Warren Johnson Office Building - "Plaza De La Fuente"'may � ,�Q`AV MEMORANDUM BI -1 TO: HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: JULY 24, 1990 ,SUBJECT: CONTINUED BUSINESS ITEM: SIGN PROGRAM FOR WARREN JOHNSON OFFICE BUILDING This item was originally considered at the June 26, 1990, Planning Commission meeting. At that time, the proposal was continued to July 10, due to the concerns as outlined in the July 10, 1990 memo to the Planning Commission (attached). Subsequent review at the July 10, 1990, meeting led to a second continuance, to tonight's meeting. The same concerns still apply; Staff has received no new information relative to this sign program. The original Staff report (dated June 26, 1990) and subsequent memo to the Planning Commission (dated July 10, 1990) have been attached._ MEMOWN.024/BJ 0 MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION - CITY OF LA QUINTA A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-105 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California July 24, 1990 IIS IV. V. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to Chairman Moran. The Commissioner Zelles. ROLL CALL Chairman Moran reques Commissioners Steding Chairman Moran. Staff Present: Pla Principal Planner $ Betty Anthony. �6 HEARINGS: None PUBLIC COMMENT 7:00 P.M. at 7:00 P.M. by Salute was led by tothe roll call. Present: Zelles, Barrows, Mosher, and 6 ing Director Jerry Herman, n Sawa, Department Secretary A. Audrey Ostrow ki, 77-400 Calle Sinaloa, addressed the Commis s n regarding her concerns on the cleaning up he Cove. She suggested that instead of randomly icking areas to be cleaned, we should select a tw block section and have it cleaned. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Con De La oU,u,Svn Uiiice tsuiiainq. A request o Warren Johnson for approval of location and design for overall sign program for a office complex. 1. Planning Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the Staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning and Development Department. It was noted that a new sign program was submitted earlier in the day for consideration. MIN7/24.PCM/BJ - 1 - 2. There being no questions of Staff, Chairman Moran asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak. Mr. Jim Daughtry, 51-370 Bermudas, La Quinta stated that he felt that there needed to be a blending of business needs and aesthetics. He needed to have identification for his business. 3. Mr. Warren Johnson, the Applicant, 35 W. Orange Grove, Arcadia, stated that he felt his wood signs, that were submitted for approval, did conform with the surrounding area. 4. Commissioner Steding stated for the record that the Commission and Staff did not receive Mr. Johnson's proposal until 5:30 P.M. this day. Furthermore, of the ten pages that were submitted, a number are exempt from the Code and others would require adjustments. Page 1 which displays the building sign "Plaza De La Fuente" is permitted. The hanging sign on page 2 for La Quinta Mortgage, and the wall sign on page 6, only one sign would be permitted. On page 3, the hanging signs for suites 2, 3, 4, & 5, or the ceramic tile sign on page 4; or the ceramic signs indicated on page 7 for suites 3, 4, 5, are also duplicate signage for each of the businesses, and an adjustment would be needed. Page 5 which identifies the suite numbers is permitted by the Code. Page 8, directory wall signs, is permitted. Page 9 would require an adjustment as it is an additional building sign. Page 10 is permitted because it is a directory sign for the second story. Due to the amount of adjustments that would be required, Commissioner Steding stated that she would be in favor of the ceramic signs ,directly adjacent to the businesses, as people driving by would be looking for the address of the building or the building sign, and would then look for the business within the building. She further stated that due to the building sitting on a corner an additional building sign for the alley would not be needed. 5. There being no further discussion, Commissioner Steding moved to approve Minute Motion 90-030 approving the sign program as follows: a. Approve page 1, allowing the ceramic main front sign. MIN7/24.PCM/BJ - 2 - U b. Deny pages 2 & 3, not allowing the individual business wood hanging signs. C. Approve pages.4, 5, 6, 7, S, allowing the ceramic wall signs for the individual businesses directly adjacent to the businesses, as well as the suite numbers, and the directory signage. d. Deny page 9, the additional building identification sign for the alley. e. Approve page 10, for a directory sign for the second level. f. Deny the request for a temporary sign for La Quinta Mortgage. Commissioner Zelles seconded the motion and . it passed unanimously. B. Tentative Tract 23269; a request of La Quinta Highl nds for approval of revised architectural elevat\Developm r 1. n Moran, due to a conflict of t, turned the meeting over to Vice n Steding who asked for the Staff 2. al Planner Stan Sawa presented the ion contained in the Staff report, a hick is on file in the Planning and m nt Department. 3. io r Steding asked if Staff shared the conce ns of the Design Review Board concerning the amount of sun exposure. Principal P1 nner Stan Sawa stated that in general yes, as it would be beneficial to have the glas shading. 4. Commissioner B rows stated that she shared the concern for additional shading on the windows and aske if the Design Review Board had required an thing. Principal Planner Sawa stated that t e Design Review Board only required that t ey provide additional architectural trea ent by virtue of "pop-outs" around the windows. MIN7/24.PCM/BJ - 3 - TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: * T/df 4 4 0jkr(41J BACKGROUND: MEMORANDUM BI -1 HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT JULY 10, 1990 CONTINUED BUSINESS ITEM: SIGN PROGRAM FOR WARREN JOHNSON OFFICE BUILDING On June 26, 1990, the Planning Commission reviewed the above subject and continued same to the July 10, 1990 Planning Commission meeting. The main points of concern were the quality of the graphic materials submitted by the Applicant, and the problems identified with the Sign Plans "A", "H", and "I" (see Attachment #1, Planning Commission report of June 26, 1990). Subsequently, Mr. Jim Daughtry of La. Quinta Mortgage, has submitted his request in furtherance of sign Plans "A" and "E", the same as proposed under the original program, except that there would only be one Plan "A" sign and one Plan "E" sign for La Quinta Mortgage. These are proposed as temporary signs, to be allowed for two years (see letter at Attachment #2). Regarding the overall sign program, Staff does not find any reason to modify the current recommendation. With respect to Mr. Daughtry's proposal, the following facts exist: 1. The Plan "E" (individual suite signage) proposal is exempt from the Sign Ordinance under 9.212.080.E. and therefore need not be further reviewed. 2. Plan "A" must be attached to the building wall, as previously noted for the overall program. There is no provision in the Sign Ordinance for this type of advertising signage on a temporary basis; however the Planning Commission can grant an adjustment for sign Plan "A" and limit the use of the sign to a specified period. 3. As a temporary sign, Plan "A" could be permitted to exist for a specified period as determined by the Planning Commission, based on the following finding: MEMOWN.001/BJ - 1 - 0 • a. The Plan "A" signage proposed is necessary to overcome a disadvantage caused by unfavorable orientation of the front wall of Suite 1 to the streets and parking lot area. RECOMMENDATION: By minute motion, approve the proposed temporary use of one Plan "A" sign, as set forth in the tenants .letter dated July 2, 1990, for a period not to exceed six months from the date of this action. Additionally, Staff recommends that the Planning Commisison consider sign Plans "A" "H", and "I" based on Staff's recommendstion of June 26, 1990. Attachments: 1. Planning Commission Staff report of June 26, 1990 2. Applicant's letter request dated July 2, 1990 MEMOWN.001/BJ - 2 - • • Arr,+ iCA17- ve/ STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: JUNE 26, 1990 ITEM: SIGN PROGRAM FOR PLAZA DE LA FUENTE; WARREN JOHNSON OFFICE BUILDING APPLICANT: WARREN JOHNSON LOCATION: 51-370 AVENIDA BERMUDAS (NORTHEAST CORNER OF BERMUDAS AND CALLE CADIZ) REQUEST: ESTABLISHMENT OF LOCATION AND DESIGN APPROVAL FOR OVERALL SIGN PROGRAM FOR A +3,200 SQUARE FOOT OFFICE COMPLEX ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT UNDER SECTION 15311(a), ON PREMISE SIGNS BACKGROUND: On August 25, 1987, a plot plan and variance were approved to allow construction to begin on the Johnson Building. Subsequent to this, the City adopted it's current Sign Ordinance in September, 1987. This sign program is required by Ordinance to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. Program Summary: 1. The proposed program is found at Attachment ;1, Exhibit A -J. 2. The Applicant proposes the following signage: Plan A: two 21231X4' freestanding signs, one each for suites 1 i 2, located at south and west building elevations. Plan 8: one 2.5' X 3.5' building directory sign, attached to wall at west elevation. - Plan C: 6" hand lettered script (painted only) of complex name ("Plaza De La Fuente") at arches on west elevation, over the fountain and on the mouth elevation. Plan D: suites 3, access. STAFFRPT.074/BJ one 6" X 12" directional signage to 4, i 5 on second floor, at stairway - 1 - Plan E: Five 6" I 2' individual suite identification signs located above each main entry. Plan F: one 6" X 12" building address sign, located on west side elevation. Plan G: one 1.5' X 2' mid -stairwell directory, located at mid-level landing. Plan H: Three 2' X 3' second story identification sign for suites 3, 4, 4 5 located on balcony railing at each suite. These would be temporary pending. Plan I: As an alternate to Plan H, this would incorporate these three signs into a single 6.5' I 3.5' I 5' freestanding sign. This would be an increase of 7 square feet, but also a consolidation of the signage into one. Plan J: Two 2" X 6" restroom door identification signs, located on the doors themselves (one each). ANALYSIS: 1. Staff generally does not see any problems with the proposed design, sizes, colors or materials associated - with these signs. _ 2. Plan "H" through "G" and "J" are in conformance with or are exceptions to the Sign Ordinance. 3. Plan A proposes two freestanding signs for suites 1 and 2. Individual uses which are part of a larger complex are only permitted attached signage. Applicant would have to be granted an adjustment from the Sign Ordinance. 4. Plan H is not permitted as shown due to it's location above the finished floor line of the second story. It would appear that these signs could be relocated to satisfy this requirement, or the Planning Commission could grant an adjustment for these signs. 5. Plan I proposes individual signage incorporated into one sign. This again relates to the requirement that makes the Plan A signs nonconforming, because it does not relate to the whole complex. There is, however, nothing in the Ordinance which would preclude the Applicant from placing the names of all tenants on one complex identification sign, which is permitted, along with the building name identification. 6. The Planning Commission could approve the sign program as is by granting adjustments to location for Plans A, H. and I, as long as findings are made to support this. STAFFRPT.074/HJ - 2 - - RECOMMENDATION: By minute motion, approve the sign program for the Plaza De La Puente office building, submitted by Warren Johnson, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. Installation of all signage shall be in accordance with the approved sign program Exhibits "A" through "J" for the Plaza De La Puente building at 51-370 Avenida Bermudas, except where signage is modified by these conditions. 2. Applicant shall submit a revised sign program, in conformance with these conditions, to be maintained for reference in the program file. The $170 program review fee shall be paid at that time. Planning review of future signs which are part of the sign program shall be limited to compliance with said program (no fee). 3. Applicant must obtain any necessary building permits or other approvals prior to installation of any sign. 4. No illumination is approved for any signage as part of this sign program. S. The following signs are hereby modified: a. Plan - A signs shall be attached to the building, wall or other similar surface, in accordance with the Sign Ordinance. b. Plan B shall be deleted, unless the revised program can show the appropriate location below the finished floor of the second story for all three signs, and a reasonable relationship to the tenant spaces they identify. C. Plan I shall be permitted as a permanent monument sign (non -post mounted), designed to be compatible with the building architecture and detailing, as well as with other signage. This sign shall display the names of all tenants in the complex at any one time, as well as the complex name. sign may have interchangeable panels to change tenant names, but must be designed to appear permanent. 6. Signs "B", "C", "D", "s", "P", "G", and "J" are approved as shown in the sign program, but shall be incorporated and detailed in the revised program to be subsdtted. Attachments: 1. Sign program as proposed PLANNE ..,GN PROGRAM 'TO RE REV►f1k)Eb RYTHE CITY OF LA QVI"TA PLANW106 COMMIssJ6N FoR APPROVAL - EXHIBIT CASE P � l I 7t4E VVAAFEJ (30fifj" ! OFFICC EL-66--(PLA-2A dr, la FuEA;TE) AT SI -370 AvEn;I �� ee,�M�aAs, LA Q1)lA1TA, CA. 922.5'.3 (t APPAoX. J12ES) PLAN (A) SUITE l u SL)ITE 2 : pn1E EACH z iucH 1HI(h FEET NIGH x 3 FEEr WIPE CARVED REDuWOC• SiGAIS 111-/6 LE FACE moUNTED SEC URAL `/' ON #IVco X qINcH 12EDc000D PosrS ipos1710AIE1 SE CUREI-`; IliT'O THE SR OV A/D STANDItJ(- FXAMPL APPRox. 5IFEET HIGH FROAM Top of Slkf*Jl TO GRcUND 4EvEL. Cgoo)DED coRNEA-s CoLOAS : BUA'DEE r ,e BACK or SIFAIs d PCSTs -po (3E STAINED DAR1<- (31QOWS To MA T'C fi HEAV'; WoCb BEAMS OA, gl-DG. FACE OF Si6N COLCt5 i 3A(K6:90Un)D WHIj6, �JA✓&E K GOMPAN` 1.4). lu DARjcR0V4E kVERDE. COL6RS TD i3E Co#,npArA BLE W% -IH gtDG. COL6k S�NEA�ES.(6u 3-D CARVED 4E'rTFAING LOCATIOtJ OF 114NS : STAA/D/AIF oN 4.AWIJS NEAP- E► rAY OF EACH SutTE.(WEc'� ti,A -to A' +f SEE WES T . Sl{OU1/N(, PLAAJ SoUT+I yo SCALE EtEVATfWA A' C* FACES OF JIGNS SJBd TO MODi FiED Go60R fc+ ► 3F COMPATAl31t WOO 6LDC T —��► E Y �i VIEd� C� Sr�Vi PPAIN -tWpRE *SE'E PAW12 CONltA't%E FoK: �iOHQSaN OFFICE BL to Quip -4A CA. �E CDAt�1AJUE D FAafA i?A * 1 PLAN ($� ExHielr B — oiir~,c..,CASE140-F 9i'3L� (-rAPvtiaX. SIZES) . COLOAS FOIZ OIIE: FES r 2, TK�c.rc X 2.%ZFT w�AE �C 3� H�r;N CARVED 12EDW00D .SIGAI CARVEA L6TTE/L1NC- Ar.1D )uSEA:TAeLE C6M0ANy NAME PLATES )N C)VKA QcE PC AST Ole Mr_TAL SIGAJ TO ed- S(NUCE FACE SECVAE4-'r f301- TE D To FACE wALI OF BL S To )Ncc-NDE Pcc&xk-rIVE f000&(FLOA AL -I-ILE-(3o2DE/�. SiC-N'-o �-AAVa A Zimck 30)kDE/2 be STAINE0 DAKK j3XCLVAJ -T- MAT C t4 nnATcti NEAv%T u)OOD SEA Alf C 13c DG_ EXAMPLE AAcHE 0 ToP 7-o (G 1rPOA M TO wtNDou DESIGN +� RC�uD6D ? �to BE Ga M TATA 6Lf wftA Co(-ak SC4ffAE OF Gic DG. g,/lL D/N4 A.AME KAJ)PAESS ih 3-D CAAV145 0 u.. L E n EA.I. k� Ro ww ee 3 F401"L cocati{ TLE BoA pf2 >� BLUE a6vµ'T F Su,741 NOS. v CO NAMES— (CMAh+G(A FL E 1ti2sfATS) aF DAAK BAe"-'u FAAmJ- le 130A0 QoLTE D FLL -ro WALL- S (sE7E V.) F- s T- E(, Le VA Tre N A3/It SCALE Sg6W,NC PLA" (4 SEE PAGC #3 C00'?"JVED, v JoNfjSasJ aF�cE 3 DS.sLA * C0WIINUED FROM AGQ 1":Z_ PLA OJ (CJ (SVGGFSTE6) EXA MnpLF Al; ),A FUENTE � /lRo�rlQ &,, A(3cvC_ i42C14 CF FouA, TA fU— I Q G Iticq (APPIcox s,zE; l{Ati10 Li�T-TEtiEA /N SC/L( N T (S PA ,V, rNImf?VjAti ST�lLf LET7CArt+C„) 1)OXA 13CC PAINT -S FL OKA< CC L 02 S CCIL4,PATA RLE W,TN 13Le6. C0L6A Scl{En�� EXHISM _G S•�-- CASE NO/f''j- SI 1004 C A. WC$T E1 (V&TION, (PLAN c- -ALSO so CL.EVAI/ON (L o64 rE P a Bove aooR avzzc.t-%I%I � 1..;�[ RjrwatA+ SEvX17'r 6AtE DIWAJS 10,8[7 ltoom$ �,4, 000"N 5> to /vcCW/OB X G"TILE_/v(ul SH A kk. 13,tou w Woof) FAA.wa SECG FMevAnCO I WALL to prtiCcT PVBLIc -ro SECOND L4v[c Sv�7t5 3, 4, S) —co 1, I r/ Fog" JoNuSaN I&F(CE BU14.err ° LA qu1NrA CA, 1"oL6 F0-aN+ PA 6F 4k 3. PLAN ... YAPP11°K S f 2 E 5 be CO LOAS) CcA,\PAA/1 Sv�TI; S16Ai5 C CEAA Al G TILES MDJNTCl3(WRZ06) F'LVSN wiTN Sv.ctz^cf of WAL,s A(360! E,ttcq �utAy WAy OF Sv,TES t, 2, 4, s. (CEHLCA•T24 I Ivro ST✓C C v SVA_FA Ce_ OI, [jL D6. ,/..ALL$ 13LUIC, wt{l1e ei FLOAA T(LEs ((o fN PA r fi LQ wlili RL •ir. S oLoA Sc (ff m SI.1_ pLnN "E" roe* OCEVAT16N Ye'tK SCAck PLA/Z/.rGrts / N F'� —� xw1te lY•. (x A PPAcx C uccA.! � DAA.K W0, ds ze- ) s 7 FA.A Mt glNcehc Arj PA&C-r � � M•,A7a• gel ti — S!c✓ALti G1ZIw(#4 st LA) IA6 .' . SEP �e SCAc[ 3E•'+ °` wesT �t.fv�r'O"�) x wl�H qLv APAMX. j ,"LN 1H/c/< _._ - - wwITt r Fcc SIuGLk t --ACE COLOA. T c� FL✓srl n-+��-�*e a PLAN (6) piPEcrO�S Id-- 2aEEr _�> ( (XAPPAcx.Sj2C✓COcoA5) IX2lt"aar tilt -It X ZFEETW10,F 0 I` X (INCA TAIIK CEAAM'- TIcc s/LA• LOCA rdP �y AT MID LAN AiNL OF SrA/RS ` �� • \ To SECoNS LE -V61 v 1� *Wt-tf( DAA.rc woos FJ FL6)LAL ?1Lt 1 NSE'T 24PA-b[A-1 ANP RQM�t� PLA i. QA. c r.Fc o< I. VVA9X4!AI J OI N S, (OW NC2) . C�ON11NVcblk 1l V4•RL ,CIOA1S FAen EAS:A •4) -tgE IA/A0tM1EA/ JONNSOAJ oFFrcc OLD4-(PLAZA DC LA r✓ENTE' A -r SI -3710 AVC A+1 CA ECAAn✓DAS, a... LA OUIaITA1 CA. EXHIOrt c Py -VA" CASEWEAr)r '-XAPPAIX. %124E KCOC OAS) (ALAN (N) 5*14AJS Fox- s�1Tes 3, zvl LEvcL Ci Sff S/e EL EVAToNSCALE E wfsr z11JC A_FTX3FT Rt5c1.L'aoD 516Ns MCVNTfD SE CPA 9r, 'r P" sl!ca vo LCVdL of RL D4 (R AK rti c) _ CO L OAS: RDva E1 wHlrE, CAe.TA(OPF ✓VEA De (Te QC Coen PArAE(F PPOR R,Dc Ce,Ot ccmrME) * NOTE 1, 2Ft v F EXA M P1- f 2frw.bfff FOONOEO ='NESE Si6Ns COVLD RE LOCATED TEMPOIE"" AS 54owx pN 2N2 LCVEL leA(LING OIC AS AN ALIEANATE COA S,NED TOGfTHEA_ 1UTO A L S/4N IV FNarvT OF 6c D4. ON I—cc; PLAN / 1) (�APPAox. S126 v CccOASI ExA p�E _ A�TFt NATE PLA ti' —ws - 13L44 -FULLY vCC�piEt- 05VI TES 3, G% KS) IND1Y'►JA14L 05 '), SIGAS To BE comE3iuEu 1NTo ONE �Fe� Jvnas 3.1;!) Lf.VkL )N 1=,CONT OF 3L Dd•R_ 7b QE 3 z FT Ii1�M ✓Gya ET w,AE '�� Z SJAr111�� S1LN M6��r4j ate-' %L"Xy'' FAAMLr A�TAcf1fL To /�i��ii Two af'X.Y'"poSrS -.5 F.<.., rjJ TOP OF s/EOW 70 4A,.+ J �3)514Na `to 13E SISC�Af 'j BOLTER ('sFwtf TU 2"Xa4"FRAmt. V"XY" PosrS (Itc''fuc�c [rsA A./ 7"O MECORNEAS) SECuA[L ' SET )ivTe -T t(& 6AovND. C01OA.S: RAv4lf, W1411d',CANTAe0E1F vvEK aE�T6 is& C0m12 P.4 is 41 W1TA SCIL COLOR XC 049 AiL ) (4 SEE PLAA)Z WEST ELEy47/64) YOSc ALE) <�S,EE PAG��� �vA,T,A�vEDJ • Fox: JoNt!soAj *F(cc i3c�G. LA CPVINTA) CA. c6o"twuc a FAoM PAGES_ P--1 A/ APPILoy, 512! M <OConf) JJ) FF -Sr Aoom s,G vs 'L OfJE EACH Cz.' �LADiES kMEn ; �� THIN ��?AC in.' L3<fOW2? °'f3LACJ� GLUED To DooAs $,"000 I/ J `fiOTAC -S FT OF f/FNS �CG MhI�f D) PLAN Ala D E,r A 3 CPLAN ) ei an Ill � A , s4Fr PL• KJ cq P -A N (L)) o l .S _P�Ati(F)lw , - - s -1 rLA (LJ NF0 >, PLA (11 23 (lAfbL <X)(: 0 # MoTr : IF HAS'D LCTICA "PLAZA d FvZ—rd' OVEN BOTH ACHE: (i,,ESr vSO✓TH ELE✓AT..,vs CC✓40 BF 8 ADD[._ Sq F OF SFA AREA PLAN A' Tv 8E iw4"Of/ Imo' PLA A)'1� * c �G FT A4GnE4ATE ARE,' __. (60%i, oK APIA OX. 40 SR Ft NOTE : REv1$E CULO/t $ {E kc€PT' PLAN F r 12: CA OFS14vs �QpUGE� CwAitAtOPE VEKDf� w�iTf ��, l� POST - YALL Go�OA-S To BE GOMOATA QCT wiTH tat DG. coLoA- scNEA+E� CN OK CooSID&F, AS AE-Te^A/ATf CecoA.Si Olor �J —c1PR/MS CLTa 'Two cOATf(cLeAJLjVAo/!fH' yp �A`�S�S `STA/NS yn/p - plc SiLNf p ) i� 0' d.i eT AK FRA.�dSj ! ,.-r- 13E MAI-rArrJO WAAAfAJ JONNSo (a V-1 0EAL) 1 V JaNNSeN Blli, 7 S1 3 0 AmEwf►w SEwarNs LA QWMTAi CA, (Ya'" ScAcs) .svnc • sto nf-* .lv#TQ X44 MAN A • WWI.! ELOWMW �; a IJ C .svnc • sto nf-* .lv#TQ X44 MAN A • WWI.! ELOWMW V JoFINSoN eLp4, sl -3f0 A-4914lbA gr&WNS 4A QWVTA, CA. NO sc�� Rawdwqmg: 1 � svM • 4 d•e1[ A r S•InO ► / new a pLAu A WnrSAWWOM 6 t� �� _ • ti ii �w on i wi i .�.. .. zone t.' • . .. . _ _,�.. 10 svM • 4 d•e1[ A r S•InO ► / new a pLAu A WnrSAWWOM JoANsoN sLDE. sl- 390 AveA OA QEairVM S LA QWM'A, CA. AS 4c^c p" pi I r 0 JOHNSo�► Sl -37r MEMfDA QERMV&*S LA (pV#AOVAS,CA. !0 ScAcat { Ank .» sw�a ,3 1 w SwYF S �4.M