SA 2008-1309 - 51025 Mendoza (Avenida)r �0 SIGNS 77-6EOENRELO LANE PALM OESEPT, CA 92211 Sign program 51025 Avenida Mendoza La Quinta, Ca Tenant Signs APPROVED BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON—IL_. — BY ! _ DATE 1. Tenant signs shall be installed only in the designated sign location on the building. 2. No audible, flashing, animated, moving, pulsating, electronic, and/or search lighting or signs not specifically mentioned herein shall be permitted. 3. No exposed raceways, conduits crossovers, conductors, wiring, junction boxes, transformers, etc. shall be permitted. 4. Penetrations of the building structure requires by installation shall be neatly sealed in water tight condition and painted to match exterior surface. 5. Upon removal of the signage, the former tenant shall be responsible for the removal of the signage, including: Sealing, patching, and painting. Removals shall be completed within a 10 day of period lease termination at the tenant's expense. All repair work must the building color and texture and the working area must be left in a neat and clean condition. b. All banners an temporary signs shall conform to the City of La Quinta municipal code. 7. All signage must be approved by the City of La Quinta. Any conflict between the provisions of the program and any provisions of the Qty Ordinance, the City's zoning ordinance shall prevail. 8. Building mounted signs shall be allowed in the designated areas on the east and north building elevations only. No signage will be approved on tower element. 9. All lettering shall be limited to dark shades of "Brown, Rust, Mustard, Terracotta, or Black". 10. Letters to be 8" minimum and 12" maximum in height. Letters to be non -illuminated dimensional fabricated metal letters with a 5" maximum depth. 11. Sign Size is limited to 1 sq ft, of signage per each lineal foot of frontage. Sign shall not exceed 750 of frontage length. 12. All sign must be approved by the landlord prior to submittal to the City of La Quinta for sign permit and prior to sign fabrication. Sign will not be approved if sign program requirements are not met. FABRICATED DIMENSIONAL LETTERS id S1GN AREA ,. - I I(D 41:z M Q ESJ C!) Cn C.:" LY� Customer Approval: Date: Landlord Approval: Date: CLIENT: ADDRESS; DATE: FILE NAME: D RAW N BY: PeW THIS UNPUBLISHED DESIGN IS THE PROPERTY OF PARAGON SIGNS AND IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT WE ARE PLANNING FOR YOU_ IT IS NOT TO BE MODIFIED. COPIED. REPRODUCED. EXHIBITED. OR SHOWN TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION WITHOUT WRITTEN PERM155ION OF PARAGON SIGNS VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE. ENTITLES PARAGON SIGNS TO COLLECT FEES FOR ART AND STAFF TIME FROM THE CUSTOMER. FABRICATED DIMENSIONAL LETTERS Uj Customer Approval: Date: Landlord Approval: Date: CLIENT: ADDRESS: DATE: FILE NAME: DRAWN BY: jPeA4 THIS UNPUBLISHED DESIGN IS THE PROPERTY OF PARAGON SIGNS AND IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT WE ARE PLANNING FOR YOU. IT IS NOT TO BE MODIFIED, COPIED. REPRODUCED, EXHIBITED. OR SHOWN TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PARAGON SIGNS VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE, ENTITLES PARAGON SIGNS TO COLLECT FEES FOR ART AND STAFF TIME FROM THE CUSTOMER FABRICATED DIMENSIONAL LETTERS APPROVED 1BY PLANNINIG COWS- SION CLIENT: ON tly DATE ADDRESS: AAiAA ;3 18.9„ SIGN AREA 14" Customer Approval: Date: Landlord Approval: Date: FILE NAME_ DRAWN BY: 'PCA& THIS UNPUBLISHED DESIGN IS THE PROPERTY OF PARAGON SIGNS AND 15 SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL USE IN CONNECTION WITH A PROJECT WE ARE PLANNING FOR YOU_ IT 1S NOT TO BE MODIFIED. COPIED. REPRODUCED. EXHIBITED. OR SHOWN TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF YOUR ORGANIZATION WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF PARAGON SIGNS VIOLATION OF THE ABOVE. ENTITLES PARAGON SIGNS TO COLLECT FEES FOR ART AND STAFF TIME FROM THE CUSTOMER