78505 Old Avenue 52 (52111 Adams St) - Hacienda Del Gato DPR 523L (09/2013) Identifier: Hacienda del Gato; 78505 Old Avenue 52 Date Constructed: 1920 UTM Zone: 11S, 565393 mE; 3725875 mN Neighborhood: Tradition Tract: TR 28470-1; Recorded June 30, 1997, MB 263/90 Owner and Address: Tradition Golf Club; 78505 Old Avenue 52, La Quinta CA 92253 Updated Description: The Hacienda Del Gato is the only extant building from the former Marshall Ranch. Completed by 1920, the Hacienda Del Gato was constructed as a replacement to the original Marshall Ranch home built in 1910. The building is located in the gated Tradition Golf Club. The building was built in the style of a classic Spanish hacienda. The two story building has an "T" shaped plan with a sunken rear courtyard. The residence is constructed of uncut quarry stones painted white. The roof is clad in red barrel tiles; the roof is multi-level, separated between the second and first floors. The roof extends slightly over the small front porch space. At the front elevation there are six multi-pane casement windows at the front elevation.There is one small window adjacent to the front door. At the second floor there are two multi-pane windows and two french doors opening to small wood-frame juliet balconies. All windows have thick wood lintels above and appear to be original. There is a small brick stairway leading to the small front entry porch, enclosed with a low stone wall and a iron railing. The porch is supported by wood beams. The front door has a wood door with a thick wood lintel above. There is an addition to the north, front elevation; this addition starts just past the furthest forth window on the front elevation. This addition not noticeable, save a slight variation to the roofing. The residence has not been altered since the previous survey. The building is used as an office space for the Tradition Golf Club. Updated Significance: The Marshall Ranch / Hacienda del Gato delling and gardens were recorded in 1997 by Mellon and Associates. At that time, the residential property was designated a status code of 3S as it appeared to be eligible for individual listing in the NRHP under Criteria B and C. Under Criterion B, the Hacienda Del Gato and gardens were found to be associated with the life of a significant person in local history, John L. Marshall, one of the earliest homesteaders in La Quinta who originally owned property in the Santa Rosa Cove and what became the Village commercial district. Under Criterion C, the house and gardens were found to embody the distinctive characteristics of a Spanish Colonial Revival style home built in the La Quinta community. The current survey found that the residence and gardens are associated with the theme of Ranches and Agriculture (1900 - 1970s) and possess individual documented significance in relation to this theme. It also is significant under the La Quinta Architectural Style theme, because it is considered an excellent example of Spanish Colonial Revival architecture using local building materials. The 2022 evaluation is that the property should also be assigned a 3CS status code: appears eligible for CR individually through survey evaluation; and a 5S2 status code: individually eligible for local listing or designation. These codes should be assigned in addition to the previous 3S status code. The dwelling has not been found individually eligible under NRHP/CRHR/Local Criterion A/1/B (events), as it has not been associated with significant events or patterns of events in local, regional, state, or national history. The property is individually eligible under Criterion B/2/B (persons), as it has been identified as having an association with an important local figure, John L. Marshall. The property is considered individually significant under NRHP/CRHR/Local Criterion C/3/C for embodying the distinctive characteristics of a Spanish Colonial Revival style ranch. It is not individually eligible under Criterion D/4/D, as further study of the property would not appear to yield information which could be considered important in local, regional, state, or national history. The property was found to be individually eligible under Local Register Criterion A, as the Hacienda del Gato exemplifies a special element of the City of La Quinta - one of the only remaining original homestead residences and earliest ranches in the community. Despite minor changes to the exterior and interior of the building, the essential form of the original dwelling and gardens are still intact and they retain integrity from the historic period. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: P-33-8308 HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2 Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 258 ý Update Resource Name: Marshall Ranch 78505 Old Avenue 52 Page 1 of 5 DPR 523L (09/2013) Hacienda Del Gato_1: View facing southwest of the northeast (front) entrance. Hacienda Del Gato_2: View facing northwest of the south elevation and rear courtyard. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: P-33-8308 HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2 Urbana Survey No: 258 Resource Name: Marshall Ranch Page 2 of 5 DPR 523L (09/2013) Hacienda Del Gato_3: View facing north of the southwestern elevation and rear courtyard. Hacienda Del Gato_4: View facing north of the rear courtyard. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: P-33-8308 HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2 Urbana Survey No: 258 Resource Name: Marshall Ranch Page 3 of 5 DPR 523L (09/2013) Hacienda Del Gato_6: View facing west of the northeast (front) elevation. Hacienda Del Gato_7: View facing southwest of the northwest elevation. State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary#: P-33-8308 HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3S / 3CS / 5S2 Urbana Survey No: 258 Resource Name: Marshall Ranch Page 4 of 5 DPR 523J (09/2013) *Required Information *Map Name: La Quinta *Scale: 1:24,000 *Map Date: 2021 State of California — The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION LOCATION MAP Primary#: P-33-8308 HRI #: None Trinomial: N/A CRHR Status Code: 3B / 3CB / 5B Other Listings: Urbana Survey No. 258 Resource Name: Marshall Ranch Page 5 of 5 Sfatg of California the Re.:saurces:Agency. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PRIMARY RECORD Other Listings Review Code : Reviewer Pr;mart' # HRI # Trinomial NRHP Status Code Date Page 1 of 11 *Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch P1. other Identifier: Hacienda del Gato * P2. Location: ElNot for Publication EJUnrestricted a. County Riverside b. USGS 7.5' Quad La Quinta Date 1980 T 06S ; R 07E ; NW1 /4 of NB /4 of Sec 7 ; B. M. c. Address Old Avenue 52 _ city La Quinta zip 92253 d. UTM: (Give more than one for large and/or linear feature) Zone mE/ mN e. Other Locational Data: (e.g. parcel #, legal description, directions to resource, elevation, additional UTMs, etc. as appropriate) Main entrance to ranch is off Old Avenue 52 near Washington Street. *133a. Description: (Describe resource and its major elements. Include design, materials, condition, alterations, size, setting, and boundaries.) Approach to Marshall Ranch/Hacienda del Gato foreshadows the sequence of views and spatial relationships one experiences on the Ranch. Mature eucalyptus trees and palms frame the rough hewn rock wall which holds the iron entry gates. Beyond, a road with stone curb walls meanders to the entry circle in front of the Main House. The whole route of the road is lined with mature trees including eucalyptus and palm. The focal point of the Marshall Ranch/Hacienda del Gato estate is the Main House and its courtyard and gardens. The Spanish Colonial Revival style architecture of the house and the Mediterranean ambiance of its plantings evoke the romance of Spanish/Mexican Colonial California. The house seems sited to frame the "largest visible peak of the Santa Rosas so it could be seen from the northwest side of the living room and directly down the main garden path" (1996; Hacienda Del Gato, Lore and Legend). (See Continuation Sheet.) *P3b 'P4. P5a. Resources Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP2. Single Family Property Resources Present: I@ Building ❑ Structure ❑ Object ❑ Site ❑ District ❑ Element of District ❑ Other (Isolates, etc.) Photograph or Drawing (Photograph required for buildings, structures, and objects) I P5b. Description of Photo: (View, date, etc.) Date of Photo: 05/01/1997 *P6. Date Constructed/Age and Sources: ❑ Prehistoric ® Historic ❑ Both 1920's -1940's *P7. Owner and Address: Tradition Club Associates 78-150 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 P --Private *P8. Recorded by:(Name, affiliation, address) Vicki Steigemeyer/Para O'Connor Mellon and Associates Riverside, CA . ........... *P9. Date Recorded: 09/04/1997 *P10. Survey Type: (Describe) C --Comprehensive Survey *P11. Report Citation: (Cite survey report/other sources or "none") City of La Quinta Historic Context Statement, 1996 *Attachments: ❑ NONE []Location Map ❑ Archaeological Record ❑ District Record ❑ Photograph Record ❑ Other: (List) ❑ Sketch Map M Continuation Sheet p Building, Structure and Object Record ❑ Linear Feature Record ❑ Milling Station Record ❑ Rock Art Record ❑ Artifact Record DPR 523A (1/95) *Required information State of California:-- The Resources Agency Piimary u DEPART11i1FNT 3F PARIS AND RECREATION: HAI # BUILDING, STRUCTURE, AND ABJECT RECORD Page 2 of 11 *NRHP Status Code *Resource Name or #: MarSnati Kancn B1. Historic Name: Hacienda del Gato B2. Common Name: B3. Original Use: Ranch B4. Present Use: U --Unknown *135. Architectural Style: Spanish Colonial Revival *136. Construction History: (Construction date, alterations, and date of alterations.) House was constructed in mid to late 1920's. *137. Moved? ® No ❑ Yes ❑ Unknown Date: Original Location: *68. Related Features: Sited in the shadow of the Santa Rosa Mountains, the Marshall house grounds contain a sunken courtyard, pool, smaller house, and garages. 139a. Architect: Unknown b. Builder: Unknown *1310. Significance: Theme Residential Architecture Area Period of Significance 1920's Property Type Ranch Applicable Criteria B, C (Discuss importance in terms of historical or architectural context as defined by theme, period, and geographic scope. Also address integrity.) The Marshall Ranch (Hacienda del Gato Main House, garage and entry circle, sunken courtyard, gardens, and entry gate) appear to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places at the local level of significance under Criteria B and C. Under Criterion B, the Hacienda and gardens are "associated with the lives of persons significant in our past" and under Criterion C, they "embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction. " The City of La Quinta Historic Context Statement (Moriquand; 1996) notes that the earliest Anglo-American settlement supported by archival evidence occurred in the early twentieth century when the Government Land Office accepted desert land claims for homesteads. In addition to the Homestead Act, the railroad grant land originally given to encourage the construction railroads became available to homesteaders in the late 19th century. The Southern Pacific Railroad sold a parcel located at the southern terminus of Washington Street to John Marshall and his brother-in-law, Albert Green around 1902-03. Marshall and Green were partners in the Green -Marshall Company located on Broadway in Los Angeles which sold retail paints, oil glass varnishes (1907 Los Angeles City Directory). The 320 acres were divided in half with John Marshall taking the west 160 acres. The Marshall/Green ranch development was one La Quinta's earliest. (See Continuation Sheet.) 611. Additional Resource Attributes: (List attributes and codes) HP2. Single Family Property *B12. References: (See Continuation Sheet.) B13. Remarks: *B14. Evaluator: Pam O'Connor Date of Evaluation: 11/01/1996 (This space reserved for official comments.) DPR 523B (1/95) (Sketch Map with north arrow required) *Required information State of Cal fomia "- The :Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT 4F PARKS AND RECREAT10N HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Tlinomiai Page 3 of 11 *Recorded by Vicki Steigemeyer/Pam O'Connor *Date 09/04/1997 p Continuation ❑ Update *Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch P3. (Cont.) The setting of the Main House relates specifically to its style, a classic Spanish rambling hacienda. The building flows into a rear courtyard, pool, and garden spaces that create a series of outdoor rooms each offering a different vista of the desert and mountains beyond and unique views back to the hacienda. The rear of the hacienda opens up and flows into a sunken formal courtyard. The rear facades feature porches and balconies which create a strong exterior circulation pattern. The courtyard features a formal axial composition with a fountain in the center. Stone walks create the axis with notched rectangular patches of grass located around it. Three of these four grassy areas are planted with a pair of mature eucalyptus trees. The courtyard leads to a trellis which is heavily vegetated, creating a tunnel -like arcade with its own cross axis. On higher ground beyond the arcade is a pool and deck. A pool house, dubbed the "Little House" is catty corner to the pool. Beyond the Little House is a small raised lawn area that ends in a low semicircular wall which encloses a sundial. This series of more formal gardens are lined with walkways and stone walls and are characterized by changes in level, a system which creates the feeling of a series of outdoor rooms. Among the significant vegetation elements is the grassless fan palm located in the entry circle of the driveway; oral history maintains that it is bne of the oldest in the Coachella Valley, and was already 35 years old when replanted in its current location in the 1940's by gentleman -farmer W.S. Rosecrans. The main house is complex in plan, arranged in an irregular, informal pattern. The roof and sheathing materials are extremely textured and rough hewn. The Spanish tile roof features double layers of straight barrel mission tile irregularly laid with dabbed mortar. The house is constructed of uncut quarry stones with no coursing. The mortar joints are raked (recessed) and the whole surface painted white. The rough surface of the stone and recessed joints impart a rusticated aesthetic. The different wings have seaparate roof forms of varying height. The entry facade features a two-story, hipped -roof unit which flows into a single -story wing, with a side gabled roof. A wing wall juts out from the two-story unit. After an opening to allow access to the gardens, the wall continues and dog -legs to connect to a freestanding garage constructed of the same rusticated stone and tile as the Main House. A board and batten lean-to was added to the rear of the garage. Fenestration is asymmetrial along the Main House's front elevation. It ranges from a pair of French doors opening onto a wooden balconette on the upper level to multi -paned cast iron casement windows along the first floor and along the single story wing. All the windows and door feature a heavy, rough-hewn lintel and are deeply set (possible because of the depth of the stones). The tile roof juts out to form a hood over the entry door which is reached by a short run of stairs lined with stone walls. The bedroom wing is one-story and perpendicular to the entry wing. It sits on a 3-4 foot foundation of the same rusticated stone used through the building. The tile roof of this wing juts out to create a porch that runs the length of the wing. It is supported by wooden posts and a wooden rail runs the length of the porch. Stairs descending down into a courtyard are located at either end of the wing. Deeply set multi -paned casement windows of varying sizes, all with the heavy hewn wooden lintel, are placed asymmetrically along this elevation, together with several doors. Wrought iron light sconces are located along this run of wall. A brick chimney pierces the roof at the far end of the wing. The pattern of the tile gabled roof and the texture of the stones succeeds in imparting the romanticism and flavor of the Spanish eclectic style. Although flush with the one-story wing along the front entry facade, the two-story unit juts out toward the courtyard on its other side. On the second floor a tile roof overhangs a balcony and is supported by wooden posts and railing running along 3/4 of the elevation. On the first story below the balcony, a metal roofed patio enclosure was later added and subsequently removed. Beyond the sunken courtyard, on high ground, sits the Little House and pool. A wall of large stones berm up to the pool deck which features large concrete pavers. A simple tile border outlines the pool. Mature vegetation grows close to the pool on two of its sides. Vistas of the mountains are prominent DPR 523L (1/95) *Required information State of California: -4 The Resources AgenGy Primary # DEPARTMENT P PARKS AND RECREATION H81 # CONTINUATIONSHEET Trinomial Page 4 of 11 *Recorded by Vicki Steigemeyer/Pam O'Connor *Date 09/04/1997 p Continuation ❑ Update *Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch beyond the pool and Little House. Desigried' in a Spanish eclectic style, sheathed in stucco and topped by a Spanish tile roof, the details of this building are lighter and simpler than those of the main house. The Little House is basically "U" shaped in plan with a single wing jutting out towards the pool. This configuration results in the building presenting two different faces, depending upon one's point of view. If viewed from the pool deck, the 90 -degree angle of the two wings is reinforced by the 90 -degree corner of the pool. The facade along these sides is simple stucco, with an integral concrete seating base which wraps around both walls. This bench strengthens the angular relationship with the pool. The vegetation from the arcaded trellis has grown across the walkway and has spread onto the Little House's roof. B10. (Cont.) As Moriquand notes, there were "numerous" attempts to homestead and acquire free government land, however, only a small fraction of all the atttempts reached the patent status. Not much is known about the first house built on Marshall's Ranch. It is described as a small house, similar to other homestead dwellings, which were of wood frame construction. The house served Marshall and his son, Harry, as they began farming the lands. Initial summer crops planted included cantaloupe and onions and later citrus crops were added. In the early twentieth century it was recognized that this area of the desert, known as the Coachella Valley, was one of the few locations in North America suited for the growing of dates. The Marshalls planted date trees on the ranch. The plantings were so distinctive that they were visible from miles away and served as landmarks. In fact the road now known as Washington Street, was originally named Marshall Road, the sheltered cove area to the west was known as Marshall's Cove, and the intermittent lake (now dry) was known as the Green/Marshall Lake. Local lore notes that immigrants from the dust -bowl states helped the Marshalls farm the land. All went well until 1910 when the resident caretaker abandoned the ranch. At about the same time Marshall and Green divided their Los Angeles paint business. Harry took over John's half of the business and John purchased a home in Indio and continued to farm the Ranch. It is thought that a small adobe building and shed were built in 1920. Eventually Harry moved to Indio and followed in his father's footsteps selling desert lots and helping with the ranch. Several accounts note that John Marshall died in an accident at the ranch in 1938 while working one one of the property's water wells ("The History of La Quinta, Gem of the Desert" and "Hacienda Del Gato, Lore and Legend"). Another source refers to a 1921 flood (one of a number which seemed to plague the ranch) which led to Marshall's quitting farming. Since the ranch was sold after John's death it is likely that the larger house, popularly known as the Hacienda del Gato, was constructed while Marshall owned the ranch in the mid- to late 1920's. No documentary evidence regarding land improvements is available for the first half of the 20th century since the area was unincorporated desert lands and the county did not require building permits. In addition, tax assessment records which might note land improvements are not accessible. Thus, while changes in ownership can be tracked, the dating of land improvements such as buildings must be done deductively. In "Hacienda Del Gato, Lore and Legend" (La Quinta Historical Society, 1996) there is oral attribution from Al Lopez, the ranch's foreman in the 1950's, who stated "the big house was built in 1920 by a Mr. Swanson. " The high level of design and construction is likely to have been the work of an architect. As the desert areas of Palm Springs and La Quinta were developing resorts in the 1920's, architects and builders were working in the vicinity. Presumably, the Hacienda del Gato dates from this period. The popularity of the Spanish Colonial Revival style in which the building was built reached a peak in the 1920's. Marshall prospered throughout the twenties as his land holdings grew to include the Indio DPR 523L (1/95) *Required information State of Zalifornia: The: Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT 00 PARKSAND RECREATION HRI # _ ('(1NTINlIETIf1N SHEET Trinomial Page 5 of 11 *Recorded by Vicki Steigemeyer/Pam O'Connor *Date 09/04/1997 p Continuation ❑ Update *Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch townsite and water company. Thus, he possessed the resources to have a substantial building constructed. He also had a commitment to the area, having divested himself of his Los Angeles holdings and relocating to the Coachella Valley. The next owners of the ranch were William Starke Rosecrans and his wife Elizabeth. Rosecrans was the grandson of Civil War General William Starke Rosecrans, who had acquired a government land grant in Gardena in Southern California. The younger Rosecrans began his business career helping his father operate the family land holdings including the; Rosecrans Rancho. He later pursued his own oil and Iand development interests and became president of W.S. Rosecrans Inc. and Rosecrans Farms Inc. His interest in farming was evidenced by his participation and directorship of the Los Angeles County Farm Bureau. The Marshall Ranch with its elegant Spanish Colonial Revival house, its grounds and active farm located in a growing resort area was undoubtedly attractive to Rosecrans. According to local legend the estate was dubbed the "Hacienda del Gato" in honor of the family cat who had saved Mrs. Rosecrans from being bitten by a rattlesnake. The cat is said to have a special burial place on the property. The Rosecranses sold the property in 1954 to James T. and Esther Holmes. In the 1920's Holmes had established a lucrative electrical and mechanical engineering firm in Los Angeles. Like the Rosecranses, Holmes was attracted to the estate's buildings and grounds and its opportunities for farming. Since Holmes's professional background was in one of architecture's allied fields, it is not surprising that he commissioned a systematic study of the estate (Illustration 1). He also embarked on an ambitious landscape and cultivation plan that included removal of declining Deglet Noor date trees and shifting to citrus cultivation. Plans for the estate developed in 1956 list a wide variety of plants: Washingtonia Fillifera and Robusta palms, bamboo, persimmon, eucalyptus, cottonwood, pomegranate, date palms, carob, jacaranda, and Chinese umbrella trees as well as cactus and shrubs. Citrus included Eureka lemon, Seville orange, pink grapefruit, ruby grapefruit, Temple orange, Dancy tangerine, Valencia orange, Ponderosa lemon and Algerian tangerine. The property was sold in 1972 to Lincoln Manchester Properties, owned by Fritz Burns, a real estate developer who oversaw the development of thousands of residential properties in post World War II Southern California. The ranch was also owned by Burn's son, F. Patrick Burns, until his death in 1980. Subsequent owners included Bill Young, Landmark Land Company and the Sienna Corporation. Significance As stated above, the Hacienda del Gato Main House, garage and entry circle, sunken courtyard, gardens, and entry gate appear to be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places at the local level of significance under Criteria B and C. Under Criterion B, the Hacienda and gardens are "associated with the lives of persons significant in our past." John Marshall was one of the first Anglo-American settlers in the area of the Coachella Valley now known as La Quinta. Marshall farmed his railroad grant lands for over 30 years. He was one of the earliest growers of dates which became the hallmark of agricultural production in the region. (Not much is known about the homestead house Marshall built although local lore has it that a structure was built around 1910. Only one photograph of the homestead house is extant.) Although no documentary evidence has been found regarding the construction date of Hacienda del Gato, a number of considered inferences can be made. First, by the mid -1920's La Quinta and the Palm Springs region were beginning to develop as a resort area known for its hospitable winter weather and elegant escape from the demands of city life. Visitors to the area included architects, entertainers and businessmen from the Los Angeles area. John Marshall had relocated to the Coachella Valley to develop business interests in addition to running his ranch. Thus Marshall had resources and DPR 523L (1/95) *Required information of California: -- The: Resources Agency RTMEN OF PARKS :AND RECREATION VTINUATIQN SHEET Primary # HR} # Trinomial Page 6 of 11 *Recorded by Vicki Steigemeyer/Pam O'Connor "Date 09/04/1997 ®Continuation El Update *Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch access to building professionals. The Spanish Colonial style of architecture developed into a popular building style in Southern California, reaching a height of popularity in the decade of the 1920's. The Hacienda del Gato is an excellent example of the Spanish Colonial architectural style and is well constructed, presumably the product of an architect or talented builder who understood the stylistic elements as well as proportion and siting. The courl;yard is a traditional element of the style and appears to coincide with the building of the main house. When the gentleman -farmer W.S. Rosecrans took over the property in the 1940's he brought his interest in farming and maintained it as a working ranch. While the exact dates of the various components of the estate (entry walls/gates, curbed roads, gardens and walkways) is not known, it is reasonable to assume that these features were established between the late 1930's or 40's. In the 1950's Holmes continued the gentleman -farmer tradition with the transition to citrus farming and in the process documented existing conditions at that point in time. Under Criterion C, the structures and grounds "embody the distinctive characteristic of a type, period, or method of construction. " The Hacienda del Gato Main House and garage, the sunken courtyard, and entry drive gardens are over fifty, years old and are significant elements characterizing a desert ranch/estate. These elements possess a high level of architectural integrity in terms of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship and feeling. The Hacienda del Gato Main House, garage and entry circle, sunken courtyard and gardens, and entry gate also appears to be eligible for designation as a City of La Quinta Landmark in that it is "Associated with a person of local significance," is "associated with an historic or thematic activity oif local importance," and it is "representative of la distinct architectural style and/or consturction method of a particular historic period or way of life, or the resource represents the work of a master builder or architect or possess high artistic value." As the owners prospered, the original homestead ranch evolved into an estate in tandum with a working ranch on the original land grant lands. The design of the house and its relationship to the other constituent elements, the vistas and view sheds, are examplary in design. The architectural style, its execution and the quality of workmanship and materials are original and of the period. All of this expresses the historic sense of time and place, that of a lush desert oasis from the 1920's and 1930's. B12. (Cont.) REFERENCES Coachella Valley Museum and Archives County of Riverside, Hall of Records, Assessor's Office County of Riverside, Indio Assessor's Office County of Riverside, Riverside Public Library "Hacienda Del Gato. Lore and Legend," La Quinti Historical Society, 1996 "The History of La Quinta, The Gem of the Desert," La Quinta Historical Society, 1990 "How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation," U.S. Department of the Interior, 1991 Huntington Library, San Marino La Quinta City Hall La Quinta Historic Landmarks and Residence, Prepared by Fred Rice, La Quinta Historical Society, March 1, 1991 La Quinta Historical Society Photograph Collection Larchmont Chronicle, "Death Told of Developer, Philanthropist F. Burns," March, 1979 Los Angeles Central Library Biography Clippings File Los Angeles City Directory, 1907 DPR 523L (1/95) *Required information State of California -- The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION HRE /1 CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 7 of 11 *Recorded by Vicki Steigemeyer/Pam O'Connor *Date 09/04/1997 ® Continuation ❑ update *Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch Los Angeles Times, "Death Takes William Starke Rosecrans, 76," July 29, 1965 Los Angeles Times, "Services Set for Fritz .Burns, Western Real Estate Executive," Feb. 20, 1979 Moriquand, Leslie, "City of La Quinta Historic Context Statement, 1996" Plot Plan, James T. Holmes Ranch, 52nd and Marshall Street, La Quinta Area, Indio, California, June 26, 1956 DPR 523L (1/95) *Required information State of California -- The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT of PARKS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial _ T Page 8 of 11 •Recorded by Vicki Stei eme er/Pam O'Connor •Date 09/04/1997 M Continuation p Update •Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch Marshall Ranch, Hacienda del Gato, Main House DPR 523L (1195) *Required information State of California -- The Resources Agency Primary # DEPARTMENT OF PARIS AND RECREATION HRI # CONTINUATION SHEET Trinomial Page 9 of 11 *Recorded by Vicki SteigemeyerlPam O'Connor *Date 09/04/1997 IN continuation ❑update *Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch Marshall Ranch, Hacienda del Gato, Main House DPR 523L (1196) *Required information -------- _..-. - ...-----.. State of California -- The Resources Agency DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION CONTINUATION SHEET Primary # HRI # Trinomi4i Page 1I} of 11 *Recorded by Vicki Steigerneyer/Parn O'Connor *bate 09104/1997 Ii Continuation ❑ Update `Resource Name or #: Marshall Ranch, Courtyard ❑PR 523L (1 195) *Required information hr:fir � �> ���+� fr ^� ii��1�N..-ti _.__�___ F�,� •� ,� �'r r �-�'f''+�' __ �.� l �_ ,� ��r.., _- R, _��.n �� -sfi.- _ .. ate. _._ ,._�� �'r r �-�'f''+�' __ �.� l �_ ,� ��r.., _- R, d 's; . 0 11 OEM-,