SAD 1995-079- ._ . • �. • . . • • , _ . FILE* COPY 787495 CALLE TAMPICO = LA QUINTA,- CALIFORNIA .92253 (619) .777-7000 .1 FAX (619) 777-7101 September 27, 1995 Ms. Eileen Savan La Quinta Chamber of Commerce PO Box 255 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING. DEVICE 95-079'(MAINST-REET MARKETPLACE) Dear Ms. Savan: Enclosed are the final conditions for your case As approved by,the Planning Commission on September 26, 1995. If you have any questions, please call our office At (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, JE Y C MU I DEVELOPMENT DIRECrOR-,. R USDELL A i ssoCi to Planner GT. Enclosure MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 q> CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - ADOPTED' SPECIAL ADVERTISING 95-079 LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 FINDINGS: 1. The sign application request is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 (Subsections A and C). 2. The signs are temporary; therefore, the impact to existing businesses and traffic will be minimal. Additionally, the signs are small and well designed. 3. The temporary signing request, as conditioned, will meet the provisions of Chapter 5.64 of the Municipal Code in that the advertising is needed for this special function and will not be detrimental to the General Plan or any other official City regulations.. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the. Public Works Department before placement of any advertising device(s) within the right-of-way. No advertising device shall be located within three feet of the edge of pavement or six feet from the street curb. The directional signs shall not interfere with vehicle or pedestrian traffic or reduce vision clearances for motorists. 2. No additional signs or sign changes shall be allowed unless a.pproved,by.the Community Development Director.. 3. The applicant shall obtain written approval from all private property owners if a sign is placed on their property. 4._ The .small, off -site directional signs can be installed one day before each day's event and must be removed within five days after closure of the event. 5. The temporary banner shall be installed the Monday prior to each of the six events and shall be removed the Monday following the event. 6. The port -a -panel sign at Washington Street and Highway 111 can be installed one week before each event and shall ..be removed within seven days., The sign shall be placed a minimum distance of 50-feet from each street. BI #1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: . SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 CASE: SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 95-079 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (MS. EILEEN SAVAN) REQUEST: APPROVAL OF TEMPORARY ADVERTISING FOR THE UPCOMING LA QUINTA MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE EVENTS` ON CALLE ESTADO BETWEEN OCTOBER, 1995 TO APRIL, 1996 The La Quinta Chamber of Commerce is requesting approval to install on and off -site advertising (i.e., signs and banner) for the 1995/1996 season. The package is attached (Attachments 1-6) and is similar to past application requests made over the last two years. The applicant is requesting placement of small and large signs with their name and directional information depending on the placement of the sign. Approximately 21 directional signs are proposed within a three mile radius of the event. The signs will be located generally in the right-of-way along the major arterial streets surrounding the Village area. The large port -a -panel sign (50 sq. ft.), will be placed at the southeast corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street, on private property. Additionally, one 3 ft. X 25 ft. banner will be hung across Avenida Bermudas at the Chamber's property, 51-351 Avenida Bermudas, across from the Marketplace. The applicant's outdoor event permit (MTOE 95-098) was approved by staff in August. The City Council approved the street closure permit on September 19, 1995. Section 5.64.020 provides, in part, that permits are to be issued for special purposes, is . . . and riot on a continuing basis. for permanent advertising or identification purposes," and further, " .. each permit shall be issued for a specific period." PCGT.124 ' Staff Comments This application request is the same as last year's approval by, the Planning Commission. - In past years', the Chamber personnel have consistently abided 'by the conditions imposed by the City. This outdoor event stimulates community involvement and the City encourages this t .� g type of .activity. ' RECOMMENDATION: By Minute Motion 95-. , approve Special Advertising ,Device 95-079, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. ' Attachments: 1. Letter from Applicant , r 2. Sign Exhibit Chart - 3. Event Schedule 4. Directional Sign Sketch 5. Port -a -panel Sketch 6. Banner Sketch 7. Draft Findings and Conditions' ti • PCGT.129 GEM OF THE DESERT 9/6/95 Attachment 1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Sip 9 s - o-Z Mr. Jerry Herman Community Development Director CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Jerry: The Mainstreet Marketplace Planning Committee requests.permission to have the following off -site "SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICES"-. approved for the 1995/1996 series. Season dates are attached. All items in this category were approved for last season. BANNER: Last year our Mainstreet banner was tied and anchored to 2 palm trees on opposite sides of Avenida Bermudas and the banner stretched across the street with the sign facing North. This banner hung between the Post Office and the Chamber, next o the City bulletin board and just a few feet south of the Post office driveway. We request the same site location be used again.this year. Banner size: approximately 3' x 25.'. PORT -A -PANEL: On the SE corner of Highway 111 and Washington (Simon Plaza property) we again would like to have a port -a -panel sign advertising MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE. The sign measures 5 feet x 10 feet, and would be installed and serviced by Fairway Outdoor Advertising. Exposure time is approximately 1 week prior to each event. Dismantling of the sign is a few days after. Exact installation date is subject.to their scheduling. For your information, we have secured permission from the property owner to utilize this area. P SFa 0 7 19a� CITY OF LA' QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT POST OFFICE BOX 255 • 51-351 AVENIDA BERMUDAS a LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • (619) 564-3199 FAX (619) 564-3111 Attachment 2 Page -2 r Special Advertising Devices --Mainstreet Marketplace, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS: '. We have found that posting directional signs from several points out off Highway 111, Fred Waring and Tampico is imperative for, Mainstreet patrons unfamiliar with the exact location of the Village of La Quinta. Therefore, we request permission to.post - directional signs near or adjacent to the following locations. Corner of Fred Waring & Washington' _ Z Corner of Miles & Washington _ 3 Corner of Washington & Hwy 111 Eastbound Before the corner of Washington &• Hwy 11 going Westbound S Midpoint between Highway 111 & Eisenhower Corner of Eisenhower & Washington-' -7 Midpoint between Eisenhower & 50th -7 Corner of 50th & Washington j Midpoint between 50th & Tampico /o Corner of Tampico & Washington d �i Corner of Tampico & Desert Club " i�- Corner of Bermudas & Tampico 1% Jefferson & 50th 1�o 50th & Park (near B&G Club) �.• �S 50th & Washington (directional turn) r •_ * ,y Miles & Seely ' i) Miles & Washington (directional turn). �( Fred Waring & Las Vista,(near LQ Highlands)_ /f Fred Waring & Washington (directional turn)` These signs would be posted no earlier than 1 day prior to each._ , event and brought down at the close of the -event that"evening or no later than the following.Monday.t , Thank you for y ur consideration. Eileen Savan EES:s = Attachment(1) ` i Attachment 3 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ClJ GEM OF THE DESERT LA QUINTA'S MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE 1995/1996 SEASON Friday, October 6, 1995 Return•to the Sixties Friday, Novembker 3, 1995 Country & Western Night Friday, December 1, 1995 Christmas in La Quinta Friday, February 23., 1996 All About Jazz Friday, March 29, 1996 Sports Night Friday, April 26, 1996 Swing. Night a For event information, please call the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce at 564-3199. UD i vrrsk-c UUA i -s.) I AvtNIUA BEKMUUAS • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 0 (619) 564-3199 FAX (619) 564-3111 ywe Attachment 4 LA QUINTAf S MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE CITY OF LA QUINTA PLANNING 'DEFARTMON rk-C► 'fo 8F! T55-A A.) n SEP 19 t�� D ?iMNIVGWMWfNT vil ,t,Ri �ain�R'S IH'NSTRGL i ARKETPLACE'[HI�_FRIQAY MIGHT_! .., � 0 �11 TOE cid M rz C, V) r co CD Ll 51 ----------- J& -11 M., S. Pr, IR 1E 1E or m J& IM lic" IF. Pr 1A 114 J& E 0 Cill OF LA QUIN ['A PLANNING DEPARTMENT THIS FRIDAY NIGHT 4m—qp IMAWIL 1E BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIVISION ID( ---signer- SICN*A*PAMA cLlstomer:,, LA QUINTA CHAMBER 9 Date : 0 9 /08 / 9 5 1.4 : 46 C(Dmments: APPROVED 13Y /�LE'�-���.,� C�l �- �' /j� ,�. t r 9 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SPECIAL ADVERTISING 95-079 LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 FINDINGS: Attachment 7 1. The sign application request is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15311 (Subsections A and C). 2. The signs are temporary; therefore, the impact to existing businesses and traffic will be' minimal. Additionally, the signs are small and well designed. 3. The temporary signing request, as conditioned, will meet the provisions of Chapter 5.64 of the Municipal Code in that the advertising is needed for this special function and will not be detrimental to the General Plan .or any other official City regulations. CONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from. the Public Works Department before placement of any advertising device(.$) within the right-of-way. No advertising device shall be located within three feet of the edge of pavement or six feet from the street curb. The directional signs shall not interfere with vehicle or pedestrian traffic or reduce vision clearances for motorists. 2. No additional signs or sign changes shall be allowed unless approved by.the Community Development Director. 3. . The applicant shall obtain written approval from all private property owners if a sign is placed on their property. 4. The small, off -site directional signs can be installed one day before each day's event and must be removed within five days after closure of the event. 5. The temporary banner can be installed 48 hours before each of the six events and shall be removed within 24 hours after the event. 6. The port -a -panel sign at Washington Street and Highway 111 can be installed one week before each event and shall be removed within seven days. The sign shall be placed a minimum distance of 50-feet from each street. 0 interoffice M E M O R A N D U M to: Christi di Iorio, Planning Manager from: Greg Trousdell, Associate Planner subject: La Quinta Chamber date: September 26, 1995 r Planning Commission Meeting of September 26th The La Quinta Chamber of Commerce has requested that the Commission approve their on and off - site advertising for their events to be held in October, November, December, February, March, and April. The schedule is attached to your packet. The program involves small directional signs, banners, and a porta-panel sign. The signs are found throughout the City but mainly in the City right-of-way. The advertising program is consistent with previous years' events. 'The Commission can approve this request based on the provisions of Section 5.64 of the Municipal Code that permits temporary advertising provided we impose conditions to insure health, safety and welfare of the community is met. Conclusion• We recommend approval of the request subject to the attached findings and conditions as noted in your report. Additionally, the Chamber has asked that the Commission modify Condition 5 to permit them the opportunity to have the banners installed two weeks before each event thus helping the success of each event. Staff believes this request is acceptable, and we should amend Condition 5. File: mmlg79 • T4'y/ 4 Cv QUM& 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 September 13, 1995 Ms. Eileen Savan La Quinta Chamber of Commerce PO Box 255 La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: SPECIAL ADVERTISING_-DEVICE_95-079--(MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE) yr, . Dear Ms. Savan: We received your off -site advertising application for your upcoming 1995/96 Mainstreet Marketplace events between October, 1.995 and ,April, 1996. Your request will be reviewed by the Planning Commission at their meeeting of September 26. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Your attendance at the meeting is desired in case any questions arise that cannot be answered by staff. We would appreciate receiving one copy cf your sign exhibits for our files. This material will be given to the Commission for their final review and acceptance. Pie ase-submit-the-, material to our office by September 18.E If you have any questions, please call our office at (619) 777-7067. Very truly yours, GT. EVELOPMENT DIRECTOR kOUSDELL ' Planner MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 �J I I I MIMI% m IN a, Kq& JML vCpQ qTru THIS FRIDAY NIGHT (w COLL"CE 4m-9 OPWAVIL SEP 19 199 Ul IV UP LA QUINTj PLANNING DEPARTMI 1111M% or A , ClEm BROWNING-FERRIS INDUSTRIES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DIVISION i) Dc--signer: SICN*A*RAMA Customer- LA QUINTA CHAMBER Date :09/08/95 14:46:--. Comments : APPROVED BY LA QUINTA'S MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE ;PI " Pumm WMINOIT • 0 fm r�_ SEP Is V* CIYW LA OWNTA L 11 �ain�R�S ,La INiNa71 REL i ARKETPLACE�IIS_FBIDAIC �I1GNT_! i CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GEM OF THE DESERT i R 9/6/95 Mr. Jerry Herman Community Development Director CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1504 La' Quinta, CA 92253 4 Dear Jerry: ' The Mainstreet Marketplace Planning Committee requests permission to have the following off -site "SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICES" approved for the 1995/1996 series. Season dates are attached. All items in this category were approved for last season. BANNER: Last year our Mainstreet banner was tied and anchored to 2 palm trees on opposite sides of Avenida Bermudas and the banner stretched across the street with the sign facing North. This, banner hung between the Post Office and the Chamber, next o the City bulletin board and just'a few feet south of the Post office driveway. We request.the same site location be -used again this year. Banner size: approximately 3' x 25'. PORT -A -PANEL: On the SE corner of Highway 111'and Washingtori`(Simon Plaza property) we again would like to have a port -a -panel sign advertising MAINSTREET MARKETP.LACE.. The -sign measures 5 feet x 10 feet, and would.be installed and serviced by Fairway Outdoor Advertising. Exposure time is approximately 1 week prior to each event. Dismantling of the sign is a few days after. Exact installation date'is subject to their scheduling. For your information, we have secured permission from the property owner to utilize this area. ..�.. .�_ . _.,�;,_r-,�.--•-gin SEP 0 7 19a �IY7 ®F UfiVTA PI,A,NNING DEPART@a9aa ' POST OFFICE BOX 255'0 51=351 AVENIDA BERMUDAS LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 • (619) 564-3199 FAX (619) 564-3111 Page -2 Special Advertising Devices --Mainstreet Marketplace DIRECTIONAL SIGNS: We have found that posting directional signs from several points out off Highway 111, Fred Waring and Tampico is imperative for Mainstreet patrons unfamiliar with the exact location of the Village of La Quinta. Therefore, we request permission to post directional signs near or adjacent to the following locations. Corner of Fred Waring & Washington Corner of Miles & Washington Corner of Washington &'Hwy 111 Eastbound Before the corner of Washington & Hwy 11 Midpoint between Highway 111 & Eisenhower Corner of Eisenhower & Washington Midpoint between Eisenhower & 50th Corner of 50th & Washington Midpoint between 50th & Tampico Corner of.Tampico & Washington Corner of Tampico & Desert Club Corner of Bermudas & Tampico Jefferson & 50th . 50th & Park (near B&G Club) 50th & Washington (directional turn) Miles & Seely going Westbound .Miles & Washington (directional turn) Fred Waring & Las Vista (near LQ Highlands) - Fred Waring & Washington (directional turn) These signs would be posted no earlier event and brought down at the close of or no later than the following Monday. Thank you for .your consideration. Eileen Savan EES:s Attachment(l) than 1 day prior to each the event that evening GE40FTHE DESERT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LA QUINTA'S MAINSTREET MARKETPLACE . 1995/1996 SEASON Friday, October 6, 1995 Return to the Sixties Friday, November 3, 1995 Country &.Western Night Friday, December 1, 1995 Christmas in La Quinta Friday, February 23, 1996 All About Jazz Friday, March 29, 1996 Sports Night Friday, April 26, 1996 Swing Night For event information, please call the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce at 564-3199. ti VU51 UHIU: LSUx 255 051-351 AVENIDA BERMUDAS • LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 0 (619) 564-3199 FAX (619) 564-3111