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SAD 1996-097
• Case Date Rece_:-ad E� PiLANNING DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT S Q, p Si4 _PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS A. The following sha:l be submitted by the Applicant _ the Planning &. Development Depart=ent at the time of permit application. _.less otherwise modified by the Planning Director: 1. Comple:ed sign application obtained from the =:ty. 2. Appropriate sign plans with number of copies --d exhibits as required in the application. 3. Appropriate fees as established by Council r=-=-:lution. 4. Letter of c:nsent or authorization from pro: — y owner, or lessor, or authorized agent of the building == premises upon which the sign is to b-e erected. B. Plans Required- information required - the follow=; information must be shown on the sign plan: 1. Sign elevation drawing indicating :verall and letter/figure/design dimensions, colors, ma===:als, proposed copy and illumination method. 2. Site plan _zdicating the location of all ma:-. and accessory signs existing or proposed for *the site wit= :::pensions, color, material, copy and method of illumin= =_:n indicated for each. 3. Building a evations with signs depicted (fd= -:n-freestanding signs;. * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * W . * * * * * * * Applicant La Quinta Arts Foundation Mailing Address P.O. Box 777 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 Phone: (619) 564-i?dd Name of Business La Quinta Arts Foundation Type of Business art show aresentor Phone: (619) 564-12d4 Address of Business 78-080 Ave. La Fonda, La Quinta, Ca. 92253 we do not receive mail at our physical address; rno•t ^nA ir-c -? - Sign Cc=any Name most are produced'in-house Address n/a Phone: ( ) n/a Sign Cc.&:_any Representative n/a Type o_ __gns Proposed: rt:�ber Number Free Standing Main-Trade.Sign Wall Mounted R 30 Directional Siqn, Temporary 1 Offsite Advertising Locaticc. of Proposed Signs see enclosed map Assessc_ s Parcel Number #173-074-002-0 i� �c ' Zone Overal_ :�imensions of sign (.and of ,copy face if less) see enclosed' sheet Materia_ particle board Colors blue and white Type of =llumination none ' Declare= 7alue or Contract Signat::==_ of Applicant Date %.z Signat=== of Property Owner s) t Date Date *(Writ__. Authority May be Attached) NOTE: Ate. false or misleading information shall be grounds for denial of t�=is application. FOP_M-C_- :5. -2- , July 23, 1996 ARTS,,,: A QUINTA FOuriDATION 4 DIRECTIONAL SIGNS ,We "request:;'that the City of La Quinta authorize placement of signs to promote JazzART96 -.. La ,Quinta Fall Festival :of the Arts, a community event, according to the. attached 'map -and- descriptions. The directional signs which are painted on MDO plywood will be set in place October 28th and will taken down by November 22nd. �, TEMPORARY'PORTA-PANEL f We are requesting approval from the City of La Quinta to place a portable billboard on the southeast cornet • of 'the., intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street for approximately. two_ .weeks prior to and during the event weekend --November 8, 9, 10, 1996. �. The` b' llboard'will be used to advertise this special event and to direct people traveling on Highway 111 to turn south on Washington toward the City of La Quinta. Please. see attached,map, for.irequested--sign placement. This portable sign, to be provided by a i professional outdoor., sign, company, is, of high quality., with :professional artwork and lettering similar in qualitk,, to -those signs used to promote' the. Bob. Hope Classic. The sign will show La-�Qumrita Arts Foundation. logo, will contain the words "JazzART96 - La x Quinta Fall Festival of,the;Arts--November 8, 9, 10--La Quinta Community Park", and will'show a.directional-airow. • • BANNERS' We' request_ permission. to hang two banners (T x 15') by rope across the east end and across the west.:end attached.by rope..from the palm .trees.. The banners will be set in "place.November 1 an'di:removed November 11. Banners are blue, professionally. lettered . ,�.and,say:'"Alt`Show'=-'This: Weekend". Thank. you. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION .L �. ' C .i���G�IiGr✓ 5 Susan Francis Festival Director ' 'POST. OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 '' r'�_ Fred XVcri^9 Miles !49 a� 3 0 s iu . m � Temp. - © ®t-a Panel Ave. 5o 0 SHOWSIGN.XLS • SIGN LOCATION SIZE CORNER FACE ARROW 1 !Fred Waring & Washin on 1 1 /2' x 2' I N.W. N straight 2 !Miles &Washin on 1 1 1 /7 x 2' 1 N.W. I N strai ht 3 I Highway 111 & Washin on 1 1 /2' x 2' 1 N.W. N I straight 4 Highway 111 & Washing on 1 1 /2' x 2' i S.W. W ri ht 5 I Highway 111 & Washin on 1 I /2' x 2' I N.E. E left 6 Eisenhower & Washington 2' x 4' I N.W. N strai ht 7 Ave. 50 & Washington 1 1 /2' x 2' N.W. N strai ht 8 Ave. 50 & Woshin on 1 1 /7 x 2' I N.E. E left 9 ITampico & Washington 4' x 8' N.W. N right 10 Tampico, & Washington 1 1 /2' x 2' N.E. S left 11 Ave. 52 & Washington 1 1 /2' x 2' N.E. E daht 12 Ave. 54 & Jefferson 1 1 2' x 2' S.E. S straight 13 Ave. 52 & Jefferson 1 1 /2' x 2' S.E. S left 14 Ave. 52 & Jefferson 1 1 /2' x 2' N.E. E straight 15 Ave. 50 & Jefferson 1 1 ' x 2' S.E. S left 16 Ave. 50 & Jefferson 1 1 2' x 2' N.W. N right 17 Ave. 50 & Eisenhower 1 1 ' x 2' N.W. N strai ht 18 JTCM ico & Eisenhower 2' x 4' N.W. N left 19 Bermudas & Tampico 2' x 4' N.W. W right 20 Bermudas & Tampico 2' x 4' N.W. E left 21 Desert Club & Tampico 2' x 4 N.E. E left 22 (Tampico between Desert Club & Washinaton 2' x 4' E straight 23 Washinciton between Highway I I I & Eisenhower 1 1 /2' x 2' N strai ht 24 Wcshincton between Highway I I I & Eisenhower 1 1 /2' x 2' N strai ht 25 Ave. 50 between Jefferson and Eisenhower 1 1 /2' x 2' E strai ht 26 Washincton between Ave. 50 & Tampico 1 1 2 x 2' N straight 27 Washington between Ave. 50 & Tampico 1 1 /2' x 2' N strai ht 28 Ave. 52 between Jefferson & Washington 1 1 /2' x 2' I E strai ht 29 Esenhower between Ave. 50 and Washin. on 1 1 2' x 2' I E straight • DESCRIPTION: FounonTion Signs are produced by a professional outdoor sign company using white letters on blue background and say "Arts Festival" with foundation logo and directional arrows. Detail of description of signs 6,9,18,19,20,21 and 22: #6 La Quinta Arts Festival - Stay on Washington (2' x 4' placed on Washington and Eisenhower) #9 Festival Parking (4' x 8' placed on Washington and Tampico) #18 Festival Parking (2' x 4' placed on Eisenhower and Tampico) #19 Free Parking Valet Parking (face west on Tampico and Bermudas) #20 Valet Parking (2' x 4' face east on Tampico and Bermudas) #21 Free Parking Valet Parking (2' x 4' on Desert Club and Tampico) #22 La Quinta Arts Festival (2' x Ton Highway 111 by Golf Shop) POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 • BI #2 ;. STAFF REPORT ' • . PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 ; CASE NO.: TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT NO. 96-126 REQUEST: APPROVAL OF A THREE-DAY OUTDOOR EVENT (JAZZART '96)- AND SIGN PROGRAM TO BE HELD AT,THE FRANCES HACK ' PARK FOR NOVEMBER 8-10, 1996, ACCORDING TO PROVISIONS k OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 9:100.140 LOCATION: 77-865 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA (ATTACHMENT-1) 4 s APPLICANT: t LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION (MS. SUSAN FRANCIS) PROPERTY OWNER: RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM CEQA ' BECAUSE THE OUTDOOR FESTIVAL 1S A'TEMPORARY USE IN A •PUBLICLY OWNED PARK DESIGNED FOR PUBLIC USE PER SECTION "15311. (CLASS 11). GENERAL PLAN: PARK FACILITIES. .: ZONING: PARKS AND RECREATION BACKGROUND: Site Background:- The La Quinta Arts Foundation has been holding outdoor art festivals in the Frances Hack Park for many years. The park is surrounded by vacant parcels and commercial - businesses which are designated Village Park by the Municipal Zoning Code and Specific . Plan 87-009. PMTOE126-6A ' _ In July, an application was submitted requesting approval of JazzART '96, a three-day event, scheduled to begin on November 8, 1996. The Foundation projects 4,000 people per day based on previous events. The applicant's program summary includes information about how they plan to accommodate their patrons and employees during. the venue (Attachment 2). Also requested are on- and off -site signs for the event that include 29 off -site directional signs (3- to 6-square feet each) posted along various streets, an off -site portable billboard, and on -site banners (Attachment 3, Various Exhibits). All signs are proposed within a four -mile radius of the event. Public Agency Review Staff mailed a copy of the applicant's request to all public agencies on July 25, 1996, for response by August 9, 1996. Comments received have been incorporated into the attached draft.Conditions of Approval. Zoning Code Update The City's new Zoning Code (Ordinance No. 284) is in effect. Chapter 9.100.140 establishes the provisions for Planning Commission approval of events that have gatherings of more than 300 people including spectators and participants, provided Findings and Conditions are met. These include health and safety provisions, parking, security, and traffic related mitigation measures. The Planning Commission also evaluates the signs needed to advertise the future event (i.e., Item 8 of Chapter 9.100.140). The Zoning Code permits the following temporary advertising for events of this type: A.. One banner per street frontage not to exceed 32 sq. ft.; B. One portable on- or off -site sign not to exceed 55 sq. ft.; C. 30 off -site signs (i.e., directional signs); and, D. 15 bunting signs. The Code does not permit exceptions to the above provisions. Signs in the public street right-of-way under Item C are limited to six square feet in size. Staff Comments . The Foundation hires various contractors to assist them in their events from parking valets to Riverside County Sheriffs Deputies for security needs. Past events, previously approved by City staff, have been well run with no major problems arising. The Foundation is well known for their annual outdoor art events, and previously the Planning Commission approved the sign programs according to Section 5.64 of the Municipal Code. PMTOE126-6A CONCLUSION: Conditions are proposed that comply with the existing provisions of the Municipal Zoning Code. Findings for approval are included in the attached material. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Minute.Motion 96- , approving the JazzART `96 Festival and signing for the November event, subject to Findings and Conditions of Approval as attached.: Attachments: 1. Location Map 2. Foundation Program 3. Sign Application PrWare,O by: Associate Planner Submitted by: Christine di lorio, Plan ing Manager 9 PMTOE126-6A MINUTE MOTION NO. 96- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED TEMPORARY OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT NO. 96-126 JAZZART `96 - LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 iM As required by Chapter 9.100.140 of the Zoning Code, findings for support of the project are as follows: The event will not be detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community in the area of the proposed event. A. Various public agency permits are required prior to the event occurring ensuring that the event will be conducted in a professional manner. Health Department permits are required for all food and beverage vendors attending the- event, and police and fire personnel will be on hand to assist the organizers in providing a safe environment for vehicles and patrons coming to the event. The City Engineer shall approve a traffic control plan, prior to issuance of an encroachment permit, which ensures that traffic barricades and other devices will be employed to guarantee safe traveling in the areas surrounding the park which can include street closures if authorized by the City Council through separate action. Additionally, fire lanes and other permits are required by the Fire Marshal for the operator and vendors per State statutes. The public roadways providing access to the event are capable to support the local patrons because they are two and four -lane improved thoroughfares that provide access from Highway 111 to the site.(e:g., Washington Street, Eisenhower Drive, Calle Tampico, etc.). The Foundation is aware of these rules and regulations since they have held many venues at this site in past years. No problems are anticipated which would be detrimental to the community based on the recommended conditions. B. This project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because the outdoor festival is a temporary use in a publicly owned park designed for public use per Section 15311 (Class 11). C. Temporary signs directing patrons to the event will be displayed throughout the community to help the public find this special event location. The signs will be placed so that they do not interfere with traffic safety signs or other facilities (i.e., traffic signals, etc.). Sign removal will occur immediately after the event is over to guard against the signs becoming roadside debris or litter. COND 126.4A 2. There is adequate area to conduct the event and to accommodate the anticipated. attendance. A. This community -sponsored event is held in an adequately designed facility which can hold the daily patrons because various facilities will be provided such as restrooms, first -aid station, food and beverages, parking, and other facilities which provide services to those paying to attend the daily activities. The park site -has existing buildings (restrooms) and landscaping facilities which complements- the other temporary improvements planned by the La Quinta Arts Foundation. The Foundation .has held this outdoor event in the park fora number of years and have not created an undue burden on the nearby property or business owners by their activities. Guest parking areas will be provided around the park, and in adjoining areas, with proper authorization. Private property owners who are in the area and do not wish to participate in the event shall have their properties roped off by the event organizer to ensure patrons do not park on these unauthorized sites. 1. The hours of operation for the three-day event (November 8-10, 1996) shall be between 10:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. daily. 2.. A building inspection is required for temporary electric power. Please contact the Building and Safety Department to schedule an inspection (777-7012) prior to the start of the event. 3. A fire inspection is required for temporary structures (tents, etc.) or any open flame devices by the Riverside County Fire Department before. installation and use. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Tom Hutchison, Fire Safety Specialist, at 863-8886. Fire lanes shall be established and maintained during the special event. 4. Portable restrooms shall be provided for patrons and vendors as required by the Building and Safety Department. Restroom facilities to accommodate the physically challenged shall. also be provided: Temporary trash receptacles shall be provided so that trash/debris can be deposited accordingly. The site shall be left clean of any. litter at the close of the event. 6. Signs in the City right-of-way shall be mounted on minimum 2" by 2" wood posts and no signs shall be closer than 100-feet from an intersection. Temporary signs shall be posted no closer than 5' from the edge of the paved area of any public road or street and placed a minimum of 200' from an identical sign. Signs in the right-of-way shall not exceed 6 square feet and signs on private property shall not exceed 12 square feet. Signs placed on private property shall be installed only if authorization has been secured prior to on -site installation. All signs shall be placed in a manner which does not obstruct traffic or street signs or other important equipment (Chapter 9.160.060 of the Sign Ordinance). All temporary directional COND 126-4A signs shall be removed by November 12, 1996, except for the porta-panel sign at the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street which shall be removed by November 16, 1996. 7. Before the outdoor event begins (no later than seven days in advance), notice to the existing property owners and businesses around the Frances Hack Park shall be given informing them of the upcoming special event. 8. Vendors who sell or serve alcoholic beverages shall obtain a license from the State of California Alcoholic Beverage Control Department. 9. Riverside County Sheriffs Deputies shall be on -site during the event to provide security and traffic control supervision. 10. Food vendors shall be reviewed and approved for operation by the Riverside County Health Department, as required. They can be reached by calling 863-7000. Allvendors shall also obtain a City Business License. 11. The applicant shall work with Waste Management of the Desert to recycle the aluminum cans disposed in the temporary trash.receptacles during the outdoor art festival. 12. If ground excavation is required, please contact Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800- 422-414.4. The service is free of charge provided USA is given at least two days' notice. 13. Before any cranes, forklifts, or other aerial equipment is raised, please check for existing overhead wires. 14. Proof of Liability Insurance naming the City, and its staff, as additionally insured during the outdoor event in the amount of $1,000,000.00 shall be received on or before November 1, 1996. 15. If public streets are to be closed for this special event, City Council approval is required. Upon approval by the Council, the applicant shall obtain an encroachment permit from the Public Works Department before closure or obstruction of any roadway or placement of any signs, barricades or other advertising or traffic control devices in the street right-of-way. 16.. For road closures or obstructions, the applicant shall be responsible for installation, maintenance and removal of traffic control devices required in the -approved traffic control plan. 17. The applicant may request that the Public Works Department furnish traffic control devices necessary. for permitted road closures or obstructions. The Public Works Department may require that the applicant pay a fee or otherwise reimburse the costs of furnishing the devices. 18. No parking shall occur on private property unless the Foundation has obtained written authorization. All vacant parcels surrounding the Frances Hack Park shall be cordoned off (i.e., by using rope, logs or other devices) to ensure no parking occurs unless permitted in advance by the property owner. 19. Night lighting must be adequate to permit patrons proper visibility within the exhibition and food areas. 20. All designated private security personnel must possess a current Private Security Guard license by the State of California. 21. No overnight camping is allowed. Site exhibitors will find overnight lodging at local hotels or RV campgrounds while the outdoor fair is occurring. Exhibitors or food vendors may leave their vehicles or equipment at the park provided the La Quinta Arts Foundation provides overnight security. 22. The Community Development Department may impose additional Conditions, or revoke this permit, if any problems arise during the event that need special attention or consideration. 23. Proper egress and ingress shall be provided at all times for patrons and vehicular- traffic to the outdoor event. 24. A bond in the amount of $10,000.00 shall be posted to insure that the site is cleaned of litter and all signs are removed from their on- and off -site locations. The .security can be either a Certificate of Deposit or Letter of Credit naming the City as beneficiary of the account. COND 126-4A ' Attachment 1 ON No Us ` s of is us 1� t r so 2 t7 r=. IN Is Now UN M� / — M� �1 vs W o2 ul Z cc 0 7 • S � • DATE: July 23, 1996 Attachment 2 TO: Mr. Tom Hartung, Building and•Safety Director BY: Susan Francis, Festival Director La Quinta Arts Foundation SUBJECT: Permit to hold a minor outdoor event in La Quinta DATE OF EVENT:- November 8, 9; 10, 1996 nn LA QUINTA RTS FOUNDATION La Quinta Arts Foundation requests a permit to hold a "minor outdoor event" within the city limits of La Quinta on November 8, .9, 10, 1996. This event, JazzART96 - La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts, will be conducted in compliance with Chapter 9.216 (#348 Riverside County Land Use Ordinance XIXa), "Temporary Outdoor Events." The anticipated attendance at the show is not expected to exceed 900 at any given time. The three-day event will be open to the public daily from 10:00 a.m.- until approximately 6:00 p.m. Artists and volunteers will arrive on November 7, 1996 to set up displays but these numbers will not exceed 150. JazzART96 - La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts will be held on the grounds of La Quinta Community Park, located at 77-865 Montezuma Avenue, La Quinta. Permission has been requested to hold the show on this site from the Board of Directors of the Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District, the agency with jurisdiction over the park. " The attached plot plan indicates: a) the area in which the displayswill be exhibited, b) artist and patron parking areas; c) placement of sanitation facilities. ADEQUATE AREA TO CONDUCT THE EVENT: The grounds consist of the west half of the park including the ballfield. Approximately 140 artists will display their work, and foot traffic will be on existing sidewalks and the grass between the displays. The - public will be admitted through one gate located in the middle of the north/south fence located in the proximity of the existing scoreboard. PARKING: Parking for artists will be located to the southwest of the park on the land owned by Rupert Yessayian. Public parking will be on the property owned by Eddy Nicholson bordered by the streets of Tampico, Bermudas and La Fonda, on the property owned by City of La Quinta on Navarro and Montezuma and possibly on the property owned by Bill Martin to the north of Tampico. Permission from all property owners will be sought.. Professional attendants will assist the public in parking.. FOOD SERVICE: Food and beverage services will be provided to the public from outside professional purveyors who will prepare food or beverages according 'to Health Department Standards. s WINE TASTING: Wine tasting will'be provided to the public by various California vintners and will comply with Health Department standards as well as rules and regulations set by California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. POST OFFICE BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CALIFORMIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884 FIRST AID STATIONS: La Quinta Fire Department will be asked to provide standby first aid response. Ambulance access will be maintained and the entire facility and parking will have identifiable locations plotted on a grid for easy location of emergency sites. This will be communicated to all security and safety personnel. FIRE PROTECTION: One 2A10BC fire extinguisher will be installed in each food area. Fire exits are one twenty -foot gated opening and four -six foot gated openings in the fence around the show site. The gridded plot map will be utilized by fire control personnel. SANITATION FACILITIES: We will arrange for portolets to be brought in by Waste Management of the Desert. POTABLE WATER: Two drinking fountains are located on the premises. Drinking water will be available at no cost from food and beverage vendors. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL: Six large, covered, trash containers are permanently located on the premises. La Quinta Arts Foundation will supply additional trash containers. Food and beverage vendors will be required to supply additional receptacles. La Quinta Arts Foundation will see to the daily transfer of refuse to proper containers on site. SECURITY OPERATION: Security for the event will be a joint effort involving the Riverside County Sheriffs Department, the City of La Quinta and a professional security service. A private guard will patrol the premises at all times commencing at 6:00 p.m. on November 5th and continuing until 8:00 a.m. on November 11th. SITE RESTORATION: The site will be cleaned and restored to its original condition or better at the conclusion of the event. The staff and board- of the Coachella Valley Recreation and Parks District and the City staff will be encouraged to inspect the grounds subsequent to the event. CAMPING: Exhibitors in recreational vehicles will not be permitted to camp overnight in the parking lots nor on adjacent city streets. A list of alternative campsites has been made available to exhibitors. (See attached listing.) PERMISSION TO SERVE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: We request permission to serve beer and wine within the fenced show area. A temporary daily permit to sell beer and wine will be acquired from the Alcoholic Beverage Control and a copy of the licensing will be available. The wine will be purchased by scrip. Scrip drink. tickets will be sold by La Quinta Arts Foundation who will check that each purchaser is over 21 years of age. 'Alcohol consumption will take place within the fenced show area only. We will obtain permission from Coachella Valley Recreation and Park District for the sale of beer and wine at this year's event. In past years we have offered beer and wine at our two annual events and we have never had an incidence of public intoxication or damage to property as -a result of alcohol consumption. On behalf of La Quinta Arts Foundation, we respectfully request that the City Council of La Quinta grant a permit to conduct JazzART96 - La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts. 0 IZLi usan Francis Heidi Wils6n Festival Director Executive Director 9-06-1996 9: 18AM FR LOAF 619. 564 , 6884P. 2 Attachment 3 ; July 23, 1996 • ' r DIRECTIONAL SIGNS We request that the City of La Quinta` authorize placement of signs ..to promote', . JazzART96 - La Quinta Fall Festival of the .Arts, a community event, according•to the attached map and descriptions. The directional signs which are painted on MDO.: plywood will be set in place October 28th and will taken down by November 22nd. TEMPORARY PORTA-PANEL. , We are requesting approval from the City of La Quinta to place a portable billboard on the southeast corner of the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street for approximately two weeks prior to and during the event weekend --November 8, 9, 10. 1996. The billboard will be used to advertise this special event and to direct people traveling on Highway 111 to turn south on Washington toward the City. of La Quinta. Please see attached map for requested sign placement. This portable sign, to be provided by a,' - professional outdoor sign company,, is of high quality with professional artwork and' lettering similar in quality to those signs used to promote the Bob Hope Classic. - The sign will show La Quinta Arts Foundation logo, will contain the words "JazzART96 - La ' Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts --November 8, 9, 10--La Quinta Community Park", `and will show a directional arrow. ` BANNERS We request permission to hang two banners (2' x 16) by rope across the east end and across the west end attached by rope from the palm trees. The banners will he set in ,. place November 1 and removed November 11. Banners are blue, professionally lettered . and say "Art Show -- This Weekend". t , Thank you. ' LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION , < Susan Francis Festival Director t Hwy Fred Miles Q 5 , Tamp. © Porte Pane( 0 �• 2y 17 Ave. 50 ®. Ca o s� s s 14- 18 ®®Tarr, P;co d ® � 10 s M 43 V m L as N Ave 52- > a, < o AYE OP Duranjo SHOWSIGN.XLS SIGN: LOCATION .:: ::.:...; $IZE ' - '..CORNER `:FAC9 ARROW'. 1 Waring &Washington 1 1 /2' x 2' N.W. N straight _Fred 2 Miles &Washington 1 1/2' x 2' N.W. _ N straight _ 3 Highway 111 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2'4 N.W. N straight 4 Highway 111 & Washington 1 1 /2'. x 2' S.W. W right 5 Highway 111 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' H.E: E left 6 Eisenhower & Washington 2' x 3' _ N.W. N straight 7 Ave. 50 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' N.W. N straight 8— Ave. 50 & Washington ---- 1 1/2' x 2' --N.E. E _ left right 9 Tampico & Washington 2' x 3' N.W. N 10 Tampico & Washington 1 1/2* x 2' N.E. S �E __left 11 Ave. 52 & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' N.E._ right _ 12 Ave. 54 &Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' _ S.E. S straight left 13 Ave. 52 & Jefferson 1 112' x 2' 1 1/2' x 2' _S.E. S 14 Ave. 62 & Jefferson _ N.E. E straight 15 Ave. 50 & Jefferson 1 1./2' x.2' S.E. S left 16 Ave. 50 & Jefferson 1 1/2' x 2' N.W. N right 17 Ave. 50 & Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' N.W. N straight 18 Tampico & Eisenhower 2' x 3' N.W. IN left 19 Bermudas & Tarnpico _ 2' z 3' _ N._W._ W right 20 Be rmudas —& Tampico T_ 2' x_3 N.W. E left 21 Desert Club & Tampico 2' x 3' N.E. _ E left 22 Tarnpico between Desert Club &_Washington 2' x 3' E straight 23 Washington between Highway 111 & Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' — N straight 24 Washington between Highway 11 t & Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' _N straight straight 25 Ave. 50 between Jefferson and Eisenhower 1 1/2' x 2' E 26 Washington between Ave. 50 & Tampico 1 1/2' x 2' ; N straight 27 Washington between Ave. 50 & Tampico 1 1/2' x 2' if N straight 28 _ Ave. 52 between Jefferson & Washington 1 1/2' x 2' E straight . 29 Eisenhower between Ave. 50 and Washington 1 1/2' x 2' E ! straight ECOVE SEP .0 6 1996 CITY OF LAOU101ge 1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT e,4we4/ 9 6; -yV �fj, of _� ��, JlJ�ity� 1. r ' •. .. � ,, DESCRIPTION: Signs are produced by a professional outdoor'sign company using white letters on blue- , background and say `:arts Festival" with foundation logo and directional arrows. Detail of description,of signs 6,9,18,19,20,21 and.22: ; #6 La Quirita Arts Festival • Stay on Washingtoni - (2' x 3' placed on Washington and Eisenhower) #9 Festival Parking (2' x 3' placed on Washington and Tampico)' #18 'Festival Parking r ~ V (2' x 3' placed on Eisenhower and Tampico) ` #19 Free Parking 4' Valet Parking ti (face west on Tampico and Bermudas)' #20 Valet Parking (2' x 3' face east on Tampico and Bermudas) #21 Free Parking 4 Valet Parking (2' x 3' on Desert Club and.Tampico) #22 La Quinta Arts Festival (2' x 3' on Highway 111 by Golf Shop) , ECENE SEP 0 6 1996 # CITY OF LAQUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT £ ' d V899 v9S 6 l 9� Wood Wb'6 t ' 6 966 t -90-6 4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 777-7000 FAX (619) 777-7101 August 20, .1996 Susan Francis, Festival Director La Quinta Arts Foundation PO Box 777 La Quinta, CA 92253 REF: MINOR TEMPORARY EVENT PERMIT 96-126 Dear Ms. Francis: Enclosed is a copy of the Zoning Code regulations for temporary outdoor events which becomes effective on September 7, 1996 (Chapters 9.100.140 and 9.160.060). The Planning Commission will use these regulations at its meeting of September 24, 1996, to evaluate your JazzART 96 Festival application. Based on these new standards, we find two problems with your sign application submittal pertaining to the size of the banners and off -site directional signs. Under the new provisions, banners cannot exceed 32 square feet, and directional signs in the City right-of-way cannot exceed six square feet. Please correct your application submittal so that it conforms with our new regulations, and resubmit by August 29, 1996. If you have any questions, please contact me at 777-7067. _ . Sincerely, �v".6. [TY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR ^ GT. Enclosure c: Community Development Director . LtFoun2-5a MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - . LA .QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ��J COMMENTS ON SAD 96-097: JazzART96"FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS 1. Allow -only seven (7) days for sign removal: I couldn't find anything pertaining to this' in the sign code, ,but I think the time period they propose for removal is too long. 2. Directional signs need to incorporate the event dates. Some of the locations seem like overkill; I don't think they need as many signs as they propose (do you need six signs along a one mile stretch of Washington Street?). Do they need to be up,for 11 days prior to the event? Are we concerned enough to see a typical for color, height, content? Why aren't they calling it "JazzART '96" on their directional and'- banner signs? They need to use a consistent reference,throughout their signs to avoid confusion; i.e., is LQ Fall.Festival of the Arts = JazzART `96 = .Art Show? Use one common name on all signs. t 3. I assume that the banners referred to are located at the Village Park.. }Banners should be set up on Nov. 4 if they say."This Weekend". Again, why not use "JazzART '96 - November 8, 9 and 10" CITY of ILA UINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • Fax: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: FROM DATE: Lit TTY MANAGER &wPARKS DEPT. &43tYLDING & SAFETY 4.e6DE ENFORCEMENT SHERIFF'S DEPT. FIRE. MARSHAL CVWD J CO. OF RIVERSIDE _j,e2'FiRISTINE DI IORIO t,-OUBLIC WORKS DEPT. _BERRY HERMAN &� AN SAWA ALLY NESBIT' // RED BAKER �LKSLIE MOURIQUAND SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) CITY OF PALM DESERT CITY OF INDIAN WELLS CAL'IR.ANS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) JULY 25, 1996 SUBJECT: JAZZART 96 (LQ ARTS FOUNDATION) - SIGNS CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-097 LOC.: CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON. THE ATTACHED ITEM BY AUGUST 9, 1996, AT 5:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS:— L d/4 la 1 ATTACHMENTS CI OF CITY OF ILA QUINTA w,L®,IVG A PO Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • Fax: 619-777-7155 � TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: IiC'�TY MANAGER ' t/lf[JBLIC WORKS DEPT. ARKS DEPT. _&tJRRY HERMAN IE77_ . _.,F LDING & SAFETY. AN SAWA 4.2�DE ENFORCEMENT ✓TALLY NESBIT . SHERIFF'S DEPT. //RED BAKER FIRE.MARSHAL &otfSLIE MOURIQUAND CVWD SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) 'IID CITY OF PALM DESERT CO. OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS _I,teRRISTINE DI IORIO CALTR.ANS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: JULY 25, 1996 SUBJECT: JAZZART 96 (LQ ARTS FOUNDATION) - SIGNS CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-097 LOC.: CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY AUGUST 9, 1996. AT 5:00 P.M. K YOU. - COMMENTS: C&141' � - ATTACHMENTS Go 4 /% CITY OF ILA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QuiNTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • Fax: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: ��TY MANAGER toolliJBLIC WORKS DEPT. ARKS DEPT. BERRY HERMAN &.GILDING & SAFETY AN SAWA t. 6DE ENFORCEMENT . ALLY NESBIT SHERIFF'S DEPT. I/�RED BAKER ry FIRE. MARSHAL koffSLIE MOURIQUAND CVWD SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) IID CITY OF PALM DESERT CO. OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS. :e- RISTINE DI IORIO CALTRANS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: JULY 25, 1996 s SUBJECT: JAZZART 96. (LQ ARTS FOUNDATION) - SIGNS CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-097 LOC.: . CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY AUGUST 9, 1996, AT 5:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: iv ATTACHMENTS CITY o F LA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • FAx: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: �TY MANAGER f/ UBLIC WORKS DEPT. ARKS DEPT. _j.&ERRY HERMAN &oPnLDING & SAFETY j% AN SAWA 4.e(5DE ENFORCEMENT ALLY NESBIT . SHERIFF'S DEPT. // RED BAKER FIRE. MARSHAL kotESLIE MOURIQUAND D CVW SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) III) CITY OF PALM DESERT CO. OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS _IeenRISTINE DI IORIO CALTRANS ' FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: JULY 25, 1996 SUBJECT: JAZZART 96 (LQ ARTS FOUNDATION) - SIGNS CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-097 , LOC.: CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY AUGUST 9, 1996, AT 5:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: ATTACHMENTS CITY OF ILA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA QuiriT.A, CA 92253 .619-777-7067 • Fax: 619-777-7155 TRANSMTITAL MEMO TO: IiC��TY MANAGER ,RKS DEPT. & -RVILDING & SAFETY &.CC'DE ENFORCEMENT SHERIFF'S DEPT. FIRE. MARSHAL CVWD IID CO. OF RIVERSIDE 'fiRISTINE DI IORIO L�eUBLIC WORKS DEPT. �RRY HERMAN i�AN SAWA *ALLY-NESBIT i,00<RED BAKER &*tfSLIE MOURIQUAND SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) CITY OF PALM DESERT CITY OF INDIAN WELLS CALTRANS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: "JULY 25, 1996 SUBJECT: JAZZART 96 (LQ ARTS FOUNDATION) - SIGN CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-097 LOC.: - CITYWIDE AUG CITY OF LAQUI;NTi PLANNING DEP?,i7 PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE -ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BYAUGUST9. 1996. AT 5:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: tS nao[M ,li nlSd ATTACHMENTS 0 CITY OF LA QUINTA PO Box 1504 • LA Qurnrra, CA 92253 • 619-777-7067 • Fax: 619-777-7155 TRANSMITTAL MEMO TO: LiC�TY MANAGER tooffJBLIC WORKS DEPT. ARKS DEPT. _Je�BRRY HERMAN & o&nLDING & SAFETY AN SAWA t,•ECDE ENFORCEMENT . _ _ TALLY NESBIT 6e, t SHERIFF'S DEPT. //rRED BAKER FIRE. MARSHAL koffSLIE MOURIQUAND D CVW SCHOOL DISTRICT (DS/CV) III) CITY OF PALM DESERT CO. OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF INDIAN WELLS _JeCnRISTINE DI IORIO CALTR.ANS FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. (C/O GREG TROUSDELL) DATE: JULY 25, 1996 SUBJECT: JAZZART 96 (LQ ARTS FOUNDATION) - SIGNS CASE(S): SPECIAL ADVERTISING DEVICE 96-097 r LOC.: CITYWIDE PLEASE REVIEW AND PROVIDE ANY COMMENTS YOU MAY HAVE ON THE ATTACHED ITEM BY AUGUST 9, 1996, AT 5:00 P.M. THANK YOU. COMMENTS: - ATTACHMENTS July 23; 1996 Jerry Herman Planning Director CITY OF LA QUINTA P:O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92253 Ala AA QUINTA RTS FOUNDATION Dear Jerry: Enclosed please find our request for permission to place .directional signs and billboards and banners within the city for JazzART96 - La Quinta Fall Festival of the Arts. We plan to place a sign on Highway 111 at the Washington intersection near Simon Motors as we did for the 1995 event. We will be in contact with Fred Simon requesting permission to place a sign there. When we have received notification of permission, we will forward a copy to you. . Yours truly, LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION Susan Francis Festival Director POST OFFICE -BOX 777 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-1244 FAX (619) 564-6884