC, CEC, CGBC, ALONG WITH THE 2008 T-24 ENERGY STANDARDS. MASONRY PRIVATE STUDIO GYM CR ('REG. COMMERCIAL') EXISTING 5,370 SQ. FT. STONE TELEPHONE: SAND/MORTAR 3,942 SQ. FT. PLASTER AREA OF IMPROVEMENT: 3,827 SQ. FT. 82901 Bliss Ave. TOTAL PARKING AREA: EXISTING CONCRETE PARKING REQ'D BY CODE: EXISTING 1-800-483-5000 ADA PARKING (PROV./REQ'D) PLYWOOD III=III-IIIEARTH .III:=III=III ■rrrrrrrr■ CERAMIC TILErorroro .......... INSULATIONBATT INSULATION RIGID -� PROPERTY LINE METAL DOOR SYMBOL WINDOW TYPE REVISION CONTROL POINT DENOTES SECTION NUMBER SECTION DENOTES SHEET NUMBER DENOTES DETAIL NUMBER DETAIL DENOTES SHEET NUMBER DENOTES ROOM NUMBER ROOM IDENTIFICATION DENOTES SHEET NUMBER DENOTES WALL SECTION GYPSUM BOARD WOOD FINISH WOOD FRAMING BLOCKING METAL LATHE eneral Notes 1 All contractors shall submit Certificate of workmen's compensation insurance coverage prior to the issuance of a Building Permit per California Labor Code, Section 3700, 2 All construction shall comply with the following codes including all local codes and ordinances whether or not specifically shown in these drawings and specifications. 2013 California Mechanical Code 2013 California Plumbing Code 2013 California Electrical Code 2013 California Energy Code 2013 California Fire Code 2013 California Green Buildings Standards Code 3 All construction shall be completed in a craftsman like manner. 4 See also specifications for materials and standards. 5 All sub -contractors shall familiarize themselves with the plans and specifications as well as current site conditions. Any discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of the Architect. 6 Any changes required to be made to these plans or specifications shall be brought to the attention of the Architect. Any changes made without the written consent of the Architect shall not be the responsibility of the Architect. 7 Drawings and specifications are property of the Architect and are copyrighted for her use unless authorization is given to the Owner in writing. 8 All contractors shall have a current valid city of La Quinta business license prior to permit issuance per PDMC Title 5. 9 Contractor and/or owner shall provide a trash bin to insure proper clean-up of all building materials. Palm Desert Ordinance No. 262. 10 Approved temporary sanitary facilities (i.e. Chemical Toilets) shall be on the construction site prior to request for first inspection. Health & Safety Code, Section 5416. 11 Storage of building materials or debris shall be confined to the lot for which the permit is issued. Adjacent vacant properties may not be utilized for this purpose unless written permission of the owner is on file with this office. The public right-of-way shall be maintained in a clear condition at all times. PDMC, Chapter 8.02. 12 The issuance of building permit does not authorize the installation of mechanical, electrical, heating or refrigeration which requires a separate plumbing, electrical, heating or refrigeration permit. 13 All work shall comply with the Title 24, Part 2.5 Administrative Code, the Handicap Compliance Regulations, and the 2013 California Green Building Standards Code. 14 General Contractors and/or owner -builders shall complete and submit a contractor's sub list to the Business Support Center prior to request for final inspection per Palm Desert Ordinance No. 60. ABSOLUTELY NO SUB LISTS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL REQUIRED INFORMATION IS PROVIDED ON THE APPROPRIATE FORM. 15 Address numerals shall comply with La Quinta Ordinance(s), 16 Landscaping shall be installed prior to request of final inspection. 17 Separate review, approval and permits are required for grading accessory buildings and structures, pools, water features, signs, trash enclosures, block walls, retaining walls not supporting building, and demolition work. Contact City of Palm Desert for procedural information. 18 Upon completion of the installation of insulation, a card certifying that the insulation has been installed in conformance with the requirements of these regulations shall be completed by the insulation applicator and by the builder. This insulation card shall be posted ata conspicuous location within the dwelling. 19 All 'or equal' substitutions must be submitted to, and approved by the Building Official prior to installation of the item. 2013 CRC R106.1.1 20 All glazing shall have a temporary label on the product until the field Inspector has inspected it. 21 Note that the discharge point for the exhaust air will be at least 3feet from opening which allows air entry into occupied portion of the building. Section 1203.3 22 Refer to structural drawings on Sheet S1.1, for special inspections required. 23 Contractor to submit steel shop drawings to the Architect and Engineer for review and approval prior to ordering. 24 Submittal documents for deferred submittal items shall be submitted to the architect of engineer of record, who „ all review them and forward them to the building official with a notation indicating that the deferred submittal d ments have been reviewed and that they have been found to be in general conformance with the design of the building. The deferred submittal items shall NOT be installed until their design and submittal documents have been approved by the building official. TRUSS CALCULATIONS ARE A DEFERRED SUBMITTAL. 25 Prior to requesting a Foundation Inspection, the Owner's Engineer shall field verify the building pad height and top of form height, as complying with the approved grading plan per La Quinta Municipal Code, Chapter 27-12 190, 26 All HVAC equipment shall be approved prior to installation by nationally recognized standards and evidenced by the listing and label of an approved agency. CMC 302.1 27 The City Building Inspector has the authority to request fully revised plan sheets with all field changes clouded with deltas to be submitted for City plan review when he/she determines the number of field revisions warrant such a request. onstruction Info. CONSTRUCTION HOURS: Monday - Friday 8 am - 5:00 pm Saturday 8 am - 5:00 pm Sunday NOT ALLOWED GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Gov. Holidays NOTALLOWED Violation of the above work hours is a citable offence under La Quinta Municipal Code (9.24.070). MECHANICAL ENGINEER: Tim Scott 77085 Michigan Drive Palm Desert, CA 92211 STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Phone/Fax: (760) 200-4780 Not Applicable Cell: (760) 777-0102 E -Mail timscott@title24foryou.com PLUMBING: Not Applicable LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: Not Applicable CIVIL ENGINEER: Not Applicable ELECTRICAL: Southern California Edison P.O. Box 600 Rosemead, CA (760)324-8500 T1.1 T1.2 T1.3 T1.4 T1.5 FWAR A2.1 A4.1 A5.1 E1.1 M1.0 M2.0 M3.0 M4.0 TITLE SHEET 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES 2013 CAL GREEN NON-RESIDENTAIL CHECKLIST SITE PLAN EXISTING / DEMO & NEW FLOOR PLAN REFLECTED CEILING PLAN ROOF PLAN ELECTRICAL PLAN HVAC LAYOUT HVAC NOTES MECH. TITLE 24 MECH. TITLE 24 oject Data CODE CONFORMANCE ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, CMC, CPC, CEC, CGBC, ALONG WITH THE 2008 T-24 ENERGY STANDARDS. APN# 643020068 LEGAL DESCRIPTION - T.I. FOR A ZONING: NET SITE AREA: TOTAL BUILDING: PRIVATE STUDIO GYM CR ('REG. COMMERCIAL') EXISTING 5,370 SQ. FT. GAS: TELEPHONE: SUITES TOTAL AREA: 3,942 SQ. FT. Verizon AREA OF IMPROVEMENT: 3,827 SQ. FT. 82901 Bliss Ave. TOTAL PARKING AREA: EXISTING Indio, CA PARKING REQ'D BY CODE: EXISTING 1-800-483-5000 ADA PARKING (PROV./REQ'D) EXISTING FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS: OCCUPANCY CONSTRUCTION TYPE: B (BUSINESS) TYPE V -B REQ'D FIXTURES: 2 UNISEX BATHS C (TO BE FULLY SPRINKLED) CAN: Z Time Warner *(WATER COOLER AL WATER 1 SEWER: 41725 Cook St. EGRESS C.V.W.D. Palm Desert, CA MAX DIAGONAL DISTANCE: 90'-6" / 2 = 45'-3" (760)340-2225 45'-3" MAX DISTANCE BETWEEN EGRESS OCCUPANT LOAD GAS: OCCUPANT LOAD: 36 @ 100 GROSS/OCC, 01��. EXITS REQ'D / PROVIDED: 216 So. Cal. Gas Co. SPRINKLERED: PARTIALLY SPRINKLERED 211 N. Sunrise Way --�zt�i�p wrn¢� Fnwz M Z W W O¢ X S *TO BE FULLY SPRINKLERE Palm Springs, CA 0 0 0 W P O0 Z w U= F=-� wQ�oit U)_ 1-800-427-2200 FIXTURE REQUIREMENTS: 1 PER 25 FOR FIRST 50 OC( REQ'D FIXTURES: 2 UNISEX BATHS C W 1 WATER FOUNTAIN Z m *(WATER COOLER AL WATER 1 SEWER: CL W 1 MOP SINK C.V.W.D. d a.+ >W �Q P.O. Box 1058 **OWNERS INFORMATION** Coachella, CA GERRY WASHACK (760) 398-2651 75-130 MEDITERANEAN AVE. PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 841-8200 QP 01��. m Z o 0E,Y oozQFn O H F--n 2_ wgOz��� Z < _ O¢Qa ~F— � z¢Zcn¢0w2 --�zt�i�p wrn¢� Fnwz M Z W W O¢ X S ? 0 z< 0 Lu H Q Q o w n x 0 0 0 W P O0 Z w U= F=-� wQ�oit U)_ 0 CV _U) C C W Z m i CL W cN hl d a.+ >W �Q 0 J N� XE Opp •� QZ qe J KRISTI W HANSON 0 N0. C 24847 �7 mp REN. 08/312015 9TFOF CP \FOP REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 Q CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET T l.1 DATE: 1/13/15 '`,A",�Gr`er` 2013 NON-RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST Project Address: 73-520 EI Paseo, Unit Date: July 8, 2014 Sheet = Sheet #or NA Comment =Note # or Detail # SECTION TOPIC REQUIREMENTS = SheetI Comment DAILY USES �y W. .. 2.0 GPM @ 80 PSI a building or space is operated for normal use, the system shall be balanced in 5.410.4.3.1 HVAC balancing accordance with the procedures defined by the Testing Adjusting and Balancing NA For newly constructed projects of less than one acre, develop a Storm Water Bureau National Standards; the National Environmental Balancing Bureau MIN. Procedural Standards, or Associated Air Balance Council National Standards or as X Pollution Prevention Plan (SVI/PPP) that has been designed, spoci c to its site, 5.410.4.4 Reporting 5.106.1 Storm Water Pollution conforming to the State Storm water NPDES Construction Permit orlocal ordinance, NA 4 MIN. signed by the individual responsible for performing these services. Prevention Plan whicheveris stricter, as is required forprojects one acre ormore. The plan should 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI Operation and Provide the building owner or representative with detailed operating and maintenance X coverprevenfion of soil loss by storm water run-off andlor mrd erosion, of 5.410.45maintenance (0 M) instructions and copies of guaranties/warranties for each system. O & M instructions NA sedimentation, and/or of dre Vparticulate matter air pollution - (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] manual shall be consistent with OSHA requirements in CCR, Title 8, Section 5142, and other X Complywith Sections and 5-1064.2 or meet local ordinance orthe 0.25 GAIL/CYCLE 0.25 MIN. 5.106.4 Bicycle Parking ia Policyon Sustainable Practices, wheveris stricter. Universityof Califomhic NA Inspection and reports Include a copy of all inspection verifications and reports required by the enforcing NA 5-' Shod Term bicycle parking (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] 250 aenc 30 5,106 4 1.2 Longi erm bicycle parking Sectiali 5.503 �,,ENti�iRONMENTAL 5.106-52 Designated Parking Provide designated parking for any Combination of low -emitting, fuel efficient, and NA Install only a direct -vent sealed -combustion gas or sealed wood -burning fireplace, or 3FEMALE 250 carpool/van pool vehicles per Table General a sealed v000dstove ov pellet stove, and refer to residential requirements in the NA X The site shell be planned and developed to keep surface water from entonng STAINS California Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6, Subchapter 7, Section 150. Woodstoves, 5.106.10 Grading and Paving buildings. Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or drainage system will. NA ellet stoves and fireplaces shall comply witn applicable local ordinances. 1 MALE,, X m snags all surface water fluors Woodstoves Woodstoves and pellet stoves shall comply with US EPA Phase 11 emission limits NA 275 ELECTROMECHANICAL 1.28 GAUFLUSH where a licable. 1 MALE, X Section5 504;°El�IYlROtV11 ENTAL G2UALITt t tt�' tit Crsft rot 0'".201.1 Scope For the purposes of mandatory energy efficiency standards in this cede, the T1.2 1 FLUSH 2 MALE X California Ener iCommission will continue to ado ft mandato buildin standards condition the building or areas of addition or alteration within the required 5.303-1 Meters Separate meters ormetenng device shall be installed forthe uses described in NA 504 Sections 503 1.1 and 503.12. used dunng construction, use return air filters with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting T1.2 .1.3 Separate scramblers shall be installed as follows: Value (MERV) of 8, based on ASHRAE 522-1999, Crain average efficiency of 30 I For earn individual leased ranted, or other tenant space within the building percent based on ASHRAE 52.1-1992. Replace all filters immediately prior to 5 303 1 1 Buildings 1n exss of projected to consume more ihan 100 dvl day dP„ :,.1,6 squm,..,at 2. Fcr paces u;,(j for laundry or cleaners, restaurant orfood service, medical or construction. dental office, laboratory, or beauty salon of batter shop projected to consume At the time of rough Installation, cramming storage onthe construction site and until more than 100 coloday_ final startup ofthe heating and cooling equipment, all duct acid other related air 5.303.1.2 Excess consumption Any building within a project orspace Y4lthin a building that is projected to consume NA T1.2 more than 1,000 gul/day. other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of dust or Plumbing fixtures shall meet the maximum flow rate values shown in Table 5.303-2.3 debris which may collect in the system_ 5.504 4 Exceptions. Finish materials shall comply with Sections 5.504.4.1 through 5504.4.4. See Table 5 3W 2 Water reduction 1. Buildings that demonstrate 20 -percent overall water use reduction. In this case, a T1.2 calculation demonstrating a 20 -percent reduction in the building "water use base- the following standards_ 5.303.2.2 line," as established in Table 5-3032.2, shall be rovided. 1. Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers, adhesive primers, sealants, sealant When a shower is served bymore than one showerhead, the combined flow rate of primers, and caulks shall comply with local orregional air pollution control or air 5.303.3.3.2 Multiple shewerheads all showerheads and/or other shower outlets controlled by a single valve shall not NA xo servina one shower exceed 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi, orthe shower shall be designed to allow only limits, as shown in Tables 5504.4 ,1 and 5.504 4.2- Such products also shall w one sho,ncr outlet to be in operation ata flmo. comply with the Rule 1168 prohibition on the use of certain toxic compounds T1.2 Plumbing fixtures and Plumbing fixtures and fillings shall be installed in accordance with the California (chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride, perchlcroethylene, and 5.303.5 fittings Plumbing Code, and srcll meet the applicable standards referenced in Table 1401.1 P1 ; of the California Plurnbin Code and in Cha ter 6 ofthis Code_ iz 2. Aerosol adhesives, and smaller unit sizes of adhesives, and sealant or caulang m m i Awater budget shall be developed forlandscape irrigation use that installed in compounds in units of product less packaging, which do not weigh more than p ( P P g 9. 9 m U c conjunction with a new building or an addition or an alteration conforms to the local one pound and do not consist of more than 16 fluid ounces) shall comply with U = waterefficfent landscape ordinance orto the California Department of Water statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of 5.304.1 Water budget Resources Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance where no local ordinance is NA -�11 Ira applicable_ with Section 94507_ Note: Prescriptive measures to assist in compliance with the water budget are listed Note: Title 17 may be found at htfic /lccr, oal_ca.gsv/. O in Sections 492.5 through 492.8, 492.10 and 49211 of the ordinance, which may be Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with VOC limits in Table 1 dims n found at flit ihv:nrw_owue water -ear Cvtlandssa etordlCrdGeT, ARB Architectual Coatings Suggested Control Measure, as shown in Table r `f o For new water service or for addition or alteration requiring upgraded water service 5.504.4.8, unless more stringent local limits apply. The VOC content limit for 5.304.2 Outdoor potable use for landscaped areas of at least 1000 square fact but not more than 5000 square feet NA "' ~ 5.504.4.3 (the level at which Water Code §535 applies), separate submeters or metering shell listed in Table 5.5044.3, shall be determined by classifying the coating as a Flat, T1.2 be installed for outdoor potable water use. frontlet, or Nonflat-High Gloss coating, based on its gloss, as defined in z E In new nonresidential construction or building addition or alteration with at least 1000 subsections 4.21, 4.36, and 4.37 of the 2007 California Air Resources Board, 5.304 3 Irrigation design but not more than 2506 square feet of cumulativetwhich landscaped area (the level a NA the MWELO applies), install irrigation controllers and sensors which include the Gloss VOC limit in Table 5504 4.3 shall apply following cnt n6. and meet manufacturers recommendations. Aerosol pamts arid coatings shall meet the Product -Weighted MIR Limits for ROC Automatic irrigation system controllers installed at the time of final inspection shall in section 94522(a)(3) and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of comply with the follow ng. certain toxic compounds and ozone depleting substances, in sections 94522(c)(2) 5.0`044.3.1 1. Controllers shall beweather -orsoil moisture -based Controllers that automatically and (d)(2) of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section T1.2 adjust irrigation in response to changes in plants' needs as weather conditions 94520, and in areas under the jurisdiction ofthe Bay Area Air iduaiity change. management Disjunct additionallycora I with the percent VOC by wP.,i ht of 5 304.3.1 Imgation controllers 2. iNeathenbased controllers without integral rain sensors orcommunicadon NA systems that account forlocal rainfall shall have a separate wired orwireless rain y p Verificationof compliance with this section shall be provided at the request of the 5.594.4 3.2 sensonNhich connects or communicateswith the controller(s)- Soil moisture - enforcing agency_ Documentation may include, but is not limited to, the following: T1.2 based controllers are not required to have rain sensomnput. 1. Manufacturer's product specification. Note: More intonation regarding irrigation controller function and specifications is 2_ Field venfication of on-site product containers. available from the Imgatlon Association at: All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet at least one the following Indr, 11 rww i 1„atl nas product requirements: Sectte?n 40x: MATERIAL CtNSERVfTlON 81 REaOIR01E EI*lCIEN 1. Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program: 2_ Compliant with the VOC-emission limits and testing requirements specified in Provide a weather resistant extenor wall and foundation envelope as required by the California Department of Public Health Standard tAethod forth, Testing 5.40'7.1V'deatherProtection California Building Code Section 1403.2 (Weather Protection) and Califomia Energy NA - a! _rar c n ci'dffari,o Pfnicm ons from 1 fncoor'oources NA Cade Section 150, (Mandatory Features and Devices), manufactrers uinstallation Carpet systems Using Ern1ronreriteI Chambers, Version 1.1 February 2010(also k a n as instructions, orlocal ordinance, whicheverismore stringent_ CDPH Standard Method V1.1 or Specification 01350), Employ rnoisture control measures by the fallowing methods. 3. NSP(ANSI 140 attire Gold level or higher, 5.407.2.1 Sprinklers. Design and maintain landscape irrigation systems to prevent 4. Scientific Certifications Systems Sustainable Choice. or -oras ,,x:i..-1-es 6.407.2.2 Entries and openings. Design exterior entries and/or openings subject to NA 5. Compliant with the California Collaborative for Nigh Performance Schools 5.4D72 Moisture control foot traffic orwind-ddven rain to prevent water intrusion into buildings meeting one of (CACHIPS)Criteria Interpretation for EU 2.2 dated July 2012 and listed in the the following: CHIPS Hiah Performance Product Database. 5407.2.2.1 Exterior door protection At carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of NA 5.504.2.2.2 Flashing Carpet cushion the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label program - Sec#or�448` MATRiAL OANSER'IATIOI�I &1E�ROE EFFiCfE1C�l r C !tl. tf.C..lt 11tfi. 5th R, d tt a eX40 4 f C Li at' c In tl#,?1'd . . Hardwood plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard composite Recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum of 50 percent of the nonhazardous 54oE.1 - Construction waste -- - Section 08. 1 5 08_ 2ci a consWction and demolition waste in accordance with 5 chom5.4 1. .4 1. Co T1.3408.1-3. management 5 ormeet a local construction and demolition waste management ordinance, Co products for formaldehyde as specified in ARE's Air Toxics Control Measure m whicheveris more stn ant. 5.504.4.5.3 Where a local jurisdiction does not have a construction and demolition waste for Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120 or seq.), by or before the dates specified in m management ordinance, submit a construction waste management plan for approval those sections, as shown in Table 5.504.4.5 E y o by the enforcement agency that. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided as requested by the w -"-' a0o 5.504.4.5.2 1. Identifies the construction and demolition waste materials to be diverted from enforcing agency. Documentation shall include at least one of the five mentioned o E c disposal by effluent usage, recycling, reuse on the project, or salvage for future in Section 5.504.4.5.3 o. 5.408.1.1 Construction waste use oraale. T1.3 .2 g yU w management plan 2. Determines iF cpnstruction and demolition waste materials will be caned on-site at least one the four mentioned in Section 5.504.4.6 5.504.4.6.1 (source -separated) or bulk mixed (single stream Documentation shall be provided verifying that resilient flooring materials meet 0 N 3. Idepines diversion facilities where construction and demolition' waste materials the pollutant emission limits. 0 E c O o collected will be taken. In mechanically ventilated buildings, provide regularly occupied areas blithe N U 4. Specifies that the amount of connruction and demolition waste materials diverted� building with air filtration media for outside and return airthat provides at least a -Z 5.504.5.3 shall be calculated tri wet ht orvolume, but not b both. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 8. MERV 8 filters shall be Documentation shall be provided to the enforcing agency which demonstrates installed pnorto occupancy, and recommendations for maintenance with filters of m 5408.1.4 Documentation compliance with Sections 5.408.1.1 through 5408.1.3. The waste management plan T1.3 0 .o n shall be updated as necessary and shall be accessible during construction for Where outdoor areas are provided for smoking, prohibit smoking within 25 feet of s E examination by the enforcing a enc . building entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows and in buildings; or as H cn R The enforcing agency may make exceptons to the requirements of this section when enforced by ordinances, regulations, or policies of any city, county, city and 5.5047 jcbsites are located in areas beyond the haul boundaries ofthe diversion facility. county, California Community College, campus of the California State University, NA Notes: or campus of the University of California, whichever are more stringent. When 5.408 2-2 Isolatedjobsims I Sample forms found in Chapter 8 may be used to assist in documenting NA compliance with the waste management plan. build occu ants ofthe prohibitions SectloYt 5.505.;:' - 2- Mixed construction and demolition bocce (C&D) processors can be located at 4UAl:1TY IOdoorMalsturoConfrol hktp /&,w)h coimb-cagov/ConDemol. Buildings shall meet orexceed the provisions of California Building Code, CCR, 5.505.1 100V. of trees, stumps, rocks and associated vegetation and soils resulting primarily Title 24, Part 2, Sections 1203 (Ventilation) and Chapter 14 (Exterior Walls)_ For NA from land clearing shall be reused or recycled. For a phased project, such matecal additional measures not applicable to low-rise residential occupancies, see Excavated and may be stockpiled on site until the storage site is developed. Section 5 407 2 of this code 5.40E 3 soil land dearing debris =.EN`JtR4NN1ENTA4 NA Exception: For in echanically or naturally ventilated spaces in buildings, meet the minimum 5.506.1 Reuse, eitheron-or off-site, of vegetation or soil contaminated by disease or pest requirements ofSectlon 121 (Requirements Foi-Vent0ation) ofthe California NA infestation_ Energy Code, CCR, Title 24, Part 2, orthe applicable local code, whicheveris Settipn 5,10 MATERIAL. £ iEtE1 Ut 7tpfit. rREEt URCtE E I t tIOY more strip ent, and Division 1, Cha ter4 of CCR, Title 8. t- Forbuildings oraddlhons equipped with demand control ventilation, CO2 sensors 5.506.2 Provide readily accessible areas that serve the entire building and are identified for and ventilation controls shalt be specified and installed in accordance with the NA Recycling by the depositing, storage, and collection of nonhazardous materials for recycling, NA 5.410.1 occupants including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plasties and metals or {Epair ritnent01 GamfOrt meet a lawfully enacted local recycling ordinance, if more restrictive - 5.507.4 Acoustical control Space allocation forrecycling areas shall comply with Chapter 18, Part 3, Division 30 NA of the Public Resources Code- Chapter 18 is known as the California Solid Waste 5.410.12 Sample ordinance Reuse and Recycling Access Act of 1991 (Act) - NA Exterior noise Note: A sample ordinance for use by local agencies may be found in Appendix A of 5.507.4.1 transmission, the document at the Califomia Integrated Waste Management's web site at 1 ..:updoe meu':od http llwww.ciwmb cador. T -,o J-nQ ]Gj.. oicq )f 3_;[LRI3nuall tic 134LIIEd i'ci I Iloings 1655 man 10.660 5 410.4 Testing and adjusting square feet or new systems to serve an addition or ateratwn subjected Section NA 5.507.4.3 Interior sound 303 1. NA Develop a wntten plan of procedures for testing and adjusting systems. Systems to be included fortesting and adjusting shall include, as applicable to the project: Sectiotj 00,4`!ENVIRONIVIENTA� I HVAC systems and controls _ 5.410.4.2 Systems 2. Indoor and outdoor lighting and controls NA with Sections 5.508.1.1 and 5.50812. 3 \Mater heating systems Ozone depiction and 4. Renewable energy systems 5.5081 greenhouse gas 6.508.1.1 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs.) Install HVAC, refngeration and fire 5. Landscape Irrigation Systems reductions 1 equipment t of contain CFCs. suppression eq� pment the don w n 6. Water Reuse Systems - 5.508.12 Halons, install HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment that Perform testing and adjusting procedures In accordance with industry best practices NA 5.410.4.3 Procedures and applicable standards on each system as determined b the burldinct official. In addition to testing and adjusting, before a new space -conditioning system serving a building or space is operated fornormul use, the system shall be balanced In accordance with the procedures defined by the Testing Adjusting and Balancing NA 5.410.4.3.1 HVAC balancing Bureau National Standards, the National Environmental Balancing Bureau Procedural Standards, or Associated Air Balance Council National Standards oras aloproved by the buildintr off gal_ NON-RESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST (continued) Sheet= Sheet *or NA Comm erl Note # or Detail # SECTION TOPIC REQUIREMENTS Sheet I comment FIXTURE TYPE FLOW RATE2 . far,k#�Ifi _n. _..f�d�E? DAILY USES OCCUPANTS2 In addition to testing and adjusting, before a new space -conditioning system serving 2.0 GPM @ 80 PSI a building or space is operated for normal use, the system shall be balanced in 5.410.4.3.1 HVAC balancing accordance with the procedures defined by the Testing Adjusting and Balancing NA LAVATORY FAUCETS Bureau National Standards; the National Environmental Balancing Bureau MIN. Procedural Standards, or Associated Air Balance Council National Standards or as X approved Lyme building official_ 5.410.4.4 Reporting Aftercompletion of testing, adjusting and balancing, provide a final report of testing NA KITCHEN FAUCETS 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI 4 MIN. signed by the individual responsible for performing these services. Xzn REPLACEMENT AERATORS 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI Operation and Provide the building owner or representative with detailed operating and maintenance X 50 5.410.45maintenance (0 M) instructions and copies of guaranties/warranties for each system. O & M instructions NA WASH FOUNTAINS (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] manual shall be consistent with OSHA requirements in CCR, Title 8, Section 5142, and other X METERING FAUCETS 0.25 GAIL/CYCLE 0.25 MIN. related re Mations. X METERING FAUCETS FOR F; 410 4-5.1 Inspection and reports Include a copy of all inspection verifications and reports required by the enforcing NA WASH FOUNTAINS (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] 250 aenc 30 GRAVITY TANK WATER Sectiali 5.503 �,,ENti�iRONMENTAL QUALITY' X CLOSET FIBERGLASS Install only a direct -vent sealed -combustion gas or sealed wood -burning fireplace, or 3FEMALE 250 5.503-1 General a sealed v000dstove ov pellet stove, and refer to residential requirements in the NA X WATER CLOSET STAINS California Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6, Subchapter 7, Section 150. Woodstoves, 3 FEMALE 450 FLUSHOMETER VALVE 1.28 GAL/FLUSH ellet stoves and fireplaces shall comply witn applicable local ordinances. 1 MALE,, X 5.503.1 A Woodstoves Woodstoves and pellet stoves shall comply with US EPA Phase 11 emission limits NA 275 ELECTROMECHANICAL 1.28 GAUFLUSH where a licable. 1 MALE, X Section5 504;°El�IYlROtV11 ENTAL G2UALITt t tt�' tit Crsft rot 3 FEMALE T11 URINALS The permanent HVAC system shall only be used during construction if necessary to 1 FLUSH 2 MALE X condition the building or areas of addition or alteration within the required temperature range for material and equipment installation. lithe HVAC system is 504 Temporary ventilation used dunng construction, use return air filters with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting T1.2 .1.3 Value (MERV) of 8, based on ASHRAE 522-1999, Crain average efficiency of 30 percent based on ASHRAE 52.1-1992. Replace all filters immediately prior to occupancy, or, if the buldingls occupied during alteration, at the conclusion of construction. Covering of duct At the time of rough Installation, cramming storage onthe construction site and until openings and final startup ofthe heating and cooling equipment, all duct acid other related air 5-504 3 protection of dlstnbutlon component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheetmetal or T1.2 mechanical equipment other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of dust or during construction debris which may collect in the system_ 5.504 4 Finish material pollutant control Finish materials shall comply with Sections 5.504.4.1 through 5504.4.4. T1.2 Adhesives, sealants, and caulks. used on the project shall meet the requirements of the following standards_ 1. Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers, adhesive primers, sealants, sealant primers, and caulks shall comply with local orregional air pollution control or air quality management district rules where applicable, or SCACMD Rule 1168 VOC xo limits, as shown in Tables 5504.4 ,1 and 5.504 4.2- Such products also shall w comply with the Rule 1168 prohibition on the use of certain toxic compounds T1.2 5.504.4.1 Adhesives, sealants (chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride, perchlcroethylene, and d: y o and caulks trichloroethylene), except for aerosol products as specified in subsection 2, below. ; iz 2. Aerosol adhesives, and smaller unit sizes of adhesives, and sealant or caulang m m compounds in units of product less packaging, which do not weigh more than p ( P P g 9. 9 m U c one pound and do not consist of more than 16 fluid ounces) shall comply with U = statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of O c certain toxic compounds, of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing -�11 Ira with Section 94507_ Note: Title 17 may be found at htfic /lccr, oal_ca.gsv/. O Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with VOC limits in Table 1 dims n ARB Architectual Coatings Suggested Control Measure, as shown in Table r `f o 5.504.4.8, unless more stringent local limits apply. The VOC content limit for N U o � coatings that do not meet the definitions for the specialty coatings categories "' ~ 5.504.4.3 Paints and coatings listed in Table 5.5044.3, shall be determined by classifying the coating as a Flat, T1.2 frontlet, or Nonflat-High Gloss coating, based on its gloss, as defined in z E subsections 4.21, 4.36, and 4.37 of the 2007 California Air Resources Board, Suggested Control Measure, and the corresponding Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-High Gloss VOC limit in Table 5504 4.3 shall apply Aerosol pamts arid coatings shall meet the Product -Weighted MIR Limits for ROC in section 94522(a)(3) and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds and ozone depleting substances, in sections 94522(c)(2) 5.0`044.3.1 Aerosol paints and and (d)(2) of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section T1.2 coatings 94520, and in areas under the jurisdiction ofthe Bay Area Air iduaiity management Disjunct additionallycora I with the percent VOC by wP.,i ht of product limits of Regulation 8 Rule 49 Verificationof compliance with this section shall be provided at the request of the 5.594.4 3.2 Verification enforcing agency_ Documentation may include, but is not limited to, the following: T1.2 1. Manufacturer's product specification. 2_ Field venfication of on-site product containers. All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet at least one the following product requirements: 1. Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program: 2_ Compliant with the VOC-emission limits and testing requirements specified in the California Department of Public Health Standard tAethod forth, Testing - a! _rar c n ci'dffari,o Pfnicm ons from 1 fncoor'oources NA acr444 Carpet systems Using Ern1ronreriteI Chambers, Version 1.1 February 2010(also k a n as CDPH Standard Method V1.1 or Specification 01350), 3. NSP(ANSI 140 attire Gold level or higher, 4. Scientific Certifications Systems Sustainable Choice. or 5. Compliant with the California Collaborative for Nigh Performance Schools (CACHIPS)Criteria Interpretation for EU 2.2 dated July 2012 and listed in the CHIPS Hiah Performance Product Database. At carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of NA 5.504.44.1 Carpet cushion the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label program - 5.5044.42 Carpet adhesive All carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements ofTable 5.504.4.1. NA Hardwood plywood, particleboard, and medium density fiberboard composite Composite wood wood products used on the imonor or exterior of the building shall meet the Need See Table 5.504.4.5 products for formaldehyde as specified in ARE's Air Toxics Control Measure T1.2 5.504.4.5.3 for Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120 or seq.), by or before the dates specified in those sections, as shown in Table 5.504.4.5 Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided as requested by the 5.504.4.5.2 Documentation enforcing agency. Documentation shall include at least one of the five mentioned T1_2 in Section 5.504.4.5.3 5.504.4.6 Resilient flooring For 80% of floor area receiving resilient flooring, install resilient flooring shall meet NA s stems at least one the four mentioned in Section 5.504.4.6 5.504.4.6.1 Verification of Documentation shall be provided verifying that resilient flooring materials meet NA compliance the pollutant emission limits. In mechanically ventilated buildings, provide regularly occupied areas blithe building with air filtration media for outside and return airthat provides at least a 5.504.5.3 Filters Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 8. MERV 8 filters shall be NA installed pnorto occupancy, and recommendations for maintenance with filters of the same value shall be Included in the operation and maintenance manual_ Where outdoor areas are provided for smoking, prohibit smoking within 25 feet of building entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows and in buildings; or as Envimnmentel tobacco enforced by ordinances, regulations, or policies of any city, county, city and 5.5047 county, California Community College, campus of the California State University, NA smoke(ETSA) control or campus of the University of California, whichever are more stringent. When ordinances, regulations, or policies are not in place, post signage to inform build occu ants ofthe prohibitions SectloYt 5.505.;:' - ENVIRONMENTAL 4UAl:1TY IOdoorMalsturoConfrol Buildings shall meet orexceed the provisions of California Building Code, CCR, 5.505.1 Indoor rnoisture control Title 24, Part 2, Sections 1203 (Ventilation) and Chapter 14 (Exterior Walls)_ For NA additional measures not applicable to low-rise residential occupancies, see Section 5 407 2 of this code Eeticirl `5:50£ =.EN`JtR4NN1ENTA4 4UA41TY. Irtciaor Alr.Clual► For in echanically or naturally ventilated spaces in buildings, meet the minimum 5.506.1 Outside or delivery requirements ofSectlon 121 (Requirements Foi-Vent0ation) ofthe California NA Energy Code, CCR, Title 24, Part 2, orthe applicable local code, whicheveris more strip ent, and Division 1, Cha ter4 of CCR, Title 8. Carbon dioxide (CO2) Forbuildings oraddlhons equipped with demand control ventilation, CO2 sensors 5.506.2 and ventilation controls shalt be specified and installed in accordance with the NA monitoring requirements ofthe 2013 California Energy Code, Section 120(c)(4)- S,ection:5. 0T ;EI�IVIRrJNIdIEN7Al.";RUAItTY {Epair ritnent01 GamfOrt Employ building assemblies and components with Sound Transmission 5.507.4 Acoustical control coefficient (STC) values determined in accordance with ASTM E90 and ASTM NA E413. Wall and roof ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source making up the Exterior noise f envelope ate d envelope shall meet the composite STC building or addition e clop or rep 5.507.4.1 transmission, rating of at least 50 or a composite OITC rating of no lass than 40 math edr nor 1 ..:updoe meu':od 19ir]cV13 of ni,nrTmIn SCC or- O or OJ of 30 in fire locations outlined in Section 5.507.4 Wall and floor -ceiling assemblies separating tenant spaces and tenant spaces 5.507.4.3 Interior sound and public places shall have an STC of at least 40. NA Note: Examples of assemblies and theirvarious STC ratings may be found at: httpiiv,vaw.toolbaso. org/PDF!CasSffjdrs&lstc cc I stings_pdf Sectiotj 00,4`!ENVIRONIVIENTA� QUALITY {Outdo4r'Alr 4uatit j ', _ Installations of HVAC, refrigeration, and fire suppression equipment shall comply with Sections 5.508.1.1 and 5.50812. Ozone depiction and NA 5.5081 greenhouse gas 6.508.1.1 Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs.) Install HVAC, refngeration and fire reductions 1 equipment t of contain CFCs. suppression eq� pment the don w n 5.508.12 Halons, install HVAC, refrigeration and fire suppression equipment that do not contain Halons. • Verification of compliance with Section 5.504.4 requires written documentation using form CDD - 179 VOC Self Certify Checklist. Form must be completed prior to final inspection. TABLE 5.303.2.2 - WATER USE BASELINES FIXTURE TYPE FLOW RATE2 DURATION DAILY USES OCCUPANTS2 SHOWER HEADS 2.0 GPM @ 80 PSI 5 MIN. 1 X24 LAVATORY FAUCETS 0.5 GPM @ 60 PSI MIN. 3 X (NON-RESIDENTIAL) 65 .25 50 DRYWALL & PANEL ADHESIVES KITCHEN FAUCETS 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI 4 MIN. 1 Xzn REPLACEMENT AERATORS 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI SINGLE -PLY ROOF MEMBRANE ADHESIVES 250 X 50 2.2 [RIM SPACE 350 PVC WELDING 510 WASH FOUNTAINS (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] ABS WELDING 325 X METERING FAUCETS 0.25 GAIL/CYCLE 0.25 MIN. 3 X METERING FAUCETS FOR .25 [RIM SPACE 0.25 MIN. 140 X WASH FOUNTAINS (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] 250 METAL TO METAL 30 GRAVITY TANK WATER 128 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 1 MALE,, X CLOSET FIBERGLASS 80 3FEMALE 250 FLUSHOMETER TANK 1.28 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 1 MALE,, X WATER CLOSET STAINS 250 3 FEMALE 450 FLUSHOMETER VALVE 1.28 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 1 MALE,, X WATER CLOSET WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES 250 3 FEMALE 275 ELECTROMECHANICAL 1.28 GAUFLUSH 1 FLUSH 1 MALE, X HYDRAULIC WATER CLOSET MANDATORY MEASURES 3 FEMALE T11 URINALS 0.5 GAUFLUSH 1 FLUSH 2 MALE X FIXTURE "WATER USE" = FLOW RATE X DURATION X OCCUPANTS X DAILY USES 1. THE DAILY USE NUMBER SHALL BE INCREASED TO THREE IF URINALS ARE NOT INSTALLED IN THE ROOM. 2. REFER TO TABLE A, CHAPTER 4, CALIF. PLUMBING CODE, FOR OCCUPANT LOAD FACTORS. a. SHOWER USE BY OCCUPANTS DEPENDS ON THE TYPE OF USE OF A BUILDING OR PORTION OF A BUILDING, E.G., TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD FOR A HEALTH CLUB, BUT ONLY A FRACTION OF THE OCCUPANTS IN AN OFFICE BUILDING AS DETERMINED BY THE ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF USERS b. NONRESIDENTIAL KITCHEN FAUCET USE IS DETERMINED BY THE OCCUPANT LOAD OF THE AREA SERVED BY THE FIXTURE. 3. USE WORKSHEET WS -1 TO CALCULATE BASELINE WATER USE TABLE 5.504,4.1 -ADHESIVE VOC LIMITI2 Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS CURRENT VOC LIMIT INDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 50 CARPET PAD ADHESIVES 50 OUTDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 150 WOOD FLOORING ADHESIVES 100 RUBBER FLOOR ADHESIVES 60 SUBFLOOR ADHESIVES 50 CERAMIC TILE ADHESIVES 65 VCT & ASPHALT TILE ADHESIVES 50 DRYWALL & PANEL ADHESIVES 50 COVE BASE ADHESIVES 50 MULTIPURPOSE CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVES 70 STRUCTURAL GLAZING ADHESIVES 100 SINGLE -PLY ROOF MEMBRANE ADHESIVES 250 OTHER ADHESIVES NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED 50 SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS 350 PVC WELDING 510 CPVC WELDING 490 ABS WELDING 325 PLASTIC CEMENT WELDING 250 ADHESIVE PRIMER FOR PLASTIC 550 CONTACT ADHESIVE 80 SPECIAL PURPOSE CONTACT ADHESIVE 250 STRUCTURAL WOOD MEMBER ADHESIVE 140 TOP & TRIM ADHESIVE 250 SUBSTRATE SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS 250 METAL TO METAL 30 PLASTIC FOAMS 50 POROUS MATERIAL (EXCEPT WOOD) 50 WOOD 30 FIBERGLASS 80 RUST PREVENTATIVE COATINGS 250 1. IF AN ADHESIVE IS USED TO BOND DISSIMILAR SUBSTRATES TOGETHER, THE ADHESIVE WITH THE HIGHEST VOC CONTENT SHALL BE ALLOWED. 2. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METHODS TO MEASURE THE VOC CONTENT SPECIFIED IN THIS TABLE, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 1168, www.arb.ca.goviDRDBiSC/CURHTMUR1 168.PDF TABLE 5.504.4.2 - SEALANT VOC LIMIT Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter SEALANTS CURRENT VOC LIMIT ARCHITECTURAL 250 MARINE DECK 760 NONMEMBRANE ROOF 300 ROADWAY 250 SINGLE -PLY ROOF MEMBRANE 450 OTHER 420 SEALANT PRIMERS 50 ARCHITECTURAL 350 NONPOROUS 250 POROUS 775 MODIFIED BITUMINOUS 500 MARINE DECK 760 OTHER 750 NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METHODS TO MEASURE THE VOC CONTENT SPECIFIED IN THESE TABLES, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 1168, TABLE 5.303.2.3 - FIXTURE FLOW RATES FIXTURE TYPE MAX. FLOW RATE @ 20% REDUCTION KITCHEN FAUCETS 1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI WASH FOUNTAINS 1.8 [RIM SPACE (IN.)/20 GPM @ 60 PSI] METERING FAUCETS 0.20 GALLONS/CYCLE METERING FAUCETS FOR WASH FOUNTAINS .20 [RIM SPACE (IN.)/20 GPM @ 60 PSI] TABLE 5.504.4.3 - VOC CONTENT LIMITS FOR ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS23 GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING, LESS WATER & LESS EXEMPT COMPOUNDS COATING CATEGORY CURRENT VOC LIMIT FLAT COATINGS 50 NONFLAT COATINGS C 100 NONFLAT HIGH GLOSS COATINGS 150 SPECIALTY COATINGS 0.11 ALUMINUM ROOF COATINGS 400 BASEMENT SPECIALTY COATINGS 400 BITUMINOUS ROOF COATINGS 50 BITUMINOUS ROOF PRIMERS 350 BOND BREAKERS 350 CONCRETE CURING COMPOUNDS 350 CONCRETE/MASONRY SEALERS-• '"' 100 DRIVEWAY SEALERS 50 DRY FOG COATINGS 150 FAUX FINISHING COATINGS 350 FIRE RESISTIVE COATINGS 350 FLOOR COATINGS 100 FORM -RELEASE COMPOUNDS 250 GRAPHIC ARTS COATINGS (SIGN PAINTS) 500 HIGH-TEMPERATURE COATINGS 420 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE COATINGS 250 LOW SOLIDS COATINGS, 120 MAGNESITE CEMENT COATINGS 450 MASTIC TEXTURE COATINGS 100 METALLIC PIGMENTED COATINGS 500 MULTICOLOR COATINGS 250 PRETREATMENT WASH PRIMERS 420 PRIMERS, SEALERS, & UNDERCOATERS 100 REACTIVE PENETRATING SEALERS 350 RECYCLED COATINGS 250 ROOF COATINGS 50 RUST PREVENTATIVE COATINGS 250 SHELLACS: CLEAR OPAQUE 730 550 SPECIALTY PRIMERS, SEALERS & UNDERCOATERS 100 STAINS 250 STONE CONSOLIDANTS 450 SWIMMING POOL COATINGS 340 TRAFFIC MARKING COATINGS 100 TUB & TILE REFINISH COATINGS 420 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES 250 WOOD COATINGS 275 WOOD PRESERVATIVES 350 ZINC -RICH PRIMERS 340 1. GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING, INCLUDING WATER & EXEMPT COMPOUNDS 2. THE SPECIFIED LIMITS REMAIN IN EFFECT UNLESS REVISED LIMITS ARE LISTED IN SUBSEQUENT COLUMNS IN THE TABLE. 3. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS SUGGESTED CONTROL MEASURE, FEB. 1, 2008. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM THE AIR RESOURCES BOARD. TABLE 5.504.4.5 - FORMALDEHYDE LIMITS, MAXIMUM FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS IN PARTS PER MILLION PRODUCT CURRENT LIMIT HARDWOOD PLYWOOD VENEER CORE 0.05 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD COMPOSITE CORE 0.05 PARTICLE BOARD 0.09 MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD 0.11 THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD 0.13 1. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, AIR TOXICS CONTROL MEASURE FOR COMPOSITE WOOD AS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 1333, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 17, SECTIONS 93120 THROUGH 93120.12. 2, THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD HAS A MAXIMUM THICKNESS OF 5116 INCHES (8 MM) QP 1Z P5 GP QPM` � Y l.n 9 60 o�oo<o Y u- Z d W U Z LL w o} ca:E Z el of w T W O � o Q Z> Z c) 2 P_ LU ¢ZwP- w Zd 1=-00 �U O ¢ w of o ¢ w�z�Q0[if Ce Co of W¢ C, U U O_ Z� Qd•Q�Na wwz0��� w0oa�0o I=--.KZwe, w¢Mo� �x W N Cn 4.9 N Ito W =_ in L J `° oW I� N O d�+ N E > Q CLy � C XCD •� y W qiir cY � v Z CO J a d' ARC Hi KRIS7IWHANSON a N0. C 24847 up REN.081312015 9TF 0 OF CIN REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES SHEET T11 DATE: 1/13115 ;yr , �,► AIAC a alb I� 3 3 $..� 4")i E�'�� � 3w i.✓ �.a �.,i t'S ° J 1 �:. 2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES, SHEET 1 INSPECTOR Department of Housing and Community Development INSPECTOR SIGNOFF CHAPTER 3 GREEN BUILDING SIGNOFF OSHPD Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development LR SECTION 301 GENERAL r:J High Rise AA 301.1 SCOPE. Buildings shall be designed to include the green building measures specified as mandatory in N the application checklists contained in this code. Voluntary green building measures are also included in the 16 201 AND OVER application checklists and may be included in the design and construction of structures covered by this code, but 3 X are not required unless adopted by a city, county, or city and county as specified in Section 101.7. 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI 4 MIN. 301.3 NONRESIDENTIAL ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS. [BSC] The provisions of X2b REPLACEMENT AERATORS individual sections of Chapter 5 apply to newly constructed buildings, building additions of 1,000 square feet or •5 m reater, and/or building alterations with a permit valuation of 200 000 or above for occupancies within the 9 9 P $ ( p WASH FOUNTAINS 22 [RIM SPACE authority of California Building Standards Commission). Code sections relevant to additions and alterations LL c X shall only apply to the portions of the building being added or altered within the scope of the permitted work. (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] E A code section will be designated by a banner to indicate where the code section only applies to newly F � C METERING FAUCETS constructed building [N] or to additions and alterations [AA]. When the code section applies to both, no banner 0.25 MIN. 3 X will be used. .25 [RIM SPACE SECTION 302 MIXED OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS WASH FOUNTAINS 302.1 MIXED OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS. In mixed occupancy buildings, each portion of a building 0.25 MIN. shall comply with the specific green building measures applicable to each specific occupancy. GRAVITY TANK WATER ABBREVIATION DEFINITIONS: HCD Department of Housing and Community Development BSC California Building Standards Commission DSA -SS Division of the State Architect, Structural Safety OSHPD Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development LR Low Rise HR High Rise AA Additions and Alterations N New CHAPTER 5 F-1 NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES DIVISION 5.1 PLANNING AND DESIGN SECTION 5.101 GENERAL 5.101.1 Scope The provisions of this chapter outline planning, design and development methods that include environmentally responsible site selection building design, building siting and development toprotect, restore and enhance the P 9 9 9 9 P environmental quality of the site and respect the integrity of adjacent properties. SECTION 5.102 DEFINITIONS 5.102.1 DEFINITIONS The following terms are defined in Chapter -2 (and are included here forreference) CUTOFF LUMINAIRES. Luminaires whose light distribution is such that the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25 (2.5 percent) at an angle of 90 degrees above nadir, and 100 (10 percent) at a vertical angle of 80 degrees above nadir. This applies to all lateral angles around the luminaire. I LOW -EMITTING AND FUEL EFFICIENT VEHICLES. Eligible vehicles are limited to the following: 1. Zero emission vehicle (ZEV), including neighborhood electric vehicles (NEV), partial zero emission vehicle (PZEV), advanced technology PZEV (AT ZEV) or CNG fueled (original equipment manufacturer only) regulated under Health and Safety Code section 43800 and CCR, Title 13, Sections 1961 and 1962. 2. High -efficiency vehicles, regulated by U.S. EPA, bearing High -Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) car pool lane stickers issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles. NEIGHBORHOOD ELECTRIC VEHICLE (NEV). A motor vehicle that meets the definition of "low -speed vehicle" either in Section 385.5 of the Vehicle Code or in 49CFR571.500 (as it existed on July 1, 2000), and is certified to zero -emission vehicle standards. TENANT -OCCUPANTS. Building occupants who inhabit a building during its normal hours of operation as permanent occupants, such as employees, as distinguished from customers and other transient visitors. VANPOOL VEHICLE. Eligible vehicles are limited to any motor vehicle, other than a motortruck or truck tractor, designed for carrying more than 10 but not more than 15 persons including the driver, which is maintained and used primarily for the nonprofit work-related transportation of adults for the purpose of ridesharing. Note: Source: Vehicle Code, Division 1, Section 668 ZEV. Any vehicle certified to zero-ernission standards. SECTION 5.106 SITE DEVELOPMENT 5.106.1 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION. Newly constructed projects and additions which disturb less than one acre of land shall prevent the pollution of storm water runoff from the construction activities through one or more of the following measures: Local ordinance. Comply with a lawfully enacted storm water management and/or erosion control ordinance. Best Management Practices (BMP). Prevent the loss of soil through wind or water erosion by implementing an effective combination of erosion and sediment control and good housekeeping BMP. no limited 1. Soil loss BMP that should be considered for each project include but are t d to the following: P 1 � a. Scheduling construction activity. b. Preservation of natural features, vegetation and soil. c. Drainage swales or lined ditches to control stormwater flow. d. Mulching or hydroseeding to stabilize disturbed soils. e. Erosion control to protect slopes. f. Protection of storm drain inlets (gravel bags or catch basin inserts). g. Perimeter sediment control (perimeter silt fence, fiber rolls). h. Sediment trap or sediment basin to retain sediment on site. i. Stabilized construction exits. j. Wind erosion control. k. Other soil loss BMP acceptable to the enforcing agency. 2. Good housekeeping BMP to manage construction equipment, materials and wastes that should be considered for implementation as appropriate for each project include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Material handling and waste management. b. Buildingmaterials stockpile management. P 9 c. Management of washout areas (concrete, paints stucco etc.). d. Control of vehicle/equipment fueling to contractor's staging area. e. Vehicle and equipment cleaning performed off site. f. Spill prevention and control. g. Other housekeeping BMP acceptable to the enforcing agency. 5.106.4 BICYCLE PARKING. For buildings within the authority of California Building Standards Commission as specified in Section 103, comply with Section For buildings within the authority of the Division of the State Architect pursuantcomply y to Section 105 with Section Bicycle parking. [BSC] Comply with Sections and; or meet the applicable local ordinance, whichever is stricter. addition or alteration anticipated to Short-term bicycle parking. If the project or an adds o on is ant c I P Y P 9 1 P J generate visitor traffic, provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the visitors' entrance, readily visible to passers-by, for 5% of new visitor motorized vehicle parking spaces being added, with a minimum of one two -bike capacity rack. Exception: Additions or a terations which add nine or less visitor vehicular parking spaces. Long-term bicycle parking. For new buildings with over 10 tenant -occupants or for additions or alterations that add 10 or more tenant vehicular parking spaces, provide secure bicycle parking for 5 percent of the tenant vehicle parking spaces being added, with a minimum of one space. Acceptable parking facilities shall be convenient from the street and shall meet one of the following: 1. Covered, lockable enclosures with permanently anchored racks for bicycles; 2. Lockable bicycle rooms with permanently anchored racks; or 3. Lockable, permanenfiy anchored bicycie ;cckers. Note: Additional information on recommended bicycle accommodations may be obtained from Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates. F-1 Bicycle parking. [DSA -SS] For public schools and community colleges, comply with Sections and Short-term bicycle parking. Provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the student entrance, readily visible to passers-by, for 5 percent of the student population based on the total occupant load of the campus, with a minimum of one two -bike capacity rack. Long-term bicycle parking. Provide secure bicycle parking for 5% of employees, based on the total number of motorized vehicle parking capacity in the staff parking lot, with a minimum of one space. Acceptable bicycle parking facilities shall be convenient from the street or staff parking area and shall meet one of the following: 1. Covered, lockable enclosures with permanently anchored racks for bicycles; 2. Lockable bicycle rooms with permanently anchored racks; or 3. Lockable permanently anchored bicycle lockers. DESIGNATED PARKING. In new projects or additions or alterations that add 10 or more vehicular parking spaces, provide desi nated parking for any combination of low -emitting, fuel-efficient and carpool/van pool vehicles as follows: TABLE - PARKING TOTAL NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES NUMBER OF REQUIRED SPACES 0-9 0 10-25 1 25-50 3 51-75 6 76-100 8 101-150 11 151-200 16 201 AND OVER AT LEAST 8% OF TOTAL - Parking stall marking. Paint in the paint used for stall striping, the following characters such that the lower edge of the last word aligns with the end of the stall striping and is visible beneath a parked vehicle: CLEAN AIR / VAN POOL / EV Note: Vehicles bearing Clean Air Vehicle stickers from expired HOV lane programs may be considered eligible for designated parking spaces. 5.106.8 LIGHT POLLUTION REDUCTION. [N] Outdoor lighting systems shall be designed and installed to comply with the following: 1. The minimum requirements in the California Energy Code for Lighting Zones 1-4 as defined in Chapter 10 of the California Administrative Code; and 2. Backlight, Uplight and Glare (BUG) ratings as defined in IES TM -15-11; and 3. Allowable BUG ratings not exceeding those shown in Table 5.106.8, or Comply with a local ordinance lawfully enacted pursuant to Section 101.7, whichever is more stringent. Exceptions: IN] 1. Luminaires that qualify as exceptions in Section 147 of the California Energy Code. 2. Emergency lighting. Note: N See also California Building Code Chapter 12 Section 1205.6 for college campus lighting 11 9 P 9 P 9 9 requirements for parking facilities and walkways. 5.106.10 GRADING AND PAVING. Construction plans shall indicate how site grading or a drainage system will manage all surface water flows to keep water from entering buildings. Examples of methods to manage surface water include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Swales. 2. Water collection and disposal systems. 3. French drains. 4. Water retention gardens. 5. Other water measures which keep surface water away from buildings and aid in groundwater recharge. Exception: Additions and alterations not altering the drainage path. DIVISION 5.2 ENERGY EFFICIENCY SECTION 5.201 GENERAL 5.201.1 Scope. For the purposes of mandatory energy efficiency standards in this code, the California Energy Commission will continue to adopt mandatory building standards. DIVISION 5.3 WATER EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION SECTION 5.301 GENERAL 5.301.1 Scope. The provisions of fins unapier shall establish the means of conserving waiar use mdoore, outdoors and in wastewater conveyance. SECTION 5.302 DEFINITIONS 5.302.1 Definitions. The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here forreference) GRAYWATER. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 17922.12, "graywater" means untreated wastewater that has not been contaminated by any toilet discharge, has not been affected by infectious, contaminated, or unhealthy bodily wastes, and does not present a threat from contamination by unhealthful processing, manufacturing, or operating wastes. "Graywater" includes, but is not limited to wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom washbasins, clothes washing machines and laundry tubs, but does not include waste water from kitchen sinks or dishwashers. MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE (MWELO). The California ordinance regulating landscape design, installation and maintenance practices that will ensure commercial, multifamily and other developer installed landscapes greater than 2500 square feet meet an irrigation water budget developed based on landscaped area and climatological parameters. MODEL WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE (MWELO). [HCD] The California model ordinance 9California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 2, Chapter 2.7), regulating landscape design, installation and maintenance practices. Local agencies are required to adopt the updated MWELO, or adopt a local ordinance at least as effective as the MWELO. POTABLE WATER. Water that is drinkable and meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Drinking Water Standards. See definition in the California Plumbing Code, Part 5. POTABLE WATER. [HCD] Water that is satisfactory for drinking, culinary, and domestic puroses, and meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Drinking Water Standards and the requirements of the Health Authority Having Jurisdiction. RECYCLED WATER. Water which, as a result of treatment of waste, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that would not otherwise occur [Water Code Section 13050 (n)]. Simply put, recycled water is water treated to remove waste matter attaining a quality that is suitable to use the water again. SUBMETER. A meter installed subordinate to a site meter. Usually used to measure water intended for one purpose, such as landscape irrigation. For the purposes of CALGreen, a dedicated meter may be considered a submeter. WATER BUDGET. Is the estimated totallandscape irrigation water use which shall not exceed the maximum applied water allowance calculated in accordance with the Department of Water Resources Model Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO). SECTION 5.303 INDOOR WATER USE 5.303.1 METERS. Separate submeters or metering devices shall be installed for the uses described in Sections 503. 1.1 and 503.1.2. 5.303.1.1 square Buildings in excess of 60,000 s feet. Separate submeters shall be installed as follows: 4 P 1. For each individual leased rented or other tenants ace within the projected to consume more than 100 gal/day (380 L/day), including, but not limited to, spaces used for laundry or cleaners, restaurant or food service, medical or dental office, laboratory, or beauty salon or barber shop. 2. Where separate submeters for individual building tenants are unfeasible, for water supplied to the following subsystems: a. Makeup water for cooling towers where flow through is greater than 500 gpm (30 Lis), b. Makeup water for evaporative coolers greater than 6 gpm (0.04 Lis). c. Steam and hot water boilers with energy input more than 500,000 Btu/h (147 kW). 5.303.1.2 Excess consumption. A separate submeter or metering device shall be provided for any Tenant within a new building or within an addition that is projected to consume more than 1,000 gal/day. 5.303.2 WATER REDUCTION. Plumbing fixtures shall meet the maximum flow rate values shown in Table 5.303.2.3 Exception: Building that demonstrate 20% overall water use reduction. In this case, a calculation demonstrating a 20% reduction in the building "water use baseline," as established in Table 5.303.2.2, shall be provided. 5.303.2.1 Areas of addition or alteration. For those occupancies within the authority of the California Building Standards Commission as specified in Section 103, the provisions of Section 5.303.2 and Section 5.303.3 shall apply to new fixtures in additions or areas of alteration to the building. INSPECTOR SIGNOFF I I 171 F-1 5.303.3 WATER CONSERVING PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS. Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals) and fittings (faucets and showerheads) shall comply with the following: 5.303.3.1 Water Closets. The effective flush volume me of all water closets shall not exceed 1.28 gallons per flush. Tank -type water closets shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Tank -Type toilets. Note: The effective flush volume of dual flush toilets is defined as the composite, average flush volume of two reduced Flushes and one full Flush. 5.303.3.2 Urinals. The effective flush volume of urinals shall not exceed 0.5 gallons per flush. 5.303.3.3 Showerheads. 5.303.3.3.1 Single showerhead. Showerheads shall have a maximum flow rate not more than 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi. Showerheads shall be certified to the performance criteria of the U.S. EPA WaterSense Specification for Showerheads. 5.303.3.3.2 Multiple showerheads serving r p g on e shower. When a shower is served by more than one showerhead, the combined flow rate of all the showerheads and/or other shower outlets controlled by a single valve shall not exceed 2.0 gallons per minute at 80 psi, or the shower shall be designed to allow only one shower outlet to be in operation at a time. Note: A hand-held shower shall be considered a showerhead. 5.303.4 WASTEWATER REDUCTION. [N] Each building shall reduce by 20 percent wastewater by one of the following methods: 1.BSC DSA -SS installation of water -conserving [ ] The h ruing fixtures (water closets, urinals) meeting the criteria established in sections 5.303.2 or 5.303.3. 2. [BSC] Urilizin? non-xvacile ;nater systems [captured rainwater, graywater, and municipally treated wastewater (recycled water) complying with the current edition of the California Plumbing Code or other methods described in Section A5.304.8. 5.303.6 STANDARDS FOR PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FITTINGS. Plumbing fixtures and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the California Plumbing Code, and shall meet the applicable standards referenced in Table 1401.1 of the California Plumbing Code and in Chapter 6 of this code. TABLE 5.303.2.2 - WATER USE BASELINES FIXTURE TYPE FLOW RATE2 DURATION DAILY USES OCCUPANTS2 SHOWER HEADS 2.0 GPM @ 80 PSI 5 MIN. 1 X2a LAVATORY FAUCETS v¢i?�¢��O ¢¢ W z Z w 0¢ X= w =w�w O Z Z 0= K� o H of - a O ? Y w Go 0 0 of 0 0 0 O H (NON-RESIDENTIAL) 0.5 GPM @ 60 PSI .25 MIN. 3 X KITCHEN FAUCETS 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI 4 MIN. 1 X2b REPLACEMENT AERATORS 2.2 GPM @ 60 PSI •5 m X WASH FOUNTAINS 22 [RIM SPACE N LL c X > Q (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] E F � C METERING FAUCETS 0.25 GAL/CYCLE 0.25 MIN. 3 X METERING FAUCETS FOR .25 [RIM SPACE v KRISTI W HANSON OA WASH FOUNTAINS (IN.)/20 GPM@60 PSI] 0.25 MIN. X GRAVITY TANK WATER 1.28 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 1 MALEi, X CLOSET SCHEMATIC 3FEMALE FLUSHOMETE R TANK CITY SUB. 1 1 MAL 12.01.14 WATER CLOSET 1.28 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 3FEMALE X FLUSHOMETER VALVE CONSTR. REV 2 1 MALEi, CONTACT: Kristi WATER CLOSET 128 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 3FEMALE X ELECTROMECHANICAL 1.28 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 1 MALE1, X HYDRAULIC WATER CLOSET 3 FEMALE URINALS 0.5 GAL/FLUSH 1 FLUSH 2 MALE X 'FIXTURE "WATER USE" = FLOW RATE X DURATION X OCCUPANTS X DAILY USES 1. THE DAILY USE NUMBER SHALL BE INCREASED TO THREE IF URINALS ARE NOT INSTALLED IN THE ROOM. 2. REFER TO TABLE A, CHAPTER 4, CALIF. PLUMBING CODE, FOR OCCUPANT LOAD FACTORS. a. SHOWER USE BY OCCUPANTS DEPENDS ON THE TYPE OF USE OF A BUILDING OR PORTION OF A BUILDING, E.G., TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD FOR A HEALTH CLUB, BUT ONLY A FRACTION OF THE OCCUPANTS I N AN OFFICE BUILDING AS DETERMINED BY THE ANTICIPATED NUMBER OF USERS b. NONRESIDENTIAL KITCHEN FAUCET USE IS DETERMINED BY THE OCCUPANT LOAD OF THE AREA SERVED BY THE FIXTURE. 3. USE WORKSHEET WS -1 TO CALCULATE BASELINE WATER USE TABLE 5.303.2.3 - FIXTURE FLOW RATES FIXTURE TYPE MAX. FLOW RATE @ 20% REDUCTION KITCHEN FAUCETS 1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI WASH FOUNTAINS 1. RIM SPACE IN. /20 GPM 60 PSI 8 [ ( ) @ ] METERING FAUCETS 0.20 GALLONS/CYCLE METERING FAUCETS FOR WASH FOUNTAINS .20 RIM SPACE IN. /20 GPM @ 60 PSI SECTION 5.304 OUTDOOR WATER USE 5.304.1 WATER BUDGET. A water budget shall be developed for landscape irrigation use that installed in conjunction with a new building or an addition or alteration conforms to the local water efficient landscape ordinance or to the California Department of Water Resources Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance where no local ordinance is applicable. Note: Prescriptive measures to assist in compliance with the water budget are listed in Sections 492.5 through 492.8, 492.10 and 492.11 of the ordinance, which may be found at: http://www.water.ca.gov/wateruseefficiency/docsMater0rdSec492. cfm 5.304.2 OUTDOOR POTABLE WATER USE. For new water service or for addition or alteration requiring upgraded water service for landscaped areas of at least 1 000 square feet but not more than 5 000 square feet the level at P q 9 which Water Code 535 applies), separate submeters or metering devices shall be installed for outdoor potable § PP ), P 9 water use. 5.304.3 IRRIGATION DESIGN. In new nonresidential construction with at least 1,000 but not more than 2,500 square feet of cumulative landscaped area (the level at which the MWELO applies), install irrigation controllers and sensors which include the following criteria, and meet manufacturer's recommendations. 5.304.3.1 Irrigation controllers. Automatic irrigation system controllers installed at the time of final inspection shall comply with the following: 1. Con roll rs shall be weather- or soil moisture -based controllers that automatically adjust irrigation ati n in pe. response to changes in plants' needs as weather conditions than P 9 9 2. Weather -based controllers without integral rain sensors or communication systems that account for local rainfall shall have a separate wired or wireless rain sensor which connects or communicates with the controller(s). Soil moisture -based controllers are not required to have rain sensor input. Note: More information regarding irrigation controller function and specifications is available from the Irrigation Association. INSPECTOR SIGNOFF DIVISION 5.4 MATERIAL CONSERVATION AND RESOURCE EFFICIENCY SECTION 5.401 GENERAL 5.401.1 SCOPE. The provisions of this chapter shall outline means of achieving material conservation and resource efficiency through protection of buildings from exterior moisture, construction waste diversion, employment of techniques to reduce pollution through recycling of materials, and building commissioning or testing and adjusting. SECTION 5.402 DEFINITIONS 5.402.1 DEFINITIONS. The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) ADJUST. To regulate fluid flow rate and air patterns at the terminal equipment, such as to reduce fan speed or adjust a damper. BALANCE. To proportion flows within the distribution system, including sub -mains, branches and terminals, according 9 to design quantities. BUILDING COMMISSIONING. Asystematicquality assurance process that spans the entire design and construction process, including verifying and documenting that building systems and components are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained to meet the owner's project requirements. TEST. A procedure to determine quantitative performance of a system or equipment SECTION 5.407 WATER RESISTANCE AND MOISTURE MANAGEMENT 5.407.1 WEATHER PROTECTION. Provide a weather -resistant exterior wall and foundation envelope as required by California Building Code Section 1403.2 (Weather Protection) and California Energy Code Section 150, (Mandatory Features and Devices), manufacturer's installation instructions or local ordinance, whichever is more stringent. 5.407.2 MOISTURE CONTROL. Employ moisture control measures by the following methods. 5.407.2.1 Sprinklers. Design and maintain landscape irrigation systems to prevent spray on structures. 5.407.2.2 Entries and openings. Design exterior entries and/or openings subject to foot traffic or wind -driven rain to prevent water intrusion into buildings as follows: 5.407.2.2.1 Exterior door protection. Primary exterior entries shall be covered to prevent water intrusion by using nonabsorbent floor and wall finishes within at least 2 feet around and perpendicular to such openings plus at least one of the following: 1. An installed awning at least 4 feet in depth. 2. The door is protected by a roof overhang at least 4 feet in depth. 3. The door is recessed at least 4 feet. 4. Other methods which provide equivalent protection. 5.407.2.2.2 Flashing. Install flashings integrated with a drainage plane. SECTION 5.408 CONSTRUCTION WASTE REDUCTION, DISPOSAL AND RECYCLING 5.408.1 CONSTRUCTION WASTE MANAGEMENT. Recycle and/or salvage for reuse a minimum of 50% of the non -hazardous construction and demolition waste in accordance with Section 5.408.1.1, 5.408.1.2 or 5.408.1.3, or meet a local construction and demolition waste management ordinance, whichever is more stringent. 5.408.1.1 Construction waste management plan. Where a local jurisdiction does not have a construction and demolition waste management ordinance, submit a construction waste management plan that: 1. Identifies the construction and demolition waste materials to be diverted from disposal by efficient usage, recycling, reuse on the project or salvage for future use or sale. 2. Determines if construction and demolition waste materials will be sorted on-site (source -separated) or bulk mixed (single stream). 3. Identifies diversion facilities where construction and demolition waste material collected will be taken. 4. Specifies that the amount of construction and demolition waste materials diverted shall be calculated by weight or volume, but not by both. 5.408.1.2 Waste Management Company. Utilize a waste management company that can provide verifiable documentation that the percentage of construction and demolition waste material diverted from the landfill complies with this section. Note: The owner or contractor shall make the determination if the construction and demolition waste material will be diverted by a waste management company. Exceptions to Sections 5.408.1.1 and 5.408.1.2: 1. Excavated soil a - and land clearing debris. 2. Alternate waste reduction methods developed by working with local agencies if diversion or recycle facilities capable of compliance with this item do not exist. 3. Demolition waste meeting local ordinance or calculated in consideration of load recycleing facilities and markets. 5.408.1.3 Waste stream reduction alternative. The combined weight of new construction disposal that does not exceed two pounds per square foot of building area may be deemed to meet the 50% minimum requirement as approved by the enforcing agency. 5.408.1.4 Documentation. Documentation shall be prowceo to its eniorang agency which demcnsuates compliance with Sections 5.408.1.1, through 5.408.1.3. The waste management plan shall be updated as necessary and shall be accessible during construction for examination by the enforcing agency. Notes: 1. Sample forms found in "A Guide to the California Green Building Standards Code (Nonresidential)" located at www.bsc.ca.gov/Home/CALGreen.aspx may be used to assist in documenting compliance with the waste management plan. 2. Mixed construction and demolition debris processors can be located at the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (Ca)Recycle). 5.408.3 EXCAVATED SOIL AND LAND CLEARING DEBRIS. [BSC] 100 percent of trees, stumps, rocks and associated vegetation and soils resulting primarily from land clearing shall be reused or recycled. For has 9 9 P ed Y 9 Y P project, such material may be stockpiled on site until the storage site is developed. Exception: Reuse, either on or off-site, of vegetation or soil contaminated by disease or pest infestation. Notes: 1. If contamination by disease or pest infestation is suspected, contact the County Agricultural Commissioner and follow its direction for recycling or disposal of the material. 2. For a map of know pest and/or disease quarantine zones, consult with the California Department of Food and Agriculture. (www.cdfa.ca.gov) SECTION 5.410 BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS 5.410.1 RECYCLING BY OCCUPANTS. Provide readily accessible areas that serve the entire building and are identified for the depositing, storage and collection of non -hazardous materials for recycling, including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics and metals or meet a lawfully enacted local recycling ordinance, if more restrictive.. 5.410.1.1 Additions. [A] All additions conducted within a 12 -month period under single or multiple permits, resulting in an increase of 30% or more in floor area, shall provide recycling areas on site. Exception: Additions within a tenant space resulting in less than a 30% increase in the tenant space floor area. 5.410.1.2 Sample ordinance. Space allocation for recycling areas shall comply with Chapter 18, Part 3, Division 30 of the Public Resources Code. Chapter 18 is known as the California Solid Waste Reuse and Recycling Access Act of 1991 (Act). Note: A sample ordinance for use by local agencies may be found in Appendix A of the document at the CalRecycle's web site. 5.410.2 COMMISSIONING. N For new buildings 10 00 square fee an O s a t d over, building commissioning I 1 shall be 9 4 , 9 9 included in the design and construction processes of the building project to verify that the building systems and components meet the owner's or owner representative's project requirements. Commissioning shall be performed in accordance with this section by trained personnel with experience on projects of comparable size and complexity. Commissioning requirementsuirements shall include: 1. Owner's or Owner representative's project requirements. 2. Basis of design. 2. Commissioning measures shown in the construction documents. 4. Commissioning plan. 5. Functional performance testing. 6. Documentation and training. 7. Commissioning report. Exceptions: 1. Dry storage warehouses of any size. 2. Areas under 10,000 square feet used for offices or other conditioned accessory spaces within dry storage warehouses. 3. Tenant improvements under 10,000 square feet as described in Section 303.1.1 4. Commissioning requirements for energy systems covered by the 2013 California Energy Code. All building systems and components covered by Title 24, Part 6, as well as process equipment and controls, and renewable energy systems shall be included in the scope of the commissioning requirements. QP s'l/.1, l• 916. - w m Z t _ 0 O r r - YF ZO Z 0>o�z - U w = U, ow > Q Z } Z U ¢ w z w0 z ¢ rw = F z DO, ~Ow��� o ¢ 3: w o ¢ i-- 0c F- Z 1-- 2- Z v¢i?�¢��O ¢¢ W z Z w 0¢ X= w =w�w O Z Z 0= K� o H of - a O ? Y w Go 0 0 of 0 0 0 O H w ~U-1=off M N N W Z �_ •5 m LJL� L J a W N LL c E W °' > Q o J NU E F � C � W �� U CO Ri ct J Sv_D ARCy/T v KRISTI W HANSON OA N0. C 14847 NT REN. 081312015 9TF OF C REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES SHEET T 1,3 DATE: 1/13/15 'r,...AIAICC C A 1,11 FC1rlii1A CO 0.1 2013 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE NONRESIDENTIAL MANDATORY MEASURES, SHEET 2 INSPECTOR SIGNOFF 5.410.2.1 Owner's or Owner Representative's Project Requirements (OPR). [N] The expectations and appropriate o i II be documented before the design phase of the project requirements of the building approp t is phase shall g p p 1 begins. This documentation shall include the following: 1. Environmental and sustainability goals. 2. Energy efficiency goals [refer to 2013 California Energy Code, Section 120.8(b)]. 3. Indoor environmental quality requirements. 4. Project program, including facility functions and hours of operation, and need for after hours operation. 5. Equipment and systems expectations. 6. Building occupant and operation and maintenance (O&M) personnel expectations. 5.410.2.2 Basis of Design (BOD). [A] A written explanation of how the design of the building systems meets the OPR shall be completed at the design phase of the building project. The Basis of Design document shall cover the following systems: 1. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) systems and controls [refer to 2013 California Energy Code, Section 120.8(c)]. 2. Indoor lighting system and controls [refer to 2013 California Energy Code, Section 120.8(c)]. 3. Water heating system [refer to 2013 California Energy Code, Section 120.8(c)]. 4. Renewable energy systems. 5. Landscape irrigation systems. 6. Water reuse systems. 5.410.2.3 Commissioning plan. [N] Prior to permit issuance a commissioning plan shall be completed to document how the project will be commissioned. The commissioning plan shall include the following: 1. General project information. 2. Commissioning goals. 3. Systems to be commissioned. Plans to test systems and components shall include a. An explanation of the original design intent. b. Equipment and systems to be tested, including the extent of tests. c. Functions to be tested. d. Conditions under which the test shall be performed. e. Measurable criteria for acceptable performance. 4. Commissioning team information. 5. Commissioning process activities, schedules and responsibilities. Plans for the completion of commissioning shall be included. 5.410.2.4 Functional performance testing. [A] Functional performance tests shall demonstrate the correct installation and operation of each component, system and system -to -system interface in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Functional performance testing reports shall contain information addressing each of the building components tested, the testing methods utilized, and include any readings and adjustments made. 5.410.2.5 Documentation and training. [N] A Systems Manual and Systems Operations Training are required, including Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) requirements in California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 8, Section 5142, and other related regulations. 5.410.2.5.1 Systems manual. [N] Documentation of the operational aspects of the building shall be completed within the systems manual and delivered to the building owner or representative. The systems manual shall include the following: 1. Site information, including facility description, history and current requirements. 2. Site contact information. 3. Basic operations and maintenance, including general site operating procedures, basic troubleshooting, recommended maintenance requirements, site events log. 4. Major systems. 5. Site equipment inventory and maintenance notes. 6. A copy of verifications required by the enforcing agency or this code. 7. Other resources and documentation, if applicable. 5.410.2.5.2 Systems operations training. [N] A program for training of the appropriate maintenance staff for each equipment type and/or system shall be developed and documented in the commissioning report and shall include the following: 1. System/equipment overview (what it is, what it does and with what other systems and/or equipment it interfaces). 2. Review and demonstration of servicing/preventive maintenance. 3. Review of the information in the Systems Manual, 4. Review of the record drawings on the system/equipment. 5.410.2.6 Commissioning report. A report of commissioning process activities undertaken through the design, construction phases of the building project shall be completed and provided to the owner or representative. Note: Guidance on implementation and enforcement of commissioning requirements, including sample compliance forms and templates, may be found in Appendix A6, Division A6.1, of this code. 5.410.4 TESTING AND ADJUSTING. Testing and adjusting of systems shall be required for buildings less than 10,000 square feet or new systems to serve an addition or alteration subject to Section 303.1. 5.410.4.2 Systems. Develop a written plan of procedures for testing and adjusting systems. Systems to be included for testing and adjusting shall include at a minimum, as applicable to the project: 1. HVAC sysfems and rrntrols. 2. Indoor and outdoor lighting and contruis. 3. Water heating systems. 4. Renewable energy systems. 5. Landscape irrigation systems. 6. Water reuse systems. 5.410.4.3 Procedures. Perform testing and adjusting procedures in accordance with manufacturers specifications and applicable standards on each system. 5.410.4.3.1 HVAC balancing. In addition to testing and adjusting, before a new space -conditioning system serving a building ors ace is operated for normal use the system shall be balanced in accordance with the procedures defined by the Testing Adjusting and Balancing Bureau National Standards; the National Environmental Balancing Bureau Procedural Standards; Associated Air Balance Council National Standards or as approved by the enforcing agency. 5.410.4.4 Reporting. After completion of testing, adjusting and balancing, Provide a final report of testing performing signed by the individual responsible for p g these services. 5.410.4.5 Operation and maintenance (O & M) manual. Provide the building owner or representative with detailed operating and maintenance instructions and copies of guaranties/warranties for each system. 0 & M instructions shall be consistent with OSHA requirements in CCR, Title 8, Section 5142, and other related regulations. 5.410.4.5.1 Inspections and reports. Include a copy of all inspection verifications and reports required by the enforcing agency. DIVISION 5.5 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY SECTION 5.501 GENERAL 5.501.1 SCOPE. The provisions of this chapter shall outline means of reducing the quantity of air contaminants that are odorous, irritating, and/or harmful to the comfort and well-being of a building's installers, occupants and neighbors. SECTION 5.502 DEFINITIONS 5.502.1 DEFINITIONS. The following terms are defined in Chapter 2 (and are included here for reference) COMMUNITY NOISE EQUIVALENT LEVEL (CNEL). A metric similar to the day -night average sound level (Ldn), except that a 5 decibel adjustment is added to the equivalent continuous sound exposure level forevening hours (7pm to 10pm) in addition to the 10 dB nighttime adjustment used in the Ldn. COMPOSITE WOOD PRODUCTS. Composite wood products include hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard. "Composite wood products' does not include hardboard, structural plywood, structural panels, structural composite lumber, oriented strand board, glued laminated timber, timber, prefabricated wood I -joists or finger -jointed lumber, all as specified in California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 17, Section 93120.1(a). Note: See CCR, Title 17, Section 93120.1. MERV. Filter minimum efficiency reporting value, based on ASHRAE 52.2-1999. REACTIVE ORGANIC COMPOUND (ROC). Any compound that has the potential, once emitted, to contribute to ozone formation in the troposphere. VOC. A voLtile oman'r r.mmPo_Ind brca_ly defined ac- a chernical compound his=d -on r_ r.hrn chairis er rinos with vapor pressures greater than 0.1 millimeters of mercury at room temperature. These compounds typically contain hydrogen and may contain oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. See CCR Title 17, Section 94508(a). Note: Where specific regulations are cited from different agencies such as SCAQMD, ARB, etc., the VOC definition included in that specific regulation is the one that prevails for the specific measure in question. SECTION 5.503 FIREPLACES 5.503.1 GENERAL. Install only a direct -vent sealed -combustion gas or sealed wood -burning fireplace, or a sealed woodstove or pellet stove, and refer to residential requirements in the California Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6, Subcha ter 7Secti n 150. Woodstoves, pellet stoves and fireplaces shall comply Ywith applicable local ordinances. 5.503.1.1 Woodstoves. Woodstoves and pellet stoves shall comply with U.S. EPA Phase If emission limits where applicable. INSPECTOR SIGNOFF SECTION 5.504 POLLUTANT CONTROL 5.504.1.3 Temporary ventilation. The permanent HVAC system shall only be used during construction if necessary to condition the building or areas of addition or alteration within the required temperature range for material and equipment installation. If the HVAC system is used during construction, use return air filters with a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 8 based on ASHRAE 52.2-1999 or an average efficient of 30/ based on ASHRAE 52.1-1992 Replace all filters immediately prior to occupancy, or, if the building is occupied during alteration, at the conclusion of construction. 5.504.3 Covering of duct openings and protection of mechanical equipment during construction. At the time of rough installation, or during storage on the construction site and until final startup of the heating, cooling and ventilating equipment, all duct and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheet metal or other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency to reduce the amount of dust, water and debris which may collect in the system. 5.504.4 Finish material pollutant control. Finish materials shall comply with Sections 5.504.4.1 through 5.504.4.4. 5.504.4.1 Adhesives, sealants and caulks. Adhesives sealants, used project and caulks on the ro'ect shall meet E:1 r the requirements of the following standards: 1. Adhesives, adhesive bonding primers adhesive primers, sealants, sealant primers and caulks shall comply with local or regional air pollution control or air quality management district rules where applicable, or SCAQMD Rule 1168 VOC limits, as shown in Tables 5.504.4.1 and 5.504.4.2. Such products also shall comply with the Rule 1168 prohibition on the use of certain toxic compounds (chloroform, ethylene dichloride, methylene chloride, perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene), except for aerosol products as specified in subsection 2, below. 9 A:oalaH units of product, less packaging, which do not weigh more than one pound and do not consist of more than 16 fluid ounces) shall comply with statewide VOC standards and other requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds, of California Code of Regulations, Title 17, commencing with Section 94507. TABLE 5.504.4.1 -ADHESIVE VOC LIMITI,2 Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATIONS CURRENT VOC LIMIT INDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 50 CARPET PAD ADHESIVES 50 OUTDOOR CARPET ADHESIVES 150 WOOD FLOORING ADHESIVES 100 RUBBER FLOOR ADHESIVES 60 SUBFLOOR ADHESIVES 50 CERAMIC TILE ADHESIVES 65 VCT & ASPHALT TILE ADHESIVES 50 DRYWALL & PANEL ADHESIVES 50 COVE BASE ADHESIVES 50 MULTIPURPOSE CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVES 70 STRUCTURAL GLAZING ADHESIVES 100 SINGLE -PLY ROOF MEMBRANE ADHESIVES 250 OTHER ADHESIVES NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED 50 SPECIALTY APPLICATIONS 350 PVC WELDING 510 CPVC WELDING 490 ABS WELDING 325 PLASTIC CEMENT WELDING 250 ADHESIVE PRIMER FOR PLASTIC 550 CONTACT ADHESIVE 80 SPECIAL PURPOSE CONTACT ADHESIVE 250 STRUCTURAL WOOD MEMBER ADHESIVE 140 TOP & TRIM ADHESIVE 250 SUBSTRATE SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS 250 METAL TO METAL 30 PLASTIC FOAMS 50 POROUS MATERIAL (EXCEPT WOOD) 50 WOOD 30 FIBERGLASS 80 ROADWAY 250 N ADHESIVE I ED TO BOND 1. IFA IS N DISSIMILAR SUBSTRATES TOGETHER THE ADHESIVE WITH THE HIGHEST VOC CONTENT SHALL BE ALLOWED. 2. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METHODS TO MEASURE THE VOC CONTENT SPECIFIED IN THIS TABLE, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 1168 www.arb.ca.gov/DRDB/SC/CURHTML/Rl 168.PDF TABLE 5.504.4.2 - SEALANT VOC LIMIT Less Water and Less Exempt Compounds in Grams per Liter SEALANTS CURRENT VOC LIMIT ARCHITECTURAL 250 MARINE DECK 760 NONMEMBRANE ROOF 300 ROADWAY 250 SINGLE -PLY ROOF MEMBRANE 450 OTHER 420 SEALANT PRIMERS 50 ARCHITECTURAL 350 NONPOROUS 250 POROUS 775 MODIFIED BITUMINOUS 500 MARINE DECK 760 OTHER 750 NOTE: FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REGARDING METHODS TO MEASURE THE VOC CONTENT SPECIFIED IN THESE TABLES, SEE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULE 1168. 5.504.4.3 Paints and coatings. Architectural paints and coatings shall comply with VOC limits in Table 1 of . ;n1:w11 n Tq[N 5T4'..� _IJL..imellc' stringent local limits apply. The VOC content limit for coatings that do not meet the definitions for the specialty coatings categories listed In Table 5.504.4.3 shall be determined by classifying the coating as a Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-High Gloss coating, based on its gloss, as defined in Subsections 4.21, 4.36 and 4.37 of the 2007 California Air Resources Board Suggested Control Measure, and the corresponding Flat, Nonflat or Nonflat-High Gloss VOC limit in Table 5.504.4.3 shall apply. 5.504.4.3.1 Aerosol Paints and coatings. Aerosol Paints and coatings shall meet the PWMIR Limits for 94 22 her requirements, including prohibitions on use of certain toxic compounds ROC in Section 5 a 3 and of s OO q 9P P u Sections 94522 c 2 and (d)(2) of California Code of Regulations, Title and ozone depleting s substances, In ()() ()() g , 17, commencing with Section 94520; and in areas under the jurisdiction of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District additionally comply with the percent VOC by weight of product limits of Regulation 8 Rule 49. INSPECTOR SIGNOFF TABLE 5.504.4.3 - VOC CONTENT LIMITS FOR ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS2.3 GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING LESS WATERLESS EXEMPT COMPOUNDS COATING CATEGORY CURRENT VOC LIMIT FLAT COATINGS 50 NONFLAT COATINGS 100 NONFLAT HIGH GLOSS COATINGS 150 SPECIALTY COATINGS 0.11 ALUMINUM ROOF COATINGS 400 BASEMENT SPECIALTY COATINGS 400 BITUMINOUS ROOF COATINGS 50 BITUMINOUS ROOF PRIMERS 350 BOND BREAKERS 350 CONCRETE CURING COMPOUNDS 350 CONCRETE/MASONRY SEALERS 100 DRIi JIE JAY SEALEIR6 50 DRY FOG COATINGS 150 FAUX FINISHING COATINGS 350 FIRE RESISTIVE COATINGS 350 FLOOR COATINGS 100 FORM -RELEASE COMPOUNDS 250 GRAPHIC ARTS COATINGS (SIGN PAINTS) 500 HIGH-TEMPERATURE COATINGS 420 INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE COATINGS 250 LOW SOLIDS COATINGS, 120 MAGNESITE CEMENT COATINGS 450 MASTIC TEXTURE COATINGS 100 METALLIC PIGMENTED COATINGS 500 MULTICOLOR COATINGS 250 PRETREATMENT WASH PRIMERS 420 PRIMERS, SEALERS, & UNDERCOATERS 100 REACTIVE PENETRATING SEALERS 350 RECYCLED COATINGS 250 ROOF COATINGS 50 RUST PREVENTATIVE COATINGS 250 SHELLACS: CLEAR OPAQUE DESIGN DEV. 730 550 SPECIALTY PRIMERS, SEALERS & UNDERCOATERS 100 STAINS 250 STONE CONSOLIDANTS 450 SWIMMING POOL COATINGS 340 TRAFFIC MARKING COATINGS 100 TUB & TILE REFINISH COATINGS 420 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANES 250 WOOD COATINGS 275 WOOD PRESERVAI IVES 350 ZINC -RICH PRIMERS 340 1. GRAMS OF VOC PER LITER OF COATING, INCLUDING WATER & EXEMPT COMPOUNDS 2. THE SPECIFIED LIMITS REMAIN IN EFFECT UNLESS REVISED LIMITS ARE LISTED IN SUBSEQUENT COLUMNS IN THE TABLE. 3. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS SUGGESTED CONTROL MEASURE, FEB. 1, 2008. MORE INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE FROM THE AIR RESOURCES BOARD. 6.504.4.3.2 Verification. Verification of ith this 3compliance w section shall be provided at the request of P P q the enforcing agency. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Manufacturer's product specification 2. Field verification of on-site product containers 5.504.4.4 Carpet Systems. All carpet installed in the building interior shall meet at least one of the testing and product requirements: P uire 9 1. Carpet and Ru Institute's Green Label Plus Program. P 9 9 2. Compliant with the VOC-emission limits and testing requirements specified in the California Department of Public Health Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers, Version 1.1, February 2010 (also known as CDPH Standard Method V1.1 or Specification 01350). 3. NSF/ANSI 140 at the Gold level or higher; 4. Scientific Certifications Systems Sustainable Choice; or 5. Compliant with the California Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CA-CHPS) Criteria Interpretation for EQ 2.2 dated July 2012 and listed in the CHPS High Performance Product Database. 5.504.4.4.1 Carpet cushion. All carpet cushion installed in the building interior shall meet the requirements of the Carpet and Rug Institute Green Label program. 5.504.4.4.2 Carpet adhesive. All carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements of Table 5.504.4.1. 5.504.4.5 Composite wood products. Hardwood plywood, particleboard and medium density fiberboard composite wood products used on the interior or exterior of the buildings shall meet the requirements for formaldehyde as specified in ARB's Air Toxics Control Measure for Composite Wood (17 CCR 93120 at seq.). Those materials not exempted under the ATCM must meet the specified emission limits, as shown in Table 5.504.4.5. 5.504.4.5.3 Documentation. Verification of compliance with this section shall be provided as requested by the enforcing agency. Documentation shall include at least one of the following: 1. Product certifications and specifications. 2. Chain of custody certifications. 3. Product labeled and invoiced as meeting the Composite Wood Products regulation (see CCR, Title 17, Section 93120, at sect.). 4. Exterior grade products marked as meeting the PS -1 or PS -2 standards of the Engineered Wood Association, the Australian AS/NZS 2269 or European 636 3S standards. 5. Other methods acceptable to the enforcing agency. TABLE 5.504.4.5 - FORMALDEHYDE LIMITS, MAXIMUM FORMALDEHYDE EMISSIONS IN PARTS PER MILLION PRODUCT CURRENT LIMIT nA'ZiGI r0C0 PL rYi000 VE NIEER CGIRL- 0.05 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD COMPOSITE CORE 0.05 PARTICLE BOARD 0.09 MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD 0.11 THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD2 0.13 1. VALUES IN THIS TABLE ARE DERIVED FROM THOSE SPECIFIED BY THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD, AIR TOXICS CONTROL MEASURE FOR COMPOSITE WOOD AS TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 1333, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, SEE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 17, SECTIONS 93120 THROUGH 93120.12. 2, THIN MEDIUM DENSITY FIBERBOARD HAS A MAXIMUM THICKNESS OF 5/16 INCHES (8 MM) INSPECTOR SIGNOFF 5.504.4.6 Resilient flooring systems. For 80 percent of floor area receiving resilient flooring, installed resilient flooring shall meet at least one of the following: 1. Certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RF I) FloorScore program;m; 2. Compliant h p ant with the VOC emission limits and testing requirements specified in the California Department of Public Health's 2010 Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation Chambers, Version 1.1, February 2010; 3. Compliant with the California Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CA-CHPS) Criteria Interpretation for EQ 2.2 dated July 2012 and listed in the CHIPS High Performance Product Database; or 4. CompliantIiant with CD PH criteria as certified under the Green9uard Children's & Schools Program. 5.504.4.6.1 Verification of a compliance. Documentation shall be provided verifying that resilient flooring P p fY 9 9 materials meet the pollutant emission limits. 5.504.5.3 Filters. In mechanically ventilated buildings, provide regularly occupied areas of the building with air filtration media fora and d return air that provides at leas a Minimum Efficient Reporting Value MERV of 8. t Re P Y P 9 (MERV) MERV 8 filters shall be installed prior to occupancy, and recommendations for maintenance with filters of the same value shall be included in the operation and maintenance manual. Exceptions: 1. An ASHRAE 10% to 15% efficiency filter shall be permitted for an HVAC unit meeting the 2013 California Energy Code having 60,000 Btu/h or less capacity per fan coil, if the energy use of the air delivery system is 0.4 W/cfm or less at design air flow. 2. Existing mechanical equipment. 5.504.7 ENVIRONMENTAL TOBACCO SMOKE (ETS) CONTROL. Where outdoor areas are provided for smoking, prohibit smoking within 25 feet of building entries, outdoor air intakes and operable windows and within the building as already prohibited by other laws or regulations; or as enforced by ordinances, regulations or policies of any city, county, city and county, California Community College, campus of the California State University, or campus of the University of California, whichever are more stringent. When ordinances, regulations or policies are not in place, post signage to inform building occupants of the prohibitions. SECTION 5.505 INDOOR MOISTURE CONTROL 5.505.1 INDOOR MOISTURE CONTROL. Buildings shall meet or exceed the provisions of California Building Code, CCR, Title 24, Part 2, Sections 1203 (Ventilation) and Chapter 14 (Exterior Walls). For additional measures not applicable to low-rise residential occupancies, see Section 5.407.2 of this code. SECTION 5.506 INDOOR AIR QUALITY 5.506.1 OUTSIDE AIR DELIVERY. For mechanically or naturally ventilated spaces in buildings, meet the minimum requirements of Section 121 (Requirements For Ventilation) of the 2010 California Energy Code, or the applicable local code, whichever is more stringent, and Division 1, Chapter 4 of CCR, Title 8. 5.506.2 CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) MONITORING. For buildings or additions equipped with demand control ventilation, CO2 sensors and ventilation controls shall be specified and installed in accordance with the requirements of the 2013 California Energy Code, Section 120(c)(4). SECTION 5.507 ENVIRONMENTAL COMFORT 5.507.4 ACOUSTICAL CONTROL. Employ building assemblies and components with Sound Transmission Class (STC) values determined in accordance with ASTM E 90 and ASTM E 413, or Outdoor -Indoor Sound Transmission Class (OITC) determined in accordance with ASTM E 1332, using either the prescriptive or performance method in Section 5.507.4.1 or 5.507.4.2. Exception: Buildings with few or no occupants or where occupants are not likely to be affected by exterior noise, as determined by the enforcement authority, such as factories, stadiums, storage, enclosed parking structures and utility buildings. Exception: [DSA -SS] For public schools and community colleges, the requirements of this section and all subsections apply only to new construction. 5.507.4.1 Exterior noise transmission, prescriptive method. Wall and roof -ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source making up the building or addition envelope or altered envelope shall meet a composite STC rating of at least 50 or a composite OITC rating of no less than 40, with exterior windows of a minimum STC of 40 or OITC of 30 in the following locations: 1. Within the 65 CNEL noise contour of an airport. Exceptions: 1. Ld„ or CNEL for military airports shall be detehmjned by the facility Air Installation Compatible Land Use Zone (AICUZ) plan. 2. Ldn or CNEL for other airports and heliports for which a land use plan has not been developed shall be determined by the local general plan noise element. 2. Within the 65 CNEL or Ld„ noise contour of a freeway or expressway, railroad, industrial source or fixed -guideway source as determined by the Noise Element of the General Plan. 5.507.4.2 Performance Method. For buildings located as defined in Section 5.507.4.1 or 5.507.4.1.1, wall and roof -ceiling assemblies exposed to the noise source making up the building or addition envelope or altered envelope shall be constructed to provide an interior noise environment attributable to exterior sources that does not exceed an hourly equivalent noise level (Leq-1 Hr) of 50 dBA in occupied areas during any hour of operation. 5.507.4.2.1 Site Features. Exterior features such as sound walls or earth berms may be utilized as appropriate to the building, addition or alteration prgi ct to mifigate sound migration to the interior. 5.507.4.2.2 Documentation of Compliance. An acoustical analysis documenting complying interior sound levels shall be prepared by personnel approved by the architect or engineer of record. 5.507.4.3 Interior sound. Wall and floor -ceiling assemblies separating tenant spaces and tenant spaces and public places shall have an STC of at least 40. Note: Examples of assemblies and their various STC ratings may be found at the California Office of Noise Control: www.toolbase.org/PDFiCaseStudiesistc-icc-ratings.pdf. CHAPTER 7 INSTALLER & SPECIALEC INSP TORUALIFIC Q ATIONS 702 QUALIFICATIONS 702.1 INSTALLER TRAINING. HVAC system installers shall be trained and certified in the proper installation of HVAC systems including ducts and equipment b a nationally or regionally recognized trainingor certification program. Uncertified persons may a perform HVAC installation when 9 s wh under the P p YP direct supervision and responsibility of a person trained and certified to install HVAC systems or contractor licensed to install HVAC systems. Examples of acceptable HVAC training and certification programs include but are not limited to the following: 1. State certified apprenticeship programs. 2. Public utility training programs. 3. Training programs sponsored by trade, labor or statewide energy consulting or verification organizations. 4. Programs sponsored by manufacturing organizations. 5. Other programs acceptable to the enforcing agency. 702.2 SPECIAL INSPECTION [HCD]. When required by the enforcing agency, the owner or the responsible entity acting as the owner's agent shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspection or other duties necessary to substantiate compliance with this code. Special inspectors shall demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the enforcing agency for the particular type of inspection or task to be performed. In addition to other certifications or qualifications acceptable to the enforcing agency, the following certifications or education may be considered by the enforcing agency when evaluating the qualifications of a special inspector: 1. Certification by a national or regional green building program or standard publisher. 2. Certification by a statewide energy consulting or verification organization, such as HERS raters, building performance contractors, and home energy auditors. 3. Successful completion of a third party apprentice training program in the appropriate trade. 4. Other programs acceptable to the enforcing agency. Notes: 1. Special inspectors shall be independent entities with no financial interest in the materials or the project they are inspecting for compliance with this code. 2. HERS raters are special inspectors certified by the California Energy Commission (CEC) to rate homes in California according to the Home Energy Rating System (HERS). [BSC] When required by the enforcing agency, the owner or the responsible entity acting as the owner's agent shall employ one or more special inspectors to provide inspection or other duties necessary to substantiate compliance with this code. Special inspectors shall demonstrate competence to the satisfaction of the enforcing agency for the particular type of inspection or task to be performed. In addition, the special inspector shall have a certification from a recognized state, national or international association, as determined by the local agency. The area of certification shall be closely related to the primary job function, as determined by the local agency. Note: Special inspectors shall be independent entities with no financial interest in the materials or the project they are inspecting for compliance with this code. 703 VERIFICATIONS 703.1 DOCUMENTATION. Documentation used to show compliance with this code shall include but is not limited to construction documents,plans specifications, builder or installer certification, inspection reports, or other methods acceptable the enforcing agency which demonstrate substantial conformance. When specific documentation or special inspection is necessary to verify compliance, that method of compliance will be specified in the appropriate section or identified applicable checklist. �e� QP �c H w z m O OwOO ¢ in Y H z d � z o>o z_ Q Z ~ Z U � ~ w ¢rc w w z o w ? ¢ x o' O 0uJI-�of < W of < cow = U w w w of H z J Z V J z¢2 r CD W UJaz z w w 0¢ X W W¢ O U) ::3 Y CO O a 0 0 C) 0 ~ of 2 W U w¢�o� �x M N W Im L a W cN LL d � +O+ N W = M o a U E N .� E 0�0 0 W 00 Cy to � aZ �� ARCy/T KRISTI W HA SON N0. C 24847 N REN. 081312015 Q T 9 T O SOF CP�F REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST, DOCS, CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 Q CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED 2013 CAL GREEN MANDATORY MEASURES SHEET T 1A DATE: 1/13/15 �4 - (E) FIRE HYDRANT _ (E) EXISTING _ PARKING irru�ru�rn.�rn (E) EXISTING CURB (E) EXISTING PLANTER (E) EXISTING TRASH ENCLOSURE r"MRrxIIVV (E) EXISTING PARKING (E) EXISTING PLANTER SITE PLAN SCALE 1/8" =1'-0" GENERAL NOTES: 1. The existing fire alarm system within the building shall remain. All fire alarm work shall be done by appropriate licensed alarm company/contractor with plans and current fee submitted to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation. (contact Fire Department for guideline handout) 2. Fire sprinkler system within the building or tenant space was approved for the original occupancy and layout of the building. If the sprinkler system has to be modified, a licensed C-16 contractor shall do sprinkler work, Plans shall be submitted with current fee to the Fire Department for review and approval prior to installation. 3. Tenant shall provide to Fire Department an access key to be placed in building knox box. 4. Install portable fire extinguishers with a minimum rating of 3A:40bc with no travel distance from extinguisher in building further than 75 feet travel distance. Contact a licensed Fire Extinguisher Company for proper Installation (extinguishers must have current CSFM service tag affixed) CFC, section 1002. 5. No new belt insulation will be required because building envelope will not be disturbed. 6. Per Dimension Egress Plan no Common Path of Egress Travel exceeds 75 feet. 7. At all doors leading outside the suite, provide a sign above the door that states: "This Door to Remain Unlocked when Building is Occupied." S. All doorways leading to sanitary facilities shall be identified as follows: A) Men's sanitary facilities shall be identified by an equilateral triangle, 1/4" thick wl edges 12" long and a vertex painting upward. B) Women's sanitary facilities shall be identified by a circle, 114" thick and 12" in dimeter. C) Unisex sanitary facilities shall be identified by a circle, 114" thick and 12" in diameter wl a 114" thick triangle superimposed on the circle and within the 12" diameter. The required symbols shall be centered on the door at a height of 60". NOTE IFANYACCESSIBLE COMPONENT IS NOT IN COMPLIANCE PER FIELD VERIFICATION BY THE CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR THEN IT WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE BROUGHT INTO FULL COMPLIANCE WITH CURRENT ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS, THIS SHEET PROVIDES FOR INFORMATION ON EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS ONLY. NO SITE WORK IS PROPOSED. ALL BUILDING AND FACILITY ENTRANCES THAT ARE ACCESSIBLE TO AND USABLE BY PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A MINIUM OF ONE INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL OF ACCESSIBILITY AND WITH ADDITIONAL DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, UTILIZING THE SYMBOL, AT JUNCTIONS WHERE THE ACCESSIBLE ROUTE FO TRAVEL DIVERGES FROM THE REGULAR PATH, TO BE VISIBLE TO PERSONS ALONG APPROACHING CIRCULATION PATHS. "ALL OF THE BUILDINGS ENTRANCES ARE ACCESSIBLE. )WNERS INFORMATION GERRY WASHACK 75-130 MEDITERANEAN AVE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 841-8200 QP P5 O p O Y a U 0 z 'iOr��Z W�w=corn > WCE rrr�nw>-`czW z O w z¢ x rW W Z d Oi- O W w co o H W Z J z O ¢0-naz z w w o¢ x x n g p :I-- U 0= D ?ozfr�or-w 2 C O w j-- Y W V Z O U)O t i w-oa0=o W U F- ~ rn x M 06 N N d VI W Z �= m �Je L J CL U- = N � N oW C CL X .� 00 C W �CY aZ �J ARC v KRISTI W HANSON y� N0. C 248477 Lp REN. 081312015 vFO� 9TF OF ON, REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED SITE PLAN 0 SHEET A 1.1 DATE: 1/ 13/15 GENERAL NOTES All entrances and all exterior ground floor exit doors to building shall be made ^ :cessible to persons with disabilities. CBC Section 11336.1.1.1 PAD 4 5,466 S,f. REVISED FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" Door hardware shall be openable with a single effort without requiring the ability to grasp the hardware (]ever or push type is acceptable) mounted 34" to 44" above the floor. CBC Section 11 B-404.2.7 The bottom 10 inches of all doors shall have a smooth and uninterrupted surface on the push side to allow the door be be opened by a wheel chair. CBC Section 11 B-404.2.10 The floor of the landing shall not be more than 1/2" lower that the threshold of the doorway. Maximum effort to operate a required non -fire rated door shall not exceed 5 pounds force. CBC Section 1133B.2.5 Coordinate keying requirements with Owner Install Door Stop in floor and wall at all locations abutting walls. Contractor responsible to verify all openings in field prior to ordering. WALLTYPES go EXISTING BUILDING SHELL TO REAMIN. FRAMED WALL WITH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH. INSULATED WI R-19 BATT INSULATION. X EXISTING DEMISING WALL TO REAMIN. FRAMED WITH STUDS AT 16" O.C. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE. 516" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES WI R-19 BATT INSULATION. — EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO REMAIN. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. WI 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. RW OIAS.NA L..OR@ N' OC. ALTERNATE EACH WpY 14 GA, CLIPANGLE 2x4"% TING ACONSTIC CETANGTILE R -1S BATT INCNIATION M HIM WALL ®15' O.C. TOP PLATE SECTION DETAIL EXISTING WINDOW DESI SUPPOR' POST: _ _- _ EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO BE REMOVED. NEW PARTITION WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. WI 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE NEW PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W1518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. SEE ELEVATIONS FOR WALL HEIGHT. GYP BEN. N'H BATT INSULATION 2x PI MIT PLATE WI HILTI OS 12 EIII SHOT ZNSAi S4"O C. (ICC-ESEI8.3 INNTALL 11.1 IEC4 No OF PLATE. EXIST NO 4' THICK CONCRETE SLAB 9 D o FLOOR PLATE .SECTION DETAIL 11,2"x511 N HEAO OR JAN AT 2A WALL( 1 IS"O' 1W N AT 2x4 WALL 11RM316"N STOPAT 2x6 WALL WIT I .,I IIB'N STSPAT 2. WALL WIT I L4' BOOR WALL DETAILS SCALE: 11/2"= 1'-0" 114' SHIM SPACE METAL TRIM(TYR) SOLID CORE WOOS DOOR INT. DOOR DTL. SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-0" 1101:: IUD *0112"14110TA • 75-130 MEDITERANEAN AVE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760)841-8200 FRONT VIEW SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" 10 0 - DESK TOP +30" CID T-0" I QP�� O I o Y z ¢ CO IL NLj Z u O> O f Z wOz¢�� � ?�w� >�w¢¢zw MIN. REDID LyIJ d'p'S ¢ Her? Jzu�ip wu qzq(n¢��z Z g UO N XX ¢ W W ¢ = (If— W � �' = W K W Z O D U O= W (V w w Z O O.::) W oCL wU� W ¢ rn x O M 1101:: IUD *0112"14110TA • 75-130 MEDITERANEAN AVE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760)841-8200 FRONT VIEW SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" 10 QP VP QP�� O i N0 ir O o Y z ¢ CO IL NLj Z u O> O f Z wOz¢�� � ?�w� >�w¢¢zw vW225L=_ t== O LyIJ d'p'S ¢ Her? Jzu�ip wu qzq(n¢��z Z g UO N XX ¢ W W ¢ = (If— W � �' = W K W Z O D U O= W —D Z K zm)CaI dX ¢¢0 W F -Y w w Z O O.::) W oCL wU� W ¢ rn x O M N ^N W Cn 5 C W Z m Y L J L a \W, o N CN AW dW �a C Lj � U E /�� \V _15AGI cc C cl E 00 w �,1J 4 C Z (D J a Sv-D ARcy'� FA KRISTI IN HANSON NO. C 24847 UT REN. 081312015 2e 9TF OF C P \FO REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST, DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12,01.14 Q CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED EXISTING / DEMO & NEW FLOOR PLAN SHEET A 2.1 DATE: 1/13/15 REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" WALL TYPES -77 - EXISTING BUILDING SHELL TO REAMIN. FRAMED WALL WITH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH. INSULATED W/ R-19 BATT INSULATION. EXISTING DEMISING WALL TO REAMIN. FRAMED WITH STUDS AT 16" O.C. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE. 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES WI R-19 BATT INSULATION. EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO REMAIN. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W15/8" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO BE REMOVED. JMW NEW PARTITION WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. WI 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE NEW PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W/ 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. SEE ELEVATIONS FOR WALL HEIGHT. REFLECTED CEILING PLAN GENERAL NOTES: A. Refer to Mechanical, Electrical & Fire Sprinkler Drawings for Additional Items to be Located in the Ceiling. Coordinate Sizes and Locations of Ceiling Diffusers with this Drawing. B. The Design Intent for all Visable Items Installed in the Ceiling are to be Equally Spaced, Centered, and/or Aligned Unless Noted Otherwise. Notify Architect of Inconsistencies. RCP LEGEND (E) EXISTING (N) NEW O PENDENT LIGHT FIXTURE T.B.D. O CHANDELIER LIGHT FIXTURE TBD. ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGN 0 NEW FIRE SPRINKLING EMERGENCY EGRESS WALL PACK EXHAUSTFAN O MECH. CEILING DIFFUSER "✓ LIGHT FIXTURE - (j). EXISTING FIRE SPRINKLING 0 NEW FIRE SPRINKLING I P�'R P OQP\d 'y- Ql � o9 �C� ryy PP5Q�0 'g "✓ LL Um 0� O 0 0< O Y 0 w 2f WwvS ::fl �aF W > 3 Q Q Y Z W UJ NZO=?ZZQC== LLzai—wF-W W O W= U W W Q ~<~Z F]Z(%j ZO W U) Q(=� CO (n �Zww O¢u�� LJJ F - Z UO=cn LL.�U of QQ0 W I—Y U)U Z Q O LL W — O a = O Z W U F F= W Q Of CO _ M 06 (14 U) U) W Z � M U L mmi L LL cN N a +-+ a a E N Q •� N W 4 or aZ -41TJ SED AR�y/T v KRISTI W HANSON NO. C 24847 NT REN. 081312015 F 9TF Of C P\FO REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED REFLECTED CEILING PLAN SHEET A V DATE: 1113/15 ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOF PLAN GENERAL NOTES: A. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THIS PLAN TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. B. ALL UNIT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. C. SEE M1.0 F7 MW �Z O O O O Y Z Q n d U) Z w 0} 0; Z w O}} Z 3 Of U F: w =F d H Elf O�wz¢w~ zo �_ i0i.z dH �0 w Ktr O¢�o�Q w O w Z F -Z ZM0 wm-� Fnm z 20 Z_ w 0¢ X z � Q� fr= Ow o w F - Z� 0 0 0 0=� Z W ty - 0¢ Q 0 W Y U) o o d 0o o W 0 F F-- w Q fr U O = KRISTI 11111111 N0. C 24847 REN. 081312015 Q; C REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC M DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. 06 CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 N CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 N 4) Z C m LJL Y L dM 0 �N d .0 N > W = °' a C J �� N E i< 0W 00 aZ �� KRISTI 11111111 N0. C 24847 REN. 081312015 Q; C REVISION LIST 1 14081 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED ROOF PLAN SHEET A 5.1 DATE: 1/13/15 SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1 14081 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED ROOF PLAN SHEET A 5.1 DATE: 1/13/15 PAD 4 5,466 s.f. ELECTRICAL PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ROOF PLAN GENERAL NOTES: A. GENERAL CONTRACTOR SHALL BRING ANY DISCREPANCIES WITH THIS PLAN TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY. B. ALL UNIT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND EXISTING FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. C. SEE M1.0 WALLTYPES EXISTING BUILDING SHELL TO REAMIN. FRAMED WALL WITH EXTERIOR STUCCO FINISH. INSULATED WI R-19 BATT INSULATION. EXISTING DEMISING WALL TO REAMIN. FRAMED WITH STUDS AT 16" O.C. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE. 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES WI R-19 BATT INSULATION. EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO REMAIN. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W1518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. EXISTING PARTITION WALL TO BE REMOVED. NEW PARTITION WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. WI 518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. CONTINUOUS TO ROOF DECK ABOVE —_ NEW PARTIAL HEIGHT WALL. FRAMED WITH 2X6 STUDS AT 16" O.C. W1518" GYP. BOARD BOTH SIDES. SEE ELEVATIONS FOR WALL HEIGHT. QP �5 °'Lpp1 P7m Z 0 o U Y F- Z Q n a� z o >-o z Lu '` w z �_ a "J -}c Wv w z O w z o Y �za�W�X� C)w=tiw0?'¢ P- w -?JzU� W Q UJ [nQIU-�lna�z z w O Q X w ¢�¢ Hp KU LU_ Z K U U S n ujU Z�00 u_ 2 > co O a = o to U F- ~ cf) N (A 4) co Z �= m L mmim n. uW cN N ++ E W = °' o ...J E N X p W �� to (o aZ SED ARc.,/T KRISTI W HANSON 04 NO. C 24847 ,p REN. 081312015 9TF OF C p, \F, REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST, DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 Q CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED ELECTRICAL PLAN SHEET E 1.1 DATE: 1/ 13/ 15 Design and Title 24, Inc. 77-085 MICHIGAN DRIVE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760)200-4780 uA.ww.�-cottcesign,gndti€le24.c rm QP tAO;� Y� QPry�116Qo v^6p. W � m w � 0 w 0 00!'w0 z" O o z i Mz gI �- W � w>}i}=W cn > W w Z F- 0 z ¢ W w co O w Z¢ r-_ w z 0H o 0 E 0 O ¢ w Ir 0 ¢ cnwxUwWcnz r - Off - z �zcn0 �CN7z~¢uOaZ w Z w w 0¢ w O D U O 2 D Zp zw=)M —af 0 Lu Lu w Z 0 U) LL U) U O w . 0 0 F w Z W 0 1 W ¢ W p to S M 06 N N N W Z F= m J a L: LL cN a > N E Liu ._ > Q N� CJ x W 'q cy aZ �� S�D ARC c�� KRISTI W HANSON N0. C 24847 ,p REN. 081312015 9TF OF C REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB, 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED HVAC LAYOUT SHEET M 1.0 DATE: 1113115 REPLACEMENT PANEL MANUAL OUTSIDE AIR HOOD DAMPER BLADE 4e MANUAL OUTSIDE AIR DAMPERNFa xAC, x LYCr, D.r4R C Min 2-#10 or 2-1/2" lag bolts, screws in each grille support (typ) Building framing Install per code, consistent with roof ern ieb irm Strap (2 per grille-typ) Duct Connection per Min 2-#10 or 2-1/2" lag code and manufacturers bolts, screws in each grille recommendations support (typ) Install per code, Vol Una Damper consistent with roof (asrequired) structure Min 2- #8'( 8X 1" screws in each grille support Mount grille at ceiling (typ) Install per code Diffuser hanger 24 GA GALV SM ANGLE SEISMIC BRACE (AT EACH GRILLE) GRILLE & DIFFUSER HANGING NTS LOWVOLTAGEASSPADETERMINAL REQUIRED f�✓`~ CONNECTION C G / CONTROL PANEL y AIRCONDITIONING - o Y1 / UNIT W2 OMMON AN COOLING HEATING JUMPER "„�"" RH RC C G Yl W1 B O W2 Y2 REVERSING VALVE HEAT (d required) WIRE O—REVERSING VALVE COOL (Hrequired) �4ECON0BTAGEC ) rncrtu.etecrxoxic W2 -SECOND STAGE HEATING (ffmqve G (ii,eutl) rnenNasrn. RH— 24VOLT SUPPLY HEAT r. RC— 24VOLT SUPPLY COOL THERMOSTAT WIRING NTS PACKAGE UNIT ROOF CURB (typ.) NTS EXISTING 24 GA GALV SM ANGLE SEISMIC BRACE (AT EACH SECTION OF DUCT) rt, Min 2- #10 or 2-1/2" lag bolts, screws in each grille support (typ) Install per code, consistant with roof structure Ductwork Min 1 1/2" hanger strap 18 ga. galv. Install per code Maximum distance between hangers 4 feet. Refer to mechanical code and duct manufacturers installation guide. DUCTWORK HANGING NTS DUCT W� TUBE EXHAUSTTUBE TESTING STATION Duct smoke detector / \ (photo -cell type) —/ Install peq PoweREMOTE TESTING STATION (MOUNTED FLUSH TO CEILING) oontauisnm DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR. HVAC SYMBOLS CLIP (typ) AIC RESTRAINT A/C UNIT CLEARANCE Allow 30" clearance to service side of unit, 48"above unit, 36" on one side and 24" on the remaining sides. 12" on side of ductwork Allow 24" between units or to meet code (which ever is more) /j ROOF MOUNTED PACKAGE REST ROOMS HEAT PUMP CEF C Ri ® CEILING EXHAUST GRILL 39W 120v-1 PH CEILING SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER 1.1 HARD CEILING 22 CEILING SUPPLY AIR DIFFUSER Lai T BAR CEILING 47000 CEILING RETURN AIR REGISTER 23.6 T BAR CEIUNG 27.3 SUPPLY DUCTWORK 78 Ft"TUFP'. MICTWORK 13.5 PROGRAMMABLE THERMOSTAT (S) DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR OO OUTSIDE AIR CLIP (typ) AIC RESTRAINT A/C UNIT CLEARANCE Allow 30" clearance to service side of unit, 48"above unit, 36" on one side and 24" on the remaining sides. 12" on side of ductwork Allow 24" between units or to meet code (which ever is more) /j CEF REST ROOMS PACKAGE HP GC -220 C Ri 104 CFM @ 1/8" SP WA r,rs/VOLTS 39W 120v-1 PH SON. -'s 1.1 LBS. 22 ZN 1600 PACKAGE UNIT CLEARANCE NOTES. CEILING EXHAUST FAN WI BACK DRAFT DAMPS FILTER ASSEMBLY -(pre -manufactured or custom made) WEATHERPROOF ROOF JACK -- ROOF EXHAUST DUCT MINIMUM 26ga. METAL DUCT WITH SMOOTH INTERIOR EXHAUST FAN THRU ROOFNTa r,,-2" SMS TRUSS 1 V2" LONG LAG BOLT ANGER STRAP \ `DIAGONAL BRACE t•.`�/X"" ` SINGLE GANG SWITCH RING 1 112" LONG LAG BOLT A..S. FN.RFAD 2 112-.210.1,69a. 112" NUTS & WASHER ANGLE IRON BRACKET CONNECTIONS TO STRUCTURE. Existing Exhaust Fans COOK GEMINI CEF REST ROOMS PACKAGE HP GC -220 C Ri 104 CFM @ 1/8" SP WA r,rs/VOLTS 39W 120v-1 PH SON. -'s 1.1 LBS. 22 tfi,'/ BACKDRAFT DAMPER AND WEATHER PROOF R00F JACK New HVAC Units Existina Curbs CARRIER EQUIPMENT AC 1.2&3 PACKAGE HP 50EZA48 BTUH OUT (heaL) 46500 HSPF 7.7 COP 3.0 HP @ 208 23Li'V- 3P'r 1 HP C.F.M, 1600 B f'UH OUT (cool) 47000 I- LA Cd) 208 2:30V- 3PH 23.6 OACA cr 208 2305e_ 3 IA 27.3 SOUND RATING (db) 78 SEER" 13.5 EER 11.5 L,SS, 436 REFR9 ERANT PURON R -410A -r'§ ERNIOST T PROGRAMMABLE Confirm unit locations and curb size. Select unit that fits curb or provide adaptor curb. I'~a: ® The drawings are diagrammatic and do not release the contractor from the responsibility of installing the HVAC systems per code requirements, free from defects and in excellent working condition. Installation shall be done by skilled workman, trained for the work performed. ® Verify all dimensions and existing conditions at job site prior to fabrication and installation of material. ® Roof mounted units shall be mounted on the existing curb and in the space required. Coordinate with the general contractor and related trades. EtEstablish with Architect's approval final location of all equipment, ductwork, etc. Units shall be installed in equipment area as indicated on the plans. Coordinate with general contractor. ® Equipment shall be installed per code requirements and per manufacturer's recommendations. ® Duct sizes are net inside dimensions. Increase duct size where internal duct insulation is required. IIP All work shall conform to the state and local code requirements. • Verify at the job site the exact location of the structural members such as beams, columns, etc., prior to location equipment, ductwork and grilles. Coordinate with related contractors prior to installation. ® All HVAC equipment shall be approved prior to installation by nationally recognized standards and evidenced by the listing and labeling of an approved agency (CMC 302.1). ® When more then one HVAC unit is installed in a building, each unit shall be permanently labeled to indicate the area or space served by each unit (CMC 303.6) ® Exhaust termination's shall take into consideration its location to openings into buildings and to air intakes. ® Equipment and its prefabricated curb shall be installed so that the height complies with screening requirements. 1B All thermostats shall be electronic programmable type 7 day. Install low voltage wiring as required. ® Locate thermostats per code and as directed by the architect for best system efficiency. ® Seal all ductwork as required to comply with Title 24 requirements. The ductwork shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations. ® Flex ductwork and fasteners shall be U.L. 181 approved and be installed without shape bends or crimps. Use minimum 2" wide hanger strap. ® Metal fittings plenums and boxes shall be sealed and insulated properly. ® Ceiling diffusers for T -Bar shall be Air Guide #LCD -T series 4 way with OBD or equivalent T -Bar grille. ® Ceiling diffusers for hard ceiling shall be Air Guide curved blade series 4 way with OBD e Return air grilles shall be Air Guide #RA series (to fit t -bar as required). ® The HVAC contractor shall provide low voltage wiring as required for each package system per manufacturer's recommendations. ® Upon completion of the project, the mechanical contractor shall balance the air flow at each register and grille, test operation of the equipment and install new filters. ® All mechanical equipment shall operate free of any objectionable noise or vibration. ® Coordinate location of the condensate drain with plumbing contractor. Pipe primary condensate to an approved receptacle. ® Coordinate high voltage wiring with the electrical contractor. The electrical contractor shall provide line voltage wiring, high and low voltage conduit, disconnect switches, fuses, etc. for HVAC equipment. • As required by local codes, the mechanical contractor shall provide state approved fire dampers or smoke/fire dampers where required for penetrations through fire rated walls. floors and ceilings. ® The general contractor shall provide framing required for the installation of the HVAC system. It is the responsibility of the mechanical contractor to lay out the openings, platforms, curbs, etc. for the framer. ® Duct smoke detectors are required for air moving systems in excess of 2000 cfm and be mounted in the supply plenum as required by the code. An air moving system is a system designed to provide heating, cooling or ventilation in which one or more air handling units are used to supply air to a common space or to draw air from a common plenum or space. ® Disconnect switches shall be provided for all HVAC units (CMC 308.0). Show required working clearance to disconnect per (CEC 110-26a) (see electrical drawings). ® Provide receptacle for service and maintenance within 25' of mechanical equipment (CMC 308.0) (see electrical drawings). e Provide hoes bib on roof for maintenance to the equipment. ® Appliances designed to be fixed in position shall be securely fastened in place (CMC 303.4) ® Install outside air ductwork from each unit to a roof jack with insect screen, outside air shall be filtered. • Install a manual volume damper at each unit to balance the outside air intake. ® Exhaust vents through the roof jacks or wall louvers shall be a minimum of 10' from any openable door, window or outside air intake vent. 10 At the time of rough installation or during storage on the construction site and until the final startup of the heating and air conditioning equipment, all duct and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered with tape, plastic, sheetmetal or other material acceptable to the enforcement agency to reduce the amount of dust or debris which may collect in the system (CALGreen #4.504.1) ® Mechanical exhaust fans which exhaust directly from bathrooms shall be ENERGY STAR, ducted to terminate outside the building and unless functing as a component of a whole house ventilation system be controlled be a readily accessible humidistat. Humidistat shall be a Honeywell #H46D1214 120V (2010 CGBSC 4.507.1). e HVAC design and design per 2010 CGBSC 4.507.2 ® HVAC installers shall be trained and certified. Approval by enforcement agency. FIRE SERVICES NOTES' 1. All duct detectors shall require an acceptance function test. The test shall be witnessed by the Indio Fire Department for automatic shutdown. Testing shall be in accordance with NFPA standard 72, and manufacturer instructions. All subcontractors shall be present (HVAC, Fire Alaem and Electrical). 2. Duct detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm system to initiate supervision unless otherwise required by thr Indio Fire Department. 3. All concealed smoke detectors shall be provided with access panels and remote LED indicators located below the ceiling to indicate the location of the smoke detector it is serving. SCO t t Desfgn and Title 24, Inc. 77-085 MICHIGAN DRIVE PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760)200-4780 ww:�.:;c:otrdeSipr�Hf'Id€1t1c24.�rr: �e� QP e5 VP 2P�� otic cTs QPti� �Qo 1 OWOO - Y�zaCv 2fU0o>o LID Z U-1 w uS U O Z}a U - w 3 Q Y Z w LU 2Q F- LU Z O W Z H w Z d � O W W O w w U W 3:Q H-Q� I– Z J Z LU CO p4¢ro'nW Zr) Z w U, O g X= — GO Q 0 2 W(5 W 1- ZmzW�01-W 90M _ O Lu 27 0 0 0 w - O w o _ W Z w O DO < rn = oes 4) N Z � 3 00i JCL W N 114- c N > .r+ E W O CL E V M cc C CD •� XE 00 a W -1 Cy aZ �J S�-D ARc y/T c�� v KRISTI W HANSON �} N0. C 24847 U, REN. 081312015 Q 9TF OF C `FO REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB, 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED HVAC NOTES SHEET M 2.0 DATE: 1/13/15 STArE C L`.VJIA INDOOR LIGHTING CEGf,M,r r.ti-IRs 1-1-tI CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE -USER INSTRUCT"NS indoor Lighting Pic;E_t Liam, Next Level Fitness Tana EYE Improvema Clin late Zane: STATE OF:AUF 4zNv YES N FrARM INDOOR LIGHTING m r3ti tr CEcl RCC -C RL1 ElAs,1 Joon,) NRCCLTl01-E CERTIFIfATEOF COMPLIANCE -USER INSTRUCTIONS (Page 1 of 5) hduur Lighting Clin late Zane: Conditioned Floor Arca : 3 942 YES N FrARM ALL YES NRCC LIT -0I -E illi ate of (" - a e C< an Bance. r.11 e la >r a g i r 15 Unconditioned Floor Area:0 NO NRCC-LIT -L13-E I,ct Ugltlny IS A,ewance NO NRCC-car 612E T ilo ee Mcth.,d wn.kaE ets General Information IL,e Ynitage Track Lighting%lb,kzheets J 00, 293-04 60 NRCC-LTl 01-E, page 4 Budding Type: '1_ E3 S, how 0 Nonresidential e Public. asls ❑ Relvcaiabi Stix ❑ ❑ High Rise tial a eRe Iden F) Id Int .c. i II red .5 tut;, p ❑ ❑ tkere:l+MeHx:l a 1 , d rtltl[YnE'd Spate, t t.rn a F Phase of Constructlen: ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ❑ AElot tricr, Method of Compliance: ❑ Complete Building EI ,Area Category ❑ Tailored N4Hi! a COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTS liodaH, s far each document incuded) ford=ta,.ei rerruzr ors c.the b,, vfthapr_va C+er3v Cammuxbn. YES N FrARM ALL YES NRCC LIT -0I -E illi ate of (" - a e C< an Bance. r.11 e la >r a g i r YES NRCCU-U2-E Lighting Centroi,, Ceciftcate of tio,faemce. al IYAF aculatEor Ali Pages rc.ul;vd on pl.m far a6 scb"Inth-- NO NRCC-LIT -L13-E I,ct Ugltlny IS A,ewance NO NRCC-car 612E T ilo ee Mcth.,d wn.kaE ets NO NRCC-LIT-05-E IL,e Ynitage Track Lighting%lb,kzheets Summary of Allowed Lighting Power Conditioned and Unconditioned space Lighting must not be combined for compliance Indoor Lighting Power for Conditioned Spaces indoor Ughting Power for Urreonditioned Spaces 4114; -tail Watts 8022 Vdatts 0 O Installed Lighting IDsta(Iad Cigndng 0 bo D. n0 J 00, 293-04 60 NRCC-LTl 01-E, page 4 + . NfPORTABLE 46.65 46.25 6.00 ONLY FOR OFFICES 0.610 _. 000 coo r2. NRCC-LTI-01-E, page 3Minus 2!33.04 8±560 - 6725 me oral, ,","'i Lightng Contsm Gedts IF. Amtructki Test Description M+«us �lrrebControl CreditsNRCC 9a a,lnatrp_r tdCAl - LTE -02-E, page 2 s n C':PC,F: LTI-tt7sF,page 2__ _ m a:ts-JI h s Adjusted Installed Lighting Povaer - 3,373 Shcu=teA rnstnl9ed Iaghdir�g Power _ 0 ^APSottPer (Pass, I Plus Ines 2 n141ti row 3) office :a .. fact fYp'N I mt�Lda (OW 3j F32Ta, ane drmmabla ela=imtic beriartj a g CA Building beergY Hflclency Standards -2013 Num d°ntial Compliance saTE OE L a.:xra INDOOR LIGHTING C-C-NRC,L• Bt-E,R.,,rdi6a4, CERT{FlCA PE OF C OMPLIANC.E - USER INS [RUCTIONS Indoor Lighting prgest Name; Next Level Fitness Tenant Improvement tcra naa:e: Next Level Fitness Tenant improven P Space Heating Space Cooling Indoor Fans Heat Rejection Pumps & Misc. Domestic Hot Water Lighting Receptacle Process Process Lighting TOTALS Percent better than St. nisman Fission Marain 3 0 2 E 050 467.8t1 4114; -tail 161451 8022 S 22 0 O 0 to a (h) 0 bo D. n0 J 00, 293-04 60 .6.fi6 5165 60.15 250 46.65 46.25 6.00 0 0 0.610 _. 000 coo aorr. 0.a=; 2!33.04 8±560 - 6725 Heating COufing Fans Heat Rej Pumps DHW Lighting Receptacle Process Process Ltg 7.693) ( 16%excluding BUILDING COMPLIES 90127120131 Building Orientation cry FF) 313 deg Conditioned Floor Area ? e42 sytt Number of Stories t Uncondihcned Floor Area 0 sgft. Number of Systems 3 Conditioned Footprint Area 3,942 sgft Number of Zones 3 Natural Gas Available On Site Yap Front Elevation Left Elevation Rear Elevation Right Elevation Total Roof Orientation Gross Area spin. Stift sgft sgft. sgft stiff. Glazinq Area sgft. Stift. spit. Stift, sgft. sgft S+ sten, Name tufo) 650 336 nvH 065 d LE) 17M isE) 6.0 64 (SW) 6.45 112 17.6'A 2,670 512 19.55c 39+2 a u0 s Standard Proposed Preamptive Values for Prescriptive Lighting Parser Density ury VV(sgft. 0641 Vdlsgfr. Comparison only. See LTI-01 for allo+led LPD. PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Part 3 of 3) PERF -1C Project stairs :eDare Alext Level Fitness Tenant Irnprovernent 1012712014 ZONE INfORNIATION Allowed Lighting Povvca S+ sten, Name Zone Name 4 va u;ccv TLre Floor Area is ft Il>_f LPD rV1Lf?' Cfd. Aioo-d C'redlts Area (wisfil CN SC LPD _ Pmc. Tailored Leads d•K,5 I, Pk':sfl HVAO 1 BcntB,rap 1?sercise, (-Nnnasuw 1,315 0.667 Installing Contracter. The ca tractor w ho b,tallad fire agipmentls red o-sible to elth .-03 Acct tre -cc ptaarsa H'SAC 2 Persona, Fr-11,B,a Erercise Gyrroivarurn t,189 0.160q21 ❑Field Oupector det .. coed HNAU Fit ,1 42 sIAisnnacc.im t.456 091d acme -Before otcupGocy ye: ±rz Granted all newi.......hall Prcccsszystenls ,,at be tested mr me oral, ,","'i applicably to On,, oItloo€ IF. Amtructki Test Description 3 E 9a a,lnatrp_r tdCAl - Complete L'. -I ar Descripciunat s n CorJlat , .. are Ueaulptlun _ m a:ts-JI h s R, scuare S�EO ARcF 3!ampFl vraacent tr>if<r, G 3 <'' d ^APSottPer F raiyr .,,;'v, area nwhidl office :a .. fact Z= F32Ta, ane drmmabla ela=imtic beriartj a g sIr - ° lR i n ti<esa,uminaaes are'irmisd Pass Fait 1X4X2 (2) 4 it Fluorescent TB 70.0 ® ❑ 12 140 Exercise, Gymnasium ❑ ❑ 2X4X4 (4) 4 it Fluorescent T8 114.0 Q ❑ 33 3,762 Exercise, Gymnasium ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Enter sunt tribal of ail pages into NRCC- TcLal in;ralled portable lune n eu, wall, that me greeter than 03 watts pci square foot per office: ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CY ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ D Ysr, _ iry-_-O-SL ❑ N t s. 3. 5 TI r 2. See LTtC2 3. 11TI-03 e See Lit -04 (te- mSsc ll.At s eIrl3l:r�'Foal ;,I,,c r, co.,. +;vs tics -na!:en EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST The local enforcement agency should Pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These it... raqulre special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justifications, and may reject a. building or design that otherwise complies based an the adequacy of the special justification and documentation submined. NKO>LTI-01{; Page 2 C3 The exceptional features listed in this perfarmame, approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. Authorized Signature or Stamp tneleit 63 b✓ Eosgp5c/t lire,Nmabec 6712 RunCode:2014-10- 7TIS.22:58 ED Page5ol3 Y' TEiFCALIFCPr *^ INDOOR LIGHTING CACEUR.k eMER6' r't +L.o Cv x- GEC NpieeCiT=Ci-c Pc ^=J :4�11 S) NRCC-LTI 01-E CERTI KATE OF Cold PLIANC E- USE R INSTRUCTIONS (Pass? If If Induct Lgilbng Clztaaeparedr 10127:2014 ,t a 't' Nest Level Fitness Tenant Improvem 5. Complies ONLY if Installed `; Allowed Ccmrrytiee ONLY if Installed S Allowed Form{Tine Allowed Lighting Povvca NRCA-LTI-03-A- Must he submitted for automatic daylight controls. wed Ligasser Allohting P NRChLTLx 1-E - Most be subnxtted for all Lu;idigga 6. Ctmditioced NRCC-LTI-03-E, peget ^5393 Unmedahened NRCC-LTI-03-E, page 1 0 - :ones and veli( forms ate Ila" .r [es that he submitted. Re[ain< Deduction of Required installation Ceetificatas-Uedare by selecting yes fur all Installation Ce21t� a { I y Completed and >igned. } YES NO Form{Tine ❑ Field luspecmr NRCA-LTI-03-A- Must he submitted for automatic daylight controls. ❑ Field Inspector NRChLTLx 1-E - Most be subnxtted for all Lu;idigga ❑ Field Irrspector E F NRi.6LTl-02-E- Most be sukimiaad for a lighting metro, system, or for an Energy Management Control System (EM _S), to be recognizes for conlpli'll, " ❑Field qupc¢ar E F G NRCI-LTI03-E- Must be submitted for a line -voltage track/letting integrai current limiter, or for a supplementary nized for conr:1briee. OVP rent 1JtFt-Ll pana.l used tSconly lne sn a e V ick lighting, be recognized ❑ Field Lrspector Installing Contracter. The ca tractor w ho b,tallad fire agipmentls red o-sible to elth .-03 Acct tre -cc ptaarsa NRCI-LTI-04-E- Mus: Le s ubinitt,d to, v u:Atadocked systems Serving an auditorium, a conveuticn center, a - - to barecognized for,om lianse. conference roam,amulfi purp se room, or [heaterp ❑Field Inspector on,wrzlbihty car ma acreptir e ta.0 .g. each pPrien she l sign e d Submit the ( eAfir,t, of Acceptance apinill o le to the pvt`ia, NRC7LTI-O5-E-Must ba wbnottdfataPovac,Adjusvnwill Factor tPAF) to be recognized for cir ... pliance. ❑Field Oupector det .. coed ec_eptan,=testthen,e',car NRCI LTI-06-E-Mfrs: be aubtlfled for additional AWtivge installed in a video l VoLwenchrg Studio 10 be recognised for ❑ Field lnstreLetl rr rl Dad ation of Required Certificates of Acceptance Quare by checking all of the Certificate, of AfCeFtance that will he submitted. (Retain copies cad verify forms are completed and signal.) YES NO Form;Trtle - -- �- Installed Watts NRCA LTI-012-4 Moat be submitted for erxupm.cy Sa¢uoix and aotctuatic bare switch cQuOdr. ❑ Field luspecmr NRCA-LTI-03-A- Must he submitted for automatic daylight controls. ❑ Field Inspector NRCA-LTI-0C A - Must be submitted for demand responsive lighting controls. ❑ Field Inspector 3,Io 2014 CA 80ldiag Energy Effici, Icy Standards -2013 Nul Iasiderbal tc npliance r r - r is aril c - Y r S ! Lighting ?own )ntedur xhbrn 5<11edtJe+ n. t - unditien r-onditimred. axes astdlen Lr nUr this Ase urate lir h.uu Schedule tvfust Be A71eJ _cat cart ed crud Ura ( ] 1 � ] Y f F d f ID CONDITIONED SPACE ❑ UNCONDITIONED SPACE rT E OF cA:FCR ss MECHANICAL SYSTEMS e NRCCMCHa Re:oed Cu141 u:>a JW CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NfiCC-LTI-01-E Mechanical Systems {Page 4 of s) , t-cl- Next Level Fitness Tri C. INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Luminaire Schedule Installed Watts Location Field inspector' A B C D E F G H E F G H I How wattage as Installing Contracter. The ca tractor w ho b,tallad fire agipmentls red o-sible to elth .-03 Acct tre -cc ptaarsa test rotor, set er ha aa q-11fied 6nut, runth=rest ter if . ii A or. trait re P,I su"Fos I_aN, on,wrzlbihty car ma acreptir e ta.0 .g. each pPrien she l sign e d Submit the ( eAfir,t, of Acceptance apinill o le to the pvt`ia, of At. cunstre,tluu or installato n for .arch they _re respond E'e. Enf s cement AgencC det .. coed ec_eptan,=testthen,e',car `G Ptand, o, - The NRCC`NIGH 01-F jatm !s net cs,"J±red a completed form cad rs natio A,,ccepted by the building day,rtment ualeza thecar: eat bo,es are She.ked. respiilLy for Alva accepter-,casuvA each persou'lAzA acme -Before otcupGocy ye: ±rz Granted all newi.......hall Prcccsszystenls ,,at be tested mr me oral, ,","'i applicably to On,, oItloo€ IF. Amtructki Test Description 3 E 9a a,lnatrp_r tdCAl - Complete L'. -I ar Descripciunat s n CorJlat , .. are Ueaulptlun _ m a:ts-JI h s R, scuare S�EO ARcF 3!ampFl vraacent tr>if<r, G 3 <'' d ^APSottPer F raiyr .,,;'v, area nwhidl office :a .. fact Z= F32Ta, ane drmmabla ela=imtic beriartj a g sIr - ° lR i n ti<esa,uminaaes are'irmisd Pass Fait 1X4X2 (2) 4 it Fluorescent TB 70.0 ® ❑ 12 140 Exercise, Gymnasium ❑ ❑ 2X4X4 (4) 4 it Fluorescent T8 114.0 Q ❑ 33 3,762 Exercise, Gymnasium ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Enter sunt tribal of ail pages into NRCC- TcLal in;ralled portable lune n eu, wall, that me greeter than 03 watts pci square foot per office: ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CY ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ D Ysr, _ iry-_-O-SL ❑ _Ilii -IFil tical air.11 "ones int!+ ❑ NKO>LTI-01{; Page 2 CA So Jdr, Energy EHiclency Standards -2013 Nenrezidemot C,s,,iianee June 2013 J, A, 2014 NRCC LTi -G1-E (Pa3u3 of 5) tCI27 2014 Aseporate, ttgbring Schedule Mnst Be filled Out for Ci nditianed and USA, on,vi Toned .Sprees. Inszmled Eipbtirry Prower Irsterf cn this Gdnrin2 Shcer(ole is antyfor: ❑ CONDITIONED SPACE ❑ UNCONDITIONED SPACE A. INDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE and FIELD INSPECTION ENERGY CHECKLIST Eli he actual indoor lighting pourer listed on this page and a; the next page includes all Installed h=rmanent and Planned portable tgrting systems. ❑When Complete Huilding Methal is used for eoaipliance, list each diffe rent typo of lupin ire on Separate lin es. ❑'±Rhin Area Category Method or Tailored h1ethod is used for ccmpliaz,ca, list cad i dif ferent type of Iurrinaira by each diff ernt funcrlon area on separate €inns ❑ Alsa include [rar:k iightina in sehedute, and submit n;e tea^k lightingre mp(ianea form (t3RCC-LTI-QBE) when line-aodtage track Ighting is.nsaA est. B. Installed Portable Luminaires in Offices - Exception to Section 140,6(a) ❑ This rection ,hail be filled outONLV for p.,tatce luminaires inoffice, (As defined in §100.1). All other planned portahf, [com"m"a, steal! be documented on next Page of this wnrplaa -f ern. - ,. r osteine Gohtim F, •,lunred for mr cffica ❑Thr.z setimlcaused to d�teruhr;e ifglenta than b.3 omiL of e g I 1 zF Ina .,e fou aid ta�c[her. This al�uv;ance at arc t'ical'harr', tbesmnc general and cert pie lighting) rent off c-�. Small offices h Li e ! b g I = u a s tar to line for each different yl t .. t g € ❑ fib out , 1 shall not be waded between offires having different iloi g systems. - Office Portable Luminaire Office Installed Portable Luminaire Watts Per Squareaa� Office Location Field Schedule Foot Inspeetar A B C D E F G H I t Installing Contracter. The ca tractor w ho b,tallad fire agipmentls red o-sible to elth .-03 Acct tre -cc ptaarsa test rotor, set er ha aa q-11fied 6nut, runth=rest ter if . ii A or. trait re P,I su"Fos I_aN, on,wrzlbihty car ma acreptir e ta.0 .g. each pPrien she l sign e d Submit the ( eAfir,t, of Acceptance apinill o le to the pvt`ia, of At. cunstre,tluu or installato n for .arch they _re respond E'e. Enf s cement AgencC to irrherru-roe[n_ ec_eptan,=testthen,e',car have a gaal:rad_ntz,,r_, Ptand, o, - The NRCC`NIGH 01-F jatm !s net cs,"J±red a completed form cad rs natio A,,ccepted by the building day,rtment ualeza thecar: eat bo,es are She.ked. respiilLy for Alva accepter-,casuvA each persou'lAzA acme -Before otcupGocy ye: ±rz Granted all newi.......hall Prcccsszystenls ,,at be tested mr me oral, ,","'i applicably to On,, oItloo€ IF. Amtructki Test Description 3 E 9a a,lnatrp_r tdCAl t rye , ExC th se Farrah Ium re, are MCH CxA MCH -0A CorJlat , .. are Ueaulptlun MCF, -SLA m a:ts-JI h s R, scuare S�EO ARcF Installed Va£ve leakge SupplyWater F LED,eed rc bnJet, Fxnitem mocvtcvt. ^APSottPer A.IrUnitary office :a .. fact it P: 0.7 , VAV Test Temp. Reset direct itdtrectj Luminaire v cion (8 x C } (d ( E j IF -0.3} MCH15A M,CH-iGA MCH -17A variable As, Control E,ulpment 2af Fault Detection& Automatic Trull Dktnbcted Energy 12.01.14 TEco iEnergy repo, Air Cendenaa,Water 01.13.15 Carrier 5CEZ051 3 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Q ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Enter sunt tribal of ail pages into NRCC- TcLal in;ralled portable lune n eu, wall, that me greeter than 03 watts pci square foot per office: LTI-41-E; PoEe 1 CP bu[drug En erg, Elliciency Ste `aids- 2013 NaraesideedA Cars, ante lune2L14 STAT,=O '.IIA it r MECHANICAL SYSTEMS G.FmtJ a._JLn f .,S o51.�r00 CEGNR.GIOE16KlR,aed4014 NRCC-MCH Ul-E I CER11FICATE OF COMPLIANCE (Page 1 of 3) Mechanical Systems 10;27;2014- Next Level Ffiness Tenant MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions an the use of this and all Energy Efficlemy Standards coorp&once farms, refer to the 2013 Nonresidential fNr Anaal Nate: The €nforcernent Agency may require alt farms to be a¢orpoxrted onro rhe building Plm'. YES N6 Form(Wbd<aheet 9 Title ® ❑ NRCGMCH-01-E(Part1 3j Certifica€e cat Cunlpliarce,Dec€aratiun. Required on plaru for all suuuulttals. [T.} ❑ NRCCRICH -0Y-E(Part 2of3) CcrtiB¢ate of Compliance, Required Acceptance Tests{MCH-02Ato11.4). Required on pians for alt;uhrnittais. EI ❑ NRCGMCH-Ol-E(Part 3 of 3) Certificate at Compliance, Required Acceptance Tests {MCH -124 to 184(. Required on plans where applicable. ❑ ❑ NRCC-MCH 02-E (Part 1 of 2) Mechanical Dry Equipment Summary is required for all submittals with Central Air Systems. It is optional on plans. m ❑ NRCGMCH -02-E (Parc 2 of 2) Mechanical vJ E Equipment Summary is required for all submittals with filled water, hot water or condenser water systems. L's optional on plans. El ❑ _ NRCC-MCH-03-E Mechanical Ventilation and Reheat is required fes all _unri le with multiple zone heating and cooling systems, Itis optional on plans. MECHANICAL HVAC ACCEPTANCE FORMS (check boa for required foor l QP P5 Dezlgner' Designer. Tfiir fi,r . i s m to useJ y (h_ J�Tgner ane of tpcb_d:a rt, plans. Listed ae Fir ores+( ±fie v.-.eptenre test, fir HJa1C sys[..n '. This farm ^smhe used tri ffieds3 r 'alt htlt, tF_y:o itdo,ow tlten,Yp nete�ef,rhtACsyst ms.T eN}e-y fr Fez rP p'c blit. for all vexeptonce reate thu t aPS[Y and I'll ..if eg u;Frneat tial require too ao,s, r, -,mat R2equipnre.t of the s are type Our r equJ,'. i u test, Jilt the esupi,e I It Jvrrh..a civ the n, ribs or r,i s,, IS, installing Contract a les[, tea tf e equtr� _n[ des,ripf.`on vnd th e r,nr6�r of syster^�. Installing Contracter. The ca tractor w ho b,tallad fire agipmentls red o-sible to elth .-03 Acct tre -cc ptaarsa test rotor, set er ha aa q-11fied 6nut, runth=rest ter if . ii A or. trait re P,I su"Fos M on,wrzlbihty car ma acreptir e ta.0 .g. each pPrien she l sign e d Submit the ( eAfir,t, of Acceptance apinill o le to the pvt`ia, of At. cunstre,tluu or installato n for .arch they _re respond E'e. Enf s cement AgencC to irrherru-roe[n_ ec_eptan,=testthen,e',car have a gaal:rad_ntz,,r_, Ptand, o, - The NRCC`NIGH 01-F jatm !s net cs,"J±red a completed form cad rs natio A,,ccepted by the building day,rtment ualeza thecar: eat bo,es are She.ked. respiilLy for Alva accepter-,casuvA each persou'lAzA acme -Before otcupGocy ye: ±rz Granted all newi.......hall Prcccsszystenls ,,at be tested mr me oral, ,","'i applicably to On,, oItloo€ IF. Amtructki Test Description CIA -034 MCH 0'Atglazo`1 MCA -04A tdCAl NICtt-0GA MCH 07A MCH CxA MCH -0A _ MCH -10A MCF, -SLA Equipmeni Nof Ctutdcmr Air EmnamizerCemand S�EO ARcF Supply Fan Va£ve leakge SupplyWater Hydronlc Autolrelknits A.IrUnitary 61std6r,vvn ControSs Cottkml VAV Test Temp. Reset System Demand Abed v cion Duns MIH -144 vs,ttaue. MCH15A M,CH-iGA MCH -17A variable As, Control E,ulpment 2af Fault Detection& Automatic Trull Dktnbcted Energy 12.01.14 TEco iEnergy repo, Air Cendenaa,Water 01.13.15 Carrier 5CEZ051 3 ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CY ❑ ❑ ❑ CA 5_Iilding Enc gy EtRcier¢y Standards -305 Norresicfential Coxnpllance {Page 2 of 3) 10.'27; 2014 MECHANICAL HVAC ACCEPTANCE FORMS (check box for required forms) QP P5 VP Designer. Tfiir fi,r . i s m to useJ y (h_ J�Tgner ane of tpcb_d:a rt, plans. Listed ae Fir ores+( ±fie v.-.eptenre test, fir HJa1C sys[..n '. The des'3n.rG r<qa-ed to .neck th,e vFR'z<t-+, bores far vt`t amegtonce rest rho[ apply oral tut cis ego pinent drat r�gpl a s an aaeyronce test. Ati egurpnaenr j rn� a>me [yPs rte requfres a les[, tea tf e equtr� _n[ des,ripf.`on vnd th e r,nr6�r of syster^�. Installing Contracter. 2> cn LD1,10= M 06 INAA TLe_1eloictor 141x, stedthe egc h++int is r_srors'b'e to irrherru-roe[n_ ec_eptan,=testthen,e',car have a gaal:rad_ntz,,r_, it tetfar them. If that, u,s fersca teas respiilLy for Alva accepter-,casuvA each persou'lAzA sign and cuts it the rertlfE,,r, f v.c<eptaece applicably to On,, oItloo€ IF. Amtructki ts:alneart fir rvli they are D., -he fo:iowh,g tests regcGe a O C s E N� E w � M N ~X 0 e� � W Cy Enforeamenl Agency: aZ �� S�EO ARcF Ptancbeck- The NRCC-h4CY-01 E form isnot mnsideecd is comptetedfonn and fs tete, 8e vt urpted bg the maldlr;g deyurfrrrenf unless the vueci boxes ore dreck d. in;pe a sc,fyrevrao nq perrt its ldmh>- I tta'edpru,es'zpstertn en,#be tested toe re pray' „Peravans'. C, REN. 081312015 Test Descr+pN_on MCH12A MCtr-13A MIH -144 REVISION LIST MCH15A M,CH-iGA MCH -17A DESIGN DEV. MCH -18A E,ulpment 2af Fault Detection& Automatic Trull Dktnbcted Energy 12.01.14 TEco iEnergy repo, Air Cendenaa,Water 01.13.15 ELMS Perri D, Te,ing units Dlagnosn,, for DX Detection& StoreyeG{ASC CONTACT: Kristi Storage (TES) femr rogue Reset Reset Canirals M 3.0 DATE: 1113/ 15 cr Vxrti,at on Chits J a t<a=or Air & :,stets S"tanu Cuntruls Lone Carrier 50EZG5( 3 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl C3❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ O ❑ ❑ ❑ C3 a 13 13 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Cl ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ J,ne LU14 CA 60: d'nS Energy Effi<ier.ry standards - 2013 Nam e� ser tial Canpllelce June 2014 QP P5 VP QPM �S gy. ^6p0 L m ~ O O O ti0 a � O z L`LEI 0 O>o�z U : LU = W Co > P- G Z> Z O W �tU)M <zwULI W a LU 2!< tai Z d H- K O Q os w of O�;: Q CowmQ W W b Z H H z J Z So O C/)QC=W Caro W Co Z O of W X O W Q UJ w ¢ _ Qr) OLu of 0 W z Z 0 H K� X - LU Q p W H Y LULE,Q LU U 0� CA 0 0 2> cn LD1,10= M 06 INAA Av/ W ell W Z� W l ci aairaF M Mai CL �, In O G LLW CNI C14 4-0 E f!1 O C s E N� E w � M N ~X 0 e� � W Cy in I aZ �� S�EO ARcF KRISTI W HANSON N0. C 24847 {� C, REN. 081312015 9T6r OF Cis, REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 Q CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED MECH TITLE 24 SHEET M 3.0 DATE: 1113/ 15 £ ETEC G 4 :1.4.: AI HVAC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS rE�dTC MFJ Ewe :iS _ _ C4 rl;RN'.ltiER;Y PtlwCdr - {Eft i It1CAT E C I U)M1ih1AN -E hR S-RAi:Hi V -F YES FIVAL Iny sly,Uan Ret relents - - _ _ [dsael lot Control Requirements Cskd - � Next Lavei Fifnsss Tenant Ins^ro�.ement ��" 1Q°7:=.114 - Ugn[mg hail he antroll-d by 111 co[ t-'n1d lighting cone c! damce, v:hich are cern@ed to the ErergY Coaamis<ion actording io the Y[le 20 Appiiarce Date 10127.2014 ZONE SYSTEM SUMMARY EI - lcY F.cguizt oll, lit ..mrda , with Sactair 1109_ � Equipment Tags and System Descriptions HVAC 1 H`:rAC 2 RVAC 3 Iia V�(aF_!i fC VAV Fan MANDATORY MEASURES T-24 Sections Reference to the Requirements In the Contract Darumaird, 5SSEnI {Ca((If T'a 110.1 or 1102(a) 6� Heating Equipment Ef denly' §I10.0 Aliitionity an lnitaliatlon Certificate shall be subni[iei in jecI 0cevitt eti,in P041b). 110.1 Is, 116.21x) Cool lE Eq' pment Ett =tncy' v, 110.2(b), SiD1(e) IyOdl"to,-Fro nt at J,,d beiras[ailad In ith Syctini130.4(h). I IVAC or l[eat Pump Tlrer nostate im.2(di `c' Fu¢ to S.mldby L,sl Control "A' "Aicis in ji' l"I ca with Sec don 130.1. OW . 114- O N N Loy: !4aka ie AHUF {+ all thatl,ay, or=lter'.' ifEcempted) 120.1{b) G,lIelat 1 ghtargo t III, "'I curtclad Iron it other ty,hurg systema ni n Flocs d rail dl_play, ind.,Jspla; case diplay, o namenai, Ventilation' Tank t. ValueEsShins 120.1{t)4 A Demand Control Ventilation' rr ntayand siI effect=_ 11,I shall each be separatelyc trolled; :n accord iewidl •coon list I(j)4. 5, 120.212)3 E Occupant Sensor Ventilation ConcOf G H I,irtl iev,thghtiigc tmitqui Welt.n uo n..e with Section 130.1(6). 5h,,I,ff ndR... TCi "sols' R All n taikd indo,,l I;i ting shall Ise eqv peed frith Controls ties neat the applicable etwtuFP control requiarot is in Section 13al(c). M Control ❑giIting I, all De41rt ZonaS shall 6e contolled in uC... Lanc e yoitil the requil2mentl in Section 131 and taylit zonea are shown on the pians. E120,2j��,flh:) Type/ De- i ptio;i cf Lighting ISolaf ion Zones r MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS Lighting poiaar'ut buildings largerthan 10,000 square feetshallbe capable Of being aitcmatica',ly reduced in response to a Demand Responsive Signal :n Automatic Demand Shed Controls area dance In, So a;cbi 130A(e)_ - Economiser FDD dlfom rot wmp ^Cy p1nuM1 Is granted for I «ewlyc.nS ructLd building or arca, or ane, lightir g system 1111415 a buibhlg, Ilea, or 1Itc is operated for Qif. HP ItndIIu t T e In Plenum Oui5ltle Sunec. r_cr,.a.ive vnN Sa�sfou 1,0.4.61. Trt mr.wis rt4.kreJro«rat[ i. }u.:Cz*r..c-n_,.ar m"'nor.... _u.'Tr_, „4yRgn[:>rtr<„nus: aG. sh a -UF" PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES „ 144L4{a K b) Y Y .t. 01.13.15 Equi nllut I, .i.rd m cutfm r aucc scrim CONSTR. REV 1 r 140.4 to 3 b) CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED MECH TITLE 24 SHEET M 4,0 Lmzeon iu Buildiug Soppy Fan Pr sure Control of 140.4{d) CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS z %ion Itane..s HCal/cools 140.4(e) ❑ Econoli iter Name 140AM enc Out C( Aux_tW EfticE _ Out[ u� Efl dehey Scotus _ Heaa aIIJ Cool Ait Alpply Reset oirvi, r,n t �Gc duYl g}rt, 14Q4(g) _. - El,ctnc Hlslatancl Hearing �" 140A(1) g Duet Leawage Seating and Testings' Notest 2. 1. AvwHs n,aipment n,I(eg. AHU 1 to IQ and i's[emdesrriPCon fey. single Dint VAVreheat]as oplsicl-,obte P-1irNpte uvits I etc..l with so .... I'd,, Iear, L.a IsD,.P tm ri r: I- 4 'in"ifa Y"Inf 2_ Now 1e e(. [ lnJl (ce Il T eiK n-5 J an.tlu 1 I iuvsl 1 .HJT t nrr t uah k Yin 3u,lb,"I If fi re to r salut Entr NrA fto lireu r r! 4t.Irrakf r H: rrou n.. 0.50 618 21.9 ear rrrertn r..a sil r rile fo lowv,�nlrci rr at z [ulcn F '1 -•t-s er r. cos must rrlctade ol7o 7 f 7. The r-erencec cors and � S I F Y s Y m as 1, pays, 24 minirnant thicvncy regwre ne .ts, m,d oc[oal ry e.i =qurY/lle rt eft-re•sies WileC n:,:iY+ rf r gig req iron r so- nip,rmb(z(e.qfu!!-atH F'°n-fr+etdf inctu[ie alt. Where appLunce staraord aVVfY (f:U.t1„d.nGlg what Personal Training occsensor=-725sgft et �r t tr ss ocelli r' d m Ev hst d pe. Ri e _0 F6N2 [ s q 4, fc vr fy beha,, tho oaitifatia,lrel" rens jts are Cl-cantltedfor ra hcoia,, t/ACsyst n. me i=reJerenr o yt ms;aC ..nrr •3`oHt sSaR ':r lVvr"9e[ 6,12 Pub0cali 2014 -f0 -21T15:2258 n,rt i du es ttls y 'r s f perrto, .fw urn re as nitemtly ve rtil-t dldertTy where qua vera sfPll it ttre Pa:e17rfl7 I, um'nnd specs in lw.NfOrpl ,,,,, Inbaj t, teosni l5st d.,a prrnd/cu MCN P3-r'fnrm. 5. )f 0112 pC 1119rt S-nthoSLiCtI'J(idiJ.rR{ifd VClltl,QttOtlld2ntlly WhelrlLlS eYeCfjledLiCIV[71nLf rnP Sensorsptc f'rrnkr3Rd'onrtt?la 70 5 4 2rCOf n,]C[at alt 2?, r sy fo er- >oa le 11.:oc'.1, Itsensory "Id rlit'anfm(dentify ru:4ere.t isxpecifed I .. lvaa,g the sa-io sp ztpadoazI rd _❑_ .- ._ Fltln42 b s f Ilfar larelln.1111 7. jtr rm ODhrn fjah s<rt a3fol the s{srm fortf t} oyti Hat iCrt �-Yh' k(jr T "tf vsJ LUH ('f rey.3;r_Mi. 0.50 585 19.5 a. tYPnfay .here n hcohug, Pca ng r d eocrtond iirfto,vs are di ar:cd}o-r tns sysno. in udc� re...rLx serve Y s rf hien of til � sone wntrc s a da a MCH 03-E;ornl 9. Eno YJA r]tr sw eleetr 5eu rn7 tidlesysten.here tool vtn9 indl ate wraith ex eFtian [oTsr?.41`H}ai'Y;ie_. Y40 26 Jr,r o•rct Creta. erin brad t,.aGn, nre'vired aMCH1W-A orni , alx eo8niitied. ❑ ❑ :Ae Log Energy ENc' Y-rndaNs 033 Nuuisid "IC nol:ance hoe8014 ?�7 E W IF erg AT ci ca INDOOR LIGHTING -LIGHTING CONTROLS ? INDOOR LIGHTING LIGHTING CONTROLS OEC NRCC - a'_ Re ll 4 I:..JFJRh A 171E'V C"WIll 1 CN CERTIFCATEOFCLMPLANCE NRCCLTl02 E I tdoo - Cg1't t g - Uyl t «� Qrt[roLs {Page 2 of 3) "" ` Next Lsrel Fi6ness Tenant improvement _ L ' �" 1027x2014 _ 11, -11 e r i a I I I 1 c_ P ii i 1:,:. Imi to r9v i I alent a f l narad". n.;and""s,III)tiSeIie>hif, Prort r(II,it at ate e nil is ab] e to t he hro it CL Mandatory Lighting Control Declaration Statements (indicate if the measure applies by checking Yes or nu helo`v,) YES NO Control Requirements Cskd tion' Ugn[mg hail he antroll-d by 111 co[ t-'n1d lighting cone c! damce, v:hich are cern@ed to the ErergY Coaamis<ion actording io the Y[le 20 Appiiarce Date 10127.2014 ZONE SYSTEM SUMMARY EI - lcY F.cguizt oll, lit ..mrda , with Sactair 1109_ � m fighting hsll I,,Ontell,d by a ligttmgomrol a system orrnr gy management control system.n accordant yith§110.1. An instalfoton Can fr'cate Iia V�(aF_!i fC VAV Fan ,JI beehm[md r, ac-orlance in, S --..on 130 A{bj_ It. Nanl. 5SSEnI {Ca((If T'a Ore or moreTra_x fighting integral Qdrelat Unitas, III be Installed vA,ich have been ca,UGed to the Energy Con mission in a.mrdance vilth 511D.9 and 6� D §I10.0 Aliitionity an lnitaliatlon Certificate shall be subni[iei in jecI 0cevitt eti,in P041b). f ATI tk U'gi mg < pplemer Cary UverCuts ent Prot c vn FI shall he installed in accol will Seetian 110.9 andS2rtien 130.0. AddidonaOY, an v, W =_ IyOdl"to,-Fro nt at J,,d beiras[ailad In ith Syctini130.4(h). Z� All L@Ft ng contro Is and equrpmztlt shall Complywhil the applicable taquiremens in §110.9 and shall be installed in accordance uaM the manufacturer's `c' T "A' "Aicis in ji' l"I ca with Sec don 130.1. OW . 114- O N N ?JI lun'.inairac sh 11 ba fuuctoualy corialolled vri h 1 anvally switoiesi' ON and OFF i6i,tjlO,mntroi In so,.,dant with Se, Jon 130.1{aj. {+ all thatl,ay, or=lter'.' ifEcempted) w is G,lIelat 1 ghtargo t III, "'I curtclad Iron it other ty,hurg systema ni n Flocs d rail dl_play, ind.,Jspla; case diplay, o namenai, Energr RE y Factor Stontlby Loss oor 'I'd,R Tank t. ValueEsShins and t rel effert IlahLig hall LhbeIlParatey cantrelied on a r,urts not ,r,, 2U amps cr les fv lien traakight tg is used, gel real, d',P!ay, A 0 rr ntayand siI effect=_ 11,I shall each be separatelyc trolled; :n accord iewidl •coon list I(j)4. D E T e PI 2 3l light ng Uf ab f Tan[ osed area Iota 5qua'a beet Or la[ge! .Midi a L.nt e(ted lighting load tilatexLeedSli.�, Watts per 59uare foot Shall [T2et the G H I,irtl iev,thghtiigc tmitqui Welt.n uo n..e with Section 130.1(6). 1 R All n taikd indo,,l I;i ting shall Ise eqv peed frith Controls ties neat the applicable etwtuFP control requiarot is in Section 13al(c). M N ❑giIting I, all De41rt ZonaS shall 6e contolled in uC... Lanc e yoitil the requil2mentl in Section 131 and taylit zonea are shown on the pians. Type/ De- i ptio;i cf Lighting l r MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS Lighting poiaar'ut buildings largerthan 10,000 square feetshallbe capable Of being aitcmatica',ly reduced in response to a Demand Responsive Signal :n Cl ❑ _ area dance In, So a;cbi 130A(e)_ - o dlfom rot wmp ^Cy p1nuM1 Is granted for I «ewlyc.nS ructLd building or arca, or ane, lightir g system 1111415 a buibhlg, Ilea, or 1Itc is operated for _ Conttoi Qif. HP ':Or n..l l.r, b.J Lrlr1_ting tonal` ,erving the rea, ursite shall be,Is,bp_d as rr:ecti .g the Aaeptan-e Requirements for Cada Cnnrpliala in T e In Plenum Oui5ltle Sunec. r_cr,.a.ive vnN Sa�sfou 1,0.4.61. Trt mr.wis rt4.kreJro«rat[ i. }u.:Cz*r..c-n_,.ar m"'nor.... _u.'Tr_, „4yRgn[:>rtr<„nus: aG. sh a -UF" a „ wntrols, and demand responsive wn[rols. CAE _ugEie,,,Crisis, il is ,dards 21.3 Jo aeaidc Ca.4u vP 'once TA T7cCID MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND REHEAT `llr4 rt i et YH' CERTIFICAI E OF COMPLIANCE Mrdrbiic l Ve,iUsimi h Reheat UE COMPLIANCE of g Li6hung Cr .t'�Is 1 extLeFltness Tenant hnprorrement �' "`�"`" 10'27!2014 '-I A separate douunent nuist be filled out Icr 1,ondiiiuned and Umm1rdltioneti Spores. This page is algid only for the folio P2iog: © CONDIT(ONEDSPACES ❑ UNCONDITIONED;PACE5 MANDATORY AND PRESCRIPTIVE INDOOR LIGHTING CONTROL SCHEDULE, PAF CALCULATION, and FIELD INSPECTION CHECKLIST A rger ,=''ca et,cdads 293Nor adiiraa o,,pllana �i 10 a` PAF Credit Cskd tion' NRCC-MCH-03 E Date 10127.2014 ZONE SYSTEM SUMMARY L:LL.ci{t � m i}.?C:S.i Iia V�(aF_!i fC VAV Fan DQ p zDO O W M Do K 0 F- Of -w It. Nanl. 5SSEnI {Ca((If T'a 10,27;2014 6� D G f ❑ D v, W =_ Z� Sib u Is, ds L.,r I,hF;WAI,r `c' T DHW ! BOILER SUMMARY OW . 114- O N N Lighting Control Schedule {+ all thatl,ay, or=lter'.' ifEcempted) w is 'cif IGaCt . Energr RE y Factor Stontlby Loss oor 'I'd,R Tank t. ValueEsShins _ aS AOa*rLUF-fi o:9c JecYrr_ A 0 C D E F G H I 1 R 1 M N O Type/ De- i ptio;i cf Lighting l r MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS 9TF OF C P��FO Cl ❑ _ Hot Water Pum - o $is _ Conttoi Qif. HP ❑ T e In Plenum Oui5ltle Sunec. crtrult.e ccu�ai 'sensory a „ ',:: 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 r M CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED MECH TITLE 24 SHEET M 4,0 Lmzeon iu Buildiug autcmatls ttr ,,Vbch of o CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS z ❑ ❑ k Name Ory. enc Out C( Aux_tW EfticE _ Out[ u� Efl dehey Scotus _ EXHAUSTFAN CFM EHP Roam Name aro. oirvi, r,n t �Gc duYl g}rt, U...is _. - RCam Name �" rHClIp g 2. Ul 0 I I etc..l 1,315 0.50 618 21.9 ICA 219 6658 Y CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY Personal Training occsensor=-725sgft ..nrr •3`oHt sSaR ':r lVvr"9e[ 6,12 Pub0cali 2014 -f0 -21T15:2258 FAN RETURN FAN Pa:e17rfl7 , 70 0.40 2?, r ❑ _❑_ .- ._ Fltln42 Occ :zoasar - 125 syft 1,139 0.50 585 19.5 10.0 195 585 Y 64 Y40 26 ❑ ❑ I Total 0"85 Flt in 4 ❑ ❑ 1,458 0.50 723 243 16.0 243 729 I ❑ ❑ Total 729 ❑ ❑ T El 0 CGntu.I CIeitPAGE tOFAL Limnni Column NIP 54 IF MULTIPLE PAGES ARE USED, ENTER SUM, TOTAL t1F Camel C,edit for all pagea SERE (Suns of all Cnbmn Mt. 54 ERL2r Ctlnt[Oi Cre IIY Cv'teI into NRCC-LTI-Ul E; Page 1. 4130J(a)=Malluafare� <ontrcls; §iJO.L(bj At![!!Pve1§13Qt(rj=Auto Shtrtiff'§13U.1Idt=Nnndatory DcyJiaht, ¢130.1(ej=Dema rd ResYmisuti; 3190.6fd)= F o;rionol ]hr' dmne..c: ra. d[o Cm.I r PAP§*16.6; d)Fres riptrue SeroodTry Sid<Ir Drry':dfir CaotroL^^. 22. Eh,,k liber, 140.6 Afar IolllCF.IrGr.Plus. 'hulllllil pe rend"dbens.eea"IcDc,gfted Onix JI:L1 ..t ..:!-d (:O. S At If oli,ira"Lli to COIN Il PAl on lisst,110./n O"tfcar, i aLv requ;red to eefli7ed alit, niar>=Y and a:bn,ie_ed. JweN14 A rger ,=''ca et,cdads 293Nor adiiraa o,,pllana �i 10 a` Fn'i.11,11I *textTwat Fames Tzgaet hrpoDemant r641,rA 1 4a1 C:^tM__ T�M1 m:ay:,rc NRCC-MCH-03 E Date 10127.2014 ZONE SYSTEM SUMMARY L:LL.ci{t (Page 1 of 2) _ Z O W Z ¢also lL Z CLI=- F- d' i}.?C:S.i Iia V�(aF_!i fC VAV Fan DQ p zDO O W M Do K 0 F- Of -w It. Nanl. 5SSEnI {Ca((If T'a 10,27;2014 6� u g3 Cutude � Air _ ,irCSLL Il nF=M cQI. PNEN3 Part 2 of 2 NRCC-MCH-08-E Fn'i.11,11I *textTwat Fames Tzgaet hrpoDemant F a e{{Name Next leve! Fi€Hess Te»ant lmpro va:nent T�M1 m:ay:,rc 4r j ''e Date 10127.2014 ZONE SYSTEM SUMMARY L:LL.ci{t O CC OC O} F- a H > Q Z U } ZUld Kba I_}¢Z W _ Z O W Z ¢also lL Z CLI=- F- d' i}.?C:S.i Iia V�(aF_!i fC VAV Fan DQ p zDO O W M Do K 0 F- Of -w It. Nanl. 5SSEnI {Ca((If T'a MIn CFM any, keatin' cccacr Ralin 6� u g3 Cutude � Air _ f ❑ D v, W =_ Z� W $ T DHW ! BOILER SUMMARY OW . 114- O N N d ++ N W stem rvame T' a Oi U b lion 4t . led Input 'cif IGaCt . Energr RE y Factor Stontlby Loss oor 'I'd,R Tank t. ValueEsShins _ aS AOa*rLUF-fi o:9c JecYrr_ P:`F4pe5II654 SSe tl s Na tae.: D Agcy/TF v��SEto ❑ ❑ KRISTI W HANSON ❑ ❑ No. C 24847 l r MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS 9TF OF C P��FO Cl ❑ _ Hot Water Pum - o $is _ Conttoi Qif. HP ❑ T e In Plenum Oui5ltle Sunec. SF,£ 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 M CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED MECH TITLE 24 SHEET M 4,0 Ast CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS z ❑ ❑ k Name Ory. enc Out C( Aux_tW EfticE _ Out[ u� Efl dehey Scotus _ EXHAUSTFAN CFM EHP Roam Name aro. EXHAUSTFAN Room Name any CFM SHP EXHAUSTFAN RCam Name ai CFM BHP rHClIp - ar 0 j 2. Ul 0 I gOafC 1,315 0.50 618 21.9 ICA 219 6658 Y CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY ..nrr •3`oHt sSaR ':r lVvr"9e[ 6,12 Pub0cali 2014 -f0 -21T15:2258 FAN RETURN FAN Pa:e17rfl7 Total 558 CFM SHP CFM SHIP �.: ,'JOc LQE{I .. ¢roc vet' Nu cW ^um mr Faison 0,656 049 OpRe 1,139 0.50 585 19.5 10.0 195 585 Y I Total 0"85 Flt in 4 1,458 0.50 723 243 16.0 243 729 Y Total 729 Yellmv d - q t t R g I L t d u 6 h 3 t V Y Il abytt x p g t L t. TF i t rt fP dla rz.. d y r 1 t de it d l D. TI g t t fp y ,Tpi bth - 1 P b :- h t g d E. A t 7 C o b t lid th UDC t_- DDC vat E g rq n drff�re t l t r 1.11b d F. T ,er.4.r stir pro detlnIRe c:mdt neaetat AY9o..(Wlul:n FII,) V,abor0 th D�grPr ryD,b,a.d Alti IIOiaconCi. H. N tat t P' S t P 1 :gal A 1 ea.du ,fludscat..d� PI Li urtt -of the e.HC.tecr- icr.rr�cc, pa a,a.d SlYiufu'•L CDCvc., -ad for eg< nPx -Ncc, 'id -lit ting. @i. R-,.uad,�rGafn Afi," iF-c'd4erCa A111), die aro, a.he rel-lai, s. .... Ni_anAr.v4 TVOIS or Ori,RANCf aAS,SlI-mllor.) N. ih c .. ar3'f,':=tl<erx,..tiheCe:[an PCmary Ue..haeddrf s.vump'es .La^,rA==area'- In... bAa the lS:,a' -r C sedcolrnm f. Ci C 3 F Y Aril --0...f DD.D gnP / A I" 030 forty UDC. trtl D P ary CuingT db.'. aaha. iJO.fm, the �a ,. .abl�, P. M11 iC' M nr 1 OIftl J .g r Y by -GO tnc [ H.. - t N b:. a This .i ... ret 1,ot b I',' a P "'.Ilia,R to fi - t I I are. z ¢ i -tF 1_,11 r t 1 A. p g i Y 3AHi .. D Cf DCC P P b F ban.DDC o,,D t l .,o .oi gAtj ..:r s300 -I,, Ll c T. 300 f sit M t... P. I , tr D er» r 1 -n t s T. h, Woma _ roes .Let er ., iCeG .glP h,rep ne,_La d A -d., vv at Lbs o,e level cnp'e. >-ra h>.�aar.-= _ ."f -;n _ CA Ruud -.g E ,,,i Effoen yS v dans ':_13 tvr I zY: 1t aI II IIII ;eHex MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS Part 2 of 2 NRCC-MCH-08-E Fn'i.11,11I *textTwat Fames Tzgaet hrpoDemant F a e{{Name Next leve! Fi€Hess Te»ant lmpro va:nent 6d0 QP4eDid Date 10127.2014 ZONE SYSTEM SUMMARY CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY O CC OC O} F- a H > Q Z U } ZUld Kba I_}¢Z W _ Z O W Z ¢also lL Z CLI=- F- d' O ¢ W [ o ¢ F -of F -Z JZao SYSTEM VAV Fan DQ p zDO O W M Do K 0 F- Of -w It. Nanl. 5SSEnI {Ca((If T'a MIn CFM any, keatin' cccacr Ralin a Faleat Ccll I SHIP 'LC u g3 Cutude � Air _ N ❑ D v, W =_ Z� W U Y L DHW ! BOILER SUMMARY OW . 114- O N N d ++ N W stem rvame T' a Oi U b lion 4t . led Input 'cif IGaCt . Energr RE y Factor Stontlby Loss oor 'I'd,R Tank t. ValueEsShins _ aS AOa*rLUF-fi o:9c JecYrr_ P:`F4pe5II654 SSe tl 092 n� Na tae.: D Agcy/TF v��SEto ❑ ❑ KRISTI W HANSON ❑ ❑ No. C 24847 ❑ ❑ - MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS 9TF OF C P��FO Cl ❑ _ Hot Water Pum - o Hat Water Pi in Len th fi _ Conttoi Qif. HP ❑ T e In Plenum Oui5ltle Sunec. Adtl `%'" Insulation 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 M CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED MECH TITLE 24 SHEET M 4,0 DATE: 1113115 CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS ❑ ❑ EXHAUST FAN SUMMARY Name Ory. enc Out C( Aux_tW EfticE _ Out[ u� Efl dehey Scotus _ EXHAUSTFAN CFM EHP Roam Name aro. EXHAUSTFAN Room Name any CFM SHP EXHAUSTFAN RCam Name ai CFM BHP rHClIp - ar 0 j 2. Ul 0 I CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY ..nrr •3`oHt sSaR ':r lVvr"9e[ 6,12 Pub0cali 2014 -f0 -21T15:2258 FAN RETURN FAN Pa:e17rfl7 Jac. 2014 2C.4 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT DETAILS QP Part 1 of 2J NRCC-MCH-08-E F a e{{Name Next leve! Fi€Hess Te»ant lmpro va:nent 6d0 QP4eDid U)an Of O Y 0� Dalt 1 012 712 0 1 4 CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY O CC OC O} F- a H > Q Z U } ZUld Kba I_}¢Z W _ Z O W Z ¢also lL Z CLI=- F- d' O ¢ W [ o ¢ F -of F -Z JZao bid on <(nomZ CI z wW 0¢ w z DQ p zDO O W M Do K 0 F- Of -w PUMPS E ul want Name T e at Elicarty Tens Pump of GPIA BHP Control N N _W v, W =_ Z� W U Y L DHW ! BOILER SUMMARY OW . 114- O N N d ++ N W stem rvame T' a Oi U b lion 4t . led Input 'cif IGaCt . Energr RE y Factor Stontlby Loss oor 'I'd,R Tank t. ValueEsShins _ aS AOa*rLUF-fi o:9c JecYrr_ P:`F4pe5II654 SSe tl 092 n� Na tae.: D Agcy/TF v��SEto KRISTI W HANSON No. C 24847 UT REN.081312015 �� MULTI -FAMILY CENTRAL WATER HEATING DETAILS 9TF OF C P��FO Hot Water Pum SCHEMATIC Hat Water Pi in Len th fi _ Conttoi Qif. HP CONST. DOCS. T e In Plenum Oui5ltle Sunec. Adtl `%'" Insulation 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED MECH TITLE 24 SHEET M 4,0 DATE: 1113115 CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS HEATING COOLING Name Ory. enc Out C( Aux_tW EfticE _ Out[ u� Efl dehey Scotus _ _System x. "_'ai ,501060 Faaa .d GX 3 .line oo Zi6HSf-F i],.iJP l3 112SEEol).SEER Nrn• CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY SUPPLY FAN RETURN FAN S s[amName Fan Type ECrowm¢ertype CFM SHP CFM SHIP �.: ,'JOc LQE{I .. ¢roc vet' Nu cW ^um mr 0,656 049 OpRe I E.rr•gyPro 6. ar Fle�gy`.,oa L.:Sr Numoerb]12 pnLntla: 2014-142 €:22:68 P., IQ `]r Itrl QP P5 6d0 QP4eDid U)an Of O Y 0� 0 < W C1. DID Cj Z LI-O}o�z W O Z W n CC OC O CC OC O} F- a H > Q Z U } ZUld Kba I_}¢Z W _ Z O W Z ¢also lL Z CLI=- F- d' O ¢ W [ o ¢ F -of F -Z JZao bid on <(nomZ CI z wW 0¢ w z DQ p zDO O W M Do K 0 F- Of -w W ¢ OU1�LL C-) Q� O O O = W U H F- W ¢ D to _ 06 N N _W v, W =_ Z� W U Y L OW . 114- O N N d ++ N W > _Q J ea U C0 C W, �y R O e- 0 W W c � Q V D Agcy/TF v��SEto KRISTI W HANSON No. C 24847 UT REN.081312015 �� 9TF OF C P��FO REVISION LIST SCHEMATIC DESIGN DEV. CONST. DOCS. CITY SUB. 1 12.01.14 0 CITY SUB. 2 01.13.15 CONSTR. REV 1 CONSTR. REV 2 1408 CONTACT: Kristi SCALE: AS NOTED MECH TITLE 24 SHEET M 4,0 DATE: 1113115