SAD 1996-093�01 Q c TAh 78-495 ' CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 �r OF FAX (619) 777-7101 s. f June 5, 1997 , Ms. Jana Mahoney, Project Coordinator z Ayres Homes 50-525 Grand Traverse Avenue n , La Quinta, CA 92253 \ SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF TIME FOR SIGN PERMIT 96-333 'AND SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-093 (LA QUINTA FAIRWAYS) ; Dear Ms. Mahoney: This is to report,that the Community Development Department has approved your request for a three-month time extension for the existing temporary subdivision signs and flags at�your project on the south side of Avenue 50, west. of Park 'Avenue (i.e. Tract Map 25389-1). The existing'teniporary signs and flags shall be removed'by September 12, 1997. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760'777-7067. Sincerely, ? JE Y HE N ; C MUN DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ` G USDELL Assoc* to lanner GT. c: Community Development Director . Building and Safety Director R Code Enforcement Department LTSIGNFAIRWAYS-14 ' MAILING ADDRESS P.O.. BOX •1504 LA • QUINTA, CAUFORNIA 92253. `J 4 i Mres'Home's since.k 19o5 LLB June 3, 1997 City of La Quinta Attn: Community Development Greg Trousdell P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 a AYS 1 EC�ENE FJ UN �- 6 1997 CITY OF LAQUINTA-.— ---; »PLANN1hu1G DCPARTMFNT I Subject: Sign Permit #96-333 and Special Advertising Device #96-093 Ref: Tract #25389-1 (La Quinta Fairways) Dear Mr`:-Trous`deW Per our conversation;this afternoon, please accept this as our request to renew the above referenced sign and flag permits for Tract #25389-1. The existing permits listed above expire on June 13, 1997. As the construction.on the tract is complete and we will not be building any more homes there, .we are simply in need of these permits until the final houses are sold. There are currently six(6) unsold houses (3 of these are model homes). We anticipate that we should.need no longer than 3 months extension on these permits. Please advise us of any fees that will be required for these'renewals, or of approval of this request. I may be reached at (714)540-6060 ext. 132 or by fax at (714)540-5408. Sincerely, Jana Mahoney Project Coordinator 50-525 Grand Traverse Ave. • La Ouinta, California 92253 )619) 564-1981 • FAX (619) 564-5262 3-12-1997 10.06;.M • FRO" AYRES GROUP .71 4 540 .5408 c ' P. 1 A"TCS , Since 1905' ,. • //� � ,. _ i ._. _ •1.'! .�._, :' it 37 LA _ `. PLNII��' Dc•�='.�FiTh�'i�:_i:'•T 1 March 13, 1997 • - City of La Quinta e �; F e u i�� Attn: Community Development Greg Trousdeli P.O. Box 1504 hV116. d!a K •� 13— La Quinta, C?, 92253 _ Subject:. Sign Permit 496-333 and Special Advertising Device 496-093' Ref: Tract 025339-1 (La Quinta Fairways) Dear Mr. Trousdell: This letter is to follow up on our written request for renewal of the above referenced sign and flag permits. As you may recall, wC spoke on February 13, 1997 about this request and you had stated that our request and file had been accidently re -filed. and therefore you'vvere not able io respond. Our concern is oniv that we do not want to be in any. violation with the. City of La Quinta. Your cooperation in notifying us if our request has been approved, and if we owe any fees for these permits would be greatly appreciated.' I may be reached at (714)540-6060 c,•xt. 132, oc via fax at.(714)540-640£. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, ;I Jana Mahoney , Projecc Coordinator ' 50.525 Grand Traverse Ave. • La Quinta, Cairo'mia 92253 (619) 564-1981 • FAX 1619) 56 5262 July 23, 1996 1 l Jana Mahoney ; Ayres Homes = + i, 50-345 Grand Traverse Avenue ' La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT: LA QUINTA FAIRWAYS (TRACT MAP NO.25389-1) Dear Ms. Mahoney: i The Community Development Department has received your written request dated July 17, 1996, asking to renew Sign Permit 96-333 and Special Advertising Device 96-093 that permitted temporary subdivision signs and flags for your project located south of Avenue 50, west of Park Avenue. We hereby approve a six-month extension for each case according to the original Conditions of Approval. Therefore, the new expiration dates are February 4, 1997, for your eight temporary flags and March , 3, 1997, for the two on -site sales signs. If you have any questions, please contact me at (619) 777-7067. ' Sincerely, JERRY HERMAN Y y COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR GREG TROUSDELL y ,a Associate Planner GT. c: Code Enforcement Department .. .: .: .; ' •`• 1. LtAyres-p t Ayres Homes Since - 1905 LA OURS 9 �'�FM WAYS July 17,1996 City of La Quinta Attn: Communitv Development Greg Trousdell PO Box 1504 La Quinta; CA 92253 Subject: Sign Permit 96-333 and Special Advertising Device 96-093 Ref: Tract 1425389-1 (.La Quinta Fairways) Dear Mr. Trousdell: ECE#VII JUL 2 2 1996 TNNM P1-ANNI G - EP F?AA EN7' Please accept this as our request to renew the above referenced sign and flag permits. The existing pen -nit for our eight temporary flags (SAD 96-093) is due to expire August 4, 1996. The permit for the two on -site signs (SA 96-333) is due to expire September, 1996. As we paid renewal fees with our last. request for an extension, we are also requesting a 180 day extension on these permits without another fee being required. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you need to contact me, I may be reached at (714)540-6060 ext. 132. Sincerely, ana Mahonev 50-345 Grand Traverse Ave. • La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564-1981 • FAX (619) 564-5262 i FIL E COPY 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO--' LA QUINTA, , CALIFORNIA 92253 - .(619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 .February 26, ,1996 - Ms. Jana Mahoney Ayres Homes 50-345 Grand Traverse Avenue La Quinta, CA 92253 ' SUBJECT: SIGN PERMIT 96-333 and SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-093 REF: TRACT 25389 (LA`QUINTA FAIRWAYS) Dear Ms. Mahoney: - The Community Development. Department- has received your,- written request dated January 23, 1996, asking to renew Sign Permit,95-29$0 ` and Special Advertising Device 94-059'which permitted temporary subdivision signs and flags for your project located -on the south side of Avenue 50, west of Park Avenue. We hereby approve a six-month extension for each case-in.accordance with the original Conditions of Approval. Therefore, .the new expiration dates are: August 4, 1996, for, your eight temporary flags (SAD 96-093) and , September 3, 1996, for the two on -site sales signs•(SA-967333). If you have any questions, -'please contact'me.by calling 619.-77,7.- 7067. - Very truly yours, . R HERMAN ti s ITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR -' GR USDELL ASS ATE PLANNER GT . Enclosures'. ` c: Don Whelchel, Code Enforcement Officer ` MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504' - LA QUINTA,,.. CALIFORNIA 92253 ``(. Ayres Homes,�- Since 1905 r " DR JAN 2 6 LA O - FA FAIRWAYUN S,, .. P1tdN is Cailit? a I' ER:F;'s`;�? AST l 33 3 January 23, 1996 City of La Quinta Attn: Community Development Mr. Greg Trousdell P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Sign permit #95-293 f a Case: SAD 94-059 FEB 05 1996 Dear Mr. Trousdell: Please accept this as our request to renew the above referenced sign, and flag permits for Tract #25389. The existing permit #95-293 is due to expire on March 3, 1996, and SAD 94-059 is due 'to expire February 4, 1996. We have enclosed a check for $260.00 which includes the $80.00 renewal fee for each permit as you requested, as well as $100 renewal fee for our City License. I hope these being included on one check will not pose a problem. Please advise us if you have any questions, or if the sign permit number will be.changed for future reference. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Should you need to contact me, I may be reached at (714)540-6060 ext. 132. . Si cerely, Jana Mahoney 5a345 Grand Traverse Ave. • La Quinta, California 92253 (619) 564-1981 • FAX (619) 564-5262