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SAD 1991-012
NO APPLICATION. 1 t c i FILE COPY 78.105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 February 22, 1991 Ms. Meg Robertson, Festival Coordinator - La Quinta Arts Foundation P.O. Box 777 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: MINOR TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT 91-030 & SPECIAL' ADVERTISING DEVICE 91-012'FOR THE LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL Dear Ms.'Robertson: Your Minor Temporary Outdoor Event for the 1991 Arts Festival at the La Quinta Community Park is approved subject to the following conditions: - 1. The use of the park site shall be in 'conformance with Exhibit "A" (Plot Plan) and Exhibit "B" (Festival Narrative, dated January 26, 1991), unless otherwise . amended by the following conditions. 2. The event is approved for the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th of March. The site will be prepared starting March 13, 1991. 3. The Applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Riverside. County Health Department, Fire Department (letter dated. February 8, 1991, attached), and Sheriff's Department. 4. The Applicant shall call for a "special inspection" prior to the official start of. the Festival. The inspection will 'be conducted by the Fire -Marshal and a representative from the Building Division. The inspection,is to assure Code compliance. 5. The Applicant' shall provide the necessary insurance for this event naming the City of La Quinta as the additional insured. -A copy of this document shall_ be delivered to the Community Safety Department prior to the event. It should also be noted that the La Quinta City Council approved the waiver of City processing fees -and granted permission to use City owned land during the 1991 Arts Festival at the City Council meeting held July 31, 1990. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 LTRGL.145/CS -1- Also, for your information, your sign -request (special advertising devices) has been approved by the City Council, subject to conditions (attached). Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. n Very truly yours,; ^ JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR' Glenda M: Lai'nis'` ' Assistant Planner GML:.ccs enclosure: ExhibitA - Plot Plan Exhibit B - Festival Narrative Fire Department letter Sign request conditions cc: Building Division Community Safety Public Works Fire Marshal . Ron Dye, Sheriff LTRGL.145/CS -2- CONDITIONS FOR 1991 LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL Special Advertising Device 91-012 approved by City Council 2/19/91. 1. Signs located along streets without curbs must maintain a six-foot setback between the sign edge and the edge- of the pavement. 2. The edge 'of signs located along streets with curbs shall not be any closer than, five -feet from the back of the curb. 3.. The signs shall not obstruct vision off any traffic control devices. 4. All signs must be removed by March 18, 1991. 5. Written authorization from the property owner must be obtained before installation of a sign on private property. .A copy of this authorization shall be provided to the City. 6. Permission for signs' located outside the La Quinta City boundary must be obtained from the local jurisdiction involved. 11 LTRGL.145/CS Ar'► HuVf C 3Y f'L :Fi�'I:�u� s: i;�:�r! "�f�► LPITI)EPARTMENT BY EXHIBIT...���s�.�.�,�: CASE N0. �"n� _c) 3b `�i f1aRAW11 HEST ROOMS i OITl11TAWM<NT ' 9Of OtOON 1 `•� J s ' v 10 X 10 C!AAWAA) r--- >� Zoe 2Db 2a 2w xo2---��♦'� 7K,•CO ♦ / ♦ RESTROOAq' ,gyp ♦ - / FIRST ♦ 1u ♦ '4 i AID ♦ �a22-7 219 217 216 2t1 11 `♦' STATION ` 2e22P22. 2t 2D 21e • 114 le' FESTIVAL ,B\ 2921 �NG00UAA�MM 2e1 27275 2T2727 63 /1I1 2 2oTh]2175n2seWne6 '?A P-1 9 •lel ti � 274 At w .E w! I 429 m 1 i 7 REST tl7 w.17 .Z4 .27 a7! M-24422 .19 .N 415 413 313 S•i '1 i 319 M322321 329 327 329 331 Ssa 1 /ROOM$ N9 ate w aH w .2e .xe ue .1. a AAT' 1 8 7 t' — — — `+ SI6 32e 330 372 Sir 1 conww6 DEMOS 1 7 FOOD 40 M/ M-1— •79K6 N2 FAVIWON.90 .ee 8 10 T1O FOOD 371 373 370 377 37 3361 M31 affi.00 SOOTMs .6e .61 136� 3661 36e Sro 37x 37. a 37e Seo Set �LJ , �9 6,7 6� 6'� 629 , 613 613 bli SIS 617 319 b21 FOOD `J 8 636 63r' 323 b23 32) 629 S71 BOOTHS` O 16t6 61. bl. Sle Sx0 S22 r� .� 1 / SANOSTANO t. Gb 663 563 CH ARR EA W4 5666�'T�n / -_ --- 10 �_♦ o , 4,P131RESTROOM9 / �•/ ,�y' elf ►Q: � EN111ANCE • \0 x I o C a,K 04 &j CA.KcIPaQ) Y1Pc s� )DIED BY Fly: :: :... i ► pF; DEPARTMENT By 2 i CASE NO. TO: Mr. Tom Hartung. Building and l FOUNDATION Safety Director BY: Meg Robertson. Executive Director and Marcia Christensen. Festival Dire*tor La Quanta Arts Foundation SUBJECT': Permit to hold a minor outdoor event in La Quinta DATE: January 25. 1991 La Quinta Arts Foundation requests a permit to hold a "minor outdoor event" within the city limits of La Quinta on March 14th, 15th. 16th and 17th. This event. the La Quinta Arts Festival. Will be conducted in compliance with Ordinance *348 of the. Riverside County Land Use Ordinance XIXa. "Temporary Outdoor Events." The anticipated attendance at the Festival- is not expected to exceed 900 at any given time. The four -day event will be open to the public daily from 10:00 a.m. until dusk, approximately 6:00 p.m. Artists and volunteers will arrive on March 13th to set up displays but these numbers will not exceed 160. The La Quinta Arts Festival will be held on the grounds of the La Quinta Community Park, located at 77-865 Montezuma Avenue, La Quinta. Permission from the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District, the agency with jurisdiction over the park. has given permission to hold the Festival on this site. The attached plot plan indicates: a) the area in which the displays will be exhibited; b) artist and patron parking areas; c) placement of sanitation facilities. ADEQUATE AREA TO CONDUCT THE EVENT: The grounds consist of the park itself and the adjacent ballfield. Approximately 190 artists will display their work. and foot traffic will be on existing sidewalks and the grass between' the displays. The public will be admitted through two gates located on the middle of the north and south sides of the park. POST OFFICE BOX 777 9 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 a (619) 564-1244 January 25, 1991 Page Two PARKING: Parking for artists will be located to the southwest of the park on the land owned by Rupert Yessayian who has given permission for the use of same. Public parking will be on the property owned by Eddy Nicholson bordered by the streets of Tampico. Bermudas' and' La Fonda. on the property owned by City of La Quinta on Navarro and Montezuma and possibly on the property owned by Frances Hack's estate to the north of Tampico. Permission from all property owners has been attained with the notable exception of Frances Hack"s estate. Professional attendants. will assist the public in parking. FOOD SERVICE: Food and beverage services will. be provided to the public from outside professional purveyors who will prepare food "or beverages according to Health Department Standards. FIRST AID STATIONS: La Quanta Fire Department will be asked to provide standby first aid response,. Ambulance access will be maintained and the entire facility and parking will have identifiable locations plotted 'on a grid for easy .location of emergency sites. ' This will be communicated to. all security and safety personnel. FIRE PROTECTION: One 2AIOBC fire extinguisher will be Installed in each food area. Fire exits are two twenty -foot "wide gated openings in the fence on the north and south side of the park. 'The gridded plot map will be utilized by fire control personnel..' SANITATION FACILITIES: Two permanent toilets in restrooms are on the premises and 14 additional portolets will be secured. POTABLE WATER: Two drinking fountains are located on the premises. Drinking water will be available at no cost from food and beverage vendors. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL: Six large. covered, trash containers are permanently located on the premises. La Quinta Arts Foundation will supply additional trash containers. Food and beverage vendors will be, required to supply additional receptacles. La Quinta Arts Foundation will see to the daily transfer of refuse to proper containers on site. , January 25, 1991 Page Three SECURITY OPERATION: Security for the Festival will. be;a joint effort involving the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. -the City of La Quanta and a professional security service. A private guard will patron the premises at all times' commencing at 8:00 a.m. March 13th and continuing until 8:00 a.m. March 18th. SITE RESTORATION: The site will be cleaned and restored to Its original 'condition or better at the conclusion of the event. . The staff and board of the Coachella Valley Recreation and Parks District and the City staff will be encouraged to inspect the grounds subsequent to the event. CAMPING: 'Exhibitors in recreational vehicles will not be permitted to camp overnight in the parking lots nor on adjacent city streets. A list of alternative campsites has been made available to exhibitors'. (See attach6d.listing.) PERMISSION TO SERVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: We request permission to serve beer and wine fro■ two locations: the east pavilion and the bandstand area on the baseball in- field. The beer and wine will be purchased by scrip only. Scrip drink tickets will be sold by La Quinta Rotarians. who will check that each purchaser is over 21 years of age. Alcohol consumption will take place in designated areas only. We have already obtained permission from Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District for the sale of beer and wine •at this year's event. In the three years we have offered beer and wine at the Festival. we have never had an incidence of public intoxication or damage to property as a result of alcohol consumption. POSTING OF BOND: A request to the Mayor and City Council for the Waiver of Special fees for the Arts Festival was approved by letter on July 31, 1990. On behalf of La, Quinta Arts Foundation, we respectfully request that the City Council of La Quinta grant a permit to conduct the 1991 La Quinta Arts Festival. Me o1fiertson E cutive Director Marcia Christensen Festival Director • GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF • RIVERSIDE. COUNTY ]FIRE DEPARTMENT - r 210 WEST SAN JACINTO AVENUE • PERRIS, CALIFORNIA 92370 (714) 657-3183 February :8, 1991 TO: City of La Quinta . •Planning Division RE: --Minor Temporary`Outdoor Event 91-030 La Quinta Arts Festival A fire/life safety inspection will need to be conducted prior to the start of the. Festival on March 14', 1991. The applicant will be responsible to schedule an inspection date/time with the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Office at (619) 342-8886 no later than March 12, 1991. The inspection will be conducted after all of the temporary use structures (tents, stages, stands, food booths, etc.), equipment and fencing are in place. A representative of the applicant that will be responsible for correcting any Fire Code violations will need to be identified. and available at the site when the inspection is conducted. Attached are some of the general requirements that will.be inspected for, if applicable. Please contact the Fire Department Planning -&_Engineering Office if you have any questions. to Attachment cc: B-7 0 INDIO OFFICE 79.733 Country Club Drive, Suite F, Indio, CA 92201 (619) 342MM • FAX (619) 775-2072 Sincerely, RAY REGIS Chief Fire Department Planner By Tom Hutchison Fire Safety Specialist PLANNING DIVISION 0 RIVERSIDE OFFICE 3760 12th Street, Rivcmi le, CA 92501 (714) 275A777 • FAX (714) 369-7451 i:ECED FEa � 5 194' CITY .off LA QUINTA O TBOMI A OFFICE 41002 County Center Drive, Suite 225, Tcmocul% CA 92390 (714) 694.5070 • FAX (714) 694-5076 primed on recycled papa FIRE DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE i CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION GLEN J. NEWMAN FIRE CHIEF ' GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TENTS FLAMEPROOFING All window curtains and drapes shall be flame retardant. Decorations used in rooms and hallways must be flame retardant to the satisfaction of the Fire Department. This iAcludes all paper, cardboard, cloth, plastic, or other materials less than 1/4" thick used for purposes of decoration or display. This does not apply to sample merchandise on display or being offered for sale if amounts exhibited are within reasonable limits and satisfactory to the Fire Department. Materials used for table coverings shall be non combustible or the entire table covering must be flame retardant. Hay bales, straw and other flammable materials shall not be within 35 feet from any tent or air supported structure. Hay bales, etc. if placed inside or on top of the tents must be flame retardant. FIRE PROTECTION A type 2A108C fire extinguisher with a conspicuous identifying sign shall be available within 75 feet of display. Adequate personnel shall be instructed in the use of this extinguisher and assigned designated areas of responsibility. Storage allowed under tables is limited to packing materials, light weight cardbord containers, etc., if placed in sealed, corrugated cardboard containers. OPEN FLAMES Use of open flame devices within rooms is prohibited, i.e., candles, oil lamps, torches, candle lamps, and non vented cooking appliances. Smoking shall not be permitted in any tentt canopy or temporary structure or in adjacent areas where hay, straw, sawdust, or any combustible materials are stored or used unless approved by the fire inspector. NO SMOKING signs shall be conspicuously posted. No open flame devices shall be used in or immediately adjacent to any tent. EXITING Exit width minimum is 44 inches. Exits shall be spaced at equal intervals around the perimeter of the tent or air supported structure and shall be located so that no point is more than 100 feet from an exit. The minimum number of exits required in tents or temporary structures is two, and to be increased depending upon occupant load. The required minimum clear width of exits, aisles and passageways shall be maintained at all times to a public way. All exits shall be clearly marked with letters at least 6 inches in height. All exits shall be illuminated at all times. General Requirements for Tents OBSTRUCTIONS Hallways must be kept clear of any materials or objects that may constitute an obstruction. Aisles and exits as designed on approved plans shall be kept clean, clear and free of obstruction. Booth construction shall be substantial and fixed in position in specified areas for the duration of the show. Easels, signs, etc., shall not extend beyond the booth area into aisles. - No guywires, guyropes, or other support members shall cross any means of egrees at a height of less than 8 feet. Firefighting equipment shall be provided and maintained in accessible and visible locations and may be required to be posted with designating signs. COMBUSTIBLES Literature on display shall be limited to reasonable quantities. Reserve supplies shall be kept in closed containers and stored in a neat and compact manner. Automobiles used for display must have the batteries disconnected and less than one gallon of fuel in the fuel tank. Waste materials, empty cardboard boxes, etc., shall be deposited in suitable containers until removed from the building. Show management shall assume responsibility for adequate janitorial and rubbish pickup services during the convention. Show management shall advise all janitors that the tent shall be cleaned of all combustible rubbish as containers fill. ' l ELECTRICAL All extension cords shall be ground fault interrupter protected and over current protected. No additional tape are to•be in any device. (Octopus, 2 way or 3 way taps). TEMPORARY SEATING Minimum clear aisle width shall be 36 inches. Aisles shall be so located that there will be no more than six intervening seats between any seat and the nearest aisle. The spacing of rows of seats shall provide a space of not less than 12 inches from the back of one seat to the front of the other seat. LOCATIONS, ACCESS AND PARKING The location of tents, canopies and temporary membrane structures, shall be separated from any property line, building, other tents, canopy, or temporary structure by a minimum distance of 10 feet. The minimum distance for the parking of cars or other internal conbustion engines shall be 30 feet. 2. I ti{01tl61A \OF COUNCIL MEETING DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1991 ITEM TITLE: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICES FOR THE 1991 LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL (SAD 91-012) APPLICANT:. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION AGEWA CATEG PUBLIC HEARI BUSINESS SES CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: The La Quinta Arts Foundation is requesting special advertising devices to be located throughout the City. The signs will advertise and provide directional signage for the La Quinta Arts Festival to be held on March 14, 15,'16 & 17, 1991. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDATION• Consider the request of the Applicant and take action by minute motion. Submitted by: t Approved for submission to `.° City Council: RON KIEDROWSKI, CITY MANAGER CC#2/19.F1/CS V _Pft `1- �= MEMORANDUM OF 19 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE: FEBRUARY 19, 1991 SUBJECT: REQUEST FORM THE LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION FOR SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICES (SAD 91-012) IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE 1991 LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL (SEE ATTACHMENT #1) BACKGROUND: Municipal Code Chapter 5.64, "Special Advertising Devices", provides for a permit to be issued by the City Council for advertising devices other than the usual and customary permanent business identification signs and includes signage for special events/occasions. REQUESTS The La Quinta Arts Foundation requests the following special advertising devices for the La Quinta Arts Festival to be held March 14, 15, 16 & 17, 1991, at the La Quinta Community Park (see Attachment #1, 2 & 3). All signs unless identified otherwise have been used in previous years. 1. Two professionally manufactured 3-feet by 15-feet blue banners to be hung from the palm trees at the east point and at the west point of the park that say "Arts Festival this Weekend". 2. A portable sign supplied by Naegele Outdoor at the intersection of Washington and Highway 111 on the southeast corner directing the public to the park. 3. A number of directional/information signs along major streets (see Attachment #2 & 3). 4. A new directional/information sign on Highway 111 near the golf shop at Plaza La Quinta. All signs will be set in place on March 11 and removed by March 18, 1991. MEMOGL.013/CS -1- • • V DISCUSSION: 1. The proposed right-of-way, Park. signs will be located within City on private property, and at the Community 2. The Public Works Department has reviewed the sign locations and requires that the signs should be located so as not to create a traffic hazard. 3. Signs 1 and 2 (see Attachment #2) are located in Riverside County. Permission for these signs must be obtained from that jurisdiction. CITY COUNCIL FINDINGS/ACTION: Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, "...and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes"; and further, that, "Each permit shall be issued for a specified period of time subject to renewal for good cause shown." . In taking action on a permit, the Council must find that the special advertising device applied for would not: o Constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance to adjacent or surrounding properties or to the public at large; or, o Be detrimental to the public convenience or welfare; or, o Be inconsistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan and all other officially adopted policies and regulations of the City. Conditions may be assigned to any permit granted, in order to harmonize it with the public purposes expressed in this chapter of the Municipal Code. COUNCIL ACTION• Action of the Council may be taken by Minute Motion to approve or deny the request. SUGGESTED CONDITIONS IF THE REQUEST IS APPROVED: 1. Signs located along streets without curbs must maintain a six-foot setback between the sign edge and the edge of the pavement. MEMOGL.013/CS -2- 2. The edge of signs located along streets with curbs shall not be any closer than 5-feet from the back of the curb. 3. The signs shall not obstruct vision of any traffic control devices. 4. All signs must be removed by March 18, 1991. 5. Written authorization from the property owner must be obtained before installation of a sign on private property. A copy of this authorization shall be provided to the City. 6. Permission for signs located outside the La Quinta City boundary must be obtained from the local jurisdiction involved. Attachments: 1. Letter from La Quinta Arts Foundation requesting Special Advertising Devices. 2. Map showing location of signs. 3. List of proposed signs. MEMOGL.013/CS -3- C *TACHMENT.W....1 "AN 2 8 1991 CITY OF LA QUINTA JS LA Q U I NTA °LANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPT. fWTS January 24, 1991 FOUNDATION 'SAD I a Jerry Herman Planning Director CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Jerry:, Enclosed please find our request for permission to place directional signs and billboards and banners within the city. In addition to the signs used for last year's Festival, we would like to place a sign on Highway Ill near the golf shop in the shopping center. We have again written to Dee Scheppler, Director of Property Management for DSL Service Company, requesting permission to place a sign here. When we have received notification of permission, we will forward a copy to you. Yours truly, LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION Me o ertson. Ex u ive Director MR/tg Enclosure POST OFFICE BOX 777 • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • (619) 564-1244 �Q 1990 LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL SIGNS La Quinta Arts Foundation Post Office Box 777 La Quinta, CA 92253 564-1244 Contact: Marcia Christensen Amuse \ es 0 W i 9 �arn i V N Dc�nan90 is ~ #F / JT l 'SkTTACHMENT No. 2. ©6) M�lcs vc. • O OTe m . Pvrfa- a►ui 61-i lb) to as �4n ib ,�►�rnu z a� Q �r `0 ATTACHMENT No. 3 Sign Placement Proposed Locations -1990 La Quinta Arts Festival Sign s Location Size Corner Face Arrow 1. Fred Waring & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 2. Miles & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 3. Hwy 111 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 4. Hwy 111 & Washington 1-1/2' x 2' SW W Right 5. Hwy ill & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Left 6. Eisenhower & Washington 2' x 4' NW N Straight 7. Avenue 50 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 8. Avenue 50 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Left 9. Tampico & Washington 4' x 8' NW N Right 10. Tampico & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE S Left 11. Ave. 52 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Right 12. Ave. 54 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' SE S Straight 13. Ave. 52 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' SE S Left 14. Ave. 52 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Straight 15. Ave. 50 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' SE S Left 16. Ave. 50 A Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Right 17. Ave. 50 & Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 18. Tampico & Eisenhower 2' x 4' NW N Left 19. Bermudas & Tampico 2' x 4' NW W Left 20. Bermudas & Tampico 2' x 4' NW E Left 21. Desert Club & Tampico 2' x 4' NE E Left 22. Hwy ill & Golf Shop 1' x 4' South Side W Straight 23. On Washington 24. Between Hwy 111 & Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' - N Straight 25. On Ave. 50 (Between Jefferson & Eisenhower) 1 1/2' x 2' - E Straight 26. On Washington 27. Between Eisenhower & 50th 1 1/2' x 2' - N Straight 28. On Ave. 50 (Between Jefferson & Washington) 29. On Eisenhower (Between Washington & Ave. Fernando) 1 1/2' x 2' - E Straight 30. On Tampico (Between Washington & Desert Club) 1 1/2' x 2' - E Straight Description; Signs are professionally lettered by Naegele Outdoor Advertising in white letters on Blue background and say "Arts Festival" with LQAF Logo and directional arrows. Pc • 11.4N 2 8 1,99i CITY OF LA QUINTA QUINTA PLANNING . DEVELOPMENT DEPT. - ART� FOUNDATION January 24, 1,99.1 �jA ]� 1 - P Jerry He.rman Pla-nning Dire,c-tor CITY OF LA QUINT& P.O. Box 1504 La -Quinta, CA 9-2253. Dear Jerry: Enclosed please find our request for permission to, place directional signs and billboards and banners within the c i-t y In addition to the signs used for last year's Festival, we would like to place,a sign on Highway III near the golf shop in "the shopping center._ We have again written to Dee Scheppler, Director of Property Management for DSL Service Company, requesting permission to place a_ s.ig.n here. When we have received notification of permission, we will forward a copy to you. Yours truly, LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDA.T10V Me rertson Ex urector MR/tg Enclosure POST OFFICE BOX 777 e LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • (619) 564-1244 1990 LA QUINTA ARTS FESTIVAL SIGNS La Quinta Arts Foundation Post Office`Box 777 La Quinta, CA 92253 564-1244 .Contact: Marcia Christensen � rYarin9 2 G M�lcs vc.- �f fOYews t� Pond jaltw C�3� bill! e 5o 65, I b ra� 9rsd t 1� I9 ! ram- l o Pa, �O , d V w V /� Mill Z Dtg DtImn o Sign Placement Proposed Locations - 1990 La Quinta Arts Festival Sign Location. Size Corner Face Arrow 1. Fred Waring & Was 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 2. Miles & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 3. Hwy 111 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 4. Hwy 111 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' • SW W Right 5. Hwy 111 &Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Left 6. Eisenhower & Washington 2' x 4' NW N Straight 7. Avenue 50 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 8. Avenue 50 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Left 9. Tampico & Washington 4' x 8' NW N Right 10. Tampico & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE S Left 11. Ave. 52 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Right 12. Ave. 54 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' SE S Straight 13. Ave. 52 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' SE S Left 14. Ave. 52 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' NE E Straight 15. Ave. 50 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' SE S Left 16. Ave. 50 A Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Right 17. Ave. 50 & Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' NW N Straight 18. Tampico & Eisenhower 2' x 4' NW N Left 19. Bermudas & Tampico 2' x 4' NW W Left 20. Bermudas & Tampico 2' x.4' NW E Left 21. Desert Club & Tampico 2' x 4' NE E Left 22. Hwy 111 & Golf Shop 1' x 4' South Side W Straight 23. On Washington 24. Between Hwy 111 & Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' - N Straight 25. On Ave. 50 (Between Jefferson & Eisenhower) 1 1/2'.x 2' - E 'Straight 26. On Washington 27. Between.Eisenhower & 50th 1 1/2' x 2' - N Straight 28. On Ave. 50 (Between Jefferson & Washington) 29. On Eisenhower (Between Washington & Ave. Fernando) 1 1/2' x 2' - E Straight 30. On Tampico (Between Washington.& Desert Club) 1 1/2' x 2' - E Straight Description, Signs are professionally lettered by Naegele Outdoor Advertising in white letters on Blue background and say "Arts Festival" with LQAF Logo and directional arrows. NO.'PLANS