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MUP 2014-1066
0 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 Office Use Only Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline Map � -Loi Notes: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION CJ JAN g 0 2414 CITY O Y DEQELOPMENT UIN COMMUNI Planning Stamp Sections A, B and C are to be completed by the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies, reports and exhibits listed in Section D unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon. SECTION A - PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Project Description: FAV )LLIbJ� �Tt 1 t.)zrQ APN #(s): C7 Site Address/ Location: �,11� _ s 4 t- General Plan: Zoning: Specific Plan: Proposed Use: Proposed Phases: Related Cases: Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION B - STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future.. thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: X qb 'i r Hours of operation: Number of employees: ;7, List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: e,-LTX� Types of equipment and processes used: L rJG. L Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: T Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION C - APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant: L, �t�tr�� f �r�J'J=,�► is'�—��� -- .5 (Name) (Phone) 2&0 IN?A7D�kr4> (Mailing Address) (Email)VV kA_",qAA Owner(s): (Name) (Phone) )(Mailing Address) (Email) Architect: ,h ", ,4 ,-�u 'p - (Name) (Name) (Phone) (Mailing Address) (California State License #) Applicant Certification (Email) I certify that I have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. I understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Reaulat4ww Title 14, Section 15109. Applicant's Signatu Print Name: �f��z-� Owner Certification Date: / certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real roperty. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature' Date: Print Name(s):�,Ibf}L`� ''An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc i • SECTION D - APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - INITIAL TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY STAFF Each of the following items is required for submittal V unless a waiver is granted by City Staff. Any waiver # of E- must be confirmed by initialing of this form by the # of copies Waiver person granting the waiver prior to submittal. Please see paper by SectionOK'd Section D for the description and completion copies formatin (initials) rn requirements of each item. (on CD- FS = Full Size / R = Reduced to 11 "x 17" ROM) FILING FEES ❑ Filing Fees Receipt 1 NA NA APPLICATION INFORMATION ❑ ig Application w/Statement of Operations 1 1 NA ❑ ifl Site Photographs 1 1 PLAN SET ❑ Index Sheet 1 FS/3R 1 ❑ ip Site Plan 1 FS/3R 1 NA ❑ lS Floor Plan 1 FS/3R 1 Additional information may be required based on review of the project description. Submittal waivers may be obtained through staff consultation, a pre -submittal meeting, or a preliminary review application. No applications will be accepted by mail. Minor Use Permit Application Page 4 of s City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:Wpplication Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc • 0 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - PRIOR TO HEARING The following items are to be submitted after # of E - the project is scheduled* for Planning # of copies in Submitted Commission review and must be received by paper PDF format the Planning Department at least 12 working copies (on CD- days prior to the scheduled PC meeting date. ROM) ❑ CEQA Filing Fees 1 NA ❑ Bound 11"x17' reduction of complete final Plan Set with 3 1 colored Site Plan Sheets ❑ Full size (not to exceed 24"x36") complete final Plan Set with colored Site Plan Sheets 1 NA *If these required items are not received by the Planning Department by the end of the day 12 working days before the scheduled PC meeting date, the project's review will be re -scheduled for a later date. SECTION E - SUBMITTAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS FILING FEES Filing Fees are to be paid at the time of application. As part of the submittal process you will be asked to pay your fees at the Finance Department counter and return to the Planning Department counter with the receipt showing payment of fees which will be copied and submitted along with the other application materials. Additional environmental review related fees (if any) will be determined and payable at the time the application is determined complete. REQUIRED AT TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL Minor Use Permit Application Fee: $200* REQUIRED AT TIME APPLICATION IS READY FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fee: $64** Required regardless of exempt status * Payable to City of La Quinta * * Separate cashiers check payable to County of Riverside APPLICATION INFORMATION Application: A City application form complete with all requested information and original signatures in Sections A, B and C provided. If you have any questions regarding filling out the Application, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. Statement of Operations: The statement of operations portion (Section B) of the application describing various operational aspects of the proposed use shall be completed. Minor Use Permit Application Page 5 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 PAApplication Submittal Form sWpplications\MUPWUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Site Photographs: Provide one aerial view, at least one panoramic view of each side of the site, and specific views of any relevant or unusual features of the site. Printed images shall be at least 4"x6" and printed in color on 8%"x11" sheets. If you have any questions regarding the Site Photographs requirement, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. PLAN SET Plan Set: A complete Plan Set shall contain one copy of each required sheet, map or plan in the order listed below, stapled together in the order prescribed as a comprehensive set, and folded so that the folded size does not exceed 9"x12", rolled plans will not be accepted. All maps/plans/sheets shall be drawn on uniform sheets no greater than 24"x36" (or as approved by the Planning Department prior to initial submittal). Each sheet shall be drawn clear and legible, be accurately scaled, fully dimensioned, drawn at the same scale unless otherwise instructed, and include all the information as described in this section for each particular item. Order of Plan Set Contents 1. Index Sheet 2. Site Plan 3. Floor Plan 1. Index Sheet The Index Sheet is the Plan Set's cover sheet and shall contain the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan sheet identification number (such as 11 for Index, Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, and telephone number of person preparing map o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent • A data table formatted in the following order: o Assessors Parcel Number(s) (book, page and parcel number) o Legal description o Existing General Plan designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Zoning designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Specific Plan title and land use designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing land use and proposed land use o Total net site area identified in square feet and acres o Total building area identified in square feet and percentage of net site area o Total parking area identified in both square feet and percentage of net site area o Identification of parking ratios required by City code and provided o Number of parking spaces required by City code and provided o Number of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking spaces required & provided o Occupancy classification (per California Building Code) o Type of construction (per California Building Code) • List of Plan Set sheets • Vicinity map identifying project boundary line and location within surrounding neighborhood. Minor Use Permit Application Page 6 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:Wpplication Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc If you have any questions regarding the above listed Index Sheet requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 2. Site Plan The Site Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as S1 for Site Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of the person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent. • Graphic scale (engineering scale not to exceed 1" = 40') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Location and dimension of all: o property lines o required and actual setbacks for building to property lines and buildings to buildings o structures o landscape areas o drive aisles, parking stalls, and loading areas o pedestrian pathways, including ADA horizontal path of travel o trash enclosures o storage areas 0 on-site fuel tanks (above or below ground) o freestanding signs o fire hydrants onsite and within 500' of the project site o walls and fences o public utilities o public improvements, include cross sections o structures, driveways, parking areas, trees and property lines within 50' of project site's perimeter boundary • Name, location and dimension of all adjacent public streets and ROWS • Type, height, and location of all street, parking and pedestrian lights • Identification of General Plan and Zoning land use designations and existing land use of project site and all adjacent properties • Identify interior and exterior turning radius dimensions at entries and drive aisles for emergency vehicle access • If the project includes any phasing of development the proposed phases, including public improvements, shall be identified on a separate site plan sheet with a table showing acreage, building square footage, number and type of units, and number of parking spaces per phase. If you have any questions regarding the above listed Site Plan requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 3. Floor Plan The Floor Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project Minor Use Permit Application Page 7 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 PAApplication Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Ll o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as F1 for Floor Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent o California License Stamp • Graphic scale (not smaller than the %"=1') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Allocation and use of all interior and exterior space, including areas for waiting, gathering, eating, storage or display of merchandise • Location of all walls, doors, and window openings If you have any questions regarding the above listed Floor Plan requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fees: Checks payable to County of Riverside in the amounts specified for the proposed Environmental Determination as identified by the Planning Department Minor Use Permit Application Page 8 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc PREPARED 1/30/14, 14:52:24 PAYMENTS DUE INVOICE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROGRAM PZ821L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 14-00000017 MUP 14-1066 LENNAR MODEL HOME COMPLEX FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUP (F) 200.00 TOTAL DUE 200.00 Please present this invoice to the cashier with full payment. is 0 ��r,f 4 44, (,�ulhfa P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 March 12, 2014 Mr. Randy Schroeder Lennar Homes 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2014-1066 GRIFFIN RANCH CONSTRUCTION AND SALES TRAILER Dear Mr. Schroeder: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 FILE DOM The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request for a temporary construction/sales trailer for the Griffin Ranch project, subject to the following Conditions of Approval: 1. Once the trailer is installed, it can remain on-site for a one year period. However, an extension of the one year period may be applied for, with no additional fee, in writing to the Planning Division before expiration. The Community Development Director may, after reviewing the facts, extend the use of the trailer for an additional period at his discretion. 2. Use of the trailer shall be limited to the hours of construction as listed in the La Quinta Municipal Code (Chapter 6.08, Nuisances). A copy of this time schedule can be obtained from the Building Division. 3. Location of the trailer, parking and site design/landscaping shall be as shown on the revised precise grading and paving plan as part of the approved exhibits on file with the Community Development Department for MUP 2014- 1066. 4. A building permit is required for the temporary trailer ;and temporary eiectric power. Please apply to the Bui!ding Division for a permit (760-777-7012). 5. The trailer shall be placed a minimum 20 -feet from Storm Cat Court unless otherwise approved by the Building Official. 6. A building address shall be installed on the trailer to Identify the temporary business location (e.g., minimum 2 -inch high letters in a contrasting color). 7. Provide one 2A10BC fire extinguisher inside the trailer and sign over the exit doors which states 'Door to Remain Open During Business Hours'. 8. The trailer, if elevated off the ground, shall be skirted with metal or wood siding material. The skirting material shall be painted to match the exterior color of the trailer. The exterior surfaces of the trailer shall be painted and in overall good condition. 9. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by the Community Development Department. On-site directional and identification signs are generally exempt. The proposed monument sign must be approved by separate sign permit application through the Community Development Department. 10. No exterior lighting for the trailer is allowed unless approved by the Building Division. All security, parking area and landscape light fixtures shall be properly shielded or hooded to prevent light glare from being cast onto adjacent residential properties and streets. 1 1 . Mounted close to the front door on the outside of the trailer shall be a written notice informing emergency personnel of your 24-hour emergency phone number in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum one -inch high letters). 12. The trailer shall be removed from the site prior to the issuance of Certificates of Occupancy for the last new building on the site. 13. Provide restroom facilities to accommodate on-site workers. 14. Dust control measures shall be implemented for the construction/sales trailer parking area. Design and construction shall be as outlined in the PM 10 mitigation plan as approved for the Griffin Ranch site grading. 15. A separate Minor Use Permit (MUP), pursuant to LQMC Section 9.60.250 is required for approval of the model complex layout, circulation and landscaping. Per LQMC Section and C, signs and flags must be approved as part of an MUP for the model home complex. The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that may arise and are not addressed herein. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner c: Public Works Department Building Division Wally Nesbit From: Kassler, Bruce <BKassler@msaconsultinginc.com> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2014 7:48 AM To: 'ulrichs@uslandlink.com'; Greg Butler; 'Randy Schroeder'; Larry Liebel; Wally Nesbit Cc: tom.john@lennar.com; Murphy, Cherie Subject: 1721 Griffen Sales trailer Ulrich, Mylar is being signed by geotech today. We'll deliver to City as soon as we receive mylar back from Leighton. No WQMP is required because we reduced the square footage of the parking lot below the 5,000 SF limit. 5��e L,s /) /�)U �'0 f, , Bruce Kassler, LEED AP, CPESC Director of Production Services MSA Consulting, Inc. From: ulrichsCDuslandlink com [mailto:ulrichs@uslandlink com] Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2014 8:57 PM To: gbutlerCcbla-quinta org; 'Randy Schroeder'; Larry Liebel; wnesbit(c la-quinta.org Cc: tom.johnCdlennar.com; Kassler, Bruce Subject: Griffen Sales trailer Met with Greg Butler at the City this afternoon to sort through the outstanding items at the GR sales trailer. Address now 54-835 Damascus Drive. Trailer falls under State level Title 25 ..... no structural or electrical review at the local level. Greg asked his consultant to return structural calcs submitted. We researched the electrical. The City will inspect the installation of the trailer based on Power Plus application. Parking lot and WQMP the remaining item. Understood MSA was sending mylar today. Should be resolved tomorrow. Wally, will contact tomorrow to see if we can get the MUP. Thx U Spam Filter identified this as CLEAN. Give feedback: This is SPAM • More P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA,, CALIFORNIA 92253 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: Wally Nesbit; Principal Planner PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (760) 777-7075 FAX (760) 777-7155 SUBJECT: CRN 14006 Griffin Ranch Temporary Sales Office MUP 2014-1066 (Completeness Review) DATE: February 12, 2014 It U FEB 13 2014 Public Works has the following comments: aTY OF LA QUINTA OOMmuNITY DEVELOPMENT The site plan is deemed complete. A WQMP is needed for this permit because the parking area exceeds 5,000 square feet. If you have any questions, please contact Ed Wimmer, Development Services Principal Engineer, at (760) 777-7088, or me at (760) 777-7042. Sincerely, mothy R. Jon n, P. E. Public Wo ks D ctor/City Engineer STORM CAT COURT EX SEWER LINE) _ - -__TP 6 Z TP 483.77) 1 1E%. WATER LINETC (48495) F 483.58 1 2-81 _ FS 48 .]5 FS x83.38 0.508 OB 4804 �0 77% FICA (483.38 FICR 1 1 T in, !84.26 1 - - _ Ta i© FS 483.89WEDGECURB2FS a81 a, FS 483.99 _ _ _ - - s ) 1 1 B ,\ 1 1 $ FS 485-39 I' \: pll FS 485.19 \ 1 FS 184.51 431 FS 485 tl4_PROPOSED FL 483.81 PROPOS 55 SIGNAGE ECR ) 1 2 (SEE LANDSCAPE FS 485.51 ARCHITECT'S PLAN 1 ) j- FOR DETAILS) 1 1 1�FS x85.75 , 1 ) FS 485 7511 1 � EX. WATER) UNE 1 t 1 1 1 EP 18589 1 1 EX. SEWER LINE 1 LOT 219 ) TEMPORARY SALES CENTER TRAILER 4r D DE' FF 485.75 - - ' 1321 P 1 PE (485.6) PIT DEPTH PER P 405 MANUFACTURER'S 1 Tn._ ,�� y1 1� RECOMMENDATION TV ""11 SIGNING AND STRIPING NOTES CONTRACTOR SHALL FILM VERIFY ALL EXISTING STRIPING WITHIN lhL PROJECT LIMITS TO ENSURE COMPATIBILITY WITH THE SIGNING AND STRIPING PUNS. 2. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICKDONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION, AND CITY OF LA WINTA STANDARD PLANS. LATEST EDITION, HEREAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD PLANS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED 3. TRAFFIC STRIPES, RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS, AND SIGNS. (EXCEPT PAVEMENT LEGENDS), SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE CALTRANS STANDARD PIANS AND STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS HEREAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE STATE STANDARD SPECFICATIONS AND STATE STANDARD PLANS, 4. PAVEMENT LEGENDS NFOR $HALL MATCH CITY -OWNED STENCILS. CALL CITY INSPECTOR AT (780) ]]]- 7075 TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR RENTAL OF CITY STENCILS VE INFORMATION SHAUING MODEL NOS. OE PR STENCILS, 5. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS M SHALL SHALLCONFORM FO THE PROVISIONS IN SECTION BI OF THE STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, ENTITLED PAVEMENT MARKERS, AOHESNE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS KERS. CONFORM TO THE PROVISIONS IN SECTION 95-2.D4 OF THE STATE STANDARD SPECIFIUTIpNS ENTITLED RAPID SET EPDXY ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKERS. 6. ENTITLED STRIPES AND MARKINGS SHALLAND BE APPLIED IN TWO COATS, WITH RIN THE MATERIAL IN BOTH COATS. AND SHALL CONFORM 10 UM or 8+-3, ENTITLED PAINTED TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAND SE MARKINGS, AS SPECIFIED IN THE STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSTH NI ] C5, ERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF DAYS BETWEEN THE APPLICATION N OF THE FIRST END SECOND COATS ], ALL tRSHO STRIPING AND PAVEMENT LEGENDS AND RAISED PAVEMENT uARKEf TIUT CONFLICT IT CONFUSE TRAFFIC AS A RESULT OF THE NEWLY INSTALLED WORK SHOWN ON THIS PUN TMALL BE REMOVEDECO BY GRINDING, SANDBLASTING MAY BE HE COAT WITH PRIOR L TAKE ALL P BY PCITYRECAUTIONS ENGINEER. 8. DEBRIS FROM REMOVAL OPERATION SMALL BE GRINDING WITHIN THE WORK AREA AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE ALL PRECAUTION$ R SANDBLASTING TI PROTECT PERSONS AND PROPERLY ADJACENT D TO THE GRINDING OR OWRACTOR. EBRiSOPERAWITHONS THE DEEIMSROAD RESULTING FROM THEMO GRINDING OR SAR_ SWEEPING SFIALR HI IMMEDIATELY REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF B+ THE COMRKTOR. DEBRIS WITHIN THE ROADWAY SHALL BE REMOVED B1' uEC,4ANICAL SWEEPING OR HIGH-POWER VACUUM. B. RED SPECIFICATIONS CI M RFA RESULTING FROM REMOVAL OPERATIONS P T SCARRED VE E SURFACE E$ RO E OVAL 0 SHALL BE SEALED WITH ASPHALT PANT CONFORMING 0 SECTION 203-8 Of THE STANDAR D SPECIE RECTANGULAR SCARRED AREAS RESULTING FROM WORK LD GRAPHIC LEGEND REMOVAL SHALL BE FULLY COVERED WITH AN ASPHALTIC PAINTED STARE OR RECTANGONF SHAPE THAT ON 56-2. OBLITERATES 'R THE OLS LEGEND TORY. 10 ALL SIGN$ $HALL CONFORM TO SECTION H INT ENTITLED 'ROADSIDE SIGNS,' 75 SPECIFIED E THE VTATE $FILM OR SP ROVED EOU SIGNS NHALL BE BE MOUNT 2E0 SHEET FT/VN D USING HIGH TE INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH ST L ROADWAY WAY SIGNS OVERLAY FILM OR APPROVED EQUAL ALE SIGNS SHALL BE MOUNTED UNLESS S OTHERWISE NOTED FASTENERS. CONTRACTOR SHALL R+STALL ROADWAY &GMS AND POSTS PER THE 51CN AND POS SCHEDULE ON THESE PLAINS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 11. PER LLTION, C CODE SECTION {OMT M' THE WORK ID IN AN AREA WHICH IS KNOWN, - REASONABLY AN SHOULD BE KNOWN, i0 CONTAIN SUBSURFACE LEAST TWONS, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT UNDERGROUND SERVICE OW THAT P) ET 1-S THE 2-4133 AND OBTAIN AN INQUIRY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AT LEAST TWO WORKING DAYS (18 HOURS) PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK THAT PENETRATES THE EXISTING SURFACE. 12. DEPARTMENT uYDUT SMALL RI APPROVED BY COY ENGMEERMC DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF PERMANENT PNM. CONTACT THE COY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT O HOURS PRIOR TO CONCRETE iJ STEEL SIGN POSTS INSTALLED I1 CONCRETE AREAS SMALL BE INSTALLED IN STEEL SLEEVES TO FACILITATE REPLACEMENT; WOOD POSTS. IF APPROVED BY CITY ENGINNER, SHALL HAVE 12' X 12' CONCRETE FILLED BLOCKOUTS AROUND THE POST. ttP. 3'X3' PER SEC, 11 BACK ROUND AND SYMBOL 0 4' BLUE PNMT 6 Ar J D.C. 2 MAX. ANY DI'ECTKW TY BLUE PNM TrPILAL WITHIN THE ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL PLANT THE WORDS 'NO PARKING' IN I' NIGH WARE LETTERS MIN. DMGONB HATCHED LINE$ PAVEMENT SYMBOL (BOO F o OGRE THAT WITH 2961 BLUE UV %�.� WRITE OUTLINE QW(37 gHa CONTRAST'S WITH THE (TYPICAL) IIS 1 1 9 5• 3 1 � 1 1 \701(464.09) II 1 ' "�,mN 1 iL 0483.59) 1 i9J3 1 9. 6. 1 1 1 1 N 1 c/L c/L c L f 4 J'1� EP a64.36� 9 FS 485.75 EX. LOT LINE O 1 1 1 1 2 C 1 SLS 18J B4 1 L (483.31 1 m ,1 6 -•! FS 485.59 11 TCI• F 1 _ EP 4 5.59 11Go 11 , 1 DETAIL B YYW��'' -.1 1 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLD 5 1 p 9 LOT 218 23� 11 1 1 9 N.T.S. I F i I) PE (484.8) i�1 �� -.TV �d 1 �q 1 TP 464.51 83. 1 1 1 1 167` ,1 ) 1/2' RADIUS 9. Ex WEDGE CURB (�( ` , BLUE TP a6S.OB 81 1 1 1� 1 II ' lYP , 1 "A o WHITE A LXE6E A0. TPWHITED 16' 1 _ 1 REFLECTOR12E0 SIGN CONSTRUCTEDF TYP 1 1 % TCI 482.29 , WIT BEEEL FF4r , 1 GB F1'. 48 79 1 WITH BEADED TEXT uppiA� l / 4 c'1 )�7� 1 ` OR Eouk PARKING GeV m� 46- 1 's, t`F ` V� rhe sa 1 ONLY A.nwm ' / 1 ismi4 _ �` SIIGNETO CENTERED AT 4' WIDE 1� THE INTERIOR END OF DETAIL E WHITE PN"T •r ¢� 1' f �1 uu- 1 , ✓ PARKING SPACE ACCESSIBLE SITE ACCESS© F 1 1_ ` 1 1 �1 MIN. OF 70 So. IN. VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE DETAIL FL +6__ 5C AREA OF SIGN TO BE 10' 20' 30' 40' f 0- - G 1 - A N.T.S. EP', LOT LINE 1 1 I DESIGNATE FDR MINIMUM FINE $250 SCALE 1-=10 EP 484.70 1 WMEREARAPPSRO°RUTE 19'12 �. FL 484.43 1 B LOT 220 SIZE OF LETTERING 7 P 164.75 3. 1 S MIN. 1' IN HEIGHT FALL STANDING 2" FL 4 4-56 B PE (484.8) SIGN IS NOT LESS MAN 36' MIN. FOR 1 1 1 17' % 22' IN SIZE WALL MOUNTED _ ) 1 3 1 TOP Of DETAIL A WALKING SURFACE PARKING STALL STRIPING DETAIL(D DETAIL C N.rs CURVE DATA LINE DATA ACCESSIBLE PARKING CONSTRUCTION NOTES STALL SIGNAGE DETA�PPR�VEa PLANNING DEPARTi�E LA0. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT N0, BEARING LENGTH ` 3' 41Nu5 UNGROUTED COBBLE Oi CONSTRUCT 3" AC PAVEMENT OVER 1' CLASS 1 BASE- [1 9000'00 5.00' 7.85 5.00• LI N ]TO]L2 E 1627 N.T.S. c2 900000 IDD ..]1 3.00 u N 175218 W 4-00' DETAIL Dv DATE Q1 CONSTRUCT i THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY/PATIO. C3 900000' 5.00' 7.85 5.00' V N 7707'42' E 31.00' COBBLE LINED SWALEO] OPESS( i A L4 N ,2'52'16' w 14.00' NT.S. YA �,( �y QJ PNM PARKING $TAI1 STRIPE PER DETAIL A ON SHEET 2. LS N 770742' E 57.41' ' ADE L4tQ .rw/9f: `� nu� © PAINT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL PER DETAIL B ON SHEET 2 L5 N 1752'!8' W {2.00' ! % Dig�Alert L] "770 42'E 2600 s O5 INSTALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SIGNAGE PER DETAIL C ON SHEET 2. LB " 125218 W 1.00' IQi �` C43880 L9 N E 7707'42' E 74.00 A "V ' �0. DIAL TOLL FREE INSTALL GRANITE PREUSTING AND CONCRETE INC. 11'%72' WHEEL STOP L10 N 175218' W 14.00' YS y /'] Q�(�/ E/A 1.800_227 L2600 © OR APPROVED EQUAL N 7TOT42- E 7.67 A7 LL V 7 CONSTRUCT COBBLE UNED SWALE PER DETAIL D ON SHEET 2. © COPYri ht 2014 lF OF CAl\F� 9 AT LEAST 7W0 DAYS O MSA Cons Itin9, Ina. N BEFORE YOU DIG OB INSTALL ACCESSIBLE SITE ACCESS SIGNAGE PER DETAIL E ON SHEET 2 All Ri9hfa Reser%etl ALL ELEVATIONS ARE MEAN SEA LEVEL NGVD29 x500' NO- REVISIONS APPROVED DATE MSA CONSULTING, INC. N H INDIO ELM Vey ELEV. ase i T PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF ACE NO J�S0-1..lAPPROVED BY SHEET MARK CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 2C� ENOTNEPRTNO ■ LAND SuRVEyrNG LOARK /43880R.R SPIKE IN P P AT NORTHWEST COR. AVE. 50 AND SIGNATURETM 32£;"3 GF'I=FEV F.A\CH TEMFO=i,W SPLEB CENTER 2OMACE STREET. (NVGD 29. SOO Do ADDED TO MAINTAIN JULIAN A. DE LA TORREFRO=:ISE GrA7IN� N!V[ P.1l1ING P�gIJ Of 34200 BOB ROPE 0) 32 ■RANCHO MBLAOE ■ 3- 92270 POSONE ELEVATIONS). TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DATET1xoNe (760) 320-96R I. FAX (760) 323-7893PUBLICWORKS/CITY ENGINEER PLAN VIEW AND DETAILS 2 R.C.E. 4584) EXPIRES 12/31/14 PORTIONS OF THF NORTH HALF OF $FGTION 15. TOwNSHW 6 SOUTH RAUGF 7 F4CT SRu SHEETS Ujf WW UUVV PARKING SURFACE ttP. 3'X3' PER SEC, 11 BACK ROUND AND SYMBOL 0 4' BLUE PNMT 6 Ar J D.C. 2 MAX. ANY DI'ECTKW TY BLUE PNM TrPILAL WITHIN THE ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL PLANT THE WORDS 'NO PARKING' IN I' NIGH WARE LETTERS MIN. DMGONB HATCHED LINE$ PAVEMENT SYMBOL (BOO F o OGRE THAT WITH 2961 BLUE UV %�.� WRITE OUTLINE QW(37 gHa CONTRAST'S WITH THE (TYPICAL) IIS 1 1 9 5• 3 1 � 1 1 \701(464.09) II 1 ' "�,mN 1 iL 0483.59) 1 i9J3 1 9. 6. 1 1 1 1 N 1 c/L c/L c L f 4 J'1� EP a64.36� 9 FS 485.75 EX. LOT LINE O 1 1 1 1 2 C 1 SLS 18J B4 1 L (483.31 1 m ,1 6 -•! FS 485.59 11 TCI• F 1 _ EP 4 5.59 11Go 11 , 1 DETAIL B YYW��'' -.1 1 1 ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALLD 5 1 p 9 LOT 218 23� 11 1 1 9 N.T.S. I F i I) PE (484.8) i�1 �� -.TV �d 1 �q 1 TP 464.51 83. 1 1 1 1 167` ,1 ) 1/2' RADIUS 9. Ex WEDGE CURB (�( ` , BLUE TP a6S.OB 81 1 1 1� 1 II ' lYP , 1 "A o WHITE A LXE6E A0. TPWHITED 16' 1 _ 1 REFLECTOR12E0 SIGN CONSTRUCTEDF TYP 1 1 % TCI 482.29 , WIT BEEEL FF4r , 1 GB F1'. 48 79 1 WITH BEADED TEXT uppiA� l / 4 c'1 )�7� 1 ` OR Eouk PARKING GeV m� 46- 1 's, t`F ` V� rhe sa 1 ONLY A.nwm ' / 1 ismi4 _ �` SIIGNETO CENTERED AT 4' WIDE 1� THE INTERIOR END OF DETAIL E WHITE PN"T •r ¢� 1' f �1 uu- 1 , ✓ PARKING SPACE ACCESSIBLE SITE ACCESS© F 1 1_ ` 1 1 �1 MIN. OF 70 So. IN. VAN ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE DETAIL FL +6__ 5C AREA OF SIGN TO BE 10' 20' 30' 40' f 0- - G 1 - A N.T.S. EP', LOT LINE 1 1 I DESIGNATE FDR MINIMUM FINE $250 SCALE 1-=10 EP 484.70 1 WMEREARAPPSRO°RUTE 19'12 �. FL 484.43 1 B LOT 220 SIZE OF LETTERING 7 P 164.75 3. 1 S MIN. 1' IN HEIGHT FALL STANDING 2" FL 4 4-56 B PE (484.8) SIGN IS NOT LESS MAN 36' MIN. FOR 1 1 1 17' % 22' IN SIZE WALL MOUNTED _ ) 1 3 1 TOP Of DETAIL A WALKING SURFACE PARKING STALL STRIPING DETAIL(D DETAIL C N.rs CURVE DATA LINE DATA ACCESSIBLE PARKING CONSTRUCTION NOTES STALL SIGNAGE DETA�PPR�VEa PLANNING DEPARTi�E LA0. DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT N0, BEARING LENGTH ` 3' 41Nu5 UNGROUTED COBBLE Oi CONSTRUCT 3" AC PAVEMENT OVER 1' CLASS 1 BASE- [1 9000'00 5.00' 7.85 5.00• LI N ]TO]L2 E 1627 N.T.S. c2 900000 IDD ..]1 3.00 u N 175218 W 4-00' DETAIL Dv DATE Q1 CONSTRUCT i THICK CONCRETE WALKWAY/PATIO. C3 900000' 5.00' 7.85 5.00' V N 7707'42' E 31.00' COBBLE LINED SWALEO] OPESS( i A L4 N ,2'52'16' w 14.00' NT.S. YA �,( �y QJ PNM PARKING $TAI1 STRIPE PER DETAIL A ON SHEET 2. LS N 770742' E 57.41' ' ADE L4tQ .rw/9f: `� nu� © PAINT ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL PER DETAIL B ON SHEET 2 L5 N 1752'!8' W {2.00' ! % Dig�Alert L] "770 42'E 2600 s O5 INSTALL ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL SIGNAGE PER DETAIL C ON SHEET 2. LB " 125218 W 1.00' IQi �` C43880 L9 N E 7707'42' E 74.00 A "V ' �0. DIAL TOLL FREE INSTALL GRANITE PREUSTING AND CONCRETE INC. 11'%72' WHEEL STOP L10 N 175218' W 14.00' YS y /'] Q�(�/ E/A 1.800_227 L2600 © OR APPROVED EQUAL N 7TOT42- E 7.67 A7 LL V 7 CONSTRUCT COBBLE UNED SWALE PER DETAIL D ON SHEET 2. © COPYri ht 2014 lF OF CAl\F� 9 AT LEAST 7W0 DAYS O MSA Cons Itin9, Ina. N BEFORE YOU DIG OB INSTALL ACCESSIBLE SITE ACCESS SIGNAGE PER DETAIL E ON SHEET 2 All Ri9hfa Reser%etl ALL ELEVATIONS ARE MEAN SEA LEVEL NGVD29 x500' NO- REVISIONS APPROVED DATE MSA CONSULTING, INC. N H INDIO ELM Vey ELEV. ase i T PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF ACE NO J�S0-1..lAPPROVED BY SHEET MARK CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 2C� ENOTNEPRTNO ■ LAND SuRVEyrNG LOARK /43880R.R SPIKE IN P P AT NORTHWEST COR. AVE. 50 AND SIGNATURETM 32£;"3 GF'I=FEV F.A\CH TEMFO=i,W SPLEB CENTER 2OMACE STREET. (NVGD 29. SOO Do ADDED TO MAINTAIN JULIAN A. DE LA TORREFRO=:ISE GrA7IN� N!V[ P.1l1ING P�gIJ Of 34200 BOB ROPE 0) 32 ■RANCHO MBLAOE ■ 3- 92270 POSONE ELEVATIONS). TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DATET1xoNe (760) 320-96R I. FAX (760) 323-7893PUBLICWORKS/CITY ENGINEER PLAN VIEW AND DETAILS 2 R.C.E. 4584) EXPIRES 12/31/14 PORTIONS OF THF NORTH HALF OF $FGTION 15. TOwNSHW 6 SOUTH RAUGF 7 F4CT SRu SHEETS • STORM CAT COURT PATIO -REL -IS TRAP ==NCE RECEI JAN 302014 CITY OF LA QUINT4 COMMUNM DEVELOPMENT • PLANT MATERIAL SGEND !i MONUME\T V \ SIGNAGE 1 i `t, 1 t � 1 1 1 4 Ott 4l �AD 1 '^ 1' 1 i v ' � 1 l tt. 1 1 1I1'l'' ,t ,l f „ �a 1 '1 -WRROVED �:. LAWNING DEPARTMENT\ iv nATE12-IIY a; ; !SIT *tom c-' !;; � �' E NO. _ "Wtuy1:.,4��o(6 FILE COPY VEG04ATNE RUBBLE Vff-fi (,MD T-0' AVALA f r FROH SOI/h4'ES- BGlx¢ AW STDNCfW)t%7.3C ]2 SIZE 1)'.I -IA5E A�JE Gro.oetaP. MJ M I LER $YM. KAY- Yet.lw-ally Fnri POIn iS u5I 4! Acacb ete'I N' Oat 4tacb'd M 5 S1 -t-9 A-0 I -V2' Gd, Me. AND E1MaU ON�S1tE �Y];DE! ro BE VYO FRI)MM vies to ME D OPONCYsa1b P^aIGOF 40 -BOX .eH !-ov.nYog L2 5o M Palo VMde 5 �,1 M 3 Ln- al ea<y,nna.n Ln OPt-ps hold 9lgenn' ' BOt _tAa sOxnYg t .] L 2 Rao 3rd a p-... FILE COPY VEG04ATNE RUBBLE Vff-fi (,MD T-0' AVALA f r FROH SOI/h4'ES- BGlx¢ AW STDNCfW)t%7.3C ]2 SIZE 1)'.I -IA5E A�JE Gro.oetaP. MJ M 24'W. M 5 Yet.lw-ally Fnri POIn OEGOWATNE f.00 .E+ :MOAN SAI. E M 5ZE PER P.AN v+pen'rtfa.O raw.w SYSAygn 10' 12 15 N H 5 OD.LOER7 TJULDER- AVNLAE I`AJ�II`oJ �. T N.L2 T=154 AND E1MaU ON�S1tE �Y];DE! ro BE VYO FRI)MM vies to ME D ft"ER 51M, W E 51ZE taUf t.tt' Boy.- t.'n LO lO 5 �,1 M 3 Ln- al ea<y,nna.n Ln ®.J G011o111110 px� `m 5 ea. L 2 Rao 3rd a p-... OF_phmbodga.dd- 59.1 L 2 6aprw Plot O E:pno blo .0 5 gm L 2 Lro.r d Tlp.-p OLtl'Cdbmolkevbetero 'N"Gob' 5 gal m 5 Nen bob Lowe OL -cook- 0-Agla- 5 m. L 2 (lsul.pn Sege .hv+� oaga r*se 5 gd n 5 O�e1 � y K2M' O 9. M 5 v=-Rb.lt.NIO ft U.aY qs R.e v pww-. -. 59.1 M 5 Do -on RUIF1a OK. 10 ocp,.eld . 5 gal. H 5 GOTa Foe+toh OTacoma s:as'A pstato' ArizD Yeno.. 80115 AGGE*1T5 AWtEii SYM. NAM[ - ._.._-. ._ 5ZE u5Al.E 0�9 A- 5 gal. L 2 �nV Gan4n Plpt b tjd 2 .V, Aapve 7esmet:.Ono Vv -9 T -a Ei ga L 2 vv ��-aa as Aga�.e Ay- yrprnM TM-�brM6a Az�- Aq Agape ra 41 sq. t 2 - dV Par ,, Ag - A, -.,I%- Abet 9Ls E1 5 gal L 2 131- Ee Ab - gal. L 2 Desert � n EG11w—b. g -A 6'- 2- die. ter L 2 Soder Barrel C -G OH-perolae pa•vN1an 5 gal. L 2 RIO !K.Go pos.s 0 Plcxl p dbn ITe W 15 L}'ll M 5 vo*g u p- v6cs KUM '(M� NNTE. s:ZF LSAGE `__ BP.gorvkgp Mb+rc Y.p-r. Sao. n - B -b- Ks,: 0.9- W. IE-. E -P-1 Go Ivan Me*a:a.epnlp 5v, .. 0-t11 EV --W .ERT MATOrAm 5YK DE5Lz7Piim FILE COPY O' 10' 20' 40' DNL (S,R=Lrr I SCALE O O m pf Y -- � ') I Nq!g!-- (!� I 99-14-05 SI'I.a \u Ll.l VEG04ATNE RUBBLE Vff-fi (,MD T-0' AVALA f . • • FROH SOI/h4'ES- BGlx¢ AW STDNCfW)t%7.3C ]2 ALLMAW"Wfm NEM ro BE 6oLV OECGrPvO . I ft SA' 1 MY'1I tl! F,1fS rv.,m,.t D6 TO ff C40..E W GpMAG1B]'V A S OEmN AFTER fEA6 i1tlNOV6.ILY VE rrrnn AIO H11tHz R4 t n at TA.PFO OEGOWATNE f.00 .E+ :MOAN SAI. E M 5ZE PER P.AN AVAILABLE FqW 50VTqC5T BOULDER N@ 5TOWTVa5e2-3522 /ll \ OD.LOER7 TJULDER- AVNLAE I`AJ�II`oJ �. T N.L2 T=154 AND E1MaU ON�S1tE �Y];DE! ro BE VYO FRI)MM vies to ME D I 'J6 -ELT LOry. O' 10' 20' 40' DNL (S,R=Lrr I SCALE O O m pf Y -- � ') I Nq!g!-- (!� I 99-14-05 SI'I.a \u Ll.l 17'-6" / 16'-D" 12' X 12' COLUMN BLOCK STONE VENEER 4" 2' X 3' TRELLIS SPACED AT 6' O.G. 4' X 6' TRELLIS 2-10'X6'BEAM BRICK CAP TO MATCH EXISTING TILE TO MATCH EXISTING STONE COLUMN. MATERIALS AND SCALE TO MATCH ENTRY GATE COLUMNS. STRUCTURAL DETAIL BY ENGINEER. FINISHED SURFACE PER PLAN FILE COPY APPROVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMENT BY �D _ DATE Eroa-118IT__ mi u, s ("�*1io� :ASE No. ` t ' ?z-/,-,-- e'o � G 0 0 • 5TUCCO 516NA6E NALL 0 m BRICK CAF PRO.JEGT 570NE • v • 5TUCCO 516NA6E NALL 0 m BRICK CAF PRO.JEGT 570NE • �PLVMBING VEM 12' 12' 11/4• B• TOP TRIM (TTP) i' -n _ CEILING HEIGHT - - - - - - - 1/15' SMART PANEL EXTERIOR SIDING j FlNISH FLOOR I I I I 1 L______________________________________________________________________________________ _______JI 4• DOOR AND WINDOW TRIM 60'-0' 1 SIDEWALL ELEVATION 12• �PLUMBING VENT -\j 1/41 I'/4• I�6'-0• .045' BLACK EPDM OVER 1/16• MULE -HIDE FR DECK, CLASS 'C' - - - I' I V-11• ACTUAL J LEM - - - - FINI_ RO_OR_ I I I 4" BOTTOM AND CORNER TRIM (TYP) I I 1 L____________________________________________________________ _--____--_______—___—_J 2 SIDEWALL ELEVATION e r-11• ACTUAL CEILING HEIGHT - - - - - - FINISH FLOOR —ffffl-- -�' -ml I I I 5HIMN6 HE16HT:14'-0' ° SHIM NGHUGHTNOM n SHIPPING HEIGHT DOES NOT INCLUDE ao ROOF CURBS. TRUCKING COMPANY TO a VERIFY OVERALL HEIGHT PRIOR TO SHIPPING. IIQ �L� g � NOTE: ALL DIMENSION$ E APPflO%IMATE I ` ACTUAL HEIGHT$ _ I� MAT VARY, ' I �11'-B•— � 11'-10� � 11•-8�� 35•-2• 1 ,31 ENDWALL ELEVATION CEIUNG HEIGHT •OIL_A- FlNSH FLOOR IL I I I ' � I -----------------�--------------- ------------------ NP NP 4 ENDWALL ELEVATION ModSpace 36x60' Modular Space Corporation Mirdsp.w Griffin Sales Trailer MANUFACTURER: COMPANY (Lenner) xatD UNIT NO.:o,4o14-Ta BRANCH NO :0000 b''�'m4Rd a mprds�4'�'w and ad mt b �sA MODEL Model No CUSP. SIGN: Exterior Elevations DRAWN BY: J.2—DATE--Ot/09/20T4 Iry ITE or DESm" N SCALE-X--I--O- STATE(S): STATE D A4-36 p 0 9 a &