SA 2002-627 Dune Palms Plaza, Amendment No. 1Sig n Program: The purpose of the Sign P rogram is to ensure : design, guidance, produc tion , implementation, consis tency, quali ty, co ordinati on, pro portion, enha ncement, image and compatibility between all signs w ithin the Sig n Program are a. As such , the Sign Progr am is intended to ad dress placeme nt, color, sty le, sign materi al, int egrity, and thei r con sis tency on the property. This program also serve s to commu nicate particular tenant sign pa rameters to complimen t t he project as a whole, while achieving a unifie d, attractive b alanced appealing signage situ ation. Al though th e Sign Program exhibits establi sh the letter and si gn di m en sions, the Sign P rogram is not intended to subs titu te: Chapter: 9.160., of the City of L a Quinta Zoning Ordinance. Ap plicability: A sign pro gram i s a coordinated sign plan for an in di vidua l building or a group of buildings . For those s igns requiring a Sign Program, no pe rmit shall be is sued for an i ndividual sign unless an d until a Sign Program for the lot on which t he sign will be erected has bee n sub m itte d and ap proved by t he C ity of La Q uinta in con formance with the Cit y of L a Quinta Sign Ordin ance. General Req u ir ements, St and ards and/o r Pro vision s: Al l sign s shall be con structed , installed and ma intained in accordance with t he fol low ing standard s: 1. All s ign (s) shal l comply with the: Sign Prog ra m , current l ocal and state z oni ng, codes, meet the provis ions of the U nif orm Building and elect rical codes, be mai ntained in good structural condit ion and appearance, and MU ST BE Unde rwr iters L aborator y (U. L .) and BEAR t he U. L . li sting on si gnage and signa ge appli ca t ion; 2 . The tenant, tenan t's agent and /or the tenant's sign cont ractor and/or gener al contract or shal l be res ponsible for obtaining any a nd all permits re quired; The Dunes Sign Program (Revised 02/2012) 1 3. Former t en ant(s) shall be resp onsibl e for the removal of the si gnage , including but not limited to: (1) sealin g, (2) p atchin g, (3) p ain ting, (4) el ectrical dis con ne ct, an d (5) “capping” of electrical in a safe and compliant manner - s ig n remo vals to be completed w ithin a 10 (te n) day period of lease termin ation at the t enant's expense. It is requ ired that you use a sign con tractor for the si gnage removal process mentioned herei n and a l icensed pa inting co ntrac tor for the patc hing, pa inting and/or finishing w ork. Al l repair work must match the b uild ing color and texture. Working a rea must be left in a neat and clean cond ition upon w ork being performed; 4. N o a udible, flashing, animated, moving, pulsating, electronic an d/or searc h light ing or sign (s) not specificall y m en tion ed here in sha ll be p ermitted; 5. It is the resp onsibility of the sign contr actor and landlord to verify all si gn locat ions a nd/or field conditions, conduit, pri m ar y electri cal loca tion s and services, prior to installation of any sign (s ). The tenant shal l be responsible f or installation a nd run ning primary electrical and /or electrical hook-ups and/or i tems req uiring sign-ag e ill uminatio n; 6. No: exposed r aceways, crossover s, conductors , wiri ng, or j unction boxes. Trans former boxes will b e us ed to cover and /or con cea l trans formers in a conceal ed and rem ote i nteri or area. All bolts, fastenings, an d clips sh all be: and pai nted to match the exte rior building color ; 7. S ign Contractor must have t he followi n g and present to landlo rd prior to sign inst al l: (1) General Liabil ity Insurance, (2) Workers Compensation, (3) City Business L icense and si gn p ermits, planning a nd building p ermit - at the time of contracting with tenant and/or at time o f i nstallat ion. Sign c ontractor must obtain a f ina l inspection upon instal l. Signag e out of c ompliance and/or absence of final inspe ction m ay b e remov ed at t enant's e xpense. 8. Ten ant wil l be responsible for its sign cont ractor to indemnify, d efend and hold harmless the Landlord and its agent's fr om any damage or liab ility resulting from the contract or's work. Tenant wi ll a lso pr ovide a deq uat e ev id en ce of the sign contractor's insurance cove ra ge, naming the landlord a s additional i nsu red; 9. Sign label s that pertain to construc tion and installation sha ll be per m itted an d p laced i n a con spicuous location f or inspecti ons an d/or emergencies; 10. Pene trations o f t he buil di ng s tructure r equired by i nstallation (s) s hall be n eatly s ealed in a “water tight” condition and painted to match exteri or surface; 2 11. Sign (s) shall have a cces s and/or ad equa te “crawl s pa ce” for (1) C ity Inspections (2) Land lord inspect ions and (3 ) servicin g; 12. No live and/or simul ated an imals or humans may be used on si te or with in ri ght-o f-way adjacent to the subjec t property as a s ign; 13. No sign (s) sha ll be permitted that p os e a nu isance or hazard; 14. No exposed neon, lamps, tubing , and /or bulbs , shall be permitted ; 15. Roof sign (s) or pro je cted sign (s) shall not be per m itted; 16. Tempora ry identif ication sig ns such as: construction, developer, season al prom otio ns a nd/o r compliance no n-illuminated advertisi ng display s are permi tted as p er La Quinta City Code and landlord ap prova l - some time re stri ctions may app ly; 17 . Sign (s) that project ont o the publ ic right-o f-way shal l not be permitted; 18. Th e tenant will be respons ib le for the mainte nance of thei r sign(s). Repairs shall be required within 30 (thirt y) calendar d ays of needed r epair/servicin g. If not miti gated wi thin 30 (thi rty) days, the land lord shal l r eserve t he right to repair and /or servi ce the s ig n at the ten ant's expe nse; 19. Ow ner shall r eserve the right to have architectural cont rol; 3 Spe cifications for Building Si gns , (Front/Main si d e of buil ding): 1. Sign-age shal l be indivi dual ly il luminat ed/fa ce lit c hannel letters; 2. Sign letters to be aluminum with p lastic face a nd tri m -c ap ped. Tri m cap size as requir ed i n relation ship to height of letters; 3. Color(s ) and typ e s tyl e(s) to be appr oved by landlord and the City of La Quinta; 4. Sing le or double l ine shall be pe rmit ted; 5. Lo go s sh all be permitted; 6. Sign -age i llumination to be: LED ; 7. Sign square foota ge not to exceed: 72 square fee t for those elevations with the larger sign “box” s urface area and must stay within “envelope d a rea.” Those elevations with a smaller surface “rectangular are a” must stay within 4 0 square feet and within the “enve loped area” and fl ush mounted to surface; 8. One sign per business fr ont — except for tenan ts on corner l ocations. Tenant's may at their expense, locate (1) one at 72 or 40 square feet in the re quired enveloped area; 9.No signs allowed on the b ack (East) elevatio n of the building; 10.All buil di ng sig ns s hall be turned off no la ter t han 12 :00 a.m. 11. See exhibit s for material an d locatio n requirement s; 4 5 Spe cifications for Monument (Dune Palms ): 1. Monu m ent signage to match specif ications of exis ting mon ume nt on Hwy 11 1 Entrance — see exhi bi ts; 2. Monument sign-age shal l be internally illum ina ted by fluoresce nt lighting ; 3. Sign-a ge to have 5 (five) ava ilable tenan t spaces; 4. Colors of monu ment sign to mat ch ex istin g mome nt on Hwy 111; 5. Sign -a ge t o be double sided — pai nted w ith stucco fi nish; 6. Tenant p anels to be Plexigla s or equa l with vinyl lettering; 7. Lo go s on sign face t o be permitt ed; 8. Sign age to be 50 sq. ft. n et — sa m e as exiting mo num en t on Hwy 111 entra nce; 9. Lette ring o n tenant panels shall be subject to landlord and City approval; 10 .Prior to in st allation of the monument sign, the applicant shall su bmi t a s ig n permi t to the P lanning Department for revie w of final sign l ocati on. 11 .The applicant shall make improvements to t he existing monument sign located o n Highway 111, to include but not limited to, new sign placement, new er and cle ar signs, and mai ntenance. 12. See exhibits fo r materi al and lo cation require m en ts . 6 Spe cifications for windo w s ignage 1. All w indow letter ing is subject to L andl ord and City approval; 2. W indow lett ering no t to exceed 25% of windo w area of the business front — excluding frame area; 3. W indow lett ering to machine cu t vi ny l let terin g; 4. W indow lett ering may be fa ce or reverse/se con d surface mount or face applie d. If ti nting prev ails on a w indow, it is recommended that a face application proces s is used; 5. Lettering colo r an d ty pe style i s subject t o land-lord and C ity approval; Submi t t al R equirements: A sign applicati on consistent wit h thi s progra m sh all c onsist of the following: For e ach proposes s ign application on the building, the followin g shall be specifie d or drawn to scale and dimensio ne d plans: A) A dimensioned loc ation o f each sig n in the b uilding and/o r pro pert y; B) Sign dimensions i ncluding: letter height, c olor, sign length a nd sign projection fro m the building; C) Color scheme(s ); D) Typ e st yle or graphic style; E) Mater ials being used; F) Met hod of install ation/attach m en t/cross sectio n; G) Site pla n indicating t he l ocati on of the occupan t space on the s ite; H ) Fab ricatio n and in stallation details; 7 All p ermits f or sign (s) and their in stallation may be obtained by the o wner, agent an d/or s i g n c o n t r a c t o r. B u t , m u s t b e i n s t a l l e d b y a s t a t e l i c e n s e d c o n t r a c t o r rep resentative(s). Bind ing Effect: No sign shall be erecte d, co nstructed, ins talled, dis played, altered, placed o r m ain tained except in confo rma nce with this Sign Program. In ca se of any confl ict between t he pr ovisions of this program and any other provisions o f Chapter 9.160 of the City Zonin g Ordin ance, the City Zon ing Ord ina nce shall prevail. Approvals : Th e des ign a n d construction of the tena n t 's s ignage must re cei ve w ritten app roval by the Landlord/Owne r or the Management Company and the City of La Quinta before fabrication an d installation prior to submitting a sign a pplication. The owner's or manager's writ t en approva l shall b e submitte d to the Ci t y, al ong with a co m pleted City applica t ion, ap proved p la n s, and f ees. Owner's appr oval sh all be bas ed on the fo llowing : 1. Conformity of the Si gn Progr am establi shed for the cen ter inc luding fabr ication and meth od of instal lati on; 2. Complete infor m ation: (1) Co ntrac tor's name, (2) compan y name , (3) a ddress, (4) Ci ty l icense number (5) an d workers compensati on numbe r. To secu re the owner's approval, t hree (3) copies of the desi gn drawing of the signage must be submit ted di rectl y to the owner fo r owner approval; Final I n spection of Si gn Installation: 1. The ins talling sign c ontractor sha ll call the City fo r a final inspection after having installed the si gn; 2. The Final Insp ection Car d must be maintained on file wit h the sign contractor and a copy given to lan dlord upon installatio n. Any a nd all citat ions tha t may prevai l will be the respons ib ilit y of the sign contra ctor; 3. Si gns that deviate from this Sign Program will be removed at th e tenant's expense and ma y be subject to City citations a nd/or legal conseq uences WEST ELEVATION Page 1 of 3 DUNES PALMS PLAZA SIGN PROGRAM 3'-0"10'-0" IMPERIAL BRANCH LOS ANGELES DIVISION 46-120 Calhoun St., Indio CA 92201 Telephone: 760.347.3566 / 800.706.8882 Fax: 760.347.0343 www.yesco.com CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. 250739 SPECIFICATION: LED FONT: COLORS: TBD BY TENANTS ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS TBD BY TENANTS 12’ 6’ DUAL-ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS NOT TO EXCEED 40 SQ. FT. ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS NOT TO EXCEED 6’ IN HEIGHT & 12’ IN LENGTH OR 72 SQ. FT DUNE PALM PLAZA STORAGE HWY 111 DUNES PALM RD.PUMPS G M&Food MartSITE MAP C A S S A I MORT GAGE S H O P & M O R E B O B ’S S O C C E R S H O P & M O R E B O B ’S S O C C E R NOTE: No building signs allowed on the East Elevation. SOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION 4'-7"15'-3" IMPERIAL BRANCH LOS ANGELES DIVISION 46-120 Calhoun St., Indio CA 92201 Telephone: 760.347.3566 / 800.706.8882 Fax: 760.347.0343 www.yesco.com CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. 250739 DUNE PALM PLAZA STORAGE HWY 111 DUNES PALM RD.PUMPS G M&Food MartSITE MAP DUNES PALMS PLAZA SIGN PROGRAMPage 2 of 3 DUAL-ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS NOT TO EXCEED 72 SQ. FT. 12’ 6’ ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS NOT TO EXCEED 6’ IN HEIGHT & 12’ IN LENGTH OR 72 SQ. FT SPECIFICATION: LED FONT: COLORS: TBD BY TENANTS ILLUMINATED CHANNEL LETTERS TBD BY TENANTSC E l e g a n t F U R N I T U R E D E S E R T C O N C E P T S E l e g a n t F U R N I T U R E D E S E R T C O N C E P T S IMPERIAL BRANCH LOS ANGELES DIVISION 46-120 Calhoun St., Indio CA 92201 Telephone: 760.347.3566 / 800.706.8882 Fax: 760.347.0343 www.yesco.com CALIFORNIA CONTRACTOR LICENSE NO. 250739 FRONT VIEW 94½” 80 1/4” 12” 30 ½” SIDE VIEW DUNES PALMS PLAZA SIGN PROGRAM DUNE PALM PLAZA STORAGE HWY 111 NEWMONUMENTEXISTING MONUMENT DUNES PALM RD.PUMPS G M&Food MartSITE MAP DOUBLE-SIDED MONUMENT COLORS: TBD EXISTING MONUMENT Page 3 of 3 Maximum of two (2) monument signs allowed: One near driveway entrance on Highway 111 One along Dune Palms Road Each monument: • Maximum of five (5) tenant panels • Maximum height of ninety-four (94") inches from the top of curb • Maximum of fifty-four (54) square feet, inclusive of architectural features • Located a minimum of five (5) feet behind property lines Prior to installation of the new monument sign, the applicant shall submit a sign permit to the Planning Department for review of final sign location. NOTE: The applicant shall make improvements to the existing sign located on Highway 111, to include but not limited to, new sign place- ment, newer and clear signs, and maintenance.