MUP 2014-10700 City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 Office Use Only Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline Notes: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION f E ECEIVED APR 17 2014 CITY OF LP, QUINTA IMUNITY0BVEL90WENT h U � s APR 1.7 20,14 I..A Sections A, B and C are to be completed by the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies, reports and exhibits listed in Section D unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon. SECTION A — PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name Project Description: APN #(s) Site Address/ Location: General Plan.- Specific lan: Specific Plan: Proposed Phases: W SA-uv'irn cc, - C,_V� r Zoning.- Proposed oning: Proposed Use: Related Cases: Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION B — STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future, thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: Mede_( C4 1l e� LA.,,As cafe c,^k Su Hours of operation: Ols Number of employees: List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: WW-IC4 (k'J . Types of equipment and processes used: C Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: f V Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: N Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R\Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION C - APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant: Owner(s): Architect: (Name) -(1(J,-0) (Phone) 0I(60 fy-\onfc�6 , SLUIC, 3v'.\- _ ulr��s(raksIrwr,. (Z (Mailing Address) (Email) (Name) ,1 L0171) a;)n-y qu (Phone) (Mailing Address) J (Email) ec, u Pn c >° n " La AO r` (Name) J (Phone) (Mailing Address) (California State License #) Applicant Certification (Email) I certify that I have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item -submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. 1 understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Ti06-14,/Sec 99. - Applicant's Signature: Print Name: Owner Certification Date: 3-ao- I I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that I am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and I am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in res tri tions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this realro erty. S� Owner/Authorized Agent Signature* tZ, . Date: 3 _-Zio ,I Print Name(s): l 'An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized le er of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 PlApplication Submittal FormslApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION D - APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - INITIAL TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY STAFF Each of the following items is required for submittal unless a waiver is granted by City Staff. Any waiver # of E- d 'o must be confirmed by initialing of this form by the # of copies in PDF Waiver > person granting the waiver prior to submittal. Please see paper format OK'd by `0 Section D for the description and completion copies (on CD - (initials) N requirements of each item. ROM) FS = Full Size / R = Reduced to 1 I "x 17" FILING FEES E]O Filing Fees Receipt 1 NA NA APPLICATION INFORMATION p p Application w/Statement of Operations 1 1 NA E] p Site Photographs 1 1 PLAN SET p C7 Index Sheet 1 Fs/3R 1 p p Site Plan 1 Fs/3R 1 NA C] p Floor Plan 1 Fs/3R 1 Additional information may be required based on review of the project description.. Submittal waivers may be obtained through staff consultation, a pre -submittal meeting, or a preliminary review application. No applications will be accepted by mail. Minor Use Permit Application Page 4 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 PIApplication Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - PRIOR TO HEARING The following items are to be submitted after # of E - the project is scheduled* for Planning # of copies in PDF Submitted Commission review and must be received by paper format the Planning Department at least 12 working copies (on CD - days prior to the scheduled PC meeting date. ROM) p CEQA Filing Fees 1 NA Bound 11'x17" reduction of complete final Plan Set with 3 1 colored Site Plan Sheets Full size (not to exceed NNW) complete final Plan Set 1 NA with colored Site Plan Sheets *If these required items are not received by the Planning Department by the end of the ' day 12 working days before the scheduled PC meeting date, the project's review will be re -scheduled for a later date. SECTION E - SUBMITTAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS FILING FEES Filing Fees are to be paid at the time of application. As part of the submittal process you will be asked to pay your fees at the Finance Department counter and return to the Planning Department counter with the receipt showing payment of fees which will be copied and submitted along with the other application materials. Additional environmental review related fees (if any) will be determined and payable at the time the application is determined complete. REQUIRED AT TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL Minor Use Permit Application Fee: $200* REQUIRED AT TIME APPLICATION IS READY FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fee: $64** Required regardless of exempt status * Payable to City of La Quinta * * Separate cashiers check payable to County of Riverside APPLICATION INFORMATION Application: A City application form complete with all requested information and original signatures in Sections A, B and C provided. If you have any questions regarding filling out the Application, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. Statement of Operations: The statement of operations portion (Section B) of the application describing various operational aspects of the proposed use shall be completed. Minor Use Permit Application Page 5 of s City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 RkApplication Submittal FormMApplications\MUPWUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Prepared 4/17/14,13:35:05 Project Master Inquiry-(PZN200I001) Page 1 Program HTDFTAL Screen detail for Program: PZ PZN200I, Fees User ID COMDEV Project 14-00000082 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Project General Information Project description: MUP 14-1070 GRIFFIN RANCH MODEL GALLERY Project type: MINOR USE PERMIT MUP Case Number: 14-1070 Related Cases: Project status: ACTIVE AC PIN number: 6167 Application date: 4/17/2014 Planner assigned: WALLY NESBIT WN Engineer assigned: Accounting project: Dwelling units: 0 Total square footage: 0 Building Permits notify: NONE Permit process: Type Description Charged Credited Paid Balance Due Fee Transactions MUP (F) 200.00 .00 .00 200.00 Fee totals 200.00 .00 .00 200.00 • Site Photographs: Provide one aerial view, at least one panoramic view of each side of the site, and specific views of any relevant or unusual features of the site. Printed images shall be at least 4"x6" and printed in color on 8'/z"x11" sheets. If you have any questions regarding the Site Photographs requirement, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. PLAN SET Plan Set: A complete Plan Set shall contain one copy of each required sheet, map or plan in the order listed below, stapled together in the order prescribed as a comprehensive set, and folded so that the folded size does not exceed 9"x12", rolled plans will not be accepted. All maps/plans/sheets shall be drawn on uniform sheets no greater than 24"x36" (or as approved by the Planning Department prior to initial submittal). Each sheet shall be drawn clear and legible, be accurately scaled, fully dimensioned, drawn at the same scale unless otherwise instructed, and include all the information as described in this section for each particular item. Order of Plan Set Contents 1. Index Sheet 2. Site Plan 3. Floor Plan 1. Index Sheet The Index Sheet is the Plan Set's cover sheet and shall contain the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan sheet identification number (such as 11 for Index, Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, and telephone number of person preparing map o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent • A data table formatted in the following order: o Assessors Parcel Number(s) (book, page and parcel number) o Legal description o Existing General Plan designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Zoning designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Specific Plan title and land use designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing land use and proposed land use o Total net site area identified in square feet and acres o Total building area identified in square feet and percentage of net site area o Total parking area identified in both square feet and percentage of net site area o Identification of parking ratios required by City code and provided o Number of parking spaces required by City code and provided o Number of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking spaces required provided o Occupancy classification (per California Building Code) o Type of construction (per California Building Code) • List of Plan Set sheets • Vicinity map identifying project boundary line and location within surrounding neighborhood. Minor Use Permit Application Page 6 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 RIApplication Submittal FormslApplicationsWUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc If you have any questions regarding the above listed Index Sheet requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 2. Site Plan The Site Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as S1 for Site Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of the person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent. • Graphic scale (engineering scale not to exceed 1° = 40') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Location and dimension of all: o property lines o required and actual setbacks for building to property lines and buildings to buildings o structures o landscape areas o drive aisles, parking stalls, and loading areas o pedestrian pathways, including ADA horizontal path of travel o trash enclosures o storage areas 0 on-site fuel tanks (above or below ground) o freestanding signs o fire hydrants onsite and within 500' of the project site o walls and fences o public utilities o public improvements, include cross sections o structures, driveways, parking areas, trees and property lines within 50' of project site's perimeter boundary • Name, location and dimension of all adjacent public streets and ROWs • Type, height, and location of all street, parking and pedestrian lights • Identification of General Plan and Zoning land use designations and existing land use of project site and all adjacent properties • Identify interior and exterior turning radius dimensions at entries and drive aisles for emergency vehicle access • If the project includes any phasing of development the proposed phases, including public improvements, shall be identified on a separate site plan sheet with a table showing acreage, building square footage, number and type of units, and number,of parking spaces per phase. If you have any questions regarding the above listed Site Plan requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 3. Floor Plan The Floor Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project Minor Use Permit Application Page 7 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:1Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc • o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as F1 for Floor Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent o California License Stamp • Graphic scale (not smaller than the %"=1') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Allocation and use of all interior and exterior space, including areas for waiting, gathering, eating, storage or display of merchandise • Location of all walls, doors, and window openings If you have any questions regarding the above listed Floor Plan requirements, please contact the Planning. Department at (760) 777-7125. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APPROVAL CEQA Filinq Fees: Checks payable to County of Riverside in the amounts specified for the proposed Environmental Determination as identified by the Planning Department Minor Use Permit Application Page 8 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department ■ 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc May 1, 2014 v P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mr. Larry Liebel Lennar Homes 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 302 Corona, CA 92879 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2014-1070 GRIFFIN RANCH MODEL HOME COMPLE_X Dear Mr. Liebel: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 FILE CGPY The Community Development Department has reviewed and approved your request for a model home complex for Tract 32879 (Griffin Ranch), for the Pimlico and Belmont model units and associated temporary signing and landscaping improvements, subject to the information on file and the following Conditions: 1. This approval is for a temporary model home complex on Lots 213 - 218, in association with an existing approved temporary sales office on Lot 2.19. Prior to establishing use of the model home complex, a cash deposit in the amount of $1;000.00 shall be posted with the Community Development Department to insure the removal of the improvements once the permit has expired or the ijse terminated. The deposit will be refunded when all model home improvements have been removed or converted as necessary to standard R1 occupancy. 2. ADA accessible route(s) from the existing sales office, to and throughout the model complex area, shall be provided and maintained as may be required by the Public Works Department and the Building Division. 3. Any modification(s) to a residential unit for sales office use requires submittal; review and approval by the Building Division of the Community Development Department. For specific permit requirements, please contact the Building Division at (760) 777-7012. 4. The following advertising devices or activities are expressly prohibited within or outside the project: banners, balloons, portable trailer signs, or human indicators/sign twirlers. 5. The model home complex shall be permitted to remain for one (1) year, beginning from the date of this approval, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Community Development Director may extend the permit for a set time period, upon written request from the property owner. No fee will be charged to extend this permit. 6. The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), it's agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. 7. The following signs are permitted as part of the model complex, based on review of the sign exhibits submitted for MUP 2014-1070. All signs are to be non - illuminated. A. One project ID sign at 32 square feet, located at the entry off Madison Street, not to exceed 10 feet in height (Sheet A11_0). B. One project ID sign at 32 square feet, located at the entry driveway for the sales office, not to exceed 10 feet in height (Sheet A6_2). C. Four (4) flag banners at the Madison Street project entry, 16 square feet each and mounted on 20 -foot poles, as per exhibits on file (Sheet B2_0). D. Four (4) flag banners located at Lots 59, 213 and Lot 219, 12 square feet each and mounted on 16 -foot poles, as per exhibits on file (Sheet B3_0). E. Four (4) directional signs at 16 square feet each, to be located at applicant's discretion along Mery Griffin Way between the Madison Street project entry and Damascus Drive (Sheet A4_3). Height of signs shall be reduced to a maximum of 6 feet. F. One (1) directional parking sign at 6 square feet, located at the entry driveway for the sales office (Sheet D3_1). G. One (1) welcome center sign at 10 square feet, located near the pedestrian entry to the sales office (Sheet D1_2). H. Miscellaneous model ID and directional signage internal to the model complex itself. A separate sign application for semi-permanent signs shall be required for the project ID sign at the southeast corner of Madison Street and Avenue 54 (Sheet A3_3) and for the 'coming soon' sign for the recreation center (Sheet Al2_0). Both signs may be requested under one application. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission by any party, provided they submit the necessary application, accompanying paperwork, and filing fee of $1,573.00 to this office within 15 days of the approval date of this permit. Should you have any questions please contact me at (760) 777-7125. Sincerely, Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner c: Ulrich Sauerbrey, .US Landlink Public Works Department Community Development Department; Building Division Community Development Department; Code Compliance Division -14/=2lik La Quinta Municipal Code (La Quinta, Calif ) 9.160.070 Permitted semipermanent signs;_ A. Definition. "Semipermanent sign" means a nonilhuninated sign which requires a sign, such as advertising the future construction of a facility, model home complex, commercial, or residential subdivision identification which is intended to be erected or posted for a minimum of sixty-one days and a maximum of one year. A permit for semipermanent signs advertising future facility construction shall not be approved until a development review application has been submitted. B. Maximum Time Periods. No semipermanent sign shall be posted for more than one year. In addition, all semipermanent signs shall be removed within ten days after the occurrence of the event, if any, which is the subject of the semipermanent sign. (For example, a semipermanent sign advertising the future construction of a facility on the site shall be removed within ten days after the facility has received a certificate of occupancy, and a model home complex identification sign shall be removed within ten days after the model homes are completed and sold.) The date of posting and permit number shall be permanently and legibly marked on the lower right-hand corner of the face of the sign. C. Maximum Sign Area. Semipermanent signs may not exceed thirty-two square feet in area. The aggregate area of all semipermanent signs placed or maintained on any parcel of real property in one ownership shall not exceed sixty-four square feet. Area shall be calculated on the basis of the entire sign area, as defined in Section 9.160.030. D. Maximum Height. Freestanding semipermanent signs shall not exceed eight feet in height. Semipermanent signs which are posted, attached or affixed to multiple -floor buildings shall not be placed higher than the finish floor line of the second floor of such buildings and such signs posted, attached or affixed to single -floor buildings shall not be higher than the eaveline or top of wall of the building. All heights shall be measured to the highest point of the surface of the sign. E. Maximum Number. In no case shall the number of signs on any parcel exceed ten. F. Placement Restrictions. Semipermanent signs may not be posted on public property, as defined in Section 9.160.130. Semipermanent signs may not be posted in a manner which obstructs the visibility of traffic or street signs or signals or emergency equipment. Temporary signs may not be posted on sites approved for semipermanent signs unless specifically authorized by the semipermanent sign permit. G. Sign Permit Required. Any person, business, campaign organization or other entity who proposes to post or erect a semipermanent sign shall make application to the planning department for a semipermanent sign permit. 1. Statement of Responsibility Required. Each applicant for a semipermanent sign permit shall submit to the planning department a statement of responsibility certifying a natural person who will be responsible for removing each semipermanent sign for which a permit is issued by the date removal is required, and who will reimburse the city for any costs incurred by the city in removing each such sign which violates the provisions of this section. 2. Standards for Approval. a. Within ten business days of the planning department's receipt of a semipermanent sign permit application, the director shall approve .or disapprove such application. If the director disapproves an application, the notice of disapproval shall specify the reasons for disapproval. The director shall approve or disapprove any permit application for semipermanent signs based on character, location and design, including design elements such as materials, letter style, colors, sign type or shape and the provisions of this section. b. In any event, no permit application shall be approved which proposes to place in excess of ten semi-permanent signs on private or public property which will be visible simultaneously from a single location and orientation within the boundaries of the city. http://qcode.us/codesAaquintat 1/2 ,+J30/2AtR La Quinta Municipal Code (La Quinta, California) c. The director' *tston with respect to a permit applicatfor a semipermanent sign may be appealed to the planning commission. H. Time Extensions. The applicant may apply for a time extension of up to one year from the date of expiration. The planning director shall approve the application for an extension of time upon finding that the semipermanent sign is otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this section and that the time extension is necessary to accomplish the purposes for which the semipermanent sign has been posted. I. Maintenance and Removal of Semipermanent Signs. 1. Maintenance. All semipermanent signs shall be constantly maintained in a state of security, safety and good repair. 2. Removal. If the city finds that any semipermanent sign is unsafe or insecure, is a menace to public safety or has been constructed, erected, relocated or altered in violation of this section, the city shall give written notice to the owner of the semipermanent sign, or the person who has claimed responsibility for the semipermanent sign pursuant to subsection F of this section, that the semipermanent sign is in violation of this section, shall specify the nature of the violation, and shall direct the owner of the semipermanent sign or responsible person to remove or alter such semipermanent sign. If the city cannot determine the owner of the sign or person responsible therefor, the city shall post such notice on or adjacent to each semipermanent sign which is in violation. If the owner of the semipermanent sign or the person responsible therefor fails to comply with the notice within five days after such notice is given the semipermanent sign shall be deemed abandoned, and the city may cause such semipermanent sign to be removed and the cost thereof shall be payable by the owner or person responsible for the semipermanent sign to the city. (Ord. 293 § l (part), 1996; Ord. 284 § 1 (Exh. A), 1996) http://qcode.us/codes4aquintal 212 Wally Nesbit From: ulrichs@uslandlink.com Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2014 5:16 AM To: Wally Nesbit; Teresa Moe Cc: Les Johnson; Mariel Crist Subject: Re: Griffin Ranch Attachments: Directional Sign A4.3.pdf; Parking Sign D3.1.pdf, Project ID Sign A3.3.pdf; Project ID Sign All.pdf; Project ID Sign.Trailer A6.2.pdf; Rec. Center Sign Al2.pdf; Welcome Home Center Sign D1.2.pdf Wally, I have included Teresa and Mariel from our signage company to help clarify and address your signage comments. I am hoping that the sign at the corner of Madison and 54 will not hold up the MUP and will address with a separate application/permit. We are very much in need of working through this quickly. We need to get the precise grade plans released and they are tied to the MUP. Attached the directional and informational signs that were submitted previously. I will ask Teresa and Mariel to address comments which will make he signage code compliant. However, if we can expedite by the City "defining" the requirements so we can get the MUP approved and released that would be preferred on our end. Please let us know. Thx Ulrich From: Wally Nesbit <wnesbit@la-quinta.ore> Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2014 6:04 PM To: "Ulrich Sauerbrey, PE" <ulrichs@uslandlink.com> Cc: "L1ohnson@la-quinta.ore" <Liohnson(ZDIa-guinta.org> Subject: FW: Griffin Ranch Hi Ulrich — working on the approval for the models but don't have all your sign exhibits. See below email on sign allowances, those missing are highlighted. The only actual sign exhibits in the file I received are for the flags. I assume that the model ID and model directional signs immediately within the model complex area are fairly small and I am not concerned about those s they are info/directional for customer circulation in the complex. I'll need a separate sign permit application for a semi-permanent sign ($200 fee), for the project ID sign at Madison/54. It cannot be permitted under the model complex, since it is not at a project street entry. Sign can be 8 feet high and no more than 32 s.f. sign face. The second project ID sign will be approved as part of model complex, but as previously stated, the recreation sign is considered a project ID also and there is a third project ID shown at the sales driveway - the total s.f. allowed for these ID signs is 64 s.f. As I recall the ID sign at entry is 32 s.f. so the remaining two must split the remaining 32 s.f. Please also note the directional Are limited to a total of 64 s.f. combined Wen all signs. It looks like there are 6 of them so they can be about 10.5 s.f., but I have no exhibit for those to ascertain size. There is a lot of signage here and I may not be able to approve all of them unless I dictate their size in the approval. I don't see the need for a parking sign at the sales entry or the third project ID sign, but I have no exhibits for those either. However I know most if not all of these have already been installed. If you can get me the exhibits for every sign except the flags, I'll work with what I can. Thanks, Wallace 1-I. Nesbit, Principal Planner Corn►nunity Dc%:elopmcnt. IDcpartmcnt. City of Lai Quinta 78495 Calle "Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Direct: 760-777-7069 F;Lx:760-777-7011 email: «nesbitfti-auinhi.orc From: Wally Nesbit Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 4:26 PM To: Bob Linnell Subject: RE: Griffin Ranch Hi Bob — I'll just address my comments based on each sign type proposed. Please be aware that this review is based only on my interpretation of the applicability of the sign code as it relates to this proposal, and does not represent any final determination with regard to any procedures or standards cited. These signs would not be temporary signs by definition in our code, as they will, I presume, be posted for over 45 days. The proposed signs come under the semi-permanent sign requirements. Semi-permanent signs are intended for a period of 61 days to one year can include up to 10 signs per parcel of land, as long as an aggregate area of 64 s.f. is not exceeded. 1. Project ID sign — This one sign at the entry off Madison is acceptable as a semi-permanent sign, if it is reduced to 8 feet in height and is approved by sign permit. Such signs may have a max of 32 s.f. sign area and 64 s.f. aggregate for all signs. However, if it is proposed with the model complex approval, it may be up to 10 feet in height with no permit required (approved with models). It can also stay in place for the life of the model complex, but is still subject to the other size limitations stated previously. The sign at Madison/54 would not be permitted under the model complex as it would have to be at a project street entry. It could be applied for as a semi-permanent sign, but keep in mind that you can't exceed 64 s.f. aggregate per parcel of land, based on # of signs. 2. Directional signs — these could be considered exempfunder informational/directional signs; if they are reduced to 3 s.f. They would not be counted against the aggregate s.f. As proposed they would need to be reviewed with the model complex and would be subject to the 64 s.f. aggregate standard. 3. Banners on poles (Flags) — Flags/banners are prohibited signs in our code. They are only allowed for model homes, in certain commercial business advertising, and within residential zones, incidental and which may or may not be associated with any national, local or religious holiday (building mounted only, 7 s.f. max). The only way flags would be allowed here is with the model home complex, and limited to 8 flags within the entire project, one flag per pole (max 20' ht.), Rigid flags, secured on more than one side, are prohibited, so the proposed flag design would need to be revised. The copy is OK as it is ID, not advertising. You would need to decide where to put the 8 flags, and as designed, they cannot be placed in the interior of the project as they exceed 12 s.f. 2 Lastly, flags are only appro4se for a 6 -month period, after which the Octor may allow an add'I 6 month period. 4. Recreation center sign —this could be applied for as part of the model complex sign requests as a project ID sign, but is subject to the 64 s.f. aggregate standard. Sales trailer signs: As proposed they would need to be reviewed with the model complex and would be subject to the 64 s.f. aggregate standard. Parking sign should be reduced to 4' ht. The sign could be considered exempt under informational/directional signs, if reduced to 3 s.f. In summary it looks as though these signs can, for the most part, be reviewed as part of the model complex, with exception of the Madison/Ave 54 ID sign which will need a separate semi-permanent sign permit approval. Design and number of flags would have to be revised, and can only be approved as part of a model complex. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks Bob, Wallace H. Nesbit, Principal Planner Community 1)ev-elopmen1. L)epartirnent. City 91' Ll Quinla 781.95 Callc Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Dircm 760-777-7069 Fax: 760-777-7011 email: Nvnesbit1lla-nuinui.ora &% p/ �.ea.1,r,7` From: Bob Linnell[mailto:blinnell(cbOutdoorDimensions com] Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 1:18 PM To: Wally Nesbit Subject: Griffin Ranch Hi Wally. After our telephone conversation on Thursday, I mentioned your concerns about the sales trailer to the sales rep here, who then contacted Lennar. Lennar will be trying to get in touch with you, if they haven't already, to discuss your concerns with the sales trailer and proposed signage. I hope you will be able to email me sometime today your comments on the proposed signs and flags. Bob Linnell / Permit Specialist Outdoor Dimensions 5325 E. Hunter Avenue / Anaheim, CA 92807 714-578-9555 Office / 714-693-9578 Fax www.outdoordimensions.com 20'-0" SCALE: 3/4"=1'-O" A 4 B C BACKSIDE - SCALE: 3/16"=1'-O" NOTES: 1. 8 3" X 26'-9" CUSTOM STEEL PIPE PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 2. 3-5 300 SERIES CAST ALUM. SPEAR FINIAL FROM OPPTC PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 3. 01"STEEL CR055ARM5 PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 4. POLE MOUNTING BRACKET W/ ADJUSTABLE SCREW PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 5. 0 2" PHENOLIC BALLS PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 6. 0 10" PVC PIPE, SAND FILLED TO GRADE 7. POLE & PVC 5TA6ILIZING SCREW & NUT 8. CEMENT FOOTING 9. BOTTOM SLEEVE TO BE FILLED WITH WEIGHTS & ENDS SEWN - - 6 --(7)J2" - � QAADi i i ' ' �a'✓✓ll I%oNhLl i 'I APPROVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMEN1 ,BY DATE 6-/ i EXHIBIT E32 ^ o CASE NO. '� v✓� �/ - ! o ?-a SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-O" DATE: 3/24/14 PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH CLIENT: LEN R. SALES REP: TM .Du D/F BANNER - 271/2" - A MAP BONE WHITE MPIMM 2 : _:. I (PMS 7500) SILKSCREEN 9 CANVAS BANNER/SUNBRELLP ■ TERRACOTTA 46U WITH T SLEEVES TOP/BTM.) C •PMX DARKER ER VICTOR) 20'-0" SCALE: 3/4"=1'-O" A 4 B C BACKSIDE - SCALE: 3/16"=1'-O" NOTES: 1. 8 3" X 26'-9" CUSTOM STEEL PIPE PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 2. 3-5 300 SERIES CAST ALUM. SPEAR FINIAL FROM OPPTC PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 3. 01"STEEL CR055ARM5 PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 4. POLE MOUNTING BRACKET W/ ADJUSTABLE SCREW PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 5. 0 2" PHENOLIC BALLS PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 6. 0 10" PVC PIPE, SAND FILLED TO GRADE 7. POLE & PVC 5TA6ILIZING SCREW & NUT 8. CEMENT FOOTING 9. BOTTOM SLEEVE TO BE FILLED WITH WEIGHTS & ENDS SEWN - - 6 --(7)J2" - � QAADi i i ' ' �a'✓✓ll I%oNhLl i 'I APPROVED BY PLANNING DEPARTMEN1 ,BY DATE 6-/ i EXHIBIT E32 ^ o CASE NO. '� v✓� �/ - ! o ?-a SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-O" DATE: 3/24/14 PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH CLIENT: LEN R. SALES REP: TM .Du 16'- I GRAI SCALE: 3/4"= 1'-O" A 4) B I c BACK5IDE- SCALE: 3/16"= 1'-O" NOTES: 1. 8 3" X 26'-9" CUSTOM STEEL PIPE PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 2. 3-5 300 SERIES CAST ALUM. SPEAR FINIAL FROM OPPTC PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 3. H 1"STEEL CR055ARM5 PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 4. POLE MOUNTING BRACKET W/ ADJUSTABLE SCREW PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW 5HEEN) 5. 0 2" PHENOLIC 13ALL5 PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW 5HEEN) 6. 01 O" PVC PIPE, SAND FILLEDTOGRADE 7. POLE & PVC STABILIZING SCREW & NUT 8. CEMENT FOOTING 9. BOTTOM SLEEVE TO BE FILLED WITH WEIGHTS & NQ55EWN l 6 4" 7 ) 2„ ; GRADE i APPROVED BY PLA+1NINA DEPARTMENT Y Q— DATE WHIT443_ o ASL N0, " SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-O" CLIENT APPROVAL D/F BANNER _ A MAP BONE WHITE MP25833 2 ._. )PMS 75081 SILKSCREEN (�� 0 U T D r) q B CANVAS BANNER /SUNBRELLP ■ wm mm � TERRACOTTA 4622 (WITH3"SLEEVES.) 1 C PMS 181C, 10% DARKER AflKER ■ SILKSCREEN "�" •'tea aar w aaaawr< ovo (PER VICTOR) 4) B I c BACK5IDE- SCALE: 3/16"= 1'-O" NOTES: 1. 8 3" X 26'-9" CUSTOM STEEL PIPE PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 2. 3-5 300 SERIES CAST ALUM. SPEAR FINIAL FROM OPPTC PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 3. H 1"STEEL CR055ARM5 PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW SHEEN) 4. POLE MOUNTING BRACKET W/ ADJUSTABLE SCREW PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW 5HEEN) 5. 0 2" PHENOLIC 13ALL5 PAINTED FRAZEE 8796N BLACK METAL (LOW 5HEEN) 6. 01 O" PVC PIPE, SAND FILLEDTOGRADE 7. POLE & PVC STABILIZING SCREW & NUT 8. CEMENT FOOTING 9. BOTTOM SLEEVE TO BE FILLED WITH WEIGHTS & NQ55EWN l 6 4" 7 ) 2„ ; GRADE i APPROVED BY PLA+1NINA DEPARTMENT Y Q— DATE WHIT443_ o ASL N0, " SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-O" CLIENT APPROVAL 1°U aara " m0m ' 0FMi�ia�o� REVISIONS: � DATE: 3/24/14 (�� 0 U T D r) q IMxa Check got) wm mm � W DIMENSIONS ElAS SHOWN "�" •'tea aar w aaaawr< ovo ii CONCEPTS: ❑ PROJECT GRIFFIN RANCH — ❑ WITH CHANGES DATE IMAMON"so v wAm nnaam UL oaaata"xuK MW 4 = a FOM al[ TO WORKING CLIENT LENNAR DRAWING: 0 CLIENT SIGNATURE SALES REP: TM DESIGNER: GV 50 GRIFFIN RANCH PERMITTING MAP APPROVED BY PUMM G DEPAFITMENT By DATE 5 A % �y y•"yb:B�9T f(C'r' LJ�/+zZor-� - lD��l%GGj7.,aV.2. 4ASE NO. LEGEND 0 - PROJECT I.D. SIGN 0 - DIRECTIONAL SIGNS-- v� z__74/ fep 6 � /<iiwd 1-2-7-7?,r- 0 - BANNERS ON DECORATIVE POLES 0 - REC CENTER SIGN VENUE 5A a - Belmont - Churchill - Pimlico AV04M SA HAfH1NGER WAY Z E MEN BOLD RULER WAY THUNDER GULCH WAY 0 z Z 0 a 0 z Z CLIENT APPROVAL: OUTDOOR (please Check 80x1 DIMENSIONS ❑ASSHOWN ❑WITHCHANGES CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE YOUR SIGNATURE AC NOWLEDGESFULL APPROVAL OF DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL PMS COLOR CALL OUTS. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, DUE TO MATE RIALS USED. DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS uNnl PURCHASED er ct1ENr. REVISIONS: PROOF: PRO ll l4H;c PROOF, 1 3/21/14 GM .25 CONCEPTS: WORKING DRAWING: ❑ DESIGNER: GM DATE: 3/7/14 PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH PERMIT MAP I �— -- - Al CLIENT: LENNAR 0.25 SALES REP TM 5 a • • • 4 RFC- CENTER SIGN OPTION 1 OPTION 2 U 1/2" THICK MOO, DIRECT PRINT, CLEAR COAT, MOUNTED ON POSTS W/ CLEATS 44 WOOD POSTS 3❑ CONCRETE FOOTING ® 1/2- MDO RIDER APPLIQUE Op ■ BLACK © COLORS PER CLIENT ART YOURSIGNATUREACKNOWLEDGESFULLAPPROVALOF DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD R INLYRREPR DESIGN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL PMS COLOR CALL OUTS. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, DUE TO MATERIALS USED.5325 DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS UNTIL PURCHASED BY CLIENT. REVISIONS: PROOF- REVISIONS: PROOF. iin7 (IniGail "SWISS WO#: DATE: 3-8-14 PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH pp f� COFFEE" GRADIENT IS LOW RESOLUTION USE FOR PLACEMENT ONLY HI-RES ON FILE: SIGN DESIGN - HIGH RESOLUTION ARTWORK- LENNAR- GRIFFIN -0I -GRIFFIN CLUBHOUSE - REND ERING-02-22-14.jpg ❑3 RECEIVED APR 3 0 2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTPBOOFBD BY ACM CLIENT APPROVAL: Please Check Box OUTDOOR c DIMENSIONS ❑ AS SHOWN ❑WITH CHANGES E. HUNTER AVENUE ANAHEIM, CA 92807 714-578-9555 FAX714-693-9578 CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE YOURSIGNATUREACKNOWLEDGESFULLAPPROVALOF DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD R INLYRREPR DESIGN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL PMS COLOR CALL OUTS. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, DUE TO MATERIALS USED.5325 DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS UNTIL PURCHASED BY CLIENT. REVISIONS: PROOF- REVISIONS: PROOF. iin7 (IniGail DESIGNER: RMH 50 E&Qm` (LnioaO WORKING Lj CONCEPTS: DRAWING: WO#: DATE: 3-8-14 PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH pp f� CLIENT: LENNAR SALES REP: 7M r' By ��,18B91' o s� Psi sites PEG CASE NO. , v ! 0 -fo 1 `\ - _. f- _ 70 \ —TRAP EVLC FG,NTAIN �! •'�I• VEFI AR 6ATE5 MODEL �.�I� I �,. Ct r•1 � I t 1 1 � • • -ARK NG �. TRAP ' LOT 1 FREES-ANDiNC] 5FADE—./ s• _ h _ - �- -� ,q� 1, =°NCE ,r t 1 5TRJCiLRE AT BBC �' -� _ _ - e'er = oa ylc ® 1 , --11 O tr\ o G� e.i BED y r). + ''rts y v \ p' 5F-AJE 1 STRUGTLRE mr 1 FIRE PI- 1 s�c�ns 1 �ode1 iJ rQc��ono1 GRIFFIN RANCH MODEL COMPLEX EXHIBIT CRAFT TIC 5C ILE DATE 3/25/14 • • GRIFFIN RANCH PERMITTING MAP LEGEND -WELCOME HOME CENTER SIGN - PARKING SIGN - BANNERS ON DECORATIVE POLES O - PROJECT I.D. SIGN STORM CAT COURT V 1 O U T DDDR CLIENT APPROVAL naoarw�e� VALA MW OpQ�p t IPN�c�th.cY eoxl .ts=usm cim [�eW��nw�eloisar err _ ' DATE: 317/14 DIMENSIONS " CoLmam M'"�'�'� "'�O"""h d 3/10/14 GM 25 6 MOM 1Yf CMOtl ■pM1 a Md Male" R ILIIM{ Plt COWLl CONCEPTL I_j A55HOWN I. iWITH CHANGES uuam.MncwaMuwracxuanmuroant uxn ,� 3/21!14 .25 - PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH PERMIT MAP �. 1_- l�DIDNH DE8IONER: GM �� -- CUENL• IENNAR • 0 0 T 72" 48" ON WELCOME SIGN MATERIALS: 1❑ DIRECT PRINT ON 1/2" MDO PANELS (TOP CLEAR COAT) ❑2 44 WOOD POSTS W/ 2x2 MOUNTING CLEATS JET CUT 1/2" THICK PLEX LOGO ELEMENT ATTACHED TO SIGN FACE FAUX FINISH BY TOM WOLF COLORS. OA ■ BLACK ©� FRAZEE PAINT 487 SWISS COFFEE (MATCH COLOR) ©COLORS PER CLIENT ART ( m FAUX FINISH GRADIENT IS LOW RESOLUTION USE FOR PLACEMENT ONLY HI-RES ON FILE: SIGN DESIGN - HIGH RESOLUTION ARTWORK- LENNAR- GRIFFIN 2 A REAR VIEW FRONT VIEW Cv:'_") �� �ti�c � y APPROVED BY PI..AH6aiNG DEPARTMENT BY DATE —Lb Cif IBITCASE NO. D I Z T 72" REAR VIEW 24" 48" 36° FRONT VIEW D/F PARKING SIGN MATERIALS: ❑1 DIRECT PRINT ON 1/2" MOO PANELS ITOP CLEAR COATI F2 44 WOOD POSTS W/ 2x2 MOUNTING CLEATS COLORS OA ■ BLACK © FI FRAZEE PAINT 481 DATE: 2/26/'14 SWISS COFFEE F (MATCH COLOR) ©COLORS PER SALES REP: TM CLIENTART GRADIENT IS LOW RESOLUTION USE FOR PLACEMENT ONLY HI-RES ON RLE: SIGN DESIGN - HIGH RESOLUTION ARTWORK- LENNAR- GRIFFIN /✓tel L 7 APPRUVED BY PLAWN;NG DEPARTMENT BY '�- DATE EXENEIT �3 - CASE NO. O U T D O D R CoDIMENSIONSG CLIENT APPROVAL: L Please Check Box ❑ AS SHOWN ❑ WITH CHANGES YOUR SIG NATURE ACKNOWLEDGES FULL APPROVAL IF DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT. RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL PMS COLOR CALL OU 5, FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS CLOSEASPOSSIBLE, DUE TO MATERIALS USED. DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS UNTILPURCHASEOBYCUENT. REVISIONS PROOF: II IH.H TQ 3.7.'14JH .25 CONCEPTS: FA DATE: 2/26/'14 PROJECT GRIFFIN RANCH F Q WORKING CLIENT: LENNAR W0: DRAWING: SALES REP: TM DESIGNER: GV 25 CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE • • I D/FoJECT I.D. 1❑ 1/2" THICK MOO, DIRECT PRINT, CLEAR COAT, MOUNTED ON POSTS W/ CLEATS TP 4x4 WOOD POSTS 3❑ CONCRETE FOOTING ® 1/2"MDO RIDER APPLIQUE (A) ■ BLACK © COLORS PER CLIENT ART © FRAZEE 487 SWISS COFFEE" "SWISFFEE" GRADIENT IS LOW RESOLUTION USE FOR PLACEMENT ONLY HI-RES ON FILE: SIGN DESIGN - HIGH RESOLUTION ARTWORK- LENNAR- GRIFFIN 48' 4 A B DENTICAL TO FRONT APPROVED BY PLA114 ING DEPARTMENT W DATE Xa- -NBIT A6 - z CASE NO. rt of L- io O U T D O O R Im DIMENSIONS CLIENT APPROVAL: (Please Check sox) AS SHOWN ❑ ❑ WITH CHANGES YOUR SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES FULL APPROVAL OF DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL PMS COLOR CALL OUTS. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, DUE TO MATERIALS USED. DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS UNTIL PURCHASED BY CLIENT. REVISIONS: PROOE, RIEVISjONS; PROOF• (tnAW1 II•�L) Q 3/5/14 RMH .25 Lj PROOF: DESIGNER: DL .75 O.+b+O 0 WORKING CONCEPTS: DRAWING: L 1 WO#: DATE: 3-4-14 PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH p 3.6.1 4 JH .25 'LI CLIENT: LENNAR ® �n ® CENT SIGNATURE DATE SALES REP: TM • • • S/SECTIONAL U 1/2" THICK MOO, DIRECT PRINT, CLEAR COAT, MOUNTED ON POSTS W/ CLETES a 4x4 WOOD POSTS 3❑ CONCRETE FOOTING Op ■ BLACK © COLORS PER CLIENT ART © ❑ FRAZEE "'SWISS DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RES PO NSIBILTTY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND(InR�.H INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF A 2125114 GV .25 Al COFFEE" GRADIENT IS LOW RESOLUTION USE FOR PLACEMENT ONLY HI-RES ON FILE: SIGN DESIGN - HIGH RESOLUTION ARTWORK- LENNAR- GRIMN C 4,'7' APPROVED By PLAidNING DEPARTMENT By Com" DATE EXHIBIT A ;ASE W. PBONfFSDl KY ,1fM U T b O O R CLIENT APPROVAL: (Please Check Box) YOUR SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGESFULL APPROVAL OF REVISIONS: PROOF• REVISIONS: PRO.OE DEik�m� WO#: DATE: 2-14-14 �O DIMENSIONS DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RES PO NSIBILTTY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND(InR�.H INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF A 2125114 GV .25 Al ❑ AS SHOWN ❑ WITH CHANGES ACTUAL PMS COLOR CALL OUTS. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, DUE TO MATERIALS USED. PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH /i\ 3/5/14 RMH .25 5325 E. HUNTER AVENUE ANAHEIM, CA 92807 DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS UNTIL PURCHASED BY CLIENT. /i\ 3.7.14JH .25 WORKING /4\r' Ll Li CLIENT: LENNAR SALES REP: TM 714-578-9555 FAX 714-693-9578 , CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE CONCEPTS: • • 0 1 D/FQJECT I.D. 4 A B UNVEILING SPRING 2014 - 96" 3❑ 1❑ 1/2" THICK MDO, DIRECT PRINT, CLEAR COAT, MOUNTED ON POSTS W/ CLEATS ❑2 4x4 WOOD POSTS 3❑ CONCRETE FOOTING ® 1/2"MDO RIDER APPLIQUE OA ■ BLACK © COLORS PER CLIENT ART © ❑ FRAZEE 487 CLIENT: LENNAR .� /L_jLi "SWISS COFFEE" GRADIENT IS LOW RESOLUTION USE FOR PLACEMENT ONLY HI-RES ON FILE: SIGN DESIGN - HIGH RESOLUTION ARTWORK- LENNAR- GRIFFIN BALK Ut MUM APPROVED BY PLAWNRNG DEPARTMENT B szs�DATE EM --BIT ft // _ o It CASE NO. M of i`/- �P�TR��M U�IiD OFi M I AC CLIENT APPROVAL: Plwse Chect sox O U T D O O R ( I DIMENSIONS ❑ AS SHOWN ❑WITH CHANGES • I CLIENT SIGNATURE DATE YOUR SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGES FULL APPROVAL OF DESIGN LAYOUT AND CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM RESPONSIBILITY IN REGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND INFORMATION. THE COLORS SHOWN ARE ONLY REPRESENTATIVE OF ACTUAL PMS COLOR CALL OUTS. FINAL COLOR WILL BE MATCHED AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE, DUE TO MATERIALS USED. DESIGNS ARE THE PROPERTY OF OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS UNTIL PURCHASED BY CLIENT. REIQSIONS. PROOF• RE1f'3SIONS: PBQQE (1.n�I (I.RyD 3.6.14 JH 25 /l DESIGNER: DL .75� (1nki.D SCALE: 314" 0 WORKING CONCEPTS: DRAWING: WO#: DATE: 2-14-14 PROJECT: GRIFFIN RANCH pp L 1 It CLIENT: LENNAR .� /L_jLi SALES REP: TM C, GRIFFIN RANCH PERMITTING MAP e::�C�e%LJIV ZL'r APPROVED BY PLAWNING DEPARTMENT sY ! �9 Com- DATA j= EX'.4'iBIT S(G"' �� c..q-t z r✓S — LrL f. i GL+�'t%4� CASE NO. - LEGEND 0 -WELCOME HOME CENTER SIGN 0 - PARKING SIGN 0 - BANNERS ON DECORATIVE POLES 0 - PROJECT I.D. SIGN STORM CAT COURT s 7m OUTDOOR CLIENT APPROVAL: YOURSIDNATUREACKNOWLEDGESFULLAPPROVALOf VISIONS: PROOF REVISIONS: PROOF • DATE: 3/7/14 E DESIBN IAYOUT ANO CONTENT, RELEASING OUTDOOR DIMENSIONS FROM (Please Check Box) u.M.n ers,R P1IA /B�E�,C'/'�w,c AESPONSIB'L'TY^IN•IIEGARD TO INCORRECT DESIGN AND INFORMATIL�N�T. V/� C/� d vA� `5 CONCEPTS: 1 !Y� llls� IJIVa7 I E'"WEGII: GRIFFIN RANCH PERMIT MAP ❑AS SHOWN [I WITH CHANGES CAILOlTfS.NNALCOLORWILLBEMATCHEDASCLOSE ASPOSSIBLE. DUETO /, $/21/14 GM .25 T WORKING DESIGNER: GM MATERIALS USED. — --- - __......._ I I CLIENT I FNNAe