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SAD 1994-046
OF June 24, 1994 4OLD Can 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 Mr. Gary S. Conachan Starlight Estates, Inc. 79-733 Country Club Drive, #5 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-046 - TRACT 23773 Dear Mr. Conachan: On June 21, 1994, the City Council for the City of La Quinta reviewed the above request for tract flags. Your request was approved, subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Should you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR , 0 'LLIE MOURIQUAND- CHERRY Associate Planner LC: kaf Attachment MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (� LTRLC.177 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVIC_ E 94-046 (STARLIGHT DUNES) DUNE 21, 1994 FINDINGS 1. The proposed temporary on -site flags have been determined to be exempt, Class•11, Section 15311(a)," from the provisions of CEQA. 2. The •conditions stated below .are deemed necessary to protect the" health, ,safety, -and welfare of the community. 3. The temporary advertisingis_consistent'with the standards of the Municipal Code of the City of -La Quinta. CONDITIONS: -1. The twenty (20) temporary flags shall be allowed for a six month period which shall expire on December 21, •1994. The applicant can apply for an extension. _ to -this permit provided a written request is made to •the City Council 30-days prior to the expiration of the permit. 2 . • - The temporary flags shall be maintained in •good condition while they are displayed. Should the flags become torn or faded they shall be removed from ` the aluminum poles and replaced with new, matching flags. 3. The flags shall be installed pursuant to the exhibits on file with.the Planning and Development Department. 4. Four '(4) flags- shall be placed* in front of the tract sales trailer and sixteen (16) flags shall be placed side the perimeter wall along Fred Waring Drive as t indicated in Exhibit A . 5. The .aluminum poles shall have a nonreflective finish so as to prevent a potential reflective hazard. CONAPRVL.047 ` r• CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-046 (STARLIGHT DUNES) JUNE 21, 1994 1WTWriTW0_C 1. The proposed temporary on -site flags, have been determined, to be exempt, Class 11, Section 15311(a) , from the provisions of CEQA. 2. The conditions stated below are deemed necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the.community. 3. The temporary advertising is consistent with the standards of the Municipal Code of the City of La Quinta. CONDITIONS:, 1. The twenty (20) temporary flags shall be allowed for a six month period which shall expire on December 21, 1994. The applicant can apply for an extension to this permit provided a written request is made to the City Council 30-days prior to the expiration of the permit 2. The temporary flags shall,be maintained in good condition while they are displayed. Should the flags become torn or faded they shall be removed from the aluminum poles and replaced with new matching flags. 3. The flags shall be installed pursuant to the exhibits on file with the Planning and Development Department. 4. Four (4) flags shall be placed in front of the tract sales trailer and sixteen (16) flags shall be placed side the perimeter wall along Fred Waring Drive as indicated in Exhibit A. 5. The aluminum poles shall have a nonreflective finish so as to prevent a potential reflective hazard. CONAPRVL.067 fe T-4wt 4 4 Qubt& - AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _Sz;-2J COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: June 21, 1994 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: STUDY SESSION: Request for approval of Special Advertising Device 947046 PUBLIC HEARING: permitting 20 flags for Starlight Dunes (Tract 23773) on the north side of Fred Waring Drive at Galaxy Drive RECOMMENDATION: Move to approve Special Advertising . Device 94-046 permitting 20 flags for the Starlight Dunes project, subject to the attached Findings and .Conditions . FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On May 30, 1994, Gary Conachan , of Starlight Estates, Inc. . submitted a letter of request (Attachment 1) for 20 subdivision flags consisting of 16 flags along Fred Waring Drive, and four flags in front of the sales trailer near the northwest corner of Fred Waring Drive and Galaxy Drive (Attachments 2a and 2b) . The flags are 6 feet by 4'feet in size and are to be mounted on 20-foot aluminum flag poles. The 16 flags along Fred Waring Drive will be placed behind the masonry wall. They are proposed to be bright solid orange flags and bright solid medium blue flags. The flags will be alternating colors. The placement of the flags is depicted in the plot plan included as Attachment 3. Staff recommends that the aluminum poles have' a brushed, nonreflective finish to avoid potential ` reflective hazards. Chapter 5.64 of the Municipal Code, "Special Advertising Devices", provides for permitting of subdivision flags by the City Council. On September 10," 1990, a policy,was approved by the Council regarding the number of advertising flags in residential subdivisions. The policy allows for a maximum of 21 flags to be approved. The applicant is proposing 20 flags. On February 1, 1994, the Council established a policy for a six month'approval for the displaying of flags with a six month extension if, after staff review, the flags are in good condition. Flags have been used by many developers in La Quinta and have been shown not to be detrimental to the surrounding neighborhood if used properly. Staff recommends that the flags be allowed to remain until August, but be subject to renewal in conjunction with Special Advertising Device 94-046. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: Section 5.64.020 provides in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, "...and not on a continuing basis for permanent advertising or identification purposes", and further -that "each permit shall be issued for a special period of time subject to renewal for.good cause shown." CCLC.003_, The Council's consideration of granting this permit must find that the Special Advertising, Device (s) applied for would not: ; 1. Constitute a traffic hazard or.riuisance to adjacent or'surrounding properties or the public at large; or, 2. Be detrimental to the public convenience or welfare; or, '3:: Be inconsistent with the various elements and objectives of the General Plan and all -other officially. adopted policies and; regulations of the City._ k The following options are available to the Council: 1. Approve the request with Findings"and Conditions; 2. Deny the request. :s e y Her n la ning &JDevelopment Director " Attachments: { 1. Letter of request 1 2. Location Map 3. Exhibit A r CCLC.003 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 94-046 (STARLIGHT DUNES) JUNE 21, 1994 FTNTUNGS: 1 The proposed temporary on -site flags have been determined to be exempt, Class 11, Section 15311(a) , from the provisions of CEQA. 2. The conditions stated below are deemed necessary to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community. 3. The temporary advertising is consistent with the standards ,of the Municipal Code of the City of La Quinta. CONDITIONS: 1. The twenty (20) temporary flags shall be allowed for a six month period which shall expire on December 21, 1994. The applicant can apply for an extension to this permit provided a written request is made to the City Council 30-days prior to the expiration of the permit. 2. The temporary flags shall be maintained in good condition while they are displayed. Should the flags become torn or faded they shall be removed from the aluminum poles and replaced with new matching flags. 3. The flags shall be installed pursuant to the exhibits on file with the Planning and Development Department. 4. Four (4) flags shall be placed in front of the tract sales trailer and sixteen (16) flags shall -be placed side the perimeter wall along Fred Waring Drive as indicated in Exhibit A. 5. The aluminum poles shall have a nonreflective finish so as to prevent a potential reflective hazard. CONAPRVL.047 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 STARLIGHT ESTATES, INC. _ 79-733 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, #5 BERMUDA DUNES, CA 92201 Leslie Mouriquand -- CHerry City of La Quinta Planning Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Project flags at Starlight Dunes. Gentlemen: We are requesting approval to set proposed 20 ft. aluminium flag poles with 6 ft. by 4 ft. flags, as per attached project map site locations. also furnished are samples of proposed flags to be spotted alternating colors. Sincerely, l / Gary S. Conachan Vice President Starlight Estates, inc. gsc/sd J Attachment 2-A owun ma wulvao ALRPORT FIRE sTATION eitii BERMUDA DUNES CA,,iMI,OSAD„ DARBY AD STARLIGHT z CALAINO DEL ORO 3 CANTFRRA CIR N SUNSET RIDGE DR .—.—.——.—'GALAXv 5 S SUNSET RIDGE OR CFTIUMITs WY 6 N SUNRISE RIDGE DR g SKYWARD.WY M CT ISSUNRISE RIDGE OR LA QUINTA RANCHO LA QUANTA PALMS I LE HIGHLANDS f OCOTILLO HORIZON PAUAS CW L.. DF ' a . S <..c o�- CITY Lib CARIII 1 "�AQS CUP IN 0 3MA SEVILLA c Fpii • •� . f1 VIIIIOM CIR 2 FOXIAIL CIR VIA CAIIENTE C i s V I �� IGO CIP CACTUS OLA QUINTA o� FLOWER i DEL ORO BRADk IF' ` E a EVO DR N� ¢ o co R FLOWER TRL F N0; I o` QUINTERA a a ¢ zd .a DERA DR i., u •� ACACIA _.—._._.—•—•— M •` DESERT CREST OR 1 DESERT T INDIAN �• DESERT RO $*RINGS DESERT GOLD OR % DESERT STREAM OR i ■ © FU TOPAZ o i ®0W P� ~n P I — PLAZA FUTURE LA QUINTA LA QUINTA ( r!•IIGHSCHOOL UNE a / — Tt 'IfY• � tdl = 2 c� J .. � xxc: 1• eo• Ao ' N • lam• b $/'� : ^ N �9 / 'TRACT NO.' 23773-1 I 1 l I 9 U.S. 20•/39-4J I I 12 I A / -- I 10 I >1 I I x / 41 — — — — AURORA WAY a 48 I 47 I 46 I I I I 3 x' i I i 45 I 44 i 43 I 42 N$ f000• 90.00' t�•19'�TM 17� I I I � 2 # i 70jo. Nd9.33'�PC 26e.ar / 70 1 b■ FI Mow 124.00• Wow ,. H OJ s 3 h �..� v �• � � �•cls G►� 2 o M �, o� _ 9 a �6/ 10 g 41 M 31.bs �M ~ ( �/ Q m __ N.s•2•3v. cs C9 cis 8 �/ i rM S. 72.w 73-tr C7 K1� t'�c co 1 ''ol 19 6 7ur L tJ L � 7•, M u•33•io •Cr -� -tea .� u ` -� 3. iij IY�•33'1Pt 17 2ee.tly e1-13• n.1T `� ee.,a• _�14.er n = MER101AN WAY a SKYWARD WA' 1 8 1 .a i•o.ir �n 4 LOT 'B' �93s1P 3ess LOT 'C' p �� 1 72.ta R�8• Ct h7�.017�)r 4� cis �ptt.�t C7 73Jr "OJ•ar11•E 0 p— 0 31Y 30' "�l23.W 3 y cta cil \% M cis s so.o9 T .. r g i 13 14 :/ ,.n d 40 LOT � s 17 ,. s 16. 15 ,� a 3 - - 12 • v � � 11 8 . L• .r 1 3P "b•2T2ww a �v r I �0.17• ?/ t Mer A MI0 t { OP 07.b' 90 LOT '! f3 LOT ws•33 t E e2o..e I . 'AI////••-��--__--- TJ4ACT NO. 23TTJ-1 M. s. 204/39-43 • •cars tIC111S 00" tOt •1! kwc am *CL*AoutsKn l a s ��u OUMRA ra TRAa rq. 2m3-1• S4tMUDA DUNES t .� - `- AIRPORT AVA') FIRE STAT10 1 _ . BERMUDA � - � •_ DUNES I ;DARBY RD - - • STARLIGHT .1 CAMINO ROSADA "' 2 CAMINO DEL ORO . DUNES d N SUNSET RIDGE DR I_'�•�•�..—•........... .-_..5SSUNSETRIDGEDR CITY LIMITS GALAXY N WY . g N SUNRISE RIDGE OR o SKYWARD WY 'ORIOITCT ` . Z S SUNRISE RIDGE OR LA QU/NTA RANCHO LA QUINTA PALMS ILE HIGHLANDS OCOTILLO HORIZON PALMS CIR VIA SEVILLA o FOR IR VIA CALIENTE CA =LA QUINTARRADkO IR'4 �^ DEL ORO NOLAU ACACIA 1 j •,01 I ai ��®0 PLAZA LA QUINTA j'. a s U .0 nn R$T CUP LN I'. 3 WN2 1 WILLOW CIR I FOXTAWILLOW CIRIGOCIR KARILL CACTUS w - FLOWERODR Nam, LL mRFLOWERTRL QU/NTF�RA LL w z D DI ERA DR U U a h �.-••-•-•-•-•-•- 0 DESERT CREST DR DESERTMSTOR 'INDU N DESERT "? SPRINGS `t- DESERT GOLD DR C,C; DES�- IWOR �`. ® FUTURE LA QU/NTA CPIGH SCHOOL DL CASE No.: Special Advertizing Device 94-046 __Starlight Estates LOC-A- I -ON -MAR , Ag- SGIi 1' 60' R' J Jti ,t.�v a� / • 101A1• i n � n � /` ` - u u ( 7 f ---- ,- • s I a f I TRACT NO.1 23773--1 1 ' $ l f 9 Iu.e. 2O4/39-4,3 I . 12 13 / J► -", 11 ' ^ 2 I AURORA WAY - - — s 4a I 47 I i � i 46 3 I I ( 45 I 44 I. 43 I 42- • f2 . 90.00• 90.00 1oM(Xw w 17 . Na9.WITE ��• zea.ar C713 • ; 7i00' s 124.00' 90.00' 7 a a• 4g S r� 6 A. o► - b p g Via' 6;y g 41 �/. / • 25• 25' N75'ar30'E 7 : 8 U 4 = c' °� % 10 g N �m - 46�4SO'M ce C9 8 ^ Cie Z 72.w 711r c) �'+ac go �° 1 s'o ry Mir c; cs Ld G 3eso so 3� -; N ee•asiv'c rnov ;n -- — — — — '� Ne9•33•1ac ry 283.ar MERIOlAN WAT — e1_13• 77.17 `�:ea• SKYWAR ' _ it LOT 'B' 1 A9.0 A2.12 �� 3 D rVAY 14o.tr a �Na9.3sta Bets l0T 'C' a 1 7Lt4' 67.9ir . Cl `°ie S %A''�E c7 7S.iz Na7•at it•E 3Q 30 C13 soap 50.09 2S.44r s ti ctz � c13 � 40 i14 17 6,4 V.8. oar vLOT 5 . L. Ar 30• Nab w 20.1 r lO7' •/ N `t69.3Yt E 520.46• . LOT 'Ar TRACT NO. 1377J-1 M.B. 204139-43 / TKCESS R .1 I-M OVER ER LOT •1r KWE eEEN FEUmoUtS►.M ' TO TW CITY OF IA OUWfA PMACT NO. 23773-1• kL& 204/39-43 $ ` -•--- -- Nep•1T1yE __L J Ci U C�, 1 o 14 C) `^ I v 6, U M a 0 p mro C vC Q O 4JN (d - R! N ha,uo, , PH Oil of A E C o�C>ME r- �. N N (V '.-IC N r)crtf)%D M M M M M M M M r 1 M t-), M N N N N N N: vWiil . �II NM d'loWr- an I --------------- TAM -------- WA11ING------- PHASES 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 N D E X N U I 3 q- IQ 4 3 a = P � I , � 5 P ? $ 14- � I 9 13 I _J0. --- � ---- 16 10 17- W. I I - W i r --- � 17 a I �a 4 -�-- Choy 1 IH A IS E I - -- —. --- - --- ---J DRIVE OF TRACT:.NO'.237.73 M A P • PER N.B. 204/39-43. —4-- D4XCATES SET I' I.P. WffH PLASTIC PLUI CIO•..� J v c� SCAIE 1� �• IF N PAVEMI DIT, OR 0.16 IF ABOVE' GROI A '- _ $ 2 IIr AT�ALL STREET CEMERU EOIuNTERSECTON 3 �6.43* 1 R a h ►� a /Gu �! I �u J� i---i INDICATES RECORD PER M.B. 204/39-43 1/44j• vVo/� N SET 3/4. LID, TAGGED LS 4396• FLUSH. OR NAIL do OR ROCK AT ALL REAR LOT CORNERS. CORNER CUfl3 . 1g •_" h v i �" LOT LWES. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. $ j SET NAIL & TAC LS 4396 IN TOP OF CURB AT THE I IN UEU OF FRONT LOT CORNERS ANO AT THE PROLO "2*w (R) LIEU OF A REAR LOT CORNER ABUTTING A STR�TT NC n - 1 tOtA1• a v d ` — — THIS TRACT CONSISTS OF 3.11 GROSS ACRES. s NOICATO P,4 atENTS AS LISTED UNOER SIGNATL 25= u• - 5 I / a r I TRACT NO) 23773-1 1 1 r 9 1II.B.204/39-43 1 1 12 ( 13 10 1 11 1 1 cl AURORA WAY 17 47 d5 1 44 1 43 I 42 15 \\ 1. r N89.35'1vE t60.OD• Ng3•19 I I F Si 904W 90.OW 1OaL 43'w 17a3g• / D _ ar NOS' 35-1?266 E .00' / C _ ; V 72-W y 124.IXr 90.00' 0 3 ,,,� W D ' s g 4g 5 �e 5 �� do N o^ ay i V, o5\ NrsAj IS 9 J� { t y � 41 0 0! - c N , sl.66' ��•� g = a -0 N43.24'sow ce C9 8^ J c16 8 g%�• g 1 --.6�. OD- 72.W air CT tn� %'�E co Mt'0 '?. 19 7&Ir t45.1r U V CS Lo 3O' -;� N 1t9.35•ly [ moo tr ., 265.00' to '� N89.33'IPt -� ce•. �� _ _ _��• ,o a 163.50' _ 121.50• MERIOWN WA LOT �' 61"13• T7.ir `�:aa• }�.62 SKYWARD WAY a t•o.1r 1 69.13• 69.12• LOT 'C' �N 3 1 $ I o a N7 . �N69.3s10• 13e25� E a �. 1 7214' 679W CI { ' ot7� 4` ¢7 C'ie �s.t1'� C7 73.I2• NO3'Ot'11•E - _ _ N44.35.10'E \ SO.A7. C12 W 3 `Add so.09 30i• 30• 23.44r C t 3 0— 0 1< ; i �� g � c13 3t �Po39 1 TRACI' NO! 23773-11 - J 7 N s 1 fi p/ ,�/ 14 �� N ,;d 13 m $: 4O 1 W.B. 204/39-43 I 1 37 LOT �� - ;/ :N 15 $ hc1, 12 a �a 11 $� o %IV 3-9 343 • / . 4r ' 3w N46 w g °' gib/ �jPr I -- 7" 8& 10• 1 S' . w Al TW4 607.4W 90. t/T or ./ b 620.46• L. LN7r 'Ar TRAC r NO. 137TJ-1 N.B. 204139-43 qMlL OTHE ACCESS RI WIS OVER LOT •1r HAVE sm REIINCU6HED Fo cOPPERwELD MOMIftEMTO THE 204 9 OF LA OIiNNTA PER TRACT NO. IJ773-I, R.C.E 6636 AT PNR. SURAS Q /3 ND REIFRE•4ct, ACCEPTED AS � 2 � SE CDR. SEC- to v17