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PM 1984-011
r Recording RequesABy City of. La Quanta When Recorded, Return To: La Quinta Community Development Department.- P. O. Box 1504 .: 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of La Quinta Community . Development Department 0 2 W a ®' D' U m ©� tr i 0 O �o� � a �m _ �u d N > O �a �J F- ° 4A x m ti - EXHIBIT A CERTIFI-C-ATE."OF PARCEL MERGER10, 84-01= Existing Parcels Record Owners Assessor Parcel Numbers Andy Ysiano & Debra K. Ysiano 1 774 - 155 - 010 Andy Ysiano & Debra K. Ysiano 774 - 155'- 022 Andy Ysiano & Debra K. Ysiano 774 - 155 - 021 Legal. Description of Merged Parcel The below described real property located in the State of California, County of Riverside, City of La. Quinta:. Lots 10, 11 and 12 of Block 203, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta Unit No. 19, as recorded in Map Book 19, Pages 33-34: and Lots 11 and 12 of Block 234, Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta Unit No. 22, as recorded in Map Book 20, Page 24. RECEIVED r NOV 2 3 1984 OF LA UINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT l Recording Reques By City of la Quinta When Recorded,, Return Th: La Quinta Comm nity DevelopTent Department P. O. Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA- 92253". No Fee, 6103 Government Code Benefit of la Quinta Cxzmmity 01 Develognent Department EXHIBIT B CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER No. �, FA z 0 Q REC--:,VE:D NOV 2 0. '0 1-84 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT '-VEPARTMENT USEONLY Record Owner AwL e of Parcel Me er-No� is go, h' d ere -by approve 'Addmim�.3--q c. B y Map Prepared By Ti e' Address -. Area/District 'A a. Y oFTMo�Sw 78105 CALLE E$TADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 November 16, 1984 Riverside County Recorder 4 P. O. Box 751 r Riverside, CA 92502 RE: .Parcel Merger No. 84-011 Dear Sir: Enclosed please find Certificates of Parcel Merger No..84-011, Exhibits A and B. "Please record and return these .docu ents to this office: Very truly yours, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT :Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner SLB:dmv Atchs: Cert. of Parcel Merger No. 84-011 w%Exhibits A & B MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1504 LA QUINTA; CALIFORNIA 92253 4 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 564-2246 December 3, 1984. Mr. & Mrs. Andy Ysiano 53-980 Avenida Obregon La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Parcel Merger No. 84-011 Dear Mr. & Mrs.'Ysiano: Attached please find a copy of the documents showing that your request for a parcel merger has been recorded with the Riverside County Recorder. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate.to contact this office. very truly yours, CaMKJNITY-DDEVEMPMENr DEPAM= Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner M if M. Atch: Copy of Recorded Documents for Parcel Merger MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 � SITE PLAN � CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER NO,ky_Oli �1t NvP4 RECEIVE® NOV � � -1984 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT At4d j A J F- 6rA K. kjS I AtJ0 LA QUkNV4 C'A: Sys- 7 PArcEl 77Y- /SS-o16 77q-/55-'07-0 774�- !Ss - b 2-1 LEg A 41��s cr P 1 i`vr� dots �o, lI; � lz 6� �ti�A Cater Af VAL, t4 Qu%.,14 !/f, f• NO- /9 ?45 ES 33, 3 Y' 1/1 6P ooK yo Ayr 2f� w i I � '" caner " '� � . � r,• ,. _� Address Map Prep red -By ,. '4 Address ` _ Scale ..'Assessor Parcel rz ,�c.c o-3i 1�2 o<< OF 7, ® Record owner 0a APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF PARCEL MERGER A wJ,-1 U%AN 0 A Mb i si po4o Name s) .5 3 � L XW4A,7� 0/3,,< cio v .3 S �z Representative Name Address Phone PROPERTY DATA: Assessor Parcel Nos.: Parcel 1 77Y_- / - o i o RECEIVED Parcel 2 7 7 y - /,S� - o 2 0 N 0 V 2 8 1984 Parcel 3 7 7 V - IJ73' - D Z CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNTY DEVELOPMENT Parcel-4 - - DEPT Street Address of Property: REQUEST: (Include number of contiguous parcels to be merged and why mergerisrequested) PA CC Z 3 +o I✓ Lf, cc o Aow 1ff�1E ��d� iiar� b F 14 cA.gPor4 APPLICATION FEE: $175.00 in cash or check payable to City of La Quinta. (I/We) hereby certify that; 1.(1-am/we are) the record owner(s) of all parcels proposed for merger by this application; 2. (I/We) have knowledge of and consent to the filing of this application. and,. 3. The information submitted in.connection with -this applica- tion is true and correct. i / ' . , 1 Date (Lett r,s Qjau rization may be attached) r � Date / �s / Date Representative.Signature: Date OFFICE USE ONLY DATE STAMP Case No. • CITY OF IA. QUINTA • Department of Community Development 78-105 Cane Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: Secretary for Resources 1416 Ninth Street, Room 1311 $aoramento, California 95814 County Clerk County of Riverside P. O. Brix 431 Riverside, CA 92502 Project Title: Parcel Merger No. 84-011 Project Location -Specific: North Side of Calle Chillon Between Avenida Obreaon and Avenida'Carranza. Project Location -City: La Quinta. CA - Description of Nature, Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project: Merge five (5) lots (approximately .5 acres) to bring into zoning ccnpliance and allow further construction. Name of Public Agency Approving Project: La Quinta Community Develorgrent Dent. Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project: Andy & Debra Ysiano, 53-980 Avenida Obregon, La Quinta, CA 92253 Exempt Status: (Check One) Ministerial (Sec. 15073) Declared Emergency (Sec. 15071(a) ) xx Categorical Exemption. State Type and Section Number: Class 5, Minor alterations in land use limitations Other Reasons why project is exempt: Consistent with general plan and zoning. Will not conflict with existing structures or restrict arn-gs tnmsthar nf the a„bjJ@J@ - 1 Qts or to any adjacent lots... Contact Person: Sandra i, Bonner (619) 564-2246 Area Code Telephone Ext. ignature Principal Planner '6 I T Y ` O YF w 1:!'A `Q U. I *-,T : A S.E, I N F O R M A T I O N Case No. Rk4z/fI R-011 . Application Received 'by �' /3v�a �,i Date f' _ Application Checked by S ,,.cam Date - e Applicant: Lv 4 _ V,o Phone: Address: Ale- . 001-0a0... L /,% 11 97-7c-7 Street �,v, �oacSill City State Zip Code Owner:. S', h, e- Phone: Address: Street City State Zip Code Representative: P � a:r... *� - � Phone: --- Address: Street City State Zip Code 1. Subject: 2. Location: N ' e 3. Environmental Information E.A. No. 15�'C�,.,d� Notice of Declaration 4. Related Files: 7Vo,,p_ w E.I.R.No. - Date 5:' Parcel Size/Acreage ��„� '7_S,Il0o I� 9• 6. General Plan Designation- L,D(L (3_ 10. 7. Zoning R_ (� 4— 11. 8. Surrounding Zoning' _ 12. Fee Information Filing Fee $_ E.A. Fee $ Total $ /97,r-- Additional Fees $ Receipts for Fees: ?p x v Circulation Element Housing Element Council District Assessor's '�'�y;.�5 -hld, U-2 OZ/ Tentative Hearing Date Agency.Deadline Date Plot Plan Checked JIZ�-&y CC -EA Legal 'Description�ot5 is • .' _L 1? 2d 3A 5.- PC /9 ' lot /l t, l2� /k 2 3 yT S.64 CC Aaencv - Fz "A'.' � NntirP 427 Anonry Hearing Information Date Action r 1 General Telephone Road Department City of Cal Trans County Planning Dater Quality CVCWD ;. Home Owners Parks Buildino Dept. Health Dept. i; Fire City Engineer i, Other 18. Transmittals sent -by: - Date:, 19. Public Hearing Notice Date: Notice -Mailed by: 20. Notice Posted by: Date: 21. Entered in Counter Book ` P.age Parcel Q 0 Z�O2J By ..22. Applicant: Notified of,Action 3xAgencl.es:-N i,. �'- y offled t. 23. File Closed: ('1-� 3 I ��{ `!` eya 1rY� t i � s, C 4 f' i... �t x + g 4 j.+, � � �� ��� •'s '� f' i r t; F C'tt� 7 +Y r. 24. Additional Pe rtinent`-Information' NS'!`f- . ♦ $ R c+- } r:.{Y:-}!'.:l Ti. X� 4i r:, xJ - c �. -2�.�� si^._F,�, T.a �.�:•�# _$._iKi::••• si ,�. �i. ��M��,ci°,i+ ,,, ,r�:�h ,� ':tr y�r ��S11"1c-3 �, - - ,)r. t �?� L . r n :`t 'i � �a�cr�; ,,s. , rs; x �, ,,,i,t �e ,q' •, � � - _ . �4 ;� r�'• i . 4: - ,NY .� � _ _'4•:��..' .-1%' t e.�. _ I�. �: � i+ yfr.'.y .. - - ";; c>aT�*{ t [fit 43 ¢S7kT.Kul1[IrT SEC.12 TAS, RAE 1.R.a. 020-015 020-016 774-15 is, �d 6TdFliTOF is sins.• .tssSSes S P4Y[I ( CITY Of LA QUINTA 020-050 020-096 2s-6o LTG cat 70R° [�� !E3-i24tT Oi i1WU31..14 Sli[ ORUIM4tiT[S. 020-060 020-102 020-062.• 020-116 020-069 020-121 11 I I j - -G4LLF - -• - - AR OBA f0.01 if.f i tl♦h N5g" 24 124.m R no o E loo u 2 Ou 2 14 g t Ou 2 14 R O 2 - 2 22 - M74Lt =180 ' TRA 020•n6 Itl 020• 6 lu^ i d I O22 3 34 27 22 - 3 IS 9 O22 $ 3 IS 022 3 15 p O3 s 3 13 LRA 020_0sa 0 62 R `4 1 21 — — — — 4 I6 24 21 4 16 Z+ O4 zr 40 G. 4 a I o 020 S I1 2 16 20 S t7 1 20 ITI1 O20 S 0 _ 1 O S s TM 02"62 TRA 02"69 TM 02"M ?— - 8 tS 6019 1 1 6 II{ ,1 $ O19 1 2 6 19 8Or9 1 3 6 IB 1 O19 1 4 6 28 O6 1 5 14 —---g 16 I O7 1e ' 19 . - 30 re l 7 Too K 1 O 18 s 2 19 ti oO 1a 7 � - I $ O 7 > 16 4 s I - TRA 020.171 - g3i 17 .0 d 1 �On $ e 10� a OB 17 a 20 es 1 OB v e 2p e s e O a a 11 e ^ 9 )j I OT6 9 2I OT6, 9 21 8 O76 0 .9 )p d O9 — 020.062 'dfF•t• 8 — — — � a 8_ — _ � 8 � � )) 1S 10 22 IO Ts To 12 10 1S y To — 29 1s— ro — 10 10 19 T 02"SO S 8 _ • • ' ' y� o w} ao WAIN Rr g 28 14 g IT 23 g 11 r4 n 2} I 2 11 14 n 22 T4 - n 23 25 n x 27 , , I52-, I I TRA 020-n6 . lao 10D 1 Itl loo loo I — 1 I Is}=s,14 } I I51-51s m ao 6 tlt• tf.ft -e2 ,rzt, OLD rWAsl-lua11 u art 13 26 u r2 R t3 12 e 13 rz z S t .m i t•}J1 ,}4 TJt tl.6Y at. Tff f001 J •• I J o s t 151-}s 1 f41f J a ` 1 ■ a L — tt•If au! - } t ISI-1 1 ��- — — C[.-C-- — C-1 IT!-L 1 4astit ISMIr It •' 11 , IWI0.20.211 1114,01 1 ❑ia ss 19 20 WII aoNuen m t 1 us-, s 1 1 111-I511 DAI4: PY 19-IP411-050, 63-001 '1 1 1s,-111t PY 19-I51., 19-194, 19-205 u 1 1s,-lo.0 MB 19/33-34 SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT NO. 19 ASSESSOR'S YAP OK774 PG.15 MB 20/24 SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT NO, 22 NI I Is1-/ I1 Riverside Counly, Calif. Aq Feb 2002 PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY: AND WHEN RECORDED. MAIL TO: !Agustin Paz & Eva. Paz 152995 Avenida Mendoza I.La Quinta; CA 92253 .I Recorded in Official Records, County of San Bernardino, Larry Walker, Recorder Doc No. 20020060006 08:00am 02/06/02 SORUNOTULE 0 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 PG FEE APF GIMS PH CPY CRT CPY ADD NM -PEN PR PCOR ZL 5 6 NON ST LN SVY CIT--CO TRANS TAX DA CHRG EXAM T DTT: SHERIFF'S DEED Title of Document ACCONIODATION THIS-x A uk, . E Y S-T .R�Es--&,AJOR�D 57 USE ONL.Y THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION ($3.00 Additional Recording Fee Applies) sTc-scSD 9ssa Ipz4 a/9'n ;RIVERSIDE COUNTY �,•r . Y �, A. LARRY D. SMITH, SHERIFF d RECORDED AT REQUEST OF AND RETURN TO - Riverside County Sheriffs Department Sheriff Court Services - East 46200 Oasis St., Rm. B15 Indio CA 92201 FOR RECORDER'S USE SHERIFF'S DEED (701.660 and 701.670 CCP) LEVY OFFICER FILE NO: 01-030221-0 COURT CASE NO: 089411 CITY OF LA QUINTA vs. AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES, ET AL Date of Entry of Judgment: MAY 18, 2000 Subsequent Renewal Date(s) (if any): Judgment Creditor(s): CITY OF LA QUINTA C/O OWEN & BRADLEY, 268 HOSPITALITY LANE, SUITE 302, SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 (Name and Address Judgment Debtor(s): ANDY YSIANO (DOE 3) GREEN THUMB GARDENING (DOE 10) 43246 ARABIA ST., INDIO, CA 92201, DEBRA K. YSIANO (DOE 4) 501 W. NEVADA, ROSLYN, WA 98941, PALM DESERT DECOR & TILE CENTER (DOE 6) 43580 VANDA CIRCLE, PALM DESERT, CA 92260, HENRY SHERMAN, TRUSTEE (DOE 7) LILLIAN SHERMAN, TRUSTEE (DOE 8) 752 INVERNESS DR., RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270, JLM CORPORATION, A CA CORP. (DOE 9) 640 N. TUSTIN AVE., STE. 204, SANTA ANA, CA 92705, TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. (DOE 11) 145 S. STATE COLLEGE 5TH FL., BREA, CA 92624-4216, JOSE MARIA RAMOS (DOE 12) 80-761 HWY 111, OASIS, CA 92274, LORRAINE SANCHEZ (DOE 13), JESSE SANCHEZ (DOE 14) JESSE MICHAEL SANCHEZ (DOE 15) 6302 N. STATE STREET. FRESNO, CA 93722, SUPERIOR NATIONAL INSURANCE CO., (DOE 17) 26601 AGOURA RD., CALABASAS, CA.91302-2979 AND NATIONWIDE CREDIT SERVICE INC. (DOE 18) 16000 VENTURA BLVD., STE. 1000, ENCINO, CA 91436 (Name and Last Known Address) . GRANTOR, Larry D. Smith, Sheriff, County of Riverside, State of California, hereinafter referred to as the SHERIFF.. GRANTEE(S): AGUSTIN PAZ AND EVA PAZ. JOINT TENANTS hereinafter referred to as GRANTEE(S). WHEREAS, a ❑ Writ of Execution ® Writ of Sale and a certified copy of the judgment ❑ Warrant issued by the State of California was directed. and delivered to the Sheriff, together with written instructions by the Judgment Creditor and/or his/her attorney to levy upon and sell the herein referenced Judgment Debtor's right, title, and interest in the real property herein described; the real property was levied upon by the Sheriff pursuant to 700.015 Code of Civil Procedure on February 28, 2001. After waiting the mandatory time prescribed by law, I advertised the herein described real property for sale. On September 10, 2001, 1 sold said real property to the highest bidder, AGUSTIN PAZ who paid $ 31,000.00. This sale was conducted according to the California Code of Civil Procedure and the California Commercial Code (Rules of Auction). (CONTINUED ON REVERSE) RSD Form 820 (Rev. 5/96) Short Title: CITY OF LA QUINTA VS. AVCO FINANCIAL. Case Number: 089411 SERVICES, INC., ET AL SHERIFF'S DEED (CONTINUED) ❑ Under Writ of Sale, if applicable, I hereby certify that the herein -named Grantee (Purchaser) was issued a Certificate of Sale on Said Certificate was recorded with the Riverside County Recorder on' The described property was sold subject to the right of redemption pursuant to 729.010 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The 'redemption period of having passed..without the real property being redeemed, I am issuing this deed pursuant to 729.080 of the Code of Civil Procedure. •I, THE SHERIFF, by virtue of said Writ, and.in pursuance of the Code of Civil Procedure, do grant, sell, convey unto the purchaser(s), herein named and identified as Grantee(s), all right, title and interest of the herein named judgment debtor in the real property described in this deed. Common Address: The, real property sold as aforesaid is described as follows: ® See attached legal description IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this day of'n6wY, 2001 LARRY D. SMITH, SHERIFF County o1_Riv-prsideA A . M. r.. Deputy J. Gleeson State of California County of [f Riverside On thidivI h day , before m 1 a Notary. Public, Personally appeared` C� LC� c7-, ❑ personally known to me - OR ' .proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that3/she executed the same ink/her authorized capacity, and that by Mg/her signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and officialseal. Signature of Notary Public VICKI L. STINSON. Commission 21 154609.'... .I�o;gry#'ubliic_-Calitomic! Coun#y esOci3,`i00I v A4y Comm, Exp RSD Form 820 (Rev. 5/96) TTACHMENT TO SHERIFF'S DEED COURT CASE NO. 089411 ;VY OFFICER FILE NO. 01-030221-0 Description of property: APN 774155024 LOT 11 OF BLOCK 234, SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT NO. 22,.AS. RECORDED'IN MAP BOOK 20, PAGE 24 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID'COUNTY. ot1•ue !3 ® 2 2t O © J !/ ® ® 4 - `GlJ4 203 r1. e°O • Oef 0 16 O5®7 a a 9 Is /0 /I• ®/1 /1 ®� �!t ♦. / M 1 020-096 F74E Z 65 T. R. A. 020; 016 OP OZO0 - IOZ gq0�2p0 • (W G2t7� .869 OZO- 076 POR. S 112 SEC..12 MS. R6E. . // J' t • I ; ARRABA CALLE +�0 10 lIO6 ® ► ao �e 14®� Q/ 1r ao � Rtlk •Z3O ©t Z3 ®2 td O ® J !? 1 re eto-fu W10 *20t Ci:-- till 6 OIql ®� T1R O.f/Ark I T?J ^ ^ B !7 O ® B 1`�7 YJ /6 ® 9 � °w n ••� ? R / Ar t .tr gMAC t O M. wa.ofr 2 Do 4.orr® ®ato-ur < /4 t rF w ae aeF2!4(6D A 6 / • �0 70 O q Ioa OP 42olD 6 �J ONO.— � OLtAe �v IS ® /0 Q < apSR /4 •tr le � 1e 1 AaS MAP is PO,p ASSLSSMfNT ^OVOSlY Owcr p.rt O3 3 M.d 4 ® ©� s © s ga tr*A d.:M- - 6 6- ©6 � 9 O V®9 /0 ®!O d ..• s.Rs ' CNlL LOAI e- CALLE �+ 1 uYht sor- I ^ • 2� yr at-W PAP 4 $1-OOI /fY TA e IF/N SANTA 6ARMELITA AT VALE LA ObINMr N0.19 A/B ISIM- 34 Iaroe WV/T NG.22maz 1w o A"CSMV, 'S A/AP BX 774 P*. Is: . R/YfR9Y0f CGY�4VT1; G4L/F 020-096 F74E Z 65 T. R. A. 020; 016 OP OZO0 - IOZ gq0�2p0 • (W G2t7� .869 OZO- 076 POR. S 112 SEC..12 MS. R6E. . // J' t • I ; ARRABA CALLE +�0 10 lIO6 ® ► ao �e 14®� Q/ 1r ao � Rtlk •Z3O ©t Z3 ®2 td O ® J !? 1 re eto-fu W10 *20t Ci:-- till 6 OIql ®� T1R O.f/Ark I T?J ^ ^ B !7 O ® B 1`�7 YJ /6 ® 9 � °w n ••� ? R / Ar t .tr gMAC t O M. wa.ofr 2 Do 4.orr® ®ato-ur < /4 t rF w ae aeF2!4(6D A 6 / • �0 70 O q Ioa OP 42olD 6 �J ONO.— � OLtAe �v IS ® /0 Q < apSR /4 •tr le � 1e 1 AaS MAP is PO,p ASSLSSMfNT ^OVOSlY Owcr p.rt O3 3 M.d 4 ® ©� s © s ga tr*A d.:M- - 6 6- ©6 � 9 O V®9 /0 ®!O d ..• s.Rs ' CNlL LOAI e- CALLE �+ 1 uYht sor- I ^ • 2� yr at-W PAP 4 $1-OOI /fY TA e IF/N SANTA 6ARMELITA AT VALE LA ObINMr N0.19 A/B ISIM- 34 Iaroe WV/T NG.22maz 1w o A"CSMV, 'S A/AP BX 774 P*. Is: . R/YfR9Y0f CGY�4VT1; G4L/F YJ /6 ® 9 � °w n ••� ? R / Ar t .tr gMAC t O M. wa.ofr 2 Do 4.orr® ®ato-ur < /4 t rF w ae aeF2!4(6D A 6 / • �0 70 O q Ioa OP 42olD 6 �J ONO.— � OLtAe �v IS ® /0 Q < apSR /4 •tr le � 1e 1 AaS MAP is PO,p ASSLSSMfNT ^OVOSlY Owcr p.rt O3 3 M.d 4 ® ©� s © s ga tr*A d.:M- - 6 6- ©6 � 9 O V®9 /0 ®!O d ..• s.Rs ' CNlL LOAI e- CALLE �+ 1 uYht sor- I ^ • 2� yr at-W PAP 4 $1-OOI /fY TA e IF/N SANTA 6ARMELITA AT VALE LA ObINMr N0.19 A/B ISIM- 34 Iaroe WV/T NG.22maz 1w o A"CSMV, 'S A/AP BX 774 P*. Is: . R/YfR9Y0f CGY�4VT1; G4L/F ae aeF2!4(6D A 6 / • �0 70 O q Ioa OP 42olD 6 �J ONO.— � OLtAe �v IS ® /0 Q < apSR /4 •tr le � 1e 1 AaS MAP is PO,p ASSLSSMfNT ^OVOSlY Owcr p.rt O3 3 M.d 4 ® ©� s © s ga tr*A d.:M- - 6 6- ©6 � 9 O V®9 /0 ®!O d ..• s.Rs ' CNlL LOAI e- CALLE �+ 1 uYht sor- I ^ • 2� yr at-W PAP 4 $1-OOI /fY TA e IF/N SANTA 6ARMELITA AT VALE LA ObINMr N0.19 A/B ISIM- 34 Iaroe WV/T NG.22maz 1w o A"CSMV, 'S A/AP BX 774 P*. Is: . R/YfR9Y0f CGY�4VT1; G4L/F AaS MAP is PO,p ASSLSSMfNT ^OVOSlY Owcr p.rt O3 3 M.d 4 ® ©� s © s ga tr*A d.:M- - 6 6- ©6 � 9 O V®9 /0 ®!O d ..• s.Rs ' CNlL LOAI e- CALLE �+ 1 uYht sor- I ^ • 2� yr at-W PAP 4 $1-OOI /fY TA e IF/N SANTA 6ARMELITA AT VALE LA ObINMr N0.19 A/B ISIM- 34 Iaroe WV/T NG.22maz 1w o A"CSMV, 'S A/AP BX 774 P*. Is: . R/YfR9Y0f CGY�4VT1; G4L/F ..• s.Rs ' CNlL LOAI e- CALLE �+ 1 uYht sor- I ^ • 2� yr at-W PAP 4 $1-OOI /fY TA e IF/N SANTA 6ARMELITA AT VALE LA ObINMr N0.19 A/B ISIM- 34 Iaroe WV/T NG.22maz 1w o A"CSMV, 'S A/AP BX 774 P*. Is: . R/YfR9Y0f CGY�4VT1; G4L/F fF OWEN & BRADLEY • A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW June 24, 2003 Riverside County Sheriff's Department Court Services - East Attention: Priscilla Mercado 46200 Oasis Street, Rm. B15 Indio, CA 92201 �� n Re: Instructions re: "Amendment to Judgment and Order of Sale, Nunc Pro Tunc" City of La Quinta v. AVCO Financial Services of Southern California, et al. Riverside County Superior Court Case No. CIV 089411 Dear Ms. Mercado: As you may remember, this office represented the City of La Quinta in the above -entitled judicial foreclosure action. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 687.010, 687.040, 701.630; 701.660 and 701.670, this letter shall serve as written instructions to the levying officer to record an amended Sheriff's Deed with the following legal description for Assessor's. Parcel Number 774-155-024 to retroactively correct the legal description of Document No. 20020060006, recorded February 6, 2002, and to be consistent with the recorded Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 84-011, as ordered by the Honorable Charles Stafford on June 4, 2003: "Lots 11 and 12 of Block 234 in Unit 22 at Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta as per map recorded in Book 20, page 24 of maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county." A copy_ of the "Amendment to Judgment and Order of Sale, Nunc Pro Tunc" is attached hereto for your files. Once this amended Sheriff's Deed has been recorded, I will immediately thereafter notify the Riverside County Assessor's Office to correct the assessor's roll and tax roll to indicate a change of ownership for Lot 12, effective September 10, 2001, to Augustine and Eva Paz. This will then enable a new common assessor's parcel number to be issued for both lots 11 and 12, consistent with the recorded Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 84-01 1. 268 West Hospitality Lane, Suite 302, San Bernardino, CA 92408 • (909) 890-9027 0 Fax: (909) 890-9037 Riverside County Sheriff'sOartment • June 24, 2003 Page 2 If you need to discuss this matter in greater detail, please feel free to contact me. directly at (909) 890-9027. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, Owen & Bradley +P�(,tvJv Carol J. Fogl ma , q. CJF:vsm Enclosure cc: John Falconer, Finance Director, City of La Quinta ✓ Augustine & Eva Paz 268 West Hospitality Lane, Suite 302, San Bernardino, CA 92408 • (909) 890-9027 • Fax: (909) 890-9037 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 12 �o 13 14 Erpp1 m V T is LU 16 , oa adh 17 rl 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 I SCiPEkIC�F+. !:GR! OF CALIFOAFWA CaUNTY for RIYFRSIUE . UN 0.4 2003 B• WILLEFORD SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA r IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, INDIO DISTRICT CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California Municipal Corporation, on behalf of Assessment District No. 89-2, a Califomia Assessment District, Plaintiff, vs. AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, a California Corporation; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, CASE NO. 89411 AMENDMENT TO JUDGMENT AND ORDER OF SALE, NUNC PRO TUNC 05 WHEREAS: A. This Court, on May 18, 2000, granted Plaintiff, City of La Quinta, a Judgment in Foreclosure and Order of Sale in this instant action (hereinafter referred to as the "Judgment"), which was later conformed on or before September 1, 2000 to correct mathematical errors in paragraphs 6(B) and 6(C). Said Judgment was based upon nonpayment of special assessment installments levied within Assessment District No. 89-2 of the City of La Quinta for tax years l 994/95,1995/96;1996/97, 1997/98 and 1998/99. - B. The Judgment as entered contained a clerical omission in the legal description on page 3, paragraph 2., lines 13-15, and thus did not convey title to the entirety of Assessor's Parcel Number 774-155-024. 1 AMENDMENT TO JUDGMENT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 121 s 13 �o Q 14, Lu 15 .o s 616 0 ICE a� 17 N 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 C. The court intended at the time of entry of this Judgment to include a minimum bid amount for the entirety of Assessor's Parcel Number 774-155-024, and to order that the entirety of this parcel be sold at foreclosure sale. The Plaintiff, having duly applied for an ex parte amendment to correct the clerical error in the Judgment and order of sale, nunc pro tunc, pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 473(d), and it appearing to the Court, based upon the evidence submitted in support of such motion, both oral and documentary, that such amendment is necessary to conform the Judgment to accurately state the complete legal description for Assessor's Parcel Number 774-155-024., as it read at the time the Judgment was originally rendered, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED THAT THE JUDGMENT IS HEREBY AMENDED, NUNC PRO TUNC, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The legal description as shown at page 3, paragraph 2, lines 13-15 of the May 18, j 2000 "Judgment in Foreclosure; Order of Sale" is hereby replaced in its entirety by the following description: "Lots 11 and 12 of Block 234 in Unit 22 at Santa Carmelita at Vale La Quinta as per map recorded in Book 20, page 24 of maps, in the office of the county recorder of said county." Section 2. The Sheriff of Riverside County shall forthwith record an Amended Sheriffs Deed with the above legal description for Assessor's Parcel Number 774-155-024 to retroactively correct the legal description of Document No. 20020060006, recorded February 6, 2002, and to be consistent with the recorded Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 84-011. Section 3. Subsequent to the recording of the amended Sheriff s Deed, the County shall immediately thereafter amend the assessor's roll and the tax roll to indicate a change of ownership for I Lot 12 (now assigned Assessor's Parcel Number 774-155-026) to Augustine and Eva Paz as of I September 10, 2001, and to thereafter issue a new common Assessor's Parcel Number for both Lots 11 and 12, consistent with the recorded Certificate of Parcel Merger No. 84-011. Dated: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 2 AMENDMENT TO JUDGMENT A PURCHASER'S RECEIPT - RETAINFORYOUR RECORDS 1 - CASHIER'S CHECK 25 3838 90-3842/1222' b 4 EVf 4 - FA z PAYABLE TO 'Xrb� D-10 *G" TIABLE NO F If this check is lost, destroyed or sto len, the bank will require the payee or remitter to deliver a claim to the bank which describes the check lost, dest royed or stolen with reasonable certainty and "request, payment of the amount of the check. The claim will include the bank's Declaration of Loss' fo.;,7' UMIVALLEY INDEPENDENT BANK I signed under penalty of perjury. The bank is -not obligated to pay the amount of the check until the -P.O. Box 1845, El Centro, CA 92244 later of the date of the claim or the 90th day tromthe-date of the check.-, If the bank-f #Ipaid the �7 check before the 90th day, the be nk ', otbe-requffed,fo pay the cWm.--_.;i,: 0 N i Department COUNTY OF RWERSIDE A 13 8 2 5 71 OFFICIAL RECEIPT Date =ly CASH B,h�%!/lL�� (�0D�tQ CHECK PAYOR COPY Y { COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ' A 13825 7 2 e5u�rr �- r OFFICIAL RECEIPT i Department Date c ce' d from 1 - o DOLLARS .. Descri ion Divisio $ G H K : • •R COPY BY .. ATTACHMENT TO NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY COURT CASE NO.089411 LEVY OFFICER FILE NO. 01-030221-0. Description of property: APN 774155024 LOT 11 OF BLOCK 234, SANTA CARMELITA AT VALE LA QUINTA UNIT NO. 22, AS RECORDED'IN MAP BOOK 20, PAGE 24 OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 2�7f 0(5 Coof-f • RIVERS COUNTY OFFICE NUMBERS Location: COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER 4080 LEMON STREET, RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 Directory Information: (909) 955-1000 Website: http://www.co.riverside.ca.us/ 24 HR. PUBLIC INFORMATION SYSTEM-1-800-746-1544 ASSESSOR - . Hemet - 880 N. State Street --Rm B2 - Telephone: (909) 766-2500 Riverside E-mail Address: rca.rca-riv.accrmail@co.riverside.ca.us Riverside P O Box 12004 Riverside, CA 92502-2204 (909) 955-6200 Indio - (760) 863-7800* Temecula 82-675 Highway 111 - Rm It 3 41002 County Center Dr.- Rm 230 Palm Springs - (760) 778-2400 Temecula, CA 92591-6027 3255 E. Tahquitz Cyn Wy — Rm 114 (909) 600-6200 COUNTY RECORDER Riverside P O Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502-0751 (909) 486-7000 Location : 2724 Gateway Dr., Riverside (Moreno Valley) COUNTY CLERK Indio County Administrative Bldg 82675 Highway I I I - Rm 113 Indio, CA 92201 (760) 863-8732 TREASURER / TAX COLLECTOR E-mail Address: rca.rca-riv.ttcng.co.riverside.ca.us On line property tax payment: hip://www.ezgov.com Riverside Palm Springs Temecula P O Box 12005 Workforce Development Center 41002 County Center Dr. Riverside, CA 92502-2205 1111 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way - Bldg. C Room 200 (909) 955-3900 or (760) 863-8900 Telephone: None Telephone: None Toll free from 909 & 760 area codes Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday ONLY Hours: Thursday ONLY 1-877-748-2689 9: 00 AM to 12: 00 & 1: 00 PM to 4: 00 PM ASSESSMENT APPEALS/CLERK of the BOARD P O Box 1628 Riverside,. CA 925024628 (909) 955-1060 H C D . (Mobilehomes) California Building 3737 Main St. - Suite 400 Riverside, CA 92501 (909) 782-4431 (8 am to Noon) (Sacramento 1-800-952-8356) Riverside P O Box 1629 Riverside, CA 92502-1629 (909) 955-2000 _ B.& Safety (909) 955-3200 — Planting COUNTY BUILDING & SAFETY Murrieta 39493 Los Alamos Rd Murrieta, CA 92563 (909) 600-6100 - B & Safety (909) 600-6170 = Planning SOCIAL SECURITY 1-800-772-1213 Locations: Hemet-1051V. Girard Palm Springs - 275 El Cielo, Suite B3 Riverside- 1860 Chicago, Suite G-13 Indio 46-209 Oasis St. - Rm 209 Indio, CA 92201 (760) 863-8271 - Bldg & Safety (760) 863-8277 - Planning (revised 01-04-2001) .. i,tjpp'' _ � � .. mac. -^.�• . - .' _ .. .,, j Public Notice Public Notice No.9084 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UNDER FORECLOSURE LEVY OFFICER FILE NO.01-030221-0 COURT CASE NO. 089411 UNDER A WRIT OF SALE Issued by the Superior `': County ,';j ' Court Desert Judicial District of River- side, §tate of California, September 19, 2000, on •'i'i a Judgment rendered May 18, 2000. .. IN FAVOR OF Cky of La Ouinta c/o Owen & Bradley, 268 W. Hospitality Lane, Suite 302, '; l San Bernardino CA 92408 AND AGAINST Andy Ysiano (Doe 3) and Green Thumb Gsrdening (Doe 10)) 43246 Arabia SL ;,;ii:r^ Indio CA 92201, Debra K.Ysiano (Doe 4) 604 W. ifevede, Roslyn, WA 98941 Palm Desert ........:..: • Y.., ; Decor 8 Tile Center (poe 6) 43�80 Venda Cir- cle, Palm Desert, CA 92280 Henry Sherman Trustee ((Doe 7) and L1lllan Stherman Trustee (Doe e) 752 Inverness Or., Rancho M(ra e, CA 9 g 2270, JLM Corporation, C CA Corp. (Doe 9)) 1 31040 N. Tustin Ave., Ste. 204, Santa Ana, C 4 # 92705, Travelers Insurance Co. (Doe 11) 145 S. f ' State College 5th Fl., Brea, CA 92624-4216, Jo- { se Maria Ramos (Doe 12) 80-761 Hwy 86, Oa- !, 1 ' sls, CA 92274 Lorraine Sanchez (Doe 13), Jes- se Sanchez (doe 141 and Jesse Michael San- "" 4� chez Doe 15 6302 . State Street, Fresno CA 93722, Superior National Insurance Co. jdoe _ ;;{i,i�!-• . 17) 26601 Agoura Rd., Calabasas, CA 91302-2979 and Nationwide Credit Service Inc. = •,`i:. (Doe 18) 16000 Venture Blvd., Ste. 1000, Enci- _ "1 . '��•.: - ::.. -_- !t'i i For the sum of EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUN- ••' t !':1? DRED SIXTY-FOUR AND .... ..... 67/1b0 Dollars;—G I HAVE LEVIED upon all right, title, claim and In- .d: terest of the debtotp) Andy Ysiano (Doe 3) Debra 7:`i''i K Ysiano (Doe 4), Palm Desert Decor & Tile Car, I °r:' ter (Doe6), Shennen (Dce 71, Lillian Sher- x=: man (Doe 8). HenryJLM Corporation, A CA Corp. (Doe I 9). Green Thumb Gardening, Inc. (Doe 10) Travel- ers Insurance Co. (Doe 11) Jose Maria Ramos ` ✓ Y (Doe 12), Lorraine Sanchez_ Doe 13), Jesse San- ., 1 chez (Doe 14) and Jesse Michael Sanchez (Doe 15), Superior National Insurance Co. (Doe 17) and siNationwide Credit Service Inc.. (Doe 18) In real property, In the County of F�iversda, described as Tit follows: DescriPbon of property. APN 774155024 :•,':� LOT 11 OF BLOCK 234, SANTA CARMELiTA AT VALE LA OUINTA UNiT NO. 22 AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK 20 PAGE 24 O� MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE G�OUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY i The amount of the secured Indebtedness with In- terest and costs Is $10,249.47 (estimated) �- { PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS SHOULD REFER TO '.� SECTIONS 701.510 TO 701.680, INCLUSIVE, OF THE CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE FOR PROVI- SIONS GOVERNING THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, AND EFFECT OF THE SALE AND THE LIABILITY ;. OF DEFAULTING BIDDERS. Minimum Bid Amount (ii any) $10,249.47 (estimated) _ '•; PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will public auction to the highest prOCeed to sell 8t la U _ •e= _ Y :. '_ _ y bidder, for cash In lawful money of the nked States, all the right, title and Interest of said judg- ment debtors) in the above described property, or so much tthhereof as may be necessary to sat s- E ' }' fy said execution, with accrued Interest and costs I ' September 10, 2001 at 10.00 A.M., at the fol- :lowing location- 4620ti Oasis SL, Rm. B15, City of • :''ir;•: Indio, County of Riverside, State of California. Di- rections to property, location to be obtained from '4 the levying officer upon oral or written request :0!,! DATED AT INDIO, CA: 08/13/01 f, LARRY D. SMITH SHERIFF %r "'. •. County of Riverside By. /s/ Sergeant R. Da/bey' • -i••�y.n``. -. Attorney for Judgment Creditor ^ :;yz,Ji CAROL JEAN FOGIFMAN OWEN & BRADL EY �C :^ Y 268 WEST HOSPITALITY LANE; SUITE 302 cr SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 r i"�' yfi ;t'; pui�ust 20, 27, September 3, 2001 ' at :ii�iii•f•'