MUP 2014-10730 City of Ga Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 Office Use Only Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline Notes: MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION • VZW La Quinta Retail RECEIVED APR 18 2014 CITY OF LA QUINTA COM MU NITIY,,PAY , QPMENT IQ e FAPR 1, `3 20111+ CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE VtPY Finance Stamp Sections A, B and C are to be completed bV the applicant in their entirety and shall be accompanied by all listed plans, studies, reports and exhibits listed in Section D unless specifically waived by the appropriate City staff member and noted thereon. SECTION A - PROJECT INFORMATION Project Name: Project Description APN #(s) Site Address/ Location: General Plan Specific Plan Proposed Phases LA QUINTA RETAIL LTE. r (3) RIU's/BIAS-T's, (2) new raycaps, (2) hybrid fiber cables 643-080-015 78-950 1/2 Hiahwav 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Not in general plan policy overlay area Zoning: Not within a specific plan None CP -Commercial Park Proposed Use: Unmanned Telecommunications Facility Related Cases: CUP 2001-060 Minor Use Permit Application Page 1 of s City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R, Application Submittal Forms\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SECTION B - STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS The purpose of this form is to provide a detailed statement outlining the day-to-day operation of the proposed project. Any approval related to this application will be based on the information provided and will therefore be subject to the continued operation of the proposed project consistent with the information provided. Please be aware that any activities beyond those described here may result in the need to amend your use permit in the future, thus it is encouraged that the information provided be based on the ultimate operation level of the proposed use. Description of proposed use: Unmanned Telecommunicaitons Facili Hours of operation: N Number of employees: None List any other local, state or federal licenses or permits required: None Types of equipment and processes used: Verizon Wireless Telecommunication Equipment as noted in plans Describe any hazardous materials used, stored, or produced on-site: None Describe any other special characteristics specific to the proposed use: NA Minor Use Permit Application Page 2 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 PMpplication Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc 0 SECTION C - APPLICANVOWNER INFORMATION Applicant: Verizon Wireless Per A end t Sequoia Deployment Services Inc. -Aaron Anderson (562) 485-8012 (Name) (Phone) 22471 Aspan Street Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 aaron.andersonosequoia-ds.com (Mailing Address) (Email) Owner(s): Coachella Valley Water District Right of Way Division (760) 398-2651 (Name) (Phone) P.O. box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 NA (Mailing Address) (Email) Architect: ACO Architects, Inc. Anthony Ortale (949) 716-9940 (Name) (Phone) 26170 Enterprise Way #600 Lake Forest, CA 92630 NA (Mailing Address) (Email) (California State License #) Applicant Certification 1 certify that 1 have read this application packet in its entirety and understand the City's submittal and review process and the requirements for this application. I further certify that each application item submitted as part of this application is consistent with the minimum required contents for that item as described in Section D of this application. I understand and agree that if during the processing of the application, it is determined the information does not strictly meet such standards or contains errors or omissions, clarification and/or supplemental information may be required and the preparation of such information may be considered, in the Planning Director's judgment, an unreasonable delay and will result in a suspension of processing time limits in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15109. Applicant's Signature: a-- Date: Opt -i7 -1y Print Name: Verizon Wireless Per Agent Sequoia Deployment Services Inc. -Aaron Anderson Owner Certification I certify under the penalty of the laws of the State of California that / am the property owner of the property that is the subject matter of this application and / am authorizing and hereby do consent to the filing of this application and acknowledge that the final approval by the City of La Quinta, if any, may result in restrictions, limitations and construction obligations being imposed on this real property. Owner/Authorized Agent Signature*: Date: Print Name(s): . ee Attached Letter �ofAut�horiza�fion) *An authorized agent for the owner must attach a notarized letter of authorization from the legal property owner. Any off-site work identified on the plans must be accompanied by a statement of authorization with a notarized signature of the subject property owner. Minor Use Permit Application Page 3 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:%pplication Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Site: LA QUINTA LA 0 Letter of Authorization APPLICATION FOR ZONING/LAND USE ENTITLEMENTS Property Address: 78080 Calle Estado, La Quinta CA 92253 Assessor's parcel Number: 770-151-003 I/We, the owner(s) of the above-described property, authorize Los Angeles SMSA Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership, d/b/a Verizon Wireless, with offices located at 15505 Sand Canyon Avenue, Irvine, CA 92618, its employees, representatives, agents, and/or consultants, to act as an agent on my/our behalf for the purpose of creating, filing and/or managing any land use and building - permit applications, or any other entitlements necessary to construct and operate a wireless communications facility on the above-described property. UWe understand that any application may be denied, modified, or approved with conditions, and that such conditions or modifications must be complied with prior to issuance of building permits. UWe further understand that signing of this authorization in no way creates an obligation of any kind. Owner(s): Calje_Qi iii By: Print Nii'U� V A5 b,at ?-Al Po I" ► S BY; . Signature Print Name: Title: ;!�. ► pow W ,�j E41— Title: Date::. 1�-� 17.13 Date:: State of California ) County of 4a s tWerf-t-k$ On I 201 before me, k—MI CIW iej" Motary Public, personally appeared \C"1Qn. ! ^ p[S( n who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(} whose nameW We& subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/sWt* executed the same in his/lpfa/tW authorized capacity(ipt), and that by hls/14r/tjfeir signature(tQon the instrument the personjo, or the entity upon behalf of which the person( acted, executed the instnmrent. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: _ 4L 4e Page I 40 HELENA CUETO FEANANOEZ, Cornmtoelon ►1874203 Z -a Notary Publlc • Catltornla Lpe Angeles County M Cornet. Ex lrea Jan 20, 2014 0 SECTION D - APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - INITIAL TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY STAFF Each of the following items is required for submittal unless a waiver is granted by City Staff. Any waiver # of E- must be confirmed by initialing of this form by the # of copies Waiver >_ person granting the waiver prior to submittal. Please see paper in PDF OK'd by Section D for the description and completion copies (oar at (initials) requirements of each item. FS = Full Size / R = Reduced to 11 "x 17" ROM) FILING FEES ❑ ❑ Filing Fees Receipt 1 NA NA APPLICATION INFORMATION ❑ ❑ Application w/Statement of Operations 1 1 NA ❑ ❑ Site Photographs 1 1 PLAN SET ❑ ❑ Index Sheet 1Fs/3R 1 ❑ ❑ Site Plan 1Fs/3R 1 NA ❑ ❑ Floor Plan 1 Fs/3R 1 Additional information may be required based on review of the project description. Submittal waivers may be obtained through staff consultation, a pre -submittal meeting, or a preliminary review application. No applications will be accepted by mail. Minor Use Permit Application Page 4 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS - PRIOR TO HEARING The following items are to be submitted after # of E - the project is scheduled* for Planning # of copies in Submitted Commission review and must be received by paper PDF format the Planning Department at least 12 working copies (on CD- days prior to the scheduled PC meeting date. ROM) ❑ CEQA Filing Fees 1 NA ❑ Bound 11"x17" reduction of complete final Plan Set with 3 1 colored Site Plan Sheets ❑ Full size (not to exceed 24"x36") complete final Plan Set 1 NA with colored Site Plan Sheets *If these required items are not received by the Planning Department by the end of the day 12 working days before the scheduled PC meeting date, the project's review will be re -scheduled for a later date. SECTION E - SUBMITTAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONS FILING FEES Filing Fees are to be paid at the time of application. As part of the submittal process you will be asked to pay your fees at the Finance Department counter and return to the Planning Department counter with the receipt showing payment of fees which will be copied and submitted along with the other application materials. Additional environmental review related fees (if any) will be determined and payable at the time the application is determined complete. REQUIRED AT TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL Minor Use Permit Application Fee: $200* REQUIRED AT TIME APPLICATION IS READY FOR FINAL REVIEW AND APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fee: $64** Required regardless of exempt status * Payable to City of La Quinta * * Separate cashiers check payable to County of Riverside APPLICATION INFORMATION Application: A City application form complete with all requested information and original signatures in Sections A, B and C provided. If you have any questions regarding filling out the Application, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. Statement of Operations: The statement of operations portion (Section B) of the application describing various operational aspects of the proposed use shall be completed. Minor Use Permit Application Page 5 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:1Application Submittal FormskApplicationsWUPWUP Application - 05.20.13.doc Site Photographs: Provide one aerial view, at least one panoramic view of each side of the site, and specific views of any relevant or unusual features of the site. Printed images shall be at least 4"x6" and printed in color on 8'/2"x11" sheets. If you have any questions regarding the Site Photographs requirement, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. PLAN SET Plan Set: A complete Plan Set shall contain one copy of each required sheet, map or plan in the order listed below, stapled together in the order prescribed as a comprehensive set, and folded so that the folded size does not exceed Wx12", rolled plans will not be accepted. All maps/plans/sheets shall be drawn on uniform sheets no greater than 24"x36" (or as approved by the Planning Department prior to initial submittal). Each sheet shall be drawn clear and legible, be accurately scaled, fully dimensioned, drawn at the same scale unless otherwise instructed, and include all the information as described in this section for each particular item. Order of Plan Set Contents 1. Index Sheet 2. Site Plan 3. Floor Plan 1. Index Sheet The Index Sheet is the Plan Set's cover sheet and shall contain the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan sheet identification number (such as 11 for Index, Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, and telephone number of person preparing map o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent • A data table formatted in the following order: o Assessors Parcel Number(s) (book, page and parcel number) o Legal description o Existing General Plan designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Zoning designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing Specific Plan title and land use designation (and proposed if applicable) o Existing land use and proposed land use o Total net site area identified in square feet and acres o Total building area identified in square feet and percentage of net site area o Total parking area identified in both square feet and percentage of net site area o Identification of parking ratios required by City code and provided o Number of parking spaces required by City code and provided o Number of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking spaces required & provided o Occupancy classification (per California Building Code) o Type of construction (per California Building Code) • List of Plan Set sheets • Vicinity map identifying project boundary line and location within surrounding neighborhood. Minor Use Permit Application Page 6 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department - 760.777.7125 05.20.13 R\Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc 9 • If you have any questions regarding the above listed Index Sheet requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 2. Site Plan The Site Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as S1 for Site Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of the person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent. • Graphic scale (engineering scale not to exceed 1" = 40') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Location and dimension of all: o property lines o required and actual setbacks for building to property lines and buildings to buildings o structures o landscape areas o drive aisles, parking stalls, and loading areas o pedestrian pathways, including ADA horizontal path of travel o trash enclosures o storage areas 0 on-site fuel tanks (above or below ground) o freestanding signs o fire hydrants onsite and within 500' of the project site o walls and fences o public utilities o public improvements, include cross sections o structures, driveways, parking areas, trees and property lines within 50' of project site's perimeter boundary • Name, location and dimension of all adjacent public streets and ROWS • Type, height, and location of all street, parking and pedestrian lights • Identification of General Plan and Zoning land use designations and existing land use of project site and all adjacent properties • Identify interior and exterior turning radius dimensions at entries and drive aisles for emergency vehicle access • If the project includes any phasing of development the proposed phases, including public improvements, shall be identified on a separate site plan sheet with a table showing acreage, building square footage, number and type of units, and number of parking spaces per phase. If you have any questions regarding the above listed Site Plan requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. 3. Floor Plan The Floor Plan shall be prepared by a qualified professional as stipulated by the California Business and Professions Code and shall include the following information: • Title block located in the lower right-hand corner of the map which contains the following information and is readily visible when folded: o Name of project Minor Use Permit Application Page 7 of 8 City of La Quinta • Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 PMpplication Submittal Form s\Applications\MUP\MUP Application - 05.20.13.doc o Plan name and sheet identification number (such as F1 for Floor Plan Sheet 1) o Initial date of drawing and any subsequent revisions o Name, address, telephone number, signature and credentials stamp and license number of person preparing map. o Name, address, and telephone number of owner, applicant, and/or agent o California License Stamp • Graphic scale (not smaller than the %"=1') • North arrow (typically with North facing the top of the drawing) • Allocation and use of all interior and exterior space, including areas for waiting, gathering, eating, storage or display of merchandise • Location of all walls, doors, and window openings If you have any questions regarding the above listed Floor Plan requirements, please contact the Planning Department at (760) 777-7125. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO APPROVAL CEQA Filing Fees: Checks payable to County of Riverside in the amounts specified for the proposed Environmental Determination as identified by the Planning Department Minor Use Permit Application Page 8 of 8 City of La Quinta - Planning Department • 760.777.7125 05.20.13 P:\Application Submittal Forms\ApplicationsWUMMUP Application - 05.20.13.doc PREPARED 4/18/14, 14:55:21 PAYMENTS DUE INVOICE CITY OF LA QUINTA PROGRAM PZ821L --------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROJECT NUMBER: 14-00000086 MUP 2014-1073 LA QUINTA LA/VERIZON WIREL FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUP (F) 200.00 TOTAL DUE 200.00 Please present this invoice to the cashier with full payment. C. 0 • City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 PHONE: 760.777.7125 FAX: 760.777.1233 Office Use Only Case Number Accepted Assigned 30 -Day By To Deadline Notes: 3 PAY TO THE ORDER OF MINOR USE PERMIT • VZW La Quinta Retail RECEIVE® APR 18 2014 CITY 0; LA QUINTA COMMUNIjY,I(A-YAOPMENT ORIGINAL DOCUMENT PRINTED ON CHEMICAL .REACTIVE PAPER WITH MICROPRINTED BONDER �.s 22342 Avenida Empresa 5545 8 � Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 22471 ASPAN ST., STE. 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 SEQUOIA (949) 753-7200 90298/1222 04/17/14 DEPLOYMENT SERVICES. INC. VOID IF AMOUNT EXCEEDS $500.00 City of La Quinta $ �p0.007 1 (Jd NOil G(VeO( 64c) Cl F S Q YLC't /'L O GGv`f.S DOLLARS I I L�z of Srk��J's�' �fGN MEMO SR500743: LA QUINTA RETAIL: Planning Fees` °Q ALITHORIZE;r!SWATURES Gia tit 11'00554511' 1:1 2 2 24 298 21: II' 160L994511' ORIGINAL DOCUMENT PRINTED ON CHEMICAL REACTIVE PAPER WITH MICROPRINTED BORDER 22471 ASPAN ST., STE. 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 SEQUOIA (949) 753-7200 DEPLOYMENT SERVICES, INC. PAY TO THE County of Riverside ORDER OF �22342 Avenida Empresa 5547 �K Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 90-4298/1222 4/17/2014 $ **64.00 Sixty -Four and Riverside, County of DOLLARS 5 MEMOrF �i AUTH ED IGNATURES FCGl'O SR50074# LA QUINTA RETAIL: CEPA Fee 11000554711' is 1 2 2 24 298 2i: 111 11160 L9945115 March 9, 2015 0 • Aaron Anderson Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 22471 Aspan Street, Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 r., FELE CGPY SUBJECT: NOTICE OF AUTOMATIC WITHDRAWAL: MINOR USE PERMIT 2014-1073; 78950 HIGHWAY 111 Dear Mr. Anderson: On November 5, 2014, our office forwarded to you a letter stating that your application had been identified as being subject to automatic withdrawal under the City's application sunset provisions. The letter (copy enclosed) states that, per Section 9.200.070 of the Zoning Ordinance, if no action is taken by the applicant regarding the application within 30 days of receipt of said letter, the application would be automatically withdrawn and closed. As we have not received any communications or direction regarding the subject application, or the outstanding information within the thirty days as requested, our office now considers the application automatically withdrawn. This letter serves to inform you that the application Minor Use Permit 2014-1073 is now closed. Please do not hesitate to contact Wally Nesbit, Principal Planner if you have any questions in regard to this letter. He can be reached at 760-777-7125 or via email at wnesbit@la-guinta.org. Sinc4roy, Lez,donnson Community Development Director Encl. 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.org November 5, C c&ty/ 4 edy/ 2014 FELE L'QNY Aaron Anderson 11/05/14: Sent certified mail by BA Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 7011-3500-0003-1516-9295 22471 Aspan Street, Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2014-1073: 78950 HIGHWAY 111 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITY Dear Mr. Anderson: The subject application was initially received in our office on April 18, 2014, On July 15, 2014, our office received an email from you, in reply to our July 11 email, stating that the property owner authorization for the application was in a continuing delayed state, but was being resolved. Subsequently, a September 15 follow-up email was sent to you, outlining the potential closing of the application if no reply was received from your office; to date, staff has received no information from your office in regard to this application since that email. Consequently, your Minor Use Permit application has been identified as being subject to automatic withdrawal under the City's application sunset provisions. As per Section 9.200.070 of the Zoning Ordinance, all applications which remain incomplete and inactive for a minimum six (6) month period are forwarded a return receipt warning letter notifying the applicant that their application is incomplete and inactive. If no action is taken by the applicant regarding the application within 30 days thereafter, the application is automatically withdrawn and closed. Please be aware that this letter serves as your 30 -day warning notification. If your intent is to suspend your application until a later date, we request that you withdraw your application and re -apply with a new application once you are ready to proceed. If we fail to receive either a formal letter of withdrawal of Minor Use Permit 2014-1073 or the requisite property owner authorization for review within thirty days of this notice, our office will consider the application automatically withdrawn and closed. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me immediately at (760) 777- 7125. Since nity Development Director 78-495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta I California 92253 1 760.777.7000 1 www.La-Quinta.orjZ ■ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the back of the maliplece, or on the front If space permits. 1, Article Addressed to: �1a►r0n P,nd¢rsaf> Sequor, A�c.�\c�trr,erYt' SrVCS 22 y r+ I P�%ymn � Sic Zct eke 5�0�cs.�-, 2. Article Number (iiansfor from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 ul Ir ru a– _a rq M 0 C3 O O C7 Ln M O r— A. Signature X O Agent ❑ Addreeeee S. Received by (Printed Name) C. Date�01 elivery D. le delivery addreee different from Item 17 OYYe It YES, enter delivery address below: XPO 3. Service Type k5Certilled Mall ❑ EX4XM Mall ❑ Registered C3 Retum RsodiA for Mwdwx%ae O Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. — — - – 4. Restricted Delivery? (Ex" Rayl ❑ Yea Domestic Return Racelpt 102596-02•M-1540 l Lr1 U)9030M 'WIM KJOAMM11 UWA P. JIM • . . .-. Cr U rU r1J Q" CrI i -- ._Sri 'n � ar Postage $ a Certllled Fee M m Postmark O O Return Recelpt Fee Here 0 C:j (Endorsement Required) C3 M Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) O O U1 m O - t7Ln Total Postage & Fees M -- -- SiWW Vii+��?..f do n�.S60A.uA.4'Ant, 0 or PV Box No. �2 _ t 7 4 -IG nom 1... ,.L- 19.v. filly 8feh v044 1�� veriZonwireless Verizon Wireless 15505 Sand Canyon Ave Irvine , CA 92618-3114 Phone 949 286-7000 July 8, 2011 RE: Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc., as a representative for Verizon Wireless To Whom It May Concern: Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. is an authorized representative of Verizon Wireless and has been contracted to perform (i.e., real estate leasing, land use entitlements, permitting, etc.) on behalf of Verizon Wireless in connection with their telecommunications facilities. As an authorized representative of Verizon Wireless, Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. may sign and submit (i.e. land use applications and permits, as well as negotiate leases, etc.) on behalf of and with approval by Verizon Wireless. Sincerely, (� �Rw 14'007� Karen Pereda Verizon Wireiess — Network Specialist-Regulatory/RE Southern California Region Paul Gerst From: Chris Bogan [cbogan®cvwd.org] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 10:25 AM To: Paul Gerst Cc: Jay Banks; Zachary Ahinga; Kelly Esmeralda; Juan Medina; Carrie Oliphant Subject: RE: Verizon La Quinta // City Submittal - Lease at well site 5712 Paul, the attached plans appear to be the set previously reviewed by CVWD. CVWD is aware of Verizon's request to install an additional six (6) antennas within this site leased from CVWD, our well site 5712. CVWD and Verizon are negotiating the 2"d amendment to lease which will allow the installation of these additional antennas. We request the City of La Quinta continue to work with Verizon on the building and planning requirements for this additional equipment providing that no final authorizations or approvals are issued until CVWD has provided its approval via an executed 2nd amendment to lease. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for this update. Chris From: Paul Gerst fmailto:paul.gerst sequoia-ds.coml Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 20113:42 PM To: Chris Bogan Cc: Jay Banks Subject: Verizon La Quinta // City Submittal OK Hi Chris — I spoke to the city and they are willing to accept the application based on an email. I attached a set of the plans showing the additional antennas, if these are OK, please indicate that you are authorizing Verizon to submit for planning approval. Thanks. Paul Gerst NEW ADDRESS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2011 Sequoia Deployment Services, Inc. 22471 Aspan Street, Suite 290 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Telephone: 949.290.0602 Facsimile: 949.753.7203 www.sequoia-ds.com VZW La Quinta Retail 78-950 % Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 verILnwireless • 'WAR < i; i I P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 July 11, 2001 Mr. Steven Rakhshani, Project Manager Verizon Wireless 15505 Sand Canyon Avenue Irvine, California 92618 SUBJECT: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2001-060 (EA 2001-425) Dear Mr. Rakhshani: (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 On July 10, 2001, the Planning Commission, on a 5-0 vote, adopted Resolutions 2001-097 and -098, certifying EA 2001-425 and approving your request to install a 60 -foot high monopalm antenna and unmanned equipment building at the One Eleven -La Quinta Shopping Center (CVWD Well Site #5712) pursuant to Chapter 9.170 of the Zoning Ordinance. A copy of the conditions for CUP 01-060 is attached. This Department will forward signed copies of the Planning Commission Resolutions with conditions to your attention once all necessary signatures have been obtained. The Planning Commission's decision may be appealed to the City Council, provided this Department (or the City Clerk) receives the written appeal and filing fee of $175.00 by July 25. Should you wish assistance regarding our appeal procedures, please feel free to contact our Department. If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at (760) 777-7067. Regarding construction plan check requirements, please contact Mr. Greg Butler, Building and Safety Manager, at (760) 777-7015. SinczFely. — J DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR USDELL 'tanner Enc. c: CWVD (Ruth Dearden) Ed Krugman Community Development Director Building and Safety Director- Fire irectorFire Marshal Itr PC CUP60 TawerCVW*1 GT C ...L ■ I: >,� i . r t,-_.:+_� _ '�f sof• Iw � t � �r = '- Y-��►;.��.,.. )i� . �tatJ>aM�sJ♦ tic :r�{s�r' ri Y J a .'� ss�tt.•a►.ot►s• ,r•c•l,lftii `fM.iyry •+.rsv +.�. ,)1 .. •�. � � t mac 'c.: ictsa�•i►, -r iO��M�s1f�(►+I�M� �- Nv ft W1 7*�, GD >��t t i fes• s -_ !.._ `( 1 __,t ori • ,•,, � '��� s `'. t - y LOCATION a ... EXISTING m PROPOSED REPLACEMENT ANTENNAS �NEW _ �t ■ ■ i \ ■ ..rE a{�•r II ,cam. t r" n. PROPOSED ■ ■ ■ - _ c ■ ., - - VIEW 1 Y ` r .• r - � `� f p~j� �'fJ �� •_.�1: 5 t. ����� isr s ar, .r ._a� -»j _ ( e ;I. ';�� fV► 4 iti�il ij9l►i► ! 1. Ti1I'�'•IVr L _ •,a �i 1 I'A a. T� - '� .'fit: irut l�• - . c a �r, , f w. '' xst►st rYil '� >1,N ;, � ji` .� f� � •►�rr�rtii `t�i�Gir•v,��.rr� moi. -26 e. 46j►J t0�� tlft w a ► �rti e, 1�11.,r�iws►ti . QD �� � .�_.� � t' �. Yom• NN IMD J r- 46* ® #1R ~ ►♦4 GD LOCATION � -: •--mow. m ► EXISTING PROPOSED - . . . . . r l /w VIEW Z ,k- .4 �iY' _ I�i +i �....'a;n�� ,-�•.�y�gs: �if_w��it..�r �. i - - t_ �/� i���.,��//,n � •b��i�-ITC ��t .:f it >e-; ""i y,rLlu�w"4,: P" I�-�f rv�,iiti` •r Ar�rs9r . ._r s, f �- _. � rrjF� � '�__ � sac>ss,riia►_ � - _ . � w Yrs' sf r •r,c•r�l"tii � R:fll�f i�'r�f\V ® . K "aTy .Y 7f e • GD . ms'''s• *x.a;.: _ . _ °« .• ' �` ® - r rbc r LOCATION p i • q A PROPOSED ... . OLI VIEW 3 5 w a H 0 jai b Gerald A Fo,d Elernemay Sch" bmr =' 78-950 1/2 HIGHWAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Fed Wx4.1 m hGirrr wek Tennis Cs.de. ked VlmiN M I VICINITY MAP - N.T.S. I START AT 1550; SAND CANTON AVE, IRM HEAD SOUTHWEST ON SAND CANYON AVE TOWARD BARRANC4 PKWY, TURN LEFT ONTO BARRANCA PKWY, TURN RIGHT ONTO PACIFICA, TURN RIGHT ONTO THE STATE HIGHWAY 133 N RAMP, MERGE ONTO CA -133 N, MERGE ONTO CA -241 N, REEF RIGHT AT THE FORK, FOLLOW SIGNS FOR CA-gl EAWERSIDE AND MERGE ONTO 04-91 E, TAKE THE CA -60 EA -215 5 EXIT TOWARD SAW DIEGO/M00, MERGE ONTO CA -60 E, MERGE ONTO CA -60 EA -215 5, KEEP LEFT TO CONTINUE ON CA -60 E, MERGE ONTO 1-10 E, TAKE THE WASHINGTON ST EXIT, TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST, TURN LEFT ONTO CA -III S, CALIFORNIA 111 4 WASHINGTON ST LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRIVING DIRECTIONS I AC ASPHALT CONCRETE GA. GRAVEL Mda Ave Mile Ace HC. HANDICAPPED SIT ,., , & In aurt� SWM '& SL;: N - 0ne Eh+en a Ifi,ra � 6 in Dorm Vi•w Shc,ymmg Center BUILDING .n Bed Bath s HTG.1 VENT./ A/C ano Beyt BENCH MARK N .� y , M. BRICK LEIS. POUNDS I VICINITY MAP - N.T.S. I START AT 1550; SAND CANTON AVE, IRM HEAD SOUTHWEST ON SAND CANYON AVE TOWARD BARRANC4 PKWY, TURN LEFT ONTO BARRANCA PKWY, TURN RIGHT ONTO PACIFICA, TURN RIGHT ONTO THE STATE HIGHWAY 133 N RAMP, MERGE ONTO CA -133 N, MERGE ONTO CA -241 N, REEF RIGHT AT THE FORK, FOLLOW SIGNS FOR CA-gl EAWERSIDE AND MERGE ONTO 04-91 E, TAKE THE CA -60 EA -215 5 EXIT TOWARD SAW DIEGO/M00, MERGE ONTO CA -60 E, MERGE ONTO CA -60 EA -215 5, KEEP LEFT TO CONTINUE ON CA -60 E, MERGE ONTO 1-10 E, TAKE THE WASHINGTON ST EXIT, TURN RIGHT ONTO WASHINGTON ST, TURN LEFT ONTO CA -III S, CALIFORNIA 111 4 WASHINGTON ST LA QUINTA, CA 92253 DRIVING DIRECTIONS I AC ASPHALT CONCRETE GA. GRAVEL ANT. ANTFJOWS) HC. HANDICAPPED BEL BELOW HORIZ. HORIZONTAL B.G. BELOW GRADE HNT. NEIGIT mvG. BUILDING HVAC. HTG.1 VENT./ A/C B.M. BENCH MARK INCL. INCLUDE M. BRICK LEIS. POUNDS CAB. CABINET I". LOW POINT C9. CATCH BASIN MAS. MASONRY CEM. CEMENT MAX. MAXIMUM CFT. CUBIC FOOT MET. METAL C.I.P.C. CAST -IN-PLACE COW. MFR MANUFACTURER C.L.L. CONTRACT LIMIT LME MN. MINIMLRI CLS. CLOSURE (N) NEW C.M.U. COWL. MASONRY UNIT N NORTH COW. CONCRETE N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT CZ)N N. CONNECTION N.T.S. NOT TO SCALE CONST. CONSTNBULTION P.P. POWER POLE CTR CENTER P.I.. PROPERTY LINE CYD. CUBIC YARD P.O.C. POMP OF CONN. DHL. DOUBLE PROP. PROPERTY DEMO. DEMOLITION Pr. PONT DIM. DIMENSION PVMT. PAVEMENT DRNG. DRAWING READ. REQUIRED DTL DETAIL RFH. ROOF RATC44 (E) EXISTING. M. ROOFING E EAST R.OA RIGNT-0F-WAY EL ELEVATION 5 SOUTH ELEC. ELECTRIC (AL) TEL TELEPHONE ENOL ENCLOSURE T.O.P. TOP OF PARAPET EP. ELECT. PANE.BOARD T.O.S. TOP OF SLAB EQUIP. EQUIPMENT (SURFACE) EX. EXISTING T.O.W. TOP OF WALL EXT. EXTERIOR TYP. TYPICAL FS. FIN1514 SURFACE UNE. UNFINISHED FT. FOOT OR FEET U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED FUT. FUTURE OTHERWISE G.C. GENERAL GLNTR. VERT. VERTICAL G.F. GROUND FACE W WEST GPD. GROUND W/ WITH GR GRADE OR GRADING WP. WATERPROOF GV. GAS VENT WT. WEIGHT ABBREVIATIONS pp- jw verizo.",ireless LA QUINTA RETAIL 78-950 1/2 HIGHWAY 1 1 1 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 4 NEW ANTENNA 4 EXISTING ANTENNA TITLE SHEET LIGHT POLE SITE PLAN ELEVATION REF. —E— ELECT. CONDUIT PLASTER ® GROUND ROD Q FOUNDATION SECTION REF. —A— CAWAL CABLE ® (E) MASONRY rT GROUND BUS BAR CLIENT REVISION SPOT F1EV. 6 0-2044 —T/E— SERV. CONCRETE MEN- GRND. CONN. p SET Pa ---- PROPJLFASE UNE EARTH GROUND WELL Q REVISION MATCH LINE —z— — - — CHAIN LINK FENCE CENTERLINE o 0 0 0 0 o GRAVEL Q■ ascetic BOX Ox GRID REP. �— WORK PONT ® WOOD CONT. ® PLYWOOD Tam HOFIE BON ® DETAIL REF. — —T— TELE.GRNDCONDUCTOR TELE. CONDUIT � WOOD BLOCKING ' -g2z ' w � ® STIED STEEL SYMBOLS, LINETYPES AND PATCH PATTERNS ALL WORK AND MATERIALS SHAM BE PERFORMED AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES AS ACCEPTED BY THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITIES. NOTHING IN THESE PLANS 15 TO BE CONSTRUED TO PERMIT WORK NOT CONFORMING TO THE LATEST EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING CODES - 1. 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 6. 2013 ENERGY CODE VOLS. 14 2 7. 2013 GREEN BUILDING CODE 2.2013 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE B. 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 3. 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CGDE 9. 2013 CALIFORNIA REFERENCE 4. 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE STANDARDS CODE S. 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE CODE COMPLIANCE I SII€2AHCEI.NO.- 66 -OW -015 11DjC'ocnO 1. RIVERSIDE COUNTY z2L. CP-COMPIERCIAL PARK oma. UWIANNED TELECOTRINIGATIQI4 FACILITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BEING A PORTION OF PARCEL -A- OF PARCEL MAP N0. 25815, AS PER MAP REGARDED IN BOOK 171, PAGES 21 THROUGH 27, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. PROJECT DATA 78- w I/1 HIawr III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 CQAGM.LA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.O. BOX 10% CQ40wELIA, CA 92236 CONTACT. RIGHT-OF-WAY DIVISION (760) 398-2651 APPLICANT, VERIZON WIRELESS 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING V 1ST FLOOR IRVINE, CA 92618 PHONE, (949) 266-7000 CONSULTANT, S8QU01A DEPLOt'MBNT SERVICES, INC. 22471 ASPAN STREET , STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 CONTACT: PETE SHUBIN (714) 478-3197 ARCHITECT, ACA AROiITECTS, INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY #600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 PHONE, (949) 716-9440 FAX. (949) 297-4788 ANTHONY ORTALE (949) 716-9940 I PROJECT DIRECTORY I PLAN VERIFICATION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL PLANS AND EXISTING DIMENSIOIS AND CONDITIONS ON THE JOB SITE AND SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE AR041TECT IN WRITING OF ANY DISCREPANCIES BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK OR BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SAME GENERAL CONTRACTOR NOTES THIS PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE INSTALLATION OF (12) NEW PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) E )STING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR, (3) RIUWBIAS-T"5, (1) PER SECTOR, (2) NEW RAYGUPS AND (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLES AT AN EXISTING UNMANNED TELELO711UINCATIONS FACILITY. PROJECT DESCRIPTION T-1 TITLE SHEET A — 1 SITE PLAN A-2 DETAILED SITE PLAN A-3 ARCHITECNRAL ELEVATIONS A-4 A owncrum ELEVATIONS JAY4 SHEET INDEX REV, DATEW, REVISION DESCRIPTION. 1 II.�T13 CLIENT REVISION 2 01 CLIENT REVISION JAY4 3 SITE WALK REVISION 4 0314 CLIENT REVISION A 6 0-2044 CLIENT REVISION (ZONING) PLM TDEFEQUOIA 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 BUILDER, venZonwi e. 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING tDt lat. FLOOR IRVINE CA. 92618 R40NE (449) 286-7000 UP ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY wet LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL- 949-716-9940 FAX: 949-297-4788 ENGINEER, r SITE NAME, ILA QUINTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS, 78-%0 1/2 WIGHWAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92153 SWEET T1TLb TITLE SHEET DRAWING INFO, DYNG. WIPE, DRAWN BY, DATE T-1 JAY II -01-13 T-1 REV- DATE/BY. REVISION DESCRIPTION. 1 11- CLIENT REVISION AYp 2 CLIENT REVISION 14Yu 02 SITE WALK REVISION 4 L63 2k:,—"4 CLIEM REVISION CLIENT REVISION (ZONING) � I An T�IMSERVICES,114CEQUOIA ws� 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 Ved7.0/iwireless 155% SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' Ist. FLOOR IRVINE CA. 92618 PWONE (d49) 286-7000 Mq ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY tt600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TEL. 949-716-9940 FAX, 949-297-4788 ENGDM, SITE NAME LA QUI NTA R ETA I L SITE ADDRESS, 78-950 1n 14IC 4WAY III LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SHEET TRLE SITE PLAN DRAWING INFO, DWG. NAME I DRAWN BYE DATE AY 11-01-13 NOTES: : c: ••�: r Y Lil LOG. „�] f:. ^ f- :?•, ?: "' " ,. J-^I,•,�� Y�RI..O�z _ fi:___., is :C � x3'e.. _ �tib� T�.a, 0 Do&-, INN VE !-",4i Ni; a- a:55 5--.; LAE /•� ARPh.. ir,{ g' ��74U IrQ�( a`^-'!!�-:1tJ '�I;IIi�✓il !!i 1a.4GJ`5''1`.`_�JJ MNh i rl *95'1'4 1"- ° X 2S'-0' T?,k i fi'.VXXRRS To n' -'.w �b \ IEKWNG CttU !':A i. 3Y 07HE?S. O7 EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACE WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES. NEVI PALM TREES TO BE PROVIDED WI7H AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF WATER BY TRUCK FOR (6) MONTHS. O NEW VERIZON WIRELESS INSTALLATION OF (12) PANEL ANTP&S TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER SECTOR, (3) Rlu%mLA5-rs, (1) PER SECTOR, (2) mm RAYCAm AND (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLES. 09 E)aST'Nra 9',( R' x !0 GESIFPATc)R, ID ?'tFC?EKiY LINE. Il 51.116 \11-MZX CSR-'_ _=55 2(N-:' ;<r-'_ RA -CF AL r�. l� WS -MG 001`1-r.� Ii E PAP PREVWS E.!: ATM tr CV•ill `Y:S''4`."s TRAhSFJRh!ER 0M 4 v'-, GPETE PAD i4 EXESTI{iG PL RriUJD i'SATEF I,N€v REM/kiN, EX!ri Wr r �c1E PAP PIPELINE TP RE,`L;3I,4 C-6-11 vl nI5 ?NG UC-74T37'JiV -V-'LR RLN TO P.E.:�'WN C EefSTING VER{ZO' et!REL-15S : NOTES: O1 NEW VERMON WIRELESS (6) PANEL ANTENNA5 (ApppM. SIZE, 72'L X @'W X TD) TO REPLACE (6) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (2) PER SECTOR. O NEW VERRGN WIRELESS (6) PANEL ANTENNAS (APPRML SIZE, SOL X 12'W X Bb) TO REPLACE (6) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (2) PER SECTOR. O3 NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (2) RAYCAPS, (1) TO BE MOUNTED AT THE ANTIDWS AND (1) AT THE EQUIRIENT. O NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RIU'SdBIAS-T, (1) PER SECTOR O5 NEW VERRON WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLES RUN (360') FROM LOWER RAYCAP TO UPPER RAYCAP. CRiTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT CABLE ROUTING. O EMSM (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE M WED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREE. NEW PALM TREES TO BE PROVIDED WITH AN ADEAIIATE SUPPLY OF WATER BY TRUM FOR (6) MONTHS. EXISTING VE=JZON N4fU 5511'. J° X 5'-0' EWiF`L---h 5kc.'TFP, MST!N(. VHiMW KIRELESS 65' PIG4 i'M40FALM WITw I.L S?RK CLADG'F#�, D 1ST'Ji 1 CPU WALL TO FFa AX 100 EXISTING VEROM N REw55 ACCs'E OW.R, 1, EX,STIIG Q4i x : C-`.=NERATQR. ® EY+ L.TING VM-ZGd WIREIR95 rA3-E 5RIj)cE. j MST 1N4 i'E MON Wh; :LESS 8`-l1° s! G4 CM WALL E-4= 0FE. EXISTING VER04N' MRS -E% i-0"4 ITKL°.'AVE Dl:*? Akrr=-WtiA TO R—cM1N. "'41— TOR 'ALPNq- 4ZIhI�N M REV- DATFJBY, REVISION DESCRIPTION 1 11-�T13 CLIENT REVISION 2 01 CLIENT REVISION -4Y 3 SITE WALK REVISION 44 4 M: CLIENT REVISION 6 03-20-14 CLIENT REVISION (ZONING) Ptrl SEQUOIA DF31AY94m SFBV = Nc 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 vMi LOnwireless 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'D' let. FLOOR IRVINE CA. 42618 PHONE C49) 286-7000 ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY wow LAKE FOREST, CA d%W TEL 949-716-9940 FAX, 949-297-4788 SITE NAME LA QUI NTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS 7B -%O I/2 HIGHWAY III LA 61UINTA, CA 92253 SHEET TITLE+ N [DETAILED SITE PLAN 1�eL — W E DRAWMG INFO, DWG. NAMbDRAWN BY, DAMA3 JAY II -01-13 5 SHEET NUMBE R, vat'`: I' -D' A-3 —3 TOF Or EX S''1Nf, n0K -A 11 F- y} 7C%? Or E::IS"il---4. rv'A t � ty: �'-- -. - - - r;..�, A.G.L. .....� ,_...-------- EStIS'3;ts `r`� ;iL71 itil2Ele'_-_�—.-.------.___ ,, `-•_• , M!' -'R eAVP ANTENNA NEW VERMON WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLES RUN (t60') FROM LOWER RAYCAP TO UPPER RAYCAP. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT CABLE ROUTING. 0XISDW. VERLON IKiR I ESS 66' MIS.- ViITH NEW BARK CLk!)ING EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITI4 (2) NEW PALJ'1 TREES. NEW PALM TREES TO BE PROVIDED WITH AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF WATER BY - TRUCK FOR (6) MONTHS. ?STIP VE7: Y% WiR a� -ESS w^ IP` INT 8U TER. ISTIRe. CMAJ KU. 1,0 REMAIN -- — NORTHWEST ELEVATION OF EXISTIN4. rVaC'?kM FRPNi7 YAP Cf EXISTING NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RIU'S/BIAS-T, (1) PER SECTOR. M:-'RC,7qFVE Al TE04A mr-ii NPA ft',RK Cl�i !Pr XI599� VERIZON, HIRELESS ECPP-MEhi SMELTER. F':GTI:% Ff -RIAL IPPi;ATIM D1 TRJC T TPAN' ; Hcti (5EY?4o1 \\ NORTHEAST ELEVATION NEW VERRON WIRELESS (2) RAYCAPS, (I) TO BE MOUNTED AT TME ANTENNAS AND (1) AT THE EQUIPMENT. NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (12) PANEL ANTENNlkS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTEOM, (4) PER SECTOR. _ RAD CENTER OF NEW ANTENNAS 5r-�G.L� NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (3) RIU'S/BIAS-T, (1) PIR SECTOR. EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES. NEW PALM TREES TO BE PROVIDED WITH AN ADELUATE SUPPLY OF WATER BY TRUCK FOR (6) MONTHS. Z IAL IRRIGAiiCFI DISTRICT TRlk�ZR (PE7OND). EXIST04 at' rA� -0 p4 -w-4, , NEW VERIZON WIRELESS (2) RAYCAPS, (1) TO BE MOUNTED AT TME ANTENNAS AND (1) AT THE EMMI'IENT. NEW VERRON WIRELESS (12) PANEL ANTENNAS TO REPLACE (12) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS, (4) PER s _—_—_—_—_—___—_—_�--- ----- RADCWTEROFNEW ANTENNA I L NEW VERM WIRELESS (2) HYBRID FIBER CABLES RUN (tb0') FROM LOWER RAYCAP TO UPPER RAYCAP. -� �„. _- _ CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY EXACT CABLE ROUTING. '-- l:lc.-:`i•i :.-n,riD. (ilii---. -- , EXISTING (2) DEAD PALM TREES TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH (2) NEW PALM TREES. NEW PALM TREES TO BE PROVIDED WITH AN ADEQUATE SUPPLY OF WATER BY TRLM FOR (6) MONTHS. EX 17-nG CRAIKI-fw ACCE55 sA-i E 7e ?-M.N,AIN f9*—! it, i !),k SL.k LEAs C�!Avl ; W ACC ---6 :..'E TO REMAIN :' I' -o° I I 1'-0' 2 REV, DATE/BY, REVISION DESCRIPTION, 1 11-211-13 CLIENT REVISION 2 01-21-14 CLIENT REVISION .JAY 3 -M -14 SITE WALK REVISION 4 LN Luer r REVISION 5 CLIENT REVISION (ZONING) PLM ]SEQUOIA DEgZnMN8f SMVI= MC 22471 ASPAN STREET, STE 290 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 —BUILDER. i Ve%%zgpwireless 15505 SAND CANYON AVE. BUILDING 'LY Iat. FLOOR IRVINE CA. 92618 PHONE (d49) 286-7000 • 3L _SahJ ARCHITECTS - INC. 26170 ENTERPRISE WAY 6600 LAKE FOREST, CA 92630 TF1, 949-716-9940 FAX, 949-297-4788 ENGINEER, SITE NAME, LA QUI NTA RETAIL SITE ADDRESS, 78-950 1/2 HIGHWAY III LA GUINTA, CA 92253 Smwr TITLE ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATIONS DWG. NAME,I DRAMA BY, I DATE, A4 JAY 11-01-13