2006 04 04 CC Minutes LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 4, 2006 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council commenced in Closed Session at 2:00 p.m. City Clerk Greek announced the regular session would be adjourned at 3:00 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with, the City's real property negotiator, Douglas R. Evans, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 concerning potential terms and conditions of acquisition and/or disposition of real property located on Jefferson Street between Westward Ho Drive and Fiesta Drive. Property Owner/Negotiator: Sienna Corp. The Mayor called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. ROLL CALL PRESENT: ABSENT: Council Members Henderson, Kirk, Osborne, Sniff, Mayor Adolph None PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Genovese requested Business Item No. 2 be removed from the agenda as the request to use the City mascot has been withdrawn. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None PRESENTATIONS 1. Damien Kurant, 8055 West Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, and Bruce Colbert, representing the Property Owners Association of Riverside County, spoke regarding the impacts of the Coachella Valley Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan. They requested the City negotiate to amend the Plan to City Council Minutes 2 April 4, 2006 include a fully-funded, land acquisition program, and to direct appraisers not to consider the conservation area as relative to appraisals. 2. Sandy Beakey, representing Windermere Realty and Orange Coast Title Company, presented checks to the City for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Chalk Drawing Contest. She indicated they also plan to provide a donation for the Community Picnic/Birthday Celebration at Fritz Burns Park this year. 3. Lloyd Doolittle, representing 123 Fitness, presented two six months guest passes to be used for the adult Egg Hunt event. * * * * * * * * * * * Mayor Adolph presented a Certificate of Appreciation he had accepted on behalf of the City for its Corporate Sponsorship of the Senior Inspiration Award program. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 1~ 'CORRESPONDENCE FROM BERNARD JACQUES DEBONNE REGARDING PROPOSAL FOR GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ANNEXATION. Council Member Henderson stated she is not anxious to go beyond what the City is currently looking at but it does seem like a logical extension of the City's future. She suggested staff be directed to send a letter indicating a . positive response at some point in the future. Council concurred. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the City Council Minutes of March 21, 2006, as amended (changing Paragraph 4, Page 14 to read II... .force the signals into at least the minimum yellow....".) Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. 'APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED APRIL 4,2006. --,~--_.- City Council Minutes 3 April 4, 2006 2. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A FINAL MAP AND SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP 31852, POLO ESTATES, MARK L. RINDLESBACH. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-026) 3. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION APPROVING A STREET CLOSURE PERMIT FOR THE ANNUAL DON BERRY MEMORIAL GREATER COACH ELLA VALLEY SOAP BOX DERBY TO BE HELD ON APRIL 15, 2006 ON AVENIDA BERMUDAS. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-027) 4. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY LAURENCE DOUGHARTY: DATE OF LOSS - JANUARY 11, 2006. 5. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY V THE CITY OF LA QUINTA: DATE OF LOSS - MAY 11, 2005. 6. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY FARMERS INSURANCE COMPANY (SUBRO: YOLANDA MILLS) V THE CITY OF LA QUINTA: DATE OF LOSS- APRIL 7, 2005. 7. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY ROSA VILLALOBOS: DATE OF LOSS - OCTOBER 18, 2005. 8. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 28838-4, LA CALA AT PGA WEST, WESTERN PACIFIC HOUSING. 9. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 28838-3, LA CALA AT PGA WEST, WESTERN PACIFIC HOUSING. 10. AUTHORIZATION TO DISTRIBUTE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR A PARKS AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN UPDATE. 11. ACCEPTANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 29147-1, NORMAN ESTATES, WEISKOPF PARTNERS 1 , LLC. 12. . APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS FOR FY 2006/2007. 13. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM WINDERMERE REALTY AND ORANGE COAST TITLE COMPANY FOR THE ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT AND .CHALK DRAWING CONTEST. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-028) 14. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DONATION FROM 123 FITNESS FOR THE EGG HUNT FOR ADULTS. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-029) City Council Minutes 4 April 4, 2006 15. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION, IN SUPPORT OF A PROPOSITION 42 FIX INITIATIVE, ENSURING FUTURE REVENUES RAISED BY PROPOSITION 42 ARE DEDICATED TO STATE AND LOCAL TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS ONLY. (RESOLUTION NO. 2006-030) 16. ' APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON THE COACHELLA VALLEY FRINGE-TOED LIZARD HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN REGARDING IIMEASURES TO MINIMIZE TAKE OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY FRINGE-TOED LIZARD" TO PROVIDE AN EXTENSION OF THE CURRENT MOU UNTIL JUNE 30, 2006. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with Item Nos. 2, 3, 13, 14, and 15 being approved by RESOLUTION NOS. 2006-026 through 2006-030 respectively. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION 1 . CONSIDERATION OF SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL FROM KMIR-6 FOR NEW DRIVER CAR CONTROL CLINIC. Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Osborne, Ms. Hylton stated she understands the sponsorship is to help defray the overall program costs, and that the families would still be responsible for the $149 registration fee. Lori Nadeau, representing KMIR-6, stated they have received commitments of support from the City of Cathedral City Police Department and City of Indio Police Department, and Desert Regional Medical Center. They als,o, . have some in-kind sponsorships and endorsements from other agencies. In response to Council Member Kirk, Ms. Nadeau confirmed they expect this to be an annual program, and will be requesting financial assistance each year. She indicated AAA, State Farm, and Allstate are considering sponsorships next year, as well as some auto dealers. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Nadeau is committed to providing the program regardless of whether or not any of the cities help with sponsorships. Council Member Henderson commented on the challenge that parents have in paying the cost of private drivers education classes. She suggested the _.' - --- -- - ------~ - - -~- City Council Minutes 5 April 4, 2006 possibility of setting aside $2,000 for a matching grant to help families that cannot afford the $149 tuition cost. She voiced disappointment in hearing this will be a yearly request because she feels if it's beneficial, it should be taken to the School Districts to become part of their presentation. Council Member Kirk noted the City has a grant process, and voiced concern about considering this request independently of other requests. He encouraged them to submit a grant application for next year. He suggested the possibility óf supporting the program this year by helping to get the word out, perhaps through an advertisement in The Gem, but indicated he does not support a cash contribution at this time. Council Member Osborne commented on local high school students dying in car accidents, and stated he would be supportive of a matching grant program up to a $2,000 limit. Council Member Sniff suggested providing a $5,000 Silver Sponsorship and a matching grant program of $2,000. Mayor Adolph stated he doubts the City would be receptive to providing funding every year but he supports being part of the initial program to show the City is responsive to driver education. He stated he supports Council Member Sniff's suggestion. Council Member Henderson stated she would support a matching grant program but not a sponsorship. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Osborne to approve a request from KMIR-6 for a $5,000 Silver sponsorship and create a $2,000 matching grant fund to provide help for those needing financial assistance for the New Car Driver Control Clinic. Motion carried with Council Members Henderson and Kirk voting NO. Council Member Sniff commented on the short timeframe, and the need to publicize the matching grant program. Council Member Henderson recommended the matching fund criteria go through the Community Services Commission. City Manager Genovese recommended setting the criteria to require La Quinta residency and payment of 50% of the tuition amount. It could be based on receipts provided by the representing group, and the City would pay the balance to the agency. City Council Minutes 6 April 4, 2006 2. CONSIDERATION OF A REQUEST FROM ANDREA GASSMAN ON BEHALF OF DESERT BAR ASSOCIATION TO USE THE CITY MASCOT FOR AN EVENT. This item was pulled from the agenda (see Confirmation of Agenda). STUDY SESSION 1 . DISCUSSION REGARDING THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 THROUGH 2010/2011 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Sniff, Consultant Nick Nickerson stated the low-water crossing on Adams Street will be replaced with a full all-weather crossing under CalTrans' bridge replacement program. He indicated a bridge at Dune Palms Road is also expected to be approved, and under the program, the State will reimburse the City for 80% of the cost. He stated the bridges will have two lanes in each direction. Council Member Sniff commented on the need for north/south bridges, and urged staff to move forward with these projects as soon as possible. He asked when Highway 111 will be completed with six lanes. Mr. Nickerson indicated the design is 95 % complete and the environmental with CalTrans is near approval. Staff is also working with property owners to obtain a 15-foot, right-of-way on both sides of the street. , 'Council Member Sniff commented on the traffic congestion on Highway 111, and asked if anything will be done to improve egress into Wal':'Mart. Mr. Jonasson responded the Highway 111 improvements will include dual left-turn lanes. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Nickerson stated he understands the State bridge replacement program is fully funded but environmental approval through CalTrans is required before the project is considered lIobligated." He understands the only reason the project would be moved is if something happens in the State budget. ----..-- ------ - - - - ~._.- City Council Minutes 7 April 4, 2006 Mr. Jonasson confirmed the program is not part of RCTC funding. He understands the fund has existed for sometime but has not been utilized a lot. Council Member Henderson asked about the parking lot improvements at the top of the Cove, and Mr. Jonasson indicated it is not in this year's budget. Mr. Nickerson explained the idea for parking lot improvements came up after the original Cove Oasis Improvements Project was budgeted, and there is nothing left in the fund to do the parking lot improvements. He indicated staff will need to come back with the costs if Council wants the parking lot improvements done. Council Member Osborne asked if anything in' the CIP will change after negotiations with CalTrans for relinquishment of Highway 111 is done. Mr. Nickerson stated nothing will need to be changed, and added staff will report on the negotiations at the next meeting. He noted Phase III, which includes curb and gutter and sidewalk improvements in the rock-fall area, has been put back into the CI P because the City is close to an agreement with CalTrans to fix the rock-fall problem. Council Member Henderson noted Council decided not to include the sidewalk, and Mr. Nickerson confirmed the sidewalk can be removed from the project. In response to Council Member Sniff, Mr. Nickerson stated according to the geo tech report, what needs to be done is to scale the mountain to remove loose. rocks and metal screen the rest of the area to keep it from loosening and falling. Some of the rocks may have to be anchored. In response to Council Member Kirk, Mr. Nickerson stated the three traffic signals referenced in the PowerPoint presentation have already been approved and in design. Mayor Adolph inquired about the status of improvements to Avenue 58. Mr. Jonasson indicated the Pavement Management Plan calls for overlaying of Avenue 58 from Jefferson Street to Madison Street in Fiscal Year 2006/2007. It will not include the realignment portion because it's still being worked on by the developers. Donna Wood, 48-131 Calle Seranas, requested the sound wall project on Washington Street next to the Laguna de la Paz development be moved from City Council Minutes 8 April 4, 2006 the unfunded list to the funded priority list for 2006. She commented on noise and financial impacts to the homes adjacent to Washington Street. Jerry Dickey, 77-941 Lago Drive, President of the Lago Homeowners Association, indicated the street noise has increased dramatically since the sound study for a sound wall along Avenue 50 was done three years ago. He requested the sound wall be started by the end of 2006. Council Member Henderson asked for Council support for some type of parking lot improvements at the top of the Cove because she feels it involves public safety. She also asked what is needed to move forward with the museum. City Manager Genovese stated staff can look at the parking lot improvements between now and the public hearing and include it in the CIP if needed. He advised a funding source needs to be identified for the museum. He indicated staff can analyze project funding and bring it back in the public hearing to see if anything has been identified. Council Member Henderson stated she hopes funding can be identified because the Historical Society has been waiting a long time. Council Member Kirk asked about the status of a sound wall at the Lago development. Mr. Jonasson stated the Lago sound wall is included in the CIP for 2006/2007 but the Villas at La Quinta and Laguna de la Paz sound walls are not yet funded. Council Member Henderson asked if they have been accepted in the Development Impact Fee (DIF). Mr. Nickerson indicated both walls are identified in the DIF as future needs. When the original sound study was prepared in 2003, both walls were not identified as immediate needs. He suggested the possibility of updating the sound study to see if the walls are warranted. Mr. Jonasson noted money is not collected separately for sound walls. It goes into the transportation DIF, which includes a number of transportation- reLated projects. The last sound study projected the sound levels would be above the threshold for requiring a sound wall in about 2-3 years. He noted staff can confirm that projection if Council wishes. -- ..-- --'--~-".,------- --- -- - .-.- -- - .- City Council Minutes 9 April 4, 2006 Council Member Henderson spoke in favor of beginning that process. Council concurred. 2. DISCUSSION OF CITY OF LA aUINTA MARKETING CONCEPTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007. ' Management Analyst Casillas presented the staff report. Andrea Carter, of Kiner Communications, reviewed the recommended marketing strategies for Fiscal Year 2006/2007. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Casillas stated the SilverRock website was designed by McMurry, and staff is doing what it can to keep it updated. Council Member Henderson asked what needs to be done to keep it current. City Manager Genovese stated staff is looking at the possibility of adding staff to work on the City's website. He indicated money has been budgeted to update the website but it's not likely to be done this fiscal year because of the current wQrkload. He commented on the need to improve the overall website design, and the time it takes for the RFP process. Council Member Henderson suggested the possibility of being able to flsole- source" the work instead of going through the RFP process. Mr. Genovese noted sole sourcing may not be the best way to go because of the number of creative people available in the field. He stated it may be possible to get the work done by the end of the calendar year, and indicated staff is considering adding another IT person in next year's budget. Council Member Sniff asked if additional funds are needed to do a better marketing job, and Ms. Carter responded it depends on what the City wants done. Mayor Adolph noted Kiner doesn't get all of marketing money - some of it goes to Landmark and the City uses some. Council Member Sniff stated he feels advertising is vital to the City's success. He believes Visit La Quinta, Shop La Quinta, Live in La Quinta, Invest in La Quinta, Play in La Quinta, and Golf in La Quinta should be the marketing guidelines. He believes the focus should be on generic advertising City Council Minutes 10 April 4, 2006 and business support. He suggested making a singular effort in the Village to reinforce the effort being made there. He commented on SilverRock being a huge investment for the City, and the need to advertise it as a challenge and fun. He supports increasing the marketing budget to $750,000 to cover everything because the City is growing and things are more complex. He would like to concentrate on television advertising with small ads that peak curiosity. Council Member Osborne stated he feels the marketing is right on track and should continue. He agreed increasing the funding to increase advertising is something to consider. Council Member Henderson commented on the complexity of the City's marketing program because of its broad base. Besides the marketing money that goes to Kiner, it's also included in the contracts with Landmark, La Quinta Arts Foundation, and the Chamber of Commerce. She questioned knowing what direction to make an increase, and stated she needs a bigger picture of all the marketing, and would like to have the marketing expenditures presented all together or taken as independent contracts. Council Member Kirk voiced concern about the City's website, which he feels serves as a front door to the City. He commented on the need to improve it aesthetically, and stated he is not sure hiring a staff person to design it is a good idea. Mr.' Genovese stated the intent is to hire a website designer, then use staff to keep the information updated. Council Member Kirk suggested the possibility of subcontracting out the web design to Kiner or Landmark. He stated he agrees with focusing marketing on the Village, and commented on the need to draw people to both the Village and SilverRock. He also indicated he agrees with the need to view the whole marketing picture. He commented on the amount of media that is available, and stated he would like to focus on the most effective strategies but doesn't support focusing on one media outlet. Council Member Sniff suggested using the phrase IInew discovery" instead of IIrediscovery" in the marketing campaign. Mayor Adolph agreed it's difficult to know how much is being spent on marketing. He stated he likes the short commercials, and looks forward to seeing the commercials updated. - .-----,.....--..-. ._~--_._._--- -- ~--- ...._-------~---~---- -'-- ---_.~---- ---- .._~ -- --,--- City Council Minutes 11 April 4, 2006 Council Member Osborne commented he hopes the three areas of marketing meet more often than not, and Ms. Carter stated they work together very well. Ms. Casillas requested direction as to what areas should be added to this document to make it more comprehensive. She noted sponsorships come up at various times throughout the year. Council Member Henderson indicated it would help to have last year's total expenditures for marketing. She suggested including the amounts given to organizations such as the La Ouinta Arts Foundation or asking them the percentage that was used for marketing. She noted another sponsorship was approved today for the New Driver Car Control Clinic. Council Member Sniff suggested making a list of focused areas, then determine what is currently going in those areas, and what might need to be added. Ms. Carter indicated they can put a graph together if they have the amounts. Mr. Genovese stated staff will come back with a financial matrix as well as where the focus is. 3. DISCUSSION OF GOLF CART PLAN STATUS REPORT, STAGE 1, PHASE 1 FOR THE VILLAGE AND SURROUNDING AREAS. Community Development Director Evans and Consultant Nicole Criste presented the staff report. In response to Council Member Henderson, Ms. Criste stated the Eisenhower, Drive improvements have been modified to accommodate a golf cart lane. Mr. Evans stated the area out to The Trilogy would connect through the multi-use trail system. He noted it may be necessary to modify the trail design in the future to provide turnouts as multiple uses of the trail system increase. Council Member Henderson stated it's her understanding Phase One would connect the Village and Old Town with SilverRock and a variety of gated communities. She asked if those streets could be modified with striping. Mr. Evans stated there are some areas on Eisenhower Drive where the sidewalk and bike lanes will need to be widened. Ms. Criste confirmed the City Council Minutes 12 April 4, 2006 new sidewalks at the Hidden Canyon development would have to be reconstructed. Mr. Nickerson confirmed there would also be some street and traffic signal modifications at the Avenue 50 intersection. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Evans confirmed if Council decides to move forward with this, staff will need to come up with a funding program. He stated there may be some grant funds available but it probably would take several years to pull it together. Council Member Henderson noted all new streets will need to be designed to accommodate the program if it's approved. Mr. Evans indicated it shouldn't be a problem on major thoroughfares. Council Member Henderson commented residents will not be pleased if a section of Eisenhower Drive has to be torn up again. In response to Council Member Sniff, Ms. Criste stated off-street lanes will be 12 feet wide, and on-street lanes will be 8 feet wide. She noted streets in the Village would be marked with signage only and no special lane would be provided for golf carts. Council Member Sniff asked if a survey has been done, and what purpose would the golf carts be used for. Ms. Criste stated no survey has been done but there was discussion during the General Plan Update about air quality issues and the use of alternate transportation. Mr. Evans stated staff is recommending looking at a limited program. Although the intent is to try to reduce some of the parking and traffic issues in the Village, it will require an adjustment to address how vehicles mix on the same street with golf carts. The program is not mandated but he noted golf carts already are being used on the streets and some not appropriately. Council Member Sniff commented on the risks involved with mixing golf carts and vehicles, and stated he feels the initial stage should be scaled down to the Village. He voiced concern about the costs and practically of the program. Council Member Osborne stated he likes the idea of putting more electric vehicles on the streets but doesn't feel the City is ready for the program at --.- _.~._~___..__.. n__._ -'-'- -.,- -- -------.-- City Council Minutes 13 April 4, 2006 this time. He would prefer hearing from residents about the potential need, and using funding, that might be found, for the museum. Mayor Adolph questioned the legality of golf carts being on streets posted above 40 mph, and asked who would be responsible for monitoring the golf carts to make sure they are equipped properly. Mr. Evans stated staff will verify the information in the staff report but noted there is different licensing and regulations for electric vehicles. He indicated when golf carts are on the street, they have the same safety protection that bicyclists have. He noted motorists will become accustomed to mixing with golf carts as the use increases. As for monitoring, he stated the City would have an inspection and permitting process. Mayor Adolph questioned most golf carts being street-equipped unless special ordered that way. He believes golf cart use will make it easier to park but is not sure the City is ready to do it at this time. He feels it woul~ be a good amenity when SilverRock is completed. He noted Attachment No.1 needs updating, and asked when the aerial map will be updated. Mr. Evans indicated the base data has been provided for the aerial map but the City has to convert it to GIS format. Council Member Kirk commented on the amount of resources put into the provision of a multi-purpose trail system, and stated this seems like a natural, marginal increase. He has never seen equestrian use of the trail system but noted golf carts are already being used illegally. He suggested not tearing up sidewalks at this time but rather starting with some of the easier elements such as signage and ordinance 'language. He stated he supports moving forward with the program. Council Member Henderson asked about the possibility of having a temporary program during the Arts Festival. Mr. Evans stated it would have to meet the established criteria. He suggested starting a golf cart program with primarily paint and signs and bringing back a tighter budget. He noted the program could tie in with SilverRock when the boutique hotel is built. Council Member Henderson noted the reduction cuts out some of the hard costs but would also reduce the success of the program because it limits the use. She feels a modified stage one should include the traffic signal improvements on Eisenhower Drive but avoid the bulb curb at Avenue 50. She agrees the City needs to find out if the program will work but feels there City Council Minutes 14 April 4, 2006 may be a big push to use golf carts in the Cove. She suggested the possibility of including the Bear Creek Bike Path. Council Member Osborne commented on the need to make sure the money is well invested, and suggested doing a survey to see how many residents would use the program. In response to Council Member Osborne, Public Works Director Jonasson confirmed the new Eisenhower bridge will accommodate the program. Council Member Kirk stated he feels if a survey is done it should include all alternative uses. He noted a survey wasn't done for equestrian use of the multi-purpose trail system, and feels more people will use golf cart lanes than horses using the multi-purpose trails. He also feels more people will say yes to a golf cart program in the survey than those that actually use it. Council Member Henderson suggested having staff come back with a modified program on a smaller scale with a dollar amount. Council concurred. Mr. Evans stated staff will also come back with the cost of doing a survey. Council Member Kirk suggested staff talk to the City of Palm Desert , regarding the success of their program. Council recessed to Closed Session and until 7:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Section 54957.1 of the Government , Code (Brown Act). PUBLIC COMMENT - None PRESENTATIONS - None --,. --'-- --- _.,--~._-----_._- -_._-- ---.---..--- - - ----- City Council Minutes 15 April 4, 2006' PUBLIC HEARINGS 1 . CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION, APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 34185, THE SUBDIVISION OF 3.14 ACRES INTO NINE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND OTHER PARCELS LOCATED 425± FEET WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THE STORMWATER CHANNEL, SOUTH OF FIESTA DRIVE ACCESSED FROM HUMMINGBIRD LANE. APPLICANT: SIENNA CORPORATION. Mayor Adolph noted staff has requested this item be continued to April 18, 2006. MOTION - It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to continue the public hearing for Tentative Tract Map 34185 to April 18, 2006. Motion carried unanimously. Council convened into Joint Session with the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency. 2. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING WITH THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS ON: 1) A REQUEST TO APPROVE SPECIFIC PLAN 2006-078, PROVIDING DESIGN GUIDELINES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR AN APARTMENT COMPLEX OF UP TO 250 UNITS AND ACCESSORY BUILDINGS; 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-857, A REQUEST TO APPROVE BUILDING ELEVATIONS AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR A 218-UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX, AND 3) APPROVING AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED NORTHWEST OF THE CORNER OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND AVENUE 48, COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION. Community Development Director Evans and Planning Manager Johnson presented the staff report. Consultant Frank Spevacek gave a brief overview of the housing agreement and funding issues. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. Evans stated the parking structure posts would be located near the rear of the vehicle away from vehicle doors. He noted not allowing the six-inch clearance would substantially increase the' costs of the parking structure because of the requirement for greater spans. The developer feels the tradeoff is a substantial cost difference, which the Agency would probably have to cover. He indicated the project architect would address the width of the parking stalls. Regarding the square footage of the units, he stated the reduction would provide some flexibility in the final design. In regard to the day care City Council Minutes 16 April 4, 2006 center, he reviewed the requested setbacks, and stated he doesn't feel any safety issues are involved. Council Member Osborne stated he appreciates ho~ the design maintains the privacy of the neighboring residential developments. He inquired about the number of trees along the perimeter as depicted during the presentation. Mr. Evans stated the project will probably have more trees than what IS shown in the preliminary landscape plans. Council Member Kirk asked about the proposed drainage solution and how the alternatives might affect the site plan. Mr. Evans noted the traditional solution would be a one-acre retention basin that would result in a reduction of approximately 15 units on the site. An alternative solution would be to connect to the Evacuation Channel. He indicated there has been some discussion about the potential of neighboring commercial properties participating in a storm drain master plan to free up some commercial land in the area. He indicated CVWD seems supportive of connecting to the evacuation channel, and staff believes it will work. Council Member Kirk inquired as to how staff would feel about the requested changes if proposed by a private applicant instead of another agency. Mr. Evans indicated he would still consider the changes on this particular site if the proposal was for an affordable housing project. He noted Rancho La Quinta expressed more comfort with this type of development than with the potential of more commercial on the site. Council Member Kirk asked if staff is aware of any literature that suggests affordable housing units generate less demand for parking. Mr. Evans indicated he conducted a parking survey of multi-family residential projects in Southern California just before he came to the City, and it is those multipliers that were used in designing this project. He feels the City standard of an average of three parking spaces per unit for rental housing is very high, and is very comfortable with the requested change. He noted the survey he conducted was for market-rate, multi-family units, which was a worse-case scenario because those residents could afford two or more vehicles. Council Member Kirk asked if staff is proposing ultimate changes to the Zoning Code for multi-family parking requirements and the spacing requirements for parking structures. ---- --- -.----- --,.--. -- _._~._- - - ..'.-.----- - - -_..~ - -- -----~-- ----~- ---- ~. ',~ '... City Council Minutes 17 April 4, 2006 Mr. Evans responded not at this time unless so directed by Council. Council Member Henderson asked if the reduction to 650 square feet could be addressed as an allowance where the flexibility is needed. Mr. Evans confirmed the reduction could be approved only to accommodate the design of the buildings in this site development permit. Should this project not go forward, the specific plan would still be held to the 750 square feet. In response to Council Member Henderson, Public Works Director Jonasson confirmed the only left-in turn allowed would be the northerly entrance on Dune Palms Road. He further confirmed residents of the development would have to make a U-turn at Avenue 48 or go to Adams Street to get to the Sam's Club or Wal-Mart commercial area. Mayor Adolph commented on the grade difference between the top of the curb and the footing for the first building. He asked about the distance between the wall and the building and between the meandering sidewalk and the building. Mr. Evans stated both are approximately 10 feet, and noted the preliminary plans are not to scale. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Evans confirmed evergreen trees of sufficient size will be used around the perimeter to sufficiently screen the area year-round. He indicated the final landscape plan will be reviewed by the Architecture and Landscape Review Committee and approved by the Planning Commission. Mayor Adolph voiced concern about allowing a minimum 650 square-foot unit, and stated he feels it is too small. Mr. Evans noted the project, as currently designed, complies with the 750 square-foot minimum size. If Council wishes to stand by that standard, the developer will have to hold to it in their working drawings. Council Member Osborne asked about a pedestrian walkway to the commercial area. Mr. Evans stated they have discussed it but it has some challenges because of truck traffic from the Wal-Mart and Sam's Club loading zones. A walk- through gate would also be a security issue. Providing access next to the City Council Minutes 18 April 4, 2006 CVWD well site keeps pedestrians in public spaces as opposed to loading zones. Council Member Osborne suggested the possibility of using a self-locking gate that residents would have a key to. He stated he appreciate.s the safety concerns but would like to see a walkway to provide residents better access to the commercial center. Mayor Adolph voiced concern about mixing pedestrians with truck traffic, and about pedestrians using the access at night. John Mealey, representing Coach ell a Valley Housing Coalition, requested approval of the project. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 8:01 p.m. Reuel Young, architect with Interactive Design Corporation, stated a minimum square footage of 650 feet would allow them some latitude, if needed, for unique constraints. He indicated a maximum of three or four units would be below 750 square feet, and he would be comfortable with a percentage allowance. He explained they would like some flexibility in the design in case they run into problems with some of the vertical chases,' stairways, etc. Mayor Adolph stated he wouldn't want to change the aesthetics of the buildings but doesn't want the units to be too small either. Mr. Young stated he would be comfortable with a condition allowing no more than 25 % of the one-bedroom units to be a minimum of 700 square feet. In regard to the request for a six-inch clearance allowance on the parking structure posts, he stated the City's standard width would have a sigriificant impact on the cost of the parking structure. He added the six- inch clearance would be outside the 9-foot parking stall. Redevelopment Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report on the Affordable Housing Agreement and project financing. Council Member Kirk asked how much funding is available in the housing set- aside account. Mr. Spevacek stated there is $76 million in the housing fund currently, and $8 to 10 million is added each year. ---,-- '--~.---- ~--'--'--- City Council Minutes 19 April 4, 2006 Council Member Kirk asked how this subsidy compares with other projects in the Valley that are very-low and low-income categories. Mr. Spevacek stated this subsidy is $154,258 per unit. Mr. Mealey stated there is not much for comparences, and indicated the senior project in the City of Indian Wells was over $200,000 per unit. Mr. Spevacek referenced a senior housing project in the City of Coronado with a subsidy of $370,000. Mr. Mealey noted all of the rents are targeted at 50% or below of median income because of the City's need to comply with State requirements. He added a higher subsidy is due to the rent structure being low and the people being served having very low incomes. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. Spevacek stated Section II (203) Agency MHP Gap Loan has been revised to read, Illn the event that, after diligently pursuing receipt of the MHP Loan, and due to no fault of the Developer, the Developer does not receive the MHP Loan, the Agency agrees to consider, in its sole and absolute discretion, providing Developer with additional funding assistance, in the maximum amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000). In the event that the Agency agrees to provide the Developer with the MHP Loan, the Agency Note shall be modified to address disbursement and repayment of same. Developer shall use the proceeds of the Agency MHP Loan only for costs incurred by the Developer in the performance of work described in this development." Marvin Roos, project engineer with MSA Consulting, spoke regarding grading and drainage issues. He stated they don't anticipate a problem utilizing the evacuation channel. He noted staff is requesting deceleration lanes at all three driveways but they feel they can propose a solution without having to add another 8-10 feet of asphalt. Council Member Henderson asked about a bus turnout and how it would affect the five-foot setback for the child-care center. Mr. Evans stated there will not be a bus turnout, and school buses will stop at the edge of the curb. SunUne will probably provide a bus stop at the corner of Highway 111. There being no further requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:32 p.m. City Council Minutes 20 April 4, 2006 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-031 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DESIGN GUIDELINES AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR A 14.8 ± ACRE HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (SPECIFIC PLAN 2006-078 - COACH ELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to adopt Resolution No. 2006-031 as amended (allowing no more than 25 % of the one-bedroom units to be a minimum of 700 square feet). Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 2006-032 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEVELOPMENT PLANS FOR A 218-UNIT MUL TI- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT. (SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-857 - COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING COALITION). It was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adopt Resolution No. 2006-032 as submitted. Council Member Kirk spoke regarding the issue of deceleration lanes, and indicated he would be inclined to support staff's recommendation for a deceleration lane on Avenue 48. He added he doesn't feel the need is as great on Dune Palms Road. Council Member Henderson stated she agrees with requiring a deceleration lane on Avenue 48 but feels there should also be one at the northerly driveway on Dune Palms Road. Mr. Jonasson noted the characteristics of Dune Palms Road will change when the street is widened, and traffic from the commercial area is added. He recommended requiring a deceleration lane, at, least, at the northerly driveway. Mr. Evans stated the conditions of approval give the Public Works Director the authority to approve what the Council just discussed. Motion carried unanimously. -..-- _._._~--~ -_._~_._._-_. -~-- City Council Minutes 21 April 4, 2006 RESOLUTION NO. 2006-033 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LA QUINT A REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 48 AND DUNE PALMS ROAD. It was moved by Council Members Henderson/Sniff to adopt Resolution No. 2006-033 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS CV AG Human & Community Resources Committee - Council Member Osborne reported the tobacco licensing issue has been forwarded to the Executive Committee. He indicated he did not support the action and neither did the representative from the City of Palm Springs. He noted the issue includes a $350 license fee for all establishments that sell tobacco products. It also creates a new division in the Riverside County Health Department with funding of approximately $850,000, to regulate the licenses and check on the tobacco retailers. CV AG Executive Committee - Mayor Adolph stated the Executive Committee considered the Fee Nexus Study for the Coachella Valley Multi-Species Habitat Plan and approved increases as follows: 0-8 units $1, 180 per unit; 8-14 $490 per unit; and 14 + $216. He stated they also, approved the South Valley Parkway Alignment Study. Council Member Kirk stated the County had indicated they would do' another study with a broader network but they could decide to 'use the study to re-designate Avenue 62. He noted if LAFCO approves the sphere of influence boundaries, the City needs to talk with Supervisor Wilson about Avenue 62 and the zoning in potential annexation areas. Council Member Henderson commented on the discussions at LAFCO about the County's poor planning in the southeast area of the Valley. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson stated the Revenue & Taxation Committee had a presentation on recent changes in accounting rules that will require State and Local Governments to report the financial liabilities for future health care retiree benefits. They also voted to oppose Proposition 82 (Preschool Education Tax), and are looking into a request to approve language changes in Proposition 172 to change the funding. An informational item was also shared City Council Minutes 22 April 4, 2006 regarding a recommendation by Senator Dutton to distribute $ 2 billion for roads - 50% would go to cities and 50% to counties with a minimum of $400,000 for each city. She noted the City of La Quinta would get $1,159,838, and recommended the City participate in the issue. Riverside County Transportation Commission - Council Member Henderson reported Federal funding of $1 5.8 million has been allocated for a tunnel through the Angeles Mountains, and a JPA formed by three water companies has asked RCTC and OTC to join them to move the project forward. She indicated RCTC will be looking at the request at their next meeting but OTC is not taking a supportive position on it. SilverRock Subcommittee - Council Member Osborne stated the Subcommittee discussed some challenges regarding completion of the gates and perimeter landscaping. Mayor Adolph confirmed the perimeter is about 95% complete but may need some tweaking to finish it. Mr. Osborne indicated the monuments are, on hold at this time. Council Member Sniff asked if there was any discussion about the small monument sign at the entrance. Council Member Osborne stated they are looking to keep it unless the Council decides otherwise. He added Landmark is taking over the entrance landscaping to improve the aesthetics. City Manager Genovese stated the design will be coming back to the Council after the Avenue 52 improvements are completed. \- * * * * * * * * * * * * * All other reports were noted and filed. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - None MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING THE NEW PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORTS CONVENTION AND VISITORS AUTHORITY MARKETING SLOGAN. Council Member Sniff suggested the possibility of having a discussion at the next meeting as to whether or not the Council supports the proposed slogan, IIGive Into the Desert - You're Surrounded." - --_._._--~ ~--_._--- ----..---.---. - - - -- ~----- City Council Minutes 23 April 4, 2006 Mayor Adolph asked if CV A intends to go forward with the slogan. Council Member Henderson stated the CV A is a convention sales agency, not a marketing agency, but they do use marketing materials to bring convention groups to the Valley. She stated she feels there is an economy of scale in having the collective community market the economy to attract trade shows and conventions. She noted it's a specialized field that is accomplished by personal contact, not advertising in magazines. She pointed out CV A is working to bring in convention and trade show groups that may be three years from now., She stated the presentation made by CV A was a concept to bring unity to the nine cities because of the concerns about "Palm Springs" being on all of the written material. She stated she believes that everyone, at some point, has commented we are IIsurrounded" by the desert. The slogan is not necessarily catchy, cute, or lyrical. She wants to see the complete package that will be presented at the next CV A meeting. She feels the bottom line is that the agency is about bringing convention and group sales to the Valley, not words selected for a slogan. She also feels the slogan is a lot better than seeing IIPalm Springs" on everything. She doesn't have a problem bringing it back for discussion if that is what the Council wants. Council Member Kirk stated he understands why some are conc~rned about CV A staff being so focused on the slogan but maybe they are just being defensive. He voiced concern about trying to micro-manage the issue, and commented on the best slogans probably being created by a small number of people. He doesn't know whether or not the slogan is good but questioned how it's going to 'get out there with the amount the CV A spends on marketing. He noted the City spends more on marketing than CV A does. Council Member Sniff stated the question is whether the advertising material could be more attractive and valuable than it is. He believes the newspaper and people are talking negative about the slogan because it is very poor. Regardless of the amount spent on marketing, he feels it's important to have a good slogan. Mayor Adolph noted the decision whether or not to buy into the program and stay with the CV A will come at the end of the year. Until then, he is willing to give them the opportunity to put something together. City Council Minutes 24 April 4, 2006 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Kirk to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~-ei.~ JUNE S. GREEK, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California ~----_._--- ---- ---~ _...- ---- --_._-- - --- -- - - - - -