SA 2001-536 Plaza La Quinta03/21/01 APPROVED BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT BY t6 iUl Ara- - DATE 3 PLAZA LA OUINTA EXHIBIT P4 SIGN CRITERIA CASE NO. The purpose of the attached criteria is to establish sign standards necessary to insure maximum tenant identification within an overall harmony of design for the total shopping center. The criteria has been designed to give tenants a considerable amount of flexibility in personalizing their own store and at the same time allow for maximum creativity in sign design. However, since deviations from the broad criteria would be an injustice to all other tenants who comply, conformance to the criteria will be strictly enforced. In the interest of the center, any installed non -conforming or unapproved signs shall be brought into conformance at the expense of the tenant. Signing your location within the limits of the criteria is important to your business future and that of your neighbors. All concerned with this project look forward to working with you on it. Creative and accurate efforts now will contribute to everyone's future. As an assistance to your planning, we offer the following: A. GENERAL The tenant shall pay for all signs and their installation and maintenance. The tenant shall also be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and approvals. You will receive assistance in this regard from your leasing agent and the sign contractor. B. SUGGESTED SIGNING CONTRACTOR In order to minimize the cost of signing to the tenant, to insure safe and high quality workmanship and materials, and to further provide for conformity, JOHN HOWENSTINE INC. has been selected as the proposed signing contractor for the center. However, should the tenant desire to use another contractor the approval of the Landlord is required. C. SIGN TYPES SIGN TYPE A - FASCIA SIGN Exterior illuminated wood -framed file sign. Tile is dark brown. Center logo on the left, tenant logo on the right. Borders will be an alternating color dependent upon store front, either rust, green or blue border. Shielded fluorescent light fixture provided by owner. Custom typeface designed by JHI or supplied by tenant. Maximum dollar amounts have been established for these fascia -mounted signs for initial purchase, as follows: SIGN LENGTH 18" x 10' 18" x 12' 18" x 14„ Over 16' length Page 1 PURCHASE PRICE $675.00 $810.00 $945.00 By Quote 03/21/01 The above pricing includes sign blank, title, frame, design and painting. Additional cost for installation and permits. SIGN TYPE B - UNDER CANOPY SIGN Constructed of 3" cedar, sandblasted background with raised letters. Doublefaced, custom designed to emphasize store theme identification. Sign to be chain hung or bracketed under canopy. SIGN COST - $350.00 (Price does not include bracket) SIGN TYPE C - WALL SIGN Single faced sandblasted wood wall sign, constructed of 3" cedar. This sign will have custom design and colors. Dependant upon location and availability of spate, this sign will be offered in addition to the required signs. SIGN COST -- BY QUOTE SIGN TYPE D — SINGLE Z MULTI- TENANT FASCIA SIGN (No limits to Tenant Floor Area) Within a single or multi -tenant occupancy pad building, a sign shall be considered to be a fascia sign if the sign would fall without support from the building or improvement. Additionally, these signs shall be mounted flush against or parallel to the surface of the building facade. These signs typically consist of either signage enclosed within a cabinet box or individual channel lit letters. The area of rectangles, triangles, circles, and etc., or a combination thereof, as necessary to enclose the sign shall determine total area of the sign. This total area must comply with maximum square footage requirements of the City of La Quinta Sign Ordinance. (One (1) square foot of signage per lineal foot of leas space frontage up to a maximum of 50 square feet.) NOTE 1. Within a single or multi -tenant occupancy pad building, the addition of Sign Type D - fascia sign may negate the requirement to have Sign Type A and Sign Type C upon approval of the Landlord. 2. Logo cabinet box signs shall only be allowed if it is a part of a formally registered trademark of the business that is used for business sign identification. Cabinet sign faces shall have opaque backgrounds. 3. Individual internally illuminated letter signs shall not exceed 24" in height with logos not exceeding 30" in height. 4. Individually internally illuminated letter returns and trim caps shall be limited to two colors (trim caps and returns to be the same color). The colors shall be approved by the Community Development Department. 5. No "halo" lit signs shall be allowed. G. Type D signs shall be approved by the Community Development Department. Approval of the sign may be referred to the Planning Commission if it is deemed that the design of the sign warrants such review. Page 2 03/21/01 D. PROCEDURE Tenant should review these criteria and determine some preliminary sign concepts. When such concepts are available, your leasing agent can arrange contact with you and the representative of JOHN HOWENSTINE INC. or M&H Realty Partners. When your final sign designs have been drawn by JOHN HOWENSTINE INC. or an approved Sign Contractor, and approved by you, they should be submitted by your leasing agent for owner approval. When this approval is obtained in writing, the signing contractor will complete fabrication and delivery of your signs. Thank you. If you have any questions on this sign criteria, your leasing agent will be happy to assist you. M&H Property Management PIaza La Quinta 78-401 Highway 111, Suite'V' La Quinta, CA 92253 760.771.4580 Reference: JOHN HOWENSTINE INC. 31884 Airway Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 557-4064 Page 3 Tht fur A'•e of this erl G.l• 1. to establish sly n tanAerAa nrCt M•.Y to In.bre ea11.u. [Masi 1.1•ntlflcsthm "thin an avers ll N.r Ry of design tot the Intel .M`Vylnq CMtrr. Th. Crlur I. n t bean a -s lgnrd to sire Lanehu a eM. ldgl.e l� a.wne et fief Sbf llty 1- p•rsat- ellrinn that, erh . • sed rt AM Oaks [lM. atlas ew rfll+ae .al LT ur Sn eq•deasgn. taar- r*el. asr.•s drr lal font ltw �at aroed rtttrl o rwld b -n Inlutllc• to bll etMr egnan[t rM eewp Sy. conlw+e nca to aha er it 4Is rill be .1[1a[- I •n l+rCgd. In the IAt+resL at tnr eMtrr. a Inulol ltd nun�unforslny e[ unappreNd algns k 17 I, W-1hl into eenlar pa nes -[ the eypMa ee 1•.ant .1ynIM YOU, lornldn rtthln W Ilalta el tM or tear la la I.pertonl to y . "I _.. [Y[u[• .M mat of our aNhbn. A1IuaeMer Ma Ito this prutaCt Kent lorrs[d !O rorY lM Me er an It Creative and accurate steer,. a- .111 eont[lbuu to•vo yon•'. future. R. an .•auta„ae to Yerr Pl.nn IM, w after the tollorlM R. G[.ML The t -Ont •ball qy IOr .11 sign. aha [halt iMtelut len and .• t•n•M•. Th. tansnt still tUo b napons lDb fn Wt•InInI all nsao- ur1' Penta me •PPr ovu. Toa rut rse•N• :,.2. no. le thl. ronar0 toe. year NuIM pent and the sNn eontr ae tors a. Des IGYATED 7I0g11G CO".0 QON In "dot t0 NII11%. the apt of .19.1q to In. tenant, to In.ua uH Md big. qh gwitty rur-.aMh 1p and rurle l•, •M o tut tar "a INCDo has vDoant a I.Ct.d &I the .11nl�nq[Nent K14• tot the center. C. EIGN Type f IGM TTM A M7CIA !1011 IMgY lfadl 7110. 1. dark braat•d read1 lose on .left T 11. 1• dent br.N,n. Center logo en the 1•tt, tenant lone on ,M right. ter ear rill a u alarnat inn a ler ea pendant upon .tor• front. 91 a•r [oat, nM a blw bade[. 7n t•ld•e tloun.e•nt l�ghe fla tare .resided by Mr. Cu•tw typt•co designed by J01 Or wPplk.d by tenant. ;ION Tyre . Dx0.. CA 11 11011 P.qu1rN) Cun.true ted of I. cedar, wndbla.eN book, 9r band run r.le•d basal. - I. /..N, uatoe do. to .Phu IN Itor• IM.• ldent if leatlen..19n to b C.In harm or It ac[•ted un.; Canopy. 31G TVVE C rRLL SIGN IAlt•rnst.) llM l•laeed s•ndDla. [•d re.d r.11 sine. eonserue ted of I• aGt. Thu kion Ylll he.. cu•Iw design aM.eola.. Y. pendantupon laatlon and Ovalle b111ty of space. this signflit M -It err" In ad.,t,— to tM req. lrad sign.. p.0[EDnR. » t .Maw fav ur rola erlto la ane dot.rNlM Yr. r.s 1'. _'y sign a nares. YnM .Ych eewe•P,. vol l-bla. your leu my agent an a ta,W un a�•t rlth You and a re V.•auntat lv of JOUM MJNLNiT114 INC. rn•n your final .Igo d•. ITno Mr• been Are— by ON n(Ar TINI IMC. and -PPI wed by YOU. they thou td I luMltt•d by your 1••a lnq anent for a",_.I Yran th 1. sP".%, la WalnN In tit Lny, tM sign inn can,rattor rill os apl•t- febrleatlon sod dslbery ee your .IgM. T'AMl yeas It you net• anntlen. this alYn etlar b, tour Iso lynqquq•nt rill b happy lu au la, you. UI1Ul1`I Mumma mma v WORM, Mj'12 John Hoaermine Inc. - Y7'•.• NMION b7Nffl foN 1f' /wP 11'•1• Mi1NYN UN7TN fat if' 0• w11N /p a.rmn TwvRwpw L17ff fl%TURN Elw Ma NT GN.9A. K a�dD. m/LaaTD0 L'O.y f VtO0 .Oy. aSVIT- CUR 1b COEM LDI ICIA-mc m Oe n,UNt Olow. o11 7Twr LOCATION. I - 31M rl AIDOY AVCNIIL' MM MCRA PAI MA -M Til - 4t7 Arvu Elrwxs'e�l CMLN NI]tp 7.K7R Mf10NT9N MISS CAMM 71011 VC of C07TON 0981011 • f 7O./T.PAI. 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