SAD 1990-004r f PPLICATION 0 0 T4hf 4 SepQubtrw 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 May 17, 1990 Ms. Marty Butler Williams Company 42-600 Cook Street, Suite 135 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISI:NG�DEVICE 9'0=00 FLAGS & DIRECTIONAL SIGNS ---ON—TRACT 22982 (CACTUS FLOWER) Dear Ms. Butler: The La Quinta City Council on May 15, 1990, approved the following Special Advertising Devices for Tract 22982: 1. 21 flags located on Tract 22982. 2. Three model home complex directional signs: - one at the corner of Dune Palms Road and Blazing Star Trail 5 x 8 feet and 10 foot high (existing) - two signs not larger than 2 x 3 feet and not higher than 5 feet; one located at the corner of Dune Palms Road & Fred Waring Drive, and the other on Fred Waring Drive alongside this project All flags and the two 2 x 3 foot directional signs shall be removed from the subject tract after a period of one year commencing with the date of City Council approval (May 15, 1990). The 5 x 8 foot directional sign must be removed once new home sales are completed. Please remove any additional flags and directional signs located on the subject tract plus any directional signs located off site. This includes all temporary weekend signage and directional signs located on other tracts even if that land is under the same ownership as Tract 22982. The above signs are in violation of City Code and City Code Enforcement Officers are authorized to remove them. CS/LT9QktW ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA'CUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 If you have any,.questions please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs cc: Code Enforcement CS/LTRGL.046 -2- or i COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 15, 1990 ITEM TITLE:HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICES 90-004 TO ALLOW FLAGS AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNS FOR CACTUS FLOWER PROJECT (TT 22982) APPLICANT: WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BACKGROUND: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS 'SESS-ION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Pursuant to Municipal Code requirements, the Applicant is requesting approval of flags and directional signs to be displayed in front of their subdivision on the southeast corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Consider the request of the Applicant and take action by Minute Motion. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CS/CC#5/15.F1 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: LOCATION: - APPLICANT: BACKGROUND: MEMORANDUM HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MAY 15, 1990 CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 90-004 FOR CACTUS FLOWER (TT 22982) SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD 11 WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONK During March 1990 it was noted by staff that the Applicant had erected a number of flags and 5 directional signs along Fred Waring Drive and- Dune Palms Road without the required permission. On April 2, 1990, staff informed the Applicant that they were in violation of City Code and advised them to obtain the necessary permits. (Attachment #1). The Applicant has now requested permission for Special Advertising Device for the flags and directional signs from the City Council. Municipal Code Chapter 5.64, "Special Advertising Devices" provides for a permit to be issued by the City Council for advertising devices other than the normal and customary permanent business identification sign, and includes such items as flags and directional signs. REQUEST. 1. FLAGS The Applicant requests permission to display 36 flags located on Fred Waring Drive at the temporary entrance to the Cactus Flower project. These flags are approximately 2-feet by 4-feet in size with alternate horizontal stripes'of pink, turquoise, and purple. CS/MEMOGL.006 -1- 2. DIRECTIONAL SIGNS The Applicant also requests permission for 6 model home -complex identification signs ranging from 2-feet x 3-feet (4-feet high) to 5-feet x 8-feet (10-feet high) as measured by staff. The applicant requests permission for the identification signs and flags for a period of one year. The reason for these requests is to direct traffic into the project from Fred Waring Drive (a major arterial) via Dune Palms Road, which is presently a low use road. ANALYSIS AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. FLAGS All similar recently approved requests involve a maximum of the request for 36 flags is approval of only 21 flags. for one year, commencing with fact that these flags have utilized since that date. 2. DIRECTIONAL Special Advertising Device 21 flags. Staff feels that excessive and recommends Approval should.be granted April 1, 1990 due to the already been erected and The La Quinta Sign Regulations state that a model home identification sign is allowed at the major access street to a project. This sign must have a maximum of 50 square feet of sign area and have a maximum height of 5 feet. The largest sign requested does not exceed the square footage of sign area but is 10 feet high as opposed to 5 feet high as permitted by the City Code. However, staff feels that this sign does not, in particular, constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance to the adjacent surrounding properties or to the public at large. Staff therefore recommends that approval be granted for this sign. The Applicant is requesting 5 other directional signs for this project. Staff recommends that only two signs in addition to the large sign be approved. One of these additional signs should be located on the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road and the other on Fred Waring Drive as a prewarning for motorists wanting to turn left onto Dune Palms Road. CITY COUNCIL FINDINGS/ACTION: Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, "...and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes," and further, that, "Each permit shall be issued for a specified period of time subject to renewal for good cause shown." CS/MEMOGL.006 -2- In taking action on a permit, the Council must find that the Special Advertising Device applied for would not: o constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance to adjacent or surrounding properties or to the public at large; or, o be detrimental to the public convenience or welfare; or, o be inconsistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan and all other officially adopted policies and regulations of the City. Conditions may be assigned to any permit granted in order to harmonize it with the public purposes expressed in this Chapter of the Municipal Code. RECOMMENDATION• Consider the request of the Applicant and take action by Minute Motion to approve Special Advertising Device application 90-004 as amended by staff, for a period of one year commencing April 1, 1990. Amendments by staff are as follows: 1. Permit 21 flags -only 2. Permit three model home complex directional signs - only: —one at the corner of Dune Palms Road and Blazing Star Trail 5 x 8 feet and 10 foot high - two signs not larger than 2x3 feet and not higher than 5 feet located at corner of Dune Palms Road and Fred Waring Drive and on Fred Waring Drive alongside this project. Attachments: 1. Letter identifying sign violations from the Planning and Development Department 2. Letter from Applicant requesting permission for flags and directional signs 3. Plan showing location of flags and directional signs CS/MEMOGL.006 -3- 0 STACHMENT No. 1 T4tyl 4 4 a*& 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA OUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 April 2, 1990 Ms.Marty Butler Williams Development Company 42-600 Cook Street, Suite 135 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: SIGNAGE: TRACT 2298 (CACTUS FLOWER) TENTATIVE TRACT 24517 (RANCHO OCOTILLO) Dear Ms. Butler: It has been noted that a number of sign violations exist at the above tracts. The present status of the existing temporary signage at these properties is as follows: A. CACTUS FLOWER 1. Flags. On May 30, 1989, these flags were approved by this Department for_ a maximum period of 30 calendar days (original approval letter attached). The approval period for these flags has therefore ceased. Please either remove these flags or apply for approval of a Special Advertising Device from the La Quinta City Council . 2. Model Home Complex Identification Sign. At present, there is a model home complex identification sign located at the entrance to Cactus Flower project. No permit has been issued for this sign. The Sign Regulations for the City of La Quinta do allow model home complex identification signs but the maximum sign area is 50-feet with a maximum height of five feet. The existing sign is larger than that permitted. Please remove the existing sign and if you desire, submit a sign application for a new sign that does comply with the Sign Regulations (copy attached). BJ/LTRGL.114 - 1 - MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 3. Model home complex directional signs. Presently five model home directional signs are located alongside Cactus Flower project.on Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road. These are not permitted and consequently must be removed. Temporary signs erected on weekends located offsite and on' Fred Waring :Drive and Dune Palms Road are also not allowed by City Code and therefore should not be utilized. B. RANCHO OCOTILLO 1. Flags. The existing flags have not been approved. Please either remove the flags or apply for the following: a. Temporary approval from the Planning Department for up to a maximum of 30 calendar days; and/or b. Approval for a longer period of time from the La Quinta City Council (Special Advertising Device). 2. Model home complex identification sign. This is approved until new home sales have been completed (copy of approval *letter attached). 3. Future facility construction sign. This sign is approved until the first Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for the first housing unit, excluding the model home complex (copy of approval letter attached). We would; appreciate your immediate compliance with,the above regulations. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner 9 ' GL:bja cc: Code Enforcement Files BJ/LTRGL.114 - 2 - r ATTACHMENT No: 2 WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION May 2, 1990 The Honorable John J. Pena, Mayor P.O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE:. Flags and Signs, Tract 22982 (Cactus Flower) and 24517 (Rancho Ocotillo) Dear Mayor Pena: MAY -zQX U 1 t ur LA QU11 UNNING 6 DMWPMEN CRY OF LA M WA MAY - 3 WO w AA am I would like to discuss the status of our flags and signs in our two development projects in La Quinta. I have recently received a letter from the Planning Department indicating that we are not in complete conformance with the City's Sign and Advertising Device Ordinance. FLAGS I would like to apply for a Special Advertising Device approval for the use of flags located at each of the above referenced tracts. I understand that I must have City Council approval if we would use these for more than 30 days. The flags and their placement are highlighted on the tract maps enclosed. We would need these flags for approximately one (1) year. SIGNS In addition, I would request from .you the use of six (6) model home complex directional signs with regards to our Cactus Flower Project. The signs are presently located on Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road. These signs are needed because we no longer have an entrance to our project on Fred Waring Drive and all of our fellow builders do still bring their traffic in off Fred Waring, whereas we have to reroute them up Dune Palms and through the existing project (see attached map). I have enclosed photographs of these directional signs which vary in size from 2 ft. x 2 ft. to our largest sign which is located on the corner of Dune Palms and Blazing Star. This sign is 3 1/2 ft x 5 ft. Three (3) of the signs are on Fred Waring and three (3) are on Dune Palms. 42-600 Cook Street • Suite 135 • Palm Desert. CA 92260 ■ 619/345-7541 • FAX 619/345.7683 The Honorable John J. Pena, Mayor May 2, 1990 Page Two I would like to apply for permission under the Special Advertising Device to have these signs for a least one year. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the above.. Very truly yours, WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ' Marty W. Butler Executive Vice President MWB/mj encs. .� ATTAnu1kAr—Ls-- ike_ Am, x 3!o FIS • s G F I,�, o�.. Dom. t^'a(rns Lot Location Phase Map, a-- Lku sab- - di,u�s w L n�a 4�7-- � G F/a S FRED WARING DR. oerj- ",V-4M- &-0- � AALU,� 20 7 PHASE IA4AR 21 2CR 19 8 3C 6 132 3CR 130 SAA .� to 4BR 4A 28R 2AR x 2CR 115 114 116 5AR e� 22 18 � 5 133 129 117 AL 2CR 3A C 1BR 1A 1AR 113 2C B 134 0128 118 4BR �� O, ¢ 4A 2CR w w I ] J 6C 4CR 112 103 97 0O O 36 58 w 48R 24 CC 11 U 3 135 127 119 w J (V 3A v rCR 2B < 2C 4A O 1 CR 2A gCC 111 104 w 96 O U = = 4AR SCR U SA . L 25 J 15 12 2 136 126 120 Sn O 3BR 3BR p 2A 4CR 3BR U J 2B 48R H 110 105 cc 5C 2A w 26 14 13 1 137 w 125 121 4C 3BR 1A 2AR 4C 03CR 5B 3 t09 106 Q O 3BR_ 58R 0 N 2 122 124 108 107 eL„ _ 4C 4AR 4C a 27 47 �N 4BR 3AR 4C 48 49 50 C 123 z _ 28 2AR 4B 4C v� s 2B ENE Q HAS 2B w 4BR �Q� 18 Tq9 80 z e� V 57 59 78 79 5BR 4CR 5 O� 2AR 2CR 4CR SA v /v Q 1 J 60 J J► 8 91 30 O O 56 1AR G '9 1C U 16R 2A 91. 0� 3C �Q 69 � 77 m 55 2BR SBR 82 ! 90 31 43 53 54 48R 2BR < 2A 4B 28 4C 2AR 62 68 76 5CR 2BR 5A 83 89 32 42 41 40 39 63 67 70 75 1A 1CR 1C 1A 4CR 2B 4AR 48 4AR 4AR 2BR 84 88 za MARIGOLD LANE _ _ F 71 1 7a I 2C 2CR 2A 28 4C 5C�fl 34 4BR 35 2CR 36 4A 37 1BR 38 3C 64 65 72 5A 4B 1C 78 85 86 87 4BR 4A 2AR 1BR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT Site plat not to scale. Sales representative has enact legal description. plotting is subject to change with notice on unsold lots (L) 100f1 wlliam• fb�r.ln...... r- ILua&^t.. D1 �EC11o�fsl SIGN s 21 /u X 2, 4 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 May 11, 1990 Ms. Marty Butler ;williams Company -42-600 Cook Street, Suite 135 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING_DEY 90-DO (TRACT 22982) & = -� _ _ - - — �-- _w___ 4. -005 (TRACT 24517) Dear Ms. Butler: Your request for Special Advertising Devices (flags and directional signs) has been placed on the Agenda of the La Quinta City Council meeting May 15, 1990. A copy of the Staff report is attached. You or your representative should attend this meeting to answer .any questions that the City Council may have on this matter. If you have any questions please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR �N,,l_zu�vis Glenda M. Lainis Assistant Planner GML:ccs Attachment: City Council Staff Report for SAD 90-004 1 SAD 90-005 cc: Code Enforcement CS/LT Yd96ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: MAY 15, 1990 ITEM TITLE:HEARING: CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICES 90-004 TO ALLOW FLAGS AND DIRECTIONAL SIGNS FOR CACTUS FLOWER PROJECT (TT 22982) APPLICANT: WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BACKGROUND: AGENDA CATEGORY: PUBLIC HEARING: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: Pursuant to Municipal Code requirements, the Applicant is requesting approval of flags and directional signs to be displayed in,front of their subdivision on the southeast• corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION• Consider the request of the Applicant and take action by Minute Motion. Submitted by: Approved for submission to City Council City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CS/CC#5/15.F1 MEMORANDUM TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 15, 1990 SUBJECT: CONSIDERATION OF SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 90-004 FOR CACTUS FLOWER•(TT 22982) LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING DRIVE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD APPLICANT: WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION BACKGROUND• During March 1990 it was noted by staff that the Applicant had erected a number .of flags and 5 directional signs along Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road without the required permission. - On April 2, 1990, staff informed the Applicant that they were - in violation of City Code and advised- them to obtain the necessary permits. (Attachment #1). The Applicant has now requested permission for Special Advertising Device for the flags and directional signs from the City Council. Municipal Code Chapter 5.64, "Special Advertising Devices" provides for a permit to be issued by the City Council for advertising devices other than the normal' and customary permanent business identification sign, and includes such items as flags and directional signs. REQUEST: 1. FLAGS The Applicant requests permission to display 36 flags located on Fred Waring Drive at the temporary entrance to the Cactus Flower project. These flags are approximately 2-feet by 4-feet in size with alternate horizontal stripes of pink, turquoise, and purple. CS/MEMOGL.006 -1- 2. DIRECTIONAL SIGNS The Applicant also requests complex identification signs (4-feet high) to 5-feet x measured by staff. permission for 6 model home ranging from 2-feet x 3-feet 8-feet (10-feet high) as The applicant requests. permission for the identification signs and flags for a period of one year. The reason for these requests is .to direct traffic into the project from Fred Waring Drive (a major arterial) via Dune Palms Road, which is presently a low use road. ANALYSIS AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. FLAGS All similar recently approved requests involve a maximum of the request for 36 flags is approval of only 21 flags. for one year, commencing with fact that these flags have utilized since that date. 2. DIRECTIONAL Special Advertising Device 21 flags. Staff feels that excessive and recommends Approval should be granted April 1, 1990 due to the already been erected and The La Quinta Sign Regulations state that a model home identification sign is allowed at the major access street to a project. This sign must have a maximum of 50 square feet of sign area and have a maximum height of 5 feet. The largest sign requested does not exceed the square footage of sign area but is 10 feet high as opposed to 5 feet high as permitted by the City Code. However, staff feels that this sign does not, in particular, constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance to the adjacent surrounding properties or to the public at large. Staff therefore recommends that approval be granted for this sign. The Applicant is requesting 5 other directional signs for this project. Staff recommends that only two signs in addition to the large sign be approved. One of these additional signs should be located on the corner of Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road and the other on Fred Waring Drive as a prewarning for motorists wanting to turn left onto Dune Palms Road. CITY COUNCIL FINDINGS/ACTION: Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are .to be issued for special purposes, "...and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes," and further, that,, "Each permit shall be.issued for a specified period of time subject to renewal for good cause shown." CS/MEMOGL.006 -2- In taking action on a permit, the Council must find that the Special Advertising Device applied for would not: o constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance to adjacent or surrounding properties or to the public at large; or, o be detrimental to the public convenience or welfare; or, o be inconsistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan and all other officially adopted policies and regulations.of the City. Conditions may be assigned to any permit granted in order to harmonize it with the public purposes expressed in this Chapter of the Municipal Code. ' RECOMMENDATION: Consider the request of the Applicant and take action by Minute Motion to approve Special Advertising Device application 90-004 as amended by'staff, for a period of one year commencing April 1, 1990. Amendments by staff.are as follows: 1. Permit 21 flags only 2. Permit three model home complex directional signs only: _. one at the corner of Dune Palms Road and Blazing Star Trail 5 x 8 feet and 10 foot high -'two signs not larger than 2x3 feet and not higher than-5 feet located at corner of Dune Palms Road and Fred Waring Drive and on Fred Waring Drive alongside this project. Attachments: 1. Letter identifying sign violations from the Planning and Development Department 2. Letter from Applicant requesting permission for flags and directional signs 3. Plan showing location of flags and directional signs CS/MEMOGL.006 -3- #TTACHMENT No.. 1 .4 cv 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA OUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 April 2, 1990 Ms.Marty Butler Williams Development Company 42-600 Cook Street, Suite 135 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: SIGNAGE: TRACT 2298 (CACTUS FLOWER) TENTATIVE TRACT 24517 (RANCHO OCOTILLO) Dear Ms. Butler: It has been noted that a number ofsign violations exist at the above tracts. .The present status of the existing temporary signage at these* properties is as follows: A. CACTUS FLOWER 1. Flags. On May 30, 1989, these flags were approved by this Department for_ a maximum period of 30 calendar days (original approval letter attached). The approval period for these flags has therefore ceased. Please either remove these flags or apply for approval of a Special Advertising Device from the La Quinta City Council . 2. Model Home Complex Identification Sign. At present, there is a model home complex identification sign located at the entrance to Cactus Flower project. No permit has been issued for this sign. The Sign Regulations for the City of La Quinta do. allow model home complex identification signs but the maximum sign area .is 50-feet with a maximum height of five feet. The existing sign is larger than that permitted. Please remove the existing sign and if you desire, submit a sign application for a new sign that does comply with the Sign Regulations (copy attached). BJ/LTRGL:114 : 1 - MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 .4 3. Model home complex directional signs. Presently five model home directional ^signs are located alongside Cactus Flower project on Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road. These are not permitted and consequently must be removed. Temporary signs erected on weekends located offsite and on Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road are also not allowed by City Code and therefore should not be utilized. B. RANCHO OCOTILLO 1. Flags. The existing flags have not been approved. Please either remove the flags or apply for the following: a. Temporary approval from the Planning Department for up to a maximum of 30 calendar days; and/or b. Approval for a longer period of time from the La Quinta City Council (Special Advertising Device). 2. Model home complex identification sign. This is approved until new home sales have been completed (copy of approval letter attached). 3. Future facility construction sign. This sign is approved until the first Certificate of Occupancy has been issued- for the first housing unit, excluding the model home complex (copy of approval letter attached). We would. appreciate your immediate compliance with the above regulations. Should you have any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL:bja cc: - Code Enforcement Files 1 BJ/LTRGL.114 - 2 GATTACHMENT No: 2 WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION May 2, 1990 The Honorable John J. Pena, Mayor P.O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Flags and Signs, Tract 22982 (Cactus Flower) and 24517 (Rancho Ocotillo) Dear Mayor Pena: MAY -1 9 UNNING a DEVELOPMI CITY (* LA GMA MAY -3 WO W I would like to discuss the status of our flags and signs in our two development projects in La Quinta. I have recently received a letter from the Planning Department indicating that we are not in complete conformance with the City's Sign and Advertising Device Ordinance. FLAGS I would like to apply for a Special Advertising Device approval for the use of flags located at each of the above referenced tracts. I understand that I must have City Council approval if we would use these for more than 30 days. The flags and their placement are highlighted on the tract.maps enclosed. We would need these flags for approximately one (1) year. SIGNS In addition, I would request from you the use of six ( 6 ) model home complex directional signs with regards to our Cactus Flower Project. The signs are presently located on Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road. These signs are needed because we no longer have an entrance to our project on Fred Waring Drive and all of our fellow builders do still bring their traffic in off Fred. Waring, whereas we have to reroute them up Dune Palms and through the existing project (see attached map). I have enclosed photographs of these directional signs which vary. in size from 2 ft. x 2 ft. to our largest sign which is located on the corner of Dune Palms and Blazing Star. This sign is 3 1/2 ft x 5 ft. Three (3) of the signs are on Fred Waring and three (3) are on Dune Palms. 42-6W Cook Street • Suite 135 • Palm Desert. CA 92260 a 6191345-7541 • FAX 6191345.7683 The Honorable John J. Pena, Mayor May,2, 1990 Page Two . I would like to apply for permission under the Special Advertising Device to have these signs :for a least one year. iY Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Marty W. Butler Executive Vice President MWB/mj encs. f C Cr N 3 a W z D O ,r ATTA^1isAr-LI-- Ll__ 0% F I&CVd &"A r)c ",L tPa, Lms neidetl- Lot Location Phase Map. a,f &, L,�u sat- . OLms C&.,3 w tom. AM FRED WARING DR. S 20 7 PHASE 2CR 3C 131 'V 100 21 19 8 6 132 3CA 130 2CR 15� 114 101 16R � 1A 48R 4A 2BR 2AR 2CC116 5AR 2CR 28fi 22 2CR 23 4BR 24 3A 25 BR 4C 27 3AR k2n 31 48 32 C 33 2A 18 ` 5 3A C P v O� 4 4A O 11 Ov 3 A C I 28 aN 2C O 15 12 1 2 2A 4CR a 3BR 14 13 1 3BR 1A 2AR 47 4C 48 49 50 2AR 48 4C 4BR W z P O% p 0I� OL 55 43 53 54 48R 28 4C 2AR A 4CR 2B 4 A MARIGOLD LANE . 4BR 133 56 129 117 1BR to 1AR )L2C 102 98 4AR x 134 co 28 118 97 2CR W w W w 6CC 4 112 103 135 c� ¢ 127 119 W 3B • 58 W -' 48R 96 4A V O I CR 2A Z 111 104 Q v = = 4AR 5CR U SA 136 � 126 120 CO o 3BR v 2B 48R H 11110 0 W 5C 2A 2 W 143C7 3CR 588 3 109 106 0 O 3BR_ 58R 0 6[,. _ 124 122 4C 108 4AR 107 C 48R 123 28 NE PHAS 58 STq,9 1.iil__. Is 57 80 5BR 2AR 2C9R ' 4CR 91 1AR QOJ C Q 1BR 61 fi� 69 5C r 77 5 R E 2BR 82 90 m 68SCR 28R < 2A 62 76 89 28R 5A 83 to 1CR 53 6 MBB 4AR 4AR 2BR 84 88 2C 2CR BR 2 R 4A 1 3C SSA sca 66 2B 4C 55 85 87 ts 1C 2AIR 48R IB�R 4A FUTURE DE1/ELW Site plat not to sc& Sales representative has exact legal description. Plotting is subject to dunAe without notice on unsold In" RFCEIVED MAY 1990 U I C 0� LA QUINTA LANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION MY OF LA QUINTA May 2, 1990 The Honorable John J. Pena, Mayor P.O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Flags and Signs, Tract 22982 (Cactus Flower) and 24517 (Rancho Ocotillo) Dear Mayor Pena: MAY - 31990 I would like to discuss the status of our flags and signs in our two development projects in La Quinta. I have recently received a letter from the Planning Department indicating that we are not in complete conformance with the City's Sign and Advertising Device Ordinance. FLAGS I would like to apply for a Special Advertising Device approval for the use of flags located at each of the above referenced tracts. I understand that I must have City Council approval if we would use these for more than 30 days. The flags and their placement are highlighted on the tract maps enclosed. We would need these flags for approximately one (1) year.. SIGNS In addition, I would request from you the use of six ( 6 ) model home complex directional signs with regards to our Cactus Flower Project. The signs are presently located on Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road. These signs are needed because we no longer have an entrance to our project on Fred Waring Drive and all of our fellow builders do still bring their traffic in off Fred Waring, whereas we have to reroute them up Dune Palms and through the existing project (see attached map).. I have enclosed photographs of these directional signs which vary in size from 2 ft. x 2 ft. to our largest sign which, is located on the corner of Dune Palms and Blazing Star. This sign is 3 1/2 ft x 5 ft. Three (3) of the signs are on Fred Waring and three (3) are on Dune Palms. 42-600 Cook Street ■ Suite 135 ■ Palm Desert, CA 92260 ■ 619/345-7541 ■ FAX 619/345-7683 The Honorable John J. Pena, Mayor May 2, 1990 Page Two I would like to apply for permission under- the Special Advertising Device to have these signs for a least one year. Thank you for your_ assistance in this matter.- Please contact me if - you have any questions regarding the above. -Very truly yours, WILLIAMS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Marty W. Butler Executive Vice President MWB/mj _ encs. KItS rancho ocotillo La Qu i nta, CA (619) 345-0150 FRED WARING DRIVE 11 ; " 26 27 1 14 , I 2B 1CR 3C 2BR sic I I 1 1 • 89 1 - 29 3AR 2A 26 16 2AR 3A '3 a7 I S AaeS 1 so 30 1CR 3BR 25 17 3B 1CR 12' 4 3A 1 � 91 31 2B 3C 2418 2CR H 2B 11 5 3BR cn w w >_ 1CR 3 U - 0 (Model) - 32 3AR- 2BR " 23 19 3A Q 3AR 10 6 2C O A N J J 2B Z 22 21 20 O Z 9 6 7 (Model) 2 33 2C U 3A 1C 2BR ¢ 3C 1B 3AR O U 3BR , W (Model) 34 3B ccc , CAMINO DEL ORO 35 1AR FIAAS l Y U, Q . 36 2C LA PALMA DRIVE The builder, Williams Development Corporation, reserves the right to modify floor plans, substitute models or make whatever changes it considers necessary without prior notice. © 1990 1/90 i F I &ce 0-%- DUA4A- tea, Lms —%�- rtie�AecL Lot Location Phase Map �- FRED WARING DR. o>`l�.i`r,Q/tt.tr�o-w I=A� L014A(ldQ1 20 7 131 PHASE IV 21 2CR 19 8 3C 6 132 3CR 130 5AR 100 ,r 1A 4BR 4A 2BR 2AR 2C 2CR 115 114 101 1BR 99 116 5AR 2CR 2BR 22 18 5 133 129 117 2CR 3P �.:: C 1BR 1A 1AR 113 102 98 2C 4AR 2C 23 O 4 134 to 128 118 4BR �� O, 4A 2CR w w 6C 4CR 112 103 .I .. 97 .• 24 U O O w 3B 5B W 4BR Cr.11 U 3 135 127 119 U N 3A CR I 26 W 2C 4A Z v �+O I CR 2A g 111 104 96 W O U = = 4AR SCR U 5A j 25 -J 15 12 2: 2 136 -J 126 120 V 3BR o 2A 4CR Q 3BR 3BR U _j 2B 4BR CO 110 105 Q 5C 2A z 26 14 13 1 137 w 125 121 W 4C 36R 1 A 2AR 4C O 3CR 5B � 109 106 107 O (n 3BR 5BR .0 cac 1 —J 6 124 4C 4AR122 108 4C Q �2/N 48R WF28 4C 48 49 50 Z 2AR 4B 4C 26 NE PHASE III= �, 58 w 4BR ;, \�� 1B 80 29 z a' V 57 2CR 4CR 5A 5BR 4CR O� 2AR w 81 � 91 56 60 30 O ` O 3C 1AR QV 1C a: 2A 1BR C7 + O� 69 77 Q 55 61 '�� 5C r 5BR 82 90 31 2 43 53 54 4BR 2BR 0J 2BR 2A 4B 2B 4C 2AR 62 68 76 x 5CR 2BR 5A 83 ' O 89 32 42 41 40 39 63 67 70 75 1A 1CR 1C 1A 4CR 2B 4AR 4B 4AR 4AR 2BR 84 88 33 MARIGOLD LANE 71 74 2C 2CR 2A 34 4BR 66 2B 4C 5GR 65 72 73 BR 86 47 4B 1 C 2A-R 1 BR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT NT Site plan not to scale. Sales representative has exact legal description. Plotting is subject to change without notice on unsold lots. © 1990, Williams Development Corporation. 1.90 35 36 37 38 64 2CR 4A 1 BR 3C 5A e 4 4a u�ttc� 78-105 CALLE ESTADO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 FAX (619) 564-5617 April 2, 1990 Ms.Marty Butler Williams Development Company 42-600 Cook Street, Suite 135 Palm Desert, CA 92260 SUBJECT: SIGNAGE: TRACT==2298'`;=(CACTUS' FLOWERI� TENTATIVE TRACT 24517 (RANCHO OCOTILLO) Dear Ms. Butler: It has been noted that a number of sign violations exist at the above tracts. The present status of" the existing temporary signage"at these properties is as follows: A. CACTUS FLOWER 1. Flags. On May 30, 1989; these flags were approved by this Department for_ a maximum period of 30 calendar days (original approval letter attached), The approval period for these flags has therefore ceased. Please either remove these flags or apply for approval of a Special Advertising Device from the La Quinta City Council . 2. Model Home Complex Identification Sign. At present, there is a model home complex identification sign located at the entrance to Cactus Flower project. No,permit has been issued for this sign. The Sign Regulations for the City of La Quinta do allow model home complex identification signs but the maximum sign area is 50-feet with a maximum height of five feet. The existing sign is larger than that permitted. Please remove the existing sign and if you desire, submit a sign application for a new sign that does comply with the Sign Regulations (copy attached). BJ/LTRGL.114 - 1 - MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 i 3. Model homb complex directional signs. Presently five model home directional signs are located alongside Cactus Flower project on Fred Waring Drive and Dune, Palms Road. These 'are not permitted and consequently must be removed. Temporary signs erected on weekends located offsite and on Fred Waring Drive and Dune Palms Road are also not allowed by City Code and therefore should not be utilized. B. RANCHO OCOTILLO 1: Flags. The existing flags have not been approved. Please either remove the flags or apply for the following: a. Temporary approval from the Planning Department for up toga maximum of 30 calendar days; and/or b. Approval for a longer period of time from the La Quinta City Council (Special Advertising Device). 2. Model home complex identification sign. This is approved until new home sales have been completed (copy of approval letter attached). 3. Future facility construction sign. _ This sign is approved until the first Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for the first housing unit, excluding the model home complex (copy of approval letter attached). We would appreciate your immediate compliance with the above regulations. Should you have. any questions concerning the above, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Glenda Lainis Assistant Planner GL:bja cc: Code -Enforcement Files BJ/LTRGL.114 - 2 - z MEMORANDUM I. n r,R ?. 0 1990 ur LA QuINTA ► LANN1!�r R nFVELOPWNT DEPT. TO: Jerry Herman, Planning Director FROM: Roger Hirdler, Community Safety Director /<-• DATE: March 19, 1990 SUBJECT: Existing Signage For The Cactus Flower Complex On Fred Waring & Dune Palms Road We have an ongoing problem with the Cactus Flower: complex in the constant weekend use of temporary directional signs being placed throughout the city. Additionally, we now have six 3' X 3' professionally designed off site directional signs, one 31X 6' sign, and two 4' X 4' signs, which are of a permanent nature placed without benefit of permit in the city's right-of-way areas on Fred Warning Drive and Dune Palms Road. Due to the ongoing permit procedures that the developer is engaged in with your department, I am requesting your assistance in causing the developer to immediately comply with city code by the attachment of a mandatory request to the overall planning requirements that your department is currently involved in with this development project. Your immediate involvement in this case is very much appreciated so as to prevent an occurrence from happening,in a copy cat fashion with all the other development projects now under way and/or soon to be under way in the future. Please provide my department -with copies of all paperwork generated by this request and I thank you, in advance, for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. RH:es MEMORH.68 PLOT PLAN - FUTURE FACILITY SIGN APPLICATION FOR "CACTUS FLOWER" ® ■ 14rl2e� .W4,zlN6 Applicant: Williams Development Corporation, 43875 Washington Street Palm Desert,_CA 92260 (619) 345-1541 EXHIBIT AUG 3 M S/A CASE NO. -069 CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. � ATPNCHMENT No. 1 LOCALITY PLAN z JEFFER.S_ON STREET TO 2e M k Olt q. Ay. TO t :.� Vie• .. .....� �.�� � e ,�'� ti � t ;` :: i�� ,���• i k_ 1 qq LU Y ! Y IL 0 N Jr- i ti i u i CO • Y. t lc�,! LU cy cc c\l LL N jp UNE PALMS ROAD oniy APPROVED PROPOSED SIGNS ' IA QUIhTA PUM-11NM+.Nu Weil lSS;ON I 5A Sri- gb C®�ditt`o AF7in0' r9' CITY Cr': h!,CIL BY 0N-,�c-t- , 1�34 DATE- ........ ... .... ELEVATION FRED WARING AND -DUNE PALM -'.'ROAD m Ml O NlototZ43 �' �. c�J LQ. • W . _E� v �� tick -Affor&'-ble _ 73 Ave Sinc5 pie IF= ffy liome. k By Vilillial-lis Development Cr)Lporati.oii por Infomiation j; 'Per (6 �9) 34 5-2843 -. }� JOINT YENTUttE WITtf. DEVELO VERS VENTURE CAP[TAL '` •.. f .� _ r� .�. e. may. RE E EXHIBIT=' .r S R CASE NO.8-8-0(.9 AUG CITY OF L QUI A PLANNING & D LOPME CPT. '�fi, ��.:, d. ?...�:'f� ;!'31/`.�,�'�` .� .!t� .i. `�T�'�ST a�:.�.�.t�.:'f �Y'��1;.`'�:'�:Ci.:r'ti�'r�•.�y: .:k���,.�.L`.�i�`�•.j;�'-'i`. .i r.i �. _ 7t . s, i ..w�JC:.�?I'�:.- i't;.i'��.s..�:,.�:b�tq...�i'��i,';•:�;,;c: .:e.�_�Z�.i.:�'I'r�'�•�,^cc.:,:�:y,•;��;; v:1�!�-s�:�. .:r�.•.�. - }: ire. .,��•.�s:;. �;.�7- �� .. '"`�`���•c � .. _ r _45 1 �1-e �., - od -4?1- Z- C'iO"LS Ok