SA 2004-794 Centre at La Quinta (Torre Nissan)CUP,, cedT 4 4 a" P.O. Box 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 October 4, 2004 Permit Coordinator Image Point for Torre Nissan 13489 Slover Avenue, Building B Fontana, CA 92337 (760) 777-7000 FAX (760) 777-7101 SUBJECT: Planning Commission Action on SA 2004794 (Torre Nissan) Dear Permit Coordinator, The Planning Commission at its meeting of September 28, 2004, adopted Minute Motion 2004-014 approving the new sign program for Torre Nissan, subject to conditions that require revisions to several signs. Please revise the sign plans to comply with the conditions prior to obtaining a building permit. Enclosed is a copy of the Conditions of Approval for your use. Enclosed are two stamped copies of the approved plans. Please note that in the staff report previously sent to you, it stated on page two the Signs "C" and "D" were limited to 40 square feet by the sign program. This was a mistake; the only limitation for these signs is the 24" letter height. This action is final unless appealed to the City Council within 15 days of the action. Please contact our department should you wish to appeal. If you have any questions-, please contact me at (760) 777-7064. Very Truly Yours, OSCAR ORCI, Interim Community Development Director STAN B. SAWA Principal Planner Encl. c: Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department pAstan\Itr app sdp 2002-745.wpd �� Minute Motion 2004-014 Sign Application 2004-794 Image Point for Torre Nissan Conditions of Approval — Final September 28, 2004 The program limits the main monument sign reading Nissan with a logo on Auto Center Way (west side of property) to 40 square feet per face. This sign is proposed at 50 square feet per face 2. The program limits the allowed "Torre Nissan" wall mounted signs on the west and north sides of the building to a maximum 24" high letter. The proposed two signs use 30" and 36" high letters. 3. Submit revised sign plans to Community Development Department for final approval prior to issuance of building permit. P:\stan\signs\sa 2004-794 coa.doc NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC Nissan Retail Environmental Design Initiative Sign Program II. SITE PLAN AND COLOR RENDERINGS The following provide a visual representation of the prepared solution. 91 .. Gu4bm.� iMrk1�W 1 +1 1 O 220' i caanlm� I_a Lvvngv�. Q 23' Torre Nissan (3247) LaQuinta, CA 1/08/04 � Parts _ t_SnIDS --- h F�Yi[{np i 94' -•^ w W z W U 9 40' _.._ _, _ _ ._.._.-- IS S AN) ❑C 334' Page 4 APPROV D BY PLANNING COMMISSION ON qi SY�I fE?aAxaDATE CASE N!O. _ 'E5L 74DLo4� �u b� -6 y4i�!-V NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC Nissan Retail Environmental Design Initiative Sign Program SITE BEFORE NEW CONSTRUCTION PROPOSED BUILDING AND SIGNAGE :0 (31 36" NWM Channel Letters Torre Nissan (3247) LaQuinta, CA 6/10/04 79-125 Highway 1I1 La Quinta, GA 92253 30" DNL Channel Letters Page 1 NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC Nissan Retail Environmental Design Initiative Sign Program SITE BEFORE NEIN' CONSTRUCTION PROPOSED BUILDING ,AND SIGNAGE ..--- - • :i -rte-. Q Nsq. ff. Monument 40 Torre Nissan (3247) LaQuinta, CA 6/10/04 Page 2 29-125 Highway 11'i La Quinta, CA 92253 NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC Nissan Retail Environmental Design Initiative Sign Program 11. SCHEDULE OF SIGNS The following signs have been included in the solution. 20'-g 5/8" i"rj I SSAN4 Channel Letters 0 " NWM Channel Letters (Total of 2) Individual Channel Letters (63 sq.ft.) �- -- 10'-8 3/4" Channel Letters 3(`�" DNL Channel Letters (Total of 2) Individual Channel Letters (26.83 sq.ft.) 10'-4 L 1/8" Channel Letters NW 20" Service Channel Letters (Total of 1) Individual Channel Letters (17.24 sq.ft.) 14'-0 "7 Service i Parts I 3'-0" ;Sales i Parking L Service F Parts -- i F Sales I 4- Parking -I k ?Freestanding D/F 12sq. ft. Freestanding Sign ;total of 1) 4' CAH F1 Entrance 3'-0Irl _. L -- - i Parking _Freestanding D/F 12sq. ft. Freestanding Sign (total of 1) 4' OAH Torre Nissan (3247) LaQuinta, CA 6/10/04 79-125 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Page 3 ,2-011, i -0'I, 6° Customer Parking Wall Mounted 1 sq. ft. Wall Mounted Sign (total of 1) 1 O Ir Parts 1 I Cashier .I 3'-0" Lounge jII r Miall Mounted 12sq. ft. Wall Mounted Sign (total of 1) r— 2-0'—i 6 Customer Pnrking Freestanding S/F 1sq. ft. Freestanding Sign (total of 3) 2'-6" OAH NISSAN NORTH AMERICA, INC Nissan Retail Environmental Design Initiative Sign Program Monument Sign tt. Monument (total of i) t' -s- uAF-: 1+D Torre Nissan (3247) LaQuinta, CA 6/10/04 79-125 Highway 111 La Quinta, CA 92253 Page 4 7'-31! NISSAN 6-7/8" Trucks n Truck - Monument Sign 36.25sq. ft. Truck - Monument (total of 1) 5'-9" OAH BI #A FLECOPY PLANNINGSTAFFCREPORTOMMISSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 28, 2004 CASE NO.: SIGN APPLICATION 2004-794 APPLICANT: IMAGE POINT FOR TORRE NISSAN REQUEST: NEW SIGNS FOR EXISTING TORRE NISSAN DEALERSHIP LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HIGHWAY 111 AND AUTO CENTER WAY GENERAL PLAN/ ZONING: M/RC (MIXED REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) / RC (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS REQUEST CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT PURSUANT TO SECTION 15311, CLASS 11, OF THE GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FOR ON -PREMISE SIGNS. THEREFORE, NO FURTHER DOCUMENTATION IS NECESSARY BACKGROUND The project site is Torre Nissan in the La Quinta Auto Center (Attachment 1). The auto dealership was constructed in 2000, at which time the existing signs were approved and installed. Those signs are in compliance with the sign program approved for the Auto Mall dealers. SIGN PROPOSAL An application has been submitted to replace the existing signs with new signs that are consistent with Nissan's current corporate identity (Attachment 2). The new signs are contemporary in design and consist of monument, wall and small directional signs. The signs will be internally illuminated. The following is a brief comparison of the existing and proposed signs: P:\Reports - PC\9-28-2004\Torre Nisson SA\sa 2004-794 torre pc rpt .doc SignExisting sign and size Proposed sign and size letter A NISSAN monument sign on Auto Center Way - 2'-5" high x 12'-1 " 1 6'-3" high x 8' long long (30 square feet) (50 square feet) B NISSAN TRUCK monument sign on Auto Center Drive - 2'-5" high x 12'-1 " long (30 square feet) C & D TORRE NISSAN wall signs faci west and north - 2' high x 23'-6.5" long (47 square feet) E Freestanding directory sign at drive entry on Auto Center Way - F 9" high x 4' long (3 square feet) Freestanding entrance sign at entry on Auto Center Way - 9" high x 4' long (3 square feet) G Service fascia wall sign facing west 1'-6" high x 8'-9" long (13.1 square feet) H Directory building wall sign - None I customer parking wall sign - None J freestanding customer parking sign - none 5'-1 " high x 7'-3" long (36.25 square feet) Permitted by sign program One - 40 square foot sign Two - 40 square foot signs Four - wall mounted 4$ riq-wape feet Each 2'-6" high x 10'-8.75" signs with long for Torre and 3' high x 24" 20'-9.5" long for Nissan maximum (total 89.83 squarefeet height letters As approved by Com. 3' high x 4' longDev. Director (12 square feet) _ 3' high x 4' long (12 square feet) 1'-8" high x 10'-4" long (17.2 square feet) 3' high x 4' long (12 square feet) 6" high x 2' long one sauare foot 3 proposed at 6" high x 2' long (one square foot) P:\Reports - PC\9-28-2004\Torre Nisson SA\sa 2004-794 torre pc rpt .doc As approved by Com. Dev. Director One per dept. with size appropriate to be seen from street As approved by Com. Dev. Director As approved by Com. Dev. Director As approved by Com. Dev. Director The monument and wall signs will be rectangular with a flat top and rounded sides and white in color. The monument signs will have a small red accent at the bottom. The lettering for the signs will be black or red plex-glass. The "Torre Nissan" signs on the west and north sides of the building will be internally illuminated channel letters. "Torre" will have a white face with "Nissan" having a red face. The main identification monument sign on Auto Center Way will have the Nissan logo, with the letters black and the surrounding emblem silver. This new type of signs is used at Palm Springs Nissan in Cathedral City. STAFF COMMENTS The adopted sign program for the Auto Center has specific requirements for certain allowed signs. The proposed signs do not comply in the following areas: 1 . The program limits the main monument sign reading Nissan with a logo on Auto Center Way (west side of property) to 40 square feet per face. This sign is proposed at 50 square feet per face. 2. The program limits the allowed "Torre Nissan" wall mounted signs on the west and north sides of the building to a maximum 24" high letter. The proposed two signs use 30" and 36" high letters. These signs as noted above that are not in compliance with the sign program can be revised to comply by reducing the size or height, as necessary. A photo -simulation for the wall mounted "Torre Nissan" sign facing Highway 1 1 1 has not been submitted, but will be in the same location as the existing wall mounted sign. The signs are allowed to be on adjacent wall surfaces as proposed on the west -facing elevation. FINDINGS The new signs with the revisions noted above would be consistent with the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code and applicable specific plan sign program. Furthermore, they will be in harmony and visually compatible to the signs in the auto mall. The signs will be compatible with the building and grounds. RECOMMENDATION Adopt Minute Motion 2004- , approving the new signs for Torre Nissan, subject to the following conditions: P:\Reports - PC\9-28-2004\Torre Nisson SA\sa 2004-794 torre pc rpt .doc , v ,� 1. The "Nissan" monument sign on Auto Center Way shall be reduced to a maximum 40 square feet in size. 2. The lettering for the two main identification building wall signs reading "Torre Nissan" shall be reduced to a maximum of 24" in height with the length proportionate. 3. The revised sign plans shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for approval prior to issuance of building permit for the signs. 4. All freestanding signs shall be placed so as to not obstruct vehicle and pedestrian visibility. Those signs adjacent to public streets shall be a minimum 10 feet behind the curb. Attachments: 1 . Location Map 2. Sign exhibits Prepared by: Stan Sawa, Principal Planner P:\Reports - PC\9-28-2004\Torre Nisson SA\sa 2004-794 torre pc rpt .doc