SA 2001-555 La Quinta Corporate Center (Original)DATE: CASE NO.: APPLICANT/ PROPERTY OWNER: CONTRACTOR: REQUEST: JULY 10, 2001 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2000-669 JAMES R. PAUL IMPERIAL SIGN REVIEW OF A PROPOSED SIGN PROGRAM FOR AN APPROVED MULTI -TENANT INDUSTRIAL/ OFFICE BUILDING. LOCATION: 79-440 CORPORATE CENTRE DRIVE WITHIN THE LA QUINTA CORPORATE CENTRE (HIGHWAY 111 BETWEEN DUNE PALMS ROAD AND ADAMS STREET) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS: ON SITE: COMMERCIAL PARK (CP) NORTH: WATERCOURSE/FLOOD CONTROL (W) ALL OTHER: MIXED/REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (M/RC) ZONING DESIGNATIONS: ON SITE: COMMERCIAL PARK (CP) NORTH: FLOODPLAIN (FP) ALL OTHERS: REGIONAL COMMERCIAL (CR) ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15311 (ACCESSORY STRUCTURES) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. BACKGROUND: On March 14, 2000, the Planning Commission approved Site Development Permit 2000- 669 for a 47,000 square foot multi -tenant industrial/office building. The site for this building Page 1 falls into Specific Plan 99-036 (La Quinta Corporate Centre) approved by the City Council -i on September 7, 1999. The applicant, James R. Paul, is now requesting approval of a tenant sign program for said building. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Tenant Signs: The proposed tenant signs would consist of 3/4 inch thick acrylic letters in helvetica font. These letters would be stud mounted directly to the building and would not be illuminated in any way. The applicant is proposing a combination of black and gold coloring to be integrated into each letter to provide interest and shadowing. (Attachment #1) An example of this coloring will be available at the Planning Commission hearing. Each tenant space in this building has 60 square feet of frontage. The applicant is proposing 80% sign coverage per frontage, for a maximum sign size of 48 square feet. The total height of all signs would not exceed 24 inches regardless if the sign consists of one or two lines of type. The letters would be centered on the 4 foot tall fascia of the building. Monument Sian: The applicant is also requesting to modify the monument sign that was previously approved by the Planning Commission as part of Specific Plan 99-036. (Attachment #2) The proposed monument sign would consist of a base of approximately 4 inch thick Arizona Sandstone. The letters would be sandblasted into this base. The sign, as proposed, would indicate the.name of the building and the address. Directory Sign: The applicant is proposing an additional sign to be located on the rear of the building to list the current tenants: The sign would be mounted to the top left hand corner of the wall facing north toward the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. As proposed, the sign would be an aluminum cabinet, painted to match the building, with changeable tenant panels. The proposed size of this sign is 64 square feet. (Attachment #3) MANDATORY FINDINGS: The findings as required by Section 9.160.090(D)(3) (Sign Permit Review) of the Zoning Code can be made as noted below. Tenant Signs: The proposed tenant signs are consistent with the purpose and intent of the La Quinta Sign Ordinance. The ordinance does dictate a maximum sign size of 1 square foot per lineal foot of tenant frontage, up to a maximum of 50 square feet. The proposed sign program uses the total square footage of the frontage instead of the linear dimension. The maximum size would still be under the 50 square feet set forth in the Sign Ordinance. In addition, the proposed tenant signs are visually related to the building on which they will be placed, as well as the surrounding development(s). Page 2 Although the applicant has not specifically addressed the use of logos in the proposed tenant sign program, the issue should be addressed. Logo cabinet box signs have been considered for previously approved sign programs if a part of a formally registered trademark of the business. Logos are considered on a case-by-case basis, and usually do not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total sign area. Cabinet sign faces are required to have opaque backgrounds and no exposed raceway. In this case, any proposed logo would not exceed the 24 inch height maximum outlined above. (Condition #2) Monument Sian: The proposed change to the previously approved monument sign is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Sign Ordinance. The proposed monument sign, while different in style to the approved sign, is more consistent with the style and architecture of the building it represents. As approved by Planning Commission and City Council, the monument sign was to indicate the name of the project (La Quinta Corporate Centre), not the individual building name. Therefore, staff supports the proposed changes to the style of the monument sign, but not the text. (Condition #3) Directory Sign: The proposed directory sign was not a part of the originally approved sign program with Specific Plan 99-036. The Sign Ordinance allows directory signs such as this to be placed at the entrance of the building or complex, not on the back of a building as proposed. Table 9-18 of the Zoning Ordinance states that directory "signs are to be designated and oriented to direct pedestrian traffic As proposed, the directory sign is not oriented toward pedestrian traffic, but toward vehicular traffic along Dune Palms Drive. Therefore, staff recommends denial of this particular sign. (Condition #4) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2001-_ approving Site Development Permit 2000-669, subject to the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in the attached Resolution. Attachments: 1. Tenant Sign Program 2. Original Monument Sign 3. Proposed Monument Sign and Directory Sign Prepared by: Submitted by: Ch LL� Pd 3DO Michele Rambo, Associate Planner Christine di lorio, Pla ning Manager Page 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2001- 095 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - APPROVED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2000.669 JAMES R. PAUL . JULY 10, 2001 t • • _ • ' ' I��j�L 1. Prior to issuance of a sign permit, each tenant shall receive approval from the Community Development Department prior to installing their signs. 2. The proposed directory and monument signs are nota part of this approval. Page 1 LAQUWAPL.ANMW �OM&& APPROVED DATE --�/ 10 0t QUINTI, CORPORATE CENTRE W GN PROGRAM 7,,-,-440 CORPORATE CENTRE DR. LA QUI NTA, CA. 92253 Prepared by Imperial Sign Company Inc. TYPESTYD: ABCDEFGHIJKLM a� d r •.yam-wj„e - - _ _ *gr.rM•M°-—•TOAATI � THANTE TENANTS � RYm R.0 4 1 ' \• CtRYW..ta - !! r EXAMPLE L frontage 15' f Cage �[�4�QpIh30`� C TENANTNTT 1-U L7 -e I � TNNAAIN IEAAATS f SIGN PROGRAM (760) contact Mark Ross 347-3566 TENANT -Sr 11WIAM SE ANTS F• riNli�n TINANTS.--- '"w 4w k4 '7 777 ` F�•rt� •.. W.r 24x -1����1 '` ne5ignated 5ign area 1 60 5Q. FT. FRONTAGE 51GNAGE 60% 48 5Q. FT. AVAILIBLE 1 APPROVED 51GNAGE: 3/4" PAINTED BLACK ACRYLIC, LAMINATED WITH 5HINY GOLD WK15CO METAL IN5ET 3/419 TO 5HOW BLACK BOARDER 5TUD MOUNTED INTO FLA5TER WITH MINIMAL ADHE5IVE wRI5C0= METAL FACE 5 uo 3/4" MOL NTED Acrylic 24' LETTER& OWNERS: MR & MRS JAMES PAUL 5UILDEK5: ORR 51JILDER5 ARCHITECT: KOBERT H. RICCIARDI LEASING BY: LYLE COMMERCIAL 0 a SPECIFIC PLAN THE LA QUINTA CORPORATE CENTRE Specific Plan 99-036, Amendment #2 Exhibit "A" NOLINA PARRY] DWARF MEXICAN GRASS TREE RAPHIOLEPIS (.'SPECIES' INDIA HAWTHORN SALVIA G. 'SIERRA LINDA' SAGE SIMMONDSIA CHINENSIS JOJOBA THEVETIA PERUVIANA YELLOW OLEANDER XYLOSMACONGESTUM'COMPACTA' DWARFXYLOSMA GROUNDCOVER ANNUAL COLOR SEASONAL FLOWERS ACACIA R. 'DESERT CARPET' TRAILING ACACIA BACCHARIS CENTENNIAL BACCHARIS DALEA GREGG][ PROSTRATE INDIGO BUSH LANTANA MONTEVEDENSIS PURPLE PROSTRATE LANTANA LANTANA M. 'GOLD SPOT' YELLOW PROSTRATE LANTANA OENOTHERA BERLANDIERI MEXICAN PRIMROSE ROSMARINUS O. 'LOCKWOOD FOREST' DWARF ROSEMARY SANTOLINA VIRENS GREEN SANTOLINA VERBENA RIGIDA VERBENA PALM SPRINGS'GOLD' GRAVEL TAILINGS WILDFLOWERS DESERT WILDFLOWER MIXTURE CALIFORNIA POPPIES, VERBENA, ETC. Special Note: Palm trees inside the development shall be untrimmed to provide a roosting site for bats per General Plan Biological Resources Program 3.3. The use of lawn shall be limited to parkway and art piece areas, subject to review and approval by the Planning Commission and/or City Council. 2.90 SIGNS The City shall approve a comprehensive sign plan for each building complex prior to the issuance of building permits. A preliminary sign concept including location, general size, materials and lighting, shall be submitted with each site development plan or conditional use permit application. The main principles of the comprehensive sign plan shall be compliance with the sign regulations of the La Quinta Zoning Ordinance, except as otherwise set forth herein. Only channel letter building signs are permitted. The concept being presented represents an integrated approach to center identification for such a large parcel. Overall center identification is achieved with an entry statement on Highway 111 and entry monumentation on each of the secondary street frontages. These "Centre" identification signs will create an address for the individual tenants who are not permitted to have freestanding identification signs. The La Quinta Corporate Centre plan has four signs, two on Highway 111 and two on Dune Palms Road (Exhibit 12)• G:\SDP 756 RadloACtive\SP36#2 Fin81Text2003.wpd-Greg/Page37