SP 2000-047 La Quinta CourtSPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA Exterior Cement Pter Trowel finish with lj& sand or textured finish to be painted. Stone Tile American Sl te, 12" x 12" Ungaged, "Lotus" (Sage & Gold) and Wd Trellis Structures sated s el frames and supports to be painted. Treated or stained wood rafters. Wind w nd Entrance Systems Alumi m storefront systems and steel entry systems with true divided lights. Frame color t e black. 1" insulated glass with clear or light tint. Ca as A nings • lack S brella Fabric (100% Acrylic) with black metal frames (Manufacturer selections e preliminary). OM�C. Sign Program GENERAL SIGN CRITERIA These criteria have been established for the purpose of assuring a coordinated sign program and maintaining a continuity of quality and aesthetics throughout the shopping center, for the mutual benefit of all tenants, and to comply with the regulations of the City of La Quinta ("City"). Conformance with these criteria and City of La Quinta Zoning Ordinance requirements will be strictly enforced. Any installed nonconforming or unapproved sign must be brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. I. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Each tenant, prior to fabrication, shall submit or cause to be submitted to the landlord for approval, two (2) copies of detailed drawings indicating the location, size, layout, design, color, illumination, materials, and method of attachment. 2. The tenant or its representative shall obtain all permits for signs and their installation. 3. All signs shall be constructed and installed at the tenant's expense. 4. Each tenant shall be responsible for the fulfillment of all requirements and specifications, including those of the City. 5. All signs shall be reviewed on behalf of the landlord for conformance with this criteria and overall design quality. The approval or disapproval of Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 17 A subsidiary of Emlck Howard 8 Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA sign submittals, based on aesthetics of design, shall remain the sole right of landlord or its authorized representative. 6. Each tenant shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of its sign. All signs shall be installed no later than thirty (30) days following the date tenant opens for business. 7. No occupants in any buildings shall, without landlord's approval, be allowed more than one storefront sign except for those tenants that: (1) have a storefront on more than one building perimeter wall may have one sign for each building perimeter wall with a glass storefront; and (2) face the highway may have one additional sign which faces the highway. Tenant signage shall meet the requirements of City of La Quinta Zoning Section 9.160. 4 II. SPECIFICATIONS A. General Sign Specifications ► 1. No animated, flashing, or audible signs will be permitted. 2. No exposed lamps or tubing will permitted without written F approval from landlord. 3. All signs and their installation shall comply with all building codes, electrical codes, other applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of agencies and utilities having jurisdiction over building signage. 4. No exposed raceways, crossovers, or conduit will be permitted. ► S. All cabinets, conductors, transformers and other equipment shall be concealed within the sign or a raceway behind the fascia and, if visible, painted to match the adjacent materials. 6. All letters must be mounted 3/a" from wall surface for water and debris to freely pass behind the letters. All penetrations of the building structure shall be neatly sealed in a watertight condition. B. Location of Signs 1. Signs shall be attached to the building at the location or locations shown on Exhibit 13 — Sign Program. Banner signage, flags, temporary and promotional signage will be allowed with prior landlord approval for the purpose of promoting tenant businesses. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 18 A subsidiary of Emick Howard R Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA All such signage will be subject to the City of La Quinta Zoning Code. C. Design Requirements 1. Tenant shall install its sign as indicated on the attached Exhibits 13, 15 or, in the case of temporary promotional signage, shall receive prior landlord approval. Maximum width and length not to exceed City of La Quinta requirements. 4 2. All signs shall be composed of individual channel letters with internal illumination mounted directly on the building. The channel letters for each sign must be the same color. Recommended colors are: Black, Dark Green, and Dark Red. 3. Logos will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but in no event shall said logo exceed ten percent (10%) of the total sign area. Landlord will also approve colors on a case-by-case basis. 4. Undercanopy signs (double faced) shall be designed and installed as shown on Exhibit 15. Only one undercanopy sign will be allowed per tenant. N a. The color of the undereanopy sign is subject to landlord's approval. D. Construction Requirements 1 1. All exterior letters and signs exposed to the weather shall be mounted at least 3/" from the building to permit proper dirt and 1 water drainage. 2. All signs shall be fabricated using full welded construction. No light leaks will be allowed. 3. Location of all openings for conduits in building walls shall be indicated on sign drawings submitted to landlord for his approval. The structural integrity of the building wall behind the sign fascia shall not be diminished. 4. All penetrations of the building structure required for sign installation shall be neatly sealed in a watertight condition. 5. No labels or other identification will be permitted on the exposed surface of any sign except those required by local ordinance. Any required labels shall be applied in an inconspicuous location. Conway Architecture, Inc. Page 19 A subsidiary of Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. SPECIFIC PLAN La Quinta Court, La Quinta, CA E. Sign Illumination 1. All sign lighting will be controlled by time clock in accordance with city requirements. F. Miscellaneous 1. No temporary or permanent signs will be permitted to be applied to the face of the storefront either inside or outside, nor within six (6) feet of the lease line inside the store, without prior approval of landlord. 2. Each tenant who has a (non -customer) receiving door may have uniformly applied on said door, in two-inch high letters, the tenant's name and address. Where more than one tenant uses the same door, each name and address may be applied. MONUMENT SIGNS Three primary and one secondary site monument signs are proposed. The locations are depicted on Exhibit 5. Monument sign concept elevations are illustrated on Exhibit 14. Monument signage will be integrated with landscaping and boulder arrangements (see exhibit 8a) and will not exceed an aggregate total of 100 square feet. Monument signs will be lit in accordance with city exterior lighting requirements. Monument signage will be permitted per City requirements. VIII. WRATIONAL GUIDELINES AND MAINTENANCE A. Transportation Demand Management City guidelines require the following provisions for transportation demand management: 1. The project shall make provision for bicycle parking in accordance with City Zoning Code Section 9.150.060.D.3. 2. The project will provide an accessible walkway connection from the bus stop on Highway 11.1 to the buffer circulation and then to the site. 3. The project shall identify a transportation demand coordinator to promote tenant and employee participation in TDM programs, to encourage ride sharing, to promote mass -transit usage, encourage flexible scheduling, telecommuting, and other TDM programs as appropriate. Conway Architecture, Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard & Seibert, Inc. Page 20 xrR( ( SIGN SIGN i F # I� •eT�,.�`: � �_ �/ . cs..c4 4.�..�y.'k' '� ���`n�....� .,, s�—�,-�,.��f � `""I `Y' �- `�._3. � �-�o i f 1 3611 Blade V>ign 5calc: 3-112"=9' wpm Trellis gign i IS CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A eubeidiary of &nick Howard k Seibert, Inc. One Unlon Squere 506 UniversHy Slreef. #Isla SeaHle, Wo 98101 TEL 206, 223. 4999 FAX 206. 223. 4990 Dale Frank d Aswdabw InG 7900 SE 29th St, Ste, 405 Mer er WMId, WA QSM W. 209.2MA190 tax. 208.275.4131 HfAaaR E1IGINFEIRING, INC en��eeroxewrnc+aww4 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Email: hackerfieee.org john X. Vogky & Asooc„ ASIA 45-175 P=OnmIh, Ste. C Psim Deceit, CA 92160 teL 760.776,6677 fit. 760.776.6679 cmea. iv77®gtaaet acne ctx josh Vogley Avi Bet-iioiakhmi GJ. Murphy ConA action P.O.8=1124 Palm Desert: CA 92261 tel: 760.340.9423 f C 7%.5W.4429 emao, alrhbe OW-com drawing title Sign Program EXHIBIT 13 ©rmk. 1S LLAT 3 TPb EU,EDT EXTUKEDJ Z " ��_�DNG1zETE �I.�� TSD. c Zti']�.IGK 5;5iEEC _ GEStEr��-INSET— IN,, �iFrD4ED/sr14vni o� PIUNED oUT i r 1/NI �ohG Ei-GoI��T�D A— C n' I /II Ln� ❑ o � �o�o �a. Cou�� tea. �u_ �. o w � Cu�U�riv� 6 a(2z N oSE�TIo�I o port TP—o',�I�LLCD� I EX I USED/ U�NGfL1✓TE- c�l�2T.g� GONGIz E-E'G�'- TEO. G C-LEWAT �� o CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard k Seibert, Inc. One un10n S9ucre 600 unieveily street, #1918 _¢o111e. We 98tot TEL 206. 223. 4999 FAY 206. 223. 4990 Die Fmik A Associates, Ix. 7910 SE 78th Sl, She, 405 Malar hdwW. WA 990/0 td. 208LMA130 fax. 2019T76A131 HACKER ENGINEERING, INC — ®xe.,.9,,,..,t 57370 29 Palms Hwy Suite 212 Yucca Valley, CA 92264 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Emil: hacker6eae.org JobnN. Vogkyi Assoc, Aai 45175 Ps o Dr. Sm. C Aim Door, CA 92260 WE. 760.7766677 fim 760.776.6679 mag: jv77@gm mntacm Jmb V'agley Ari Het-Halakh. GJ. Murphy Construction P.O. Box 1124 Pahn Desert, CA 92261 b9: 750.340.9423 fax: 760.5619.4429 and: aWbe sCW.ccm drawing title Monument Signs J 1 E � P[A� I,, _I'-011 25°a =1'-z2 1 ° II o 1 - o 0 I E LCVA1-I0 � M 5n I %" ewu" ALUMINUM tUbINU 1F - %'ALUMINUM iLA7`I%-)K- YZALUMIQ--1 ATE �, _011 5 �' a—I L M G LLPVb-rI I?k l �l�Vi 1D1Q D 1'1=I'-01 .rOW���1i col,oF�s 1"BR JWLVF-E AL-uMINUM TUFIIN4-�r A[-UFIINUM hTE ®Pl_�i,_o1l Z'FL Z' 3 t o —t 0 �G ; E k11—I01. ,�j 111 C I'_0 _0 I I i E L2VAT O 1""S4�Ulk1Z'= /7��uM.-ru�INC,� W—ALUMINUM IMINUNI o2RN45 A- CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard h Seibert, Ins. One unlon square 600 U.writy Street. y1e16 Seattle. Wa 99101 TEL 206. 223, 4999 FAX 206. 223. 4990 OAIs FtatmaAeeOdelel Mo 79006E 9001SIL. &e. 405 Me Mmd, WA=40 ad. 209276A130 Mc 909276.4131 HALM ENGINEERING, INC 57370 29 Palma Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92281 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Email: hacker6eae.or9 jall—N.vagicyh Auaa, MIA X5175 Pwtoo®aDc Sm C Pdm Deep, CA 92960 td. 760.776.6677 fim 760.776A679 Ad Ba-Hddhmi G.]. Murphy Construction P.O. am11124 Patin Octet, G 92261 m: 760310.9123 talc 760.560.4+29 smell: dAiboe@admm drawing #itle Mine. Signage EXHiBiT 15 I\ J O I JWLVF-E AL-uMINUM TUFIIN4-�r A[-UFIINUM hTE ®Pl_�i,_o1l Z'FL Z' 3 t o —t 0 �G ; E k11—I01. ,�j 111 C I'_0 _0 I I i E L2VAT O 1""S4�Ulk1Z'= /7��uM.-ru�INC,� W—ALUMINUM IMINUNI o2RN45 A- CONWAY ARCHITECTURE Inc. A subsidiary of Emick Howard h Seibert, Ins. One unlon square 600 U.writy Street. y1e16 Seattle. Wa 99101 TEL 206. 223, 4999 FAX 206. 223. 4990 OAIs FtatmaAeeOdelel Mo 79006E 9001SIL. &e. 405 Me Mmd, WA=40 ad. 209276A130 Mc 909276.4131 HALM ENGINEERING, INC 57370 29 Palma Hwy Suite 202 Yucca Valley, CA 92281 Phone: 760.365.3131 Fax: 760.365.7010 Email: hacker6eae.or9 jall—N.vagicyh Auaa, MIA X5175 Pwtoo®aDc Sm C Pdm Deep, CA 92960 td. 760.776.6677 fim 760.776A679 Ad Ba-Hddhmi G.]. Murphy Construction P.O. am11124 Patin Octet, G 92261 m: 760310.9123 talc 760.560.4+29 smell: dAiboe@admm drawing #itle Mine. Signage EXHiBiT 15